#still need to draw Grey and Babe in their prime
tothesolarium · 5 months
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Gay things are afoot in this atomic “utopia”
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il3x · 11 months
Sophia Hess for the Worm character opinion bingo!
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SOPHIA TIME!! Double bingo, babey... I'm deep in the brainrot. As before, no. of crosses indicates strength of agreement, and explanations below the cut...
obligatory made this with 1/2 brain and might reblog with addendums disclaimer
1.6 mil words and we don't know her trigger event... we have the barest scraps about her family... we don't see much of how prison affected her... give me the sophia hess interlude wildbow. where is the sophia hess interlude 🥺🥺🥺
i keep designing her cool ass costumes in AUs and forgetting that her canon costume is a fuckin. grey camo cloak. pigeon core. i Get It for practicality but where's the FLAIR
she's fine :) so so fine :) my child with every problems disorder
not so much a Take as like. why do people put 5 paragraphs of graphic torture revenge fic disguised as "THIS is what she ACTUALLY deserves" in the comments on Sophia Redemption Fics. babes you're on the graphic torture revenge fic website you could read literally anything else
she was wrong.
"but she fought nazis" she was right there. but she still did also do a lot of extrajudicial technically-torture. and I would bet a lot of the people she extrajudicially technically-tortured were forcibly conscripted (canon for the ABB) or forced into crime by circumstance (cough. undersiders) et cetera. also torture is wrong
the prowler au of her in my head. :)))
others' fics specifically did SO much 4 me!! tilt and mixed feelings and of course the saint's blade. still inlove with your take on sophia's relationship to death/killing gonna make an analysis post when I get to it in the reread
ms. extrajudicial vigilante girl in a city that Really Does Need to come down harder on the Literal Fucking Nazis And Sex Traffickers but she's killing people and where do u draw the line. ms. calling punitive justice into question from both sides. ms. Glory-Girl-Character-Foil that didn't really go anywhere. ms. making emma worse and vice versa <3 prime fucked up shipfic material. ms. becoming what she sought to destroy (post coming here too) ms. discussing the morality of vengeance (alec interlude my BELOVED) etc etc.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
The proposition
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@sweater-daddiesdumbdork asked for "hmm. Gentle fluff or smut, can be both. Whatever your in the mood for babes. Long or short as you would like." Ok I know the story doesn't really fit the gif or the request but I love it so much🥺🥺
Summary - Wilford has a proposition for you and Curtis.
Warnings - smut, virgin reader, blood/cum play, dark themes, technically non con/dub con since it is coercion
Pairing - Curtis Everett x reader
Word count - 3.5k
Masterlist is linked in the bio!
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You looked at the wooden board contemplating your next move. You had gotten somewhat better at playing, after practicing for so many years. But you still weren’t nearly as good as Wilford.
“Check” You warned and grinned as you trapped his king with your knight.
“Hm” he hummed staring off into the distance. He was really out of it throughout the game.
“Is something wrong?” You spoke casually and felt a shiver go down your spine. Suddenly on edge again.
You often forgot that you’re supposed to hate him. After everything he’s done to so many people, even if he was somewhat kind to you, he was far from a good person.
You never even knew about the state of the tail section. Not until the revolution that happened months ago. Their conditions had gotten considerably better. But they and their leader were still struggling and fighting for their rights.
“Well if you really want to know...” He paused chewing on his finger while he supported the weight of his head with his palm. “There’s Curtis. He’s clearly not happy. He’s making it difficult for me to mould him into a perfect heir.”
“Oh” You let out. The disdain Curtis held for Wilford was really obvious. You had never spoken to him but you accompanied Wilford to several of his meetings. “Maybe you can meet him in the middle? Give into his needs a bit?” You said your voice strained. You didn’t need him second guessing your loyalty.
“I’ve been more than generous with him.” He scoffed “We have to maintain equilibrium. Perfect balance.” He went on his usual lecture taking out your knight with his queen “If only you were a bit smarter... and a man I wouldn’t even need Curtis.” He stated his eyes staring at the board.
“I’m sorry.” You hung your head in shame. Ashamed that you couldn’t be enough to satisfy him, be of any use to him. And that you craved his approval in the first place.
“At the end of the day” He said finally looking at you “How devoted are you? How far would you go for me?” He asked and looked at you expectedly.
“I – I’ll do anything for you sir. You know that.” You stammered. He had yet to ask you to do any tasks for him. Expect for keeping him company. You doubted he'd ask for anything too extreme from you. Not when he had so many skilled people do the job for him.
“That’s all I needed to hear.” He said giving you a chillingly warm smile that highlighted the wrinkles around his eyes.
Curtis struggled to not punch a hole into a wall to let the anger bubbling inside him out. Every time Wilford called him up to the ‘sacred engine’ it was for something incredibly stupid.
Like fucking tea parties with macaroons or mini sandwiches. The pompous ass called himself ‘A man of taste. That’s how I know you’re special.’
Now Curtis would have to eat those ridiculous cookies or sliders or whatever he serves him and listen to his bullshit.
But he knew that had no right to complain. This was a small price to pay for all the work he had been doing to help HIS people.
They were given five more sections of the train. Proper food and clean water. It was acceptable. But it still wasn’t enough.
He had his own spacious room since he’s 'one of the big guys now'. He felt guilty living in it. To have clean water to shower everyday, have more than enough food to keep him full.
It had been 17 years since he was alone in a room. With his thoughts. Now he got to sleep on his plush mattress all by himself. It should feel good. But he was guilty. He wouldn’t rest until his people got the same privileges. No matter how long it takes.
Wilford agreed to his terms, and negotiated with him for hours, when he had him over a barrel. It was either that or Curtis blows up the train.
The first few weeks were rough. He felt completely hopeless and crushed. Knowing from then on that he could only trust himself in this dog eats dog world. The people he did love and care for were now all dead.
So he did what he had been doing for the past two decades. Threw himself into work and planning with a clear goal in mind.
He finally reached his destination finding Wilford waiting for him. Welcoming him with a smile.
“Why don’t you sit down for a while?” He asked when Curtis merely stood there glaring at him.
“Can we make this quick.” He snapped.
“Why do you have places to be?” Wilford laughed calling for you to come out of the corner. Where you usually stood and watched his meetings take place. He introduced you to Curtis “But you must know her by now.” He inquired raising a grey eyebrow at him.
“Yeah.” Curtis gave you a small nod glaring at you as if he was ready to cut you up then and there. You had no idea why he seemed more angry with you than he did with Wilford.
“Well you’ve been on edge. And you know men have needs...” He trailed off shrugging “You can have her as your own. You’ll need an heir soon enough.” He continued.
Leaving you completely stunned. He wanted to sell you off as if you were a breeding mare.
When your father ‘gave' you to Wilford ,just over 4 years ago, you thought you’d have to do that with him. Keep him satisfied like the prostitutes in section 5 do.
But you were surprised to find that Wilford never really cared much for sex. Not with you or anyone else. He decided to ‘keep' you even went far as to call you a pet. Someone adorably stupid he liked to teach things and impart his wisdom to.
The thought of being with Curtis in that way wasn’t repulsive, not as much as it was with Wilford, but you were sure that he’d hurt you. That he hated your guts.
“That won’t be necessary.” Curtis stated “is that all?” He said completely done with this whole situation. And needing to get out of this place that just stinks of Wilford.
