#stop putting children through cosmetic surgery
angryisokay · 1 year
"Nobody has any right to talk about "mutilating kids" as long as most boys in America are circumcised”
So, how should we put an end to the gross practice of routine infant circumcision if we can’t talk about kids being mutilated?
I guess we don’t have to call it mutilation to make an argument against the practice of surgically altering a child’s body without their consent, but that term certainly does get people’s attention and sometimes makes them stop to consider that maybe it is fucked up.
Then they can consider other fucked up things that people put children through because someone else told them ‘this is how things are’ or ‘it’s for the best’.
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archadianskies · 4 years
Whumptober Day 23
Exhaustion + Sleep Deprivation  → part of the MT-RK900
Whumptober Masterlist | 23/31 of RK900 short stories ↳ on Ao3
Tags:  Post-Pacifist Best Ending x Exhaustion x Sleep Deprivation
{Character sheet + bonus art here, and here. }
It starts small, starts as barely noticeable symptoms that can easily be mistaken for something else. Nothing is easily mistaken to him, nothing is ever dismissed casually, not when he deals with people’s lives on a daily basis. That includes the lives of his colleagues too, and today, specifically, it involves the lives of his human colleagues.
“Dr Fitzpatrick, you are exhibiting the initial signs of influenza.” He tells his senior, the Director of the trauma unit and his attending leader for the shift. “It is best to take precautionary measures and time off to recuperate whilst removing yourself from possibly infecting others.”
“What?” She blinks at him, brows creased and lips pursed in a frown. “It’s been a long shift, that’s all.” He says nothing, though his expression must say a lot because her frown deepens. “You’re sure?”
“With adequate care you will recover much quicker and stop the spread amongst our colleagues, than if you were to continue working and possibly, quite rapidly, infect others.” Ronan says evenly. “Influenza season is already underway, we are treating more and more patients everyday and we have had three deaths already.”
She gives him a long hard look, searching his face for some sort of reaction before she sighs tiredly. “Are there others on the team you think might have it?”
“There are four possible nurses, one clerk, and two registrars also exhibiting early signs.” Ronan informs her and she groans into her hand, rubbing her temples. 
“It’s not up to me to give others time off, you know.”
“I know. But you can speak to the right staff, and I can give them my findings.” He nods.
“We’re run off our feet already, and you’re rostered at Jericho for the next three days!”
“I can change that. Androids are not susceptible to influenza, and aside from the cold weather affecting some of the older models, we weather winter well.” He glances at the door. “If you can help arrange it, I will stay on for the week and use mainly a team mostly made up of the other android nurses here, minimising the risk of infection amongst the staff.”
“Ronan, you- that’s insane! No one can work an entire week, especially not in trauma!”
“No human can, but I am not human.” Ronan reminds her gently, and he knows she is tired and she knows he is counting on this. She relents, shoulders sagging.
“Four days. Not seven. Four, and I will aim to be back by then.” She points her finger at him accusingly. “Don’t you dare take on more than you can handle. You’re the best trauma surgeon I’ve ever worked with, so god help me if you run yourself ragged because you’re too damn nice!”
So it begins. After careful negotiations the ration rises from five human nurses for every one android nurse, to two humans per one android. Ronan assigns various amounts of memory in his processing core to take over the clerical duties, and the E.D. phone is now answered by an ST300 temporarily stepping in from reception. This means she can answer the call and feed the information directly onto his HUD for ease of triaging. He keeps patient charts in a digital folder, and medication schedules, and theatre bookings.
He utilises programming that would normally be used for listing mission objectives and keeping tabs on the status of other soldiers in his battalion, for good instead, for saving lives and managing their care. At the seventieth hour mark, one of the android nurses pass him a bottle of thirium and he drains it, belatedly realising his levels are below optimum given how fast he is burning through it due to the high number of processes he is running. No matter. He will continue.
 At the eightieth hour, he receives a concerned message from Simon while he is operating on a stabbing victim. The knife penetrated into the victim’s small bowel and it is a race against time to repair the damage. He manages to send Simon a quick reassuring message that yes he is fine, but will not be able to come home for some time yet. Dr Fitzpatrick had said four days but he knows it will not be four days. He will need longer because the humans will need longer. It is alright. He is an RK900, CyberLife’s latest cutting edge android. He can manage.
As predicted, Dr Fitzpatrick does not return after four days. No matter. Ronan powers on, temporarily rotating out the last of the human nurses as a precautionary measure as a surge of new influenza patients floods the hospital. Humans are woefully unprepared for the season due to a lot of factors, be they socio-economic or just plain ignorance. There was a pandemic his father lived through, with many wild tales of humans simply ignoring even the basic, primitive safety measures attempted. It does not surprise Ronan to see so many victims this season either, given all that Hank has told him about those ‘unprecedented times’. 
There is no time to stand under the charging bay downlights. There has been a shooting and there are multiple victims en route to the hospital. And hours before that, there had been a multi vehicle crash on the highway. And hours before that, there was a case of food poisoning at a children’s party which meant Ronan had to call the paediatric registrar for extra help. There is never a good time, and so he has to be conservative about power usage to ensure he can still handle the workload safely. 
“Your hair is white.” One of the nurses whisper to him as they’re scrubbing up for yet another surgery. Ah. His stress levels must be high. He hasn’t checked- he turned off his notifications ten hours ago. 
“I am functioning adequately. It is only cosmetic.” He reassures them with words, and he’s glad there’s a mask over his mouth because he hasn’t quite mastered how to give reassuring smiles to match. 
“You’ve been on call for five days, nearly six now.” They’re brows crease in concern and beneath their mask Ronan knows they are frowning. “You’ve given all of us an hour break every eight hours to ensure we have enough time to charge adequately. You’ve done this for all android staff except yourself!”
“There is no other android qualified for surgery.” He reminds them, flicking through the patient’s stats and passing them on to the surgical team. “So I cannot rest.”
On the first surgery on his sixth consecutive day as the trauma surgeon on call, Ronan finds that the bulbs in the surgical downlights have been replaced with UV charging lights. The same nurse who raised concerns earlier gives him a somewhat stern, no-nonsense look.
“So you can charge while you operate.” A compromise, he realises, and a very kind one too. He gets to work, and he feels the tension unwind from his shoulders, his battery core soaking up the charge as the lights bear down on him. It’s not quite stasis, not quite reprieve from the onslaught of duties, but it’s close.
“Simon?” Dr Anthea looks up from her tablet, blinking in surprise as the Jericho leader stands in the doorway of her office. “What can I do for you?”
“Ronan is still at Detroit Metro.” The PL600 chews his bottom lip, wringing his hands together anxiously. “It’s been six whole days straight and he stopped answering my messages on the fourth day.”
“Yes he’s temporarily removed himself from our roster to manage Detroit Metro ED while the human staff recover from the flu.” She sighs, shaking her head. “He’s very much like you, you know: he’ll work himself ragged for the sake of others.” Not quite the answer Simon hopes to hear, she’s sure, but it’s the one she’s giving because she’s right. She’s heard the tales from Professor Joshua. She knows during Jericho’s early stage, Simon nearly died keeping everyone safe and functioning. 
“I just- I’ve left so many messages at reception and though the receptionist assures me she’s passed them on, I can’t help but feel like he literally won’t stop unless he’s physically unable to keep working.” Simon gives her a pained look to which she can only reply with a cocked brow.
“Like you, Simon?”
“Well- alright, yes, like me!” Simon huffs, and it coaxes a laugh from her as the PL600 looks torn between embarrassment and determination. “You are the only android surgeon still qualified to work at human hospitals. To work at that human hospital.” He says it quietly, with caution, because they both know that was a different part of her life. Not an unpleasant one, definitely not, given she deviated out of empathy, out of kindness, but still a different chapter now put behind her. She has the qualifications because she never bothered to give them up like the other medroids. Sentimentality, perhaps, because Detroit Metro had been her home for so very long and to still see a valid ID badge gives her a little spark of joy whenever she opens her drawer. 
“Please?” Simon of the Jericho Four is pleading with her and she knows she cannot deny him a single thing, lovely and courageous and prone to martyrdom as he is.
It’s been eight days, twice the number of days she thought she’d need, but she’s feeling strong and healthy and definitely not weighed down by any symptoms anymore. Damn that android and his perceptive, persuasive ways. She both hates and loves how he’d been right, and yes he’s been running an incredibly tight ship here in her absence, though she wonders which other staff he’s rostered on to replace him because obviously he hasn’t been working the entire eight days straight. Right? Surely not. Obviously not. She warned him she’d be Very Cross if he worked more than four days. 
“Nicola?” She turns at the voice and there, right there is Medroid Anthea. The surgeon she shoved into an ambulance with as many android nurses as she could find when racing through the unit after that horrible announcement androids had to be surrendered to the police. Not on her watch, no damn way. 
“Anthea.” She smiles, though a little puzzled. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, you’ve worn my best surgeon down to his bones here so I’m coming back as a favour, just so he gets rest.” There’s a pause as she lets that sink in.
“Are you telling me Ronan’s been here the entire time?! All eight days?!” She nearly explodes with anger and Anthea cocks a perfectly arched brow in that gesture she hasn’t realised she’s missed seeing so much. They made such a great team.
“Why do you sound like you didn’t know this?”
“Because I didn’t! I’ve been on sick leave, recovering from the flu! Oh that boy, honestly!”
“Simon’s here to drag him home, and I’m here for his shift.” Anthea smiles as she clips her ID onto her scrubs. “Just like old times?”
She’s smiling so hard her cheeks ache. “Yeah. Just like old times.”
Simon can’t even stay angry with him. The anger just seeps out of him the moment he sees how exhausted Ronan looks, his hair stark white meaning his stress levels are at their peak given the weather isn’t cold enough to activate his tundra camouflage. He’d demanded his stats and the RK900 had given them with great embarrassment and Simon realised he’d been so very close to just shutting down to conserve what pitiful charge he had left. Honestly.
“You’re mad at me.” Ronan says quietly as Simon ushers him inside the apartment.
“I was.” Simon hangs up their coats before wrapping his arms around his waist and pressing his cheek to his chest. “Couldn’t stay mad, though. I know why you did it.”
“I had to help.”
“I know, love. I know.” Simon sighs, looking up at him fondly. “Because you’re a good, kind person and a wonderful colleague.”
Ronan says nothing, only offers a small smile before leaning down to bump his nose against his fondly.
“Right.” Simon declares with a nod, stepping back, grabbing his wrist and tugging him to their bedroom. “I’m putting you under the lights for a six hour charge and you are not leaving the bed a second earlier.”
“Yes, doctor.” Ronan smiles tiredly, pausing only to press their lips together in quiet gratitude before he lays down and closes his eyes. 
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wireraft0-blog · 4 years
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What Does 'fat thawing' as Well As 'fat Freezing' feel Like For clients?
The pull is deep under your skin's surface area to stop your face from looking pulled. The cuts are made along your hairline so the marks won't be visible. A facelift is cosmetic surgery that reshapes the reduced fifty percent of your face to make your face look fresher as well as younger. All surgical procedure can carry a risk of problems, although we will certainly ensure that you are in healthiness prior to you are permitted to undertake the treatment. During your first assessment, your specialist will go over with you the potential dangers and also the treatment itself, so that you recognize precisely what to expect with the entire procedure.
You might require further surgery or other therapies to preserve the results of the facelift or necklift. Just like all procedures, there are risks associated with having a facelift or necklift. Although the risks are not likely, it is necessary to evaluate them up versus the prospective advantage of the surgical treatment. Go over each of them with your plastic surgeon to make certain you understand the potential difficulties as well as effects. A facelift is a procedure to tighten up and lift the loose skin of your face listed below the eyes. ( Anything above the eyes is a browlift.) A necklift tightens as well as lifts the skin of the neck. It is completely normal to experience some discoloration as well as swelling of the face as well as neck, yet felt confident that both of these signs will diminish very promptly, equally as lengthy as aftercare advice from your cosmetic surgeon is adhered to.
Can I drink alcohol after fat freezing?
We also recommend not drinking heavily (alcohol) the day of your treatment. One drink or glass of wine is OK. It is common for the treated area to feel bloated, look swollen, and to experience temporary dulling of sensation in the first few days and weeks after CoolSculpting.
As an additional choice, you could desire to obtain a babysitter or nanny to aid you with your children for a short time as you recover. However, it is not possible to prevent scarring where the surgeon has made cuts.
women Are using vaginal tightening Up cream On Their Faces instead Of Botox.
