#stone retaing wall
thisistennis · 1 year
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Transitional Landscape in Cleveland Inspiration for a large transitional shade backyard stone retaining wall landscape in spring.
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lemaquillage · 1 year
Landscape in Cleveland
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An idea for a sizable backyard stone retaining wall landscape in the spring.
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cast-you-dxwn · 3 months
Songs to Write My Muse. Whether it be melodies that give you inspiration for your muse or songs that get you into the writing mood — pick ten songs that give you the urge, the drive or the creativity to write for your muse!
In no particular Order
1. BFG Division- Mick Gordon
2. Belisarius- Farya Faraji
Gladius Rōmae imperī sum/Ubi’st nostrum imperium?/Nē plōrā, mater Rōma, Dēnuō flōrēbis/Cīvis Romānus sum, Sed sine imperiō sum/Sanguine barbarōrum, Renāta erit Rōma!
3. The Blood of The Lamb- Joshua James
Are your bones all spotless/Are they white as snow/Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb/Is your soul all spotless/Is it clean as snow/Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb
4. I Will Fail You- Demon Hunter
Lost in the shadow of an endless grace/Relentless, my reign is unbound/In this abandon, I will devastate/Dismember, 'til agony's found
I will fail You/Of that I’m sure/I will remind you of the pain forevermore/And when my sins are just a memory, faith restored/I will fail You to the core
5. Rosetta- STIM
We’re dying with the sun/A solar scarlet letter/I’m losing everyone/Don’t think that I’ll get better/The feeling’s overdone, yeah, I’m well aware/Baby, we’re not set in stone/I can’t be your Rosetta
6. Standing- STIM
If I lose it all, reborn from the wreckage/I don't need the walls for my protection/Cover your eyes/Raise a standard, tattered, candid/Close to death I/Catch my breath and/Trust this sigil at my side, standing/Godhand ripping at my spine/I'm branded now/I don't wanna be the last man standing/I don't wanna be the last, be the last
7. The Turnaround- McKane Davis
True story on a weekday night/I saw you dancing in the flickering light/I, I really like the way you move/And all this time you never did take that easy out/Won't take that easy route/Taught me that turn around
You would stare down the tiger/You would run with the bulls/Laughing loud with the jackals/While you raise these wolves/You just understand the meaning/There's just something in your eyes/You could out-dance the devil/But your heart is pure, your heart is pure and wild
8. Appetite For Destruction- Vo Williams
I feel my rage erupting/Feed my appetite for destruction/Blood rushing/I love when/You feed my appetite for destruction
I heard you wanted a war/Funny, I wanted it more/Here comes the "bang-bang" on your door/It's time to back up the noise/I've been ignoring the voice/Begging me seek and destroy/It's eating my core/I feel like a time bomb in the eye of a storm
9. By The Sword- iamjakehill
Okay, my blade is itchin', ready up now, I smell the fear/This is where it ends, don't look around, there's no one for you here/It's just you and me/So motherfucker are you feelin' lucky?/What's it gonna be? Tell me, what's it gonna be?
Kill, my blade stained, plain face/Say my fuckin' name/As my blood runs black, you can tell we're not the same/See the fire in the sky and embrace of the storm/'Cause I live by the sword and I'll die by the fuckin' sword
10. The Night We Met- Lord Huron
I am not the only traveler/Who has not repaid his debt/I've been searching for a trail to follow again/Take me back to the night we met
And then I can tell myself/What the hell I'm supposed to do/And then I can tell myself/Not to ride along with you
I had all and then most of you/Some and now none of you/Take me back to the night we met/I don't know what I'm supposed to do/Haunted by the ghost of you/Oh, take me back to the night we met
Tagged by: @angelsandemons
Tagging: @heaven-said @maykrisms @infernal-dominion @infernal-feminae @deathinfeathers @avispatr @originemesis @eraba-reta-unmei
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cagednoblesse · 1 year
|| First Meeting
While other Britannian Nobles--and others just lucky enough to be invited--walked up the stone steps into the building, there was one standing beside a car, quietly arguing with the driver. It was hushed so that others couldn't overhear, but eventually the window was rolled up, the driver said his goodbyes with a smile, and rolled away.
The Britannian huffed, crossing his arms. He didn't want to be here.
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...Still, there was no fighting it now. He took a deep breath and headed up the stairs slowly and carefully, making use of the railing...then the wall, after he was safely inside.
Go have fun, he said. Go mingle with other Britannians it's a good chance to socialize, he said. But he didn't want to. He was probably just going to sit here, doing nothing but sit at a table and look like he was staring into space for a few hours.
The melodic sounds of the piano were soothing to his ears...though it was slightly out of tune. To the untrained individual though, it would sound just as beautiful.
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ardenssolis · 4 years
reminders ; NO LONGER accepting || @eraba-reta-unmei​
reminds me of you
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     ❝MIYA, MIYA…HMM…❞ HE leaned back against his throne, fingers gently against the arm as he pondered how best to put ‘reminders’ into words. ❝In a way, she reminds me of both the sun and the moon in its constant cycle; the DUALITY of it so fitting for her personality. Though one might not think she is complex, she is very much so from time to time. She can be soft and warm, and she can be cold and with words so sharp they are like when fingers become numb from winter’s chill.❞ Even he at times, could be taken aback by how Miya could be so sharp-tongued to quiet and open. Her whole countenance would change in that instance, and it was something that he had come to enjoy seeing. Being able to bear witness to such a side felt as if he had been given the biggest gift in a sense considering this was Miya, after all. She trusted him to see her with walls down.
     ❝Oh, but she is both fire and water too. When her soul burns, you can see it in her eyes – that determination, that unwavering spirit… Even if fear grips her very heart, not once will she let her enemies know this is the case. Never would she allow them to use this to their advantage against her. Yet, at the same time, when she is focused, truly so, there is a composure to her that not even the largest stone can cause a ripple to.❞ Ozymandias hummed, seemingly pleased with his own spoken thoughts. Yes, Miya was many things all in one. It was what made him intrigued as he watched how she grew as a Master within these walls. Compared to how she had been when they first met, she might as well be a whole new person. That ‘past her’ was no different from when Servants had another version of themselves summoned; that individual looking upon how they used to be as a reminder as to who they were now.
