#stop lookin at me with Dem big ol eyes
theoneofwhomisblue · 1 year
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betweenlands · 2 years
Solar. You know I don’t watch dominion but I do read literally all of your work as it comes out. And thusly my perception of one Viking Pilot is that he’s a plural coded ghost guy who’s somehow both the poorest little meow meow and a girlboss at the same time. Stop lookin at me with dem big ol eyes because they’re full of murderous intent vibes. Am I correct
yeah that's pretty on the nose
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briannartoonz · 4 years
stop lookin at me with dem big ol eyes-
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rasekstories · 6 years
Rasek’s Dupstep Hour
It was early evening, and the light filtered through a set of old blinds and a cloud of dust as thick as butter, illuminating a small spot on the floor in front of a growing fire where a group of young trolls were gathered.  They were all sitting on their haunches, looking up at a grey-haired troll in an overstuffed chair.
The troll in the chair puffed at his pipe as they asked him questions all at once, the girls demanding stories of romance and danger and bravery, and the boys demanding stories of boobs and another look at the daggers on his hips.
They all quieted at once as he took his pipe from his mouth, exhaling the smoke through his nose and regarding them all coolly.  
“Ya wanna hear a story?”  They nodded in unison.  “Aiight.  I tell ya a good one.  Rasek quality story for a quality crowd.”
He leaned forward in his chair and rested his elbows on his knees, leaving his pipe forgotten.
“See, we was stationed in de Sunnymoon a lot, right?  Like eh, even back when de Sunnysworn was infestin de place like termites, which is where de name comes from, see.
Anyway so we was stationed dere a lot durin de lest war, an eh like, we left an came back, left an came back, but dis one time we was dere an de place was all weird.  Dere was mon I neva seen before goin round tellin everyone dey was in charge, dey was a big name wit a big head an big glory, an I neva heard shit about dese chumps, right?
So I just look at all dese mon an not tell one from de udda, an dat make tings hard for me.  I know lots a de warband feel dat way.  An ya know, Sunnymoon was harder to live in den if ya was a troll, because dey was hikin up de prices for us an everyting else.  Ya lucky ya live in dis age an not de last one, eh?
Anyway so sometimes it was nice to take a break an wander round in like Evasong an tings.  Not dat we could visit de Amani dat would out in de eastern side den, since dey wasn't our allies an tings.  Like we had eh, General Juzmik an him sis was from dere, but like we couldn't just walk in an shake hands an tings, so not like we could go round an chill an be in normal huts an tings.
So anyway, I was wanderin round Evasong, just walkin round dese forests dat'd all been ruined an tings.  De elfies had dese big rune stones set up round de forest dat was s'possed to keep shit out, but like dey was shit, so dey didn't work, ya?  An I come to one an dere be dis pinky hangin round one like she cryin on de ting.
So I hop off my bear an come up to her an ask her why she cryin, because like ya can't turn down a girly in need even if she an elfy.  Dere a chance she let ya see her boobs, an dat's worth it no matta where she come from, lemme tell ya.
Dis girly thought I was gonna kill her at first til I talk to her in Orcish a bit eh, an den I gave her my elf impersonation an got her laughin an tings, an she told me her whole house got sacked!
Awww, what a turrible fate.  I mean it was sacked by de trolls so I wasn't too worried about it, but I'm a sucka for cryin girls, so I was all aww girly aww dat's sad.
An she start tellin me her papa raised dese eh, de big bird tings dey ride, an how proud he was, an he dead an tings but she still took care a dem, an she was so sad because de Amani take off wit her birdies.
So I was like ey I help ya get dese tings back, what a good citizen dis guy is.
An she was like “Ohhh Rasek ya de best, ya de finest ya got de biggest dick” an I was all I know whateva I hear dis all de time.
So I put her on de back a my Thug'jin, dat's my bear, an we head in de direction she pointed me.  Now at de time I didn't consider de facts.  Cute cryin pinky in de middle a de woods, tells me Amani took her birds an den takes me west?  Dey live in de east!  But I was focused on de fact dat she had great thighs an her arms was wrapped around my waist (dis was 'fore I was married to ya mama, 'fore ya ask), so I didn't pay no shit attention.
So we get to dis real suspicious lookin path between two cliffs, an dere's dis sign outside dat say “candy on de udda side”, an I go well I like candy, but dat ain't written in Zandali, an she go “Oh well dey got my birdies Rasek help me”, an she press her tittes against my back an I was like ya right de candy lessgo!
So I walk through an like in five seconds dese mon was jumpin down from de cliffs all actin like badass heroes an tings, ready to steal from me an take my bear, eh?
Now ya might be tinkin ol' Rasek kill em all wit him trusty daggas, but dat weren't de case.  Dey captured me like right away an take me to dere base.  Dey ask if dere anybody who'd pay a ransom for my life, an I'm like ya try all de whores in Sunnymoon, but dey didn't tink it were funny, so dey didn't gimme no damn dinna or nuttin.
So anyway, dey elfies right, so like a course dey real fuckin stupid druggies dat just waste dey time singin an tings, an I'm a smart guy an tings, so late at night dey was all getting drunk an smokin de thistle, an I was just like whoeva taught ya to tie knots was a failure, an I slipped outta my ropes an just kinda eh... well, I was in a cage, ya?  So I couldn't just be like EY I UNITED MYSELF an have em actually look at a fuckin book an figger out how to tie a knot, so I was just all quiet an tings.  I peed on some a dere shoes when dey walk by.
Anyway, in de mornin someone come an open de cage to gimme some food, an I bit a chunk outta him neck an jumped out screamin.  Dey udda elves was just so horrified dat I bit a chunk outta a dude's neck dat dey all just starin at me in horror.
Like shit, de lot a ya thieves an villains, an ya neva seen a mon try an eat anudda mon before?  I swear to de Loa, elves is de pussiest creatures.
Anyway, one ting hot bitty wasn't lyin about was de ting about de birds.  Dey got lotsa birds, real nice ones, ya?  Dey was all lined up like eh, in a stable type ting but ghetto, an dere was one at de end dat was all extra fancy.  Like ya figger dey king or whateva ride dat one.
I started to run ova an get it, but by den some a de elfies regained dey senses an was tryina grab me.  So eh, I whip my junk out an start hittin em wit it an wavin it at em, an dey all move back, not wantin to touch my junk an me not wantin to get ransomed by a bunch a fairies, right.
So I hop on dis king bird, dis big white ting wit like friggin jewels on him face an tings, an just start screamin jibberish dat sound scary and whoolah outta dere.
Meanwhile, cryin boob chick from before's chasin afta me, screamin an hollerin about how I'm de manliest min she eva met an how she wanna come wit me.  I stop before a majestic sunset an tell her she got pancake boobs an she smell like a warlock an I already met de most beautiful girly eva (it's ya mama), so she just scummy an I ain't got time for her.
So I leave her de way I found her: Sobbin into de dirt.  I come back to Sunnymoon wit my new white birdy an get heralded as a great hero an dey gave me a cape an a bunch a udda tings I forget.”
A young troll in the back raised her hand, a pair of golden eyes watching him from behind a curtain of black hair.  Rasek nodded at her.
“But em, papa, how'd Thug'jin get out?”
“Thug'jin.  He outside.”  She jerked her thumb towards the door.  Rasek squinted his eyes an tucked his pipe back in his mouth.
“Oh eh.  I dunno.  Dat's Thug'jin 4, don't ask me questions like dat, girly.”
And so he reclined in his chair and lowered his eyes to the floor, content by the warmth of the fire, his gaggle of excitable children bathing in the moonlight through the window.  Wompf wompf wrr wrr wrr this has been the Dubstep Hour with Margaret Finch.
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bestialsadist · 7 years
Tha One Who Cried Wolf - Pt. 1-2
Part 1:
Yanked out mah sleep, I shoot mah head up an’ turn ‘round tryin’ ta’ see whea I’m at. Get mah bearin’s. I’on’t ‘memba passin’ out on tha couch last night. Mah wif’ ain’t nex’ ta’ me so I figga she went ta’ bed an’ ain’t e’vn try’ta’ wake me up. Dis’ere rude ass awakenin’s from mah cell rattlin’ off tha table like uh demon dun hopped inside tha shi’ an’ I a’most break tha damn thang tryna grab it ta’ stop it. Grumblin’ wit’ squinty eyes an’ blurred vision, I pump in mah password an’ see “C. DNA” pop up on mah screen.
“Ugh…Fuck.” Mah voice groggy an’ filled wit’ exhaushun.
TEXT: We need 2 talk.
TEXT: Fuck off. It’s 2am.
TEXT: I’m not joking, babe. We need 2 talk. Now.
TEXT: Fuck. OFF.
Is dis fuckin’ slut crazy?
Cassie Malroux’s uh lil’ blonde piece uh ass I was playin’ wit’ on tha side uh few months back bu’ I tossed ha out wit’ tha trash. Ain’t sho’ why she come callin’ me na. We ain’t end on gud terms. Chea gottuh lil’ too big fa’ ha own fuckin’ britches. Na I a’mit, she was scratchin’ uh lil’ itch fa’ me. Catchin’ mah tendency ta’ roam e’vry na an’ den. She was takin’ mah mind off shi’ I cain’t seem ta’ shake. Somthin’ I needed. Bu’ chea mo’ tro’ble den she worth.
Firs’, it was lil’ shit. Ha callin’ me when she kno’ I’m wit’ mah fam’ly. Ha makin’ lil’ co’ments afta we fuck ‘bout sendin’ pictuas ta’ mah wif’ an’ postin’ shi’ on ha Snap. Ha talkin’ shi’ ‘bout me not claimin’ ha. Ha talkin’ ‘bout luh like I was tha o’ly one listenin’ whil’ we had tha whol’ yah jus’ uh fuck talk. Den chea’d laugh it all off an’ act lik’ she jus’ playin’ ‘round. I tol’ ha on mo’ den one occashun, don’t fuck wit’ ma fam’ly.
Chea ain’t get tha message, an’ she rea’ly lost ha gahdamn mind.