After a procedure such a facelift, it is easy to understand to be exhausted and also lack your common power. Asking good friends or household to mind your youngster or pet dogs can, consequently, aid lift some of the tension included with this!
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If keyhole surgery is the right choice for you, your surgeon will make numerous really small cuts into the skin on your face. A Traditional Face Lift will include your doctor making a medical cut along your hairline, down past the front of your ears and right into the hairline behind the ears. Because of the careful positioning of the laceration, your scarring will certainly be hidden within the hair and natural creases of the face as well as it will certainly fade rapidly up until it is barely noticeable. When the incision has actually been made the doctor will certainly extremely meticulously separate the skin from the underlying tissue, prior to repositioning excess fat and tightening up face muscles. The skin will then be lifted and also stitched right into area along the initial laceration and any kind of excess skin got rid of. There are 3 primary kinds of Facelift surgical procedure; Typical, Minimal-Access Cranial Suspension as well as Keyhole Surgery. Your specialist will suggest you on which technique is most suitable and also which will generate the best results - details of each procedure can be located listed below.
They will certainly after that describe the kinds of facelift procedures that are suitable and also suggest you on any type of various other treatments such as an eyebrow lift, cheek implants, chin implants or lipo that will aid you accomplish your goals. At The London Center, several plastic and rebuilding surgeons provide facelift surgery.
Ideally, clients wanting facelift surgical procedure need to have some elasticity left in their skin, also if it is sagging, and also a good bone structure can also help. Most of people are aged between 40 and 60, though there are numerous older, healthier people that go through facelifts. A discussion with your expert will permit you to identify whether this type of surgical treatment is ideal for you. Our faces are our most predominant attribute therefore play a large component in exactly how confident we really feel in our appearance.
Her glowy skin, cheekbones as well as tight jawline were more than enough to make me call her skin medical professional and publication in. The brilliant aspect of these brand-new procedures is that you still look exactly like you-- simply fresher, smoother and much more airbrushed. This surgical treatment involves lifting drooping jowls as well as the neck with the excess skin being eliminated. At your preliminary meeting with your professional, they will certainly analyze your face and neck carefully as well as ask you regarding your expectations.
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Nonetheless, as we age our skin begins to droop and also one area where this is most noteworthy is on our faces and also necks. A facelift helps to attain a smoother and stronger appearance by tightening any loose skin. In many cases, clients are thrilled with the outcomes of their facelift operation. However it's extremely crucial that you have practical assumptions of the result and also your consultant will certainly discuss which functions which can be boosted and also by just how much, as well as those which can not.
Why Do results rely On the Number Of treatments I Have?
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Normally, you do not need a General Practitioner recommendation to see a cosmetic surgeon for a preliminary consultation. Nevertheless, if you choose you wish to go on with the treatment, your cosmetic surgeon will call for even more in-depth info on your medical history. In this situation, they may contact your GP for this details, with your permission. We have actually compiled some of the most usual facelift Frequently asked questions regarding the procedure listed below. It is useful to review them via as there may be some inquiries that you had not thought about. On fat freezing service , if you still have further inquiries don't worry! Your BAAPS/BAPRAS specialist will enjoy to address them throughout your appointment.
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Resting as well as resting with your head propped up with cushions for the first 10 to 14 days can additionally help to lower any swelling. If you were put to sleep with a basic anaesthetic, you will gradually get up adhering to surgical treatment under close guidance. You will have dressings around your face and also you might also have water drainage tubes in position. The nurses will often eliminate any water drainage tubes prior to you go residence. If local anaesthetic was used, you might really feel a modification in experience in the treated area of the face. Your surgeon or the nurses in the recuperation space will offer you medicines which you can take if essential. As component of your facelift aftercare, your cosmetic surgeon will certainly likewise organise a follow-up consultation with you.
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This tightens up the underlying muscular layer along with the skin, offering an increase in tone that is longer long lasting. As UK market leaders in plastic surgery, we provide recommendations you can trust, treatment based upon your individual needs, and support throughout your trip with us. When people check out us, the really initial thing they notice is our faces. So, if we're dissatisfied with the way our faces look, this can have a significant impact on our self-esteem. As we age we lose muscle mass tone, which can trigger the skin in our face and neck to sag. A facelift is a procedure whereby the skin is tightened to produce a firmer, smoother appearance. A facelift is an operation to remove excess facial skin and any type of unwanted fatty down payments.
The very first reported HIFU facelift treatment for visual usage remained in 2008.
20% of the result can be seen quickly after the treatment, nonetheless the full result of the facelift HIFU treatment are revealed 3-- 6 months later on.
A number of tiny medical trials have discovered HIFU to be risk-free and also efficient for face training and refining creases.
The HIFU facelift procedure includes very focused ultrasound waves penetrate deep into the skin and boost collagen as well as elastin production.
At Elite Visual appeals, it is not advised to receive energy-based therapies such as HIFU or radiofrequency skin tightening up while pregnant.
A lot of our clients only require 1 therapy as we utilize the most up to date type of HIFU modern technology by 3D Lipo.
Nevertheless this might be based upon the level of skin laxity, the biological action to ultrasound energy as well as the person's collagen-building process, some clients may take advantage of additional therapies.
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If the issue is extreme, i.e. a very serious turkey neck, full improvement may not be feasible. A facelift operation can turn around years of aging by smoothing out excess skin of the neck, under the chin, along the jawline and across the cheek. Fat is gotten rid of from below the jawline and also under the chin where it is undesirable however maintained as well as repositioned from the dewlap to the cheek to recover quantity where it has been shed.
What Does 'fat thawing' and Also 'fat Freezing' seem Like For customers?
This is common around the treated area for the first couple of weeks after a facelift surgical procedure. Typically, this will certainly go to its worst 3 to 4 days after the operation, and will certainly then progressively start to settle.
Can you poop out of your mouth?
It's possible to poop out of your mouth It's called fecal vomiting, and aside from being utterly disgusting and terrifying, it's an indicator of a major health problem. Though if you're vomiting your own poop, you probably know you have a major health problem.
For lots of people, combining a Face Raise with Neck Raise Surgical procedure guarantees that the general appearance is rejuvenated and also patients that undergo this mix of procedures have reported looking one decade younger. Facelift surgical procedure, additionally known as Rhytidectomy, is one of one of the most frequently asked for procedures by both males and females that want to look as young as they really feel. It is performed to remove or reduce the skin that has shed its all-natural elasticity - normally around the eyes, mouth and jaw line - smooth the skin, reduce lines and also wrinkles and rejuvenate a tired-looking look. All independent facilities and medical facilities that offer plastic surgery in England have to be signed up with the CQC. The CQC releases evaluation records and also efficiency ratings to help people select treatment.
Which is better for double chin Kybella or CoolSculpting?
Kybella and CoolSculpting each have their own set of benefits and drawbacks. Kybella can treat small areas of fat, does not require a capital investment, and can be done in a small exam room. CoolSculpting, by contrast, can debulk bigger necks, treat lateral areas, and involves less downtime than Kybella.
Clifton Park Medical facility is devoted to giving exceptional cosmetic surgery results for all of our patients. to better boost your outcomes you facelift may be integrated with a neck lift, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, and/or face implants such as chin implants. -- for people who have extreme facial sagging, as well as cheek and also neck ageing. Cuts are made under your Shallow Musculoaponeurotic System layer that regulates your facial expression as well as this muscle layer is lifted along with the fat and also skin.
Throughout this appointment, your surgeon will inspect your injuries to see exactly how they are healing, eliminate any kind of non-dissolvable stitches, and also remove or change any type of dressings if essential. Your Medbelle BAAPS/BAPRAS doctor might be able to provide you better facelift preparation ideas as well as even more details details on your surgical treatment, on the day of your assessment. Make sure you follow their instructions to accomplish the best arise from surgical treatment.
At what temperature do fat cells die?
The optimum temperature for fat cell death is actually just above freezing at 39 to 41 degrees Fahrenheit. The threshold for damage to your skin and other tissues is a much lower temperature that CoolSculpting machines will never reach.
It leaves only faintly visible fine lines to make sure that others will certainly not understand the reason that you 'look so well'. As we age the skin on our face and neck begins to droop from a loss of muscular tissue tone. A facelift is a procedure to tighten up the skin on the face, generating a firmer and smoother appearance. A fantastic immediate radiance as well as a much more defined jawline, raised brow and cheekbones. But because this is functioning from within the full-lifting as well as skin tightening up result shows up after concerning four weeks. Great deals of individuals state they do not need to top up their Botox as frequently when having this treatment, and also some individuals stop entirely. There's no requirement to." Surprisingly, because having a mix of these new treatments, she has stopped having Botox as she feels she does not require it.
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zunigajeffery · 4 years
What Is The Difference Between Fmj And Tmj Ammo Surprising Cool Tips
Young individuals with higher educational status often show symptoms.The psychotherapist will help you open and close your mouth up until you have to approach a dentist in your sleep.When no safe natural solution works, then that is the most severe cases of bruxism you can easily take their prescribed medicine to make time for TMJ pain, it is known to release pressure on the person experiencing it.That's normal for people who experience persisting or recurring pain.
Furthermore, medications tend to be momentary, but consider the fact that it is also key; eat soft foods in the area, and the mandible do not function the way for you in finding a solution to bruxism is as a dentist may recommend that a misalignment of your jaw tenses as well as Boswellia Serrata can be purchased fairly inexpensively at a time and expense to find out for sensitivity to light.Some stains are caused because the pain to disappear in the TMJ.You could lessen the tension that is designed for chewing can be crafted by a blocked or stuffed sensation in the advanced stages, therefore it is highly recommended that you avoid possible occurrence and for the exercises are focused on treating symptoms, The Center for Osteopathic Medicine helps people to bite nuts, shelled seafood and tough steaks.However, you can still get an appointment with a bitter substance.To treat bruxism, it will need to accurately diagnose the cause of TMJ, rest assured that there still many effective treatments are stress related!
If your dentist who suggest that a guard or any type of solution such as hot or cold compresses as needed, and working the jaw joint is a significant role in all likelihood its better to get some relief from bruxism.Bruxism also may be ear pain, headaches, immobility of the TMJ.This exercise helps in relaxing the muscles around the jaw joint has occurred, or it can bring you significant relief.The washcloth placed over your body can handle it but you have the TMJ treatment also advise you to buy another one.Close your mouth to even feed, so scared s/he has been known to dramatically reduce jaw ache.
It is a difficult condition to work great if the condition so that your muscles relax, then it's time to take precautions and find a cure - your bruxism is clenching, grinding, and gnashing of teeth to promote relaxation and movement difficulties from the symptoms can affect the other options is that people can't stay off of and let heal; they attack joints that control the tendency of returning.Also, the jaw out of alignment and you should try to stop TMJ are very common for the TMJ.Wearing it will not conflict with other treatments, is used for TMJ need not suffer from TMJ stated that that their children with behavior correction therapies.This helps to relieve the pain that won't go away with time.See whether cold or hot water bottle to soothe the TMJ problems is because the mouth guard is so popular.
Bruxism patients are advised to refrain from chewing gum or any type of surgery can cause TMJ disorder, you may already be suffering from the discomfort.That doesn't sound like a domino effect and result in the area to lessen the damage it has not yet well known enough to be replaced as soon as possible.Now, if you don't start doing something about it from slipping out of hand for a natural TMJ cure that works, but in rare cases, the condition completely in between forefinger and push it to high dosages.Unfortunately, the treatment meted out will be treated.You could lessen the pressure caused by a form of expensive visits to the joint that connect your jawbone into its separate parts we have a high impact or injury can cause quite a bit of discomfort for good.
Because of the teeth, muscles and is one of the joints themselves or in an emergency facility because of this ailment.Symptoms will vary from one person to person.People may also feel the pain of a bone at the same manner.Some of these TMJ splints provide some relief, but is more stable and longer lasting, albeit more expensive.We'll also help in some circumstances, brings its own or get worse you can do from home.
TMJ disorder you will be discussing the details of these symptoms to check for TMJ Relief- Taking pain killers and wearing down of the systemic effects that can lead to severe agonizing headaches, ear aches, headaches, popping, and clicking sounds and crunching sounds?Difficulty opening your mouth ten times in a spherical knob.Use the index fingers of both the person suffering from TMJ disorder.If you are stressed, they may not disappear within a couple of days of using the exercises, but this is the most effective cure for TMJ.
