#stole the bg colour too
darkclouud9 · 7 months
I may have thieved some colours....
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drew what I'm wearing but HELLA simplified
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notetaeker · 7 months
thank you @juliistudies for the tag!
Last song: zombie by the cranberries in the bg of a palestine vid Latest show: Ranking of Kings (anime) Currently reading: + The Joy of Watercolor by David Millard + The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe Currently watching: Spy x Family new season Current obsessions: watching wax seal videos... steam pressing my clothes, saving screenshots to paint D: Favourite colour: ✨Blue ✨ Relationship status: single and too busy taking care of my plants 🤝 (stole this answer from Julii) - praying my plants can survive the winter and centralized heating Last thing you googled: how to iron pant leg crease 💀 Song stuck in your head: I Remember Your Smile - Zain Bhikha Dream Trip: Umrah + Turkey Anything you want right now: a grilled cheese sandwich with tomatoes... a beef patty (jamaican)... turkey sandwich w/ deli slices
Tagging: @stuhde, @frenchiepal, @studvnoodle, @a-dream-deferred, @iwillsurvivecollege, @cyberstudious, @gulabstories, @atruegift
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cheerioss · 3 years
Sole crusher thought bubbles 👠
disclaimer: dont read if u havent watched sole crusher
so i finally found a video with subs (again big shoutout to fellow translators out there yall r AWESOME) so yes we be having another crazy session :>
- omg that tour rlly makes me wanna go paris!! too bad we cant actually see lb and chat patrolling around 😔
- omg tom and sabine’s bakery is officially the best bakery in paris YES
- idk if it’s just me but zoe gives off ✨ gay vibes ✨
- the second marinette hears abt zoe only having one friend she immediately showers her with food and love and exchange numbers WHO WOULDNT LOVE THAT GIRL
- i know some ppl r asking why we’re getting another new character but honestly i find it refreshing and also i may or may not already be trying to adopt that girl oop-
- audrey ma’am do u just wear those sunglasses everywhere???? like u’re literally indoors reading a magazine
- chloe those r literally the tackiest shoes i have ever seen how is audrey not screaming at them
- okay i honestly was wondering why the sudden attitude change but now im realising that she’s acting to actually fit in djejdjjene
- chloe: “all the boys must fall over for u and the handsome ones must carry ur stuff” also chloe: picks someone who is not all that good looking (no offense to the guy :< )
- uhhhhh where did that red carpet come from????
- did- did she just say she’ll buy her a new name???? uhhh her name isnt all that different from yours ma’am
- okay ngl zoe’s a rlly good actress (ahem liela take some notes)
- oooh but she’s in aurore’s class??? i can totally see them being besties doedkke
- rose: “can we adopt her??” OMG U SWEET CHILD CAN I ADOPT U????
- marinette seeing right thru zoe’s act and trusting the girl she just met in the morning 🥺
- okay i always thought andre was like ehhh but he just wanted to be loved by his family omg i hope he can stand up for himself and achieve his dreams 😭😭
- omg zoe my poor baby I WISH I CAN GIVE U A HUG
- oh frick the akumatised item isnt on her this is interesting
- also idk if anyone’s told gabriel but that shadowmoth outfit he’s got on is kinda ugly and he’s a fashion designer —
- chloe, the first reaction when u see an akuma isnt to ask why they stole ur image U R IN DANGER GIRL
- okay idk why the cheese floating im space sent me 🤡
- omg chat arriving and marinette just being like “shush it kitty im not done” HAHAHAHA
- chat waiting for marinette to finish before tripping sole crusher WE STAN A GENTLEMAN
- omg chat suggesting he cataclysma here before she destroys the city 😦 wut is this man capable of
- okay i didnt recognise the lucky charm object this is why i cant be lb yalls 😔😔
- wow that was a slow punch if i’ve ever seen one
- hello where can i get one if those charms they’re so pretty 🥺🥺🥺
- awww ivan was the first one to hug zoe i love u mannn also did yall see adrien’s face GIVE SUNSHINE BOY A HUG PLEASE
- audrey listening to chloe??? who r u and wut have u done to audrey bourgeois
- aww i can see this father daughter relationship between andre and zoe even tho she isnt his actual daughterrrr i rlly hope this will help him stand up for himselfff :<
- okay i rlly love that pink hair thooo wishing i had light coloured hair now :<<<
okayy that’s all for today folks thanks for joining :D
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iatethepomegranate · 6 years
Blue is the New Red Chapter 46
Note that due to tumblr being ridiculous, I no longer post external links on individual chapters. If you prefer to read on AO3, please refer to the masterlist link above.
