famousharmonypeace · 7 months
"A Literature Review of Homelessness In The United States."It was published on April 19, 2023
Shah, Melissa Ford, et al. “Predicting Homelessness among Emerging Adults Aging out of 
Foster Care.” American Journal of Community Psychology, vol. 60, no. 1-2, 2016, pp. 33–43., https://doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12098.
The source, which references Emo Zhao's article in the International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology and Deborah Finfgeld-Connett's research, provides data and statistics related to homelessness in the United States. This information can be used to support the research's claims and provide evidence of the extent of the homelessness issue.
The passage does not specify how the source will be used in the research, but it is likely to be used as supporting evidence to highlight the scale of the homelessness crisis in the United States.
The source, which references Emo Zhao's article in the International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology and Deborah Finfgeld-Connett's research, provides data and statistics related to homelessness in the United States. This information can be used to support the research's claims and provide evidence of the extent of the homelessness issue.
The passage does not specify how the source will be used in the research, but it is likely to be used as supporting evidence to highlight the scale of the homelessness crisis in the United States.
The author of the passage is Emo Zhao: The passage cites an article written by Emo Zhao from the International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology,Diana Lind: The passage refers to an article written by Diana Lind from the Architectural Record.Diane Joy Irish & Stephen W. Stoeffler: The passage mentions a research paper in the Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness written by Diane Joy Irish and Stephen W. Stoeffler.Deborah K. Padgett: The passage cites an article written by Deborah K. Padgett published in the BJPsych Bulletin.JoAnn S. Lee, Gilbert Gimm, Maya Mohindroo, and Louise Lever: These authors are mentioned in the passage as authors of an article from the Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal.
The passage mentions various journals where the research articles were published, including the International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, Architectural Record, Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness, BJPsych Bulletin, American Journal of Community Psychology, and Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. The passage does not mention extensive information about the credibility of these journals.
annotation:The article appears to discuss the issue of homelessness in the United States, focusing on its common attributes and contributing factors, including unaffordable housing, mental health issues, the foster care system, and unstable home environments. It highlights the multifaceted nature of the homelessness crisis and it's impact on millions of people in the country.
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testeuse13 · 4 years
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✅Testé et approuvé @cuisineactuelle STOEFFLER SPAETZLE 🍽️Du moelleux et du croustillant au bon goût d'Alsace. Les spaetzles sont une recette traditionnelle incontournable en Alsace. Ils s'apparentent à des pâtes fraîches, moelleuses à l'intérieur et croustillantes à l'extérieur. Stoeffler propose une recette gourmande composée à 30% d'œufs frais de poules élevées en plein air, dont la totalité des ingrédients sont français et sans additifs, offrant de bonnes qualités nutritionnelles. Conseil d'utilisation : Faites chauffer les spaetzles quelques minutes à la poêle jusqu'à ce qu'elles soient dorés. A déguster seuls ou accompagnés d'un plat en sauce. Prix moyen conseillé : 2.09 € - 300g 👌Mon avis : De vrais pâtes fraîches alsacienne, elles sont très bonnes, moelleuses à l'intérieur et croustillantes à l'extérieur en quelques minutes c'est prêt et délicieux. Tient bien au ventre, ne colle pas. Je les ai mangé nature pour me les goûter avec un mini-burger car les dates étaient jusqu'à aujourd'hui. #CuisineActuelle #MenbreDuJuryDuGrandPrixCuisineActuelle #stoeffler #patealsacienne #necollepas #delicieux #spaetzle (à La Madeleine, Nord-Pas-De-Calais, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBi1Hp8hER-/?igshid=191idqtuupymh
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lesvinsderemy · 4 years
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Blanc demi-doux Gewurztraminer Grand cru Kirchberg de Barr
Vendanges tardives 2017 à 25.00 €
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sepublic · 3 years
You think that if Keetongu hadn’t cured him, Matau would’ve eventually transformed into a Hordika Dragon? That’d be a fun Watsonian way to explain their incredibly similar builds, with the Doylist explanation being that Austin Stoeffler just slapped additional pieces onto his Matau Hordika set for the Dark Hunter contest.
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zerogate · 2 years
Being a survivalist—using foresight to protect oneself from anticipated disasters—can itself be perilous.