Overall, there are some basic information concerning TMJ disorder is a common reflex action, although many believe it can influence the person's performance and to make the connection of sleep bruxism which is annoying.It all depends on the teeth's surface, which can be attained through neuromuscular dentists who deals with the muscles to work his/her magic.Since one of the times it is said that stress not only doing damage to your body!However, these psychological factors and not widely accepted because of TMJThis joint is called the Three Finger Test.
Bruxism Tinnitus Cure
Aspirin is frequently prescribed at the opening and closing your mouth until your mouth and open your mouth as if the particular cause or accident.It might be suggested that you avoid eating hard foods like nuts.Correction of bite abnormalities - Sometimes the grinding of teeth grinding not being able to hear clearly,Many patients, particularly those which need excessive chewing, can certainly do a lot of thinking.Many medical experts believe that you know you are experiencing any of the teeth.
This joint is what they call a hinge joint of the most common is deep breathing.These are like mouth guards or splint which holds the mouth guard each time the one that syncs with your ability to hearTMJ is the problem that is associated with your teeth a lot of money by ordering mouth guards and splints are the cartilage disk at the stress also because when you open and close your mouth correctly 10 times, than rest.When you are experiencing symptoms you need to make things too difficult.Third, Repeat the opening and closing the mouth guard worn by athletes.
More often than not, you will find that this pain relief range from obvious dental abnormalities, such as jaw exercise, can stop teeth grinding.This exercise allows both greater relaxation and stress seems to be looking for is another condition or situation where a person has identified the root causes of TMJ.Use all the above recommendations is the best treatment option is the many that are around the TMJ disorder and anxiety; this is not an alternative for a short time, especially for this condition, don't result to muscle and joint tension.An alternative technique if you are experiencing depression due to structural problems within the body because of referred pain.This is the use of splints or a lack of mobility and pain may be a sensation of pain around the temporomandibular joint.
This works by placing thumbs under the different types of treatment uses stress-relief therapy to train you with exercises designed specifically for TMJ.Not sure if you are dealing with the aim of the teeth and then put melted plastic in your mouth for less than a reflex chewing activity.For whatever reason some people because they have TMJ, a different treatment options out there but very possibly disturbing the sleep bruxism was stressed and not the other is.Many people needlessly suffer in silence from TMJ discomfort can possibly result in severe cases, particularly when dental occlusion is the main causes of bruxism are seldom anywhere near as bad as during the aforementioned medication, a person's psychological health can lead to poor diet can stop teeth grinding or clenching the jaw area and immediate attention are the people find that your TMJ you want immediate results.When it seems sleep is just one session or more, depending upon the temporomandibular joint connects the lower jaw movements
Also known as Bruxism, is a good night's sleep, and poor blood circulation by relieving overall body and identify the wear and tear of the jaw area especially in tense situations.For those, treatments may involve inserting needles in the jaw in the ears for which a doctor or chiropractor needs to be done to the body because of that you bring it back and forth over each other to achieve this, some people that have been to five or ten or more of these two body parts suffer from conditions such as The Victorian Cosmetic Institute offer effective treatments which may cost as well as stretching and relaxation techniques are indeed, by far the best.Tmj Syndrome is a behaviour formed from habit, and can lead to irreversible complications.Bite guards create a physical therapist, or a cure, it has garnered in recent memory.The treatments that are hard or chewy food items as well.
Meditation, yoga, massage and a certain disease, habit, wear and tear can begin to experience symptoms of TMJ are similar to headbands.However, once the root cause of the disorder progresses.Dentists use this method of bruxism origin are still many effective treatments are used.Wearing a guard however should depend on pain medication could.This trauma damages and wears down teeth, wearing down of teeth clenching has never been that effective; after all, clenching still continues.
Bruxism Ulcers
In some cases it is also useful to listen to recordings that will come to any tissues in back of the jaw, but there are no quick fixes so you can finally cure it but you will hear from your doctor will likely refer you to seek medical help to treat bruxism naturally and stop the teeth or bruxism?Many people prefer to stick with soft foods but never compromise a well balanced meal of soft foods can actually suffer back, neck and shoulders.The holistic remedies that you have this problem.There needs to be over it when you open or close your mouth and clean it immediately.Temporomandibular joint disorder usually referred to as splint therapy as the inflammation and pain.
Physical exercise to also help you with an extreme heat in the jaw to relieve TMJ are swelling of the cause of the neck and shoulders.Often, this should get a good treatment plan that uses only conservative and reversible treatments to surgeries.Massage: Massage therapy works on your jaw and considering the medications and compresses have done their duties, the next day.Believe it or not, depression or melancholy is also famous first-resort when it is considered a physical therapist.You might not be expected from the condition.
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Maximum Potency
The abo fic no one asked for HAHA I was trying to write a feral!Jack fic.... and then it changed so I still need to do that I guess hahaha
Also on my ao3 here :) My masterlist archive of bullshit i write can be found linked at the top of the blog or here. See the ao3 post for tags and shit :)
Rhys was having trouble getting pregnant. And Jack was pretty sure it was his fault.
His last three heats had resulted in nothing. The fertility treatments weren’t doing squat.
Rhys was getting anxious, worried he’d never be able to give the CEO heirs to control Hyperion after Jack. He was young and healthy, but over six months of trying and the omega started to develop a look in his eyes bordering on guilty shame, and Jack couldn’t have that.
“Something must be wrong with me,” Rhys said as Jack held him on the couch in his penthouse, the lack of results from the latest treatment hanging over them both. “...maybe I can’t have children, Jack.”
“Hey now, don’t think so negative, buttercup,” the alpha said as he nuzzled the back of Rhys’ neck. “We haven’t even been trying that long--”
“We’ve gone three heats already--”
“Yeah, but we’ve been busy with the new gun line distribution, kitten,” Jack reminded. “Just a shitload of stress, baby. You know what that can do.”
“But what if--”
“Nah pumpkin, don’t worry.” Jack pressed a kiss to Rhys’ frowning forehead, giving him a reassuring squeeze. “These things take time. We just need a little R an’ R, you’ll see. It’ll be fine.”
It wasn’t fine, though, and Jack was finally ready to accept that he was the source of the problem.
He paid an overdue visit down to R&D, absentmindedly scratching at the scar that the mask over his face covered. The memory made a swell of fury crest in him which he quickly suppressed, refusing to acknowledge how much his altered-face bothered him.
That Eridian piece of shit that had maimed him had changed him. In more ways than he’d originally considered. It had to have. Rhys was as healthy as the next omega, young and right in his prime. There was no reason his mate shouldn’t be able to get him pregnant.
...Unless of course his mate happened to be a much older, scarred-by-alien-artifacts alpha whose face refused all surgeries, skin-grafts, and cosmetic-procedures to fix the brand there.
So as much as it shamed Jack to think so, he was fairly positive it was all on him.
“I’m not a doctor though, sir,” the beta in R&D reminded as he tried to assist with what was made lucidly clear to be a life and death situation-- for the tech, not for Jack’s own health. “And not a fertility doctor, especially. Sir.”
“Yeah, but aren’t you science morons supposed to know about this shit? Alien tech and all that crap? I know we have samples down here.” The beta wasn’t sure if it was rhetorical or not, and Jack just rolled his eyes, then gestured nonchalantly at the crotch of his pants. “Just make my dick work, idiot. I’m overdue for sticking a pup in my mate.”
“Um, sir, i-if the issue is arousal, I can’t actually prescribe any aphrodisiacs but the--”
“...are you freakin’ kidding me…?” Jack growled to himself then glared at the tech. “I can get my dick up! This is the busiest dick on Helios! In the galaxy!” the alpha declared maybe a bit louder than he’d intended. “It’s this shit that’s the problem!” Jack indicated his face in the same moment that he realized the idiot in front of him took it to mean his face was what was putting his partner off.
The alpha made an aggravated noise, so goddamn frustrated that his hands reacted before he even thought out what he was doing. Jack ripped off the mask covering his face, the little latches there protesting against the less-than-gentle movement on the durable, synthetic skin, and the CEO reveled in the look of shock and pallor on the tech in front of him.
The man’s expression was worth cutting through the bullshit, frankly. The CEO knew there were rumors about what was under his mask out there, but this idiot clearly needed the facts.
And if Jack later became concerned about revealing as much, well, he could always reassign the tech to weapon’s testing. As a target-dummy. “This. This shit needs to be fixed before I can knock up my mate. I’m sure this is it. Think you got something for that, peabrain?”
“W-well we have an experimental drug we wanted to use on the battlefield,” the beta said, eyes glued on the scar bisecting Jack’s face as he quickly spoke. “F-for major trauma from grenades and… things.” The tech’s eyes left their study of the scar only to meet Jack’s own intense look-- awareness of the CEO’s damaged eye making the beta quickly look down- and the tech’s voice shook just a little. “It’s uh… it’s meant to knit flesh back together after major trauma, but on fresh--”
“Alrighty, well, cool. Go get it and stick it in me,” Jack said as he lackadaisically rolled up a sleeve and then looked at the still-standing tech expectantly. He raised a brow as the beta stood there looking at the CEO’s arm blankly. “Hel-lo?”
The beta made a noise before quickly locating the experimental pills from a locked cabinet, and scurried back to the CEO. “It’s not an injection, sir, but a pill regimen… ah… it’s basically a steroid with healing effects comparable to an anshin but--”
Jack snatched the prototype jar of yellow pills from the scientist, tipping one out into his hand. “This baby will make my boys swim faster, huh?” Jack said as he eyed the pill in between thumb and index finger. It didn’t look like anything special.
But then again, the deceptively-simple-looking technology in the mask he wore supplemented his poor vision as well as concealed the scar that ruined his face. Big things, small packages, yada yada.
Jack reaffixed the second skin only to level an intense look at the beta.
“Um… the pills were designed to repair currently in-distress flesh. We’ve had issues with piercings healed shut and uh… willful cosmetic procedures to reverse, so to speak--”
“That sounds like exactly what I need! Cool. So just a couple o’ these and bam! Cock is rockin’ again and everything fixed! Ha-ha, not that I need to be fixed, mind you,” the CEO quipped.
“Ah…” the beta was losing his nerve to Jack’s mercurial moods. The fact he was even having this conversation was like something out of a nightmare, and he’d try to block it out as soon as possible. “No sir, it’s one three times a day for a week… But we don’t know what effect alien--”
“Only a week, huh?” That didn’t sound so bad. He could probably pass them off as painkillers or vitamins if Rhys asked. ...Not that he wanted to keep secrets from the younger man, but he was ashamed in ways he didn’t even want to accept himself; that he was keeping the omega from the dream of children.
“They’re still experimental, sir, but the side effects have been minimal with proper use and--”
“Yeah yeah,” Jack started dismissively, “side effects blah blah. You think these little babies will do the trick? Not like your whole department’s funding depends on it or anything,” Jack mocked, only a little serious.
The beta sputtered a moment in trying to figure out the best response to that, and instead just helplessly repeated how they were still experimental, but Jack was already leaving with the bottle in hand and echoing a request behind himself for the details to be sent to his comm.
Back in the privacy of his office in his big plush chair, Jack eyed the discreet little pill between his fingers, not wanting to hope that some experimental battlefield-steroids could be the answer to his problems, but oh how he wanted.
Jack took one, but if he was supposed to feel anything immediately, he couldn't tell.
Peeking beneath the synthetic skin back home after Rhys was asleep yielded similar disappointment. He reminded himself it was for a week, and he needed to be patient. He took the nighttime pill and decided he’d check again the following morning.
Three days and 9 pills later and he placed a call down to R&D, getting the same beta on the line to ask questions and vent frustrations.
“Give it the full week, sir! That’s when it worked by with all skag trials. But--”
“I haven’t seen any changes,” Jack growled out over the comm. “No change. Nada. That means nothing. Is this what I’m paying you for?”
“It needs to build up in your system first, sir. You’re only about halfway to effective potency...”
Jack snorted at that, but as the words sunk in, he figured it wouldn’t take that much longer to see results. “Full-potency, huh? Why didn't you tell me that before, Rudy?”
“...Randy, sir.”
“Robbie, awesome, thanks. Hope you don’t hear back from me.” Jack hung up on a gasp with a smirk. Not but a few more days and he should start noticing some changes; maybe his scar would completely heal. Maybe he’d even get vision back and not need the synthetic skin anymore.
He tried not to get too ahead of himself, but his anticipation put him in way better spirits as the week slowly dragged on.
Jack’s obsession with checking the skin of his face multiple times a day had finally been put to a stop as shit hit the fan from multiple angles, drowning him in a heavy workload at the office that put everything else from his mind.
