#still pretty curious who they were bunking with at the time. wish people acknowledged it more
i3utterflyeffect · 3 months
you know. i never see anyone talk about the mac that purple was on
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kinktae · 5 years
bitchin’ || pt. 5 (M)
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The 80s were a time of choices. Which perm was right for you? What color neon would you wear next? None of these choices, however, were more questionable than a certain deal you made with Jeon Jungkook.
pairing: fratboy!jungkook x reader
word count: 6k
genre: 1980s au, eventual smut, e2l
warnings: drunk sex, sober sex, fingering, handjob, sum tongue dick action, y/n has her first orgasm lol & JK getting a FAT ego about it
A/N: This fic was inspired by To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. Thank you to @junqkook for letting me use her likeness!
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10
“Man, I wish microwaveable popcorn was a thing when we were kids. Remember what a pain it was to make popcorn over the stove?”
You and Jungkook were sat up against the side of his bed, a bag of popcorn in between you.
“I once set an entire pot of kernels on fire when I was ten. The whole stovetop just whooshed into flames.”
You nodded at Jungkook’s words, “You know, that really doesn’t surprise me.”
“Yeah?” Jungkook laughed.
“I always figured you were a chaotic child,” You mused, taking a swig from the bottle of vodka, “my question is… why were you allowed to use the stovetop unsupervised at ten years old? Where were your parents?”
“Lawyer parents, remember? I did whatever the hell I wanted.”
You frowned, “Well, what happened? Did you burn the house down?”
Jungkook took this moment to grab the bottle from you, taking a sip of his own.
“Hmm? Oh no, the maid just put it out, and I went upstairs to play Atari or something.” He shrugged. You rolled your eyes.
“You rich kids are annoying.”
Jungkook merely flashed you a smile, popping a kernel into his mouth as he chewed it languidly.
“Did you know that Francis Crick and James Watson didn’t actually discover the double helix shape of DNA?” You brought up suddenly, eyes wide.
“What?” Was all Jungkook could reply, too drunk to understand the sudden turn the conversation had taken.
“Yeah! They actually based their findings on a colleague's. Rosalind Franklin. Her images are what revealed DNA to be in the shape of a helix.”
Jungkook’s said nothing, his eyes quietly resting on you, clearly intoxicated.
You quirked up an eyebrow, “What?”
“Nothing you’re just… so lame.” He observed.
“No, no, no. Lame but, like, in a cool way.”
“Was that meant to be a compliment? Because I’m still offended.” You deadpanned.
“Isn’t it interesting that even when drunk you’re still a nerd? Like does your brain ever shut off?” Jungkook continued, eyebrows furrowing as if your intelligence was indeed some unsolved mystery.
“Are you even listening to me, meathead? Rosalind Franklin discovered DNA’s shape yet those two dinguses got all the credit! How the hell is that fair?”
“Woahhhh… that’s kinda bunk.” Jungkook’s eyes went round.
“Totally bunk!” You emphasized, throwing your hands up in disbelief.
For a moment, silence fell over the two, soaking in the injustice of it all.
Jungkook was the first to break the silence.
“Tell me about the best sex you’ve ever had.”
Your eyes flickered over to him, equal parts confused and surprised at where he had chosen to take the conversation.
Then again… this was Jungkook you were talking about.
“Mine was the night after prom in my car outside my date’s house.”
You hardly paid Jungkook’s confession any mind, too in your head to even absorb any additional information.
“Well, I’ve only ever been with Erik…” You explained vaguely, still trying to sort through all your sexual encounters with your ex.
“Okay, then what was the best sex you guys ever had?”
Tilting your head to the side, you furrowed your eyebrows.
It wasn’t like sex with Erik was terrible. You loved him and loved that you got to be intimate with him in that way. But as far as which time was the best… well, you supposed they were all pretty much the same.
“Maybe the night of my 18th birthday? It was the closest I ever came to–” You cut yourself off, your words falling from you before you could think about what it was you were about to reveal to Jungkook.
Jungkook's head cocked to the side, causing his hair to shift.
"Closest you came to what?"
“To, uh… an orgasm?” You admitted, a shy smile on your face.
“You’ve never orgasmed during sex?!”
Your hands flew out to cover Jungkook's gaping mouth, giggles filling the room.
“I mean… no, not really.”
“Not really?!” He let out a breath of disbelief.
"It's not like either of us knew what we were doing. We were each other's first time." You shrugged.
This answer didn't see to satiate him, however, as he shook his head, “Y/N, you really are missing out. You should make sure your next partners are better.”
“Well, it’s not like I’ve just got a pool of people interested in me to pick from.”
The messy-haired boy scrunched up his nose, flashing you a look as if he was questioning your IQ.
“Of course, you do! Listen. Believe me when I say some guys dig that whole subtle yet sexy nerd thing you got going on.”
“Uh, thanks. I think?” You replied stiffly, staring down at the bag of popcorn that was growing increasingly empty. Was that Jungkook's doing or yours?
Your drunken curiosity was sated the second a handful of popcorn found your fake boyfriend's mouth.
“What about you?”
Jungkook paused at your words, turning to you in muddled confusion.
“Have I orgasmed during sex?” He frowned, mouth full of the buttery snack.
“No, you dickwad." You snickered, grabbing the bottle from his side, twisting back on the cap. "Are you into nerdy girls? Or do you only like girls who only like you once they think you've lost interest in them?”
It was a dig at Kiri, you knew it was, but quite frankly you had just enough alcohol in your system to not care. As far as your interaction with her went, she was not a nice person enough for you to even consider feeling bad.
“Is this your way of asking if I’d fuck you? Because the answer is a hard yes.”
You let out a laugh, lightly shoving Jungkook’s shoulder, ignoring how his breezy comment had made your stomach flip.
“I’m serious. I’m curious as to what kind of people you’re attracted to.”
“Honestly, I can't remember the last time I genuinely liked someone. I mean, I know when my dick likes someone but…”
Jungkook could see the confusion cross your face.
“Wait, what about Kiri? Don’t you like her?”
“What? Oh, yeah. Yeah, of course.” He shook his head as if to refocus his thoughts.
"Don't take this the wrong way, but I really don't understand why you want to get back with her so badly. She left you for your fraternity brother. I don't think your relationship is very healthy— for either of you." You confessed.
You had been thinking about this ever since the first day you met Jungkook; it was only just now that you had gotten the chance to tell him.
“There's a lot of history between us, Y/N. She's my best friend... or at least she was. I don't know. Things are different now, but it's hard just to call it quits after all this time."
For a split second, you wanted to ask if he even still loved her, but realizing it really didn't matter, you held your tongue.
"You guys look good together." You said instead. "She's hot, you're hot. You're both in Greek life..."
Had he been sober, Jungkook would have undoubtedly commented on the fact that you had called him hot, but instead, he just drunkenly nodded, murmuring a small word of agreement.
"Tell me about Erik." Jungkook spoke finally after the two of you fell silent.
You let your head fall back, resting against the bed.
"What about him?"
"Everything. How did you guys start dating? What was he like? Why did you guys break up?"
You let out a hum, bringing your knees to your chest.
"We were both in the biotech academy, although he went to a neighboring high school. We met at a chemistry competition, actually." You began, wrapping your arms around your shins.
"Ah, yes, the beginning to every dorky love story." Jungkook nodded, coaxing a soft chuckle from you.
"Yeah. You could say we looked good together too."
Jungkook shifted, bringing an arm up to place on the bed as he leaned into his side to get a better look at you.