“Now now what’s the rush? Is she not enough? I thought you’d like someone simpler or I would’ve called for a professional.” To which Curtis shook his head dryly laughing at the ridiculous proposition. “Do you have someone else in mind? Someone in the tail section? No one there would be healthy enough to bare a child.”
To which Curtis gritted his teeth, clenching his jaw.
He did you a once over. He could see your curvy and plump figure even through your baggy clothes. That’s what he hated about you the most. The fact that he was so attracted to you. And that you always looked so goddamn irresistible.
“I don’t need a whore.” He spit.
“How about you watch your language and your tone” Wilford frowned “She won’t be a whore. She’ll be the mother of your children. You can marry her if you want to. Not that it would mean anything.” Wilford paused letting him process his words. “I’ll tell you what. You can have any woman you want.”
“How about no?” He snarked even though he knew better.
“I wasn’t really asking.” he sighed. Irritated at just how annoyingly stubborn Curtis could be. “You do this and maybe I’ll be more open to negotiating.”
Curtis shook his head in disbelief and looked at you. You had been quiet the entire time. Just like you always are. He had never heard your voice. He would certainly remember it if he did.
“And you’re okay with this?” He asked you.
Your eyes darted back and forth between both of them. “Ye – yes” You stammered. Feeling as if you were suddenly put on the spot. You didn’t really have much of a choice.
“Does tonight sound good to you?” Wilford asked you and you gave him a small nod. “Well then you should go on and get ready sweetheart” He cooed at you softly and you followed. Looking at Curtis one last time before going back to your room.
“Is this really necessary?” Curtis asked as he watched you leave.
“You’re still in your prime. This is the best time to have a baby that’d healthy. You know what they said better late.”
Curtis stayed for a bit discussing these ‘negotiations' Wilford had promised. But he was sure of one thing. No way in hell is he fucking a front sectioner. Let alone have a kid with one. He wouldn’t be caught dead trying to bring a child in this fucked up world.
You seemed impressionable. He could easily convince you to lie.
Your roommate Laura helped you pick out a dress for the night. Giving you some pointers on how to please men.
“And don’t forget to remind him to pull out.” She warned. Knowing the penalty for birthing more than one baby, in most cases, is very high. “Oh yeah you wouldn’t need to do that...” She trailed off feeling sympathy for you “Then I’ve heard that you should keep his cum in you for as long as you can. Let gravity do the work.”
You zoned her out. Needing her to stop talking because you were anxious enough.
“Aren’t you nervous though? To be a mom? I’d be terrified.”
Terrified. Yeah that’s what you should be. But you felt eerily calm. “I’m taking it one day at a time. Or I’d go crazy.” You muttered out in response to her.
Your steps were slow as you made your way to Curtis. What happens if he finds you lacking? Or so repulsive that he can’t even get it up. Would Wilford forgive you. How grave would his punishment even be.
You found yourself worrying more for Curtis. Wilford still held a soft spot for you. But as much as he claimed to be smitten by Curtis, it was clear that he held a bias. Like most front sectioners did against the tail Enders.
You knocked on his door before letting yourself in. Looking around for him. His room was, as you expected, much larger than yours. It held a king bed in the middle of it, unlike your twin beds. It was much cleaner and organised as well.
Your eyes fell on an old worn out paper which held what looked like a charcoal drawing. You held it up studying it.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You jumped as you heard him growl. You turned around to see him standing just a few feet away from you, dressed only with a towel hanging low on his hips.
“Uh I’m here for... the...you know...” What the hell were you supposed to call it? Babymaking?
“We won’t be doing that. You will sit there, quietly, for a few hours and leave.” He ordered looking through his dressed for his clothes.
Even though water was abundant to him now, he wasn’t going to be wasteful with it. So he only showered in the evenings. To wash the whole day off of him.
Maybe a part of him knew you’d be here. And wanted to look presentable to him. Which, he knew, was stupid. You’d never see him that way. And he didn’t need to work to impress someone like you.
“We can’t do that.” You mumbled taking in his naked torso. His shoulders were broad and he And you were pleasantly surprised to see just how huge he was.
“Why?” He asked pulling a shirt and some pants out. He looked back at you expecting an answer.
“He – a doctor will be examining me tomorrow. They’ll probably figure it out.” You said hugging yourself to make yourself small. Averting your gaze to avoid the intensity of his eyes.
“Fine then.” He huffed. He looked through the dresser to search for the lotion that came with the room. He could probably use it as lube, get it over with. It wouldn’t be too hard for him to do it and he wasn’t really looking to hurt you either. “Lay down on the bed” He instructed handing you the bottle as you settled on top of his mattress.
He opened his mouth about to tell you to apply it between your legs but then “I’ve never done this before you know. Just thought you should know.” You confessed still unable to look him in the eye.
“What? That’s not possible.” He frowned at you “Aren’t you supposed to be Wilfords whore?” He snapped.
Which set you off. This was the second time today he had called you a whore. “You really think you have the moral high ground to call me that?” you swallowed as he looked taken aback by your words. “I don’t know what I am to Wilford. What I do know is – if we don’t do as he says we’ll have to pay.”
“I’ll take my chances.” He scoffed.
“Don’t. You’ll regret it.” You said gravely. Shedding off your clothes. There was no point in prolonging it. “Can we turn the lights off?” You asked.
“No.” He let out as he looked at your dress. Bunched up around your waist. Giving him a generous look at your thick thighs.
He loosened his towel a bit as he felt himself harden at just the thought of you naked.
He hadn’t been with a woman in decades. Too afraid to bring a child in this world. There were offers from many to suck him off. But he was never particularly interested. He took care of himself as hastily and as quietly as he could, in his bunk late at night.
Despite everything, how lucky he was right now to have the things he had, how far he had come, he had also suffered a lot. Gave up a lot. Maybe he deserved something he took just for himself.
He dropped his towel onto the floor, revealing his erection to you. He climbed on the bed and crawled to you.
You stared at his long length, how scary and angry it looked pressed hard against this taut abs. “I uh what do I do with this?” You asked looking at the lotion.
“Forget about it.” He tossed the bottle away and worked on rolling your panties down your legs.
You shivered as cold air touched your exposed core. “Oh” You gasped as you felt his fingers nudge your warm folds.
“Off with this too.” He demanded taking your dress off your head.
You quickly brought your hands up to cover your exposed chest. Shifting in your place. The reality of the situation suddenly hit you. This was really happening. It was all too quick. There wasn’t nearly enough time for you to process your emotions.
He pushed you on your back and quickly settled between your legs. Smelling a whiff of your arousal. He knew he was being hasty. If he wasn’t patient it would be over too soon. But he was so damn hard he felt as he’d bust right then and there. He rolled his hips into the mattress to relieve some of the pressure from his groins.
He groaned at the sight of your naked body above him. Your soft stomach, your breast laid flat as your chest heaved. He dove in for a taste. Pleased with just how wet you already were and at the way you squirmed. He almost let himself believe that you wanted him. That you were so aroused just for him.
But he knew better than to believe that. It was far from the truth. You were just as forced into this situation as he was. He was just trying to make the best of it.
Before he could eat you properly you lightly pushed at his head. “Wait.” Your voice scratchy. You propped yourself on your elbows so you could look at him “I don’t... want it to hurt. Please.” You pleaded.