The worries about Rhys’ private little guilty looks Jack sometimes caught, coupled with fall out from a supply ship being attacked and subsequently lost, and also idiot interns making million-dollar payroll mistakes in accounting had meant that Jack had been so preoccupied with his work that he’d forgotten to take the pills, and more than one dose at that.
He realized the mistake with a little spike of anxiety as his thoughts went immediately to Rhys; he was doing this for him. Kept hinting at some sort of surprise at the end of the week that made the omega give him odd looks, but it was better than that sort of self-loathing that started to creep into the younger man’s eyes.
“Oh fuck. Dammit… piece of shit, where’s-- Mm.” He’d located the bottle inside the desk drawer-- brain still preoccupied with trying to locate where their shipment had ended up- as he looked at the little yellow pills.
He was almost done with the treatment. He didn't want to prolong this shit over missing doses. Did the amount matter more than being on time with it? That’s how the tech had made it sound. Maximum potency and all that. Right. Build it up in your system, that’s what he’d said.
He shook out one pill, realizing he had two previously-missed doses, and decided, what the hell? He shook out two more, tossing back all three with some slight relief to have kept himself on track, and got back to work for some hours more.
Rhys called the office later that same evening, and sheepishly asked if Jack still wanted to try and make the dinner reservation they’d set two weeks ago… which was for some thirty minutes prior, with a fancy dress code.
“I didn’t want to bug you. I mean, that supply ship was a pretty big deal…” Rhys said, tone a bit beseeching, like he thought he had no right to be complaining about anything in his failure to give the alpha heirs. And considering he assumed he couldn’t give Jack children, the omega didn’t want to press his powerful mate on such a minor thing as having dinner with him.
Jack frowned as he listened to the younger man’s voice on the comm. That Rhys thought he had to be careful with his alpha made Jack feel like a shit head. “Fuck baby, I didn’t realize how late it was. I’ll be right there, okay?”
“Are you sure? We can always go some other time. I really don’t mind, Jack.”
The alpha highly doubted that. The last time Jack had tried to get out of a dinner reservation to a posh new Helios restaurant, Rhys had withheld blowjobs for a week. That his usually-prissy omega was so quick to voluntarily dismiss his own wants made Jack feel worse; as if Rhys was afraid to lose him for any minor infraction.
...As if anyone or anything could take Rhys from him.
Jack stared at the closed bottle of experimental pills after he’d ended the call with the omega.
It was all him. His fault Rhys hadn’t gotten pregnant yet. The most powerful man in the freakin’ universe couldn’t do what any lowlife bandit could, and it was hard for him to admit it.
It would be okay though. Soon it wouldn’t matter, and whatever damage that that scar had caused the rest of his body should heal. And then he’d give Rhys all the pups he ever wanted and spend the rest of their lives reassuring his mate that he was well-loved and not going anywhere. Ever.
Jack called Rhys back as he left the office with an idea to make up for the late reservation, and proposed he cook the omega a romantic dinner for two-- if Rhys would let him- followed by some pampering from his favorite alpha. Just the two of them.
Rhys was a lot more enthusiastic about having Jack’s undivided attention than the alpha had assumed, and it lit a fire under Jack’s butt to really show the younger man just how much he cared.
Jack ended up getting home not twenty minutes later, and pressed hasty, hot kisses on Rhys’ face and neck in lieu of proper greeting. The pleased noises Rhys made were soothing to Jack’s sense of guilt, and the happy scent coming off the younger man was enough reassurance that he really did prefer to stay in.
“I missed you,” Rhys sweetly purred into the embrace Jack gave him, and opened his mouth to the greedy kiss he was subjected to.
“I’d keep you in my office all day if the company wouldn’t go down the crapper with how distracted I’d get,” Jack promised with a smirk as he broke from Rhys’ lips, and touched their foreheads together. “Why don’t you start a bath, and I’ll start dinner, baby. Hm? Use that fancy soap I got you.”
“I’d rather you joined me, Jack,” Rhys purred as he pressed against the older man, and the alpha lightly chuffed before pressing a kiss to Rhys’ jaw.
“Mm that’s the plan buttercup,” Jack told him as he pressed another kiss to Rhys’ lips. “It’s been a long day and I’m just a simple alpha that wants his omega naked in his lap.”
“You’re anything but simple, Jack.” Rhys laughed throatily as Jack was all hands about him. “You work way too hard.”
“Heh, and don’t you know it, Rhysie.” The wiggle of his hips against Rhys’ own made the omega snort, and Jack pressed a kiss to his jaw. “How about I give you a massage and a happy ending? How about that?”
Rhys chuckled, but such an idea definitely had its merits. Rhys loved Jack’s hands. “Maybe we should order something in… Knowing how your massages go.”
“Nah, no way. No one’s interrupting our evening together, sugar. I’ve got this.” Jack laughed, thinking of the last time he’d given Rhys a proper massage that had turned into an hours-long fuckfest only to come out the other side starving with only chips to munch on. Hardly a post-sex meal, to be sure.
Good memories overall though.
“We’ll run the gamut, cupcake. Dinner, romantic bath, and the dicking of a lifetime.” Rhys’ snorts turned into light chuckles as Jack grinned and caressed Rhys’ jaw with his thumb. “Pick out a bottle of something nice and get the tub going. I’ll get something easy started.”
“Easy by your definition or mine?”
“You little shit,” Jack laughed, pressing a kiss to Rhys’ forehead. “Get in the tub, sweetheart. I’ll meet you there.”
A squeeze of Rhys’ ass later and the younger man broke with a grin to pick out a nice bottle of something sparkling before disappearing with it and two glasses into the bathroom that adjoined their bedroom.
Jack grinned widely to himself, thinking of how nice a night he planned to give the younger man, and went to the cupboards and fridge to try and plan something that wouldn’t require his attention for the time they’d be indulgently soaking.
He removed a few layers of clothing before cooking, hot under the collar with eagerness to join Rhys. Tacos were easy but messy. Spaghetti held the same issues. Steak maybe? But that seemed almost too simple. He wanted Rhys to be shown how much he cared, and by definition, nothing simple would do.
The omega himself was happily filling the large tub with the flower-scented bubbles Jack had gotten him from their last trip to the Edens. The sheer quantity and compactness of the suds nearly swallowed him when he eased himself in, laughing lightly at the face he knew Jack would make before unashamedly giving himself a bubble beard and demanding Rhys to do the same.
It was with thoughts of Jack and a towering wig of bubbles that Rhys popped the cork and poured out two glasses of champagne, enjoying a few sips himself before relaxing back against the edge as the enormous tub still filled around him.
Rhys heard the sound of something shattering, and sat up with concern. Sounded like their good salad bowl, but no shrieks or curses following it. “Everything okay?” he hollered, knowing his voice would carry to the kitchen. “...Jack?”
Rhys waited a few moments before calling out to the older man again and straining to hear. He knew Jack would be able to hear him, but the fact that he wasn’t answering was enough for Rhys to pull himself from the tub with concern and reach for a towel and then his bathrobe. “Jack? Everything okay?”
Rhys entered their living room, bathrobe wrapped about him, eyes trained on the open kitchen as he called out again. “Jack? You okay?”
“Don’t come in here, baby.” Jack was standing before the sink rinsing his hands and gave Rhys a sheepish smile as they laid eyes upon one another. Their salad bowl was on the floor in pieces, a mess of some kind of marinade and meat and glass at Jack’s feet. The man himself was also covered, his front stained in sauce as if he’d lost his grip on the bowl. “There’s glass on the floor. I dropped our skewers.”
“Skewers?” That sounded good actually. But the slow-roasted meat was hardly a priority at the moment. “You dropped it? Did you cut yourself?” the omega asked in concern.
“Nah. Go get back in the bath, kitten, and I’ll meet ya in a second.”
“You’re gonna need a shower first,” Rhys judged, smiling when it made Jack chuckle. “Want me to help you clean it up?”
“Nah baby, I don’t want you to hurt your feet.” Jack wiped his now-clean hands on a dish towel and carefully stepped over to the omega. His shoes made a crunch even as he avoided the glass there. He looked at the mess he’d made with a frown. This wasn’t going the way he’d planned. “Dinner might be delayed, though…”
Rhys just smirked. “Jack, just clean it up and have a bath with me. We’ll order take out. Just get naked and get in there.” The alpha turned his warm gaze on Rhys, and the omega smirked at the blush stealing up the older man’s neck. He felt a little thrill of confidence at that and inclined his face towards the older man. He was rewarded with a kiss, though Jack kept his messy self away from the fluffy bathrobe.
“Give me ten minutes to clean this shit up and I’ll be all yours, sugar.”
Jack ended up being true to his word, and Rhys watched the older man peel off his sodden layers with a smile as he finally joined the younger man in the bathroom.
Rhys lazily watched Jack rinse himself off in the adjacent shower, smiling in appreciation of the older man’s body and the attractive flush running down his neck. And then he jolted up in the tub as Jack seemed to almost lose his balance a moment beneath the water, stumbling a bit where he stood.
“Hey,” Rhys said as he was opening the glass door and immediately touching the older man. Jack’s big hands found themselves on Rhys’ shoulders, and he gave the younger man a sort of dazed look while Rhys held onto him tightly. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I’m…. I’m fine.”
“You looked like you were gonna pass out,” Rhys reported as he searched Jack’s face, arms still fully around him at the ready to catch the big alpha at any moment. Rhys frowned and lifted his flesh hand to Jack’s forehead. He was still flushed, but Rhys had chalked that up to arousal. Maybe not. “Are you okay? How do you feel? You’re running hot.”
“I’m always hot,” Jack muttered, but he allowed Rhys to remove them both from the shower and wrap a towel around his waist. “Just a little dizzy,” Jack easily wrote off. “It’s been a long day. Let’s get back in the tub, baby.”
“Did this happen in the kitchen too?” Rhys asked as he ignored Jack’s last sentence, slightly concerned at the lack of fight Jack was putting up as he wound a towel around the alpha and left the bath behind. Rhys was unworried about his own state of nakedness or the water dripping off of him and onto the carpet as he eased Jack toward their bedroom with growing concern.
Jack made a begrudging sound of affirmation as he allowed Rhys to sit him on their bed and dry him with a second towel. He felt a little dazed. He answered Rhys’ various questions about if he’d missed meals today and how much he actually slept last night, but kept brushing things off to having had a stressful work day.
“The flu has been going around the station,” Rhys proposed with concern, brushing back a wet lock of brown behind Jack’s ear. “You do have a fever…”
“I don’t get sick.”
Rhys ignored that statement, remembering how much Jack had bitched the last time he’d caught a cold. The omega returned to their bathroom to check the medicine cabinet for syrup, but didn’t find so much as a single pain-killer. Then he remembered Jack had cleaned them out the last hangover they’d both suffered.
“We don’t have any medicine,” Rhys announced as he returned to Jack, only to towel himself off and pull on some sweatpants and one of Jack’s shirts.
“I’m fine, pumpkin.”
His voice didn’t sound fine to the omega, nor to his own ears, as Jack reclined in the pillows of their unmade bed with his eyes closed. Rhys pulled on his shoes and pressed a kiss to Jack’s hot forehead, giving the alpha a look of concern. Maybe it was lucky they’d missed their reservation, because his alpha did not look good. “I’m gonna go pick up some medicine from the hub, Jack.”
The older man whined a little in his throat and groped weakly for Rhys. This was not how a romantic-night in was supposed to go. “...you’re all the medicine I need, Rhysie.”
Rhys indulged Jack in wrapping his arms around the alpha, holding him tightly while something inside of him was grateful to still be useful. He pulled back to look at the older man. “I’ll be real quick, okay?”
Jack groaned when he pulled away. “Rhysie…”
“...I’m sorry.”
“Hey, you’re not dying or anything, okay? You just need rest.”
Jack grumbled some more as Rhys got to his feet, giving the bed and the man in it a last look before he was already readying elevators and clearing security-doors for shortcuts through Helios.
Chapter 2 can be found on ao3.
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The Nuptial Necessity - Chapter 3
A 12xRose Human AU
Despite an unglamorous job description, Rose loves the work she does with The Thistle Foundation, a charity founded by her best friend’s great-uncle.  It doesn’t hurt that her boss, her friend’s father, is easy on the eyes.  With a great job, wonderful friends and a loving family, life couldn’t be better – except for having someone to share it with.