In 1499, a noted German astrologer named Johannes Stoeffler claimed that a conjunction of the planets would cause a great flood on February 20, 1524.
Count von Iggleheim, to prepare for the disaster, built a three-story ark for his family. His foresight made him an early survivalist.
Oddly, heavy rains actually struck Europe on February 20, 1524. A terrified mob tried to enter the ark, and hundreds were killed in the riot, including the count himself.
The moral of this true story: all refuges must be defended.
-- Mark Mirabello, Handbook for Rebels and Outlaws Resisting Tyrants, Hangmen, and Priests
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mwsa-member · 2 years
MWSA Interview with john Stoeffler
Interview date: 30 March 2022
John R. Stoeffler attended Pennsylvania Military College and graduated in 1963 with a BA. Commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army, Stoeffler spent one year of his two-year active duty in Korea. After active duty he went to work for General Electric and worked on projects in his community, creating 'Kids Who Care", a program which led children in collecting toys, food and clothing for those in need nearby. Stoeffler also organized "Republicare", a program with the local Republican Party and the Salvation Army to collect items for the needy during the Christmas season. After decades as a salesman, Stoeffler retired in 2003 and moved to St. Petersburg, Florida in 2016. In 1966, Stoeffler married the former Linda Diane Lord of Linwood, New Jersey. They have been married for fifty-four years and had two children: Susan (deceased) and Laura. They have four grandchildren: Haley, Kylie, Kanon and Lexie. For five years, Stoeffler wrote a weekly commentary column in the St. Louis West News titled "As I See It". He also wrote country music, pitched is songs along Music Row in Nashville, and penned a book of poetry: God, Family, Freedom.
MWSA: What was the inspiration for your book?
In 2008 I awoke one morning thinking about the children of members of our armed forces who are deployed and how sad they must be missing their parent. I had an idea for a pillow with the picture printed on it of their mom or dad. I discussed this with my wife who thought this was a good idea. With this in mind we began making these "Sweet Dreams Pillows". An individual who heard about our program offered to make us a web site and the orders came in. We, my wife and I along with our volunteers who we referred to as our "Pillow Platoon" made and shipped free over 13,000 pillows. Unfortunately, health issues forced us to discontinue this great project. That this made a difference to the children was evident in responses from parents of those children who received their Sweet Dreams Pillows. Responses like, "The monsters are gone" and "The bedwetting has stopped" are just two of hundreds of responses we received. The hardest pillows to make were for children of a parent who was KIA. All-in-all it was the best job my wife and I ever had that didn't pay a cent.
MWSA: Any new writing projects in the offing?
No new writing projects at this time.
MWSA: Can you think of another writing project that would be as rewarding as our Sweet Dreams Pillow Project was?
MWSA: Are the subjects of my book "Lexie's Gift" real?
While the characters in my book are fictitious the names are those of family members.
MWSA: What do you hope children who read this book? will take away from it?
As the story ends Lexie who made a special pillow for her best friend, Susan, are asked by a boy who sees Susan's pillow if Lexie will make one for him and his brother seeing how his daddy, a Marine, is deployed. Lexie asks Susan if she will help to which Susan gleefully agrees. In making pillows for others both learn that it is more rewarding to give than to recieve.
