#still hoping for a operation javier remake
gigi-does-art · 9 months
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Capcom I’m outside your doors, please bring back Manuela. My second daughter Manuela, I love her dearly! She’s really interesting and I also adore the dynamic that she has with Leon and Krauser. They’re all family your honor.
Headcanon: Her tail is mostly down throughout the operation and spikes a lot. But when around either Leon or Krauser, she’s more relaxed and her tail isn’t as low.
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theggning · 6 months
krauser thoughts?
Oh, too many.
I've always liked Krauser, but when I replayed RE4 OG prior to the remake coming out, I came to the conclusion that he's actually my favorite RE villain? It's a combination of him being compelling, his dynamic with Leon being really interesting, and also his entire existence and concept being deeply fucking hilarious. The way he shows up 80% of the way through OG for a fifteen minute plot culdesac that goes nowhere and makes no sense has always cracked me up, but I also genuinely like what they showed of him in Darkside Chronicles and the way he was characterized as basically a bigger, gruffer Leon with a shittier sense of humor.
Then RE4R comes along and not only do they make Krauser's relationship with Leon EVEN MORE significant and sensible, but they go and make him deeply, deeply sad as well. I love every bit of what they did with him in the remake and it is my dearest hope that we get to see more of that Krauser in an Operation Javier remake or other project.
(He's still, also, extremely funny.)
I have a character study meta of remake Krauser in the works so I don't want to say too much here before that comes out. But put me on record saying not only is Krauser my favorite RE villain, I think he's the best-written villain in the series. Really kind of hilarious how much he outshines Wesker, particularly when it comes to his role as a foil and rival to his designated protagonist.
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bihanarms · 1 year
Chapter 3: Operation Javier
Chapter 3 just finished, and Chapter 4 is coming soon!! I love writing this fiction, and hope you still enjoy reading it ;) Feel free to share your feedback, and as usual, apologies for any possible mistakes :p (Based on the REMAKE and the OG lore)
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Operation Javier. What could that possibly be?
As Krauser hurriedly left the room after his radio call, (Name) frustratingly observed the notebook and documents he had accidentally dropped. They were just out of reach from her cell, merely inches away. Damn it.. how could I get hold of them? Fortunately for her, they had fallen right beside the massive bloodstain and appeared to be fully legible but still, she had to find a way to obtain them.
Without delay, she pondered on how to retrieve them, her determination growing stronger. (Name) scanned her cell, searching for an object she could use to reach the papers. Her eyes finally settled on a rusty metal rod abandoned in a corner of the room. She cautiously approached the bars of her cell and managed to slide the rod through the gaps until it almost reached the documents lying on the floor.
Tension surged within her, mingled with the excitement of potential discoveries. Her movements became clumsy, the rod slipped and banged against the bars, making her fear attracting someone's attention. Not now, come on..Her breath became shallow and uneven, her chest tightening, and she could feel the frenzied pounding of her heart echoing in her ears.
Suddenly, footsteps echoed in the adjacent corridor. As it seemed to be drawing nearer, panic seized (Name). Her hands trembled increasingly, and she could no longer control her actions. She glanced around, searching for a place to slide and conceal the notebook and documents before someone entered. Fear consumed her, enveloping her from head to toe. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
The footsteps now sounded just outside the room's door. The pounding of her heart reverberated in her chest, almost suffocating. She anticipated the silhouette of Krauser or one of his henchmen to appear before her at any moment. But to her surprise, no one entered the room.
The footsteps gradually faded away, receding down the corridor. (Name) felt a mix of relief and confusion wash over her. She wondered why no one had entered the room despite the sounds that seemed to indicate otherwise. Was it merely a coincidence, or was there something else at play?
The young woman realized that this might be her chance to seize the notebook and documents. She collected herself and regained as much composure as possible. Her trembling hand reached through the bars of her cell, stretching to grab the notebook lying just within reach.
Her fingers finally brushed against the worn leather of the notebook, and a thrill of excitement coursed through her body. She firmly grabbed it, pulling it towards her with caution to avoid dropping it again. The scattered documents, however, still lay on the floor, but she was determined to retrieve them as well.