"He was kind of perfect, you know. Charming, good looking, smart... like, really smart. The kind of smart that inspired me to work harder because, well, I really wanted to be a girlfriend he could be proud of."
It was strange to hear you talk like this. As far as Jungkook knew, everything you did was for yourself. Not in a selfish way but in a way that was empowering and self-governing; he couldn't really couldn't imagine you living any other way.
“So then why did you break up?” Jungkook asked, eating some more popcorn. "I mean, other than his inability to bring you to climax."
"He asked me to marry him."
Jungkook paused mid-chew.
"Woah, right after high school? That's crazy!"
You gave him a soft smile, "Actually, I said yes."
Jungkook’s mind was whirling. You had agreed to marry your high school sweetheart? The idea wasn’t super far fetched, certainly not in the town where the two of you were from, but it certainly didn’t feel like something you’d ever do.
You watched expectantly as Jungkook’s gaze fell onto your left hand’s ring finger. It was free of any kind of jewelry, however.
"Erik was a wonderful boyfriend. He used to shower me with compliments; said I was beautiful, funny, and all he could ever want, but, you know, he never once called me smart.”
You straightened up, waving a hand in front of you as you began to clarify what you meant.
“Obviously, I don’t need to be reminded that I’m smart. I’m confident in myself and my abilities. But it’s true, he never acknowledged any of my achievements.”
Jungkook’s expression softened. You had said it matter-of-factly, but he could imagine how hard that must have been for the person you loved not to take the time to recognize how hard you worked.
“At first I didn’t really mind all the sly comments and disinterested replies– if anything, it just propelled me to work harder; I just wanted to impress him. It didn’t matter in the end though. Because no matter how many extracurriculars I joined or how many tests I aced, it was never enough to interest him.”
“But he was so charming and otherwise a good boyfriend so I never really said anything. I loved him. So, I said yes.”
“But… you didn’t marry him.” Jungkook added. You nodded through a sigh.
"It was the day after he proposed, I had just found out I was granted my scholarship that would take me to college here, but instead of celebrating with me, he got upset. He didn’t understand why I was so insistent on going to college when he was going to become some bigshot doctor that make enough for both of us. He said he would take care of everything.” You recalled. "And I know that's all some people want to hear– that they'll be taken care of. But..."
"But not you." Jungkook said.
"I want to be able to take care of me. I want to be able to wake up every day and do something I love... and I want the person I love to be excited about that, too. To encourage me to follow my dreams. And as much as I loved Erik, I wasn’t willing to let all my hard work amount to nothing. I had something to prove to every teacher that doubted me, to my dad– to myself.”
Jungkook wished he could articulate all the thoughts that were running his head. He would tell you that he understood that you made the right decision. He wanted to say that Erik was an asshole for ever making you feel like you weren’t enough. But Jungkook was drunk and his heart was pounding too loud as he watched the way your breathing grew heavier, clearly somewhat emotional.
“Erik needed someone to depend on him, to sit at home and listen to his day, all while being smart enough to hold a conversation as long as it was about him and his achievements. Once I came to terms with that, I gave back the ring." You revealed.
Jungkook ran his tongue over his bottom lip, the surface dried out from the popcorn’s salt.
"How did that go?”
“Actually, surprisingly well.” You mused. “Don’t get me wrong, we were totally crying like idiots — we were each other’s first love after all — but he admitted that he was surprised I said yes in the first place. I think he really hoped I’d be the kind of wife he wanted, but, deep down, he knew that I just wasn’t that girl.”
“I think you were wrong about him.”
Turning your head over to the frat boy, you furrowed your brows together, “Huh?”
“You said he was some super-smart genius, right? I think you’re wrong. Only a moron would ask a girl like you to shrink yourself just so he could feel big.” Jungkook glowered.
You said nothing, bringing your chin to rest on top one of your knees as you stared at the suddenly angry boy beside you.
“If anything, Erik couldn’t cope with the fact that you were probably smarter than him. I know my man ego is frail, but god damn his was paper-thin. You’re formidable, Y/N. Completely and utterly capable of anything you set your mind to and anyone who gets scared off by that isn’t worth your fucking time.”
“Jungkook…” You muttered, a strange feeling in your stomach fluttering.
“I’m serious, nerd. You’re like… um… the sun!” Jungkook marveled, eyes growing full as the realization dawned on him.
“The sun?” You laughed.
“Yeah, like… you’re this bright, beautiful thing that seems like it’s here in front of me but is really light-years away.”
Jungkook was drunk, and although you were sure he was making more sense in his head, you couldn’t help but feel your face grow hot, unsure of how to react to his drunk analogy.
“You’re the sun, Y/N. You make the world turn for you. Never orbit for anyone else.”
And suddenly, you were kissing him, for no other reason other than you wanted to and that it felt like the right thing to do.
His hands found your waist, ushering you onto his lap so that he could kiss you easier, wasting no time in reciprocating. Gripping your thighs, he left out a sigh as your mouth found his neck.
“What are you doing, silly girl?” He cooed, causing your insides to squirm.
“Guess I’m also a frisky drunk.” You muttered into his neck, letting your tongue run against it.
“Yeah?” Jungkook hummed, letting his eyes fall shut.
“Well, I have drunkenly kissed Yara more times than I probably should.” You admitted, pulling away from him.
“And here I thought I was special. You’re a heartbreaker, Y/N.” Jungkook let out a dramatic scoff, hand slapping against the side of your thigh ever so lightly.
He was expecting a witty comment in response, or at least a drunken giggle. What he wasn’t expecting was the way you’re eyes were fixated on his revealed torso, a shy but unmistakably wanton expression on your face.
“What is it?”
Your eyes flashed back up to his in surprise.
“Tell me. If there’s something you want, you have to tell me so I can give it to you.”
“W-What?” You stammered.
“You’ve been ogling me ever since I walked into your dorm.” He continued coolly. “You don’t have to pretend like you’re indifferent towards me, because I know you’re not.”
He sat up suddenly, causing your ears to heat up as his face suddenly neared yours.
“So, if you want something, tell me.” He muttered lowly, one of his hands grabbing yours as he pressed it against his torso.
Biting your lip, you let your fingers run against the firm surface of his abs before, to both your and Jungkook’s surprise, your hand found the crotch of your fake lover’s sweats.
A sharp breath came tumbling from Jungkook’s lips as you began to palm over his already semi-hard cock. For a moment, Jungkook wondered if he had drunk himself stupid and that this was just an inebriated hallucination. The feeling of your mouth finding his collarbones told him very quickly that he was, in fact, still awake.
“This what you need, hm? Need my cock?”
You let your teeth nip at Jungkook’s hot skin, protesting against his mocking words. Your actions did nothing to deter the boy, however, as a low moan fell from him.
You could feel the way he had stiffened under your hand’s ministrations, thrilling the most primal part of you.
Fingering the waistband of his sweats, you let out a heavy breath, “This is wrong.”
This was extremely wrong. You should not be seconds away from taking the dick of your pretend boyfriend into your hand, especially when he was planning on going back to his ex. Speaking of which, Kiri was probably still somewhere downstairs.
“Morality sucks.”
You pulled away from Jungkook’s neck with eyes wide. He had a cocky smirk on his face, undoubtedly smug at the way he had quoted Glen Lantz just now. It was the kind of expression that any other occasion would summon a scoff from you but given the circumstances, you couldn’t help but return it back to him.
“Get on the bed. Lay down for me.” Jungkook ordered, causing your stomach to do a flip.