Rated: M for torture, flashbacks, trauma reactions, PTSD, sexual assault of minors, consensual sexual content and related freaking out about it, drug references, non-consensual drug use, possibly underage drinking, homophobia and biphobia, references to self-harm, suicidal ideation and attempt. Chapter warnings:  animal cruelty, allusions to the sexual assault of minors, mentions of Wally's jerkass dad, hints of PTSD
Main Pairing: Birdflash
Status: Multiple chapters, in progress
Overall summary: Nightwing has finally made his return to the Team, but he finds the events of the past two years aren’t quite done with him yet.
Chapter notes:  Batgirl is participating in her first team mission, and Nightwing is finally back on active duty after his long absence.
Additional notes (and an apology): It's been far too long since I last updated. I'm so sorry. I wish I had a good explanation, but the fact is I just could not get myself into the right mindset to write this, let alone reread what I've written so I can remember how it goes. (See a longer explanation on the AO3 page)
Reminder: dialogue in bold is said through M'gann's mind link.
Chapter 46: Reconnaissance (Maybe)
It took Batman three tries before he was able to let Nightwing on the bioship the following morning. If it hadn't been for the smorgasbord of trackers embedded into every piece of Nightwing's uniform, he probably wouldn't have been allowed to go at all.
Batgirl squeaked when the seatbelt fastened itself over her chest. Nightwing, very charitably, he thought, did not laugh.
“You control the ship with your brain?” she asked Miss Martian once she'd recovered.
Miss Martian nodded. “I can also make her respond to commands from non-telepaths. I'll show you how to fly her one day.”
Batgirl rubbed the seatbelt between her gloved fingers. “Maybe once I've gotten used to this.”
“Wait until you see her shapeshifting,” said Kid Flash.
“You just want her to turn into that version of you with boobs again,” said Nightwing.
“Who can blame me? I'm hot.”
“Oh, grow out of your hormones already,” Artemis complained. “You don't hear Nightwing going on like this anymore.”
There was a very specific reason for that, but Nightwing made a conscious decision not to ruin the mood. At least it shut Kid Flash up, probably because he'd had the same thought. Artemis winced and opened her mouth to apologise, but Nightwing waved her off before she could. Better to just move on.
Miss Martian smiled awkwardly and called Batgirl over to show her how the bioship controls worked.
“Batman said he added colour change options to these suits, didn't he?” said Artemis, pressing various spots on the chest logo of her cold-weather uniform until it switched to her usual green. She pressed it again to switch back to white. “Nice.”
“I told him we wouldn't be very covert if we wore white indoors,” said Nightwing. “Nice to see he listened for once.” Nightwing hadn't had call to wear his new cold-weather uniform until today. Similar design to his usual costume, except in white, plus the cowl that had featured on his cold-weather Robin uniform. For the first time in a while, he felt naked without a cape. If the weather proved too punishing, he might have to add one for future missions.
“You stole that idea from me,” Robin complained. Seeing him in the same cold weather uniform Nightwing once wore brought on a feeling of nostalgia that he thought he'd finally gotten over.
“You snooze, you lose,” he said, shaking it off.
Everyone strapped into their seats and Miss Martian willed the ship into flight. It would take a few hours to reach their destination and Nightwing could barely contain his excitement. After such a long time of being stuck on the sidelines due to a never-ending parade of bullshit, he was finally back where he wanted to be, with his best friends in the whole world. There was that nagging fear in the back of his mind about what would happen if they came across the al Ghuls, but the likelihood of that happening was so remote that it didn't take more precedence than that.
Besides, there was nothing better at sharpening his focus than a good old-fashioned team mission. He already felt a thousand times smarter and they'd only just left home base.
“This is exciting,” Batgirl admitted. “I had no idea there was a team like this until a few months ago. How did you convince the Justice League to let you do this?”
“Well, to be fair, it started when KF, Aqualad and I broke into a supervillain's science lab without anyone's permission,” Nightwing said. “Then we found Superboy in a pod and busted him out. We also may have blown up the place, just a little bit.”
