#still salty i never got the goblin party with her
killerpancakeburger · 5 months
Minthara: *frequently reminds you that she's evil (e.g. supports slavery, actively encourages you to dump your current partner to date her instead, etc*
Also Minthara: *has the best sense of humor of all the companions IMO*
*comes from a matriarchy and shows it*
*is a very badass and ruthless woman*
Me: Urgh, how am I supposed to not adore her?
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komatsunana · 4 years
The Chronicles of Exandria: The Mighty Nein I
And so I do what I did the last 2 times for the Vox Machina Chronicles of Exandria books, which you can read [here] and [here].
These posts by no means contain all of the information in these books, but plenty of what would most interest other fans.  This is by no means a replacement for actually seeing the book.
My best guess on up to where this book spoils is episode 46.  Anyone who has not watched passed 46 can read this without spoilers outside of vague references that don’t really matter.
First and foremost, as usual, the artistry is the most important part of the book. All of the lovely fan-created art work is even more beautiful in ink than on screen. This I promise you.
As has been noted by other people who have received the book, it is written as though it was transcribed by Beau’s journals by the Cobalt Soul.  Some unnamed writer(s) from the Cobalt Reserve from Tal’Dorei have written all parts that are not excerpts from Beau’s journals.  There are edits by Zeenoth, which indicate that the book is not a final draft.  Zeenoth is not impressed by their work.
The books’ foreword is a dedication to critters.  I won’t transcribe all of it but it ends, “As always, we are richer for your company.  For truly, what good are stories unless they can be shared?”
Unlike the Vox Machina ones, which started with pages dedicated to Vox Machina and their adventures first before branching out for guest and NPCs, this one’s table of contents shows that everything is scattered.
The first section is dedicated to the Storyteller - accompanied by art of Matt as “The Storyteller.”   An excerpt follows below:
“A story walks the land through the songs and tales of those who are touched by its heart.  And then one day, long after all the players within have met the Matron, a story will be told for the very last time.  Unless, by the Grace of the Storyteller, we are let to it. [...]  Through Ioun’s blessing we make his favorite children immortal.  You hold one of them in your hands even now.  Wake it carefully.”
Thoreau contacted the Cobalt Soul immediately after Beau’s first arrest - presumably the one with Tori.  As the monks took Beau away, Thoreau referred to her as “his misfortune.”  It is also noted in the margins that Thoreau is a good friend to the Archive.
Unlike the rest of the M9 and characters, there are no excerpts about Beau herself from her journal... Because obviously she doesn’t need to take notes in herself.  However the Cobalt Soul write their own notes about her and her reputation in the Cobalt Soul and note... more than a few times that Zeenoth thinks she is aggressive, stubborn, and quick to judge and anger and as a result they can’t put a lot of stock into her notes on other people.  However, Dairon was right to put their trust in her because her insight in invaluable and is quick to call out injustice.
Beau’s note taking is exceptional - and color-coded.
Beau’s first notes about Molly is that he is “not that bright, definitely drunk, completely full of shit, and not nearly as good of a liar as he thinks he is.  His outfit is loud, far louder than the man himself.”  His coat contains iconography from at least half a dozen gods.  Beau also noted that Molly’s swords were interesting to which the footnotes immediately made note that Molly’s swords were just swords.  Beau thought, in her first impression of him, that he might be on the run from a family of Warlocks.
The librarians decided to omit all of Molly’s earlier lies that he told Beau and the group about his background, and instead only described the climbing out of the grave and only able to say “Empty” story.  He had scars and 9 red eye tattoos on him at the time.  
There are sketches of the tattoo in full, after Molly had added to it, but it’s noted by Beau that part of the tattoo is covered by Molly’s hair.  Looking at the sketch, it is implied there are more tattoos on his scalp, rather than just the length covering it.
For Molly’s story of climbing out of the grave to be true, it means that Molly relearned to speak both Common and Infernal, learned to perform his skills and duties with the Carnival, covered his eye tattoos with additional, elaborate tattoos, befriended Yasha, and discovered his innate magic ability to use his blood to infuse his weapons with magic.
Beau had made a list of every book she knew Caleb had on his person or expressed interest in.  This includes the erotic books and the 2 spellbooks. 
On the spellbooks, Beau says she isn’t sure about them. One she knows is a spellbook, but she’s not sure on the other as he never opens it.  She wonders if it is a journal of some kind.
There is a page on Beau’s notes in the first arc with the Fletching and Moondrop Carnival - notes about the victim and all her possible suspects of which it is everyone that is part of the carnival.  All of them have a strike through their name, indicating she had eliminated each of them as a suspect at one point, including Kylre.  
Among the notes she has, my favorites are that Beau thinks that everyone in the circus hates each other, never trust a clown (about Desmond), and that everyone has a title such as Molly “The Ice-Spinner” and Yasha “The Brute.”  Beau also notes Yasha as being human.
Outside of Beau’s notes, the best information to be found about Shakästa “Hush” is from an anonymous book from Deastock titled “Heroic Deeds of the Golden Grin.”  It is because of Beau’s notes that Hush is confirmed to be real, not a myth, once and for all.
Because of how cool Shakästa was with his cool bird, Beau notes “I gotta get a bird.”  So we have him to thank for Professor Thaddeus.
Unknown what deity Shakästa draws power from.
Known members of the Tombtakers:
Lucien Nonagon (Molly)
Cree: currently employed by the Gentleman.  Blood powers like Molly’s.
[A name which as been severely crossed out but looks like it says Tyffinl]:  Currently said to be in Nogvurot.
Otis and Zoran:  Still at large, whereabouts unknown
Jurrell:  Deceased
Some lady spellcaster from Rexxentrum 
The Myriad is currently gaining footholds in Tal’dorei as well.  There is also a written notation by Zeenoth to cross reference the Myriad activity with the Tombtakers, indicating that he believes that the Tombtakers and the Myriad might be connected.
Cobalt Soul theorizes that the blood Cree claims the Gentleman took from the M9 to track them might be a new form of blood-based mutagenetic tracking.
Beau’s first impression of Nott and Caleb’s relationship was that Nott heaped praise on him and that there might be some sort of blood debt or magic going on.
Beau’s early theory on Caleb was that he was hiding from a criminal employer and had done a high-level theft.  She made note to watch if he attempted to side-step certain kinds of work.
Everything about Caleb sounded like bad news to Beau, but because he stuck around to get her out of jail Beau comes to the conclusion that that’s endearing.
Beau has made an observation that Caleb was searching for some kind of information in a book, related to transmutation.  She wonders if bartering to get him into the Cobalt Soul library will get her into his good graces, though she hopes he won’t find out that the library is technically open to all if you ask nicely.