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
Hail To The King -  Henry IV & Reader (The King)
There’s absolutely zero ‘X’ to be had here. & To be used for platonic relationships #AppreciateThePlatonics
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Author’s Note: 🎉🎉YES. I freakin’ DID.🎉🎉 Something else will have to come along and be freakin’ SPECTACULAR to stop this from being my movie of the year. Honestly, everyone involved in this movie should be super proud of themselves. This is an absolute gem. And I’m sure I’ll be raving about it for years to come... AND. If there’s one thing I love, it’s a good song. Especially when it fits the source material! Hail To The King - Avenged Sevenfold
Disclaimer: I do not own any of this apart from the words, which I wrote with mine own hand. I will not take away from the fantastic job David and Joel did. Also, seen as Shakespeare pretty much wrote fanfiction of history... this is like... fanfiction of fanfiction (of fanfiction?) Premise: As the King’s Guard it is your duty to protect him from anything. And you’ve done that well over the number of years you have served. There’s just one problem, what happens when you come face to face with the one thing you can’t protect him from...?
Words: 5371
Warnings: swearing / If you’ve not seen the movie and know nothing of the plays then... uh... spoilers!
Royal flames will carve a path in chaos Bringing daylight to the night Death is riding in to town with armor... Blood is spilled while holding keys to the throne... No mercy from the edge of the blade Dare escape and learn the price to be paid Let the water flow in shades of red now Arrows black out all the light Death is riding in to town with armor They come to grant you your rights
There's a taste of fear When the henchmen call Iron fist to tame them Iron fist to claim it all Hail to the King Hail to the one Kneel to the crown Stand in the sun Hail to the King ---
If you’d ever bothered to trace your family history back, you wouldn’t have been surprised if there was a long line of you that had ended up in the service of whatever royal family was going. You had followed your father, and his father before him, and his before him… All in an array of vastly different roles – sure – but all in direct service to the King. Only difference here was you were female – and happened to have the most physical occupation of them all. King’s Guard. It had probably made sense when he was younger and getting himself into trouble – or dragging you half way across the country onto battlefields for his father and cousin. When you were more friends than anything else… But… When he became King? Shirked was the idea that he should have a woman defend him. But, apparently his thought process was quite the opposite; what kind of woman were you if you were the one charged with defending his life at every moment? Formidable. Worthy of being at his side.  And you were glad for it. You held his confidence, his council and were damn well needed when the realm started their many rebellions – that was before you counted assassination attempts. So when distain was still noted, but had considerably died down, you though you might be owed apologies. Or at least a thank you. No such luck from most of his other advisors. But you didn’t much care for them; you were much more invested now in his children. With his daughters now married into foreign families you had little opportunity to see them. But his four sons, who still liked to practice their swordsmanship, and on occasion treat you like you were still in your twenties and they were still under ten, were fast growing into tough young men of their own. With many responsibilities. Thomas was the one who had taken to this with the most resolve, that was immediately recognisable – and now he too was council to his father. John and Humphrey were content to rest on their laurels, and that made sense – they were likely to never inherit the crown, and you knew that if ever called to such service they would jump at the chance. …Then there was Hal… “Where is that boy of mine-??!” You were snapped from your deep thought, huddled sitting on the wooden steps, by the voice of your King. “Likely in town...” you tipped your head back, eyeing him curiously, he could only be talking about his eldest with a tone like that... “Would you like me to go get him?” It was as much your duty to know the whereabouts of those boys at all times. Henry already looked weary at the notion; “Is that your job?” “Not really.” You stood, brushing yourself down; “But sometimes I do like taking a walk...” He sat back for a second to regard you; “I’ll permit it, but hurry straight back.” You gave a nod of agreement “Your Majesty.” You turned with a smile “Oh-! And Y/N?” “Yes?” You twisted once more, now backing out of the throne room; “Knock some sense into him, would you?!” You gave a laugh “Even when they were younger I always thought it was easier said than done... I’ll see what I can do!” ** You didn’t have to stroll that far and had barely made it out of the castle grounds before you ran into him, looking about as worse for wear as you expected these days. But he was in the company of a man you didn’t recognise; causing your thumb to loosen your blade from its sheath; “Eastcheap no good for tonight then?” Hal sent his eyes heavenward, usually he’d take your snark and give you attitude of his own with amusement. Now it didn’t matter what you said, or how, it would simply be taken as another bout of chiding from his father. Hal essentially saw you as an extension of him now – and he had little patience for either. “…No.” “Well then you best get back inside and cleaned up. I shouldn’t like to send you to your father straight away, but he was asking after you…” and there it was… Hal sighed as if this would be a great effort on his part; “Fine.” You turned you attention from the prince to his companion and drew your eyes up and down him for some explanation. “And you are-!?” “Y/N…” You shot Hal a look to silence him.  “Falstaff, M’Lady…” It was a name you recognised… a seasoned warrior from a previous Kings reign. Although, he didn’t exactly look like that anymore. You wondered where Hal may have dug him up from. But could already jump to obvious conclusions. You folded your arms. “Oh, so you’re the bad influence.” His eyes flicked around the castle walls but didn’t meet your face; “I... don’t know how I feel about being called that.” You turned to Hal, still standing there awkwardly; “Don’t look at me, I’m not the one you answer to, get inside...” “But-!” “Get inside!!” You jerked your thumb over your shoulder, never one for liking repeating yourself.  He sighed, eyes downcast and trudged past you into the castle.  You shook your head and turned back to his companion, who was staring at your armour;  “And who exactly are you?” You folded your arms, eyebrow raised; “That’s a joke right? And not a very funny one...” you walked down the steps to effectively get up in his face - it worked well enough for him to take a pace back “You certainly look like a bad influence.” He smirked gently; “What, and you’re the good one?” You gave a shrug “I’m not here to be either - but seen as he appears a little wayward from time to time I do like to attempt a bit of steering... God knows what would happen if I didn’t.” He surveyed you again; “You’re King’s guard.” “Correct.” “Will you be Hal’s too?”  Part of you wanted to scoff, first it would have to happen – and tension in this family was high enough; “Unless he removes me from service...” you narrowed your eyes at the notion though, “But if I was you, I would have care how I spoke.” One too many strange men appearing on castle grounds got a girl wise to these things. He bent to examine your weaponry “Why? Would you run that through me?” You rolled your shoulders in a shrug; “I can think of worse things to do with my time...” “Surely all that is heavy? Don’t you take a break?”  You raised an eyebrow “It’s... my job.” Not as heavy as the weight of the Kingdom I should think, in its current state. “I see, is that it? Stand around like that all day.” “Occasionally I train Hal and his siblings in combat - which they will obviously need if things continue the way they are. And I advise, on occasion...” you placed your hands on your hips; what it was to him however was beyond you. Still, he nodded his head to the gate that his friend had just disappeared through. “You gonna advise the kid too?” You scoffed this time; “Ha-! Well I’d certainly give him a lot better advice than you.” He gave another smirk “we’ll see about that.”