With intense focus, (Name) used the metal rod she had previously employed to bring the documents closer to her, one by one. Her breath remained fast and erratic, but this time, it was due to anticipation and excitement rather than fear. She sensed that these documents held crucial answers, revelations that could shed light on the enigma of her current situation.
Finally, after several attempts, she succeeded in retrieving all the documents. Clutching them to her chest, she felt a mixture of triumph and satisfaction. It was a small victory, but it represented a step forward in her quest for truth.
As (Name) examined the retrieved documents, her attention was immediately drawn to a picture. It was a portrait of a young man who appeared to be a police officer. Not particularly interesting... she thought as she carefully tucked it away in the notebook.
The subsequent report she discovered, however, was much more captivating. It described in detail an operation conducted by a small unit of special forces in Latin America. The initial objective of the operation was to eliminate a drug cartel, but according to the report, no one had survived, except... Major Krauser himself? So.. All his unit was wiped out..damn, those poor agents were abandoned by their government after dedicating their lives... a sense of pity started to creep into her mind as she continued reading the report in detail. I wonder what really happened that day...
It was almost pity and compassion that she felt at that moment for her captor and she would have never expected to feel that way towards him.
The notebook, on the other hand, was filled with cryptic notes written by the "Major" himself. It expressed his anger and resentment towards the American state and government. Not surprising... The notes hinted that Operation Javier was far more sinister than a mere mission against a drug cartel. It referenced bio-terror weapons?
Continuing to read other notes and reports now mentioning the activities taking place here, (Name) finally understood what Krauser meant by "infected." as she felt overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. Anger, confusion, and fear swirled in her mind. She realized that she was immersed in a complex and dangerous conspiracy, with ramifications that far exceeded her own situation.
I'm screwed. She had no desire to end up like the followers of "Las Plagas" and that infamous "Osmund Saddler," but now that she had been injected, it was only a matter of time.
Suddenly, she heard heavy footsteps resonating again in the corridor, approaching her cell. Already?! Have I been reading for that long?
It was Krauser coming back, she could swear by the intensity of the footsteps. Panic seized her as she realized she was still in possession of the incriminating documents. She hadn't had time to hide them or come up with a plausible excuse to explain her presence with this information.
The cell door swung open abruptly, admitting Krauser, who appeared to be injured. His piercing gaze swept across the room, finally settling on (Name) standing there, hands behind her back, in a clumsy attempt to conceal the documents.
"What were you doing here?"
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silvercap · 9 months
Thanks so much for responding to my aura questions! I'm not usually one for essays but I would gladly read a metaltango essay lol. I will definitely stay tuned for a follow up/continuation pf the story! However I definitely understand how life and stuff can get in the way.
As a bit of a side note, I hope we get some sort of op javier dlc because the ship feel like its dying a bit unfortunately. I remember when I got into metaltango, there was so much more content and activity going on in fanfic spaces. I've thought about posting some fics for it but I'm kinda worried that as I don't have much of an audience, I'll just be putting them out in a void.
Operation Javier is definitely something I want to see, if Capcom is willing to make it!!! I'm so curious how they have Leon's (and Krauser's...) backstory set up after re4make, and I would loooove to play it 👁️👁️ probably more than any other remake in the series ahaha
As for your fics: POST THEM!!!! Of course, you don't have to, but I would love to read them, anon!! You might be surprised how many of us metaltangoers (metaltango-ees??) there are out here :) we might be a little quiet, but I would still love to see your work!! Encouraging you to post them anyways hehe
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writer-jamie · 4 years
My thoughts about Resident Evil 8 Village - Part 2
On the leaks page, it has been stated that “The main villain of the game is a man called Alan R, a mysterious count living in a castle. He is the leader or at least a high ranking member of the Connections.” I believe that Alan R is the man with the glasses that has been seen in the trailers, mainly because we haven't seen him before and the lighting behind him makes it look like the castle where Alex Wesker is too. 