There is an entry (in Beau’s second journal, it should be noted) were several pages were ripped out about Caleb.  This indicates that Beau had written down Caleb’s backstory of killing his parents but she, Caleb, or someone else had ripped it out before it got into the hands of the Cobalt Soul.  The Cobalt Soul draws the conclusion that Caleb is connected to organized crime.  They are also unable to find anyone born with the name Caleb Widogast in the Empire and they believe it to be an alias.
There are written notations that say that at least one of the ripped out pages were recovered, in which Beau describes the night Caleb told her and Nott about killing his parents.  Both mentions of Trent Ikathon’s name were crossed out until illegible.  Beau was unconvinced that Caleb’s memories after killing his parents aren’t still jumbled (rather than missing).
Fun fact!  All of the Caleb illustrations in his art section all either have fire or Frumpkin in them.  Because when you boil down Caleb to his essentials that’s all I’m saying.
The strangest thing about the M9, as far as the Cobalt Soul is concerned,  is that they have a goblin among their party.
Beau also wonders if Nott’s relationship with Caleb isn’t also out of love or blind loyalty.  Upon finding out that Nott feels like the parental figure (rather than the other way around, as Beau had assumed) Beau wonders what it is that Nott wants Caleb to be stronger for... Revenge? Or to change herself.
Beau notes that while Nott might have named herself so to call herself not brave, Beau thinks she is pretty brave.  She describes Nott diving into the water for Fjord’s arc twice (even if she complained the entire time) and Nott saving Jester from the blue dragon which “absolutely saved Jester’s life.”  Nott is very focused on everyone remaining together as a team.  Beau believes that while Nott’s loyalty to Caleb has not lessened, her loyalty to the rest of the party has extended to them all.
“I think we might all be her kids now.  It’s kind of sweet, in a really weird way.”
Zeenoth is extremely salty their junior drew lots of buttons instead of researching the crossbow Nott got from Hupperdook.
A list of all phrases that Beau noted in her journals that Kiri had learned in her time with them.
Welcome to the Mighty Nein!
I am Kiri!
Yes, I am very sweet.
It’s sharp.
Ooh, I’m a captain.
Where do babies come from?
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
If it bleeds, we can kill it.
I killed people!
Get into trouble!
She’s probably a good egg.
Go fuck yourself.
Zeenoth is VERY upset about the word fuck and wants that entry removed.
Beau thinks Calianna is too polite.
Cobalt Soul believes there is at least one other bowl like the one Calianna destroyed with the M9.
Beau hopes they don’t pick up any more stragglers, as she thinks it is getting crowded.
Cobalt Soul theorizes about why Keg had a four o’clock shadow rather than a proper Dwarven beard, wondering if she wasn’t forced to shave.  This indicates that beards are normal on female dwarves.
Beau thinks Shady Creek Run is so called because it’s full of shady criminals, but the Cobalt Soul notes that Shady Creek Run has a creek that is in near constant shade in the abundant pine trees.
On Molly’s death Beau says:
“Fuck.   That went horribly.  We lost Molly, and I don’t know what to do. [This part is crossed out: Maybe if I had-] I’m trying my best to stay objective.”
Beau also crosses out “I’m starting to like her” about Keg, and replaces it with “She’s fine, I guess.”
On Nila Beau says: “She said something really nice about Molly.  How in her clan, someones spirit never leave you.  They return to nature, and are forever by your side.  I don’t know if I believe it, but I like the thought.”
Beau wants her own “lucky smell bag” that’ll make decisions for her.
The Blooming Grove was built post-Calamity.
Beau’s first impressions of Caduceus is that he is both grounded and flighty.
Because Caduceus hasn’t eaten meat or alcohol in the time she’s known him, she thinks he’s got to have some sort of vice.
Because of Beau’s talk with Caduceus after killing the blue dragon, Beau remarks that she likes her edge and doesn’t want to lose it and go soft. But maybe it is a better, more efficient way of doing things by being there for the M9. “Gross.”
There is a note in the margins telling the editor to contact Archivist Demid (AKA the guy studying the moons) for information on the Dust family.  This indicates that he may have some special information.
Because of Jester’s defacing every town she visits, the Cobalt Soul has been able to track the M9′s movements.
The Cobalt Soul’s 2 working theories on the Traveler is that he’s a smaller/younger deity either from folk tales about a cloaked figure that either rewards or punishes heroes with a ironic twist OR a god of vandalism.
Zeenoth notes that if the Traveler IS a god of vandalism... they may have a secret follower in their ranks because of all the smut doodles in their books lately. Which of course Jester probably drew.
Beau says that as Jester told the group about her prank causing her to have to flee from Nicodranas she was full of her usual bubbliness... But was starting to see that there was underlying sadness in Jester.
Beau has known Jester has had a thing for Fjord since they first met, but after she got Tusk Love it became full-blown infatuation.
“Fjord seems super oblivious, though, which isn’t surprising for a man who occasionally wakes up covered in seawater and confusion.”
Beau stands by her and Jester’s purchase of the owl and blink dog, but she wonders how long the weasel is going to last in their line of work.
Beau wonders if it’s weird to be attracted to your friend’s mom and comes to the conclusion it is so she’ll back off... But the Ruby is smoking hot.
Beau can also see why people who want to release and evil god for Avantika. Not that she would. “She’s hot, but come on.”
No really new information on The Plank King is revealed in his section, but quite a bit is crossed out until illegible.  This could detail what connection to the Cobalt Soul he has, but was redacted.
The Cobalt claims that while the M9 titled a leader, Fjord often took that position.
Beau is making direct reports on Fjord to the Cobalt Soul and his connection to Uk’otoa.  In her latest report, she says that they’ve bought some time until their next trip to the sea............
Waiting for the rest of the M9 to come out of the Happy Fun Ball, after fighting the blue dragon, are among the rest worst few minutes of Beau’s life.
Beau believed Twiggy that she killed the blue dragon, in part because Caduceus believed her.
Beau accidentally writes “cute and dry” instead of “cut and dried” about Yasha’s background.
“For someone dressed in greys, who carries herself like a dark cloud, Yasha sure seems drawn to color and light. I wonder where it stems from.”
On Yasha being tested by the Stormlord by the “man made of lightning” the Cobalt Soul says it is not uncommon for the Stormlord to test his disciples through acts of physical, mental, or spiritual exertion.
The final notes by Zeenoth indicates that whoever wrote the book (outside of edits from Zeenoth himself and excerpts from Beau’s journals) were by someone from Tal’dorei.  Who might it be? Someone we know?
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1nkweaver · 5 years
PICK N OPAL!!! 1- What happens when your character doesn't get what they want? 2- How well can this character resist their emotions and impulses? 3- If the character were to come face to face with their darkest fears in a nightmare, what would they see? 4-Do they prefer sweet, salty, sour, meaty, spicy, or neutral tastes? 5- whats their feelings on the groups their with lately?
1- What happens when your character doesn't get what they want?