You gave him a timid nod before moving up from his lap.
You had hardly had your back on the bed before his mouth found yours, newfound desperation in his movements. You struggled to keep up with the kiss, too consumed in the feeling of his warm palm making it down the fabric of your sweater, running under it as he searched for the button of your pants.
With his tongue against your neck, his hand found slipped between your thighs, pressing against the wet patch of your underwear. You flinched, it had been so long since someone else had touched you like this.
“You okay?” He asked suddenly, pulling away from your neck. He wanted to make sure it was okay to touch you like this.
“Yeah. Just been a while.” You confessed, face hot.
And just like that, his touch lightened, trailing up and down your clothed slit carefully. It was meant to be gentle but his feather-like touch caused your hips to jerk, the feeling trying you crazy. You could hardly stay still as he began to kiss you, fingers slowly quickening in speed.
You tugged at his hair, knowing now the way he liked it and you preen with pride as it made him rut against your thigh.
Whining as he suddenly sank two fingers into you, Jungkook broke the kiss, moving to sit upon his knees to get a better look at you as he began to fuck into you.
You were certainly a sight to see, eyes struggling to stay open as you lost yourself to the feeling, small cries escaping you as he rolled over your clit. His free hand was gripping your thigh, enjoying the way it was shaking under his touch.
As much as you wanted to maintain yourself, your hips had a mind of their own, rolling up to meet every thrust, desperate for his touch. Jungkook’s eyes never left you and it wasn’t long before it became too much.
“Jungkook... stop staring at me.” You whined, finally.
“Sorry, you’re just so sensitive. I like watching your reactions.” Jungkook admitted lowly, chuckling as you moaned in response to a particularly hard thrust.
Heat rocketed up to your neck, forcing you to look away.
“S-Shut up, I hate you.”
“Considering how wet you are for me, I have a hard time believing that, baby.”
“Dammit, just fuck me already.” You begged.
As much as the thought of coming undone on his fingers appealed to you, you would be damned if you left this party without his dick going inside of you. You didn’t know if you’d ever get another chance like this one and the alcohol in your system would be the perfect excuse for doing this in the first place.
Jungkook felt his balls tightened, the idea alone exciting him.
“Well, since you asked so nicely.” He teased dryly, moving back in between your legs, hand gripping the edge of his shirt to pull it over his head.
“Wait!” You cried out before you could stop yourself, immediately wishing you could take back the exclamation.
“What? What’s wrong?” Jungkook worried, eyes growing wide in concern.
“N-No, leave it on.”
Dammit, dammit!
It slipped out of your mouth before you had the chance to stop yourself.
You had a massive crush on Johnny Depp, so the second Jungkook pulled up to your dorm dressed as Glenn Lantz you knew you were done for. The idea of Glenn Lantz fucking you had you embarrassingly excited and now Jungkook knew that.
You were expecting Jungkook to laugh or make some slick comment that would inevitably convince you out of letting him put his dick inside you, but to your surprise, he merely smirked, first wrapping around his cock as he lead himself to your wet entrance.
Your fingers dug into his shoulders as he sunk into you, the stretch stealing a breath from you. Shutting your eyes, you felt as he finally bottomed out; it had been so long since you had felt this full and you almost forgot the feeling.
Jungkook cursed into your neck, kissing the skin there to calm himself down. You felt so good wrapped around him but the last thing he needed was him cumming early and you thinking he was a one pump chump.
Your soft whines and the way your hips were moving into his was his sign to start moving, clearly adjusted to him inside you.
You should have expected that Jungkook would be good at his, but the way he instantly found the right pace and angle caught you off guard, robbing you of a moan.
You sounded so pretty like this and Jungkook’s chest swelled at the thought that your sounds were for him.
“Fuck, you feel so good. So tight and wet for me.” He grunted.
Gripping the back of his neck, you brought Jungkook into a kiss, missing the way his tongue tasted against yours. The kiss didn’t last for long as an unfamiliar feeling formed inside you, causing you to shut your eyes close.
Jungkook hardly noticed, his cock was pounding in you as he chased after the way you cried out his name.
“Jungkook– ah!” You lost footing of your voice, momentarily distracted by a particularly hard thrust.
“Ah, fuck. W-Wait, stop.”
Jungkook froze at your words, licking at his lips as he pulled away from your neck, stilling his hips.
“Are you okay?” Jungkook asked, eyes running over you to see if he had somehow hurt you. Your breathing was labored and you were biting down onto your bottom lip, hair fanned out on either side and if Jungkook weren’t so concerned, he would’ve taken a moment to admire just how beautiful you were like this.
“Y-Yes, I’m… I just...” You breathed, hips jerking up into Jungkook’s.
The action didn’t go unnoticed by him, of course, and it wasn’t until he realized just how tightly you were wrapped around his cock that he understood exactly what was wrong.
“Do you need to cum?”
The question alone elicited a whimper from you and within a second, Jungkook’s thumb found your clit.
A high pitch moan left your swollen lips and Jungkook took that as his cue to rock back into you.
“You’re just so wound up, huh? Wanna come all over my cock, is that right?” Jungkook was at your neck now, tasting the salt on your skin as he whispered filth into it.
“Jungkook— fuck!” You moaned, eyes fluttering shut.
“I’m making a mess of little pussy of yours, aren’t I? No wonder you’re so desperate to cum. You need it so bad, don’t you?”
“Y-Yes.” Was your weak reply, your heavy breaths nearly swallowing up your answer entirely.
“You’re okay, ah, I’ve got you, baby. I’ll take care of you. Just relax and think about how nice my cock is stretching you out.” Jungkook grunted, his own orgasm starting to catch up with him.
A broken came tumbling out at the sheer intensity of stimulation, especially as Jungkook grabbed on of your thighs and pushed it up to your chest, allowing for a deeper angle.
“Doin’ so good. So good for me.” He rasped out, so close to cumming.
It was Jungkook’s words of praise that finally sent you over the edge, back arching against the bed as white spots filled your vision. You could only vaguely make out the feeling of Jungkook pulling out of you to release his own climax onto your stomach, pulling up your sweater just in time to save it from the ungodly cum stains.
You flopped back onto the bed with a huff, eyes wide and still shaking from the aftershocks. Jungkook was rubbing at your thighs encouragingly, watching the way you slowly came down from your orgasm.
For a moment neither of you said a word, pants and heavy breathing filling the air instead.
“Holy shit.” You finally broke the silence.
That was what you had been missing out on all these years?! You felt robbed.
“Hey... Just curious but was that your first orgasm like ever?” Jungkook asked innocently. Your reaction was just so earnest and innocent and although he knew your ex never made you cum, he wondered if even by your hand you had never climaxed before.
You met his eyes briefly before turning your head to the side, clearly embarrassed.
“Really? So when you touch yourself, you don’t–”
“I already said yes, didn’t I?” You snapped, bottom lip jutting out slightly. Jungkook didn’t care much for your tone, but given the circumstances, he let it slide.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve taken my time– eaten you out until you came or something.”
“I didn’t think it mattered.” You answered vaguely, wishing more than anything for the topic of conversation to shift.
To your surprise, Jungkook’s hand found your jaw, forcing your eyes to meet his.
“Can I kiss you?”
He didn’t know why he felt the sudden urge to but he just knew he wanted to.
His request came as a surprise to, considering the two of you had just done a fair bit more than just kissing. You nodded automatically, humming in content as his mouth found yours for a kiss that was far less rushed than previous ones.