I don't think we will ever get a boss fight with him but he will make Alex and the Witch fight for him. Since he is the main villain, he seems to have control over the cult and over everyone involved in it. So I don't believe Ethan will ever fight him, unless he gets turned into a BOW like Jack Baker did at the end of RE7. 
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We have heard of ‘The Connections’ before in RE7. It was said that Lucas and Mia were working for the Connections. This is another link between RE7 and RE8 by having “The Connections” be in both games. The Connections could be a new type of company like Umbrella or even Umbrella’s competition. 
Based on the wiki, it is said that “The Connections worked in collaboration with Albert Wesker's H.C.F. in 2000 in the creation of a revolutionary new fungus.” This fungus being the Mold that is seen in RE7 and what Eveline controls. It also states that “the organisation was forced to take Eveline into hiding after rival companies attempt to sabotage the operation to maintain competition in the market, transporting her to another lab. The Connections made use of Genome Codexes to assist assigned Handlers in keeping track of Eveline.” Mia was one of the Handlers in charge of looking after Eveline on the boat. This could be a reason why Blue Umbrella is after Mia? The wiki also states that “by the beginning of January 2015, they set up a lab in the Abercrombie Salt Mine, provided Lucas Baker with the serum, and enlisted him as an agent. Lucas kept in contact with the lab, keeping them up to date with Eveline's condition while in hiding." 
I think it is very interesting that “The Connections” were the ones who made Eveline and that Mia and Lucas worked for and that they are coming back in this game. It also links the witches insects are the same are Marguerites if they are created by the same company. 
The leaks also state that: “The secondary villain is Nathalia/Alex Wesker. She was originally the main villain who this game was still Revelations 3, but her role is rather small now. There are files hinting at Blue Umbrella being evil as well”
Alex Wesker was last seen in Revelations 2 as the villain and tried to use the young Nathalia’s body to stay young. I believe she is the lady seen in the castle like place with the cult.
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All the scenes she has been in have been in the castle as the lighting and decor looks the same. This is the same with the scenes with who I believe is Alan R. 
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The photo below seems to show the woman eating Ethan’s hand. (that poor man’s hands never get left alone). This shows that the cult might be cannibalistic and the fact that there might be some vampiric nature to their cult. 
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It is also shown that Alex first appears in the Castle. I believe she will be introduced in the second half of the game and will lead you up to the stuff with Alan R and the cult. 
This isn't really factual but its just a thought I had while watching the trailer. The bugs shown in this photo really reminded me of Marguerite Baker in RE7 when she gets overtaken by the bugs in her fights. This is in the same area where the cult seems to operate. They also look like the same women in the photo with Alex Wesker because of the black clothing and the capes etc. 
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It is also said that the witch has the ability to disappear and turn into bugs, like the photo above shows. This could even be her in this photo. The leaks state that: “The witch stalker is a former friend of Alan, who was turned into a BOW. She does not stalk the player for the whole game, she is only in a few parts. She can unleash insects and is similar to Marguerite, but taller and you can't really see her face”. 
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So I'm almost 100% sure that the voice actor for Chris is Carlos’ re3makes voice actor, Jeff Schine. I knew as soon as I saw Carlos I knew the voice actor from The Walking Dead: A New Frontier as he is the voice actor for Javier. It seems strange to me that they would change his voice actor to one that they just used for Carlos in the remake but it’s up to them. I can't tell if his voice suits him just yet as every role I've seen Jeff in has been of a Hispanic decent, Carlos and Javier.
Another thing is that in this photo that Capcom released shows that Chris has some black sort of infection or goo (?) around his eyes and on his face.
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It could just be blood or something like that but that, to me, looks like infection. In the synopsis it says that Chris’ actions “setting off a chain of events that sees a distraught Ethan seeking answers to Chris's shocking actions.” I think that either Chris is working for Blue Umbrella like at the end of Resident Evil 7. On the wiki it states that Chris is leading a Blue Umbrella operation.