Messin’ ‘round wit’ ha fa’ too long gave ha tha wrong idea ‘bout wha’ dis’ere was. Uh fuck hea an’ nea. Uh ‘scape. Uh distracshun from alla twisted shi’ swirlin’ ‘round mah head I aint tryna deal wit’. Bu’ I came ta’ mah senses uh coupla months ago an’ ended tha shi’ when tha stupid slut tried ta’ catch me at tha grocery sto’ wit’ mah fuckin’ daughta. I cain’t e’vn say tried rea’ly ‘cos she -did- catch mah ass. Cornah’d me by tha fuckin’ meats an’ grabbed -mine.-
I a’most killed tha white trash bitch right thea an’ den.
Nika was down tha c’real an’ snack aisle wit’ tha basket so she ain’t see nothin’, bu’ if she had, dis bitch wuldn’t be seein’ shi’ else fa’ tha rest uf ha life. In one swift move, I grabbed ha throat an’ shoved ha through tha hangin’ plastic flaps dat lead ta’ tha back uf tha sto’ whea da sto’ stock at. I ain’t seen nobody ‘round when I slammed ha stupid ass ‘gainst tha crates uf milk, so I tightened mah grip on ha throat an’ growled through gritted teeth.
“Tha fuck yah doin’ hea?!”
Scratchin’, swingin’, an’ fightin’ fa’ ha life, I land uh vicious smack ‘cross ha face ta’ make ha focus an’ ansa me. Make ha learn ha le’son. Chea dun crossed uh line. One dat ain’t so e’sy ta’ come back from when it come ta’ me. Beggin’ fa’ air wit’ tears streamin’ down ha face, I’on’t let ha go ‘til I seen tha blood rushin’ from ha skin, makin’ ha pastey like death was knockin’ on ha do’. Chea ain’t no match fa’ me, bu’ she uh fighta an’ I getta lil’ thrill outta ha thankin’ ha scratchin’ was ‘bout ta’ sway me from makin’ mah fuckin’ point. Wit’ blood vessels blown an’ skin turnin’ uh ligh’ shade uh blue like ha eyes, I shove ha ta’ tha ground an’ watched ha choke, tryin’ ta’ grasp fa’ air.
Nose flared, brows knitted, an’ mah baritone still inna uh growl, “I ain’t ‘bout’ta fuckin’ repeat mah’self, bitch.”
Coughin’ an’ carryin’ on, she try’ta’ ansa me, “I…I… jus’…wan…wanted to… see you…’Tiste…”
I’on’t need ta’ hea no’mo. Ha thankin’ she culd come fin’ me an’ corna me ‘cos “she wanna see me” was grounds ta’ feed tha bitch ta’ tha gatas. Bu’, I’on’t. Tha tramp o’viously gotta deathwish an’ I ain’t ha fuckin’ Genie. I step closa. Chea jumped, pushin’ up ‘gainst tha crates uf milk. She’on’t care if she culdn’t get no furtha a’way, she jus’ tryin’ta’ get as far ‘way from me as she can right na. Terror in ha eyes ‘xactly wha’ I wanted ta’ see when I kneeled down in front uf ha. Takin’ uh deep breath, I inhale ha fear like mah opioids tha lil’ white housewif’s pop befo’ dey mornin’ coffee. Ta’ uh predata, tha scent’s like mama’s sweet potata pie. Leanin’ closa an’ starin’ at ha, I wan’ed ha ta’ see tha whites uf mah eyes. Feel tha heat uf mah anag. Hear tha roar in mah voice dat all make it clea, ‘dis ha last straw.
“Yah hea me an’ hea me well, bitch. Yah no longa ‘xist ta’ me. Don’t call me. Don’t try’ta’ see me. Don’t come mah fuckin’ way. If yah do, I swea I’ll be tha last face yah eva see.”
Three o’ fo’ months lata an’ dis’ slut’s textin’ me at 2AM. O’viously she’on’t thank fat meat’s greasy.
TEXT: I’m pregnant. Urs. Come now or my next txt is 2 ur wife.
Mah mind go blank as I read an’ reread an’ reread dis’ere text. “I’m pregnant.” Fa’ uh split s’cond I swalla mah tongue. Any man wuld, e’vn if he kno’ it ain’t no way he knocked ha up. I’on’t know what pissed me off mo’, ha claimin’ she gotta baby o’ ha threatenin’ ta’ text mah wif’.
I thank bof uh gud re’son ta’ fuck ha slut ass up. I guess I ain’t reply quick enuf ‘cos she text a‘gin.
TEXT: Think I’m playing?
I sit up an’ pull on mah black boots befo’ I text ha back.
TEXT: omw TEXT: Can’t wait 2 cu…
Part 2:
I’m fumin’. Re’dy ta’ tear ha head from ha shuldas an’ eat ha mah’self.
Tryin’ not ta’ wake no’body in tha house, I grab mah keys, cell, jacket, an’ uh untra’ceable glock befo’ I hop in mah dark truck ta’ head ova thea. Not mah Harley, bu’ mah -otha- truck. Windo’s down, tha breeze from mah speedin’ keepin’ tha heat risin’ unda mah skin cool bu’ it ain’t keepin’ me calm. Not dat I thought it wuld. Grindin’ mah teeth, I slam uh fist ‘gainst tha steerin’ wheel.
“Crazy fuckin’ bitch!”
Darkened eyes dartin’ from mah rearview ta’ the road ahead, I cain’t get ta’ ha house fast enuf. I knew chea was uh lil’ off tha rails an’ part uf dat’s wha’ turned me on ‘bout ha. Ha feistiness. Uh slick mouf. Bu’ I ain’t ‘xpect ha ta’ play games wit’ mah fam’ly. Threaten ta’ fuck wit’ mah wif’. I ain’t ‘xpect ha ta’ be -dat- fuckin’ off ha shi’.
“Yah shulda fuckin’ killed tha bitch when she pulled da shi’ wit’ Nika. Yah shulda bit ha fuckin’ head off.”
Mah wolf’s howlin’ deep inside, tellin’ me how much uf uh fuckin’ idjit I am fa’ not goin’ wit’ instincts. I kno’ tha walkin’ tramp stamp ain’t got mah baby in’ha belly. Bu’ chea threatenin’ ta’ call mah wif’ ain’t some shit I can jus’ ignore. Ain’t some shi’ I -wuld- ignore. Mah jaw clenches. “Can’t wait 2 c u.” Ha smug ass grin flashin’ in mah head like uh bull’s eye. She’on’t kno’ mah wif’d kill ha ass befo’ I e’vn got ahol’ uf ha. Shi’, she’d kill me too. It wuldn’t end how she thank. Bu’ dat ain’t tha point. Anybody who kno’ me, hate me o’ not. Yah’on’t fuck wit’ Z. Yah breaths be numba’d afta dat.
Mah eyes flashin’ gold in tha rearview, I take uh deep breath ta’ calm down an’ park uh lil’ ways from ha house. She ain’t got uh’lot uf neighbors, bu’ I ain’t rea’ly wanna be seen ‘round hea ta’night. Wit’ uh black hoody jacket, T-shirt, jeans, an’ boots, no’body’d kno’ who I am o’ see any identifyin’ markas uf me. ‘Cept mah height an’ build bu’ dat ain’t enuf fa’ an arrest, less dey can place me hea. Bu’ I slotch uh lil’ whil’ I walk anyway , jus’ ta’ make mah size jus’ uh lil’ unclea. Befo’ I e’vn get ta’ ha side do’, chea open tha do’ like she been waitin’ by tha windo ‘till she heard me comin’. Wearin’ nuthin’ bu’ uh lil’ black bra an’ panties an’ uh big, blue-eyed smile, she damn’nea hops at me, hopin’ I’ma catch ha stupid ass.
“Babe, I’m so happy you came!”
I step aside starin’ at ha like she uh like she lost ha mind, watchin’ ha stumble tryin’ta’ catch ha footin’. Not an ouce uf ha excitement gets givin’ back ta’ ha. Me bein’ pissed off clea in mah tone, “Is yah fuckin’ nuts?! Get yah ass in tha gahdamn house! I ain’t come alla ‘way ova hea ta’ fuck wit’yah.”
Dis’ shi’ cain’t be real. She cain’t hav’ dis many fuckin’ screws loose?
“But, I missed you!”
Shi’, chea rea’ly got dis’ many screws loose.
Givin’ ha tha look uf death, I point fa’ward an’ push ha back ta’ ha damn do’.
“I’on’t gih uh fuck if yah missed parole, Cassie. Get in tha gahdamn house an’ put’cha fuckin’ clothes on, na!”
Draggin’ ha feet an’ smackin’ ha lips, she do as I say an’ I close an’ lock tha do’s behin’ us. Pullin’ off mah hoody an’ dark beanie, I watch ha cop uh attitude, stumpin’ an’ smackin’ ha lips.
“C’mon, ‘Tiste. Don’t be like that. I missed you. Didn’t you miss me?”
Standin’ a’most lost fa’ words.
“I’m hea ‘bout dis’ere baby shit! Dat’s tha o’ly re’son I’m hea, Cassie. Stop playin’ games.”
I ain’t rea’ly care ‘bout ha ansa. I kno’ she ain’t carryin’ mah cub. One, I’on’t raw-dawg no’body bu’ mah wif’. Two, I wulda smelled ha carryin’ tha s’cond she opened tha fuckin’ do’ an’ hopped mah way. She ain’t no’mo pregnant den tha fuckin’ man on tha moon an’ I wanna see how far she gon’ take dis’ere BS.
“You must be in a bad mood. Wifey still not paying you no mind?”
It take e’vrythang in me na ta’ knock ha lights out, righ’chea. Numba One rule she keep breakin’ like it’s ha job, keep mah wif’ out ha mouf. Sneerin’ ha way, barin’ teeth an’ narrowin’ mah eyes, she get tha pr’mise written on mah face an’ shut ha mouf, at least fa’ uh s’cond, an’ ta’ ha bedroom.