“Then we had to wait a thousand years for them to officially approve the team,” Kid Flash added. “Supey crashed at my place in the meantime.” The corner of his mouth tightened. “Well, I wouldn't call it my place anymore...”
“You've mentioned something about your dad before,” said Batgirl. “Ages ago, at that gala where you embarrassed Nightwing with that Enrique Iglesias song.”
“I'm amazed you remember that,” Kid Flash replied. “I don't even remember what I told you.” At least that eased some of the pain out of his expression, even if they were still talking about it.
“I have an eidetic memory,” Batgirl said. “Comes in handy. You mentioned Dick's—I mean Nightwing's—dad took the news about you two better than your own dad did.”
“Yeah...” His mouth tightened again. “He kicked me out of home last year. Been staying with my aunt and uncle.”
“That's horrible. I'm so sorry.”
Kid Flash shrugged, but no one believed he meant it. “My aunt and uncle have had all of us in the same room for a family dinner so it's not like he and Mum are out of my life completely. Just... mostly. I'm gonna invite them to my graduation. No idea if they'll show. No point dwelling on something I can't do anything about.”
Nightwing rested his foot on the edge of Kid Flash's seat; they were too far away for hugging, even if that's what he really wanted to do right now. A friendly foot of support would have to do.
“You really remember everything?” Zatanna asked Batgirl, who grasped onto the change of topic.
“No one remembers everything,” she replied, “but I can get pretty close.”
“Impressive,” said Aqualad.
The conversation very pointedly moved on, but Kid Flash had this faraway look in his eyes, even as he went through the motions of smiling and nodding at what the others said.
“Hey,” Nightwing said quietly. Superboy would hear, but he was pretty good at pretending he couldn't.
Kid Flash sighed. “I'm fine, babe. I just miss them sometimes.”
“I know.”
“I don't know whether I'm more afraid they'll come to my graduation and be horrible, or they won't come at all.”
“You sure you wanna invite them?”
“Yeah. I wanna know they care. If they care.”
“Whatever happens, you're surrounded by people who love you. And we're fully prepared to fight your dad if you want.”
Kid Flash snickered, just a little bit. “Please don't. He'll think we're moving into the final phase of the gay agenda: eliminate the heterosexuals.”
Nightwing cackled. “I'll pencil it in after brunch.”
The issue wasn't resolved, but the levity helped in the short term. Kid Flash relaxed in his seat over time and his father slowly filtered out of everyone's minds. There'd be time to deal with that can of worms later. No need to let it spoil the upcoming excitement of the mission.
Nightwing was so ready for this.
Miss Martian had to land the bioship a mile away from the facility due to a lack of surrounding cover, plus the thermal imaging at the base. Small groups wearing insulated costumes would have a better chance of slipping in undetected.
The team split into their squads and put some distance between each other, the better to trick the sensors. Zatanna prepared a teleportation spell for alpha squad while Nightwing hopped on Kid Flash's back for beta's run to the facility. Rocket expanded her bubble to include Superboy and Robin to improve the speed of gamma.
Alpha would arrive first and relay any immediate findings to the other squads. Batgirl was already a talented hacker and could handle any low-risk hacks, though anything more serious would have to await Nightwing's arrival. Batgirl was a quick study and would surpass him eventually, but that wasn't today.
Nightwing buried his face against Kid Flash's shoulder as they began to move. They screeched to a halt maybe a minute later, but he didn't get the chance to climb down before Batgirl's voice was in his head.
“I've got a virus into the external cameras. Nightwing should be able to take out the infrareds with minimal interference.”
“Thanks, BG.” Nightwing climbed off Kid Flash's back and they pressed themselves against the dull stone wall that surrounded the entire complex.
Miss Martian dropped to the snowy ground and rolled a few times. “There. My body temperature should blend into our surroundings if I'm quick. I'll find the sensors for you.” Martians already ran cooler than humans anyway. She camouflaged and phased through the wall.
“We're definitely safe from the infrared cameras here, right?” said Kid Flash.
“As long as we stick to the wall,” Nightwing replied. “The walls are insulated and the exterior cameras angled to watch for approaching invaders, remember?”
“I may have dozed off in the briefing a little bit.”
Whatever smartass reply Nightwing was cooking up had to be aborted when Miss Martian reappeared. They hugged the wall as they slipped in through a gate, the guard already unconscious, and then legged it to the security station.
