top 5 zac oyama one-liners?
Impossible question. He’s just too good.
1. “I thought you were just getting worse.” (Mavrus Bombara, Blazing Babe (NADDPod). This is in response to Murph’s PC saying he is more uptight because he’s participating in dry july. That context feels important)
2. “Love is love is love.” (Mavrus Bombara, NADDPod C1 E87: Split the Party. He says this as the finishing blow to kill a resurrected god. It’s barely a one liner but it is truly so funny that I had to put it on the list.)
3. “I killed him, yeah.” (Noise Boys, Game Changer season 4. Knocks the air out of the room. Absolutely priceless.)
4. “We saw a hole. Had to check it out.” (Skip, A Starstruck Odyssey, Flee From Fantanimalland. Everything Skip does and says is so fun to me and this was such a distillation of the situation it was so funny.)
5. “And I like to eat letters." (Squing, Coffin Run, Attacks on the Tracks. Such a good moment, absolutely iconic of him. incredible shit from Zac, as always).
ask me my top 5 anything
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random-jot · 11 months
trick or treat! :D
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trick or treat? :D
:) please enjoy this, the luckiest I’ve ever gotten in a game of cards against humanity
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