The two of you exchanged the gesture of affection lazily, Jungkook’s fingertips brushing against your waist as your breathing slowed.
“I'm sure you don’t wanna hear this but knowing I’m the only person who has ever made you cum has inflated my ego like you wouldn’t believe.” Jungkook confessed as he broke the kiss, causing you to scoff.
“Right, because I’m the reason your ego is the larger than our fucking solar system.”
Jungkook’s expression fell flat, eyes turning cold as you began to giggle.
“Bite me, nerd.” He glared despite the way the sides of his mouth turned up at the sound of your laughter, moving to kiss you once more.
“So...” Yara began, hands clasped together in front of her. “How was the party?”
Yara, Jungkook and you were sat at the library, where the three of you had planned to meet after the party to catch up on some work.
What was unexpected, however, as the way the two of you had taken a seat across from Yara with guilty expressions and far more hickeys than she had recalled counting on either of you.
The moment you averted your eyes as she faced you, she knew you were keeping something from her and she already was playing out a couple of scenarios that might have gone down at the party.
“Good.” Jungkook answered uneasily. Yara hummed, locking her eyes onto the squirming boy.
You had known Yara for a long time and had become somewhat immune to her intimidating ways, but Jungkook had only known Yara for a month or so. Hardly enough time to build up immunity.
She suppressed a smirk. Target acquired.
“That’s good.” Yara said, glare unmoving.
If Yara really were the supernatural creature you sometimes insisted she was, she would’ve heard the way Jungkook’s pulse quickened, fists under the table clenching and unclenching as he fought the urge to flee.
Jungkook felt his stomach churn as she quirked up an eyebrow at him, mouth pressed into a straight line.
“Y/N and I had sex—”
“Jungkook!” You turned to him in disbelief.
“Holy shit!”
Jungkook’s face scrunched up in regret, sinking back into his chair as your best friend’s jaw dropped.
“We agreed we weren’t gonna tell her.” You pouted.
“Shit, I know, I’m sorry but did you see the way she was looking at me?!” He cried, a finger coming up to point at the petite girl sitting across the table. “That stare isn’t human.”
“I can’t believe this! You guys did the nasty and weren’t gonna tell me?” Yara gaped.
You flinched, glancing around to see if you were disturbing any neighboring students. “I was gonna tell you… eventually.”
“It’s like she was in my head. Like she could see inside me– all my thoughts, my secrets, my innermost feelings...” Jungkook muttered, hands coming up to press against his temples.
Yara continued on, ignoring the traumatized boy. “I’m hurt, Y/N. Not as a manager, but as your best friend. That is totally not something we would ever keep from each other.”
“I was afraid that when I told you, you were gonna think this changed things!” You urged.
You really had planned on telling Yara, you just didn’t want to do it with Jungkook in the room. Yara already seemed to have this preconceived notion that you were trying to actually date Jungkook and the last thing you needed was that idea confusing him.
“Well, does it?” Yara pressed.
Jungkook’s eyes flickered over to you suddenly, equally as curious as Yara to hear your response.
“...No. No, of course not.” You shook your head.
“Kiri’s definitely pissed.” Jungkook cleared his throat, eager to change the subject. “Y/N put on quite the performance last night.”
The sides of Yara’s mouth curled up wolfishly.
“Oh, I bet she did.” She mused suggestively causing you to blush.
“Not like that, you nympho.”
“Did you guys talk to her?” Yara inquired, ignoring you.
You nodded.
“Is she the worst? Do we hate her?” Yara squinted, leaning in close as she directed your words only at you.
A nervous giggle left you, sparing Jungkook a cautious glance. She was his ex-girlfriend, after all...
“Uh, she’s… I mean, you know, I’m the girl who is dating her ex so...”
“I see.” Yara picked up on your hesitancy to speak ill of Kiri as she sent you a slow nod, immediately understanding what you were trying to say.
Kiri sucked.
Jungkook was sat in his chair, eyebrows slightly furrowed as he watched the girls’ interaction, as if something was being said that he couldn’t quite hear.
“Also... She’s, uh, currently dating Eunwoo.” You told Yara.
Your best friend blinked, silence falling over her.
“Good for her.” She perked up almost forcibly. “Let her put up with his annoying ass.”
Yara could see the way your expression had turned dubious as if you didn’t believe her nonchalant act.
Yara turned up her nose defensively, “What?”
“No, nothing. I was just expecting more of a reaction is all.” You waved your hands dismissively.
“Pshh, I don’t care where Eunwoo is getting his dick wet.”
“Are you sure–”
“Let’s do some homework, yeah?” Yara cut you off with a tight smile that you didn’t fail to miss.
You watched as your best friend reached for her textbook and threw it open, hardly paying you any further mind. Looking over to Jungkook, you found him already turned your way, his face twisted in mild concern.
It wasn’t something you had ever brought up with Jungkook – or Yara for that matter – but you always had a sneaking suspicion that Yara cared more about Eunwoo than she let on. As much as she insisted that Eunwoo’s feelings had scared her off, a part of you wondered if Yara’s own feelings didn’t have a role in that fear as well.
Offering Jungkook a shrug, you too turned back to your work laid out on the table in front of you.
A few minutes passed through; you were rewriting your notes when you experimentally spared Yara a glance, only to see a deep furrow on her face. Something was clearly bothering her.
The girl in question slammed her pencil down, opening her mouth immediately, “Not that I give a rat’s ass about Eunwoo – because I don’t – but I can’t believe he’s dating someone already.”
“How long were you guys together?” Jungkook wondered.
“Like three months.” Yara told him through a frown.
Jungkook hummed, “Well, when did you guys break up?”
“A week after school started.”
“Maybe he’s just trying to move on?” He offered, unsure of how to comfort her.
Taking in your best friend’s sour expression, you bit down on your lip.
“Yara, are you... jealous?” You assumed.
Immediately, Yara’s eyes found yours, green eyes growing wide.
“Jealous? Hah! My cold, dead heart doesn’t know jealous. What I know is that Eunwoo is a fucking idiot.” She scoffed. “This is the kid who called me every day for two weeks after we broke up professing his love for me. How is he just suddenly over me and dating someone else? That someone being Jungkook’s bitchy ass ex?”
Yara glanced over to Jungkook as if an afterthought, “No offense, jockstrap.”
“You did not just call me jockstrap.” Jungkook deadpanned.
“Hey now, Kiri’s not a bitch, I never said that.” You defended weakly. Yara flashed you a look. She had known you for too long not to be able to read in between your words.
“You really are such a class act, Y/N. Truly admirable. However, you should know that if she throws even one snarky comment my way, I’m knocking her teeth in.”
“I’m serious. It’ll be lights out for Miss Kiri.” Yara insisted, intertwining her fingers and stretching them out in front of her. A laugh escaped you against your better judgment.
“In that case, remind me not to let you out of my sight if she comes to Y/N’s event.” Jungkook laughed nervously, unsure of just how serious the small but frightening girl was being.
Yara’s looked over to you with wide eyes.
“So, does that mean...?”
You perked up in your seat. You nearly had forgotten.
“Oh, yeah! It’s happening! I’m throwing my event!” You announced excitedly.
“Holy shit, finally! That’s amazing, Y/N, congrats!”
“Well, it’s not set in stone yet–”
“Nah, Tae’s true to his word. If he says he’ll help, then you can count on him.” Jungkook reassured.
“Who’s Tae?” Yara cocked her head.