Opal: It really depends on what it is tbh. Opal will either let it go immediately, or he’ll keep pushing subtly, or he’ll have a “do it yourself” attitude to it. If it’s some kind of divine plan thing, he’s -going- to make it happen, that’s the long and short of it.
Pick: He probably just whines really XD but if he’s not getting what he wants because his opinion or thought process is like being put down then he’ll get aggressive. He really buts heads with people on moral issues and developing plans because I think he thinks that you should always debate every possibility.
2- How well can this character resist their emotions and impulses?
Opal is stoic as fuuuuuck man...it’s hard to really feel like he -has- impulses, but I definitely want him to almost be like -TOO- in control of his emotions. Yknow, like seeing your church get destroyed with your people inside it and seemingly not reacting super duper hard, just kinda...staring at it. (Yeah Baughn, that’s basically what he did when that happened do you feel bad?)
Pick is very emotional on the other hand. He tries so desperately to think about what would Anders do because he always felt Anders was smart, but Anders almost always acted on his feelings, and he instilled that in Pick a bit. Pick thinks first with his gut, then with his heart, and last with his brain- but he uses all three. Goblin nature in my mind is to be very id driven, so he very often just -goes- with his instincts and feelings, he doesn’t question them bc he feels that’s the truest part of himself.
3- If the character were to come face to face with their darkest fears in a nightmare, what would they see?
Opal dreams of building something, and while those things have been destroyed before and he’s had to start over, there has always been a sense of rebuilding. Opal’s worst nightmare would be that sense of total defeat- he’s dying, his friends are dying around him, and everything he built is being destroyed in one fell swoop. It’s kind of dramatic but Opal doesn’t really think about things on a personal level, his worst nightmare is being there for the end of the world.
Pick’s nightmare is a lot more real and personal. He’d be back in a place he was before. A place with music, and laughter, and a lot of voices...and he’s looking at it while either standing over a corpse, or looking out from between bars.
4-Do they prefer sweet, salty, sour, meaty, spicy, or neutral tastes?
Opal definitely has a sweet tooth- I remember in waterdeep he had the equivalent of fish and chips and he found it..interesting but strange. I must imagine he loves things like custard and candied apples and the like, probably caramel too, things of that nature would really make him feel happy.
Pick eats a lot of things so he has a really expanded palette, I mean the guy will eat garbage. I think it’s partially goblin instinct to like salty and meaty things, like gamey raw meat and stuff like that. But I also personally think that now, especially with the gourmand feat, that he has a real big love for spicy. Not necessarily spicy hot (though he’d love that) but spicy flavorful, like with indian food and the like. Just really powerful flavors.
5- whats their feelings on the groups their with lately?
The Opal of Waterdeep has developed very slowly, I last left off with a month long timeskip while we rebuilt trollskull manor. He thinks that he can help them, but he needs their help too, and he’s been learning their secrets and keeping his close. I remember I wrote out a whole speech for Opal because he believes he got one of the characters backstories figured out, and meant to confront them about it. 
Opal of Avisten is a little bit different- he’s older, wiser, but more grizzled and lives in a more dangerous uncivilized world. It was his plan to actually assemble the party itself, he gathered these people and chose them individually for a reason. They are his people, they are his flock. I hate to use the religious allegory but Opal sees himself as the “jesus” figure and all of the rest of the party are his “apostles”. Maybe they’ll listen to him, maybe they’ll betray him. But they’re all integral to each other and they all have something that Opal needs to do for them, and they will do something in return for Opal. Deep down they are good people, flawed people, but they need each other. As Ida would say they are twisted.
Picks ideas on the party are...complicated, a lot now, like a lot. Let’s break it down:
Jin- The first person he met, didn’t think much of him at all. A very typical roguish type- talks a lot, not a lot of wit, good with his fingers, a himbo. They’re fast “friends” but Pick really wants a rivalry. Jin is proving to be more than what he appeared, smart, multifaceted. Pick still thinks he’s “better” but he thinks Jin is also necessary. The first person Pick would call a friend. Jins sexual advances make Pick confused and uncomfortable. Pick wishes that Jin would be more real- he saw Jin having his nightmare and associates strongly with him. Pick wants to be able to “hash it out like dudes” but Pick is not one for heavy drinking or drugs or sex. He’s not about to bond and tell sad backstory over getting drunk, which he thinks is the main way that it would come out of Jin. He kinda also wants to see Jin angry, because he thinks that Jin is closing that off too. He thinks Jin is being friendly but he isn’t being “real” with him, which is ironic because Jin is very “down to earth, says it like it is” kind of dude...but he’s not -really- doing it. He’s not being -really real- with Pick right now, which is fine, it’s not the time for it. But can they just have a real conversation? Please? 
Kai- Technically the second person that Pick met after Jin. Strange, youthful nature, naive, good heart. The kind of person you call kid and ruffle up his hair. A tiefling- weird, foreign, strange. The thing Pick honestly doesn’t understand at this point is why the fuck does everyone baby this kid. Yeah he gets scared but that’s a good thing- and hello don’t know if you realized it but Kai is stronger than most of you. Where Pick sees others trying to protect Kai’s innocence, Pick sees someone that needs to be seriously trained if he’s staying in this group. Stop babying him and show him how to properly use his sword. Don’t keep him away from things that give him fear, show him how to kill his fears. Pick doesn’t consider Kai a friend, but he considers Kai the “goodest” person of the group. Pick sees Kai as someone who by every right should turn to evil and is choosing to do good, instead of someone who was just born good and did what was expected of him.
Aspasia- Strange, strange woman. Strong, obviously- but out of place. Why is she here? Why is she connecting with these people. There is a mind behind that muscle that is being ignored- and god Aspasia is literally always thinking about other things. Pick initially thought Callie and Aspasia were lovers- he’s still not really sure? But apparently Sia also is loosy goosy with Jin, he doesn’t understand their friendship at all. Pick and Aspasia haven’t spoken but he feels an unspoken energy between them. Their desire to fight, and OOC I know if they talked their goals would align more strongly than anyone else’s in the group so far. Pick thinks Aspasia needs to speak the fuck up with her words more than her muscles as of late because she’s not talking.
Ida- The absolute largest conflict of interest all in one person. Ida both reflects things that Pick severely, severely hates in this world, while at the same time being the one that most accurately reflects Anders as a person, the person Pick respects the most. This has led to a very very difficult understanding of Ida in Pick’s eyes. Pick hates Ida, he hates that she’s so nice, self sacrificing, puts herself down, acts like the mom, and he hates clerics. He doesnt’ think she deserves to be lied to however. He may hate a lot of the things that Ida represents, but not a single person in the party has Picks -respect- besides her. Pick was going up that hill, and everyone could have yelled at him to turn back and he would not have, the only person that could (and did) convince him in that moment was Ida. Pick will argue with any member of this party but in the end he will do what -Ida- says to do. That’s what she deserves. Not his kindness, not his love or admiration or friendship, but his respect. He’s respecting her because she right now is the closest thing to Anders. And damn if Pick hates that.
