#stop fighting kiss eachother what happened to trixic you guys used to love trixic
autizta · 1 year
Mscpec gay anon here! Sorry, I was asking out of genuine curiosity but I can see now how it came off as bait. I was just asking bc I support them and don't really wanna be following anyone who doesn't
Okay, here's a more straight forward answer then: I am not a gay man, I am not a MLM, and I don't think it's right for me to express any feelings on this subject you know? Same thing with the flags you guys use it's not affecting me I shouldn't be complaining I can only be supportive of the choices your communities make and listen to what you guys have to say.
Which is, the exact reason I got upset with that artist, they were telling people to come argue with them about a wlw issue, accusing wlw who don't agree with them of being terfs when like it's not their business to argue on it when they're not a wlw, they're not even transfem, they're supposed to be listening to those groups before saying that stuff you know? Or not even saying just quoting sharing etc.
My opinion is that this wouldn't be discourse if you guys were brazillian, which is luckily not my case, here what you guys call bi les/mspec/pan whatever lesbians we call a sapatão and we all kiss each other, but since you guys can't settle for sapphic or wlw or idk any terms with just as much historical relevance you get into fights about this one and well its sad but also I kind of don't care that much??? And I really really really really don't wanna be dragged into it, go be happy love yourselves pee into the wind as long as you make sure not to hurt anyone it should be fine peace and love on planet earth 🤙
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