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Cazadores still going strong - like most of the systems, and I’m trying to dial it in and make an actual, useable rulebook. Not that easy, actually.
Ill Winds continues to spiral in and out of control, but I did get a full rewrite of its rules down as well - need to track down some RPG players to ambush with it for a couple months though to figure out what I’m still missing.  Oh, and fill out all my tables. So many tables.
Uproot is...  Kinda dead. In fixing the first-player advantage problem, I kinda killed any passion I had for the game. It’s a bummer, but not the first. Someday I’ll actually make something, but Uproot was not it.
Still toying with an idea of fan-games as well - I think Arknights would still make a pretty nifty one. Not what I’m focused on - (like hell I’d ever get a collab go-ahead as an unpublished nobody,) - but it’s still germinating in there.
Have it on my mind to separate games stuff to a seperate blog and leave doodles here, but it sounds like :effort:
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