“That depends on how much you cooperate.” He threatened and you laid back. You whimpered as he sucked your clit, wrapping his mouth around it. He pushed a finger inside you and then another. Holding a hand flat on your stomach to stop you from moving. It was different than when you played with yourself with your fingers.
You cried out loud for the whole train to hear when he rolled your bundle of nerves between his fingers while fucking you with his tongue. You came on his tongue. Feeling more intense than you had ever before.
He lapped up everything you gave him. Not wanting to waste a single drop. He trailed kisses up your nipping just under your breasts and wrapping his lips around one dark hard bud. He sucked it harshly gently pulling on your other nipple, just to get a reaction out of you. You whimpered cradling his head close to your chest.
All too soon he released your nipple and supported his weight on his forearms to look down at you.
You looked so perfectly dazed. Staring at him hazily through your hooded eyes. Your lips bruised and bleeding. Were you biting them so hard to keep, and fail, from making those singular noises?
He couldn’t help it. He knew he’d regret it the second he thought of it. But he needed to know what your mouth tasted like. He nibbled on your bottom lip for a bit before capturing your lips for a kiss.
His first one as far as he can remember. He wondered if he was your first kiss too. He tilted his head to get an angle that would allow him to explore your mouth the best. Moaning into it he brought his hands up to cradle your face. Somehow kissing your mouth felt more intimate than kissing your cunt.
He finally pulled away so you could both breathe. He took in a few deep breathes before nudging your lips with his tip, before seething himself into you.
He was deliberately slow. Drawing out the pleasure for both of you because he didn’t want to hurt you. Far from it. He wanted you to scream his name just like you were minutes before.
He groaned into your ear as he bottomed out. Giving you all the time you needed to adjust to his length. He pulled your earlobe between his teeth. Snaking a hand beneath your hips he raised them so he could thrust deeper inside you.
You mewled and moaned under him, chanting his name as if it was a prayer, as he slowly rutted into you. He wondered, if it was because of him. Or it wouldn’t really make much of a difference to you of it was some front sectioners cock instead of his.
Your walls were so snug and tight around him. He knew he wouldn’t last long. He tried to think of all the work he had to do, hell even thought of Wilford just to hold off.
But he couldn’t. Not with the way you were squeezing him. He quickly pulled out and stroked himself to completion. Ropes of his cum painted your stomach. He felt strangely possessive at that. As if he marked you as his own.
He sat up on his knees, looking down at you and stroking your thighs, he admire his work.
“What did you do?” You asked as you felt his warm spend on your stomach. It had been feeling so good for you, you were almost at the edge when he pulled out. You knew he was supposed to finish inside you.
He didn’t bother to answer you before his broad shoulders nudged the inside of your thighs to fit him. He lapped up at your cunt again. Determined to bring you off at least once more. He moaned at the tangy taste of your blood, and your juices mixed with his.
It didn’t take long for him to work up your sensitive and overworked folds and cunt. This orgasm was somehow more intense, if that was even possible.
Curtis settled beside you. Wiping his mouth off with his hand he turned off the light. He thought about asking you to go back to your room.
But then you curled up against his arm, wrapping your little hands around it. You settled your head in the crook of his neck. He would get up later to clean you both up later. Right now he just needed to commit this moment to memory. So he’d never forget it.
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Tags will be in the reblog! If you want in on the taglist lemme know via dm/ask or click the link in the bio.
Yayyy I finally wrote for Curtis! Idk if there will be a part two to this. Snowpiercer is just too dark for a soft girl like me🥺🥺
Please note that my works are not to be reposted on any other website/blog. Reblogs are welcome though!
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easyhairstylesbest · 4 years
77 Valentine's Day Gifts You Can Get on Amazon Prime
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If going to the mall during the holidays drove you nuts before 2020, then Amazon Prime will save your soul now more than ever. Where else can you buy a wool Mackage coat, a sculpted bust of a greek god, a cardboard turntable for cats, and toilet paper? From the comfort of your couch. Naked.
Because there are millions of choices on Amazon and going through the results for even a single inquiry can be exhausting, we went through tens of thousands of items and put together a definitive list of the best gifts you can shop this year with Prime. Our non-negotiable criteria? Items had to be unique, high-quality, practical or chic, because nobody has time for anything else these days. Below, our top picks on Amazon Prime to add to your cart now.
Ocean Mist & Sea Salt Candle
NEST Fragrances amazon.com
With notes of sea salt, white tea and coconut, this ocean mist-scented candle is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser. (Something that can’t be said for most candles out there.)
Gabbi Vegan Leather Handbag
If you follow any fashion accounts, you’ve probably seen JW Pei all over your Instagram feed. What’s less known about the affordable brand is that their bags are made from 50 percent recycled materials and 10 percent of all profits are donated to animal sanctuaries around the world.
Polaroid Pop Instant 3×4 Photo Printer & Digital Camera
Being able to hold photos of special moments hits different. Polaroid’s wireless Pop Instant camera is a game-changer for making it possible to take, preview, edit and print 3.5 x 4.25 photos. The easily transportable device also offers WiFi connectivity, so users can upload their pictures straight to the ‘gram if they please.
Acrylic Sheep-Shaped Containers
Agirlvct amazon.com
Whether you’re shopping for the aunt that does her own thing or your friend with the ironic instagram aesthetic, these sheep-shaped cotton swab containers will just hit different.
SLIP Silk Pillowcase
Anti-aging and crease minimizing benefits aside, a silk pillowcase simply just looks and feels luxurious. Because falling asleep these days isn’t easy, this queen size pillowcase makes for a thoughtful gift.
14k Gold Three Diamond Amigos Curve Post Earrings
Adina Reyter amazon.com
If these diamond curve post earrings look familiar, it’s because Meghan Markle wears them on repeat. To give you a sense of just how versatile these beauties are, the Duchess wore these to Commonwealth Day 2018, throughout her and Harry’s Royal Tour of Australia, and numerous royal engagements in London.
The Archisutra: The handbook’s Final Chapter
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform amazon.com
This creative Kama Sutra from London-based architect Miguel Bolivar is a good gift for cultured significant others. Each sex position is inspired by a famous building or furniture design with detailed data and annotated scale drawings.
Handmade Love Bracelets for Men & Women
Ubuntu Life amazon.com
Ubuntu Life, which was included in Oprah’s Favorite Things 2020, provides employment to artisans in Kenya, in addition to running programs that support social inclusion for Kenyan children with educational and physical needs. A handful of colors are still in stock at the time of publication.
Premium Bamboo Bathtub Tray Caddy
For a fancy-feeling gift that’s actually affordable, look to this bathtub tray caddy. It has a stand that can be propped to read a book or display a tablet, plus a wine glass holder.
Fair Trade-Certified Chocolate Gift Set
Chuao Chocolatier amazon.com
This dark and milk chocolate gift set from Whole Foods-carried brand Chuao Chocolatier contains innovative flavors the chocolate lover in your life won’t be expecting. Think: potato chip, honeycomb, salted chocolate crunch and more. 
Open Back Lace Teddy Bodysuit Lingerie
Spice things up with this surprisingly affordable lingerie find. Its delicate lace details and open back lend a glamorous touch.
Nonslip Hair Claw Clips (Pack of 4)
Claw clips were already having a moment in fashion before the pandemic. Now that we’re working from home and wearing our hair up every day, they’re all the more useful. These reviewer-obsessed clips boast 3k reviews and counting with an average rating of 4.8k stars.