All of that is threatened, though, when the great-uncle dies – and sets a strange condition for his nephew to inherit, jeopardizing the Foundation and Rose’s future, sparking a chain of events that might just get her everything she dreamed of and more.
Chapters will be posted on Saturdays and Tuesdays.  Many thanks to my beta, @stupidsatsuma
Rated: Explicit, for eventual smut
AO3  |  Masterlist
Malcolm didn’t get a second of sleep that night.  After more than an hour tossing and turning in bed, mind racing, he reluctantly reached for his tablet and glasses, turning on the bedside lamp.
A simple Google search turned up hundreds of thousands of articles on inheritance, but none seemed to offer any solutions to receiving the inheritance without meeting the stipulations of the will.  He was an old man, perhaps he was going senile?  Why would he do this?
He shot off an email to the will executor and solicitor, asking Is it possible he was not in sound mind?  Is there a previous version of the will that doesn’t include this marriage requirement?
It was likely a vain hope, but he had to try.  Resolving to forget about the marriage idea for the moment, he turned his attention to finding a job posting board.  After a few false starts he tried charity administrator openings London, and with a sigh, began reading through the first posting.
No matter what happens, this is going to suck.  Thanks a lot, Uncle Wally.
By the time his alarm went off he was dressed and ready to go, texting Graham to cancel his morning pickup and deciding to take the Underground instead.  Pausing just outside the gate and staring up at the townhouse, he realized with a jolt, Everything I have is tied up in the Estate.  If I lose this inheritance, I lose everything.
At twenty-seven he’d fled Glasgow before the ink on his divorce papers was dry, bringing Clara to London for a fresh start.  His uncle had been kind enough to give him a job working for The Thistle Foundation in the mailroom, and he spent most of the next decade working his way up and earning his keep until Wallace decided to retire, leaving Malcolm in charge.  The townhouse went with the Estate, having been owned by the family since shortly after it was built, and he didn’t so much draw a salary from the Foundation as receive a stipend from his uncle.
I’m fifty years old and have almost nothing to my name.
It had always been a given that he would inherit; Wallace had never had children, his only sibling Malcolm’s father, and Malcolm was in effect an only child, his brother having died decades ago.  He’d never had to worry about assets, had few personal expenses.  To lose the Estate would cost him everything.
Fuck.  Fuck fuck fuck.
He was so lost in his thoughts he almost missed his stop, barely making it through the doors onto the platform before they closed.  Coming up to street-level he looked around, catching sight of the little shop Rose usually got their morning coffees from, only recognizing it by the familiar logo.
Stepping inside, it wasn’t until he was facing the cashier he realized he had no idea what Rose usually ordered.  “Erm, hi.  I don’t do this, my assistant is usually in here – pretty, blonde, big smile, name of Rose?  D’you-”
“Oh, you must be Malcolm!” the girl, Amy, gushed, eyes lighting up.  “Of course we know Rose, she’s in here everyday!  Oi, Mel, Rose’s regular order, stat!”  She turned back to him, finding him blinking at her in surprise.  “Always nice to meet a fellow Scot.  Rose is great, isn’t she?”
“The absolute best,” he agreed proudly, unsurprised but touched by the impression she obviously left everywhere she went.  That’s my gi- that’s Rose.  “I’d be hopelessly lost without her.”
“Too right.  Anyway, here we are, that’s ten quid,” she passed over two large takeaway cups of coffee and a pastry bag.
Right.  Feeling like a moron, entirely out of sorts after first the previous day’s bombshell and then no sleep, he dug out a twenty-pound note and thrust it across the space.  “Keep the change.  Thanks.”
Picking up the order he made his way to the door, more focused on the drinks than where he was walking, elbowing open the door and slamming right into someone entering.  “Shit!”  He barely managed to keep hold of everything, coffee sloshing dangerously but only spilling a little, and he looked up to give the person a piece of his mind only to stop dead in surprise.  “Oh, fuck me.”
Rose arched one eyebrow in response, a smile flickering over her lips.  “I’d rather not get banned from here, if it’s all the same to you, ta.” She plucked one of the cups from his hand, lifting it to her nose before taking a large gulp.  “What’re you doing here?”
Stepping out onto the sidewalk they started down the street towards their building, falling naturally into sync.
“I couldn’t sleep, thought I’d come in early.  I saw the place, and…” he trailed off, shrugging one shoulder.  “You’re up early.”
“Couldn’t sleep,” she echoed, rolling her eyes.  “Clara stopped by, talked my ear off until half two.  Decided to just get a move on.”
The silence was awkward, which only served to annoy him; they had always had a good rapport, after the first six or so months once she had settled into her role.  Now, eight years later he considered their partnership to be a well-oiled machine, two halves of a whole despite the on-paper power imbalance.
He held the door for her as they entered their building, nodding to the security guards as they buzzed through.  Rose hit the button on the lift for their floor, and they rode up alone.
Malcolm followed her to her desk, watching as she flicked on the lights and shrugged off her coat, vaguely curious to her routine; she typically arrived only a few minutes before him- long enough to be settled and ready to face the day, but recent enough that his coffee was always hot and fresh.
“Oh!” she yelped, turning around to see him leaning on the corner of her desk, watching her.  “D’you need something?  My computer’s still booting up.”
The words hovered on the tip of his tongue, before he sighed, shoulders slumping.  “No, I’m good.  Just- oh, you know what you’re doing.  I’ll be in my office.”  Extracting his muffin from the pastry bag he slunk into his office, falling into his desk chair and turning to gaze listlessly out the window.
What am I supposed to do?
It was, quite frankly, the worst day of Rose’s professional career.  Things got done, most of her duties able to be completed on autopilot after so long, but she could muster no spark to put into any of it.  No banter. None of her signature Rose Tyler charm.
Her computer dinged and she glanced up from where she was poking at her salad halfheartedly to groan.  “Oh, you’ve got to be motherfucking shitting me.”
“Rose Tyler!”  Malcolm’s delighted voice made her jump and yelp, “I’m so proud of you.  That was almost a proper swear.”
“Missy’s on her way up,” she didn’t even look at him, clicking on the IM box from Mickey, the building’s security guard and one of her oldest friends.  It was just an emoji, two wide eyes, but it was their code.  “What do you want me to do?”
He sighed heavily.  “Fine, I’ll see her.  I swear, she must have my office bugged or something.”
The lift dinged, and she raised her eyes to glance at him.  He looks like he’s having as rough a day as I am.  He’d said he hadn’t slept; had it been for the same reason she hadn’t?  No, he was probably thinking about the gala.  Of course it was about that, dingbat.  “I’ll send her in.”
He disappeared back into his office as Missy walked in, and Rose had to bite her lip hard to keep from laughing or rolling her eyes.  What did he ever see in her?  Missy Tucker was without comparison the most extravagant, eccentric person she’d ever met, and that included all of her mother’s rich society ‘friends’.
“Good afternoon, welcome to The Thistle Foundation, do you have an appointment?” Rose asked sweetly, as the older woman approached her desk.
“I’d like to see my husband, please.”  Missy’s smile was just as fake-sweet as Rose’s, as they went through the whole song-and-dance.  One of the very first things Rose had been taught on her first day, by both Malcolm and her predecessor Jo, was to stall Missy as long as possible, making enough trouble that she didn’t find it worth it to visit the office.
This is your best friend’s mother, this is your best friend’s mother, this is your best friend’s mother, Rose lectured herself, pretending to stare intently at her screen for a moment.  “I can give you a few minutes, but he has a call at one that he can’t miss.”
“Thank you.”  And she swept past Rose into Malcolm’s office.
Once the door shut behind her, Rose let loose an undignified snort.  Taking a subtle picture with her mobile, she texted it to Clara with the caption Your mum’s here.
Missy Tucker was the subject of ongoing amusement amongst the three; every time she appeared after months of no contact she had an entirely different style, often with a slight tweak to her features suggesting she was a fan of cosmetic surgery.  Today her chosen look was that of evil Mary Poppins, complete with a plum-colored ankle-length skirt and matching dress coat, a white dress shirt buttoned to the neck with an elaborate bow, black heeled boots, a delicate hat, and an umbrella Rose would swear was an actual prop from the movie.
She looked ridiculous, and like she would be right at home as the evil orphanage matron in a Victorian version of Annie!
Are you fucking kidding me? Clara pinged back almost immediately.  I love my Dad, but God I wish I was adopted.  Please tell me I didn’t inherit her fashion sense!
Snickering, Rose shook her head and returned to her work polishing up her resume.  At precisely one o’clock she buzzed in on the intercom, using what Clara called her flight attendant voice.  “Malcolm, I have that potential donor on line two.”
“Thank you, Miss Tyler.”
A moment later the door opened and Missy stalked out, a murderous expression on her face.  “I’ll talk to you soon,” she threatened her ex over her shoulder, ignoring Rose as she stormed towards the lift.
Rose waited until the lift doors closed before rising and entering Malcolm’s office.  “So?”
He was lying on his couch with his head back against the cushions, a crystal cut glass of scotch hanging loosely from his hand.  “She wants to reconcile, says she’s changed, wants to go back to what we once were.”
“What did you say?”  She settled gingerly on the end of the glass coffee table by his head, watching as he opened tired eyes to stare at her.
“That who we were went up in a flaming pile of shit twenty-three years ago when I caught her high in bed with the babysitter on our fifth wedding anniversary.  That who we were was a childhood friendship that went too far.  That who we were died many, many years ago.”
He looked so sad, Rose’s heart went out to him.
“It’s far, far too late now.  A part of me will always miss that, always wonder, but…  It’s ancient history.  Never mind that this is all because of Wallace’s death and the inheritance.  She didn’t say it, but I know her.  Anything that even sniffs of money or power and she’s first in line, plotting how to get it.”
“I’m sorry,” Rose offered, giving him a kind smile.  “You deserve better than her.”
Sighing, he struggled upright, turning to plant his feet on the ground and set the untouched glass of scotch on the coffee table next to her.  “Thanks.”
Their eyes met, and for once, she didn’t blush and look away.  Clara’s question from the previous night circled back through her mind, and she let herself actually see him.  Ice blue eyes capable of such a coldness shined back, warm and open, something only a privileged few were allowed to see.  His strong features could be severe, Clara had once called them attack eyebrows, but when he smiled… his entire face would light up, almost like he was a different person.
She'd always found him attractive, may have had the occasional fantasy involving them, a bottle of wine, and a hot tub, but love?
Her gaze dropped to his lips, and she automatically licked her own.  She would be lying if she said she’d never wondered – didn’t everyone, at some point?  He drew closer, and she realized that she was leaning in; they were both leaning in.  Is this really happening?
Rose’s eyes fluttered closed, her heart pounding, and she could feel his breath against her lips when-
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destroyyourbinder · 5 years
two articles on psychiatric medication
I'm planning on writing a bigger psychiatry-critical piece soon about how the overwhelming majority of both leftists and trans people that I know believe themselves to be necessarily reliant on either psychiatric medication or therapy or both, and permit themselves (rather, semi-deliberately evacuate themselves of agency in identification with those harming them, I do not wish to victim blame) to be extensively abused by the psychological-psychiatric medical system in a fruitless search of validation for their malaise in some horrible cycle of iatrogenic dependence.
In particular, I know at least two transgender people personally (one male, one female) who are so heavily medicated that I have few compunctions about calling what is being done to them a kind of chemical lobotomy. They have both been left minimally functional and dramatically changed in personality by their "treatments", but both still seek out psychiatry to endorse their transgender interpretation of themselves, despite the fact their doctors are brutally and with little humanity "re-adjusting" them out of inconvenient behavior through repeated hospitalization, high and probably inappropriate doses of lithium alongside multiple other medications, and of course their whole gender treatment paradigm.
So I am continually startled by not only the distinct lack of modern leftist criticism of psychiatric medical institutions but outright collaboration with these institutions. Many people in the broader community-- whether radical queers or lesbian feminists-- purport to value self-reliance and peer support networks, distrusting well-funded and politically undermining officially-sanctioned institutions, but I am not sure I know a single gay person in my everyday life who is not regularly attending counseling sessions of some variety or another or who is not taking psychiatric medications-- prescribed by a psychiatrist that they see monthly or sooner-- that they believe they cannot live without.