Callie- Quiet, curious, Callie. Pick thought her and Aspasia were lovers, he’s still not really sure, but their inseparable nature reminds him of him and Anders- he would never get in between them. Except...for the fact that for whatever reason he fancies Callie. It might be just because she’s someone he can literally talk eye to eye with, but there’s more than that. He appreciates that she doesn’t have to talk a lot, he finds her care for animals endearing even if he’s afraid of horses, and her abilities in combat are varied. Her use of magic frightens him, but she’s hard to read. He does straight up find Callie cute, attractive. In a way that he hopes isn’t creepy he likes...holding her hand and stuff? He thinks she’s very soft, he sees a kind of...goblin nature inside of her? Kinda like a little flame of passion that she keeps really really well hidden- but her understanding of nature, her “going off alone” ness..very goblin like and that draws him to her, and then she doesn’t have a goblins (admitedly, freakish) outward appearance. He likes her a lot, he’s sad that she seems to pull away so often, he blames himself..? Wants to find a way to get through to her. Now that Callie has a wolf Picks childhood dream of being an Outrider was reawakened.
Siril: Big man. Pick does not understand why the hell Siril is here at all. He is by far probably the most out of place person in the group in Picks first impressions, but he’s sticking around. He has been wanting to have an actual just good old getting to know you talk one on one with Siril since the very beginning just based on the fact that he’s interesting! Pick has never seen a Firbolg before, they’re so -different- as people and Pick is totally okay with that! He wants to talk about it! He thought maybe on that watch that they had together last game they’d finally talk but it seems that they most likely spent it in silence. Seeing Siril go from really aggressive to Jin to almost warming up to him, as well as warming up to Sia...hurt Pick a little. Not necessarily as jealousy, but perhaps something similar. Pick thought they had a lot in common, they were the new guys to the group and in Picks opinion he thought they were really the “freaks”. They’re the weird races, and he just feels like he’s...missed out on a shot. He thinks Siril doesn’t really find him interesting and he really can’t place a finger on it but ever since he came to the party Pick wants to impress Siril. That’s why he gave him space when it was clear he was annoyed, that’s why he went along and did as much work on the murder case as he could, it’s why he -went- with Siril to see the widow and gave her all his gold. It’s why when Pick was asked by Siril if he was a good person Pick gave him a truthful answer of “you are useful” because truth is what Pick gives to people that he feels are deserving of a harsh answer. He thought they’d talk more since then and they really haven’t, and Pick wonders if all that time trying to impress Siril was for naught, he really doesn’t have the emotional maturity to figure out why he’s feeling what he’s feeling, but he just has those base feelings. Does he “like” Siril, is he “attracted?” He doesn’t know how to process that, but he had an instinctual desire to impress him, to be seen as useful or interesting to him, and seeing him bond with other people that Pick wasn’t expecting him to (ie, not me, the other “freak”) he feels...hurt by it.
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kaiju-z · 5 years
Seon Adventures - Episode 5, “Tragicomedy at Sea”
This was a hell of an episode.
Following the memorable conclusion of last week’s episode, our intrepid heroes finally scored themselves a ride to Menum that wouldn’t involve straigning the horses. Or the party getting tricked by a farmer and his daughter.
After they finished their affairs in Rorum for the time being (Belli, Amelia and Mournimar got tattoos, Luck tipped one of the Stans and made him blush), the 5 colorful heroes reconvened with Kevin and Killer at the pier, where they were introduced to the ship coroner “Solomon Marquet”, a young black man with bright blue eyes (he’s cute).
After introductions and shenanigans with Belli, the party learn that captain Lamar/Lamelie??? Is in need of 3 deck hands, a gunner and a cook. Positions are immediatelly given aboard with Belli as assistant cook, Mournimar helping with the ship’s canons and the rest remaining on deck on whatever duty is required of them.
(There was some noise coming from our Goblin player’s laptop that coined the term “Death Didgerydoo” and we broke Hayden.)
Captain Lamelie is  an older human man with large gray beard tied in three, who looks fairly viking-esque. Along with him, much to everyone, who had been to Peppery Pete’s shops would note, is an identical to Pete looking gnome, who we learn is Salty Sam (Samuel), Peter’s twin brother (later we learn of 223 years!)
Working with them is a changeling lady (I think her name is either Tallz or Tusk).
Below deck, with the gunnery, Mournimar meets Bog Rot, an old wrinkled greenish orc with yellow eyes and a scar. He is the master gunner and will be MarMar’s go to for working the guns. His new fellows down below are a man in his 30′s named Azam and a 15 year old boy named Hudson (whom Bog Rot whispers to Mournimar to keep an eye on, ‘cause he used to have very sticky fingers). Alongside them is a changeling male named Vats.
In the cooking quarters, Belli finds herself in trouble with one, Gut Rot (I dunno what GR looks like, but I think he too is an orc, given the last name). The chief cook and a very unpleasant dude. Alongside him is the ship’s healer, a dwarven cleric by the name of  Dharak Tightforged.
Belli and Gut Rot strike a deal that if she can clean the place up in 30 minutes, tops, she will keep her dinner for the night. If not, then she’ll go hungry for a night (Meta is that she’s had many days without food and my heart breaks).
She sadly fails at cleaning this time around 8( And so, gets with the cooking.
Unlike with Gut Rot, Bog Rot is quite pleased with Mournimar. Having taken a liking to the Tiefling ranger.
Luck is in awe of the sea and gets a pat on the shoulder by Amelia, who appreciates his enthusiasm, but advses him to watch out and not fall overboard.~
By the time the ship sails off, though....
Luck starts barfing up a storm. One of his flaws is that he can’t take well to traveling by sea. I guess motion sickness?! Every day he barfs and needs to be comforted by Amelia.
Due to a bad food roll, everyone but Amelia and Mournimar gets bad bowel movements on the second day of travel. RIP IN PEACE.
During the night, Mournimar and Belli bond over their experience on the ship so far and become closer as siblings (with pranks included! Magic pranks!!!)
Luck is low key dying on the floor in the party’s quarters, because seriously, fuck the sea. By the end of this episode he’s basically on team “Hating the sea” with Nott and Caduceus, ok?!
Burk takes to sleeping alone on the deck of the ship. Because these four are a disaster.
Gut Rock is oddly understanding about illness at sea, though. It’s happened before, on a previous ship.You can never predict these kinda things, even with a healer on board.
On the third day of travel, everyone is on deck, enjoying??!!!!!! the sunny day, except for Luck, who’s having the worst time of his life since his tragic backstory.