Flex Wireless Earphones
I obtained a pair of the latest Beats (the brand’s most affordable headphones to date) for testing a few months back and haven’t stopped using them since. Delivering crystal clear sound, 12 hours of battery life, and a rapid fast charge, these bluetooth wireless headphones are overall better than headphones I’ve spent at least 4x more on over the years.
7/8 Jogger Travel Pants
Editor’s note: I own these joggers and am in love with them. What first sold me on these was that reviewers mentioned how similar these are to Lululemon’s On The Fly jogger, which cost about three times more. Fast forward to me owning 4 pairs and recently FaceTiming with my grandma who was rocking her own pair as well. A great gift for any woman who likes comfortable, flattering pants.
Reversible Zebra Bathmat in Grey
Jonathan Adler amazon.com
Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side… Not when you’re getting out of the tub though. That’s dangerous in an ER-kind of way. Anyway, here’s a cute, dryer-friendly bathmat. 
Le Specs. Air Heart Sunglasses
Le Specs. amazon.com
If these glamorous and slightly oversized sunnies look familiar it’s because Meghan Markle sported this exact pair during her 2019 baby shower. Shoppers, note that these fan-favorite shades have a track record for selling out fast. 
‘Tis The Season Huggie Set
Stella & Haas amazon.com
This trio of hypoallergenic freshwater pearl huggies is another covetable find from Oprah’s Favorite Things List this year. Considering how versatile these earrings are, I don’t blame you if you opt to keep a pair for yourself.
UGG Fluffita Slipper
Have a shoe lover on your shopping list? Change their life with UGG’s Fluffita slippers. These fuzzy-feeling platform slippers will elevate all of their favorite loungewear ‘fits.
Mayberry Sheepskin Slipper
EMU Australia amazon.com
Cozy gifts remain a failsafe move in 2021, so here’s another pair of chic sheepskin slippers certain to delight. 
Emmanuelle Initial Necklace
Jennifer Zeuner Jewelry amazon.com
A personalized touch goes a long way in making it look like you didn’t wait until the last minute to pick something out and panic while doing so. Here, a gothic initial pendant from Jennifer Zeuner that subtly channels Regina George’s ‘R’ necklace. More letters are available as well.
Dachsie Ring Holder
This dachshund ring holder takes cute jewelry organization to another level. Perfect for the dog lover who’s constantly rotating her stack.
Layla Bamboo Bed Sheets
Layla Sleep amazon.com
$125.00 (29% off)
A sheet upgrade is the gift that keeps on giving. Suitable for sensitive skin types and hot sleepers, Layla Sleep’s 300-thread count Bamboo sheets are soft to the touch and eco-friendly. (Bamboo uses 200x less water than cotton and doesn’t require harsh chemicals in the production process.) The set includes a fitted sheet, top sheet and 2 pillowcases.
PhoneSoap Pro UV Smartphone Sanitizer & Universal Charger
PhoneSoap amazon.com
File PhoneSoap’s Pro UV smartphone sanitizer under universally practical gift ideas. In just five minutes, this device is able to kill up to 99.99% of germs thanks to its powerful UV-C light.
Plush Slipper Socks Women
Toes Home amazon.com
Amazon reviewers are obsessed with this set of fuzzy socks, which happens to be a steal at this price. (Think 2.4k ratings and counting, with an average of 4.6/5 stars.) A handful of designs are available, but the heart motifs here are especially kitschy-chic.
Alix Mini Top Handle Satchel
3.1 Phillip Lim amazon.com
They say the best gifts are the ones you’d want for yourself. Phillip Lim’s versatile Alix Mini top handle bag is proof.
Supreme Glamour
Thames & Hudson amazon.com
Anyone who loves The Supremes or retro glamour will swoon over this new coffee table book, which chronicles the fashion history of the beloved 1960s Motown group. Founding member Mary Wilson tells her friend and co-author, Mark Begu, the whole story of the band.
Gisele Long PJ Set
Eberjey amazon.com
Eberjey is practically synonymous with great pajamas. Made from modal and spandex jersey (no polyester!), these PJs are breathable, ridiculously soft and hot sleeper-friendly. Unlike cheaper options out there, you can be sure these will last for years to come.
Power Workout Leggings in Black
Sweaty Betty amazon.com
To give you a sense of how beloved British brand Sweaty Betty’s power leggings are, one pair has sold every 90 seconds this year. (Editor’s note: I own these and don’t stop talking about how I think they’re the most comfortable and flattering leggings of all time.) New to Amazon Prime, these are still in stock in every size at the time of publication. 
Women’s Asili Stacking Rings
Women-founded and sustainably sourced, SOKO makes some of the coolest, vintage-feeling costume jewelry around. Their pieces are handcrafted by artisans Kenya who use recycled brass, upcycled horns and traditional techniques.
Leather Touchscreen Texting and Driving Gloves
If you’re bougie on a budget, check out these Italian cashmere-lined leather gloves which boast over 1.7k ratings. As one reviewer put it: “They are great, and actually fit very well. Beautifully packaged. Could be a gift but I am keeping them!” 
Women’s Duality Reversible Sherpa Jacket
Alo Yoga amazon.com
Not only is Alo Yoga’s best-selling Duality jacket fun and practical in equal measure, it’s reversible and one side is sherpa. Five other colorways are available too.
Drinking Animals Coloring and Cocktail Recipe Book
Each page in this delightful coloring book opens up to a different animal and new cocktail recipe. 
Tombow Dual Brush Pen Art Markers
Editor’s note: I’m a lifelong doodler and Tomboy’s dual tip brush pens are unrivaled when it comes to ease of use and vibrancy. Several color palettes are available in case you’re after something louder too. PS: A bunch are on sale right now, which is rare for the brand.
Apple AirPods with Wireless Charging Case
Few tech gadgets, if any, look as suave as AirPods. Of all the headphones carried on Amazon, these remain the #1 best-selling pair (no exaggeration), and for a limited time only, they’re currently on sale.
No Bounds Wireless Outdoor Speaker
House of Marley amazon.com
These aux input speakers from House of Marley (which, fun fact, was founded by Bob Marley’s son, Rohan) boast an impressive ten hours of battery life. Even better? Because they’re dust-proof and waterproof, you and your partner will be able to enjoy these on outdoor adventures and road trips.
Retro Bluetooth Speaker
This ultra-compact speaker is sure to be a crowdpleaser. The indoor/outdoor speaker not only connects with bluetooth, but can be used as an FM radio with AUX connectivity as well, all while delivering impressive sound and 10 hours of battery life. A carrying strap and dust bag are also included, which makes for a sleek presentation.
Bose SoundLink Revolve Wireless Bluetooth Speaker
This sleek indoor/outdoor speaker delivers crystal clear sound quality and long battery life (16 hours!) certain to enhance any user’s listening experience. From true crime podcasts to Netflix to electronic music experiences, these will be a game-changer. 
Boy Smells Beeswax & Coconut Wax Kush Candle
Boy Smells amazon.com
This Boy Smells best seller doesn’t actually contain any psychoactive hemp-derived extracts, but it’s still lit. Paying homage to the cannabis flower, the scent is warm, fresh and floral.