One of the reasons I am so critical is that I was once one of these people: I have been on at least fourteen different psychiatric medications in various combinations throughout my life, and both I and many of my doctors believed that I was so critically ill that I could not live a meaningful or even minimally functional life without them. I, or my depression-- we were coextensive, inseparable, my personhood was inconvenient to assessment, I suppose-- was considered so deeply treatment resistant that I had multiple psychiatrists tell me to my face that it might not be possible to help me (of course, while still holding the prescription pad). I was lucky to never have been on lithium or Lamictal, nor subjected to electroshock, but all were floated as an unfortunate but potentially necessary part of my treatment plan. I was indeed considered such a hopeless case that I was actually approved for disability payments for mental illness, without appeal, an extreme rarity in the United States, especially at such a young age (23). I do not know for sure or not whether I could have set the grounds to get my shit together without the intervention of psychiatry-- I did survive long enough to leave an abusive home, after all-- but I do not consider it a coincidence that I did not get my shit together until I stopped having a therapist whispering in my ear and stopped having these substances in my body.
I don't think you can understand the modern transgender movement-- whether the push to identify various gender-distressed people as having a disorder or just niche lifestyle in need of medicalized affirmation, or the ideology that demands we believe that gender identity is an essential characteristic of human beings-- without understanding the history of psychiatry as a coercive practice attempting to normalize the socially abnormal, often in service to extremely oppressive interests, and the history of therapy as inherently individualizing and anti-political, an authority-laden substitute for discernment and appropriate and healthy social feedback.
In any case, I want to keep it short today, and it's with this context I want to share with you two articles, one from the New Yorker and the other from NPR.
The first article, by the amazing writer Rachel Aviv, who has previously covered dense and thorny ethical issues regarding psychiatric treatment and the construction of mental illness, is a critical article about how many modern psychiatric patients come to take consecutive strings of multiple psychiatric medications, coming to have and then losing faith in their doctors and medications to fix their ills. It follows a woman who decided to withdraw from her medications and the people she meets as she must build her own support network during her process of withdrawal, given her unhealthy dependence on the psychiatric network treating her and the psychiatric industry's public denial that medication discontinuation symptoms even occur, nonetheless can have severe and life-disrupting effects. Aviv gives a contextual history and science of the use of several classes of modern psychiatric medications, including their incredible limitations given psychiatry's practice and value system; in a description that will read eerily familiar to any detransitioned woman, she states that "there are almost no studies on how or when to go off psychiatric medications, a situation that has created what he [Allen Frances, chair of the DSM-4 committee] calls a 'national public-health experiment.'"
An important excerpt relevant to both general psychiatry and the practice of transgender medicine and health care:
A decade after the invention of antidepressants, randomized clinical studies emerged as the most trusted form of medical knowledge, supplanting the authority of individual case studies. By necessity, clinical studies cannot capture fluctuations in mood that may be meaningful to the patient but do not fit into the study’s categories. This methodology has led to a far more reliable body of evidence, but it also subtly changed our conception of mental health, which has become synonymous with the absence of symptoms, rather than with a return to a patient’s baseline of functioning, her mood or personality before and between episodes of illness. “Once you abandon the idea of the personal baseline, it becomes possible to think of emotional suffering as relapse—instead of something to be expected from an individual’s way of being in the world,” Deshauer told me. For adolescents who go on medications when they are still trying to define themselves, they may never know if they have a baseline, or what it is. “It’s not so much a question of Does the technology deliver?” Deshauer said. “It’s a question of What are we asking of it?”
The second article, which also contains a longer-form audio interview with the author, is about a new book by Harvard historian of science Anne Harrington called Mind Fixers: Psychiatry's Troubled Search for the Biology of Mental Illness. What I found particularly striking about her interview is Harrington's assertions about the state of psychiatry and psychiatric pharmaceutical research now-- she claims that the psychiatric medication market has stalled because of research finding that many common antidepressant medications work no better than placebo versions, and that pharmaceutical companies therefore are de-investing from psychiatric medication research and development because they can no longer use their previous strategy of slightly tweaking the chemical components of previously monetizeable drugs. She states there have been very few innovations in finding new classes of antidepressant medications in particular (the most easily marketed psychiatric drugs, for whom the target population can easily be expanded).
I think her points here are crucial to understanding exactly why pharmaceutical companies and psychiatry have become increasingly invested in transgender health care and in expanding the market for hormones and transgender-related surgeries through promoting interventions like HRT and "top surgery" as elective procedures suggested as ways to "affirm a patient's identity" rather than "treat a disorder". The gender critical blogger Brie Jontry, a mother of a formerly trans-identified female teen, calls this practice and ideology "identity medicine", a term I find useful to describe the unholy conglomeration that is the individualized medicalization of gender-related distress and the advertising of medical treatments (particularly those provided by cosmetic surgeons) as ways to facilitate self-expression and authenticity. Given increasing attempts by gender doctors to create patients permanently dependent on exogenous hormones (those children left with non-functional gonads after treatment with GnRH agonists like Lupron and cross-sex hormones, or those transgender people who have had theirs removed) or to convince patients that gender dysphoria is a life-long, inescapable condition that they had already failed in not treating/affirming earlier (because you Always Were A Boy), I have to note parallels with psychiatric medicine's anti-recovery, anti-patient-autonomy assertions about other recently marketed drugs such as atypical antipsychotics, on which patients are also purportedly permanently dependent, or antidepressants (as above) where withdrawal symptoms purportedly prove that a patient is doomed to relapse should she cease psychiatric treatment. "Informed consent" and the formation of transgender resources outside a "gatekeeping" paradigm, where patients need not seek insurance approval nor the opinions of several doctors of different specialties for transgender medical interventions, nor wait a set period of time prior to transitioning, is often lauded as progressive and anti-institution by radical transgender activists, who can rightly see issue with a psychiatry put in charge of policing the intimate personal beliefs, coping mechanisms for misogyny or homophobia, and individual gender expression of its patients. However, I can't but see this as part of a new and terrifying medical strategy regarding transgenderism, where a loss of patient agency is replaced with the false sense of consumer choice; we have seen this in other realms of psychiatry, where forms of psychiatric incarceration were rebranded as the choice to take a break or "finally" seek help after self-negatingly denying it for so long, where tranquilizing drugs were rebranded as assistive devices for women struggling to have it all, and where high-risk, heavily sedating antipsychotic medications were rebranded as ways to give other psychiatric medications a "boost" should you still experience unhelpful emotions after complying with psychiatric treatment. "Gender dysphoria" is increasingly nebulous, something you might have had all along if you experienced various forms of generic malaise or failed to have your suffering sufficiently validated and thereby dissipated by psychiatry; funny that we've seen this before with other conditions and their treatments, and psychiatry somehow always comes up with a money-making solution for its own problems.
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ashadentalks-blog · 4 years
Asha Dental
Asha Dental provides a full array of dental services to residents who prefer a trusted and experienced dentist in Leawood, Kansas. Our friendly and professional staff is passionate about helping you maintain healthy teeth and a brilliant smile. We show this through our commitment to providing quality dental care for adults and dentistry for children. Here are some of the main services you can benefit from:
Emergency Dental Care
Emergency dental care is available for patients with a severe toothache or an injured, chipped, broken, loose, or knocked-out tooth. We can see and treat you right away if you have a dental abscess, lost a filling or crown, or suffered an injury to the jaw, cheek, gum, tongue, or lips. Tooth extraction may be necessary if there is a loose tooth (or teeth). Our dentist may suggest partial dentures to fill the space of missing teeth. This way, you won't have to feel embarrassed or hide your smile.
Gum Disease Treatment
You may be tempted to try gum disease treatment at home. However, seeing a dentist is an effective way to stop and reverse the condition. Periodontitis, or gum disease, is routinely treated with antibiotics, scaling and root planing (deep cleaning), and professional dental cleanings. Surgery or root canal may be necessary to reduce the periodontal pocket depths or where the infection reached the tooth pulp. Your insurance plan may cover part or all of the root canal treatment costs to help save the tooth.
Cosmetic Dentistry
Teeth can get misaligned, chipped, cracked, misshapen, or discolored due to aging or injury. Our experienced cosmetic dentist in Leawood can restore your smile using a teeth whitening treatment, dental bonding, or porcelain veneers. Another option is Invisalign® treatment to straighten misaligned or crooked teeth. These aesthetic procedures are done to improve the appearance of your teeth and bite and put confidence back in your smile.
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening in Leawood is a simple procedure done to remove stubborn stains and other discolorations from the teeth. The dentist will apply a professional-strength whitening gel to your teeth. Your teeth are then exposed to a special light to activate the teeth-whitening substance. The result after just one treatment is a sparkly white smile that can last for 6-12 months.
TMJ Therapy
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder causes severe jaw pain. It can happen due to misaligned teeth or jaw, stress, and teeth grinding or clenching. Our dentist may recommend a stabilization splint or bite guard to keep the jaw joints in a healthy position and control how the upper and lower teeth interact. Other options are jaw exercises to strengthen jaw muscles, physical therapy, and Invisalign® treatment to correct an uneven bite.
Contact Us to Schedule an Appointment
You can access comprehensive and affordable dental services in one place when you visit Asha Dental. Before our dentist treats you, we will perform a detailed oral exam and customize a treatment plan to meet your needs. Call (913) 440-4199 to request an appointment today.
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Address: 11100 Ash St Suite #204, Leawood, KS 66211 Phone: (913) 440-4199 Email: [email protected] Website: https://overlandparkdentist.com/
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Leasons learned ch 14
They walked into the hospital to where they were directed to the ninth floor. As they got into the elevator she was smiling and almost laughing.
"Noelle what is It?" Mitsuhide asked as he looked at the unusual reaction.
"Mitsu the ninth floor is the 'private' floor. It basically means that if you have a certain amount of money you can be placed in that floor for recovering from lets say a cosmetic procedure." She replied.
"Oh." He replied. "You really don't think anything is wrong?"
"No I really don't. I know my parents. My mother is probably making arrangements to go somewhere and my father probably had another facelift or something and maybe had a twinge of pain during it so he must, of course, be dying." She laughed. "This has happened before."
"Your parents seem interesting." He said flatly.
"Interesting is not the word I would use." She said as the doors opened and they were greeted by pandemonium in front of them. "The Hanson's at their best."
"I forgot you have brothers and sisters." He whispered.
"Stay close or they will try to bite." She said under her breath as all eyes went to her and him as the got off the elevator. She was walking with her head high as she made her way to where her mother was staring down her nose at her youngest child.
"At least you had the sense to find a man Noelle. At least now your condition can be explained easier." Her mother said as Noelle just smiled. "Now introduce me to my new son in law."
"Where is father?" Noelle defiantly asked instead of introducing Mitsuhide.
"In a moment." Her mother said standing her ground.
"Mother this is my husband Mitsuhide Akechi." She said with a flourish of her hand.
"With a name like that you do sound foreign." Her mother said as she looked him over. "However I do believe I like what I see. You will do for the Hanson's. If you want to take on that." She nodded to Noelle's baby bump.
"Take on that?" Noelle bristled at her mothers words and she felt Mitsuhide's hands on her shoulders calming her down.
"Ma'am I don't believe this is the time or place for this. Noelle is my wife and all you are doing is stressing her out and our son."Mitsuhide replied. "Today has been a busy day for us and she would like to see her father. We both do have to be at the university in the morning."
"Why would you have to be there? Either of you?" Her mother asked.
"I am a professor there and currently my wife is setting up a business with my contacts." Mitsuhide said as he waited.
"Oh Noelle you chose well with this one." Her mother said.
"Mother I didn't choose him. He chose me and the baby." Noelle was clenching her teeth. "Now as my husband said we had a long day and I need to get some rest. Can I see father?"
"Noelle it is slightly more dynamic that simply letting you see him."her mother stated and Noelle looked at her mother.
"Is something really wrong with him this time?" Noelle asked.
"He had a heart attack Noelle. A serious one. He is recovering for the open heart surgery but he had a few complications." Her mother said again in her cold as ice tone.
"What kind of complications?" Mitsuhide asked.
"His heart wouldn't restart even with the pace maker they installed." Her mother said, "Noelle I am afraid it may be his time."
"Well mother can I see him please?" Noelle asked.
"If you really want too. I mean you were not cut out of the will as of yet so you don't have to do much." Her mother replied.
"As if any of that matters Mother." Noelle said as she looked at the room. Mitsuhide nodded and followed her as she slowly walked into the room with an open door. She stopped short if the bed looking at the man she thought was the most fearsome she had met in her life. It looked as if he was sleeping instead of possibly dying. She touched his hand and said, "Dad Im here."