As you expected the ill-feeling continued, and eventually Hal stopped coming around all together. You weren’t exactly surprised, and neither was Henry, which you were glad of. He wasn’t all as delusional as they would call him. However, your King was getting wise to his own mortality. He’d survived a few illnesses so far – but now he was getting older they were getting harder to fight. And today as you looked over the palace gardens his musings caught your attention; “I must call him back.” You were torn between his health as a priority and the knowledge that before something really awful happened, their relationship should be allowed to mend; “Will seeing him not strain you?” “Don’t you ever get tired of telling me what to do?” “I get worried.” You slid off the stone ledge you were sat on, “Now more than ever...” “Mortal life is such...” You lowered your head; “...But I did not expect it to be so sudden... this is my duty, what do I do without you...?” “Continue on.” “If your heir allows it.” “Why should he not?” “I don’t know... children have a funny way of looking at things...” You only began to walk as he did, and slow... you had never been more alert in your entire life - not even when you used to ride the battlefield together and his very life depended on yours. When enemies and weapons surrounded you.
But this was the second time in your life you had felt powerless to stop something. And the first was with his wife. You adored her too, and essentially became her Queens guard. Retaking that oath on their wedding day. It had happened similarly... how were you supposed to protect him from something like this...  And now enemies were on all sides too, what with the addition of Henry Percy to the rebellions. You should have dispatched him yourself over that dinner. You could reprimand yourself over that one later though… Still, in honesty, who would morn beside his father-!? Would you simply be fighting a losing battle? But you couldn’t give up - not on a man that meant so much to you.
*** Similar discussion rolled around again a week later, whilst you were waiting for the servants to finish dressing him one morning. You were the only one in this castle looped into everything. What Henry didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him – what the advisors weren’t telling you, you would gain from those in Henry’s inner most circle – the 4 or 5 of you that held his closest confidence. There was something in your demeanor that made you perfect to stand by his side and defend him, as well as make the right connections to have all the information at your disposal at any one time. Anyone who needed to know it would know in due time. Kindness paid you well, but being quiet and unassuming was twice as powerful. 
“I must speak to Hal, don’t you think? Before this gets worse.” This time your answer was different, if Henry were to listen to reason, he would do it now; “I do believe that wouldn’t go amiss.” He nodded, turning to let them smooth out his cloak ready for another communal day listening to very boring stories where you would try not to roll your eyes. You used to give each other similar looks of distain back in his younger days... Now Henry seemed to make snap judgments that didn’t make him very popular; and it was your duty to stand and listen and accept it. Having said that, if he turned to anyone, it was still to you. “I will summon him, then, lay down the rules. How I expect my succession to go.” “If I may, he only needs some straight and narrow. And giving it to him as laid down should help him with that…” you gave a nod of approval to his suggestion “Firm but fair.” He was giving you that look again that meant you didn’t necessarily believe in your suggestion “…Y/N… The truth from you now.” He dipped his head but kept those piercing blue eyes on you. You breathed a heavy sigh; “…Go easy on the firm…” You gave a gentle smile “…I believe the fair will be what he needs most.” ***
As the meeting was adjourned you allowed yourself to lower your head into your hands; oh, Lord above what have you done? Clearly whatever you had said days previously had gone over his head, been forgotten, or someone else in this room had put other notions in his head. You glared at his row of ‘advisors’ – you could make a fair few guesses. If only you were just allowed to go around and take them all out without some yelling treason and getting you killed. You ground your teeth and excused yourself from your King for a moment. “Tell me this wasn’t someone else’s idea?” Thomas gave a shrug “…I… Cannot say I knew it was coming. But neither can I say it’s a surprise.” “Whether that be Hal or the battle?” “Oh. The battle was set… Why?” “Would you like me to accompany you?” He politely shook his head; “Your place is at my fathers side.” “I know that, but he’s hardly about to fight a war is he…” “You may stay, if I need you I will send for you…” Thomas was always your favourite, you didn’t like the idea that he was about to walk into this on his fathers orders “…You promise?” “I promise.” “Well then you best keep it, if you are to succeed him, then I would expect you to already be utilizing me.” He gave a smile at that, and a confident nod; “Perhaps I shall see you on the battlefield?” You reflected his warm smile with your own; “Until such a time, Thomas! I wish you luck!” It wasn’t so hard to catch Henry after talking quickly to Thomas and even less hard to get him to usher all his other bickering advisors away; “When I said talk to Hal, that isn’t exactly what I had in mind!!” “...What? Do you believe me to have lapsed in judgement...?” “He is your son! I would just expect that...” You held your tongue at the look he was giving you “That boy is no son of mine, do you think he cares? He would sooner see me dead than come to my heed - and he said it himself, he does not seek the crown of England.” You tried to not look so hurt; what had caused such a rift... you had your own ideas... Hal had always been the wayward unruly one... but the eldest. You always thought he would come back, and perhaps he would have. But both he and his father shared a similar distaste for one another’s company that had never really healed. Not even now, when Henry, like it or not was a dead man walking.
  Things declined, and fast. It wasn’t like you could say one day he was fine and the next he wasn’t, he’d been ailing for a while - but you expected it to draw itself out a little longer... but when hour two of you sitting in the throne room alone rolled around you knew something was wrong. And you knew he’d long since lost the strength to wander alone; so he wouldn’t be in any of the places you would have usually found him pondering life. You decided you’d rather be in trouble for not being here when he arrived than leaving anything too late.  And you were right; although when you got to his bedchamber only his doctor was still present. You stood in the doorway patiently, and he spotted you, whispering something to your King he came over; “I fear we are at the end...” It was like getting stabbed through the heart with your own sword, and as expected you couldn’t hold the dread from your voice; “...Is there nothing...” “Y/N I have done all I can... I know this is particular hard on y-” “You have NO idea how hard this is for me!” You spat back a little more venomously than you really meant. You were angry, confused, scared, upset.  Henry had always laughed and told you your face was too emotional, and you always pushed him and told him you were his emotional support. At least you could actually roll your eyes when someone came to him with something stupid. Not that you were supposed to, but sometimes needs must. The doctor looked more than a little taken aback, so your expression softened and you lowered your eyes “Forgive me this is just... after losing her I... I thought I would lose my life before he did...” “Have you not done your job amicably well if he is dying like this?” “In agony? When I cannot do anything? Should the King’s Guard really outlive their King?”  You were met with a silence, before the doctor turned to Henry again; “He will need rest... but you may stay...” “How long...?” “Little more than a week, I wouldn’t hope to expect that...” You swallowed back your tears, and he lay a hand on your arm; “...Y/N... I am sorry...” “...Are preparations made... is no one going to...” “What are preparations now? After Thomas-” You shot him another look “So we need to debate over Hal, now?” “Y/N... until he-” “For goodnessake...” You shook your head; fine. If his other advisors won’t say it, you would. Your smile was a thin line; “Thank you Doctor... I’ll take it from here...”