Hand and Skincare Amenity Kit
Grown Alchemist amazon.com
Editor’s note: I’m never more than a few feet away from my Grown Alchemist hand creams in the winter. Containing a vanilla and orange peel hand cream, vanilla and geranium day cream and watermelon lip balm, I’d argue this is the most affordable fancy-feeling beauty gift on Amazon. Fun fact, clean Gwyneth Paltrow is a huge fan of this lipgloss. 
EltaMD Mineral-Based UV Clear Facial Sunscreen (1.7 oz)
Sunscreen as a gift? Only if it’s from EltaMD’s product line. If you or a loved one who spends a lot of time in the sun hasn’t tried this dermatologist-loved sunscreen line before, ELLE.com highly recommends. (Read Beauty Director Chloe Hall’s full review here.)
Sparkling Water Machine
sodastream amazon.com
Kiss wasteful plastic bottles of seltzer from the grocery store goodbye. Set in a sleek monochromatic design, this SodaStream kit includes everything you need to make seltzer at home, including a carbonator.
14k Yellow Gold Hoop Earrings
Tilo Jewelry amazon.com
Gold hoops go with everything and somehow always feel cool wearing. Here, a 14k gold pair made in the US that won’t slim down your holiday shopping budget. 
Sherpa Trucker Jacket
Levi’s sherpa jackets have been worn by every fashion girl from Gigi Hadid to Zendaya. The denim staple is not only a godsend for complicated transitional temps, but a cozy piece to throw on at home.
Visual Feast: Contemporary Food Photography and Styling
Earning its moniker, Visual Feast is a coffee table fixture that explores food presentation in a myriad of Art forms. From witty jello dishes to painted lobsters, the foodie in your life will find the book’s photography drool-worthy.
Classic Greek Michelangelo David Bust Statue
Beonueni amazon.com
Nothing subtly says ‘I’m an Intellectual’ louder than having a decorative bust of a Greek god on display in one’s home. Your loved one won’t see this gift coming, but they’ll love it all the same. (Editor’s note: This is the only item on our list where you have to pay for shipping, but it’s only $2.99.) 
Women’s Natural Lace Trim Vest
Iris & Lilly amazon.com
White tank tops have defined Tik Tok-era fashion more than any other article of clothing. Gift a set for the culture. 
Mentone Half-Zip Sweater
Varley amazon.com
This half zip from British athleisure brand Varley is practically dripping in cozy appeal.
Women’s Nori-K Coat
Mackage amazon.com
Kindly sidestep the puddle of drool that formed while I gazed at this wool coat. That leather waist belt! The removable bib (!!!). The feminine silhouette that doesn’t sacrifice warmth! She’ll love this because how could anybody not?
Squeaky Parody Plush Dog Toy
Haute Diggity Dog amazon.com
A fabulous squeaky toy for a fabulous pup. (Editor’s note: hi, Freddy!!) 
Juicy Couture DIY Bracelet Making Kit
Make It Real amazon.com
*Puts on Maneater by Nelly Furtado for a quick journey to 2006.* This kitschy DIY bracelet kit will pull at the heart strings of anyone who owned a velour tracksuit in the early oughts. Technically speaking, this set was probably intended for pre-teens, which makes it a good gift youngins who weren’t around for Juicy’s heyday all the same.
14k Gold Linked Diamond Stud Earring
Zoe Chicco amazon.com
This 0.13ct diamond stud earring (yes, it’s sold individually and I’m sorry) will be her new favorite earring if she has more than one piercing. 
Kitty Espresso Coffee Maker
Stainless steel espresso coffee makers don’t get any chicer than the Bialetti Kitty.  
Walkie Talkies
These retro-looking walkie talkies are technically for kids aged 4 through 14; however, these will make a useful gift for any family quarantining together in the suburbs in lieu of a fancy intercom system. These boast a 3 mile range for outside, camping and hiking, as well as a backlit LCD flashlight. 
Modern Glass Globe Table Desk Lamp
This sculptural table lamp injects instant modernity and warmth. It includes an LED bulb too, so the design lover you gift this too will be able to set it up and enjoy right away. 
Clear Acrylic Bookends (Set of 4)
CY craft amazon.com
If you’re after a gift for a book lover that isn’t books, this top-rated set of acrylic bookends works for any decor style. 
Enameled Cast Iron Signature Dutch Oven
Le Creuset amazon.com
Le Creuset is the gold standard of cookware and their dutch ovens are the lightest on the market. Here, the legendary brand’s signature enameled cast iron Dutch Oven in a gradient motif that brings to mind sunsets and Prada’s fall-winter 2018 collection.
BoostIQ RoboVac 15C MAX
eufy by Anker amazon.com
$175.99 (37% off)
It’s hard to come by a list of best robot vacuums online (written by experts who actually tested hundreds of models) where eufy’s RoboVac 15C MAX isn’t included as a budget-friendly mention. The RoboVac 15C MAX has wifi and Alexa voice connectivity, which makes it easy breezy to set up and use. Reviewers love how it delivers an impressive clean with strong suction and self-charges after a clean. 
Table Tiles
Areaware amazon.com
There’s no such thing as too many coasters, though there is such thing as really tacky coasters. Trust me, I went through over 200 before finding this cool geometric set. These have a cork-lined base which further helps to protect furniture.
Sherpa and Fleece Throw Blanket
Green Orange amazon.com
Sherpa on one side and plush on the other, this reviewer-loved throw blanket measures 50×60 inches, which means it’s large enough for two to comfortably snuggle during Netflix nights.
Men’s Sherpa-Lined Puffer Jacket
Amazon Essentials amazon.com
Editor’s note: I got my dad this jacket for his birthday a few weeks ago because I figured it looked warm and practical. Turns out, this $42 coat is the softest-feeling men’s jacket anyone in my family has ever come across. Besides looking way more expensive than its price tag, this coat is warm and has a sherpa-lined hood which feels cloud-like. (Amazon, if you’re reading this, please make this coat in women’s.)
Men’s Figaro Chain Necklace
Miansai amazon.com
In case you’re still thinking about how hot Connell’s chain was in Normal People. Same.
Men’s Memory Foam Slippers
These comfy slippers are machine washable, which means if he’s prone to having sweaty feet… you can gift these without any worry you might later regret it.
Polo Ralph Lauren Outdoor Bear Scarf
Polo Ralph Lauren amazon.com
For a guy in your life who’s a nightmare to shop for, look no further than this ribbed knit scarf featuring Ralph Lauren’s iconic, well-dressed bear.
Essential Crewneck Sweater
State Cashmere amazon.com
Editor-loved brand State Cashmere makes 100% pure hypoallergenic cashmere for a fraction of what I see a lot of other brands charging. Here, a failsafe crewneck he’ll have for years to come.
Starter Shaving Kit for Men
Intro him to his new favorite grooming brand with a set that includes everything from a shave brush to priming oil to a safety razor and more. This shaving kit boasts over 400 reviews, with several mentioning how Bevel’s products help prevent razor bumps. 
Hidden Comfort No-Show Socks
Runners swear by the support and durability of Balega socks. Take it from the 7k reviews this no-show unisex pair has, these will be a hit.
Grand Court Sneaker
If you’re shopping for a boyfriend who’s an amazing person but just not the best dresser, start with his shoes. Prince Harry has been photographed in a similar pair (Sdidas’s Gazelle trainer) in a similar grey, suede color on countless occasions. This color looks sharp with everything.