E’vn tho I ain’t been hea in months, ha lil’ house ‘xactly tha same. Keys hangin’ by tha do’ an’ cell on tha glass coffee table. Uh half em’ty bottle uf ha liquid crack, Peach Cisco—tha drank uf tha winos—sittin’ on tha table too. TV stuck on one uf dem “Real HipHop Hos uf Still Lookin’ fa uh Suga Daddy” sho’s o’ wha’eva dey called. Tha scent uf Orange chicken an’ scrimp fried rice lingerin’ in tha air lika house spray. Tha same ‘ol take-out she a’ways orda. Dis’ lil’ shotgun house ain’t changed an’ neitha has she.
I folla ha inta’ ha bedroom an’ watch ha grab some sweat shorts an’ uh wif’beata ta’ pull on. Leanin’ ‘gainst ha bedroom do’way, I look ha up an’ down, wonderin’ wha’ tha fuck I was thankin’ all dat time fuckin’ ‘round wit’ ha crazy ass. Chea gotta mouf lika Hoova an’ uh throat deep as tha Gulf. -Dat’s wha’.- I ain’t so young, bu’ I’m sho’ dumb an’ fulla “I dun fucked alla way up” cum. Hissin’ ‘cos dis’ fuck’up migh’ cost me, I ball mah fist in mah pockets damn nea bark at ha slo’ ass, “Yah kin talk whil’ yah git dressed, Cassie. I kno’ how well yah mouf work whil’ yah doin’ otha thangs. Get ta’ fuckin’ talkin’.”
She smack ha lips a’gin whil’ she pull out some shorts an’ uh T-shirt. Don’t slap ha.
Cassie turn mah way, “Tiste, why you being like this? Don’t’cha miss me?”
I’on’t gih ha uh s’cond ta’ wonda. “No. Ansa mah fuckin’ queshun.”
Ha blue eyes glaze an’ ha bottom lip sink in ha mouf. I can tell dat hurt ha. I also’on’t gih uh shi’.
“I took a test…A few.” Ha voice low wit’ lil’ hints uh crackin’ as she finish. “It was positive. And before you ask, no I ain’t been with nobody since you. It’s yours.”
I a’most choke on mah own spit from dat bold ass lie. “Right… Whea it’s at? I wanna see it.”
She shake ha head, lookin’ up at me. “You mean the test? I don’t have it. I threw it out.”
I tilt mah head. “Bitch, go find it.”
She looks worried an’ stunned all at tha same time. I ain’t gon’ stop callin’ ha bluff ‘till she tell tha truth.
“I can’t. Trash came a’ready.”
She firin’ tha excuses like she uh CEO an’ we downsizin’. I push mah’self off tha do’way. “Trash came a’ready?”
She nods quick, “Yeah, trust me. I’d show you if I could, baby. Believe me. We’re gonna have a beautiful, baby boy. At least I hope it’s a boy, so I can name him after you and everything.”
Dis’ story catches me off guard an’ I blank-stare at chea. Tha look in ha eyes is serious. “Are yah fuckin’ high? Yah been samplin’ mah shi’ o’ somthin’ ‘cos yah sound crazy ass hell, Cassie? Name ‘im afta me?” I cain’t hol’ in tha laugh dat barrels from mah chest. “Bitch, I wuldn’t let yah hav’ mah babies. Yah fa’got I gotta wif’ an’ yah ain’t it. O’an’ I gotta mini me a’ready, too late fa’ too. An’on’t fuckin’ call me baby, babe, o’ any uf tha otha shi’. Yah kno’ mah name. Use it.” Still laughin’ loud, I shake mah head makin’ mah way ta’ ha bathroom.
“Dis bitch dun lost ha evalivin’ mind if she thank I’d let ha hav’ mah baby. HA! Stone loco.” Lookin’ in ha lady storage cab’net, whea she keep all uh female stuff, I push shi’ ‘round whil’ I look fa’ wha’ I kno’ is thea.
“I hope you don’t mean what I think you mean? I’on’t believe in abortion, Tiste. I’m Catholic. And you can’t make me, you fucking monster!”
I see chea use mah name an’ ain’t speak ‘bout mah fam’ly. Bu’ I hea ha comin’ closa an’ I laugh harda. “HAHA!” Lookin’ up from mah squatted position as I dig in ha bottom cab’net. “Yah thank tha clinic tha o’ly way I’d get rid uf dat lil’ fucka? I ain’t ‘bove throwin’ yah ass down uh flight uh stairs an’ leavin’ yah ta’ bleed ta’ death.” I gih uh sarcastic smile, bu’ I mean e’vry gahdamn word.
She smack ha lips, lookin’ down at me, “Why would you say something like that? You know, sometimes you really scare me. Like you’d really hurt me. And what are you looking for?”
I snicka at “sometimes,” like she fa’got ‘bout me a’most stranglin’ ha ta’ death. Ignorin’ ha BS, uh grin cross mah face when I fina’ly find wha’ I’m lookin’ fa’. Ha spare pregnancy test.
“Hea. Pee on tha shi’. Prove it.” Shell-shocked, she stand thea starin’ like she jus’ seen uh ghost. “Wha’s wrong, chea? Fa’got yah had uh stash? O’ didn’t kno’ I knew ‘bout it?”
Starin’ deadpan at ha, I wait ta’ see wha’ ‘xcuse she got fa’ dis one. Don’t need ta’ pee? Wata in tha kitchen, mothafucka.
“Why’re you doing this?!” Tha crocodile tears wet ha face an’ I’on’t flinch. Ha feelin’s mean nuthin’ ta’ me. “Tiste…stop!”
“‘Cos I wan’yah ta’ tell tha fuckin’ truth, Cassie. Yah ass ain’t no’mo pregnant den I am.”
Standin’ up an’ cockin’ mah head ta’ tha side ta’ wait fa’ wha’eva come out ha mouf nex’. Mah humor’s replaced by irritashun. ‘Fess tha fuck up. Dat’s all she gotta do.
Befo’ I kno’ it, Cassie’s throwin’ uh tempa-tantrum. Throwin’ tha test on tha flo’ an’ stompin’ outchea ta’ ha room whil’ she still cryin’ an’ carryin’ on.
“Fine! I lied! I ain’t taking that shit because I’m not fuckin’ pregnant! I just wanted you to come over and see me! I fucking missed you! I’m sorry, Tiste! I didn’t mean to lie! Or bring your family into it! I just missed you so damn much! Can’t you understand that?! I love you!”
Crossin’ mah arms ova mah chest an’ listenin’ ta’ ha whinin’, I’m mo’ an’ mo’ atta loss uf wha’ tha fuck I saw in ha.
“Hm. Am I ‘posed ta’ feel sorry fa’ yah? Yah thank I’ma drop ta’ mah an’ realize I’m ‘posed ta’ be wit’ yah o’ somthin’? Lemme get dis’ straight.” I count off on mah fangas, starin’ at ha comin’ back mah way. Mah voice thickenin’ wit’ each offence. “Yah lied… Tried ta’ trap me. -An’- yah threatin’ ta’ call mah wif’ wit’ it all. Wha’ tha fuck yah thank gon’ happen, chea? Hm? I’ma profess mah luh fa’ yah?! Yah gon’ crazy.”
She steps up ta’ me, face red an’ wet. Eyes bloodshot. Make-up smeared. Ha nex’ mov’on’t surprise me. She coos anotha apology, ha lil’ girl voice meant ta’ make me gih ha wha’ she want. Rubbin’ mah biceps an’ tryin’ ta’ get me ta’ uncross mah arms, I narrow mah eyes an’ mov’ out ha grasp. Why she thank dis’ shi’ ‘bout ta’ work afta I dun tol’ ha not ta’ contact me is un-fuckin’-real.
Ha tears start rollin’ a’gin. “Wha’ I gotta do, Tiste?! Huh?! Wha’ I gotta do?! I said I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Believe me, I’m sorry! I’ll never do it again! I don’t even have your wife’s number! I swear. I’m sorry!”
Smackin’ mah lips an’ rollin’ mah eyes when she drop ta’ ha knees in front uf me. Hands roamin’ tha front uf mah pants, lookin’ fa’ any sign dat she winnin’ me ova. I grip ha hands an’ push ‘em off me.
“Yah sorry? Hm. Yah kno’ wha’ I get it. Yah lon’ly. Yah missed me. Wa’n’t thankin’ ‘bout wha’ yah was doin’.” She nods, wipin’ ha tears ‘way . “So, if yah really sorry, Cas, go write me uh lil’ ‘I’m sorry’ note. I’ll fa’give yah if yah do. I pr’mise.”
Blinkin’ lika idjit, she stare up at me wit’ doe eyes. “Really? An ‘I’m sorry’ note? That’s all you want?”
I nod, playin’ tha role I kno’ she’ll fall fa’ ‘cos she one uf dem dumb broads dat thank e’vrythnag yah say mean somthin’ otha den wha’ yah actua’ly sayin’ ta’ ha.
“Dat’s all I wan’, chea. I’m jus’ uh lil’ pissed yah wuld lie ta’ me. Bu’ if yah gih me uh lil’ ‘I’m sorry’ note, I’ll believe yah mean it.” I rub ha puffy cheek wit’ tha back uf mah hand. “It’ll be lika lil’ keepsake. Like yah givin’ me uh piece uf yah heart ‘cos yah rea’ly ain’t mean ta’ do me like dat. Right chea?”
I gih ha mah puppy eyes ta’ seal tha deal.
She chews ha lip bu’ buys it hook, line, an’ sinka. “You know I can’t resist that face.” Pullin’ ha’self ta’ ha feet, she go ova ta’ ha drawer by ha bed an’ pull out ha notepad an’ pen. “What you want it to say?”
“Jus’ say yah sorry, chea. An’ don’t put mah name ‘cos I’ma keep it in mah wallet bu’ if somebody see it, we’on’t wanna get caught up, right?”