“My frat brother and head of Beta Tau Sigma’s finance committee. Y/N pitched her idea to him last night and he agreed to arrange funding for the event.” Jungkook went on to explain. A smile found your face as you recalled the interaction.
"This Tae guy sounds bitchin’.” Yara approved with a nod.
“Yeah, he really is like a brother to me.” Jungkook smiled.
Suddenly, you wondered if Taehyung was who Jungkook went to for advice. Was Taehyung his Yara? You really never gave much thought on who Jungkook’s friends were but, strangely enough, the idea of meeting them intrigued you. Especially if they were all as lovely as Tae.
You watched in silence as Jungkook and Yara continued on with their conversation, a warm feeling falling over you at the sight of them getting along and enjoying each other’s company. Even if Jungkook was just your fake boyfriend, the thought that he and your best friend and could be friends made you happy. Maybe foolishly so but happy nonetheless. Selfishly, you began to wonder if there was any way the two of you could stay like this after he got back with Kiri.
“I dunno, jockstrap. I just think The Shining is boring.” Yara shrugged.
The subject had somehow shifted in the time you had been spacing out, falling victim to your thoughts. Horror movies now seemed to be the topic of interest.
Jungkook shook his head defiantly.
“Okay, firstly, psychological horror is meant to be slow-paced and secondly, call me jockstrap one more time and I’ll rip up your John Cusack posters and force-feed you the scraps.”
Yara let out a cold laugh, crossing her arms over her chest, “Bold of you to assume I don’t already want John Cusack down my throat.”
A laugh came tumbling out of you, taking in Jungkook’s horrified expression, not expecting such a vulgar response.
Yeah. Maybe having Jungkook around permanently wouldn’t be so bad.
You had made it very clear to Jungkook that the two of you having sex was a one-time thing; your copulation had been a momentary lapse of judgment fueled by the way alcohol made you both irrationally horny.
So the second Jungkook’s fingers found the skin on your thigh, you couldn’t help but stiffen.
“Meathead.” Was your warning.
“What? Your skin is soft.” He muttered, not taking his eyes off his book. “I’m not doing anything wrong…”
Your teeth found the plush of your lip as you fought the urge to press your thighs together.
You and Jungkook were sat upon your bed days after the Halloween party. Inviting him over to study had been your idea, trying to make a point to Yara that the two of you could go back to normal after sleeping with one another.
For the most part, things had been normal. Sure, maybe you could argue that Jungkook stared at you a little more than you were used to but it wasn’t anything you couldn’t just pin on the fact that that boy often spaced out. Your face just happened to be where he liked to focus on it seemed.
So when while studying his palm found the top of your thigh, you paused your reading, glancing over at the boy cautiously only to discover him, seemingly, emerged in the book of his own.
It wasn’t until his fingers suddenly began trailing up and down your thigh, rubbing circles into the supple flesh that you realized the gesture wasn’t near as innocent as you initially assumed.
“Right?” Jungkook cooed, attention suddenly on you as he trailed his fingers further down your thigh than you should have allowed.
Your ears felt hot.
As much as you wanted to push his hand away and stop his ministrations here, another part of you was replaying the way the same handheld and touched you the night of the party in your head.
You met Jungkook’s eyes; he wasn’t even bothering to suppress his smirk that cocky bastard.
A small sigh found you as his fingers discovered your inner thigh, dangerously close to where your panties were dampening underneath your pajama shorts.
“You didn’t answer me.”
“N-No, nothing wrong.” You stuttered quietly, opposite leg rising up to bend at the knee to allow Jungkook’s hand a point of entry.
God, this was way more embarrassing when you were sober. You weren’t some lust-driven sex hungry animal, you could easily resist his advances if you wanted to. But you didn’t want to. You had gone two years without having sex and you’d be lying if you didn’t think back to that night you shared with Jungkook often.
Your thoughts were interrupted, breath hitching as you felt Jungkook’s slender fingers slipping underneath your shorts.
“You’re a strange girl, Y/N. You like to pretend like I’m just apart of the contract yet here you are. Letting me touch you like this.” Jungkook hummed, fingers trailing up and down between your thighs, lightly running against your clothed core.
You let out a whimper, handing coming around to wrap itself around Jungkook’s wrist, urging him to apply more pressure.
“Impatient, aren’t we?” He mocked. You opened your mouth to reply when he found your panty clad clit, effectively silencing you.
“W-Wait, Yara’s in her room.” You hiccuped, hips jerking forward as his thumb singled out your clit, rubbing against it.
“Oh, how rude of us. Should we go knock and ask if she wants to join?” Jungkook teased, eliciting a scoff from you.
“God, you’re so–”
Your mouth shut itself closed, biting back the moan that threatened to make its way out as Jungook sank his fingers into you.
“Fuck.” Jungkook muttered, preening in the way you felt. So wet. So tight. And all for him.
His eyes moved from the sight of his hand fucking itself into you to your profile. Your eyebrows were furrowed, face scrunching up whenever he curled his fingers up into you a certain way. He could see the way the muscles in your jaw clenched and unclenched, clearly holding back some of your more lewd sounds in fear that your roommate might hear.
He’d have to do this again whenever Yara wasn’t home. He’d love to hear the way you’d whimper his name.
“That feel good?”
Jungkook was beside himself, he knew he should be keeping it down but he couldn’t help it. He wanted to hear you– the way your voice would shake and stutter deliciously.
“So good.” You whined lowly, head turning to meet his eyes.
Jungkook was definitely too good at this. He had two fingers rocking into you skillfully, slowing down only to turn his attention back onto your throbbing clit. Your shorts and underwear felt damp, slick with your arousal and you knew you’d have to change the sheets underneath you.
“Can I, ah... can I touch you?” You asked through several uneven breaths. You felt the sudden need to touch him– to make him feel as good as he was making you feel. “Please.”
“So needy for my cock, huh? Even when I’m not about to fuck you, too.” He licked his lips, hand coming over his crotch to palm at it.
“Yeah. Yeah, go ahead, baby.”
Jungkook let himself relax back against the way, cock twitching in anticipation as you clumsily reached out to take his already hard cock from his pants.
And so that’s how the two of you found yourselves, hands down each other’s pants, voices hushed as you pleasured each other in secret like a pair of desperate teenagers.
Even as you both began to shake with stimulation, your hands didn’t stop, both of you set on getting each other off.
Jungkook felt so hot and heavy in your hand; you didn’t get the chance to fully take in his fucked out expressions last time but now that you were watching the way his jaw went slack and low, drawn-out groans fell from him, you couldn’t help but think he looked so attractive this way, hips rocking up to meet his fingers as you let yourself get off to the thought that you were making him feel this good.
Jungkook was in absolute bliss.
Your chest was rising and falling lightly, your bottom lip held hostage between your teeth innocently as your hand pumped his fat cock. He knew you were trying your hardest to stay quiet but the way your eyes were watery and small mews escaped you sporadically spurred him on, letting himself be noisier than you probably would have liked.
“You’re taking my fingers so well, baby. Making such a mess of your sheets. Fucking messy girl.” Jungkook cooed between shaky breaths of his own, obviously just as close to climax as you were.
Suddenly, a cry fell from your lips and the hand Jungkook had placed around yours to help in pumping his increasingly hot shaft quickly relocated itself to cover your mouth, catching the rest of your lewd noises as you finally came around his fingers.
“Atta girl. You did so well.” Jungkook praised, your eyes wet as you rode out the last few waves of your orgasm.
You were shaking; this orgasm had hit you hard and you didn’t know if you would ever get used to this feeling. You hoped not.