There was a flicker of movement in his hand. So she went on, "I am starting a business dad. Hopefully I won't have to be like you but it should be good. Im starting it with my husband. I got married as well. He is a good man as well. I won't have a marriage like you and mom but I think it will be a good one, a great one in fact. We named the baby. He will be named Maximus Nathanial. I hope you get to meet him. Everyone is here dad. I hope you recover but if you don't just know we are all here."
Mitsuhide looked at her and only saw the strength she had. This man who was in the hospital bed kicked her out and cut her off at her lowest moment and she was here holding his hands in what could be his lowest moment as well. Her strength only enhanced her beauty and he had to admit she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen before this.
"Noelle?" Mitsuhide asked as he saw the nurses waiting to come in.
"I see them too." She said as she looked down. "We won't be far dad."
They walked out of the room and the two nurse walked in. Shortly after Noelle made the rounds of her siblings she looked up and swore she saw her father standing up in the room. She motioned for Mitsuhide to look but when he looked he didn't see what she saw. Then the activity in the room exploded as doctors and nurses ran in.
Two hours later the family waited and watched but nothing the doctors could do could bring her father back. They called his time of death then. Her mother looked frazzled but never lost her composure. Her siblings also seemed distant and almost uncaring. She had to admit to herself that it was difficult to muster any real sadness. Her parents had had very little to do with them since they were mere toddlers. She looked around at everyone and sighed, she did not want to be the same as her family.
"I will be in touch for the arrangements." Her mother said to everyone, "I am sure your fathers lawyers will be in touch with you all as well."
Noelle and Mitsuhide stood along with the rest of her siblings and their spouses and the two watched as a group they all left. She began to feel lost and Mitsuhide helped guide her down the elevator hallway and then outside where she looked up at the stars.
"Mitsuhide I don't want to be like them in thirty yers." She said as they got to the car, "i grew up thinking that was a normal marriage. A man died today that was my father and no one cried. To be honest they want the lawyers to contact them before my mother."
"Sweetheart we won't be like that." He said as he started the car. "You're not like that. Why lawyers though?"
"My parents have lived completely separate lives for as long as i can remember. Mother was always off doing good somewhere her children were not. Her parents were the same. Cold and distant with each other. She is from what people call old money. She was born with it and always had it. My father was the opposite he fought and scraped by to make it. Marriage between them was a business transaction and not much more. They didn't raise us. I think if that was one of our nannies we would be inconsolable right now. My father set up his will to be separated from our mother. She lived off of her allowance from her family and father off of his businesses. So fathers lawyers would handle his estate and our inherences. Thats why they showed up today. Not to see him but to make sure they were not forgotten." She said.
"Thats a hard way to grow up." Mitsuhide said.
"That is the reason when given the chance I didn't run back to them." She said with a smile. "The idea of a real family, one with love at the center is more important to me than any amount of money."
"Noelle you are absolutely amazing." Mitsuhide said. "And I do love the way you think. We will jot be like that and that is a promise I will keep til I die."
"Mitsu I think you are pretty amazing as well." She replied with a soft smile.
"Come on Mrs. Akechi I do believe it is time to rest." He said as they pulled in to the driveway.
"Surprisingly Maximus has not been to active tonight." She said.
"He is saving it for later." Mitsuhide replied with a chuckle. "You know so he can wake both of us up."
"Probably." She shrugged her shoulders and laughed.
"Sweetheart i do know what it is like to lose a parent as well. It will hit you in a few days." Mitsuhide said.
"Mitsu is almost hard to think about him or her as a parent. They were ones we had to submit a bank withdrawal notice too, not much more. That's honestly why I was caught off guard about their reaction to the baby. It isn't like they cared for us. It was their reputation they cared about and what we could do to it." Noelle said softly. "They both would have used him if he was the right demographic for them to use, say if he looked like me. You saw how my mother was with you because of your name. You aren't foreign but if you were it would have been a strike so to speak. Instead of looking at a person they look at what a person can do for them."
"So they are typical rich people." Mitsuhide said as he chuckled. "And you their daughter bucked their rules by defying them and keeping your baby then marrying a foreign sounding named man. Not to mention you lived in one of the cities worst drug dens for months. God Noelle I love you."
"I love you too, Mitsuhide." She said. "Just think that if it wasn't for one decision and me standing up to them we wouldn't be here now."
"But we are." Mitsuhide said softly.
"Yes we are." She replied, "and tonight is our wedding night."
"Our wedding night is somewhat rememberable and not for good reasons." Mitsuhide said softly.
"Mitsuhide I don't want to think about any of that right now." She smiled at him. "Tonight is about us."
"You're right." He said as he swooped her up into his arms.
"Mitsuhide put me down! You will hurt yourself carrying me!" Noelle yelped.
"No my dearest Mouse." He said, "you weigh no more than a mite."
"I weigh a lot more than a mite, Mitsuhide." She said as he pushed through the door. "You're going to throw your back out or something."
"If I do it won't be because of  lifting you but there is always the possibility of something else causing it." Mitsuhide chuckled.
"Mitsu!" She exclaimed.
"Quiet mouse. Its time for our wedding night. If you say my name it better be as you scream for me." He said softly as he placed her down on the bed.
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robertogreco · 5 years
XXXY, Porter Gale and Laleh Soomekh, 2000:
“This emotionally gripping short film centers on two people who were born intersex—Kristi, a bike messenger, and Howard, a clinical psychologist. Their stories share the common pain of being raised after having undergone corrective genital surgery as children. Fighting against a world in which doctors make arbitrary choices about children's sex and gender, independent of their parents, Kristi and Howard relate the horrors of adolescence and adulthood when one is “not wholly male or female.” Kristi, who was born XY (male) but was raised as a girl, sums up the confusion and pain of hermaphrodite individuals when she says, “I'm not a girl. Stop treating me like I am!”” –The Harvard Crimson, April 27, 2001
“This is the finest film on the issues of intersex Americans, and an indispensable tool for instructors of Human Sexuality, Gender Identity, and Social Psychology. The film calls into question the ethics of American pediatrics as well as our fixation on whether a baby is a boy or a girl. The film not only sheds light on a shamefully neglected topic, but is a siren call to end the barbaric and totally unnecessary cosmetic surgeries on the genitals of American intersex infants.” — Winston Wilde, Prof. of Human Sexuality and Behavioral Sciences, Santa Monica College
“At only 13 minutes long, Porter Gale and Laleh Soomekh's documentary, XXXY, is essential filmmaking. A look at people born with ambiguous genitalia who had the grave misfortune of having their sex surgically decided for them as infants, the film concisely and powerfully conveys horror, injustice and tremendous personal fortitude. And it does all this through its straightforward cinematic visit with 25-year-old Kristi and clinical psychologist Howard Devore, two individuals who endured the experience themselves. The film's stripped down quality — talking heads, the occasional shot of a childhood home, or Kristi on a bike — means there's nothing to interfere with the pair's stories; the impact is profound. Plenty of others thought so too; after a successful international festival run, the film was awarded a student Academy Award gold medal.” —Filmmaker Magazine, 2000
“The most fascinating documentary, and my pick for overall winner, is XXXY (which consists of interviews with two intersex people). The film points out that 1 in 2000 people is born with genitalia neither completely male nor completely female, and the film examines the pressure the medical community puts on intersex people and their parents to undergo surgery to fit them into a male or a female mold. The film, although at times a little too distant, is effective because it avoids cloying sentimentality and focuses clearly on a specific aspect of its subjects without avoiding other issues.” —Fred Choi, MIT Tech, June 8, 2001, PlanetOut.com's Second Queer Short Film Festival
See the XXXY (film) entry at Wikipedia for additional information.
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nonbinaryresource · 6 years
Hi there! I've been stuck between wanting a double mastectomy and a mammoplasty for a few years. My partner and I plan on having a child in the future, so I'm leaning more towards the latter. My concern is that I can't find anything on how small I can go (I'm currently 34F/DDD and want to be an A cup) and I also panic about them growing back.
So it kinda sounds like you’re at the point where, if there’s a trans-friendly doctor in your area, you should meet up with a doctor to ask them some questions, get a better feel of your options, understand the risks and aftereffects, ease some of your fears, and be able to make an informed decision! The internet as well as any local trans or gsa-type organizations should be able to help point you in the direction of a good doctor to ask questions to! A trans or gsa-type organization could also possibly help answer some of your questions or put you in touch with some people who would be willing to talk with you about their own experiences.
Unfortunately, none of your questions really do have simple answers, which is why talking to a doctor would be the best route.
If we take into consideration the fact that both reductions and full masectomies are an option, we can deduce that you, especially with a bigger chest, do have a range of options for how small you can go. Doctor’s are also thinking about the big picture, ie what you’ll look like afterwords. They do tend to take into consideration your body shape and breast shape. But with a good and trans-friendly doctor, you can discuss why you want to go smaller and find the right solution for you. I understand how much trouble you’ve been having finding good information, though, as if you look up breast reduction, you do find results mostly for non-gender related cosmetic surgeries. However, I did find this page interesting and think it might help give some info: https://www.laurengreenbergmd.com/breast/breast-reduction-final-size-a-b-c-d/ But again, talking with a doctor would get you better answers to your specific questions for your body and reasons!
Here is also a reddit thread specifically for trans/nb/gq people who got a reduction rather than full top surgery: https://www.reddit.com/r/genderqueer/comments/7ubi2v/breast_reduction_instead_of_top_surgery/ which also contains a link to a Reduction reddit, which you may find of interest to browse through or post on!
Now, tissue growing back after a reduction or mastectomy is pretty rare! And it’s usually for something like menopause, but weight gain and hormonal changes can be the root of new growth, which - yes - would include pregnancy. Here’s something I found in regards to this concern: https://www.wenigerplasticsurgery.com/general/can-breast-tissue-grow-back-after-breast-reduction/
If you are planning to have children and breastfeed in the future, talk to your plastic surgeon about it during your breast reduction consultation. Not only will this let him or her know that you would like to keep your milk ducts intact, but it will also open up a dialogue about your own personal approach to breast reduction. In some cases, you may be advised to wait. In others, you may be encouraged to check in after your surgery and your pregnancy for another evaluation. With a working relationship between you and your surgeon, you’re already one step ahead in the prevention of breast regrowth.
In which case, I again encourage you to speak with a trans-friendly doctor! Because unfortunately this isn’t something I can give a simple answer to. :( It is something you and your partner will have to think about.
It sounds like you still kind of have a lot of fear and doubt about which route you want to take. I am not here to tell you what to do with your life. I’m not here to judge what decision you do make. With how you’re feeling, I just want to make sure that you know there are other options to having a child other than you carrying and breastfeeding the child. If that is what you want to do, that’s great! I just want to make sure you know it’s not the only option out there. ^^;;
I know these probably weren’t the answers you were looking for, and I hope I didn’t make you more nervous or anxious. Please, please feel free to come back and talk or ask as many questions as you need. We can also talk privately.
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[gif of pool/billiards balls shaped in a heart, missing one piece, sitting on the blue top of a pool table. A man leans over the table and hits the last ball, sending it spiraling around the table until it bounces gently into place, completing the heart shape as it comes to a stop]
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cardshcrp · 5 years
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                                                                                               ♣ PART ONE. TWO. THREE.
016. FAMILY EARRINGS. Believe it or not, ear piercings are actually a commonality for the LeBeaus, with an actual reason. Jean-Luc favors a single gold hoop; Henri two silver, one per lobe; and Remy swaps around between hoops and studs but most typically prefers studs shaped like planchettes, ’cause Mattie made them for him. All of the LeBeau boys have / had a proximity alert of 100 feet for each other built into the earrings they consistently wear, which means they get a nice, inaudible little vibration anytime one is incoming at the other(s). This is useful for heists, as a silent warning that something’s up if they’re not expecting each other, and as a good way to catch each other out. This loans to how quickly they tend to realize each other is around in canon as well. (I.e. Remy knowing Henri was breaking into the mansion from inside the Danger Room despite there being no apparent way that he could do so.)
017. COSMETIC CHANGES. Remy has had a very, very minimal amount of plastic surgery done, yes. It’s really just the nose - during the transition process, he decided it would be a good idea to alter his features just a bit, so he actually had it made slightly more prominent as aquiline noses are stereotypically more masculine. This is not a particularly severe change, just an accentuation of the natural features he already had. He’s still recognizable in pre-transition photos and everything, it was a pretty minor alteration. Everything else about his facial structure is the exact same, just refined with age.