Said station was a rickety little shack with a tin roof and a door thicker than its walls. Nightwing slipped inside with Kid Flash while Miss Martian stood guard outside.
Nightwing found a port on the three-monitor computer's CPU and pulled a plug from his wrist computer. He went slowly at first, just poking around in the guts of the programming to see what he had.
“Looks like the al Ghul techs added a shutdown sequence in a hurry,” he said, leafing through the programmers' documentation attached to the code. “Not part of the original programming. It's tied into some functions deeper in the facility.”
“Can you turn them off without alerting anyone?” asked Aqualad.
“I can make it look like a malfunction, but they're gonna know about it.” It wasn't ideal, but that's what he had to work with. “Are you in position? We won't have long to get inside, and we'll have trouble getting out again if they fix the system faster than we can work.”
“Perhaps we should consult Batman. It may affect the League's mission if we are discovered.”
“Make it quick. We had to knock out a guard to get here and I don't know if there are any alarms in this system.”
There were a few tense moments, each longer than the last. Nightwing half-expected they would have to fall back, but Aqualad's voice filled his head again, giving the go-ahead to shut down the infrareds.
It only took a moment. He'd had plenty of time to plan how to do it, after all. Then they hurried out of the security building and through the nearest door, Miss Martian taking point. Invisibly.
“I found an alarm system,” Robin said. “Doesn't look hard to turn off but, you know...”
“Looks can be deceiving?” Nightwing replied.
“Well, this is Ra's al Ghul we're talking about.”
“If you are concerned, perhaps we should leave it alone,” said Aqualad.
“Sure thing, boss,” said Nightwing. “We'll avoid detection the old-fashioned way.”
Kid Flash stifled a snicker beside him. Old-fashioned for him meant tripping over things and falling right into the people they were trying to avoid. So maybe they wouldn't do that.
“Our priority is reconnaissance,” Aqualad pointed out. “No unnecessary risks.”
“You ever notice how our recon missions always end with explosions?” said Kid Flash. Aqualad didn't respond, but his annoyed vibes through the link got the point across. The link wasn't typically strong enough to pick up on specific emotions, but Aqualad was uniquely talented in that regard. He'd certainly had plenty of practice making his frustration with the team's nonsense clear without uttering a word.
The corridors were long and made of soulless concrete. It was not like Ra’s at all. He preferred old-fashioned stone whenever possible, but maybe it didn’t hold the heat in this climate.
“What’re you thinking?” asked Kid Flash
“This place doesn’t look like an al Ghul original,” Nightwing replied. “Maybe it’s an adaptation for the cold weather, or he doesn’t care about aesthetics in a facility he’ll rarely visit. I don’t know. It doesn’t feel right.”
“Maybe he didn’t build it,” suggested Artemis. “He could’ve found it abandoned or killed the original inhabitants.”
“Possibly. If he was desperate enough.”
Unfortunately, Nightwing had been hoping for a more traditional interior, because there tended to be little alcoves that made good hiding spots. No such luck here. He spotted a heating vent and Miss Martian floated up to test if it would open, but it wouldn’t budge.
“Fused shut,” she whispered. Damn it.
“That’d be too easy,” Nightwing muttered. Ra’s knew about the batfamily’s tendency toward air vents and had clearly taken steps to thwart their use.
“I could get it open,” Miss Martian said, “but it would make too much noise.”
They continued, peeking into solid metal doors as they went. Each room looked like a horror movie version of an examination room, some with beds or dental chairs or even metal tables. No computers or samples yet. Nothing they could work with.
“Found something,” said Batgirl. “In the heart of the facility. Some kind of computer server. There are cages, too. We haven’t gone inside yet. I think there may be an elevator in there. Get here quick.”
“On our way,” said Nightwing. Kid Flash’s running would be too loud, so they ran at a Nightwing-level pace instead. Well, Miss Martian flew a little ahead with her camouflage.
If there really was an elevator, maybe that would explain why there was so little of use on this level. It made sense, really. Any infiltrator worth their salt could get in here. Maybe the central chamber was more difficult, or at least the fact it was central would deter all but the most determined snoops. Ah, language.
All three squads met up at a giant pair of metal doors, all taking turns to peer inside. The door was electrified shut, linked to a keypad beside it.