DiamondClean Classic Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush
Philips Sonicare amazon.com
$166.95 (17% off)
Rumored users of the prestigious DiamondClean toothbrush include Beyoncé and Kim K. Per Philips, this luxe toothbrush removes up to 7x more plaque than a manual toothbrush, whitens teeth after 1 week of use, and improves gum health in only 2 weeks.
Pet Cardboard Turntable & DJ Mixer
Suck UK amazon.com
For the cat person who loves a good RAC remix. To quote an epic review on Amazon: “By 9pm, DJ Kitty was in beast mode as the rave kicked off in the living room. As the sun came up, DJ Kitty refused to part with the deck… Yes, a bit expensive for [sic]carboard, but we are considering selling tickets to the next show to make up the difference.”
Footnanny Hemp Extract Spa Treatment Set
Footnanny amazon.com
Footnanny has been on Oprah’s Favorite Things list for seven years and counting, though the foot-care brand is loved by many, many more. Here, a trio that will help with exfoliating, soothing and relieving targeted areas of the body that often get neglected. 
Foam Roller
Trigger Point Performance amazon.com
To give you a sense of how beloved TriggerPoint’s GRID foam roller is, it has 11.4k global ratings and an average score of 4.7 stars. It comes with free online videos so users can learn the best ways to utilize it for stretching and relieving tension. 
Fully Adjustable Desk Folding Exercise Bike
Exerpeutic amazon.com
$255.86 (15% off)
If they’re a fitness lover who’s working from home right now, this foldable stationary bike desk will make staying active during the day an easier pursuit. Reviewers agree it’s easy to assemble and sturdy, with one reviewer even saying this has changed their life.
Essential Oil and Aromatherapy Diffuser
Victsing amazon.com
Shopping for a dedicated yogi or someone who could use a little serenity right now? Meet VicTsing’s popular essential oil diffuser that boasts 11.3k ratings and counting. The diffuser offers 2 modes, 4 different timers and 7 different color lights, which makes for a personalized zen experience. 
Jenga is fun whether you’re 6-years-old or 42.
Posh Peanut Pajamas Set (Newborn to Toddler Sizes)
Posh Peanut amazon.com
Made from soft viscose bamboo, these pajamas will be super soft for any baby, toddler or eager young mind on your shopping list. A variety of prints are available in sizes spanning 0-3 months to 6 years.
Grippy Non-Slip Socks for Kids
Resilience Gives amazon.com
The story behind this cheerful sock brand will move you (and the recipient). Resilience Gives was founded by Jake Teitebaum, a Hodgkin’s lymphoma survivor who was frustrated with poorly-made socks during his stem cell transplant, and is co-owned by Andee Wallace, whose father survived non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. For each pair of socks purchased, the brand donates a pair to a child with cancer who’s undergoing treatment in a hospital. (Women’s and men’s sizes are also available in case you also want to get yourself a pair.)
Justine Carreon Justine Carreon is the market editor at ELLE.com covering fashion, Dutch ovens, and fashion again.
Jaimie Potters Commerce Content Manager Jaimie Potters is the Commerce Content Manager at Hearst Magazines Digital Media, where she covers fashion, beauty, tech and more.
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77 Valentine's Day Gifts You Can Get on Amazon Prime
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bedfordrambles · 7 years
Weekend afternoons became somewhat of a vice between you and George.
Thursdays were spent in the flat with him and Matty - afternoons built on weed and Mortal Kombat and Chinese food. Nights often ended in George’s bed - soundtracked to records from George’s collection, ones you weren’t familiar with, ones that George insisted were crucial staples in music history. Time passed through different activities. Sometimes there were heated kisses, sometimes lazy touches where mouths found new places to draw soft sounds, sometimes simply conversation until one of you fell asleep.
Fridays were rushed mornings and burnt toast and maybe promises of seeing each other later.
Today was one of the Fridays that the promises held up. Grey - cloud heavy skies, sparse raindrops. Uni. Fingers - rooting through your bag, spare change for the bus when a car horn breaks thoughts. The Mustang. George’s Mustang.
A half forgotten promise - weeks ago, a Thursday night in the flat, Joy Ride on the telly. Now - a mostly abandoned stretch of road on the outskirts of town. George knows it’s there from one of Matty’s long ago flings, she lived nearby. Their first ever song was written about her, her namesake. And you tell him you remember, of course you remember. Penelope.
The thrill of doing something you shouldn’t - hot, spiraling through your veins, accelerating heart beats. Attaining an octave at every inch the speedometer gains. Breaths come out fast and hard in laughs or not at all - when George takes sharp corners - rubber squeaking against the ground. Soundtracked to loud laughs, brash cackles, excited squeals.
Adrenaline pumping hard and fast. Windows - down, spring air warm despite it hits like ice, strands of hair ripped from hair ties, your eyes, mouth. Maybe it’s your shouts of delirium, elation are the only reason he needs to push it further, or maybe it’s to keep up with the high spiraling through his veins, knocking through nerve endings. Reckless - you both now, dangerous - at best but the feeling is enough to justify. Alive, lethal.
A growl - the engine revving sounding almost impatient, George having brought it to a stop for too long. Salt & Vinegar crisps, Dr Pepper and shared fags. Kanye - the radio. Seatbelts off - and you’ve turned to face him, legs draped over his lap. Giggles - echoing, heartbeats still struggling to settle, heads still light. Crisps - aiming for his mouth, not exactly working out, but he keeps telling you try one more, eventually ending up smacking the back of his head off the window.
Giggles only growing louder at that, between muffled curses. Fading - but starting up as quickly as they stopped when you catch his eye. He doesn’t help stop them - only grabbing a hold of your legs, fingers tickling your thighs. Ensuing in shrieks of laughter, legs kicking in vain attempts to escape, no refuge in the cramped car.
“G,” when everythings died down, adrenaline fizzling out - something you’re craving more of. His phone, texting, biting his nails - furrowed brow turning to a toothy grin. “Give’s ago?” - you ask, nodding to the steering wheel, already knowing what the answer will be. Eyes - following yours before flickering back with a chuckle. Deep, rasped - “absolutely not, love.”
A pout - mock petulance, he shakes his head, an amused grin. “Let me teach you how to bloody drive first, then maybe..”
A pause, eyes flickering, a smirk - “Actually maybe we’ll use Matty’s van for that.”
You - a huff, telling him to fuck off, only earning more chuckles in response and an, “I love you, babe - but not enough to let you wreck my car. Wanna go again?”
And you nod, despite yourself - buckling back up your seatbelt while telling him he really can be a fucking dickhead at times. Leaning over - a sloppy kiss to your cheek, something you vehemently deny. Giggles echo anyhow.
Only beginning to build up speed, switching gears - the familiar rush beginning to flip in your stomach, beat against your chest when there’s a sudden buzzing, ringing. George’s phone.
Curses - under his breath, slowing down. Phone - from his jeans pockets, an apologetic look before cursing once again when he looks at the caller ID.
“Adam, mate - told you I’m busy, have Matty sort it out, yeah?”
A pause - grunts of disagreement and a breath of, ‘fucking idiot’, listening to whatever Adam is saying. Jaw - clenching when he tries to cut in with, ‘but’s’ and ‘can’t’s’. Sighing - head falling back against the headrest, “Fuck sake, fine fine, I’ll sort it - but after that I’m officially off the fucking grid for the night. I have... arrangements.”