Those were some of the hardest steps you’d ever had to take, which you thought was pretty pathetic on your part. He’s your King dammit! It doesn’t matter for how much longer, he is NOW! It’s YOUR job to be his strength, while he still has some of his own... But he was your whole life, your whole world, your best friend. And if there was something to go through, you’d probably been through it together. And for all the talk of you supposedly saving his life, you couldn’t count the number of times he’d saved yours. Your eyes flicked to the castle grounds visible from the window, and you were glad they hadn’t left it dark in here. Though if they had you’d have done something about it. Always the rebellious one. You sat on the edge of his bed and sighed gently... if this really was it then you’d never get to walk with him anywhere again, let alone out there. You were starting to wish you’d savoured yesterday that little more. It wasn’t long before his hand took yours, and you were forced to smile. His voice was weak but held that amusement that let you know he wasn’t truly done yet. “...Never thought you’d have to see me like this...” You shook your head, eyes still on the scenery “...this is you we’re talking about... I’ve seen much worse.” He managed a chuckle; “Oh! About to get a collective embarrassing life story, am I?” “I’ll spare you that, your Grace.” “Oh. The honour is mine...”  You laughed, despite the circumstances... “But in seriousness... we do need to talk about what happens next.” “Hal?” Your nod was barely there, unless he was about to offer up a second suggestion; “Who else?” There was a grumble and Henry withdrew his hand, which made you look back to him; “...I didn’t wish to see you lose any of them before your own life... but we can’t pretend it didn’t happen... Henry if you don’t name an heir there will be chaos... even if Hal is the more obvious choice... I don’t trust-” anyone! He sighed; “You never have.” “No. With good reason! Everyone here is here for themselves...” “And you aren’t?” “Thought it might be obvious by my title...” I’m here for you. You folded your arms “And if I have to tell you some home truths, so be it. I’m not afraid to do so.” “...Do you think he’s ready?” “I think he’ll be different.” “That wasn’t an answer to my question.” “How can anyone be ready? I’m not ready, and I’ve been preparing for what happens if I don’t do my job for 20 years-!” “You cannot shield me from this one...” “And how do you think THAT makes me feel-!?” There was sudden silence at the way you’d raised your voice and you sighed again “Forgive me, I...”
His hand reached out again and this time he brushed away the single tear that had escaped; “Do not waste your tears on me... crying is all but useless.” Your voice was barely above a whisper as it graduated to despair; “What am I supposed to do without you..?” “I told you. You will do your duty. And you better damn well do it good - that boy will need it.” You blinked a few times, allowing for a pause worthy of the significance, and raised an eyebrow; “Is that you agreeing with me on this one-!?” He chuckled again, “Come now; I don’t often disagree with your judgement.” “This is a major judgement...” you took his hands back in yours “Henry, it needs to be your decision and they all need to hear you say it...” “And they will, even if it’s the last thing I say...” You sighed gently again with a nod, despite your frustration, even now he wasn’t willing to mend fences. Well. You don’t know why you expected it. “May I stay?” “You may...” he closed his eyes again “... That way you can tell everyone else to leave.” You couldn’t help but grin, even though he couldn’t see it; oh you’d only wanted to do THAT from the second you’d been appointed... You left his bed, and settled in a chair, relaxing; “With pleasure..!” You ended up reading, head propped up in your hand and sword braced against the wall. It wasn’t something you had much occasion to do these days, and you for once gained your enjoyment from being absorbed in books, and not parrying in the courtyard with adolescent males who still hadn’t figured out a way to beat you yet that didn’t involve foul play. You smiled absentmindedly at the memory as you read on; no prizes for guessing which member of the family you ought to be thanking for that. Your eyes flicked up as he murmured something, and everything stilled for a moment. He murmured it again – a little louder but barely enough for you to catch it; you placed a marker in the book and slid it from your knee – leaning forward and focusing on him. It sounded like a string of nonsense – and you realised that he must be lost in dreaming. That didn’t make your approach any less curious. You stopped just short as he mumbled again; “…Mary…" Oh… Henry…  You crouched beside him, lacing your fingers with his. He repeated her name a little louder now, and his fingers closed around yours tighter – as if desperate not to let go. His calling of her more urgent. You bit your lip gently, and attempted to calm him with gentle hushed tones of your own. And all at once you knew. He would have her back, he would get to see her again. You knitted your eyebrows together – was it fair to keep him here, to pray to God few more precious hours as much as you did, when all he’d wanted since she’d died was to see her again? It was like everything was being forced into perspective – and when he relaxed you dropped your hand from his and looked Heavenwards. He was your everything. But you should be thinking about his everything… ‘Forgive me…’ ** Every morning since then you’d been the first one to his room. For a start, there was no way you were letting anyone else beat you to the King’s side, and you wanted to pay damn close attention to the kinds of poison they might be whispering. On occasion you would simply make sure your sword hit something as you moved, to keep them in line. Your concern now was them leading him to something when he had very little effort to fight it off. He’d already made some rash decisions when he was completely lucid... some of the people that came to him had good points-! Even if they went about it the wrong way...  
But, people had been calling him delusional for a little while and you weren’t having that, or anything else, happen now. So you watched them all with a particular form of glower. You’d only left his side to rest. Not that you got much of that done either - pacing the halls outside your room instead. You would wait in his, but, you had to at least act like life may go on. It wouldn’t. You would be just as delusional for thinking so... This morning however, was worse than all the rest. You took the steps 3 at a time and walked that corridor as briskly as you had any other day. But as you turned into his room you knew something was badly wrong. And that made you sprint the rest of the way, to your knees.  His breathing was laboured, and even in taking his hand there was no strength left.  “Henry...” He barely opened his eyes to you; “Y/N...” His voice was just as weak. And for the first time since he’d been bed bound, you didn’t want to cry. Some kind of amicable strength overcame you. “Save your words, My King... I shall gather everyone...” you knew he knew too.  A shiver ran through him that you also didn’t like. Just stay alive... please until Hal is here... stay alive...  You stood, and were about to turn and run from the room once more, but something stopped you. You reached down gently, and tucked his dark hair away from his face. Then you bent - and pressed a short kiss to his forehead. It wasn’t enough, but it was what you needed to say.
