#stole a post from my old blog to remake it on here you bet i did!
magicianarcana · 1 year
shauna‘s lesbian repression has led her to places she wouldn’t even go with a gun…
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seolhe · 4 years
I wasn’t tagged but I stole this from @silvysartfulness anyway rules: answer 30 questions and tag however many blogs you want!
name: Irina, but I really don’t like my given name, and I’ve been meaning to change it for years and years if only I can make up my mind.
gender: Idk, I just work here (basically cis enough to just go along with it, but my internal sense of gender is a bit more muddled)
star sign: Virgo
height: 178 cm (5′10″)
time: 05:28 AM (sleep’s pretty messed up atm)
birthday: September 4
favourite bands: Oh, um... I mostly just tend to listen to 1 or 2 songs here and there from any given band/artist. Some bands I can think of at the top of my head that I like a bit more music from, hmm... Blackmore’s Night, Florence + The Machine and Queen?
favourite solo artists: Same thing here. Ones that come to mind are S.J. Tucker, Heather Dale and Loreena McKennitt.
last movie: I basically never watch movies anymore, so I think the last one was the remake of either The Lion King or Aladdin that I watched on the long plane ride home from Singapore back in November 2019.
last show: I’m a little more inclined to watch series than movies, but I still struggle with watching anything honestly. Last one would be The Untamed, She-Ra shortly before that, both of which I watched last summer.
when did i create this blog: 2011 I think?
what i post: Pretty much anything that catches my interest? Usually a fairly eclectic mix of pretty art, history shit, photos of beautiful landscapes, funny animal videos, politics/social justice content, the ocassional fandom related junk and a smattering of topics especially close to my heart like LGBTQ+ issues, mental health, animal welfare and environmentalism.
last thing i googled: Height conversion :P
other blogs: @seolhesart is my art blog, but since I basically never draw these days, it’s left pretty neglected.
do i get asks: I wish I did, but no
why i chose my url: I started using the name Seolhe on deviantArt years and years ago. I was really into selkies at the time, so the name comes from the Old English word for seal, “seolh”. I’ve kept it since, if for no other reason than it’s unique enough to usually be available on any site I join ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
following: 72
followers: 296
instruments: I don’t play any, unfortunately. Alas, I think all the musical talent went to my siblings.
what i am wearing: Black short-sleeved blouse, comfy black pants and a necklace with a teardrop shaped moonstone pendant. Should probably dress for bed tho.
dream job(s): I... honestly don’t know. Librarian, maybe? In an ideal world I would have loved getting into archaeology, or to work with animals in some capacity.
dream trip: Returning to Bali is definitely at the top of my list. I’m definitely in love with the place, and there’s so much more I still want to see and experience. Other countries I’ve been to before and would love to see more of include Greece and Norway, both of which also hold a special place in my heart. At some point in my life I would also love to visit Egypt, Iceland, Thailand, India and Morocco, among many others.
favourite foods: Thai and Indian food are safe bets. I can never get enough of satay, and pizza is never wrong (my favourite topping is chicken, pineapple, banana and curry, yum!). I love anything drenched in garlic, and I do appreciate a lot of spicy food. Also fresh fruits! I’m always excited to try new cuisines from around the world, but unfortunately I have quite a long list of food aversions that make things a bit difficult at times, haha
nationality: Swedish
favourite song: I don’t have any one favourite and what I like to listen to changes all the time. Some that I keep getting back to over the years I suppose are Iron by Woodkid, March of Mephisto by Kamelot, Neptune by S.J.Tucker and Wolf by First Aid Kit.
last book i read: In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan, which I finished 2 days ago. Really enjoyed it, and it made my heart go “ow” a few times. Currently reading The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty and Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse.
top 3 fictional universes: In all honesty? Probably my own storyverses. If I have to be a little less egocentric, uh... I mean, I’m definitely a big fan of @silvysartfulness‘ Pangaea universe, and have been since my early teen years. Other than that, well... Here’s the thing, I don’t really get very attached to fandoms, especially not these days. Even franchises I’ve been really invested in (Asoiaf, that series by She who must not be named, etc.) I can’t say I’ve been thinking actively about all that much in recent years.
I tag: I don’t really have any tumblr friends to tag, but if anyone wants to do it, consider yourself tagged.
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