While Belli is looking for lesbian mermaids out at sea, Amelia takes notice of Azam scribbling stuff on the deck, not exactly being as careful about it as he thinks. She sneaks up on him and gives him the fright of his life when she finds out that he’s worshipping the forbidden god Dahk’tot, lord of storms and unruly seas, father of Water and Air Genasi. She warns him that she will spill the tea to the captain, if he doesnt’stop this at once.
Azam immediatelly wipes the chalk off the deck, but Amelia snitches to captain Lamelie anyways and accidentally initiates an execution (Shit’s whack). Luck, who had to be carried to a hammock with magic (seriously, episode 5 was very “comfort Luck” heavy), gets wind of what’s happening on deck and furiously intervenes, along with Amelia, to spare Azam’s life.
But as a consequence to this, the party aren’t going to get a ride back by ship. (Luck, internally: “Wait. No. Don’t. Stop!”)
With the execution prevented, Luck pulls the man back to the party’s quarters and has a sit down with him, telling him that “Some Gods are not worth to be worshipped.” Everyone gets cookies. Even Azam, after Luck asks Belli to give him a lesser cookie. She whispers something to Azam.
While this is going on, Burk gets a list from Sam on the banned gods, but since he can’t read, Sam tells him the names and proclivities of the banned gods:
Dahk'tot. Lord of storms and rough seas. Credited as father of all air and water Genasi
Zarahn. Lord of the volcanoes and typically shown as the enemy of Dyunificus. Credited as father of all fire and earth Genasi
Ebriosus. Goddess of Forbidden Mortal Pleasures. Excessive drinking, drug use, nasty shagging, debauchery, you get the drill
Qorin. God of merciless revenge
Potencia. Goddess of ruthlessness, control and imprisonment -
Burk recognizes Quorin from the shrine he found in the woods during the party’s travel to Rorum, but tells none of the party about the gods themselves. He’ll probably also be using the paper as toilet paper.
On the 4th day of travel (4 of 5 days) the party notice a boat at sea, two figures still in it. Mournimar and the gunners fire a warning shot, before they let two beautiful elven women aboard. The party slowly convenes with them as they learn that “their ship was attacked”. Due to a failed roll, Mournimar, Luck and Amelia don’t notice it. But Belli notices there’s something very off about the women.
Who proceed to stab the shit out of Belli and Luck (DAMN ROLLS)
A fight begins and Belli falls down and fails a death saving throw gdisasdhgahg
Luck almost goes down as well. It’s so bad that he kept missing and had to spend his second wind to get himself almost back up to full health.
Burk and Amelia are the MVPs. For real, they beat the shit of these two (don’t hurt Amelia’s bbies), who were revealed to be Dopplegangers.
The party got assistance from Solomon, Salty Sam, Tusk and Lamelie, mostly in the healing department, but also in attacks.
Things get bad once Sam gets badly hurt. And worse when Belli uses Shatter for the first time in her life. Because everyone was so close around her, we all get wounded BADLY!!! Luck goes down to 8 hit points, I think?! But thanks to Mournimar he heals up agan after that. It was an intense game of going up and down with health points.
Burk and Amelia each took out a Doppleganger and Belli healed Sam, who was being dragged away by an emotionally comrpomised captain (we later learn that Sam basicaly adopted the captain 40 years prior to the campaign).
Luck spits on the Dopplegangers’ corpses after looting them. “You sounded much tougher in the books.” he snorts. He found 250 gold, which he shared with the rest of the party equally and kept two daggers for himself (I CAN NOW USE MY TWO WEAPONS THING, YAY!)
Four hours later, the bodies have been disposed of, the party is healed and the deck hand party members have cleaned up the mess.
While the others are doing their thing, Luck and Mournimar share a moment. Also Luck sings with some help from below by Belli. He admits to Mournimar that he’s been wounded worse in the past, this is nothing.
Belli gets information about Ficus from the captain and learns that he had traveled with them in the past.  If you’re looking to reconnect with people in that trade, don’t.” But Belli has the want and need to find her brother. The captain tells her  that he may operate out of Sa Doma. She should find someone with a silver band over his head. He asks her to be careful. She’s young and naïve. And he asks her not to tell the others about the captain’s softness (The captain used a healing spell from a feat earlier to heal Belli once she failed a saving throw).
Late at night, when the rest pf the crew and party are in their quarters the two are alone, Mournimar and Luck have a conversation and Luck learns about the Traveling Gentlemen’s state. That one of their members is missing and one is able to fly with wings now.
Things happen. Things happen a lot and once they calm down, Luck has a moment where he’s doing the thing:
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The two awkwardly head to their quarters after the fact.
On day 5 the party finally reach Menum. They de-board with Azam and the warhorses and Level up! In-character, the explanation I use for Luck getting the Lucky feat is that he played a lot of games of chance with Mournimar to get better with his rolls?
As we say our goodbyes with the crew (Azam basically scrammed into the woods) we prepare for our journey through Menum. Or to Menum, since we basically start off at a rainforest. And Azam ran off into the forest alone. Joy.
Also Beli made everyoen knitted gifts!
A jumper for Mournimar, an axe coasy for Burk, mittens for Amelia, a hat for Luck and something for herself, but I don’t think I caught what that was.
And so, the party is on their way to Menum. To find and fight more cultists. And so much more.
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Tortured Soul: A Harry Potter Fanfiction. My Reaction After 2 Years.
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This post will be full of spoilers for my fanfiction. So here’s a link if you want to read it.
Tortured Soul
Each Paragraph is a about a single chapter.
I couldn't spell Lucius for the life of me. Rip into him Athens. This was probably one of the first Fanfic I was truly proud of. The twins are quite protective of her. I started it out in the second year because I felt like starting out in the first year is kind of pointless to her story.
At least they took it super well. Yes, call Lockhart out on lies. Don't you dare memory charm her.
When the Gryffindors have an attack Slytherin. Draco has been punched by his cousin. Athens is in shock over the Chamber of Secrets. The Golden Trio just found out who her father is. She just told them what was in the Chamber. She just figured out she's a parseltounge.
Hogwarts knows she's a parseltounge now. People are saying she's Voldy Moldy's daughter. And I made an oops. I had him say his name not "he-who-must-not-be-named". Ope she used Draco's full name. He's the one who told the school, that little shit. Fred just got called out for having a crush on Athens.
Athens is big depresso because since secret got out everyone has been treating her like shit, except Fred and George. Athens has been petrified. The spelling mistakes tho.
The Balisk is dead is the cure has been brewed. Okay, Dumbledore, straight to the point then. She's got scars tho and Dumbledore's worried? Why did I write that? He put Harry in abusive home and didn't even try to get him out. Her mother wants to see her.