She offa uh puffy lipped smile an’ nod as she start writin’. I head back in ha bathroom whil’ she doin’ dat. Tha rage on tha way hea wa’n’t useless. I a’ready had uh plan fa’ ha. Usin’ ha towel, I turn on ha hot wata an’ run ha uh bubble bath wit’ tha bottle uh vanilla on tha corna uh ha tub. Comin’ back inta’ ha bedroom, she gotta big ass smile on ha face an’ I kno’ it’s ‘cos she hea’s tha wata runnin’. Uh bath mean she ‘bout ta’ get fucked ‘cos I neva hav’ ha wit’out makin’ ha take uh bath firs’.
She sat ha notepad on tha bedside dressa drawer an’ start pullin’ off ha wifbeata. I graze mah hand ‘long ha bare stomach ta’ getta look at ha note an’ keep ha distra’ted. “I’m so, so sorry. Please, forgive me. - C ☹”
Shor’ an’ sweet.
“Perfect, chea.” I gih ha uh playful smack on tha ass. “Go’on, go git in tha tub fa’ me.”
She squeaks an’ wipes ha eyes wit’ uh big smile still on ha face, “You coming with me for once?”
“I’ma come in thea inna s’cond. Lemme get uh bea firs’.”
She nods, buyin’ e’vrythang I’m sellin’.
“Ok! Hurry, the water’s perfect! You know just what I like, ‘Tiste…”
Cassie’s none tha wisa. One thang ‘bout me, I’on’t break mah pr’mise. -Eva.- Headin’ back in tha front room, I pull out mah latex gloves an’ pull ‘em on. Nex’ I pull out mah 45 an’ attach uh silenca befo’ headin’ ta’ ha kitchen ta’ grab ha sharpest knife wit’ mah gloved hands. Slidin’ tha gun in mah denim pocket an’ slipin’ ha knife in mah leatha sheath attached ta’ mah belt, so it’s hidden behin’ mah 7in Bowie knife, I grab ha cell an’ slip it in mah otha pocket fo’ I head back in thea.
I catch ha in thea, eyes closed, an’ enjoyin’ ta’ bath. “Whea yah laptop, chea?”
She open ha eyes, confused. “I don’t have one. Remember, I asked you to get me one?” “Oh, dat’s right. I fa’got. No otha tech stuff? iPad o’ somthin’? Christmas is ‘round tha corna.”
Grinnin’ wide, she shake ha head lika lil’ kid. “Nope. You saying you getting me one of those?”
Mah questions jus’ ta’ see if she got any otha shi’ layin’ ‘round dat migh’ hav’ some ev’dence uh me bein’ in ha life ‘cos I’d take dat too.
“If yah be gud fa’ me. Yah gon’ be gud fa’ me?” Noddin’ an’ lettin’ ha hands slide up an’ down ha body, smearin’ tha bubbles ‘long ha skin.
“I can be good for you. If that’s what you want.” Ha voice get mo’ an’ mo’ seductive as she talk, hands fondlin’ ha bare tits. “I’ll be whatever you want. Do whatever you want. You know that. I just want to make you happy.”
I put ha tha top on tha toilet down an’ take uh seat by ha tub. Somthin’ ‘bout dis’ moment make me shift. Mah heart beat uh lil’ fasta. Mah dick twitch jus’ uh lil’. I lick mah lips an’ lean close ta’ ha as I pull ha knife from mah side.
“I o’ly wan’cha ta’ do one thang fo’ me, yah? Kill yah’self.”
Starin’ wide-eyed at me, I kin tell she ain’t sho’ wha’ I mean. So, I set ha knife on tha edge uf tha tub an’ point ta’ it.
“Pick up tha knife, open up yah thighs, an’ kill yah’self.”
Tha air stifles. Ha heart start crashin’ ‘gainst ha ribcage. Fear ain’t o’ly stampin’ ha face, it’s fillin’ tha air. I kin tell she ‘bout ta’ scream bu’ I’on’t gih ha tha chance. Pullin’ out mah 45 an’ pointin’ it dead at tha centa uf ha head, I catch ha jus’ as uh cry come out ha mouf.
“Uh-uh. Na if yah scream, I’ma hafta splatta dat pre’ty lil’ face uf yah’s all ova dis’ere bathroom. Bu’ den it’ll get all messy an’ I ain’t in tha mood fa’ dat, yah. So, be uh big gurl an’ open up uh a’tery. Yah’ll go fast.”
Tears come runnin’ down ha face a’gin. Lips quiverin’. Head an’ body shakin’.  
“Don…Don’t…make…me… do this, Tiste…Pl…plea..please…”
Tappin’ mah silenca ‘gainst ha mouf, I shake mah head wit’ uh sinista grin.
“I won’t repeat mah’self, chea. I pr’mised yah I’d be tha last face yah see if yah ain’t lis’sen. Yah -ain’t- lis’sen. Bu’ go’on, try me if yah won’t’ta’. I got no bones ‘bout blowin’ yah fuckin’ head off.”
Chea, tremblin’ an’ whimperin’ as she grab tha knife. Na, I kno’ dis’ uh risk ‘cos she kin cut me if she rea’ly wanted ta’. Bu’ dis’ uh foo’s dream. Many thank dey’d be dat one ta’ figh’. Ta’ go down swingin’. Ta’ take ‘em down wit’cha. Bu’ mos’? Jus’ die. Mah gun right b’tween ha eyes makin’ mah sincerity real fa’ ha too. I point mah gun ta’ ha uppa thigh an’ ha whol’ body jump. Terrified.
“Righ’chea. Deep.”
Relu’tantly an’ wit’ shaky hands, chea slice open right thigh an’ cry out from tha pain. Tha red mist fill tha hot wata quick as she doubles ta’ tha side, mouf wide bu’ barely any sound comin’ out. She press ha fac ‘gainst tha cold bath tiles, snot an’ tears smearin’ ha flushed flesh—she ac’tually get up tha nerve ta’ cry out loud fa’ help. Real quick, I shove mah silenca in ha mouf, release tha safety, an’ pull back tha chamba ta’ sho’ ha it’s loaded.
“Open casket o’ closed. Yah choice, chea.”
Chokin’ an’ cryin’ ‘round mah metal, she shake ha head, eyes lowerin’ an’ beggin’ me not ta’ pull tha trigga. I ain’t looked ‘way from ha face. Ha eyes. I wanna see tha s’cond ha life ends. Ha heart pumpin’ fast. Tryin’ta’ make up fa’ tha blood she losin’. Chea lookin’ uh lil’ drowsey. I pull mah gun from ha mouf when I hea ha pulse slo’.
“I’m sorry…”
Tha two words ain’t no louda den uh whispa. Chea ain’t got tha enagy ta’ do much mo’. Tha an’mal in me can smell death comin’. It’s knockin’ on ha do’. Ha breathin’s shallo an’ slo’. Tha steam comin’ off tha wata make tha scent uf ha blood uh heady mixture wit’ ha sufferin’. Wit’out hesitashun, I shake mah head wit’ uh deadpan expresshun.
“Too late fa’ dat, chea.”
Uh few mo’ tears roll down ha face fo’ ha body slump ta’ tha side. Lips parted bu’ no air comin’ out. Tha pumpin’ uf ha heart come ta’ uh stop. It o’ly take uh few minutes ta’ bleed ta’ death when uh maja a’tery open. If chea eyes wa’n’t starin’ right at me, I’d thank she migh’ jus’ be passed out from tha blood lost bu’ ain’t no Cassie ‘dea. Tha light in ha blue eyes gon’ out. Two fangas ta’ tha side uf ha neck, I check ha pulse an’ make sho’ wha’ I smell is right.
Chucklin’ an’ gettin’ up, I grab ha test off tha flo’ an’ put it back in ha cab’net.  
“Pr’blem solved.”
[©Post to @BestialSadist: 12-19-17]
0 notes
bestialsadist · 7 years
Beast uf Tha Southern Wild (|5|) Bloodmoon: Fam’ly, Tribe, an’ Pack Pt. 1-4
Part 1:
Bloodmoon. Mah Fam’ly. Mah Tribe. Mah Pack.
Ain’t nothin’ mo’ impo’tant den dem.
I’m standin’ hea, watchin’ mah fam’ly from tha backyard porch. Nika tumblin’ an’ wrestlin’ wit’ @IndigenousHowls, swearin’ up an’ down she gon’ git ‘em on tha ground one day. @HerCajunFlame got ha feet in tha water, starin’ off at tha horizon. Nico by ‘im an’ BJ back house, workin’ on his latest bike. Dat boy betta not git no oil on mah mah ground. @LoyalMasochist in tha kitchen cookin’ up som’thin’ dat smell too damn gud ta’ jus’ be food.
I crack open anotha Guinness wit’ mah teeth an’ spit tha cap in tha trash nex’ ta’ me. @LoyalMasochist na’ ‘bout uh second lata come suckin’ ha teeth as she walk by me.
“One of these days you’re gonna crack a tooth. So damn hard-headed. Open it like normal person, Lie.”
“Luh yah too, Z.”
Throwin’ ha wink as she suck ha teeth again an’ roll ha pretty lil’ eyes at me, I head back in when I hea mah baby sis yellin’ she brought som’ shrimp étouffée fa’ dinna an’ uh new lil’ girlfriend. I shake mah laughin’.
“Chea on tha menu too? O’ nah?”
“I’ma slap yah, ‘Tiste. Keep yah paws off mah girl.”
I roll mah eyes as she come kiss mah cheek an’ introduce me ta’ tha latest, nameless chick who ain’t gon’ exist come nex’ week. Bu’ I smile an’ be polite ‘o course. Bu’ wha’ make me laugh hard as shi’, Desi pull out uh bea from tha fridge an’ open tha shit jus’ like me. I can damn’nea hea mah wif’ lose ha shit.
“Gahdamn! What’s wrong with you two?!”
“Awww, Zelly… I fa’got how much yah hate dat.”
We both crackin’ up ‘cos she’on’t care how much @LoyalMasochist hate it an’ she know it. Bu’ ta’ make mattas worse, Desi spit tha metal top inta’ tha trash jus’ like I do too. Dat’s when Z gih up an’ walk off, goin’ ta’ talk ta’ Nicky wif’ an’ pretend none uf us really hea.