On Biohazard Declassified, it states that “Chris is confirmed to return, he will also appear in some flashbacks surrounding Ethan, Mia, and a Baby, in which he attempts to break into their home and shoot one of the three.” This also shows that his shooting of Mia might not have been the intended victim, the same goes for the baby. The baby could have been the victim but Mia got in the way.
I saw a theory that maybe Chris shoots ‘Mia’ to prove to Ethan that she is still infected and that after the clip ends he says something like “Wait.” and Mia gets up completely fine. I also saw something that says that he shoots Mia but patches her up, just enough so she doesn't die, making Ethan go to the Village and find answers.
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The leaks also state that “At some time Chris also comes to the village. You play a few parts as him and during that he saves Emily and comforts her, showing that he hasn't become a completely terrible person.” 
There are several more leaks about Chris and him possibly attacking both Mia and Ethan and maybe even dying in the final boss fight but I'm holding out hope that most of these leaks aren't true and that Chris hasn't become the villain for no reason other than Capcom not knowing what to do with his character. 
According to the leaks, “Barry Burton is killed by Alex/Nathlia in a flashback. His role is minimalist. It is hinted at, but not shown, that she murders the rest of the Burtons as well.” But it also states that this isn't a fact and that they might cut it. It also states that Claire might be in the game but “it is possible that she died in a flashback as well, explaining why Chris is so different this time”. There is no knowledge of Leon or Jill appearing but things might change before the full game is released. 
In this photo, it seems that there is another person with Chris when they ‘break’ into the Winter’s house. I can't tell if this person at the front is Chris or a new partner but there is definitely at least two people in this photo. I also can't tell if either of these people are Chris as they aren't built the way that Chris seems to be in this game and the photo of him. But this seems to take place before the events in the Village as they have a normal house and this scene might be what leads to Ethan going to the Village for answers.
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Here are some people I think it could be:
Jill Valentine: We haven't seen Jill since RE5 when she was rescued by Chris and Sheva from Wesker. Jill’s eyes are light and a mix between blue and green and this person’s eyes look light. It’s hard to see because when I zoom in the image just blurs but they look blueish.
Claire Redfield: In the leaks, it was said that Claire was supposed to make an appearance at some point. She also has light blue eyes which would match the eyes being blue in the photo above. 
Jessica Sherwat: We haven't seen Jessica since Revelations when it is shown at the end that she's alive and fine. I heard a rumour once that she was due to come back in Revelations 3 and because this game was supposed to be Revelations 3, she may make an appearance. I’m not sure what colour Jessica’s eyes are.
New characters: These two could end up being two completely new characters and work with Chris throughout the first part of the story, but again we won't know until the game is out. 
And that all! This took me far too long to write out and there are so many other things I want to say but it hurts my brain to think about. Hopefully as we have more trailers and a demo we can piece together the story but I am hopeful and looking forward to this game as RE7 was such a good experience for me! 
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aurriii · 4 years
12 Books To Read Or Revisit Before Their 2020 Movie Release
  12 books becoming movies in 2020
The Reincarnationist Papers
by D. Eric Maikranz
    Discovered as three notebooks in an antique store in Rome at the turn of the millennium, The Reincarnationist Papers offers a tantalizing glimpse into the Cognomina, a secret society of people who possess total recall of their past lives.
Evan Michaels struggles with being different, with having the complete memories of two other people who lived sequentially before him. He fights loneliness and believes he is unique until he meets Poppy. She recognizes his struggle because she is like him, except that she is much older, remembering seven consecutive lives. But there is something else she must share with Evan—she is a member of the secretive Cognomina. They are, in effect, immortals—compiling experiences and skills over lifetimes into near superhuman abilities that they have used to drive history over centuries.
Poppy invites Evan into the Cognomina, but he must face their tests before entering this mysterious society as their equal.
Source: Publisher
  Movie Release Date: Aug. 7
    The One and Only Ivan
by Katherine Applegate
  Soon to be a major motion picture!