** You didn’t know if you were supposed to be running quite this fast in mail; and your sword occasionally banging into you caused a dull pain, but you didn’t care. Everyone you could think that would need to be there you roused from sleep, or any other mundane task they might be doing, in order to be by his side. And by the time you got back they were ready to administer last rights.
You stood in the centre of that room and surveyed it, a slow smooth circle until you were facing him again. Everyone was solemn and quiet. And there wasn’t anyone missing to be doing the task, either. You were about to raise the noise level; “Where is Hal?” “...Why would...” “Are you serious?! Without putting too finer point on it - we will need a new King. An heir to the throne of England. We can’t exactly have the first choice can we - where is Hal!?” “The King has not named Hal as the success-” “Are you JOKING!” You took an intimidating step forward, “Who else, pray tell, will sit on the Throne of England??! Would you like to call the Scots? The Welsh? The French? Hal is the heir and Henry’s eldest son...” “This King has not-” “RETRIEVE HAL FROM TOWN. One of you! NOW!” There was another silence like they weren’t going to heed your words. But within it a second weaker voice; “Hal...” You all turned at the sound of your King “...He must... you must...” You turned to them all with a sharp look; “I believe that is deceleration enough - one of you GO-!”
To be honest if your look was going to do anything it would well have murdered them on the spot, but it didn’t - so William was the one to volunteer to go. And you at least gave him a glum smile of thanks, before taking a deep breath and nodding to the Archbishop. It was time. Like it or not. And you didn’t.
You couldn’t stay, you should have been in that room but you couldn’t bare it. Watching his heart break over Mary was one thing too many even now; having him watch yours do the same wasn’t something you could do to him as he died. Instead you stood outside, one foot up against the wall. Your thoughts both equally merciful and selfish. Let it be quick and have him suffer no more... let him linger a while I’m not ready yet... But you weren’t even there, would it matter now. There was sudden screaming from the entrance way that made you look up; “Where is the monster!?” You sighed, Oh...Hal... You were right, fences could never be mended... would they be even now? All you could really be glad of was that he came.
Hal paused as he wheeled around the corner and caught sight of you. And composed himself, solemnly, you wouldn’t trust to hope he would be doing it for any reason other than you. Hal and yourself had never had any reason to not get along, other than the man you served. His walk slowed a little but he understood the urgency. His nod to you meant a great deal more than he would realise. You smiled gently at his interactions. He was like you, maybe that’s what Henry saw that he didn’t like. You weren’t opposed to the shakeup. You and he were two sides of the same coin - Hal and you would become the same side - there would be a lack of balance there - but you had discipline and your nature suited you to your job. There was a point where Henry liked that. Maybe he just didn’t want to see it in his own son. Either way, he was never blaming you for it.
You weren’t sure you had ever felt like this. Hollow emptiness, maybe, but it hurt so bad. You’d had weeks and months of this and you all knew what was coming. And yet... When it happened it was unbearable. There was sudden shuffling... and you knew everyone was dropping to Hal’s feet. You were still stood outside. They accepted because why? Because he had said so as he died? Because it was the only way? - if Hal relieved you from duty you could stick around. If he didn’t, you had a feeling he would need you more than his father did. Discord from the outside was naught like fighting something from within. Enemies on all sides once more. In a different way... You were aware of your tears this time and decided that this once you were allowed to not keep them at bay. You were conscious of Hal’s exit from the room and pulled yourself away from the wall. He paused, and turned to you. You took a breath, knowing you were duty bound to kneel to your King. And you would - but before you could even take the step he held his hand out. “You do not need to-” “It would be improper of me to not-” Hal was incredibly soft spoken, and that tone would serve him well; “Y/N - given your standing with my father, I would not have you submit in such a way before I am truly crowned...” he paused, and tilted his head, he saw those tears. And yet you should still be getting down on your knees... “...You will stay... in office?” You opened your mouth, but what to say, of course you would accept, and Henry had asked it of you. But did you risk looking too eager, everyone else would likely be forced, and yet he was giving you the choice. You countered; “If you would wish me to... and permit me to... I will stay.” He nodded in agreement “You are my Kings Guard.” “As you are my King.” There was a clear decision in that sentence that flickered across your face and Hal’s eyes at the sentiment. “...That is agreeable. You served my father well. I am of mind enough to know you shall do the same for me.”  You gave a nod, Henry V... that’s what he would be... your second, and your second term in such an office. You could only hope not to outlive this one, and that he would reign for many a year. You bowed instead, low, so low you might as well have knelt. And when you stood again you were smiling. All hail a new era - maybe one England desperately needed.
“Hail to the King.”
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Hope you know I wasn’t resisting at least ONE GIF.
@dennismitchell @happyskywhale @wltz-bby #MendoTagSquad.
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eng-hypnosismic · 7 years
[JP/ENG/ROMAJI] Lyrics to “Wall of Labyrinth”
Wall of Labyrinth
神宮寺 寂雷 (CV:速水 奨)
Lyricist: GADORO 
Composer:   横山克
Watakushi ga matenrou daihyou Jinguji Jakurai. Oatsuraemuki no jaakunaru suteiji
I am Jinguji Jakurai,  representative of Matenro. The most fitting stage of evil.
Kokode issekiwotoujiru. Soshite geijutsu wo omonjiru. Ikudotonaku nagashite kita chi ya namida.
In here I am going to make waves(1). And to honour art. Blood and tears had been shed many times,
Sorera wa itsushika kate to nari chikara ni naru. To wa, kesshite ii gatai,
They shall become the sustenance for power. That,  is difficult to say for sure,
Yubiori kazoete mo mata kiriganai, omoi. Mesaki no koto ga miezu kami chigitta tsume no saki, marude sore wa chiisana mikadzuki.
Thoughts that are still uncountable even counted by fingers.  Unable to see what’s right before your eyes, tips of nails are bitten just like a small crescent moon.
Namanurui kankyou ni samenu you, watakushi wa aete itetsuita michi wo erabu.
Won’t cool down in a lukewarm environment, I dare to choose the frozen path.