“She gon’ kick yah ass, Desi.”
“She gon’ kick both ou’ asses, ‘Tiste.”
“I know…”
We both laugh. Wit’ tha holidays jus’ ‘round tha cornah, I been thankin’ hard ‘bout whea we at as uh fam’ly, uh tribe, an’ ua pack. @LoyalMasochist been whisperin’ in mah ear ‘bout thangs she been hearin’ from tha otha wif’s, girlfriends, an’ so has Desi. Dey tell us wha’ me, Nicky, an’ Napalm cain’t a’ways git from tha co’munity.
Tha las’ yea an’ uh half been filled wit’ mendin’ an’ makin’ bonds wit’ fam’ly, tha Eldas uf ou’ tribes, an’ tha mambas uf ou’ packs. None uf it been easy, bu’ tha hardest mendin’ been wit’ mah own fam’ly, mah cubs. Tha untrigga’d ones. I’on’t know ‘im like I kno’ Nika an’ BJ, so tryin’ ta’ get ta’ kno’ who dey are on uh day ta’ day, an’ not jus’ on tha full moon been hard. Harda den any fatha should hafta’ deal wit’.  Bu’ e’vn @IndigenousHowls, he d’fferent adjustin’ ta’ bein’ uh man mo’ den uh wolf. Nika tha mos’ well-adjusted despite e’vrythang she went tru—tho ha lil’ tempa ain’t no joke. I thank ‘cos she got ta’ be ‘round us in d’fferent forms, dat tha othas couldn’t—she uh lil’ betta den ha sistas an’ brothas. Tommy I couldn’t gih two fucks ‘bout much, bu’ Nico, @HerCajunFlame, an’ me still gotta ways ta’ go. Nico comin’ ‘round. Slowly, bu’ it’s happenin’. NeeNee, I ain’t rea’ly gotta gud read on, yet. Chea in ha head a lot, like me. An’ ha books, like ha mama. I gotta figa out tha way ta’ get ha talkin’ an’ get ha an’ ha mama ta’ talkin’. @LoyalMasochist had ta’ lea NeeNee not ta’ long afta she was born an’ dat broke mah wife in mo’ ways den one. Chea barely had uh yea wit’ ha befo’ tha curse kicked back in. I’on’t thank dey eva gon’ recova from tha loss uf all dem yeas.
Bu’ it ain’t jus’ us.
All tha cursed wolves been dealin’ wit’ fam’lies in shambles, broken apart, an’ fa’ som’, unmendable. We was lucky dat Aubrey, Z big sista, an’ ha husband could take in ou’ cubs while we couldn’t. Dey was tha day ta’ day mama an’ daddy dey needed an’ I’ll a’ways be grateful fa’ dat. Not e’vrybody had dat opshun. E’vn tho many uf tha untrigga’d in ou’ tribes took in cubs uf otha kin, some still fell tru tha cracks. Ended up in fosta care o’ wors’. Fa’ ou’ tribe, dis was real bad since we was disowned from tha res’ uf dem.
We was cursed fa’ uh decade. All dat’s been broken ain’t gon’ be fix’d ova nigh’. Uh shi’ty realizashun I dun’ had ova tha las’ yea na. Months an’ months uf us all tryna get back ta’getha an’ on tha same page ta’ move forward’s been nothin’ bu’ hell on wheels. Bu’ den, anythang wit’ us wolves a’ways is. Tha o’ly thang gud ‘bout bein’ newly freed, many uh men lookin’ fa’ work. Hard ta’ find uh job dat undastand yah can’t be dere bu’ one o’ two nigh’s uf tha month. Wolf-owned bus’nesses bein’ rebuilt wit’ ou’ own paws an’ thrivin’ on ou’ own m’ney. Bu’ outside tha bus’ness, tha laws uf tribes an’ tha way uf ou’ livin’ ain’t as easy ta’ come ta’ ‘greements on. None uf ‘em seem ta’ git on tha same page long enuf ta’ ‘gree on whea ta’ take us all from hea. In-fightin’s tha whole reason we was vulnerable ta’ tha vamp’s witch-bitch’s curse ova uh decade ago anyway. If we banded as one, no fanga woulda been able ta’ take us on. Not e’vn one wit’ uh witch ta’ do his biddin’. Mah pack had nothin’ ta’ do wit’ any uf dat. Too busy sellin’ powda an’ pills befo’ tha shi’ hit tha radar on uh Na’shunal scale. Mah mind was on makin’ m’ney fa’ mah fam’ly. Nothin’ mo’, nothin’ less. We fell prey ‘cos uf tha Crescents an’ Guerrera’s an’ dey bul’shit wit’ tha fangas. Fuckin’ idjits. Uh curse’on’t discriminate. Bu’ we gotta pick up tha pieces jus’ tha same.
E’vn tho mah Pack’s in line, tha othas got some comin’ ‘round ta’ do. Some packs re’dy an’ willin’ ta’ gravel at tha feet uf tha Hybrid while tha res’ uf us ain’t hea fo’ it. Me an’ @LoyalMasochist an’ ou’ pack damn sho’ ain’t hea fa’ it. I ain’t lookin’ ta’ be nobody’s lil’ bitch. I’on’t gih uh fuck who he is o’ whea his bloodline come from. He ain’t tha architect uf mah fam’ly. He jus’ anotha muthafucka tryna con’trol us. Jus’ anotha way idjits lettin’ outsidas break us ‘part. It’on’t make no sense we keep repeatin’ ol’ habits dat’ll get us killed. E’vn tho e’vrybody thank I’ma beast, ‘dere ain’t nothin’ I care mo’ ‘bout den mah Fam’ly, mah Tribe, an’ mah Pack.
“Penny for your thoughts, papa?”
@LoyalMasochist’s lil’ voice snaps me outta mah thoughts. I lean mah elbows down on tha porch railin’ an’ search ha eyes, starin’ back at me.
“Mm... Tell me yahs an’ I’ll tell yah mine, chea…”
Ha face tell me she know ‘xactly what I mean. “Nothin’ ta’ say, chea?” She keep quiet, worryin’ ha bo’tom lip. I kiss ha nose an’ go back ta’ drankin’ mah bea. It’s been uh long yea fo’ us all.
E’vn ha an’ me…
[©Post to @BestialSadist: 11-12-17]
Part 2:
Grimancin’ wit’ creased brows, I hiss at tha stink uf tha cow’ard hangin’ by uh noose an’ beggin’ fa’ mercy in fronta me. His tiptoes touchin’ tha chair unda him jus’ enuf so he’on’t hang ‘imself. -Yet.- He ain’t got long fo’ I kick tha chair from unda ‘im jus’ ta’ watch ‘im strangle ta’ death ‘cos I’m fuckin’ bored uf his bul’shit. I dun poured wolfsbane down his throat ta’ watch tha herb burn through his flesh an’ beat tha shit outta ‘im so e’vry gappin’ gash an’ jagged cut ‘on’t heal so quick while tryna. He ain’t tha firs’ eitha. ‘Bout eight uf his packmembas hangin’ upside down in tha otha room, dead, ‘cos dey ain’t gimmie tha ansas I wanted ta’ hea. Tha name uf dey supplia. Dis’ere pack’s been rackin’ up m’ney lef’ an’ righ’ wit’ rumas uf workin’ fo’ uh new deala in town. Sumbody tryna come fa’ mah ter’tory. Who dat deala is, nobody seem ta’ know so I pay uh visit ta’ tha capo’s, tha Deepwata Pack, ta’ see ‘bout dis’ere mystery guy. Bu’ when we showed up ta’ dis’ere saf’house I caught uh glimpse uf sumthin’ el’se. Sumthin’ mo’ pressin’ den m’ney feuds.
Zak guardin’ tha do’ from tha inside, uh few guys guardin’ outside, an’ Nicky an’ Napalm standin’ behin’ me as I stare dis’ere so-called Alpha face ta’ face.
“So, tell me, dipshit, ‘cos I’m losin’ wha’ lil’ pat’ence I got left an’ seein’ as half yah guys a’ready dead, I ain’t start wit’ much. Whea yah git dis’ere man jew’lry from? Yah’on’t look lika faggot.”
I hol’up his ring fanga in front uf ‘im. I cut it off ‘cos he got dis’ere ring on wit’ uh lil’ dark stone thas givin’ his Pack tha ‘bility ta’ use tha powa uf dey wolves e’vn when dey ain’t shif’ted. Sumthin’ o’ly mah kind can do. Sumthin’ mah kind was exiled fo’. I got dat much outta his dead Pack, ‘least. Firs’ it was jus’ rumas on tha grapevine dat Weres was changin’, gainin’ powas like us outlaws. Nobody was claimin’ it ta’ be true o’ na, so we ignored it neva thankin’ it could re’ly be true. Bu’ ta’day, I seen it wit’ mah own eyes. We all did. Dis’ere Deepwata Alpha down in tha bayou wit’ his pack, shiftin’ parts uf dey body in broad daylight fa’ anybody nosin’ ‘round hea ta’ see. Dey ain’t e’vn see us lurkin’ ‘round. Dis shit’s real an’ uh threat ta’ mah bloodline. If tha Powas dat be get dey hands on sumthin’ dat make ‘em match us, wha’s ta’ stop ‘em from tryna take us all out….-A’gin.- Dat includes e’vrybody who ‘ligned wit’ us too....Like mah wif’ an’ cubs.
“It don’t...don’t matter where...we got it from. This is…for protection. You gon’ keep...killing your own….kind for us choosing…to protect ourselves?!”
Tha mo’ tha cow’ard stuttas an’ whimpas, tha mo’ I’m gettin’ a’noyed. Don’t nothin’ piss me off mo’ den uh spin’less wolf. I migh’ be’uh liar, cheata, an’ e’vn uh killa, bu’ I ain’t neva an’ will eva be uh fuckin’ cow’ard. I feel tha golden eyes uf mah beast flash pass mine an’ I kno’ I cain’t hol’ ‘im back too much longa.