Winner of the Newbery Medal and a #1 New York Times bestseller
This unforgettable novel from renowned author Katherine Applegate celebrates the transformative power of unexpected friendship. Inspired by the true story of a captive gorilla known as Ivan, this illustrated book is told from the point of view of Ivan himself. This acclaimed middle grade novel is an excellent choice for tween readers in grades 5 to 6, especially during homeschooling. It’s a fun way to keep your child entertained and engaged while not in the classroom.
Having spent 27 years behind the glass walls of his enclosure in a shopping mall, Ivan has grown accustomed to humans watching him. He hardly ever thinks about his life in the jungle. Instead, Ivan occupies himself with television, his friends Stella and Bob, and painting. But when he meets Ruby, a baby elephant taken from the wild, he is forced to see their home, and his art, through new eyes.
The One and Only Ivan was hailed as a best book of the year by Kirkus, School Library Journal, and Amazon, demonstrating it is a true classic in the making.
In the tradition of timeless stories like Charlotte’s Web and Stuart Little, Katherine Applegate blends humor and poignancy to create Ivan’s unforgettable first-person narration in a story of friendship, art, and hope. An author’s note depicts the differences between the fictional story and true events.
Plus don’t miss The One and Only Bob, Katherine Applegate’s return to the world of Ivan, Bob, and Ruby!
Source: Publisher
  Movie Release Date: August 14
    Our Chemical Hearts
by Krystal Sutherland
    John Green meets Rainbow Rowell in this irresistible story of first love, broken hearts, and the golden seams that put them back together again.
Henry Page has never been in love. He fancies himself a hopeless romantic, but the slo-mo, heart palpitating, can’t-eat-can’t-sleep kind of love that he’s been hoping for just hasn’t been in the cards for him—at least not yet. Instead, he’s been happy to focus on his grades, on getting into a semi-decent college and finally becoming editor of his school newspaper. Then Grace Town walks into his first period class on the third Tuesday of senior year and he knows everything’s about to change.
Grace isn’t who Henry pictured as his dream girl—she walks with a cane, wears oversized boys’ clothes, and rarely seems to shower. But when Grace and Henry are both chosen to edit the school paper, he quickly finds himself falling for her. It’s obvious there’s something broken about Grace, but it seems to make her even more beautiful to Henry, and he wants nothing more than to help her put the pieces back together again. And yet, this isn’t your average story of boy meets girl. Krystal Sutherland’s brilliant debut is equal parts wit and heartbreak, a potent reminder of the bittersweet bliss that is first love.
Source: Publisher
  Movie Release Date: Aug 24
    Without Remorse
by Tom Clancy
  Over the course of seven novels, Tom Clancy’s “genius for big, compelling plots” and his “natural narrative gift” (The New York Times Magazine) have mesmerized tens of millions of readers and established him as one of the preeminent storytellers of our time. Without Remorse, however, goes beyond anything he has ever done. Its hero is John Kelly, a man well familiar to Clancy’s readers by his code name, Mr. Clark. In The Sum of All Fears, he hunted down nuclear terrorists. In Clear and Present Danger, he led aerial raids against drug lords. In The Cardinal of the Kremlin, he spirited away a KGB chief’s family by submarine. But nothing will ever be as deadly – or as personal – as the danger he must face in Without Remorse. John Kelly, former Navy SEAL and Vietnam veteran, is still getting over the accidental death of his wife six months before, when he befriends a young woman with a decidedly checkered past. When that past reaches out for her in a particularly horrifying fashion, he vows revenge and, assembling all of his old skills, sets out to track down the men responsible, before it can happen again. At the same time, the Pentagon is readying an operation to rescue a key group of prisoners in a North Vietnamese prisoner-of-war camp. One man, they find, knows the terrain around the camp better than anyone else they have: a certain former Navy SEAL named John Kelly. Kelly has his own mission. The Pentagon wants him for theirs. Attempting to juggle the two, Kelly (now code-named Mr. Clark) finds himself confronted by a vast array of enemies, both at home and abroad – men so skillful that the slightest misstep means death. And the fate of dozens of people, including Kelly himself, restson his making sure that misstep never happens. Men aren’t born dangerous. They grow dangerous. And the most dangerous of all, Kelly learns, are the ones you least expect… As Clancy takes us through the twists and turns of Without Remorse, he blends the exceptional realism and authenticity that are his hallmarks with intricate plotting, knife-edge suspense and a remarkable cast of characters.