Jungkook pressed a kiss against your cheek affectionately and before you could give yourself a minute to even out your breathing, you pulled away from him, repositioning yourself between his knees.
You placed a tentative lick against the glistening tip of his cock, eyes locked on his as he continued to jerk himself off. He grunted, moving his prick closer towards your face as you let the flat of your tongue run up the length of him.
“Wanna taste you. Cum on my tongue, yeah?” You purred as you pulled your lips off his tip, a small pop sounding out.
Jungkook nearly choked, swallowing the sob of a response he nearly gave you. You were so fucking beyond hot like this. He hadn’t heard you speak so outwardly filthy before and all he could think about was how your words would sound if you were choking around his cock.
“Fuck, fuck, open your mouth.”
You obliged greedily as he tightened his grip around himself, his abdomen tightened and hand stilled, a hot white strip of cum landing on your tongue. Like the good girl Jungkook groaned out you were, you stayed open-mouthed in front of him obediently until he was finished.
Jungkook let out a shaky breath, tucking himself back into his pants as you moved back to take your place beside him, wiping at your mouth.
“Well. That was fun.” You grinned shyly, suddenly giddy.
“Mm.” Jungkook agreed, thumb coming up to wipe away your cheek, where some of his cum had found itself. Your mouth opened on its own accord, tongue sticking out for Jungkook to clean his thumb with. You didn’t particularly care for the taste but you enjoyed the way his eyes turned a shade darker as he watched you swallow his cum.
"I don’t think the contract mentioned orgasms.” Jungkook smirked as you released his thumb.
“I say we let it slide.” You shrugged, leaning into him casually.
“You think?”
“Totally. Think of it as... a bonding activity.” You joked, resting your chin on his shoulder, peering up through your lashes.
“Damn, we’re really committed to this fake dating thing, huh.”
You laughed in the way that you hated, but Jungkook loved; it was loud and abrupt, but it genuine, and it was you.
“What can I say, I’m a method actor.” You sighed dramatically, causing Jungkook to grin before pressing a kiss to your nose, simply because he liked the way it always seemed to make you smile.
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baileys-aurora · 4 years
Under the Surface
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Ateez x Reader (fem), Mermaid/ Pirate au
Part 5/?
Previous Parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: Sorry it took a bit to update, school decided to attack me.
Finding Wooyoung was easier than you thought it would be, his silhouette was sitting at the front of the boat with his feet dangling. As you got closer the moonlight was reflecting off of his hair as he was lost in thought staring at the water. “Thank you” you interrupted his thoughts as you lowered yourself next to him, holding the railing the entire time, as squatting was on a whole different level then walking. which was easier this time with your legs, thanks to the boy now looking at you. “are you ok?” he watched as you got comfortable next to him, “I am thanks to you” you looked over and smiled at him which he returned before looking ahead and pointing out into the darkness, “there is an island there, if it wasn’t so dark I would show you through a telescope.” you just stared at him while he was talking not even looking where his finger was pointing as you knew nothing could be seen anyway. Once he noticed your stare, he looked back at you, his eyes held pain and something else you couldn’t recognize.
Breaking the eye contact because it was becoming too intense to hold you looked back to the darkness ahead, “I’m confused” you sighed out, his brows furrowed, “what’s confusing” “everything. you” you looked back at him, “I thought you repulsed my kind so why did you help me? No one else knew what to do so, you could have gotten rid of me.” his face softened at your statement, “I never smoked,” he was silently looking for the right words before continuing, “I was in love once, before I came here. She was different like you” you began to realize how he understood what you needed, “she lived near the docks of my hometown, and she was the purest heart I’ve met. Too much beauty to be contained on the inside so it spilled to her outside features as well. I spent most of my time like I do here, feet dangled over the dock talking to her, falling in love with her. She soon became curious of my would as I did hers.” you noticed his eyes glazing over as his voice became a bit shaky, “too curious for her own good, she had withdraws like you did the first couple times she came into my world. eventually she could belong in both worlds without issue, we were so happy, I was so happy. But eventually she wanted more, I-I tried to stop her from leaving me and I told her it was dangerous. So, she began to use her voice to keep me by her side without complaints, I’m not sure if there was love from her side at all now that I look back on our conversations or manipulation but at the time I didn’t care. She became all I needed.” a tear rolled down his cheek as he tried to catch it before it fell, “she soon became curious about other people too, other me-men and I somehow couldn’t do anything about it but stand at her side. She ruined me slowly and it was out of my control. But I was still there helping her curios nature. She didn’t leave me like I begged her not to but now I wish she had. When I could eventually get away it was too late, I was already broken.” More tears rolled down his face, not even attempting to wipe them away anymore. He silently cried until he was calm enough to speak again.
“Then Hongjoong found me, he helped fix me to his best ability and from that little bit of relief I was immensely grateful. I wanted to follow, to help someone as worthy as he was and still is, helping, not destroying innocent souls.” You reached for his shaking hand, he allowed you take it, lacing his freezing fingers with your warm ones. “that’s why I helped you, you were not like her you had an innocent soul, if I let you die, I would have been doing the very thing I despised. Not helping a good person in need.” He laid his head on your shoulder as he finished his story, your heart was broken for him, a tear of your own finally rolling down your cheek, it was hotter than you had imagined them to feel like.
“I’m so sorry something like that happened to you, you are worth every piece of the happiness you will gain back. This time though it won’t leave you.” you felt him nod his head as you sat in silence, after all the words that were spoken what else could be said. His hands calming down as he found comfort in you. “Can I ask you something” he finally lifted his head to look up at you, nodding your head he continued, “Why haven’t you told anyone your name yet?” was he asking around for your name? “no one has asked me” you simply responded. “then I will be the first,” he began eyes still red from his previous tears, “Hi, I’m Wooyoung and you are?” he had a small smile. “y/n” you reciprocated his smile, “y/n” he repeated while laying his head back on your shoulder, “I think that’s my new favorite name. y/n” he complimented you causing a blush to creep up your face.
“do you know where the girl went?” Yeosang questioned everyone he ran into, receiving a “no” or “I don’t know” every time. Eventually just looking himself, he found you on the front of the boat with Wooyoung, “there you guys are I was getting worried, no one knew where you were.” he waited a couple seconds but received no answer not even being acknowledged. Rude, he thought to himself as he walked to the side of Wooyoung, head still on your shoulder as yours was leaned against his. “Oh, great they fell asleep” Yeosang began to talk to himself, “and here I thought they were just ignoring me.” He squatted next to Wooyoung noticing that you were holding hands before lightly shaking him awake. He woke up pretty easy and moved his head causing yours to start falling which was caught with Yeosang’s hand. Wooyoung looked up at him before realizing he was still outside, trying to rub his eyes, your hand unattached from his leaving his palm cold, he again didn’t realize he was still holding your hand. He began to stand and look back at Yeosang who was still supporting your head, Wooyoung smiled down at you before bending down and picking you up for the second time tonight. “I will take her to the captain’s cabin, tell her whatever your came to say tomorrow morning” Yeosang nodded, “I figured” he said before walking away.
 Laying you down on the mattress he noticed you were no longer wearing his clothes but Hongjoong’s, wondering his captain had enjoyed being able to breath underwater as much as he once did. Watching you curl up from the lack of warmth he was tempted to just join you for the night as you have already slept most of the night together outside. He eventually talked himself out of it and decided to just bring you more blankets then the thin one he already covered you with. Returning with a thicker one he spread it out over you and placed a soft kiss on your forehead, “thank you. For listening to me, comforting me, and trusting me, even just enough to tell me your name.” smiling while he walked back to the door, “Sweet dreams, y/n” he whispered from the door before leaving and shutting it behind him.