“Traitas ain’t mah kind, muthafucka. An’ who yah so ‘fraid uf? Who yah protectin’ yah pack from? Yah new Boss? Whoeva dat is. Oh…I hope yah’on’t mean dat silly ass Hybrid-muthafucka. I’ll kill yah’ on pr’nciple if dat’s tha case.”
I still ain’t got no respect fa’ Mistah Do Wha’ I say O’ Watch Me Cry ‘Bout It. He ain’t tha maka uf mah bloodline o’ mos’ uf ou’s from down deep by tha Bayous. Bu’ Jimbo hea, see ‘em. He see mah eyes flash bright an’ know within uh s’cond wha’ I am. He’on’t gotta say nothin’, it’s written all ova his face. E’vn tho he strainin’ ta’ talk from tha pain uf his beatdown an’ cutoff body parts, hate an’ rage pulse in his bulgin’ eyes clea as day. If he wa’n’t hangin’ from tha ceilin’ he prolly be tryna take mah head off.
“Yeah…You’re right. You’re not -our- kind. BPC shunned you Scummoons from our packs decades ago. Why they didn’t kill you savages off like the Atakapas, none of us will ever fucking know. You cain’t begin to understand why we need this! Not that I gotta explain myself to you trash, but I made a decision to protect my pack. Give us control over who we are so it can’t be used against us ever again. -Period.- If we can’t protect ourselves, what’s the point of rebuilding our packs anyway?”
His anga an’ disgust’s all wrapped inta’ one. All shit I’m usedta’ an’ ‘on’t care ‘bout. I can undastand uh Alpha wantin’ ta’ protect his pack tho. Bu’ dis ain’t tha way ta’ do it an’ it sho’ ain’t help ‘im too much wit’ me hea an’ na.
“Dis’ere ain’t no protecshun, idjit. Dis’ control. I ain’t neva had it e’sy, from outsidas -an’- e’vn otha shiftas like yah’self. So, ‘on’t come talkin’ ‘bout protectin’ wha’s yahs ta’ me. Imagin’ havin’ ta’ protect yah’self from yah own kind, huntin’ yah fam’ly like wild dogs!”
Mah anga get da bes’ uf me an’ I hurl uh blow ta’ his lowa torso, righ’ ‘bout way uf his kidney. Tha one thang I a’ways had was control ova when tha ragin’ part uh me culd be let out his cage. Mos’ly. Sumthin’ most mah kind cain’t say, an’ tha v’ry reason tha LaPierre bloodline been stri’ped from ou’ rightful place in tha Bayou Pack Co’ncil. Ta’ be shunned mean tha Bloodmoons ain’t got no say in tha goings on uf tha Bayou tribes an’ Packs an’ tha roy’lty uf mah bloodline been seared ‘way since mah great, great, great-granddaddy was roamin’ dis’ere swamps. Prolly befo’. Searin’s uh ritual done ta’ tear ou’ connecshun from e’vry otha Bayou Pack an’ strip us uf ou’ connecshun ta’ tha F’rst Shamans. Ou’ own Ancestas an’ tha Firs’ uf Ou’ Kind. Dat come wit’ it’s own heep uh bul’shit. Mah mar’iage, cubs, an’ tribe ain’t re’ly recognized o’ real in’tha eyes uf BPC who still hol’ ta’ all dese ‘ol tradishuns an’ rules dat say mah blood’s tha scurge uf tha Earth. It’s like we hea bu’ ain’t hea.
Tha Eldas was jus’ too piss’d tha lycan gene ain’t sumthin’ dey culd get like all tha otha ‘bilities passed down in tha Were-lines. So wha’doyah do when yah want sumthin’ somebody else got an’ ain’t givin’ up? -Yah take it.- If dat’on’t work, yah make it sumthin’ -nobody- wants. Dat’s ‘xactly what dey did ta’ mah fam’ly all dem yea’s ago. Dey ain’t had tha powa ta’ take us on, bu’ dey had tha infl’ence ta’ make us invis’ble.
Tha Eldas say since all wolves gotta trigga tha wolf by murda, ta’ dem, uh way uh killin’ uh lil’ piece uf yah humanity ta’ let tha beast in, we must be mo’ beast den man, since we ain’t gotta kill ta’ let ou’ beast roam free. We must be nat’ral born killas den. So, dey outlawed lycans as tha one thang ev’rybody look down at an’ won’t be a’sociated wit’. Tha savages. Tha beasts. Tha -othas.- Tha thang ev’rybody too ‘fraid ta’ be, ‘cos ta’ dem, we sumthin’ dat ain’t so...human. Easiest way ta’ make e’vrybody okay wit’ hate? Make ‘em ‘fraid uf tha otha.
It’s tha ’merican way.
“Yeah… Uhhuh... I see it in your eyes. You’re thinking about it. You have the choice not to turn. You have the choice not to be broken. We don’t! We don’t have the choice not to be the savage beasts you are! By what shit-stain karma fuck up would you get such a choice, but decent people don’t?!”
E’en tho I ain’t neva felt like much, I ain’t neva felt like less fa’ bein’ wha’ I am––despite tha Eldas wantin’ us LaPierre’s an’ all those who share ou’ blood ta’ feel dat way. Bu’ so many sho’ try ta’ remind me we ain’t shit. E’vn when dey s’conds from stranglin’ dem’selves ta’ death. Thang is, tha one thang he want so gahdamn bad is tha re’son he see me lowa den tha horseshit he stepped in. Dey’d all luh ta’ hav’ ou’ powa bu’ not tha stigma ‘ttached ta’ it. Packs been hatin’ ma kind so lon’ dey’on’t kno’ why dey hate beyon’ tha lies dey tell demselves ‘bout us.
I ain’t moved tho. Still startin’ ‘im in tha eye. I clea mah throat an’ hawk spit righ’ ‘tween his eyes.
“Such uh fuckin’ cow’ard. Yah sicken me. It’s Packs like yah’s dat make it e’sy fa’ anybody ta’ take us down. Ta’ busy lookin’ out fa’ yah’gahdamnself. I say Pack ‘cos none uf ‘em stood ‘gainst yah bad choices. How yah’on’t undastand tha o’ly protecshun yah eva need is yah own kind?! Huh?! Not some outsida quick ta’ make yah turn on dem who got yah back mos’. Say wha yah wan’ ‘bout mah blood, I’d neva sell out mah Pack an’ make ‘em bitches ta’ wha’eva sucka yah made uh deal wit’. ‘Cos dat’s all dis lil’ magical man-jewel ‘ere is, uh fuckin’ leash fa’ all yah ta’ bow down. Na who gave it ta’ yah? Hm? I’on’t wanna hafta take out tha res’ uf yah pack ta make mah fuckin’ point. Try me if yah thank I’m bluffin’, Jimbo.”
Takin’ steps ova ta’ tha few uf his membas still breathin’ an’ standin’ ‘gainst tha wall, I grab anotha one uf ‘em by tha neck an’ yank ha esophagus from ha throat. Ha warm, bloody muscle still in mah palm when ha body crumbles ta’ tha ground.
“I kin keep goin’. One by one ‘til yah gih me wha’ I want. Up ta’ yah.” Uh sickenin’ smirk touch mah thin-lipped mug.
“Black Pines! They’re handing them out to any pack willing to take them!”
“Ugh.” Alls I can say… I shake mah head wit’ uh he’vy grunt, his revelashun bein’ tha v’ry thang I was hopin’ wa’n’t true. Strollin’ back ova ta’ ‘im, I grab his face wit’ mah bloody hand afta droppin’ ha throat on tha way ova. “I shoulda known it was dem. Whyah ain’t go ta’ tha Co’ncil ta’ stop dis’ere shit?! Band ta’getha ‘nstead uf signin’ up ta’ be tha Hybrid’s lit’le bitch?”
His face scrunch up an’ eyes bulge like I’m tha one missin’ sumthin’.
“You stupid inbred sack of shit! The Council -made- the deal!”
[©Post to @BestialSadist: 5-2-18]
Part 3:
I hea mah wif’s sleepy voice comin’ from tha livin’ room an’ I kno’ tha sound uf chea when she been up worryin’ an’ wonderin’ whea I’m at. It’s uh d’fferent sound den when she jus’ wan’ some a’tenshun from me so she wait up ta’ talk ta’ me ‘bout mah day an’ ha’s. I’on’t kno’ why I thought I’d be able ta’ walk in mah house an’ na’ht be botha’d. It’s dumba den uh tick ona flea ta’ e’vn thank so. Dis’ w’man gotta fuckin’ sixth sense when it comes ta’ me, ha fam’ly, an’ ha cubs. I suck inna deep breath befo’ ansa’n ta’ mah name.
“Yea, chea? Yah ‘wake?” I kno’ chea is bu’ I’m gaugin’ ha state.
“Mhm. Where you been, Papa? And what’s that sm….” Chea bee-lines ‘round tha couch fa’ me, wearin’ ona mah black wif’beetas dat giv’me uh lil’ sideboob ac’shun from ha, some black shorts dat let ha lil’ booty hang ou’t, dark grey socks that reach tha top uf ha thighs, an’ ha furry grey an’ black wolf-claw house shoes chea luh so much. Wha’ dey call’at? Irony? Wit’ wha’ Z got on, if tha nex’ look on ha face wa’n’t wha’ it was an’ wha’ I knew it’d be, I’d expect dis’hea nigh’ ta’ go real d’ferent den it’s ‘bouta.
Stoppin’ in ha tracks soon as ha eyes land on me, chea ain’t gotta say uh word fa’ me ta’ kno’ whea ha mind go. Dat’s uh real thang ‘tween ma’ried folks, supan’tural o’ na’ht. Some shit jus’on’t needta’ be said. Some shit jus’ -shuldn’t- be said.