She is officially in our third year. If I was rewriting it I probably would have separated each year by acts just to make it more organized. When Dumbledore trust Athens. Yeah that is funny a little more daughter getting along with the son of the people he killed. The twins just found out about the cruciatus curse and they're pissed. So in this chapter Fred finally asked Athens out on a date and she accepts but fun fact, this story was supposed to actually have the love interest speed Draco but then I realized that was incest and I was like oh it'll just be one of the Weasley twins, it'll be fine. Because I was more worried about the storyline and then I was the love interest.
Did I give Athens an evil twin sister? yes I did. It's spices things up. I forgot I made her have a death wish. Athens calling her cousin out on his bullshit.
Lucius lying out his ass. Her twin is alive. Samara really is an evil twin. She has the makings of a serial killer. I still hate Snape. Especially when it comes to Neville. He parents were tourtured by Bellatrix Lestrange, Athens' mother, and his boggart is his potions teacher. Athens boggart is her sister. Remus is worried af. She has proof  of Sirius's innocence. Draco is so protective of her. She had a nightmare amd woke up bloody.
How would it have even had been possible for Samara to cast to killing curse on her when she was nine? Samara got in jer head and attacked her. Like Dumbledore would actually care lmao. Bellatrix still wants to see her daughter. She's going to do it. First date with Fred.
Lucius's supervising the conversation. It's one of those join or I kill everyone you love situations. Dumbledore wants to her to become a double agent. The twins don't like the idea of it at all. Fred and Athens are dating now. Horcruxes.
She got rid of the diadem, with quite a bit of ease, surprisingly. She has a 10/10 relationship with the twins.  She knows Remus is a werewolf.
She just met Sirius and he asked her to tell the truth about him to Harry. Harry can be an idiot sometimes. Athens received a summons by the ministry.
We are starting out with emotion warning. Ron just found out Scabbers is Pettigrew. I feel bad for the boy. Snape said something he probably shouldn't have... Fred took her wand. I love Athens' respond to, "You are a disappointment to your father." "Good, I love to disappoint him." I love that. Samara just killed her sister, through her mind. Dumbledore's speech about her death though. Not Draco rallying everyone against Voldemort because Athens is dead.
So, Death in this story is kinda an OC that is also in another one of my stories, Avenging Riverdale, I had an odd idea to try and connect my stories through this singular entity. Lucius Malfoy didn't even show up to the funeral. She's a tiger. That didn't age well in the Carol Baskin era. Everyone is shook. She had a nightmare about what fully happened when she died.
Her secret is out. Sirius you did know. That I'm not Sirius I'm Athens lmao.
That nightmare, damn. And another one. Fred ad George are there after Sirius contacted them. She had another nightmare.
Why did I put so much on Athens's plate? Another nightmare. She had a meeting with her mother.
Quidditch World Cup. The first have is basically fluff. Until she gets kidnapped. Molly is turning against her.
Hi Samara. Athens has been gone a week. She escaped. There are a few things jn this chapter if I were to rewrite it.
The two other schools show up. Mad eye (Barty Crouch Jr) is about to get an ass whooping by Athens. Tbh I would pay for that.
Dobby has a glock. Dobby is Thugg. (I'm sorry. I had to Dobby appeared.) She told them because she had to. I forgot I made Samara the Champion for Beauxbatons amd for Hogwarts best make it 3 with Cedric, Harry and Athens. Athens is seeing red, thank Merlin for Harry tho. I italicize and bolded calmly. Another nightmare. I hate Rita Skeeter with a burning passion. She walked out of the interview because all she wanted to talk about was her family.
Samara admitted Athens is more powerful and Voldy Moldy wants Athens by his side more then Samara because she happens to be more powerful than him too. Samara just said that she's not going to make it out of school year alive. Draco made badges. She just found out dragons was the first task. why is she just so chill about the fact that a teacher just turned her cousin into the ferret. When Dumbledore uses you as a confidential informant. He wants her graduate early because he wants her to take the lead finding the horcruxes.
CHARLIE. Athens questioning if this is torture and the dragons. Athens turned the dragon to a bird. She partied all night with the Slytherins. Now she's hungover. Pansy making fun of Athens for being a lightweight.
Athens asking Harry not to tell Sirius about her getting drunk. Fred and Athens going to the Yule Ball together. Another nightmare. Athens giving Draco a task.
We love a prank. Wait, I don't remember who asked Samara to the Yule Ball. Athens Bertha Riddle. Samara Dean Riddle. They had an argument in front of everyone. The whole great Hall. Crabbe was the one to ask Samara to the dance. Fred is missing. Champions meeting without Samara.
She told Cedric about the nightmare. He didn't believe her and now he's dead. Voldemort is back. Letters from Athens.
Samara is dead. Dobby to the rescue. Everyone is asking about the letters.
The proper good-bye. She went to the Dumbledore's Army meeting. Yes, verbally kill Umbitch.
Christmas. Warning Sirius about his death. Bellatrix called Samara's death collateral damage. Athens is so salty. She died again, saving Sirius. Bellatrix is laughing.
Athens really just came back from the dead and was like I got to get out of here. Damn right your loyalties lie with your friends. Dumbledore deciding to bring Harry on the hunt for horcruxes. Dumbledore has accepted his death. I made an oops. So one of the Athens nightmares was Dumbledore's death and it included her sister so I kind of copied and pasted the scene for getting that her sister was in there so you have a little Cameo from her sister in there.
They are looking for the locket. It's her birthday. She received a warning from Draco.
So Samara's there? That does get annoying. Something bad happens and people immediately look at you, getting ready to point the finger. Ah yes the tiny scar. The Ministry has fallen.
Harry and Ron really under estimate Athens and Hermione sometimes. The fight at the Café. They ended up at the house where the ring was destroyed.
Athens is getting pissed at Ron. Athens just punched him in the nose. Now she plans to drink 100 year old Fire Whiskey. Another nightmare. Athens is having enough of their petty bullshit. Fred was going to propose at the wedding.
Ron is leaving. Godric's Hollow. Creepy old lady Ms. Bagshot.
Her biggest fear is her father killing Fred. Ron's back and has the sword of Godric Gryffindor. To the Lovegood house. Athens defending Luna. The Tale of The Three Brothers. Athens proving Hermione wrong and that the Deathly Hallows exist.
Murderous Athens though. Samara isn't alive. They had someone drink a polyjuice potion to freak Athens out. Athens insulting the snatchers is hilarious. Malfoy Manor. Athens being kind of worried about Draco. Athens lying about finding the sword just so Hermione doesn't get tortured. She just died from being tortured by her mother. Death is a sassy bitch. Only death she didn't see coming, Dobby's.
Fred and George are at the beach house. Athens is grieving. Athens is now Fred's fiance. Athens is right you never make a deal with the goblin. She is dreading dressing like her mother so much. When Athens inherited her mother's hair. She's scaring Ron with how good she is acting like her mother.