 San watched Wooyoung leave with a smile, why was he smiling? he thought to himself as he finished climbing down the last bit of steps, his shift in the crow’s nest ending. San began to walk towards the cabin but spun around when he decided against it and walked towards the below deck entrance. Stopping halfway down he debated going back up and checking on you, what if Wooyoung did something to you? He wouldn't, he was one of San’s closest friends he knew him better than that. Continuing his steps, he walked to his bunk and spotted Wooyoung shifting back and forth trying to get comfortable. As San looked closer, he was shivering, one of his blankets are missing. Sighing he grabbed one of the extras off his bed and covered Wooyoung to which he eventually stopped shivering. Going to bed himself he was fine without his other blanket, why didn’t he just ask to borrow one.
 Waking up from a soft knock at the door you became confused on how you ended up in a bed. Making your way to the door was easier than expected maybe these legs would be easier than you expected. Opening the door, a beautiful boy was standing on the other side, he could be a part of royalty from what has been described to you before. When he saw you, his face broke out into a smile, opening the door wider you walked back you the bed so you didn’t push your legs to much today. He followed you in sitting on the captain’s desk, people seemed to sit their more than the chair itself. “I don’t know if you remember much from last night, but I am Yeosang.” “I remember you” you smiled at him, “I’m y/n” “that is a beautiful name” he nodded his head and making a facial expression like he had just tasted the best food in the world. Making you laugh you decided to play along, “not as beautiful as you though” you put a hand to your heart, which caused him to laugh, “I just came to officially meet you, and say sorry for not doing more last night to help you” “you couldn’t have known, no one could have” You reassured him, “I shouldn’t have told Seonghwa I was fine when I wasn’t” you looked down at your legs, “now that I know the symptoms I will be more careful.” silence fell over the two of you as there was nothing else to be said.
“Are you hungry?” Yeosang spoke up, nodding your head he watched you stand up making sure he didn’t have to help you before following behind you out and towards the kitchen.
“what would you like” he asked rolling up his sleeves as you sat down at the table, “chef Yeosang is at your service” he joked again. “Hmm” you thought about it for a second, “the same thing you’re eating” he smiled before opening a cabinet and pulling out a box of crackers. “not much here but we will restock when we reach land later today.” He slid them across the table to you and sat across from you. Both enjoying the bland food because of the company of each other. Yeosang felt better.
Wooyoung woke up sweating, why was sans warmest blanket on him, sitting up he removed it and threw it back onto San’s sleeping body. “How do you not cook alive?” he spoke more to himself than San, changing out of his sweaty clothes he ran a hand through his hair before climbing to the main deck at looking at the captain’s cabin before starting his day getting everything ready for the delivery later today.
Now it was San’s turn to wake up, starting his day like any other. However, he made a quick stop to where he figured you would still be. Cracking the door, he was met with Hongjoong’s questioning face, “what’s up?” he asked setting down the paper in his hand. “I was just checking on the girl but I guess she already woke up.” he said before closing the door. “y/n” he heard Wooyoung’s voice from behind him. San turned around with a confused face. “The girl, her name is y/n” he repeated as he approached San, “really? she has pretty name.” I thought the same thing “Wooyoung said as he passed San heading towards the kitchen, stopping before entering, “wanna join me?” “yeah, why not.” San smiled before walking towards the kitchen as well.
Entering the Kitchen, they heard laughing as they watched a half of a cracker being thrown at Yeosang as he tried to catch it with his mouth. He did, chewing it happily as you both looked at San and Wooyoung, “want one?” you asked looking at Wooyoung to which he nodded and bent his knees ready to catch one. You threw it not making it far enough as it hit his chin, which he was able to catch with his hands before it hit the floor. Next you looked at San who almost looked hurt you asked Wooyoung first, “your turn” you said to him getting another cracker ready. This time tossing it with the right force to reach high enough for his mouth. He caught it with his teeth before turning to Wooyoung and raising his brows at him which resulted in everyone laughing at him. You felt accepted from them, happy you were here. Not sure if home was as high a priority anymore.
“We need to reach them before they reach land” one hissed out, “I was almost able to reach her” another hissed as they glided through the water. “She smelled fresh” the last one wickedly smiled as they increased their speed following the ship. “The human too, he seemed tasty as well” they snickered to themselves.
Not noticing the figures following behind them with royal weapons of the sea. They were planning, waiting for the opportunity to attack these three fallen sea spirits. The importance of you was way more than their simple minds could comprehend. Much more than themselves as well.
Next Part
Tag List: @fatheadthemango​
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dragonydreams · 6 years
Fic: Is This Real Life? - Captain Canary
Title: Is This Real Life? Fandom: DC's Legends of Tomorrow Rating: Teen Pairings/Characters: Sara Lance/Leonard Snart, Team!Legends Summary: Unexpected visitors on the Waverider leads to very happy reunions. Timeline: Sometime late S3 - no Avalance Word Count: 1,903 Disclaimer: I claim no ownership over these characters. I am merely borrowing them from Berlanti Productions, DC Entertainment, and Warner Bros. Television. Betas: Thank you to angelskuuipo and shanachie for looking this over for me. Author's Note: Written for @wordsfrompictures Prompt 3
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"Captain Lance, please come to the bridge," Gideon requested.
Sara closed the magazine she wasn't really reading and sat up on her bed, swinging her legs over the side.
"What's up?" she asked, pushing herself to her feet.
"I think that it's better for you to see with your own eyes," Gideon responded cryptically.
Frowning, Sara walked hurriedly to the bridge. Something must be really wrong if Gideon didn't want to tell her why she was being summoned.
As she entered the room, she saw a familiar young man, shifting nervously from foot to foot.
A grin spread across her face as she quickened her pace. "Wally, what are you doing here?" Sara turned her face to the ceiling. "Gideon, you didn't have to be so vague about Wally being on the bridge."
"Hello, Assassin," drawled an all too familiar voice from the door to the office. "Or should I say, 'Captain'?"
Sara froze and did her best to force herself relax as she slowly turned around.
The voice belonged to the face she expected it to come from. Leonard Snart. She knew without a doubt that it was Leonard and not Leo, back for a visit.
"Leonard," Sara acknowledged stiffly, her voice cracking just a bit. Sara swallowed, trying get moisture into her suddenly dry throat.
Then she turned and walked straight to the cargo bay and outside into the field they were still parked in after their last mission.
She stumbled blindly down the wide path towards the mist-covered mountains, barely seeing anything around her.
"Sara, wait," Leonard's voice called after her.
She could hear the heavy footfalls as he ran to catch up with her and she stopped walking. She didn't turn to greet him, though, her shock too great.
When he caught up to her, Leonard stepped in front of her. His eyes hungrily took in her tear-stained face and she saw him fighting the urge to touch her. Something that should have been out of character for him, but not with her.
So she raised a fingerless-gloved hand to his face, her fingertips grazing his stubble-covered cheek and she choked back a sob.
"You're real," she marveled. "How?"
Leonard turned his face into her palm, encouraging the contact. "I'm not entirely sure," he admitted. He gave in to temptation and raised a hand of his own until he was stroking her hair. "One minute I was cursing the Time Bastards and the next I was standing in some kind of government office."