Ha head cocks ta’ tha side whil’ she grabs mah wrists o’ly showin’ me I’m righ’ ‘bout why chea stopped so hard an’ so fast. She smell it on me. I kno’ she do. Chea kno’ wha’ I dun wit’ou’t me sayin’ uh word. She’s carryin’ mah cub, so ha senses heightened e’vn mo’ den dat Babineaux w’man intuishun chea a’redy got. Notice I ain’t say mama ‘cos she had dat shi’ long fa’ she had mah firs’ cub. Bu’ fa’ Weres, dey’on’t get ta’ ‘xperience dey wolf powas in human form like us, ‘cept fa’ two ways. One, fa uh few days afta dey shift. An’ two, since dey’on’t turn whil’ dey carryin’, some uf dey senses rise ta’ tha surface durin’ dis’hea time. So it’on’t s’prise me chea kno’ I been up ta’ no good. I jus’ hoped she was sleep so I culd handle it befo’ she kno’ nuthin’.
Tuggin’ me ta’ tha kitchen by mah arm, chea’on’t touch mah black-gloved hands an’ make sho’ I’on’t touch nothin’ else. When we stop at tha sink, I lean ‘gainst tha counta an’ watch ha work. Z loads tha dishwasha, which chea’on’t eva use, wit’ tha leftova dishes an’ rinses tha sink ou’t ta’ fill tha brown granite wit’ hot wata an’ bleach.
“Arms up.” Chea grabs tha end uf mah dark, long-sleeve thermo ta’ pull it an’ tha gloves at tha ends off an’ I lean ova ta’ help ha pull it all offa me. “Pants too.”
I’on’t giv’ha no figh’ e’vn tho she got me undressin’ like she ‘bout ta’ send me ta’ bed wit’ no dinna. Theas uh joke somwhea in thea jus’ waitin’ ta’ be told. Bu’ na’ht righ’ na. I take off e’vrythang else bu’ mah black boxas whil’ chea grab uh trash bag ta’ stuff mah clothes all in. “Put your ring in the bowl right there and then hands in the water. I’ll be back.”
I do as I’m told’, lettin’ tha sterlin’ silver clink ‘gainst tha glass bowl an’ watchin’ ha retreat back whea I jus’ come from. Dis’ tha wif’ mos’on’t kno’ so much. -Q.- Tha w’man who was by mah side when I went from dope deala ta’ top uf tha food chain, o’ some wuld say, from ‘Tiste ta’ Tha Beast. Chea kno’ all mah secrets an’ jus’ ‘bout e’vrythang I’on’t say.
Befo’ I kno’ it I hea tha low hum uf tha washa kick in an’ I drop mah head down an’ push mah hands inta’ tha hot wata. It’s scoldin’ lik’ mah wif’s tryna sear mah skin off mah bones bu’ it’on’t botha me much.
Mah mind’s stuck on wha’ dat Alpha said. Tha Co’ncil sol’d us ou’ ta’ tha fuckin’ Hybrid.
Well, na’ht -us- ‘cos we shunned an’ I wuldn’t bow ta’ tha fuckin’ claw’d fanga if it meant tha end uf mah life. Som’body needta’ sho’ blondie wha’ real wolves ou’hea made uf an’ tha Co’ncil ain’t it. Ratha yah bury me in tha grave fo’ I let’cha make me uh fuckin’ slave. Dey made tha rest uf tha Packs, ‘leas dem dumb enuf ta’ take tha bait lika dick down dey throat, turn bitch fa’ ‘im -a’gin.- Thankin’ ‘is protectshun gon’ save ‘em from his need ta’ dominate ‘em. Fuckin’ idjits. Anybody kno’ uh Mikaelson deal a’ways come wit’uh price an’ dey neva tha ones payin’ fa’ shi’. How culd mah wif’ wan’me ta’ go crawlin’ back ta’ tha Bayou Pack Co’ncil uf C’wards? Ta’ be recognized by dem? Fa’ dem ta’ tell me mah claws o‘ficial an’ mah cubs a’cepted by dem weak an’ hateful fucks? If we was part uf dem, we’d be sol’d ou’t righ’ na ta’! Fuck dat!
I’m yellin’ in mah head. Yellin’ ta’ tha darkness.
Tha thoughts pissin’ me off all ova a’gin, remindin’ me why I neva gav’ uh fuck fa’ dem nah’t a’ceptin’ mah fam’ly name e’vn though it’s as old as dea’s. I’on’t feel mah’self growlin’ ‘til I look up at mah reflec’shun in tha kitchen windo an’ see tha fiery gold glow in mah eyes.
“Our girls are upstairs sleeping, Lie.”
Ha hands graze ova mah arms as she slips ha’self besides me at tha sink an’ grabs tha metal wire brillo pad she use fa tha pots. I ain’t e’vn kno’ chea was thea. She’on’t look up at me, she stare at mah golden glare in tha window.
“Lemme scrub just a little then you go run and we talk when you come back or we can just talk.” Z presses ha cheek ‘gainst mah bare shulda as she starts ta’ scrubbin’ mah fangas unda tha bleach-filled wata. “You hear me?”
I nod, tha anga seepin’ as ha hands trail mah heated flesh. “You already know my rules but whatever you need to do to get yourself together, Lie. -Do it.- I don’t want them seeing you like this.”
“In my….” Z pinches me an’ I growl down at’ha, mo’ jokin’ den anythang.
“If you say ‘in my draws,’ I’m gonna punch you in tha throat. You know what I mean.” She sucks ha teeth at me an’ I kno’ I’m on thin ice an’ close ta’ ha poppin’ me one.
“Dea ain’t much ta’ say, chea.”
“Mhm. I’m scrubbing your hands in bleach. There’s plenty to say, Lie.”
Dat’s three times chea done said mah name in less den uh few minutes an’ I ain’t fuckin’ ha.
I sigh. I knew I’d hafta’ say somthin’ so I go wit’ tha easiest. I tell ha tha truth an’ nuthin’ bu’ tha truth. E’vrythang ‘bout Deepwata shiftin’ wit’ou tha Moon, tha co’ncil sellin’ us ou’, -a’gin-, na’ht o’ly ta’ tha fuckin’ Hybrid bu’ ta’ tha Acandian Bayou Packs ta’, tha packs lurkin’ ‘round an’ passin’ ou’ rangs like dey candy, an’ e’vn tha mess we left in dey Deepwata double-wide. We ain’t get ridda tha whol’ Pack bu’ we took ou’ tha cocksucka’s inna circle. Lef’ one ta’ go back an’ tell tha Co’ncil an’ dey new lil’ alliances dat na’ht e’vrybody wanna be no slaves ta’ tha fuckin’ fangas. Bu’ I leav’ ou’ tha part ‘bout tha Black Pines bein’ part uf dis’hea. Tha same pack who’s Alpha I killed an’ took in ‘is pack. I’on’t kno’ how tha pack’s e’vn rebuildin’ bu’ I’on’t wan’ha worried ‘bout any uf dat’dea ‘cos dat’s uh whol’ heep uf shi’ chea’on’t need on ha head.
I cain’t.
Judgin’ by tha blank stare on ha face, chea ain’t b’lievin’ uh word I’m sayin’ ta’ ha. An’ I kno’ why. Ha fatha’s tha Chief uf tha Bayou Pack Co’ncil an’ e’vn though ha an’ ‘im ain’t seen eye ta’ eye fa’ yea’s, chea still uh daddy’s g’rl at heart. Mo’ den chea’d eva let anybody kno’. Yah cain’t tell ha nothin’ ‘bout ‘im. No matta how much chea call ‘em by ‘is firs’ name behin’ ‘is back. Ta’ thank he uh traita ta’ his kind an’ workin’ wit’ tha Arc’s jus’ migh’ be ta’ much fa’ ha ta’ take righ’ na’. Tha man chea won’t me ta’ go gravel ta’ is tha same man sellin’ us ou’ ta’ tha highest bidda so dey can do ‘xactly wha’ he spit in mah face fo’: control tha wulf inside.
Bu’ I guess since it’s -us,- it’s d’fferent.
“You come in my house, filthy with whoever you’ve killed tonight, probably dismembered, and you’re saying my father’s a traitor? My father’s an asshole and so much more but a traitor? Even I won’t let you spread lies like that on my damn name.”
I suck in uh deep breath an’ stare at mah wif’. Did chea jus’ say -mah name.-
“Yah name, eh?” I cain’t stop tha sarcastic laugh dat come ou’ mah mouf mo’ ta’ stop me from goin’ off on mah pregnant damn wif’. “Ar’yah fuckin’ s’rious? I’ma ‘sume yah harmones on some otha shi’ righ’ na.”
Ha eyes widen an’ I cain’t help bu’ stare righ’ back at’ha. How culd chea think I’d lie ta’ ha, ‘specially ‘bout ha daddy. “Since when I lie ta’ yah ‘bout’cha fam’ly? Hm? When -tha fuck- hav’ I -eva- lied ta’ yah ‘bout yah daddy?” Chea jus’ stare hard at me, chewin’ ha bottom lip. “Huh? I cain’t fuckin’ hea yah, Z. -When?-” I’m growlin’, tryin’ na’ht ta’ wake up mah g’rls.
I lean in, pushin’ mah ear ha way. “Say dat ‘gin, I still’on’t fuckin’ hea yah, Zelda.”
“Never, you ass!” Chea shoves me so hard mah back hits tha dishes on tha counta makin’ uh glass fall in tha empty side uf tha sink an’ shatta. Chea jump at’tha sound uf tha glass breakin’ an’ I narro mah eyes. I kno’ it ain’t me chea mad at bu’ I cain’t hol’ mah tongue. Na’ht righ’ na’.
“I ain’t fuckin’ thank so. So, why tha fuck wuld I start na’? Dis’hea wha’ tha Deepwata fucka tol’ me hangin’ upside down fa’ ‘is life an’ it’on’t seem like he was lyin’. Ain’t no way somthin’ lik’ some fuckin’ rangs dat control yah whol’ ass shift gon’ be somthin’ dat’on’t get back ta’ tha co’ncil. Ta’ -yah- fuckin’ daddy!” I point uh wet, accusin’ fanga in ha face. “Yah fuckin’ kno’ it an’ I fuckin’ kno’ it. E’vn if yah daddy ain’t make tha deal, he in on it some way. Swallo dat fuckin’ pill.”