Ikiru tame ni shinu ka moshikuwa shinu tame ni ikiru ka, kotaenaraba kousha,
To die for the sake of living or to live for the sake of dying, the answer is the latter,
Sora ga watashitachi no shukumeida, daga, miwokezuru imi wo hakichigaete,
That’s our destiny, however, the meaning to this suffering(2) is wrong.
Kono miwohorobosu tami wo kono me de nanri mo mite kita.
These eyes have seen all those who destroys their own bodies.
Inu ya neko ni datte mochiron itami wa sonzai suru.
Of course, even dogs and cats feel pain as well.
Orokana ningen ni yotteshihai sa reta kono chikyuu, jiyuuna genjou ni koso ni shibararae,
This earth which is ruled by ignorant humans, the current status of freedom is downright bounded,
Shiawase wo misadame, mizukara no chikarade wa ikiru koto wa touteifukanouda.
rethink the meaning of bliss, in the end it’s impossible to live relying on oneself.
Hyogen sura ongaku. Kawari hae no nai asu wo machinozomu ka osoreru ka
Even expressing music. To look forward or to fear the unchanging tomorrow,
Dochira ni seyo tokei no hari wa hidari ni wa susumanai.
either way the hands of the clock will never go backwards.
Wakatteru, machinami wa sawai deru. Zatto ni magirekonda min tachi mo izure ikitaeru.
I know, the cityscape is rattling. People got mixed in the hustle and bustle will stop breathing anytime, regardless.
Ashita kamo shirenai. Iya ima kamo shirenai. Dato surya waratte rarenai.
Could be tomorrow. No, it could be today. If that’s so I can’t laugh.
Damatte wa i rarenai. Seikai wa nai,  daga oimotome hashiritai.
I can’t remain silent. There’s no correct answer, but I wish to pursue and chase after it.
Azawarai mo shikatanai, seimei wa hakanai, naraba kono mihitotsude
Laughable but it can’t be helped, life is ephemeral, even so
Shinu chokuzen ni wa waraitai.
I want to laugh right before the death of this body(3).  
Naa? Shindara doko ni mukaun darou.
Tell me, where do people go after we die.
Ikite iru watashi ra ni wakari wa shinai basho.
A place which we who are alive won’t comprehend.
Chikyuu wa naze marui no ni togatte irun darou.
Why is the world round but acute.
Nikushimi wo daki, igamiai wo kurikaesu no?
Do we have to hate, to be hostile time after time?
Ikiru koto ga ikigai ka? Shiawase to wa nani ka?
Is to live the reason to live? What is happiness?
Sagashite iru tsumorinanoni wakaranai mama nante, warawa setekureru na.
Nobody knows what they are seeking after, don’t make me laugh.
Wasawarau tte mi teru yatsu. Dareka ga ikeba mata sawagitaterun darou?
Guy who mocks and watches. Someone is passing away and you are still stirring up trouble?
Itsushika, tsunaga reta cheen de miugoki mo torezu,
Someday, bounded by chains and unable to move,
Fusaga reta komaku demo tsutaetai Riaru ga aru.
there’s a reality that has to be told even to blocked eardrums.
Jyuu ni shoku no shikisai ja osamari kirenai hodo no nan shurui no koe ya hyoujou ga aru.
There are many kinds of voices and expressions which can’t be captured in 12 colors.
Hitosuhi mo koumyou, te wo nobasu, kioku ni mo nokoru no?
A ray of light, when you reach out for it, does it remain in your memory?
Ima mo nao, habikitteru yo no juhouri, daredatte waraitai. Dare datte yumemitai.
Even now, the absurdity of the world is spreading, everyone wants to laugh. Everyone wants to dream.
Naa iki taeta aitsudatte ikirakatta hazudaro.
The guy who’s catching his last breaths must’ve wanted to live too.  
Naa? Shindara doko ni mukaun darou.
Tell me, where do people go after we die.
Ikite iru watashi ra ni wakari wa shinai basho.
A place which we who are alive won’t comprehend.
Chikyuu wa naze marui no ni togatte irun darou.
Why is the world round but acute.
Nikushimi wo daki, igamiai wo kurikaesu no?
Do we have to hate, to be hostile time after time?
Dare mo oshietekureru yaku nante naku
No one could tell me no one could explain.
Kodoku demo mi wo kezuri oimotomeru sube wo shiru.
To know the way of pursuit, even if it’s lonely and painful(4).
Agaitemo ikite yare. Utagai mo hitsuyouda.
Living life in vain. Doubt is crucial,
Kizu no name ai wa sezu, mizukara de chi wo arae.
Not licking each other’s wounds(5), drown yourself in your own blood.  
Jidai ga kawarou to, hito no magokoro wa kawaranaikara.
Times change, but people’s true heart don’t change.
Nigai keiken mo amai mitsu ni kitto naru.
Bitter experiences also becomes sweet honey.
Shitto ya netami hibou chuushou ni haiboku wo kissuru make zama nado
In envy or slander one tastes defeat how one loses and so on
Watashi wa kore ijou wa mitakunai.
I don’t want to look at any of those.
Fuanteina joucho ga antei shite mo tachiagare.
Unstable emotions stabilize and stand up.
Kaigan suru mabuta kara tare ochiru namidaame, nariagare,
From lids of opened-eyes, light rain fell(6), transcend,
Kotesaki no kotoba ni wa shinrai wanai.
Superficial words can’t be trusted.
Mienu mono ga kitto mi teru nani mo shinpai wanai.
Invisible people shall be seen for sure there is nothing to worry,
Issai hakai sezu ni umu mo iwa senai.
Without destroying everything, one has no say.
Kisei gainen ni torawarete jibun wo miushinau na.
By being trapped in stereotypes one loses self.
Doukou wo hira ta mama de ima mo yume wo miteru.
Keep your eyes open and keep on dreaming.
Ima ni mi tokede wanaku ima no watashiwomite kure,
Rather than waiting for your doom(7) look at me now,
Semai kono chikyuu jou wo mioroshite warau na hiroi sora.
The vast sky looking down and smile upon this narrow world
Soko kara miagete tenni negai sagasu ikoinoba.
From there look up to the heavens to find the resting place you wish for.
“Meikyuuheki no raibirinsuury waru.
The labyrinth wall of labyrinth wall.
Nukedasu tame ni madamada jikan wa kakari souda.
Seems like it would take some time to get out.
Ikiutoiukoto wa itainda. Sono kotae ni ima mo nao modae,
It hurts to live. At that answer, the present is still in agony
Watashitachi ninga wa arasoi wo kurikaeshi teru.