Source: Publisher
    Movie Release Date: Sept. 18
    Death on the Nile
by Agatha Christie
Beloved detective Hercule Poirot embarks on a journey to Egypt in one of Agatha Christie’s most famous mysteries, soon to be a major motion picture sequel to Murder on the Orient Express.
The tranquility of a luxury cruise along the Nile was shattered by the discovery that Linnet Ridgeway had been shot through the head. She was young, stylish, and beautiful. A girl who had everything . . . until she lost her life.
Hercule Poirot recalled an earlier outburst by a fellow passenger: “I’d like to put my dear little pistol against her head and just press the trigger.” Yet under the searing heat of the Egyptian sun, nothing is ever quite what it seems.
A sweeping mystery of love, jealousy, and betrayal, Death on the Nile is among Christie’s most legendary and timeless works.
–The Guardian (UK)
Source: Publisher
    Movie Release Date: October 9
    The Witches
by Roald Dahl
    From the bestselling author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The BFG. Witches was adapted to the big screen in 1990 starring Angelica Huston, remake coming in October 2020!
This is not a fairy tale. This is about real witches.
Grandmamma loves to tell about witches. Real witches are the most dangerous of all living creatures on earth. There’s nothing they hate so much as children, and they work all kinds of terrifying spells to get rid of them. Her grandson listens closely to Grandmamma’s stories—but nothing can prepare him for the day he comes face-to-face with The Grand High Witch herself!
Source: Publisher
  Movie Release Date: October 16
by Frank Herbert
  SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE directed by Denis Villeneuve, starring Timothée Chalamet, Josh Brolin, Jason Momoa, Oscar Isaac, Javier Bardem, Dave Bautista, Stellan Skarsgård, Rebecca Ferguson, Zendaya, and Charlotte Rampling.
Frank Herbert’s classic masterpiece–a triumph of the imagination and one of the bestselling science fiction novels of all time.
Set on the desert planet Arrakis, Dune is the story of the boy Paul Atreides, heir to a noble family tasked with ruling an inhospitable world where the only thing of value is the “spice” melange, a drug capable of extending life and enhancing consciousness. Coveted across the known universe, melange is a prize worth killing for….
When House Atreides is betrayed, the destruction of Paul’s family will set the boy on a journey toward a destiny greater than he could ever have imagined. And as he evolves into the mysterious man known as Muad’Dib, he will bring to fruition humankind’s most ancient and unattainable dream.
A stunning blend of adventure and mysticism, environmentalism and politics, Dune won the first Nebula Award, shared the Hugo Award, and formed the basis of what is undoubtedly the grandest epic in science fiction.
Source: Publisher
    Movie Release Date: December
    News of the World
by Paulette Jiles
  Soon to be a Major Motion Picture Starring Tom Hanks
National Book Award Finalist—Fiction
In the aftermath of the Civil War, an aging itinerant news reader agrees to transport a young captive of the Kiowa back to her people in this exquisitely rendered, morally complex, multilayered novel of historical fiction from the author of Enemy Women that explores the boundaries of family, responsibility, honor, and trust.
In the wake of the Civil War, Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd travels through northern Texas, giving live readings from newspapers to paying audiences hungry for news of the world. An elderly widower who has lived through three wars and fought in two of them, the captain enjoys his rootless, solitary existence.
In Wichita Falls, he is offered a $50 gold piece to deliver a young orphan to her relatives in San Antonio. Four years earlier, a band of Kiowa raiders killed Johanna’s parents and sister; sparing the little girl, they raised her as one of their own. Recently rescued by the U.S. army, the ten-year-old has once again been torn away from the only home she knows.
Their 400-mile journey south through unsettled territory and unforgiving terrain proves difficult and at times dangerous. Johanna has forgotten the English language, tries to escape at every opportunity, throws away her shoes, and refuses to act “civilized.” Yet as the miles pass, the two lonely survivors tentatively begin to trust each other, forming a bond that marks the difference between life and death in this treacherous land.