I push off tha kitchen counta, waggin’ mah soapy hands like crazy ova tha sink ‘til tha extra wata gon’ an’ I grab uh few papa towels ta’ dry ‘em off sommo’. It cain’t be easy ta’ hea none uf dis’hea an’ I kno’ it. Mah decishun ta’ leav’ ou’ tha part uf tha Black Pines jus’ feels e’vn mo’ righ’. Chea turn on tha wata, risnin’ off ha own hands.
In s’lence.
I suck inna deep breath an’ toss tha papa towels in tha trash. Mah claws scratchin’ at mah insides, tryin’ta’ rip through tha surface an’ I kno’ it ain’t good fa’ me ta’ be cooped up righ’ na’.  I’m fuckin’ pissed tha fuck off an’ I kno’s betta if I take dat run befo’ I say somthin’ I’on’t mean. Mah lycan’s growlin’ at me ta’ go ou’chea an’ get me some air.
“Fuck dis’hea.”
Betta I lis’sen na’ den regret it lata.
Na’, mah ears get hot an’ mah feet’on’t wanna move. It’s lika call deep inside me dat stop me in mah tracks as hard as chea did when I walked in tha house. I sigh. Hard. Noe flared an’ chest heavin’ an’ slowly goin’ down as mah anga tries ta’ calm itself e’vn befo’ I realize why. Z wipes ha face an’ rubs ha belly. I jus’ ‘bout hea mah wif’s tea’rs rollin’ down ha face as chea wobbles fa’ tha sink, prolly ta’ pick up tha broken pieces.
[©Post to @BestialSadist: 4-22-20]
Part 4:
Chea ignore me an’ go fa’ tha broken glass bu’ I’m on’ha fasta den tha next tea’r can roll down ha face. Grab’n ha hands an’ stoppin’ ha befo’ chea cut ha’self ‘cos she upset. I kno’ wha’ I tol’ ha ain’t e’sy ta’ hea bu’ I ain’t expect dis’hea.
I say ha full name whil’ I’m starrin’ at ha ta’ make ha look up at me. Bu’ chea’on’t. She’on’t e’vn budge. E’vn when I say ha full name.
I brang ha fangatips ta’ mah lips an’ kiss ‘em. I let all tha mad leav’ mah voice an’ say ha name a’gin. “Z…”
Chea f’nally look up at me. Red an’ puffy a’redy. It’on’t take much fa’ mah wif’ ta’ go red bu’ dis’hea d’ferent. I can count on one hand how many times I seen dis’hea much hurt in ha eyes. It’s a’ways had ta’ do wit’ ou’r cubs o’ wit’ ha fuckin’ Daddy. It’s uh d’ferent kinda hurt den when I’ve hurt ha bein’ som’ kinda young, dumb ass. Fuckin’ ‘round o’ worse.
“I’m s’ry, chea. I’ma dumbass.” I wrap ha arms ‘round mah neck an’ res’ mah head ‘gainst ha head an’ whispa. “I wa’n’t tryna hurt’cha, Z. Yah kno’ dat.”
I wa’n’t. I ain’t neva tryna hurt mah wif’. Eva. Bu’ wha’ I was -tryna- do an’ wha’ I -did’s- two d’ferent thangs. Mah wif’ can ice yah ou’ wit’ tha best uf ‘em bu’ righ’na I need’ha ta’ talk ta’ me.
Chea snatch ha hands from mine, scowlin’ an’ wipin’ ha eyes wit’ tha back uf ha hand. Walkin’ backwards ‘way from me, it’s clea chea wan’ha space bu’ I follo ha an’way ‘til chea giv’me ha death stare dat tell me ta’ fuck off. Chea ain’t tryna ta’ talk ta’ me. Chea’on’t turn ha back on me ‘til she kno’ I’m na’ht followin’ ha. Dea’s times when mah wif’ wan’s me ta’ folla an’ console ha, bu’ dis’hea ain’t one uf dem times.
Leanin’ ‘gainst tha sink, I sigh an’ grip tha counta lik’ I wanna break tha goddamn edge off. I fuckin’ migh’. Bu’ I migh’ hava bigga figh’ on mah hands if I do. I go ou’back ta’ tha laundry room fa’ some sweats o’ somthin’. Hopin’ I find somthin’ still hidin’ in tha baskets since mah wif’ been quick on tha puttin’ stuff back, I lis’sen fa’ Z ta’ close tha do’ behin’ ha ‘cos if chea’on’t slam tha do’, chea wants me ta’ folla ha. I ain’t got high hopes tho. Tha cut from ha ice still openin’ mah flesh deep.
When I find uh pair uf mah tan linen pants, I pull ‘em on an’ tie tha draw strang, hearin’ mah bedroom doh slam shut an’ rattle tha pictuas on tha wall ‘long tha stairs.
“I need ta’ go tha fuck ou’side.”
Dis’hea ain’t wha’ I want’d ta’ come home ta’. I ain’t tryna be fightin’ mah wif’ ova ha fuckin’ traita ass daddy. Tryin’ na’ht ta’ slam tha do’ behin’ me, I head ou’ back an’ stare at’tha sky. Tha chill air on mah skin ain’t enuf ta’ stop mah blood from boilin’. E’vry bone in mah body’s on tha verge uf breakin’ bu’ I suck in som’ fresh air an’ fuckin’ fight tha urge ta’ howl at’tha goddamn moon. Mah wif’s prolly upstairs cryin’ an’ stabin’ uh pictura uf me ‘cos I jus’ shatta’d ha. I fuckin’ hate dat I cain’t lie ta’ ha eitha. Na’ht ‘bout all dis’hea. Dat trip up ta’ tha cabins seem so far ‘way righ’na an’ I’m wishin’ we was back in dat bliss. Dat quiet. Dem nights uf jus’ us wit’ no cares in tha world.
I rest mah arms on top uf mah head, lockin’ mah fangas an’ tryna calm tha fuck down. I feel tha growl sneak up in mah ches’ befo’ it com’ an’ I cain’t stop it. Na’ht e’vn if I try ta’ bu’ I’on’t. I let’mah growl turn ta’ uh howl dat rattles tha windos an’ mah dogs start barkin’ dea head’s off. 
Groanin’ an’ droppin’ mah head back, I got half’uh mind ta’ head up ta’ tha bedroom anyway. Bu’ befo’ I e’vn mov’ uh inch I see yah starin’ down at me from ou’ balcony. Yah bloodshot eyes lockin’ wit’ mah glowin’ glare. I see yah shakin’ from down hea an’ I’on’t care no mo’ if yah wan’ me dea o’ na’ht. Runnin’ back in tha house an’ lockin’ up behin’ me, I take tha stairs two an’ three atta time ta’ get ta’ yah. Pausin’ when I get ta’ tha clos’d do’, fa’ uh s’cond, I wava back an’ forth if I should go in o’ na’ht. Open o’ ‘on’t?
I open it lik’uh bull inna China shop, closin’ it behin’ me wit’ou’ no hes’tashun ‘cos I’on’t wanna wake tha g’rls.
I’on’t kno’ wha’ I expect ta’ see bu’ I ain’t thank yah’d be sittin’ on tha bed. “Chea…Talk ta’ me.”
“There isn’t anything to talk about.”
Silent tre’tment’s ova? Leas’ chea’s talkin’ ta’ me. I ain’t expect ha ta’ say nothin’ leas’ wit’ou’ sommo beggin’. “Bullshi’, dea’s uh lot ta’ talk ‘bout.”
“You tell me my father’s sold the wolves out to that son of a bitch and what? You want me to give you my analysis on it? Would you like that paper typed or handwritten?” Tha base in ha voice sends mah blood pressha sky-high a’gin. I suck in uh deep breath befo’ I say somthin’ I regret ta’ ha. Dis’hea yah wif’. Chea mad. Chea hurt. Dis’hea’s yah wif’.
I suck in anotha deep breath an’ drag mah hands down mah face. “I ain’t lookin’ fa’ yah analyze nothin’, chea. I jus’ wanna kno’ whea yah mind’s at. Yah wa’n’t e’vn believin’ me uh few s’conds ago.”
“I still don’t know if I do. There might be another explanation to this. Torturing people doesn’t always get the right answers to things.”
I roll mah eyes, feelin’ on edge righ’ na. Dis’hea tha irrashunal part uf mah wif’ comin’ ou’. Dat part dat’s wearin’ ha heart on ha sleeve ‘cos chea’on’t wanna b’lieve wha’ I’m tellin’ ha. I get it. It ain’t e’sy ta’ hea dat yah daddy an’ tha res’ uf tha Co’uncil’s uh pack uf fuckin’ c’wards. Dis’ I a’redy knew bu’ chea still b’elive in ‘em. Mo’ den I eva will. Ain’t no way tha res’ uf dem’on’t kno’ wha’s ha’pened an’ I kno’ dey went wit’ dis’hea decishun from tha Chief. Dat jus’ ain’t how tha packs work. I’on’t needta’ be wit’em ta’ kno’ dat.
Sittin’ on tha lounge an’ claspin’ mah hands ta’getha whil’ I tryta’ lis’sen ta’ ha wit’ open ears an’ na’ht tha anga risin’ in mah chest. Why wuld I fuckin’ lie ta’ yah? I swallo dat an’ say nothin’ instead. It’s betta dat way. Betta ta’ lis’sen.
“Hm. I guess it’s quiet time now.” I grind mah teeth an’ stare daggas at’ha. “You had so much to say before, why so quiet now? Hm? Not sure if you’re right or if I am?”
“Zelda, ‘on’t shoot tha fuckin’ messenga. I was jus’ as shock’d as yah’re. Wuld yah ratha I fuckin’ lie ta’ yah? Huh?”
Ha eyes roll cold bu’ ha tongue cuts me lik’uh blade righ’ou’ tha fire dat forges it. “Wouldn’t be the first fucking time.”
[©Post to @BestialSadist: 7-20-20]
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