We humans keep fighting each other.
Jinsei wa kachimakenanda. Kireigoto wa tsuuyou shinai.
Life is winning or losing. Rainbows and butterflies are irrelevant.
Yowasa wo jifu suru koto no tsuyo sa, tsuyo sa wo jifu suru koto no yowa sa.
Take pride in weakness that’s strength, take pride in strength thats weakness.
Zasetsu ya haiboku, no aji wo kamishime kui shibarinagara kyou mo tachimukau yo.”
Failure or defeat, I reflect upon; today I am still withstanding, gritting my teeth.”
 “一石を投じる”     literally t/l to “throwing a stone” i.e. to make ripples; so to make wave     is a bit more dramatic. But you get the idea - it’s to challenge the norm,     to make an impact, to disturb minds in a meaningful way
“身を削る”     literally t/l to “chip/carve the body” so it’s like painfully and slowly     damaging your body bit by bit.
“この身一つ” means     “this one body”, but also implies only the physical body, without worldly     materials, relatives, social status, etc. In this context it implies you     can’t bring anything with you when you die.
“身を削り” pls refer to t/l note (2)
“傷の舐め合い”, licking each other’s wounds, is a metaphor for     pitying each other and comforting each other. (explaining in case ppl     don’t use this expression much)
“開眼する” means opening eyes, but also means eye-opening ie     enlightenment/ spiritual awakening. “涙雨” literally t/l to “tear rain”, and it does not only     means light rain but also “rain falling as if in sympathy with people who     are in sorrow”. It is beautiful how this sentence could mean both     “rain falls from open eyes” and the meta “tears of compassion falls from     my eyes at my sudden realization of people’s suffering in this world”. I     personally feel that it’s a sort of religious imagery, just like how Mary     would cry for the sins and sufferings of humans.
“今に見とけ” is     what people say to opponent,something     like “say your prayers/just so you wait/ prepare your ass to be kicked”
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nemossubmarine · 6 years
DA RP Write-up #16.4
So only 5 days after the session and two days before the next one, I present you the write-up for session 4: We’re finally finally finally at the party. Oh my goodness, it took us only four sessions to get this party started.
But first, as usual, B-team. They have arrived at the bottom of the jail house of the White Spire. There appears to be no way to get to the level above them, so they’ll have to climb.
Merle tries first, but throws poorly. Nadifa throws better, but her climbing is very slow. Charles has no problems. Reta’s problems mostly relate to her not seeing in the dark.
Kanuuna is a bigger problem, as he can’t climb a rope very well, having only one arm. Our heroes try to pull him up first, but it is too noisy of a project so that gets abandoned.
Luckily they find a ladder they can throw down for him. Before leaving, Kanuuna hides the hole they made in the wall with a sheet.
They start ascending the stairs towards the top of the structure, when Nadifa suddenly senses something behind her. Spinning around, she catches a glimpse of a shadow.
She informs the others and they hide in the cells. Unfortunately Nadifa, Kanuuna and Reta also accidentally lock theirs in the process.
Suddenly Kanuuna notices a boy of maybe 14 years in his cells, who whispers to him that they “are looking for something”.
Kanuuna tries to grab the boy to shush him up, but the boy disappears in the puff of smoke.
The boy appears to Reta next, telling that he wants to help. Reta tries to punch him.
Third the boy appears to Nadifa, who doesn’t attack the boy and the boy even waits for her to speak before being all cryptic. 
Nadifa asks if he could help her get out of the jail cell, which he does, walking through the cell door and it swings open behind him, letting her out.
They all gather outside the jail cells to marvel at the boy, who tells that his name is Cole. 
Kanuuna is very adamant that they should not take the boy with him, because clearly he is some sort of demon-ghost-thing.
Merle disagrees, saying that if the boy can walk through walls and stuff, he would be very helpful.
Kanuuna tries to prove that Cole is a ghost by touching him, but he is fleshy at that point.
He also tries to end all magic in the room, but Cole seems unaffected. The magical lights do go out for a bit.
Cole’s not very helpful about explaining his own nature, bursting out in cryptic tangents that seem to be half of the time thoughts of someone else than him.
In the end Cole starts leading them up to the exit of the jail, though Kanuuna and Reta are still going to drop the boy as soon as they can.
On the fourth floor of the jail structure there’s a mage in one of the cells slumped over. One of them notices that the mage is very dead.
They question Cole who says that he was helping the mage.
Reta quite firmly orders him to go away, so he disappears, and...
No one but Charles remembers anything odd happening on the way up the jail.
Charles asks if no one else saw any figure there just now, but Kanuuna orders him to drop it.
They get to the door, Reta engineers the hinges off it and Kanuuna lifts the thing away.
Thus our B-team has made it out of the jails and into the hallway, which is where we’ll pick up with them the next time.
Before we can get to the party with the A-team, we have to sort out their inventories as they are unable to take with them all the things they might need for the mission.
Most of them take pretty understandable stuff, like lockpicks and writing utensils but both Randy and Humbert go the extra mile to take some form of poison with them (for knocking out and hallucinations respectively).
Randy also gets some Stones of Farspeech (those aren’t what they are called in DA, but anyway) from Kivi-Jaakko on loan, they might not work perfectly but will have to do.
Finally, for the last time, it’s the day of the party. Alf spends some time locating the three elves he considers best suspects to be his mothers. 
He finds Rebecca cleaning up the ceremonial armor of her master, Michael Vael. After she is done, he strikes up a conversation, asking about whether she’s ever been to Kirkwall.
She reminiscences about visiting the city once, but it doesn’t seem to Alf that she is lying, so she must not be the one.
Meanwhile, before party has started, Humbert has checked out the arriving mages. Indeed Nesta, Boshara’s mother, is among them, the only elf to attend. There’s also several of Humbert’s templar friends in the group and, to Humbert’s great surprise, Nathaniel Howe, in templar apprentice’s garb.
Now, last time our heroes met Nathaniel (here) he was drugged and sent, uh, erotic dreams about Humbert by Elspet (not that Humbert would know that), so it’s almost certain he would not recognize them. Maybe. Hopefully. Best steer clear anyway.
Boshara arrives with the clan Pomdeter. Hannah instructs her to look after Amanda, so they go together to check out the other people doing their deputs at the party.
Much to Boshara’s chagrin, they are all between 15 and 17, total kids to her.
Amanda however is in the right age range, so Boshara asks what kind of man she would want and then promises her they’ll get her the hottest dude of the group by the end of the evening.