The thief's downfall, luckily Athens looks so much like her mother. She just scared herself. Sometimes I forget she can technically talk to dragons like she did for her first task. That Doctor who reference though. They got out safely but Voldemort knows that they broke into the bank. They are going to finish this tonight. Dumbledore's brother, Abuerfourth. Athens and Hermione are going to kill the Carrows.
Draco has been helpful. Snape knows that they're there Athens and Harry were spotted in hogsmeade. "Am I late?" I love Athens. Draco standing up for his cousin. It's time to go fight the last battle in the second wizard war.
"Fred said be careful. This is not being careful" she just killed herself to talk to death. Fred just died. She really just called her father the biggest idiot she ever met. When death raises Fred from the dead. "That is fiance thank you very much." Voldemort is dead. Athens won the duel.
When Fred, George and Draco become close because of you. The wedding. I love them so much. Athens is pregnant? Athens is pregnant. It was female twins.
Overall, it was good. One of my better books. But I should've put a trigger warning. So 7/10.
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owlabeth · 7 years
pantheon girls as iliza sheshlinger quotes
akantha: "i wanna look like the girl on the cover of the playbill for les mis [fake french accent] 'oh monsieur!' it's a ten year old french girl, still want those bones!
annabeth: "out of the way jedediah, mama's going to the polls"
calypso: "ladies, let's make a pact. from now on, i don't wanna hear any more women talk about how they want to be...mermaids."
charlie: "if i could have any job, i would be a cat"
christina: "i'm a red-blooded american girl. absolutely, when i get drunk, i would rather eat than hook up with you. give you a hand job or go get fries? both are salty, one will give me carpal tunnel. i'll go with the fries every time."
drew: "when a girl knows that a guy is vulnerable and into her, we become like an evil witch in an enchanted forest, and the guy becomes like the lost ingenue. we know."
fiona: "this isn’t a push up bra, it’s body armor! and this ain’t makeup sweetheart, it’s war paint!"
gwen: "your party goblin sleeps int the back of your brain, and she waits on a pile of regrets, and rags and old tiger beat magazines."
jaden: "i don't do the whole 'oh, my god, it's me, not you.' no, it's you, motherfucker, here's a list of reasons why.
jenna: "pinterest. porn for white women. we love it."
laurel: "if a girl wants to have a fight, the lady shall have a fight and there's nothing you can do about it."
meg: "fun fact. girls, if you wanna let people around you know that absolutely not on the same mental playing field as them, a great way to do it, i found, is to dump out personal property onto a shared communal space, because that immediately lets other bar-goes know, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!"
oz: "that girls for you. everything's a contradiction wrapped in a bow. glitter. pretty. ooh!"
penny: "in my group of friends, i'm the alpha. i decide what we go. obviously. i pick the restaurants, i pick the bars, mostly because no one cares. but i am the decision maker and what worries me is, if i'm going stupid shit when i'm drunk, what hope do the sheet who i lead have?:
piper: "if and when i get married, i'm gonna get married the day after valentine's day and my theme is gonna be 75% off chocolate."
reyna: [drunk voice]"i just wanna make out with someone"
seren: "you know what happened the last time a group of people said, 'screw it, we don't care what you think'? they got hung as witches."
sofia: "never laugh at your significant other when they're having an orgasm. that is their time to shine."
tony: "you think when i'm bringing you home to meet mom on christmas it's because i want her to meet you? no! it's so i can be like 'mom, look what i caught!'"
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quilleth · 7 years
1, 2, 3
Oooh thank you for asking!! :D  These are fun questions!
1) The first ship I ever had:  Oh boy, the first ship I remember having (other than Disney characters, which like...you kind of have to ship with the way the movies are...) is probably Curdie and Princess Irene from The Princess and the Goblin.  I went through a *phase* when I was in second or third grade where I was OBSESSED with that book and movie (and by extension goblins in general)! (And is also where my Warden gets her name from, although I never got the pronunciation they used in the cartoon)
2) Talk about 3 of the most important ships in my life.  I will go down with Ron/ Hermione and will fight anyone anywhere who says they’re not a good ship (including JK).  They were my favorite HP characters, and HP as a whole had such a huge influence and impact on my life since I was aging in time with the golden trio for most of the books, so they all felt like really good friends to me and I wanted them to be happy.  Anders/ Hawke, because that’s what got me started really writing fanfic and feeling more comfortable sharing my writing with other people and that’s been a positive thing in my life.  And probably also Sarah/ Jareth (again with the goblins!) because Labyrinth is one of my favorite movies, and as I’ve gotten older, I’ve been able to appreciate the story more and understand the give and take of the fantastic/ reality and how a balance between the two is necessary (also because it’s the first one I remember getting mad about and am still salty over because if you need all of the figures you met in the Labyrinth, including the freaking fieries, you can bloody well let the GK into your impromptu party Sarah!)  
3) my current OTP.  I have a navy of OTP’s, but right now my brain is pretty well stuck on my Jiyel scholar Elisabeth and Jasper from 7kpp :D
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rhawyr · 7 years
Session 1:  Landellsport
First scene was the half-elf rogue (swashbuckler) courtier and the air genasi hunter investigator stepping off a ship which we collectively named the Grand Duchess.  Having just arrived in the city of Landellsport, I quickly describe the docks, the general feel of the town (humid, mild temperature due to sea breeze, variety of people, smell of fish, you know)
They decide to go to secure some lodgings, aaaaaand they decide not to go to the Salty Mast.  When they ask for directions, they're told that the other inn is two wards away, through the market district.
Cut to Wik, the human wizard (diviner) urchin.
He's walking through the marketplace, realizes he owes somebody money (who I had absolutely no idea this person existed but I was 1800% cool with it) named the Big Stick (or something?).  Anyway, he mentions that he/she (we all kept switching pronouns for Wik and it was somewhat intentional) was looking at a goblet, and I mention he sees one of the Big Stick's enforcers in the marketplace, but he hasn't been noticed yet.  He decides to back away quickly, and then the plot runs straight into him...
So a little kid runs into him as he's walking away, came out of an alleyway, and then the kid's grabbed by a kinda thuggish looking half orc.  After Wik passes by for a second, he realizes that his purse miiiiight be gone (spoiler alert: it's not) and runs into the alleyway to find the half orc dragging the kid away kicking and screaming.  Wik tries to say something to get the guy to let go, but his roll sucks, so the half orc kinda laughs a little at the failed intimidation attempt, throws the kid against the wall (knocking the wind out of him), and drawing a knife.
Wik says something along the lines of "you've got sand in your eyes," casts expeditious retreat, and runs to grab the kid while flinging poop from the nearby upstairs apartments (Victorian waste disposal!) into the aggressor's eyes.  He and the kid flee into the crowded marketplace, and run straight into our other two characters, Amalia and Mouvais.