Brown - a glance over at you, before his brow creases -  “What? No - well yes.. oh piss off, she has a name.. No that’s not it, fucking hell is Matty there?”
A few more grumbles, sighs - hanging up, tyres screeching with a hard U turn, back in direction of the main road. Telling you that that was Adam, some guy at the pub needs some gear, he has to shift it.  Apologies - for dragging you into this, he tried his best not to. Adam - busy picking up, Ross out of town for his birthday, and Matty can’t be seen dealing at the minute because he owes money.  Reiterating his earlier point - “fucking twat,” and “they keep calling you fit uni girl, soz about that..”
Rambling - you’re not really listening all that much at this stage. Too caught up in a new kind of thrill - tingling through your blood, sparking. A new kind of danger, risk - resonating through his words. The sudden excitement of joyriding - if you could call it that on a good enough as abandoned stretch of road - was overtaken by the idea of it all. 
You weren’t stupid, or completely oblivious to the fact George and his inner circle of friends - particularly Matty, dabbled in dealing. Now - the idea of messing around with a borderline drug dealer, was becoming quite the reality. 
An idea that turned you on a bit more than you’d care to admit. 
His lips - mirror the curve of yours, when he asks what you’re smirking at. You don’t hesitate to tell him - that this whole thing was quite naughty, sexy even. The chances that he, they could very well get caught only made it a bit more wild, pretty badass. An unexplained electricity, adrenaline building. 
It’s obvious your confession has effects on George. Ego - rising, boosting a bit, and he can’t help but think maybe this was such a bad idea after all. Maybe Hann’s call had been somewhat of a blessing, the kind where he was almost certain the night would end with him definitely not being alone in bed, and definitely not being the only one naked between sheets.  To be blunt about it - Hann’s call had given him a 90% guarantee of getting laid tonight. With a girl he was very much infatuated with. Not bad at all. 
Pressing down on the gas a bit harder once you’re on the way back to town - unintentional, more so on purpose. Excitement - rushing, hearts stuttering. Unknowingly - surpassing the speed limit, gaze shifting to drift over you or a second. Lip - caught between your teeth, pupils blown out. Quiet - exhilaration filtering through the air. George - hand, slipping off the gear shift, finding your thigh. Fingers - squeezing, heat sparking. 
Minute by minute - fingers inching higher, hot against skin. Breath - short, a lack of air, the car.  A new kind of high. 
One that escalates - sirens sounding somewhere behind, car closing in. Police. 
A jumble of breathy curses - eyes flickering up to his rearview mirror, clenched jaw. His thoughts spiral, tumble ahead to the baggy in his jeans, the arsehole behind him finding it - and the seriesi of unfortunate events that would occur after that. Cursing Hann, fucking Matty. Sweaty palms. 
Pulling over - a new kind of tension, asking him where it was. Half sigh, half grumble - his trousers, pocket. Hand - rubbing over his face, through his hair - and you vaguely catch mumbles about being done for.  
Exhilaration - still tingling through your senses, and maybe it’s the thump of adrenaline rushing through you - that guides your hand. And before George can gather his thoughts enough to ask what you’re doing, fingers slip into his pocket, blinking in disbelievement at the flash of the baggy, disappearing under your skirt. Your idea of a prime hiding space. Mouth - still slightly ajar, two policemen appearing at the window. 
It’s the usual routine - asking if he knew why they pulled him over, by how much he was over the speed limit, all that. Reckless. Only beginning to gain his confidence back, kicking the shock of you helping him. All cocky smirks, snide comments - ego rebuilding, recalling your earlier words about the chances of being caught. 
Attitude - proving to be a problem, probably not the best way to go, deal with it. Eyes - watching in the wing mirror when he’s asked to step out of the car. Focused on him - the gravel in his voice saying this a well waste of time, how he has a head in height over them, his hair starting to get longer again. Deep brown - catching your eye in the mirror, a wink, and you roll your eyes but can’t bite back a smirk. Heart still thudding - head light with the idea that you both are on the verge of getting away with this. 
Fingers - tugging, the hem of your skirt down further, George reapproaching. Finding nothing on him - a half full pack of Parliaments, chewing gum, spare change. Heavy warnings of fines, penalty points the next time - ringing in his ears. But not loud enough to kill of the buzz filtering through his veins. 
You - leaning forward, peering around George, the cop hovering by his window. A bright smile - asking if they needed to check you too, politely. George - suddenly growing very interested in his Parliaments pack, eyes staying down, but you don’t miss the amused smirk, the cough covering up a giggle.
A new set of eyes - glancing over you, a gruff, “No, you’re alright, love.”
Silence, electricity still buzzing between bodies - George, driving, under the speed limit this time. Although he had been going exaggerating under the limit for the few minutes the police car had followed, only leaving you to giggle and them to grow undoubtedly increasingly aggravated. You’re only half surprised they didn’t pull him over again.
Eventually - his hand, your thigh again. “Y’know, you didn’t have to hide that for me, babe.”
And you arch a brow - because yeah you kinda did, or he’d be well fucked, but he shushes you, knowing your expressions before you speak out.
“I don’t need you getting caught up in my messes. I’m to look after you and all that, not the opposite.” - glancing over at you, a sigh. “But thank you, you having my back tonight was most helpful, my lifesaver.” 
Overpitched, dramatic - causing an echo of giggles, laughs. Expelling pent up tension, adrenaline. 
Until - his fingers, a squeeze on your thigh. “You know I’ve still got to shift this gear, yeah?” 
Lips curving - your legs parting, fingertips trailing higher, and you give him an expectant look. One that dares him to get it himself. So he does. 
Fingers - dipping into silky material, grasping around the baggy, brushing against skin. And you ask - with a teasing sort of lithe, what you’re to do with him, after him very nearly getting you both into serious trouble. 
Watching - his lips curving into a smirk that’s quickly becoming your favourite, licking his lips. Fingers - lingering in your underwear for a breath or two longer, before slowly sliding out. 
“I could think of a few things.” 
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unholyhelbiglinked · 7 years
The Attic | Hartsquared
[A/N: Part of this is from an AU account, but most of it is not!]
The sun moved through the space in a on odd way, almost seeping through the wood as it highlighted dust that pressed against the air. It looked almost artistic, the way the boxes stood out from the rest of the monochromatic backdrop of the attic.
Everything was different shades of grey and brown, the deep scent of mothballs in my lungs just doing more to further the fact that I knew exactly here I was. A generic attic. One that was filled with old clothes and odd's and cracked Christmas bulbs.
Deep blue eyes met mine in annoyance as I drew in another breath of hot air, my knees throbbing and bac aching. Hannah and I had been here for a few hours, just trying to figure out exactly what we should do with all the stuff in the attic that was left for us to sift through.
"What about this?" Hannah asked, she was behind me- going through an old trunk of clothes. My family had left a lot behind in this place, stuff that needed to be cleared out before we put the house on the market.
A deep blue scarf was warped around the girls neck, she modeled it like she was in vogue, a bit of dirt swiped across her cheek from god knows where. She was trying to entertain herself after hours of sitting in here making a pile for goodwill.
"It's cute," I laughed slightly "really brings out your eyes."
"Why thank you," Hannah threw the scarf back in the bin, quick to dig her fingers back into chest full of old clothes. None of them had any real meaning, just a few odds and ends that we hadn't had time to donate.