Elspet also arrives with Isabella and her parents. They head to the main dance hall immediately to see as the most important guests are introduced to the party.
Maric and Randy are on the road. They chat about Orlesian politics, and Maric tries to teach Randy the ways of the Game, though he admits not being very good at it.
Randy offers to go ahead so they wouldn’t arrive at the same time, as it would look politically charged. Maric agrees to this, and asks him to spare him a dance.
Before getting to Halamshiral, Randy pulls Carla aside and asks if she could maybe stay in guard at a road. She happily agrees. Too happily, so Randy changes his mind and makes her wait with Darian at the stables. She also agrees to this.
When they arrive to Halamshiral, Randy is greeted by his own personal Orlesian assistant for the evening, by the name of Anton. He arranges someone to take the gift bronto off to the backyard and takes Randy to his introduction.
So it’s introducing time. First up, there’s of course the empress, in her beautiful butterfly dress. After her there’s several Orlesian nobles such as Grandduke Gaspard and Dukes Prosper du Montford and Bastien de Ghislain, latter who is with his mistress, the mage Vivienne de Fer.
Orlesians are followed by Michael Vael, the eldest son of Starkhaven’s prince.
Then introduced are Duke Edmund Pentaghast, Duchess Katerine Holzer and the two Mortalitasi with them Oswald Glas and Salome Holzknecht.
Then there is Randy and his whole shebang of dwarves. Celene welcomes them to her party, expressing her happiness to have them here. Randy gives the jewelry to her as a present and then asks her to go the balcony.
She does and sees the bronto Randy has brought her. Celene expresses gratitude.
Finally, it’s the introduction of Maric. But before he enters, the templars push poor Nathaniel Howe to their frontlines, so when Maric arrives, everyone is looking at the disgraced arl’s son instead of him. Nathaniel Howe is clearly mortified and ashamed.
Maric keeps his composure. Which might be good? Idk, the Game is confusing. 
Once introductions are over and done with, the party can truly begin. Randy has his people go find everyone and report to them.
Elspet wastes no time trying to get to the Empress’ good graces, she gets a servant’s attention and hands to her a perfume bottle as a present to the Empress called the Empress’ Tears. 
The servant can make no promises that the bottle will reach the Empress, but she can certainly try.
Boshara and Amanda go find that hottest boy in the party, and introduce themselves. Well Boshara does most of the talking.
His name is Auguste and he is really quite handsome.
Before they can talk too long, a handsome mysterious dwarf arrives at the scene, posits himself between Auguste and Boshara and introduces himself as Attravius.
Boshara and Attravius start flirting up a storm, exchanging corny lines back and forth like their life depended on it.
Attravius presents Boshara with an enchanted dagger, which confuses Amanda greatly.
Finally these two decide to go for a walk, and thus Boshara leaves Amanda with Auguste.
Humbert keeps an eye on the room where the mages are kept. Bert reports to him, and Humbert totally chews the poor boy out. :(
Alf receives one of the stones of farspeech from Jasinto and instructions to call as soon as he knows something about who the contractor of Edmund’s murder might be. (Jasinto has the other stone, so Randy won’t have to disappear suddenly.
Alf goes off to search for Astrid. He figures she might still be at the room where the Nevarran group is staying, so he sneaks there. Unfortunately the door to the room is locked, so he busies himself with picking the lock.
Elspet leaves Isabella to do some information gathering. She sets her eyes on Michael Vael and manages through a complicated set of eyebrow wiggles to charm him away from his friends.
So he takes her for a walk. Unfortunately for poor lil’ lesbian Elspet, Vael is a rather boring fellow. She does however determine he is probably not the one who ordered Edmund’s killing.
She asks him about rumors relating to some Orlesian lady marrying Edmund’s son, and Vael confirms that an Orlesian chevalier by the name of Estelle Perrault had indeed tried to get Kasimir Pentaghast-Holzer’s hand in marriage, which Edmund had stopped.
Elspet gives this information to one of Randy’s dwarves, perhaps Estelle might be in the party as well.
Elspet asks Vael, if he might be able to arrange a meeting with the Empress for her. Vael says he was about to give Empress her birthday gift anyway, so they might as well go together.
Meanwhile, Randy decides that best way to get information on Estelle might be to talk with the commander of the chevalier, Grandduke Gaspard.
He finds Gaspard alone leaning on a wall, drinking straight whiskey and strikes up a conversation.
Gaspard pretty quickly makes known his disdain for the Game, so at least for that part he is easier to deal with than many, but he does seem a bit of a douche really.
They discuss some cultural differences and Gaspard notes that he appreciates both Randy’s and Marjaleena’s outfit, which are armor. 
Randy asks if there might be some lady warriors in the chevaliers, as female warriors are uncommon in Orzammar.
Instead of answering that particular question, Gaspard catches sight of Katerine Holzer and says that if Randy so wishes, he could meet Katerine and join in on a little bet they are having.
Randy agrees.
Boshara and Attravius have located Salome, one of the Mortalitasi. Boshara strikes up a conversation with the woman, mentioning that she hasn’t heard much good about the Mortalitasi, but she is interested in finding out more.
Salome is very brief in her answers, never giving more than exactly what was asked for.
Unfortunately for Boshara, Humbert joins the conversation, and starts being snide and rude at Salome, who seems rather unfazed, though she does say she shall report on the guard’s behavior, which Boshara tries to discourage.
Boshara asks about the incident with the Holzer family crypt, the one where Konstantine supposedly called a demon into the body of his late father Nicholas.
Salome tells the story, saying that weak families have weak crypts.
It’s clear she holds no torch to the Holzer family, but towards the Pentaghasts she seems respectful.
She finally has had enough of Humbert’s comments and leaves the conversation.
Boshara berates Humbert on acting out and Humbert berates Boshara on having time to neck with a dwarf.
Alf cracks open the lock to the door of the guest room. Inside there is Astrid, who comments that Alf has strayed really far.
Alf claims that he got distracted by a crow who let him here.
Fed up with word games and asking in a roundabout manner, Alf pulls out the necklace Sen left him, that he had said belonged to his mother.
Astrid asks where he got the necklace, Alf says that he got it from Sen.
There is a long silence. And then Astrid says: “Alf?” and Alf says “Mom.”
DUNDUNDUU! There has been an established contact to one of the moms. But will Alf be able to pull out of his Crow mother who wants Edmund Pentaghast dead? Will our heroes be able to stop the assassination? And most importantly, will Elspet meet the Empress?? All this and more next episode, which is day after tomorrow!
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