Mouvais has the look of an authority figure, and Wik is actually in a situation he/she can benefit from an authority figure, so he points out the assailant and explains the situation (the half orc wandered back into an alley after a while).  The two other characters agree to take care of the kid for a little while, and they hire Wik to be their guide to the city as they've just arrived.
Sidenote:  The kid's name is Jack.
Ok, so Wik leads them all to the Silver Swallow, and tells them all about it on the way over.  To simulate and generate some ideas, I go around the table and have everybody tell me one thing about the Silver Swallow.  Apparently it has a lot of smaller private rooms instead of common areas, there's a one-eyed white pomeranian who's extremely rambunctious but universally loved, and there was a grisly murder on the third floor and legend has it that on the full moon apparitions and strange sounds keep the patrons up at night, but there's a slight increase in price for the third floor due to the novelty factor.
The innkeeper was an older dwarf woman, and everyone got rooms.  Wik kinda hung out in the common area trying to find an easy mark (unsuccessfully), and Amalia gave Jack a bath in a small private bathhouse adjacent to the inn while everyone decided on what to do.  Amalia starts talking to Jack about what's been happening.  Jack mentions that A) he has no parents, B) a group of orphans have banded together for survival and are led by the Big Stick.  The group decided to report to the city guards, police, whatever.
When they arrive, Wik lets everyone know he feels uncomfortable around this area and stays out of the police station while the others go inside.  Amalia and Mouvais ask if there's anything they can help with, especially for money, as renting rooms isn't exactly cheap.  The portly and tired-looking city guard at the front tells them there's been a rash of kidnappings, especially of young orphans, but that the city guard hasn't been able to find anything.  He mentions that he's worried they can't find anything 'cause everyone else is in somebody's pocket, and that there's a reward for any information on the kidnappings.  He gets some information from Jack and the characters go and decide to look into it.
Jack asks to be left at the Silver Swallow, so Mouvais has him stay in his room while the group looks for clues where they first found Jack.  Mouvais eventually locates a set of stumbling footprints near the shit stain on the wall that leads outside of the market ward and toward the city gates.  Amalia attempts to get a nearby shopkeeper of oddities to give her some information, but her persuasion roll is poor, so the guy says he miiiiight know something if she buys something.  She can't really tell what good any of this junk is (we decided that amongst other things, he sells a plumbus), so she leaves and returns with the other party members.  Mouvais' official church investigator uniform gets him to talk a little, mentions that he sees some new thugs heading out of town occasionally, and Mouvais slips him some silver loons for his trouble.
When the group returns to the Silver Swallow, Jack is missing.  The door is still locked, but the window is open, and there was no sign of a struggle, so the group assumes that Jack left.  Remember how Jack mentioned he was part of the Big Stick’s posse of urchins?
The reason that's important is that now is around the time that Wik remembers that the Big Stick is very protective of those in his care -- as in if the kids don't return to him by a certain time, he makes certain they're killed if ever seen again by him or his enforcers.  Basically, he wants to make his own little criminal army that he controls.
The group decides to head to the docks, utilizing Mouvais' background feature to be able to figure out where there's criminal activity in a city (not necessarily be welcome there, but yeah).  The Big Stick's place is by the docks, so Mouvais asks a nearby prostitute to shed some light on the situation with the kidnappings and Big Stick.  The players learned that the Big Stick is selling information about the daily routine of some of his kids that he doesn't think he can shape into criminals.
The group decides to leave Jack for now, as they don't want to storm in to the Big Stick's place, so they return to the Silver Swallow for the night.
In the morning, the group returns to the marketplace to stake it out.  Mouvais asks the guards at the entrance to the city to keep an eye out for the half-orc they'd seen the day before, and the group stays within eyeshot but not near enough each other to be recognized as a group.  A stellar perception check nets Amalia two important pieces of information:  1) The thug is in the same alley as he was yesterday, and 2) Jack is walking through the marketplace like nothing is wrong.
Amalia lets Mouvais know about the thug and moves to be in a good position to watch as Jack runs into Wik and clumsily tries to take Wik's money.  Wik let's him go with a few silver, telling Jack to tell the Big Stick that Jack found Wik dead and those coins were all he had on him...and Jack runs off into the alleyway with the thug.  The thug has a friend this time, though -- a dark-skinned dwarf.  The two quickly make Jack unconscious and go into an adjoining doorway while Amalia watches.  The door leads to someone who sells coffins, and Amalia finds out that the thugs are stuffing the unconscious kid into the coffin.  The group reconvenes to discuss and spread out to cover all sides of the building, and they follow the thugs to the city gate.  Amalia notices some coin pass between the city guards and the thugs as the thugs leave the city.
Mouvais follows the thugs out on the road for a bit until they turn on a path that leads to the beach.  Amalia persuades the guard to let her onto the wall to "admire the view" and finds the thugs going to a cove maybe a mile out from the city, with a visible trail where they've been dragging these coffins.
The three reconvene and head to the beach and wait for nightfall.  Inside the cove, the two thugs stand guard as half a dozen goblins prepared a ship.
This is about the time everything went to shit.
Factors to consider:  Amalia is the only one who can see any distance at all.  Mouvais can breathe underwater indefinitely, but nobody has proficiency in athletics or more than 10 Strength (Wik has the 10 Str, everyone else has 8).  Wik has pretty much 100% utility and mobility spells, 17 hp (he rolled VERY well, 10 CON), and no defensive spells.  There's cover up to the gangplank leading to the ship, but no cover ON the ship, so Amalia can't easily sneak on.
So, uh, they formulate half a plan with Wik's message cantrip.  Mouvais pulls himself along the wall of the coast and grabs onto the anchor while Amalia and Wik sneak forward, past the two thugs on the catwalk above.  Amalia distracts the goblins by throwing something (a ball bearing) into the water so she can sneak onto the ship...
But they never really got any further than that, so when Amalia sneaked onto the ship, she was in a terrible spot and very close to half a dozen goblins.
Combat ensues.  Amalia can't roll higher than a 6, Wik is more of a liability in combat, and Mouvais has to climb the anchor chain onto the ship (which he does in two rounds, had to stop at the top on the first round so he actually got an attack with disadvantage).  The goblins retreat inside to get weapons.  Someone throws the plank off the boat after Wik gets on, Wik uses Arcane Lock to lock the door from which the goblins are getting their weapons (one got out, plus the captain nobody knew was on the boat), and the two thugs approach the ship and draw crossbows...and throughout the entire combat I don't think I rolled anything lower than a 14 on a d20 or a 5 on a d6. So they basically got their asses kicked.  They somehow managed to defeat the two on the deck of the boat and sailed the boat out onto the bay while Wik was holding his entrails in the crow’s nest.  Amalia convinced the three goblins in the hold that she’s their new captain (to Wik’s dismay) but that's pretty much where we ended the first session...  
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