We dug around for a few more minutes, my main focus on a stack of old photos. No matter what I would keep them. They were aged polaroid's; the once white borders now a deep yellow that was so prime it looked gold. Every image had a brown filter on them- something that had to do with exposing the film before it was loaded into the camera.
There were a few scenes of my grandmother and grandfather with my mom. They looked happy- going to the beach, the waves captured in one still moment as they grinned towards the lens. They were a cute family years ago, and still kept in contact with us no matter what.
"Hey Mames," Hannah spoke again, my back was turned to her at this point, eyes moving up from the pictures I was scrutinizing. Hannah held an old flashlight in her hand- one of those clunky ones that you had to charge with an outlet. It was buried beneath the clothes, her eyebrows knitting together as she shook it- it rattled.
"It's a flashlight?" I spoke slowly, confused on why she had drawn my attention to it.
"yeah," She said dumbly, like it was obvious "You think it still works?"
"Probably not," My whole body groaned as I stood, I had been knelling for a while, the attic floor creaking under both of our weights as we shifted. The closer I got the more it looked like metal instead of plastic, the setting sun casting an odd golden glow off of the material that was painted pitch. "I don't know why it's up here, though."
"Hm," The shorter girl shrugged as she clicked the plastic coated button once- it made an odd noise, almost hollow, but it wasn't a battery charged piece of equipment. It was supposed to be plugged in- and hadn't been for years.
"See?" I raised a brow "dead, just like my resolve for actually cleaning out this place."
"Right," Hannah tossed the flashlight into a pile of clothes that had been scattered against the rough wooden floor. It was loud, like a bowling ball hitting an empty ally coated in thick paint. We both stared at the spot for a few seconds before I let out a small sigh, running a hand through my sweat soaked hair.
"Would you be completely opposed to making better use of the rest of our day?" She placed her hand lightly on my hip, her fingertips cool against a bit of exposed skin under the hem of my shirt. She was freezing despite the heat- despite the rough conditions of a half a day spent in an attic.
"Depends on what you had in mind?" My chin lifted slightly, a small grin playing at my lips. She was blushing, the color blending nicely in contrast with the color of her crisp eyes. We stayed there for a few seconds, just staring. The sun was close to setting at this point, the space a deep turquoise.
There was a slight shift in atmosphere as the flashlight flickered on, taking both of us by shock. The glow was dark, as low as a yellow could go. It highlighted every single inch of the floor in a cylinder-shaped beam. The edges of Hannah's sneakers were caught in the crossfire, the both of us glancing nervously at one another.
"weird," Hannah breathed, getting down on one knee to pull the light from the pile of scarfs and old coats. The beam moved against most of the room as I focused on her movements.
"You're not kidding," I scoffed, scratching the back of my neck as she stood, taking the light and sweeping it across the length of the room. There were parts of the attic that were untouched by light even in the early morning hours. Pitch corners that I dreaded going into incase of spiders or other shadows.
"It's hot." Hannah mumbled, testing out the weight of the light, it brushed across the edge of a standing mirror, my eyes following the circle that scanned the room. Everything was quiet for a second, both of us frozen in place as the light hit something neither of us had seen in the room before.
There was one area where the shadow didn't surrender to the light, one place where it seemed to pass right through, highlighting a figure- highlighting something that made my heart press against my throat and pound against my wrist.
My breath was short, stomach churning. Part of me dared Hannah to raise the light a little higher, dared her to show what had been in this room the whole time- even though I didn't know exactly what that was. I could only see a solid figure, one that was dripping murky water against the hardwood floor.
"I see it."
"What is it?"
"I don't know."
We breathed a few minutes, the only sound in my ears happened to be the blood rushing past them; heart loud and deafening as I took a step back, standing next to Hannah who refused to move her eyes away from the feet illuminated by the light.
I blinked a few times, my eyes burning from the light- my nails digging into my palm as the thing that I had just seen in the corner disappeared before my eyes, vanished like that. Somehow the two of us let out a breath of relief- one mixed with fear and conviction.
"What the fuck" Hannah spoke, her voice rough as air hitched in her throat "was that?"
"We need to leave," I took a step back, my foot crunching against something that made both of us jump. It was loud, almost deafening. My gaze snapped down, a paper resting under the sole of my boot. Hannah knit her eyebrows together, my hands shaking as I grasped the edge of the paper.
The words on deep parchment paper I struggled to make out the words in the dark area, my gaze kept flicking towards the closed hatch that lead so skillfully to the ladder. Part of me wanted to leave now, wanted o never go into the attic or the old house again- but I knew I needed answers. Not just about the flashlight, or the attic, but about my grandmother. Something was off here. Something was wrong.
"What does it say?" Hannah whispered, her words hot against my collarbone as I tried to keep my hands still enough to read the paper.
"Light shows what is connected by a door, use this carefully to create a window." I mumbled, sweat dripping off my nose as I continued to stare at the words "That's it."
I flipped the paper over, panting slightly as I moved my thumb against the grain of the parchment. Hannah continued to stare at me, her jaw clenched as she kept the light weighted in her hand.
"So what? It shows you the other world?" Hannah questioned, skepticism in her voice.
"You saw that too," My voice shook, "We need to leave. Really, Hannah."
"Really?" She raised an eyebrow, pressing her free hand against my side softly "Because I just think the two of us have been trapped in this hot attic all day, and your grandmother had a taste for the paranormal."
"Right," I swallowed roughly "You're right. I know you are. Nothing was there. We're just tired and hungry. Which is why we should leave. Now."
She laughed slightly, passing the flashlight my way as she pulled away from me. Hannah shook her head as I stared at the still lit object. It was heavy, and hot. Just a flashlight, nothing more or nothing less. It was silly to think that something was going on.
The heat hot gotten to the both of us, dirt and dust filling our lungs for hours as we sifted through stuff my grandmother had hoarded over the years. That odd feeling in my stomach was lack of food, not something tugging at my conscience.
"Just a flashlight," I chuckled, sweeping the beam of light across the side of the room with the hatch. A bit of it caught Hannah as I knelt down, grasping the metal hook that lead to the exit. "Wanna get down here and help me out, huh?"
I aimed to light her way, Hannah raising her hand to cover up half of her face. The glow was bright, making her blink rapidly as a shadow stretched across her features. Her jaw was clenched as I continued to stare at her. "Wow, harsh Mames. That thing is bright."
The silence was strong for a few moments, the light still pressed against her as she chuckled slightly, one side of her lip turning up in a half smile. Her teeth were a stark white against the deep gold of the beam.
"Babe," She blinked again, lifting her chin. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah," I shifted the flashlight as soon as I lifted the hatch without her help, the cold air raising from the house down below made my hair stand up against the back of my neck. I continued to stare at her.
"Mind turning off the spotlight then?" She smiled again.
I nodded, drawing my gaze away from her crisp eyes; eyes that had always shined a vibrant blue. The same eyes that would crinkle at the edges whenever she smiled. The same eyes that would light up every time she saw something she loved- every time she saw me.
But somehow under the deep glow of the flashlight, those familiar eyes flickered a blood red, face pale and features shadowed in a way that I had never seen in her before. My jaw was clenched, my throat tightening as I slowly lowered the beam.
"Thank you, babe" She said, dropping her own hand to her side. "Leave that up here, will you? It makes you nervous. Doesn't it?"
"It does," my mouth was unbelievably dry as she placed her palm lovingly on my shoulder. "It really does."    
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