“Does anyone else think it’s strange we haven’t seen anyone aside from that one guard?” said Robin.
“Super strange,” Nightwing agreed. He pressed a button on his mask and scanned the keypad, lighting up four fingerprints that denoted the most commonly-used buttons: 5, 7, 1, 4. There were 24 permutations of those four numbers, and trying them all in a brute-force strategy would undoubtedly trip another alarm.
There was a camera on the wall behind the team, which was dead. It must have gone off when the infrareds did… Nightwing hoped. If he could break into the system and find the camera footage for the code.
“I need to find another security room to have any chance of cracking this without ruining the mission,” he said. Sadly, Ra’s al Ghul knew better than to use WayneTech. “Think there’s one inside, or do we have to go all the way outside again?”
“We passed one on our route,” said Batgirl. “It’s a few doors down that way.” She pointed behind her, to Nightwing’s right.
“What do the rest of us do in the meantime?” asked Rocket. “I feel silly just standing around.”
“We look for alternative entrances,” said Aqualad. “I want everyone to know this place so well they could walk it blindfolded.”
“Now you sound like Batman,” said Robin, as Nightwing took Miss Martian and Kid Flash down the corridor to find the security room.
“I will take that as a compliment. Begin searching.”
The security room was the third door on the left of the concrete corridor. Nightwing had to swallow bile, because the stack of cassette tapes on the wall reminded him too much of Skinner’s compound. He shook his head to clear it.
“Get a fucking grip, Nightwing,” he muttered, crossing to the computer on the cheap grey desk before Kid Flash or Miss Martian could question or comfort him. It was a modern computer with a flat-screen monitor, and it took him moments to break in. Fortunately, the video records were archived on the computer itself. The tapes must’ve been old. Good. He didn’t want to look at them again.
Nightwing also didn’t want to delve too deeply into the video archives. He found a digital map of the facility with all the cameras marked and downloaded a copy to his wrist computer. He also passed copies to Robin and Batgirl.
He found the central chamber on the map and made a note of the camera’s codename: AX253. He then found that folder in the archive and started sifting through the footage until he found someone using the code. It was a bad angle, but it was all he had. He ran the video a couple of times and finally figured out the first digit: 4. That brought the possible number of combinations down to six. Better, but still too many to risk a brute-force approach. Most systems got antsy after more than three attempts, especially in places such as this. If he could piece together at least one more digit…
“What’s taking so long?” said Superboy. “Whatever you did to the cameras could’ve been fixed already.”
“It hasn’t,” Nightwing replied. “I need a few more minutes. Got one digit figured out. Need at least one more to make brute-forcing an option.”
“Genius takes time,” Kid Flash added. Nightwing would’ve elbowed him and told him to shut up, but he was busy.
He sifted through the footage and found a shorter person. Both people had been wearing labcoats. This one was a woman, and she fumbled the combination the first two times because her hands shook. She got it on the third because she went slowly, enough that Nightwing could pick up the whole combination. That was nice. He also knew the keypad could take at least two mistakes.
The combination was: 4157.
“Got it,” said Nightwing. “Anything cool on your end?”
“No luck,” said Zatanna. “That door is our only way in and out.”
They headed back to the door and Nightwing keyed in the combination. The door buzzed and released. Aqualad tested the handle, and it turned.
There were more metal tables in the room, and fur was stuck in some of the cages. Nightwing made a beeline for the enormous computer that took up an entire wall, dragging Robin and Batgirl with him.
“Find another way down if you can,” Aqualad said. “I would prefer not to use the elevator.”
“Bit of a fire hazard if it’s the only option,” Kid Flash quipped.
“Would Ra’s al Ghul care?” said Robin.
“Probably not,” Nightwing replied, pulling a cord from his wrist computer and plugging it into a port. “As long as he gets out in once piece, most of his people are expendable. Hell, even he is to an extent. Yay, Lazarus Pits.” He shook off a sick feeling at the green memory and focused on breaking into this computer, explaining his steps to Robin and Batgirl as he went.
It was a simple enough task to log in and poke around in the files.
“Nightwing, what are we dealing with?” asked Aqualad, who was examining the elevator across the room.
Zatanna had freed some fur from a cage and was feeling it between her fingers. “This is real fur. A wolf, I think?”