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graysongoal · 3 years
Sexual and reproductive health language used by sexual and gender minority people
Sexual and reproductive health language used by sexual and gender minority people
The following is from an email sent out by the Pride Study yesterday. Want to contribute to research like this? Join the Pride Study today! It’s really fun and easy. Learn more at PrideStudy.org. For information on all of their studies, go to: pridestudy.org/research. Full article Ragosta S, Obedin-Maliver J, Fix L, Stoeffler A, Hastings J, Capriotti MR, Flentje A, Lubensky ME, Lunn MR, Moseson H…
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sadoldjonny · 3 years
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testeuse13 · 4 years
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😍Je suis très heureuse d'avoir reçu le panier fraîcheur 1 du grand prix cuisine actuelle 2020. Merci @cuisineactuelle C'est dommage la livraison a eu du retard donc il y a 3 produits périmés. ✅Pavé d'affinois Mini pavés prêts à dorer. ✅Président Tranches de cheddar, façon brasserie. ✅Les délices d'Amélie. Cossettes de mozzarella ✅Andros gourmand et végétal. Mousse au chocolat au lait de coco ✅Charles & Alice végétal. Dessert gourmand au lait de coco ✅June Fondant au chocolat 100% végétal. ✅Le petit Basque. Crème fraîche au lait de brebis. ✅Gillot. Guee, beurre clarifié. ✅Fairefrance. Lait entier com'avant ✅Paso traiteur. Mini burger Boursin ail & fines herbes. ✅Croc'Frais. Mes idées apéritif. ✅Bahier. Rillettes de poulet rôti en cocotte Bio. ✅Les 300 & Bio. Nos brassés 2× mangue et 2× ananas. ✅Mamie Nova. Fleur de yaourt poire saveur Sakura. ✅Sojasun. Framboise passion. ✅Le Gaulois. Les tendrefines de Dinde. ✅Stoeffler. Spaetzle. ✅Harico&Co Galettes de haricots rouges, betterave piment.. #CuisineActuelle #grandprixcuisineactuelle2019 #panierfraicheur1 #testeuse #degustation #pavedaffinois #president #lesdelicesdamelie #andros #androsvegetaletgourmand #charlesetalice #june #lepetitbasque #gillot #fairefrance #pasotraiteur #crocfrais #bahier #les300etbio #mamienova #sojasun #legaulois #stoeffler #harietco #letest #levote #lepalmares (à La Madeleine, Nord-Pas-De-Calais, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBiKrWyB9tI/?igshid=1f7upj3g05mdf
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lesvinsderemy · 4 years
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Rouge AOC Alsace Pinot Noir Lieu dit Rotenberg à 13.00 €
13°5 bio
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dailypapernews · 3 years
Liesbeth Stoeffler, 61, Runner Kept Going by Rare Lung Treatment, Dies
Liesbeth Stoeffler, 61, Runner Kept Going by Rare Lung Treatment, Dies
Liesbeth Stoeffler’s doctors had a bold decision to make in 2009. Ms. Stoeffler was on a ventilator and deeply sedated after cystic fibrosis had destroyed the lungs that had once given her the ability to run and hike. She needed a double-lung transplant, but doctors worried that prolonged time on the respirator might render her too weak or malnourished to stay eligible for one. So doctors at…
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natthenewt · 3 years
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"Liesbeth Stoeffler, 61, Runner Kept Going by Rare Lung Treatment, Dies" by Richard Sandomir via NYT New York https://ift.tt/3dcdfta
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orbemnews · 3 years
Liesbeth Stoeffler, 61, Runner Kept Going by Rare Lung Treatment, Dies Liesbeth Stoeffler’s doctors had a bold decision to make in 2009. Ms. Stoeffler was on a ventilator and deeply sedated after cystic fibrosis had destroyed the lungs that had once given her the ability to run and hike. She needed a double-lung transplant, but doctors worried that prolonged time on the respirator might render her too weak or malnourished to stay eligible for one. So doctors at Columbia University Irving Medical Center took her off the ventilator after about a day and hooked her to an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation machine, or ECMO, which pumped blood from her body, removed carbon dioxide from it and sent oxygen-rich blood flowing back into her. In effect, it acted as an artificial lung. It was a rarely known and risky deployment of the machine, but not only did it allow Ms. Stoeffler to awaken from sedation; it also allowed her to eat, speak on her smartphone, exercise in bed and walk in place while she was connected to it — for an unusually long 18 days, until the transplant took place. “The ECMO was the bridge between my respiratory failure and the transplant,” Ms. Stoeffler told USA Today in 2009. ECMO — a treatment for lung-damaging viruses — has proved extremely helpful in the past with cases of H1N1 flu (or swine flu) and is now being widely used at major medical centers in the Covid-19 pandemic, according to data from Columbia and other ECMO centers around the world. A study published in the medical journal The Lancet last September showed that 62.6 percent of 1,035 severely ill Covid-19 patients survived after receiving ECMO