"The Time Bureau," Sara said and Leonard nodded. He cocked his head in question and Sara answered as if he'd spoken the words. "They're the new Time Masters, but without the controlling destiny thing."
Leonard nodded his understanding.
"What does Wally have to do with this story?" Sara asked.
Leonard trailed his hand down her arm and took one of her hands in his. "Let's go back to the ship so he can fill in the blanks," Leonard suggested.
"Yeah, just… in a minute," Sara said. "I'm not ready to share you just yet."
"Now how can I deny a request like that?" Leonard drawled. He glanced away, then met Sara's eyes again. "How long has it been?"
"Wally didn't fill you in?" Sara asked, surprised.
Leonard shook his head. "Kid was too excited about getting me back to the Waverider."
"It's been about three years for us," Sara said.
Leonard's hand in hers tightened and he stumbled back a step. "Three years," he repeated. He looked around; lost. His eyes snapped back to her face. "Lisa?"
Sara gasped. "I'm sorry… We thought you were dead. Mick and I told her…"
Leonard waved her off. "We'll go see her and tell her it was all a misunderstanding."
Sara raised an eyebrow. "A three-year misunderstanding?"
"We lost track of time?" Leonard suggested.
Sara laughed and pulled him closer. "For three years?"
Leonard shrugged and pressed closer. "We had a lot of time to make up for."
"Do we?" Sara asked, seriously.
"It's only been an hour for me; since you kissed me," Leonard said. "I suppose I should be asking you that question. Is there still a chance for me and you?"
Sara's hands cupped Leonard's face. "I never gave up hope that we'd someday find a way to save you without ruining the timeline."
Her fingers flexed as Sara drew Leonard's face towards hers. She poured all of her longing and joy into the kiss, pressing against his body when Leonard wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her closer.
Time stood still as they reaffirmed that the other was real through their lips and hands. They didn't break apart until Mick came barreling out of the ship hollering, "Is it true?"
Sara broke the kiss, turning, but not leaving Leonard's arms. She was grinning with kiss-swollen lips as she called, "It's true."
"Mick," Leonard said, squaring his shoulders.
Mick slapped Leonard on the back. "Knew you weren't dead."
"You did?" Sara questioned. "And you didn't tell the rest of us."
Mick shrugged. "Like you would have listened to me."
Rather than voice that he was probably right, Sara reluctantly said, "I guess we better go back in. I wanna hear how Wally got you back to us."
Sara finally stepped out of Leonard's embrace, but caught his hand as they began to walk back to the ship.
Ray was waiting for them at the top of the ramp, his arms extended in preparation of hugging Leonard.
"Don't," Leonard said, holding up a finger when Ray took a step towards them, grinning widely.
"It really is you," he beamed.
The group headed into the office, settling themselves in the more comfortable chairs - Sara sitting on the armrest of Leonard's chair - as Sara called out, "Wally, come tell us a story."
The rest of the team followed Wally into the room, curious about this man that supposedly wasn't the Legion of Doom Leonard Snart, but also wasn't Leo; and why Sara was sitting so close to him.
"Okay," Wally began, "so, you know how before I joined your group I was off meditating? Well, when Rip came and got me, I'd been contemplating the speed force and time travel, because while I hadn't done it, Barry has gone back in time, a couple of times. This last time when Rip and I got drunk, in between karaoke songs we were talking about how the speed force and time stream were similar. Both conduits for time travel."
"I hadn't thought of that before," Ray interjected.
"Neither had he, since he didn't know any speedsters personally," Wally said.
"You and Rip sang karaoke?" Zari asked at the same time Mick said, "Thought you couldn't get drunk."
To Zari, Wally said, "It's our thing. We've done it a few times since the night he recruited me."
Then he turned to Mick to say, "Cisco made me something special so I can get drunk. It doesn't last very long, but it does the job for an hour or two."
"Care to share?" Mick asked, hopefully.
"No," Wally firmly stated. "Anyway, you know how now they have the wrist things, the time couriers?" Everyone except Leonard nodded. "Well, Rip was truly pissed; his word, and was going off about regrets and how he wished they'd had the time couriers when they blew the Oculus so that they could have gotten Snart out. So I said that we could just go get him now since the courier could take us to any point in time. He said we still couldn't get him out fast enough and still have the wellspring destroyed, when I reminded him that I'm a speedster. And voila!" He gestured towards Leonard as he finished his tale.
"So, you sped him out of the wellspring and through a time door as it was exploding?" Ray asked.
"Pretty much," Wally beamed.
Mick stood and pulled Wally into a rough hug. "Thanks. I need a drink." He muttered as he stalked out of the room.
"I'm starving after all that running," Wally announced and headed after Mick towards the galley.
"So you're the man that destroyed the Time Masters we've all heard about," Zari said, looking Leonard up and down. "Welcome back."
"Thanks," Leonard drawled.
"You can't have your room back," Zari said, crossing her arms.
"After three years, I suppose that I can hardly call it mine," Leonard acknowledged.
"Just so we're clear," Zari said and headed out.
"That was Zari, she's a hacker from the future," Sara said. "And the other people you don't know are Nate - our historian who turns to steel - and Amaya, who joined us after a mission to 1942."
"Are you evil or from another universe?" Nate asked, his voice full of steel.
Leonard looked quizzically at Sara, who mouthed that she'd tell him later, before answering. "Neither. A crook, yes, but I never aspired to be evil. Just the best."
"We'll see," Nate said, coldly.
While Nate interrogated Leonard, Amaya slowly approached him. Not close enough to touch, but she wanted to look him in the eye. Her fingers brushed the amulet around her neck as she smiled and nodded at what she saw.
"I look forward to getting to know you, Mr. Snart," she said before dragging Nate out of the room.
Standing, Sara said, "I suppose we should see about getting you settled. We have several bunks open…"
Sara glanced over at Ray, who nodded.
Only then did Leonard voice his questions about who was missing from this little reunion. "Wait a minute, where are Firestorm and the Hawks? And where's Rip?"
"After we defeated Savage, Kendra and Carter decided not to rejoin the team," Ray stated.
"A few months ago, Martin was killed in action fighting Nazis from an alternate universe," Sara added. "Jax decided to leave the ship after his funeral. And Rip decided he no longer had a place here."
"Isn't this his ship?" Leonard asked.
"Mine now," Sara said with a smirk. "His bunk is also now mine."
"So your former bunk is available?" Leonard drawled, his eyes gleaming wickedly.
Ray saw that look and beat a hasty retreat, stammering out an excuse about checking on Mick.
"You that eager to sleep in my bed?" Sara asked, both ignoring Ray and grateful that he'd left them alone.
Leonard stepped closer to her. "I do have some awfully fond memories that took place in that room," he admitted.
Sara grasped the edge of his open coat, drawing him closer. "What do you saw we go make some new memories in that room?"
Leonard smirked, lowering his head until their lips were only inches apart. "Thought you'd never ask," he said huskily before stealing a kiss.
Before the kiss could get too heated, Sara grabbed Leonard's hand and dragged him towards her former bunk.
"I only have one more question," Leonard said as he followed Sara down familiar corridors. They were just passing the galley as he asked, "Where's my gun?"
Ray's guilty squeak, which was followed by Mick's delighted laughter, almost drowned out Sara's response of, "You'll have to ask Ray."
Leonard started to turn back towards the galley, but Sara's hand in his jerked him back around. He turned to glare at her, but the heated look in her eyes stopped any objections.
"Later," she said, huskily, as she resumed the journey towards her old bunk.
 The End
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