Nightwing found some research notes. “I’m not sure what I’m looking at yet yet. KF, get your science brain over here and help me make sense of this. I think we’ve got some test results.”
“All the test subjects have codes,” said Batgirl, pointing to the screen. “Can we find what those mean?”
“Sounds like a good starting point,” said Kid Flash, zipping over to them. He rested his hand on Nightwing’s shoulder, leaning in to get a look as Nightwing sifted through the files until he found a name authority file. “Maybe that’s it.”
Nightwing opened it. “Each code translates to a Latin name and a number.”
“Scientific animal names?” Kid Flash suggested.
“Makes sense,” said Robin. “Zatanna, can we look at that fur?”
Zatanna brought it over. Between the five of them, they were able to identify most of the Latin animal names. Lots of wolves, which made since given the grey animal fur. There were also foxes, various kind of large-breed dogs, large canines, and even horses and a bear or two. Nightwing swore he saw the scientific name for an African elephant as well, which was just upsetting and made him think of the circus.
“So, they’re doing animal tests here,” said Kid Flash. “Can we save some of this data? Uncle Flash would have a field day.”
“I’ll save as much as I can,” said Nightwing. “We still need to take a look downstairs.”
“The elevator is not code-protected,” said Aqualad. “It would appear we are clear to use it, if there is no other option.” He sounded less than enthused. Nightwing couldn’t blame him. You never wanted to get stuck in an elevator when you weren’t supposed to be there at all. Sure, they could try the elevator shaft, but it was a bad idea when you didn’t know if you could get in and out of the elevator if the need arose.
Nightwing went back to the test results, but even knowing the code meanings wasn’t much help. He downloaded those records and went searching for a thesis statement that would explain all this.
Finally, he lucked out:
Mission: devise a method to command dangerous animals to control human population levels.
Classic Ra’s al Ghul. Environmentalism through genocide. How exactly was he trying to command these animals?
“There a lot of information,” Nightwing said. “We should probably leave a small team here to gather as much as possible and keep a lookout for any patrols. There has to be a reason we haven’t encountered many people yet.”
“Robin, Batgirl, are you confident continuing Nightwing’s work here?” asked Aqualad. “We may need him underground.”
“We can do it,” said Robin. “He’s done the hard work already.”
“Very well. New squad assignments: Robin, Batgirl and Rocket are to stay here. Everyone else, with me. Should we need to split further, I want Superboy and Kid Flash protecting Nightwing.”
Nightwing almost made a smartass comment, but it did make sense. He was the only hacker going underground. If something happened, the rest of the team could become trapped if they were unlucky.
They headed to the elevator and peeked inside. There was a hatch up top. Superboy gave Nightwing a boost so he could test the opening. It budged without too much effort, so Aqualad pressed the down button and they all climbed out the hatch. If anyone was in the room below, better they saw an empty elevator than one full of invaders.
Nightwing crouched on top of the elevator beside Zatanna as it lurched downwards. He checked over the blueprints he’d downloaded, but they didn’t provide any information on the bottom floor. They were going into this without any knowledge of what was down there.
“I figured out why the infrared cameras need to be turned off,” Robin said.
“We figured it out,” Batgirl cut in. “These animals are controlled by radio and light signals. The canine and feline animals are controlled by high frequencies, but some of the others are controlled by low frequencies.”
“The cameras interfere with the signals,” said Robin. “Also, they’re probably jammed full of machinery. Enjoy.”
“Thank you,” said Aqualad. Aloud he whispered, “Be ready. We could find anything down here.”
The elevator shuddered to a halt and the doors pinged open.
“Hello?” came a voice. “Who’s there?”
“Oh, god, has someone come to rescue us?” came another voice.
“Please, show yourselves.” A third voice.
The team shared a look.
“I’ll go,” said Superboy. “They’ll recognise my logo.”
“And you’re harder to shoot,” Artemis added.
Superboy didn’t dignify that with a response. Aqualad gave the okay, and he dropped through the hatch.
“That’s Superboy, genius. God, I thought you had a PhD.”
“Care to tell me what’s going on here?” Superman said.
“We were kidnapped months ago to work on cybernetic animals.”
“Are there more of you?” asked Superboy.
“Yes! Are you going to get us out?”
Superboy followed the three people out of earshot, so Superboy narrated through the mind link.