Arriving in San Antonio, the reunion is neither happy nor welcome. The captain must hand Johanna over to an aunt and uncle she does not remember—strangers who regard her as an unwanted burden. A respectable man, Captain Kidd is faced with a terrible choice: abandon the girl to her fate or become—in the eyes of the law—a kidnapper himself.
Source: Publisher
    Movie Release Date: December 25
    Deep Water
by Patricia Highsmith
    In Deep Water, set in the quiet, small town of Little Wesley, Patricia Highsmith has created a vicious and suspenseful tale of love gone sour.
Vic and Melinda Van Allen’s loveless marriage is held together only by a precarious arrangement whereby, in order to avoid the messiness of divorce, Melinda is allowed to take any number of lovers as long as she does not desert her family. Eventually, Vic can no longer suppress his jealousy and tries to win back his wife by asserting himself through a tall tale of murder—one that soon comes true. In this complex portrayal of a dangerous psychosis emerging in the most unlikely of places, Highsmith examines the chilling reality behind the idyllic facade of American suburban life.
Source: Publisher
  Movie Release Date:: Nov.13
    I’m Thinking of Ending Things
by Iain Reid
  I’m thinking of ending things. Once this thought arrives, it stays. It sticks. It lingers. It’s always there. Always.Jake once said, “Sometimes a thought is closer to truth, to reality, than an action. You can say anything, you can do anything, but you can’t fake a thought.”
And here’s what I’m thinking: I don’t want to be here.
In this “dark and compelling…unputdownable” (Booklist, starred review) literary thriller, debut novelist Iain Reid explores the depths of the human psyche, questioning consciousness, free will, the value of relationships, fear, and the limitations of solitude. Reminiscent of Jose Saramago’s early work, Michel Faber’s cult classic Under the Skin, and Lionel Shriver’s We Need to Talk about Kevin, I’m Thinking of Ending Things is an edgy, haunting debut. Tense, gripping, and atmospheric, this novel “packs a big psychological punch with a twisty story line and an ending that will leave readers breathless” (Library Journal, starred review).
Source: Publisher
  In Theaters: TBA
by Daphne Du Maurier
  The novel begins in Monte Carlo, where our heroine is swept off her feet by the dashing widower Maxim de Winter and his sudden proposal of marriage. Orphaned and working as a lady’s maid, she can barely believe her luck. It is only when they arrive at his massive country estate that she realizes how large a shadow his late wife will cast over their lives–presenting her with a lingering evil that threatens to destroy their marriage from beyond the grave.
First published in 1938, this classic Gothic novel is such a compelling read that it won the Anthony Award for Best Novel of the Century.
“Daphne du Maurier created a scale by which modern women can measure their feelings.” –Stephen King
Source: Publisher
  In Theaters: TBA
    The Devil All the Time
by Donald Ray Pollock
  Set in rural southern Ohio and West Virginia, The Devil All the Time follows a cast of compelling and bizarre characters from the end of World War II to the 1960s. There’s Willard Russell, tormented veteran of the carnage in the South Pacific, who can’t save his beautiful wife, Charlotte, from an agonizing death by cancer no matter how much sacrifi­cial blood he pours on his “prayer log.” There’s Carl and Sandy Henderson, a husband-and-wife team of serial kill­ers, who troll America’s highways searching for suitable models to photograph and exterminate. There’s the spider-handling preacher Roy and his crippled virtuoso-guitar-playing sidekick, Theodore, running from the law. And caught in the middle of all this is Arvin Eugene Russell, Willard and Charlotte’s orphaned son, who grows up to be a good but also violent man in his own right.
Donald Ray Pollock braids his plotlines into a taut narrative that will leave readers astonished and deeply moved. With his first novel, he proves himself a master storyteller in the grittiest and most uncompromising American grain.
Source: Publisher
  In Theaters: TBA
      from Textbook Case | Bigwords.com https://ift.tt/2OjUrMD via IFTTT
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