treatments. Ms. Stoeffler’s transplanted lungs worked well for nearly a decade, enabling her to hike in the mountains near her childhood home in Austria and finish two New York City Marathons,half-marathons, an Ironman bicycle course and a sprint triathlon. But her body eventually rejected the transplanted lungs, and she underwent another transplant in 2019. It did not work as well or last as long. Ms. Stoeffler died of cystic fibrosis on March 4 at the Irving Medical Center, her brother Ewald Stoffler said. She was 61. Liesbeth Stoeffler was born on June 18, 1959, in Hermagor, Austria, a town at the foot of the Carnic Alps. Her father, Johann, was a truck driver; her mother, Margarethe (Strempfl) Stoeffler, was a homemaker. After finishing trade school, she left Austria in 1977 for an au pair job in Manhattan, where she had hoped to move since she was young, her brother said in an email. Updated  March 26, 2021, 12:43 a.m. ET “During the first three years Liesbeth spent in New York, she refused to speak a single word of German,” Mr. Stoeffler wrote, “so she can learn English as fast and as good as possible.” She took classes in computers and graphic design and was hired by Deutsche Bank, the Blackstone Group and finally the investment management firm Sanford C. Bernstein (now AllianceBernstein). She worked there for nearly 20 years, rising to vice president and presentation specialist and creating graphics for marketing and sales documents. She began to experience breathing problems while at Bernstein and learned she had cystic fibrosis in 1995. But she kept it largely to herself. “She was always coughing, causing her co-workers to ask her to check it out,” said Christina Restivo, a close friend who had met her at Bernstein and was the leader of a support team of friends who looked after her. “She kept it private until she was so far along that the only way to live was with a double transplant.” In June 2009, after a routine blood test at the hospital, Ms. Stoeffler felt too exhausted to return home. One of her doctors, David Lederer, a pulmonologist, admitted her. “Within 48 hours, she was in the I.C.U., on a ventilator,” he said in a video about her case made by the Irving Medical Center. He added, “She wasn’t really improving on the vent support we were providing for her, so we knew we had to do something for her.” Using the ECMO helped her remain eligible for the transplant. “About five days into it, she told me it was the best she’d felt in years,” Dr. Matthew Bacchetta, who also treated Ms. Stoeffler, told a Columbia online publication. In less than two years, Ms. Stoeffler began running races in earnest. Starting with the Fred Lebow Classic, a five-mile race in Central Park in January 2011 (named after the founder of the New York City Marathon), she finished 47 different races hosted by the New York Road Runners club. Her last one was an 8-kilometer event in August 2017. Ms. Restivo said that her friend’s running had probably extended the life of her transplanted lungs. “Because your immune system is so suppressed by having a transplant, she was told not to exercise in a gym, where she could pick up bacteria,” she said. “She used the outdoors to exercise her lungs.” In addition to her brother Ewald, Ms. Stoeffler is survived by three sisters, Gabriele and Birgit Stoeffler and Waltraud Wildpanner; and another brother, Hannes. Ms. Restivo, who is the executor of Ms. Stoeffler’s will, said Ms. Stoeffler would sometimes text with instructions to give the doctors. Another text arrived on her last day. “I got a call to go to the hospital at 3:30 a.m. in the morning,” she said. “Liesbeth, with her oxygen mask on, was still alert, texting me as usual, telling me what to do and keeping me advised of her status. Fully cognizant at all times.” Source link Orbem News #Dies #Liesbeth #lung #rare #Runner #Stoeffler #treatment
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wazafam · 3 years
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By BY RICHARD SANDOMIR from New York in the New York Times-https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/26/nyregion/liesbeth-stoeffler-dead.html?partner=IFTTT A machine that acted as an artificial lung kept her eligible for a transplant as she dealt with cystic fibrosis. She went on to compete again in marathons. Liesbeth Stoeffler, 61, Runner Kept Going by Rare Lung Treatment, Dies New York Times
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Kayla Stoeffler
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hchewittauthor · 5 years
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I just couldn’t get enough of “Louise”, I got the Audio book too! I am enjoying listening to you Faye Stoeffler Bryant as I go to work! You did an amazing job of your Audio book! I highly recommend it! #louise #audiobook #historicalfiction #fayebryant #fellowauthor #aae #published #faithfulservant #historical #novel #2018 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsezr-xH0LI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tno705jp3ce9
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