“They’ve taken me to another door. There are dozens of scientists in there. One of them is telling me they have been stuck here for days. They have to swipe identity cards to get back in the elevator, but they stopped working. Someone needs to stay in the elevator to keep it open for us.”
“Can you get to the scientists?” asked Aqualad.
“We should… no. Their cards have stopped working on this door and they don’t know what would happen if I broke it. We need Nightwing.”
Aqualad nodded to Nightwing, who dropped into the elevator with Kid Flash.
This room had even more cages, and the metal tables were covered in fur and stained with blood. Kid Flash shuddered. Superboy and the three scientists were on the other end of the room. Someone inside the room was beating against the glass.
“Hi, everyone,” Nightwing said. “Now, let’s see what we’ve got here.” A scientist offered her key card and Nightwing tested it on the keypad. It didn’t respond at all. “Do the upstairs security features affect these cards?”
“No,” said the scientist. “We have to swipe for all the rooms around here. We can’t do our tests if we can’t get the doors open.”
“Are there any animals left on-site?”
“No,” said another scientist, wiping sweat off his brow. “Soldiers came in and loaded them onto trucks a few days ago.”
“Did they leave us to die in here?” said the third. Nightwing decided against answering, because the answer was absolutely yes.
“We’re here now,” he said instead. “What kind of security measures are down here?” The keypad didn’t accept any codes and had no way to plug in and open it with his computer.
“Not many,” said the first scientist. “We have emergency buttons to shut down everything, but I don’t think anything happens with the keypads.”
“Okay, but just in case, we have to get everyone out quickly,” said Nightwing. “Aqualad, we might have to smash the security measures to get people out of this room. Are we ready for that?”
“This is supposed to be recon only,” said Aqualad.
“I know. Call Batman while I see if we’ve got any other options?”
“I will. One moment.”
“I’m going to see if there’s another way to get this open,” said Nightwing, “but there’s a very good chance I’ll have to ask our muscled friend here to tear it off to get at the wires instead. Do you have any computers you can access?”
The scientists showed him to a few laptops. He saved the research files on there but couldn’t find a way to get into the security system. He hadn’t expected anything, given these scientists were prisoners and possibly geniuses, but it was worth a shot.
“Batman gives his approval to get the scientists out. He is sending backup to take them from there. We are to rendezvous at the front of the facility and then head home.”
“Sounds like a plan,” said Nightwing. “Okay, I can’t see any other options. Superboy, could you rip that keypad off the wall for me?”
Superboy tugged it off like a piece of gum from his shoe. The door was still shut, so Nightwing dug around in the wires until he found the right two and tapped the copper ends together to complete the circuit. The door slid open.
“Everyone out, please!” he called. “Go straight to the elevator. No dawdling.”
The trapped scientists flooded out and headed for the elevator. Nightwing nudged their three new friends to join the crowd. Not everyone could fit.
“We’ll take this group up and come back,” said Aqualad. Nightwing relayed that to the people stuck in the room.
“Everything’s going to be okay,” he promised. “Our teammates will be back with the elevator in a few—”
A growl erupted from one of the other rooms.
“Um,” said Kid Flash, “didn’t the scientists say those soldiers took all the animals?”
Well, shit.
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lukacreaturestudio · 3 years
Open for art and plush commissions as I need some extra cash for bills and helping a friend's mum as she had her purse stolen and can't get a new card till 7 days time. The police are involved as the idiot who stole it was stupid enough to be caught on cctv and without wearing a mask too so could see his face clear as day!
Types of commissions I am offering, if like to support me in othersways I have a kofi and for every donor they get a sketch as a thank you! Also I appreciate if anyone shares this post around too, It will be much appreciated especially due to the circumstances~
Accepting PayPal only!
❄️Digital badges start at: £5.00
❄️Headshot flat colour start at: £8.00
❄️Headshot full colour start at: £10.00
❄️Halfbody flat colour start at: £10.00
❄️Halfbody full colour start at: £15.00
❄️Fullbody flat colour start at: £15.00
❄️Fullbody full colour start at: £20.00
❄️Fullbody+bg start at: £35.00
❄️Realistic landscapes start at: £40.00
❄️Custom dragon plush commissions start at: £45.00 + shipping
Ko-fi link for those who want to donate it is just £3~ https://ko-fi.com/lukascreaturestudio
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