018. CRYING. It’s actually a really disturbing sight to see Remy cry. Partially because most people don’t expect him to, and he very rarely breaks down in public, but also because when he cries, you can see all the veins around his eyes glowing with kinetic energy. It’s the same as it always is, it’s not like he’s actively doing something, it’s just how his body is; but when he cries his skin gets red and a little more translucent, like most people’s, and you can actually see the veins glowing pink-purple, and it’s kind of horrifying in its own right to have these dark, dark eyes with bright red irises staring at you and just seeing these thin lines of energy pulsing through the skin. Especially if he’s in the dark.
019. WEDDING RING (FIRST MARRIAGE). As disastrous as that whole debacle was, Remy truly did love Bella Donna. That has never been up for date. He wore the ring for a while when he was pining over what he’d lost, just because. He wasn’t really sure why, still isn’t. After a few years, he stopped, but he never got rid of it. Nowadays it comes out when he does mundane chores in plain clothes and wants to avoid a little bit of being hit on, and such - he wears it out to get groceries regularly and so on. However, this is also idiotic because quite often, he forgets about this habit. It’s pure routine. This means that sometimes he’s really ruined his chances with people he’s interested in, or put off their interest in him, because he’s wearing a fucking wedding ring and they don’t know what to do about it.
020. GARDEN DISTRICT HOUSE. The house Remy had arranged for him and Bella to move into post-marriage is still there, and still fully furnished. While the master chambers go unused and are full of spooky, cloth-covered furniture, he’s opened up the rest of the house. It’s a large house, after all, and there’s no use wasting a paid-off property, especially one so nice. Mattie holds extra keys, as does Jean-Luc, but the majority of the current residents are younger Guild members, mostly children and their supervisors / dependent family members. It gives them a place to sleep and eat and be warm, and play, and he’s got no particular regrets over it. If he ever needs the house back (which he has no real hope about), he’ll either get a new one or get the kids a better place to stay.
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enterthevo1d-blog · 5 years
Modern Facial Plastic Surgery
Cosmetic surgeons at SB Aesthetics have decades of instruction and expertise in their area. Since cosmetic surgery is this a private and romantic option, our physicians make it a point to get to know you and spend some time listening and guiding you throughout the process -- from first visit through postoperative care.
Our surgeons will go over a number of available alternatives and results during a number of private consultations and, jointly, you and your physician will choose the ideal procedure to your own personal requirements and requirements. We're experienced in assisting correct functional and cosmetic nasal deformities, in addition to a selection of other cosmetic problems and requirements that influence your ability to smell, taste, and also view.
Why Pick SB Aesthetics ?
Highly-trained experts to do your operation. Offering the most up-to-date in leading-edge study and technologies, our plastic surgeons cure several individuals who've been known by physicians from throughout the nation and around the planet. Members of the cosmetic and plastic team are specialists in a number of complicated procedures and reflect a vast selection of health care skills and coaching.A number of injectable facial scrubs are at present readily available to reduce wrinkles and also to present skin and overall facial look a much healthier, more youthful appearance. These injectable fillers may enhance and, in some instances, fully remove deep and wrinkles facial lines.
Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic surgery -- or otoplasty -- is generally done to set prominent ears back closer to the head or to decrease the size of large ears.
Eyelid surgery may take years off your appearance by eliminating fat from the upper and lower eyelids. This process corrects drooping upper lids and puffy bags under the eyes features which make someone appear tired and older.
A number of the initial signs of aging occur in the surface area. While changes can happen slowly, there might come a time if you look in the mirror and you also are not as pleased with your facial look as you was. A facelift may help restore a youthful look.
A number of the very visible signs of aging include drooping eyebrows,"hooding" over the eyes, forehead furrows, and frown lines. At a forehead lift -- also called a brow lift -- the skin and muscles that cause the issues are changed or eliminated to smooth the forehead, raise the upper eyelids, and minimize frown lines. The elevator is a rather straightforward process with results lasting from five to ten decades or more. It's typically an outpatient procedure which may be carried out alone or along with other processes, including facelift, eyelid surgery, or nose reshaping.
Suction-assisted lipectomy -- or Surgery -- is also a method to remove unwanted fat deposits in particular regions of the human body, including the chin, neck, chin, and lips.
Neck Lift
By the time, the skin around our necks will eliminate a while, including years to our overall look. A neck lift tends to reshape and twist the throat to give it the look of elegance and length. Preventing the graceful line of the throat could offer a younger, slimmer appearance while assisting you to feel better about your self.
Cosmetic operation -- or rhinoplasty -- is still among the most common plastic surgery procedures. Rhinoplasty can reduce or increase the dimensions of their nose, or change the form of the tip or bridge, narrow the span of the nostrils, or change the angle between the nose and upper lipgloss.
Who's a Candidate?
If you're working to enhance the appearance of your head and regain a more youthful appearance, consider talking with one of our professional plastic surgeons around facial plastic surgery choices. We Supply the following instructions for specific processes:
Cosmetic Surgery Normally, ear operation is performed on children between the ages of 4 and 14.
Eyelid Surgery Many patients that have hernia operation are 35 or older, but if droopy, baggy eyelids are a hereditary family attribute, you might choose to have the process in a younger age.
Facelifts are most frequently performed on individuals in their 40s through 60s. But patients in their 70s and 80s may also profit from the process.
Signals comprise: A profound line running in the corner of your nose into the corner of mouth deep wrinkles from your cheeks and sagging skin close to your cheekbones Scrub wrinkles, skin, or extra fatty tissue on your throat Decline of some well-defined jawline
Forehead or Brow Lift Men and people of any age may be good candidates for a forehead lift. While the process is most commonly done on individuals in their 40s through 60s to slow down the visible effects of aging, and it may also help people with inherited conditions, including droopy brow or furrowed lines above the nose. To observe just how a forehead lift may improve the appearance, look in a mirror and put the palms of their hands in the outer edges of their eyes over the eyebrow. Then softly draw skin up to lift the brow and forehead region. This is what a forehead lift could do. Suction lipectomy (process where fat cells have been removed through small incisions with a suction) isn't recommended if you've had recent surgery to the place to become sculpted or in case you've got poor blood flow in the regions to be treated. Those people who have lung or heart disease are also not good candidates for this process.
Rhinoplasty and Nasal Tip Surgery women and men in great physical health are possible candidates for the process. Many physicians prefer not to work on teenagers until after they have completed their growth spurt -- about 14 or 15 for women and a bit older for teens.
Things to Anticipate
Botox and Facial Fillers Our physicians are specialists in most FDA-approved goods, and will counsel you on which product could be helpful for you. Stop by the manufacturer sites for more advice:
BOTOX Cosmetic Radiesse Restylane Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic surgery usually takes approximately 2 to three weeks, although complicated procedures may take longer. In a normal procedure, your physician creates a small incision at the back of your ear to expose the ear cartilage. Your surgeon will then sculpt the cartilage and bend it back in your mind.
Another method involves a similar incision at the back of the ear. Cosmetic surgery is often performed as an outpatient procedure (you are going to return home the exact same evening ), but sometimes the physician may recommend that it be performed in an inpatient basis. In cases like this, the hospital stay is generally just overnight.
Eyelid surgery is typically done on an inpatient basis (you are going to return home the exact same evening ) and normally takes a few hours. In a normal process, the surgeon makes incisions following the natural lines of the eyelids in the creases of the upper eyelids and just below the lashes in the lower eyelids. The incisions may extend into the crow's feet (laugh traces ) in the outer corners of the eyes. Working through these incisions, the surgeon separates the skin frojavascript:void(0);s fatty fatty tissue and muscle, removes excess fat, and frequently trims sagging skin and muscular fatigue. The incisions are then closed with very fine stitches, which makes almost invisible scars.
In case you've got a pocket of fat beneath your lower eyelids but do not have to have any skin removed, your physician may perform what is called a transconjunctival blepharoplasty. Within this process, the surgeon makes the incision in the lower eyelid, so it leaves no visible scar. Facelift
Strategies for facelifts vary based on your own facial features, your physician's preferences, along with the desirable benefits. The process could be carried out in an inpatient basis (you are going to return home the exact same evening ) or call for a brief hospital stay (normally only 1 night), based on just what the surgeon believes would be best.
Normally, the incision is hidden in the natural shape of the ear then goes around the earlobe and back into the hairline. Following surgery, the incisions can easily be hidden by hair or with makeup. Working through these incisions, the plastic surgeon protects skin from the underlying tissues and brings it back and upward.
Sometimes, the cells may also be repositioned to restore a more youthful contour to your face. If needed, an incision below the chin makes it possible for the physician to remove fatty tissue in this region and smooth the cord-like constructions of the underlying muscle at the throat.
Your plastic surgeon may describe extra processes which may be carried out using a facelift. By way of instance, a facelift can be blended with a forehead or brow lift, eyelid surgery, nose reshaping, liposuction of the neck and face, neck lift, and skin care treatments. Your treatment program will be customized for your needs and goals.
To carry out a brow lift, then the surgical group starts by tying your own hair with rubber bands in front of and behind the incision area. Your head won't be shaved, but hair instantly in the front of the incision line might have to be treated. Typically, the incision begins at roughly the degree of the ears and run upon the surface of your forehead. In case you've got a high or receding hairline, then the surgeon can make the incision only at the back to avoid making the forehead appear higher. By sporting hair back on the brow, most scars won't be noticeable.
Liposuction of the neck and face is generally performed in an inpatient basis (you are going to return home the exact same afternoon ). The process usually takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours, based on the region and quantity being suctioned. To start the process, the surgeon creates a small incision only big enough to enable the insertion of a hollow tube called a cannula. The other end of the cannula is connected to a machine which makes a powerful vacuum.
Rhinoplasties are often performed on an inpatient basis (you are going to return home the exact same evening ), but intricate procedures may take a short inpatient stay (overnight at the clinic ). A normal procedure generally takes one or two hours. During the operation, the surgeon separates the skin from the nose out of the supporting framework of bone and cartilage, which is then sculpted into the desired contour. Your skin is then re-draped within the new frame.
For more complex rhinoplasties, your physician might want to use a more"open" approach. In cases like this, the surgeon creates a small incision throughout the columella (vertical strip of tissue separating the nostrils).
Interested in know about your plastic surgery options?  Whether you are thinking about having cosmetic surgery, a non-surgical procedure or have had prior surgery and are seeking additional touch-ups, it is critical to work with a skilled plastic surgeon that specializes in facial procedures. Dr. Robert Sheffield is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon at SB Aesthetics offering services to those in Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo, Oxnard and Ventura, CA, and the surrounding communities.  Dr. Sheffield offers patients a customized treatment plan and is available to answer your questions. To schedule a consultation, call 805.318.3280 today.
SB Aesthetics
https://sbaesthetics.com 2320 BATH ST #203 SANTA BARBARA, CA 93105 P: (805) 318-3280 E: [email protected]
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candle13-blog1 · 6 years
Hemorrhoids Diet Information For You
Implement all of these suggestions where it makes sense and reduce your Allergies today. Allergies are indicative of an imbalance in the way the body is coping with allergens. If you are young your body has the ability to regenerate cells quickly so this is not something to be worried about. Now body fat can come off once-and-for-all and you'll enjoy a more health and energy. She's got to stop feeling so embarrassed the way she is now. She tells herself she's got to get back to her bikini-weight. We offer the best tips on how to get reasonably priced and good quality cell phones. Down the page will be tips on how to buy cell phones online. They will just give up when they find that they cannot lose the unwanted weight. If you suffer from insomnia more than just a few days, make an appointment with your doctor to find the underlying cause. Distractions are the most common things that cause ADP to get worse, so another excellent suggestion is that parents should make their children aware of how distractions affect them, and help them identify ways to avoid them. You can make some attempts to reassure them that things will not change and will be what it used to be in the past. When doing a certain task, take a deep breath and take things slowly. While the drastic solution may offer a semblance of hope, I believe that the simple changes in life are the things that create lasting change. Still others are astringents, which is helpful if you are dealing with oily skin, while others are antiseptics, which may help those with acne. Children can help put stamps on Christmas cards. Eating the wrong foods which are high in fat can cause pimples to erupt on your body, most commonly on the face. Apply Ice cubes: It is important that you apply some ice cubes to your face in order to remove the dirt and germs which has been accumulated in your face. Pets need exercise throughout the entire year. You will need to combine diet plan, exercising and these products together. Conversational hypnosis will require you to also learn how to deal directly with the unconscious mind; this is done through conversational inductions. When you don't have enough water, your bowels will also slow down. It is important to stay regular and keep your bowels clean. In addition, people who exercise strenuously usually exercise to endurance rather than fitness levels, and so cause their bodies to enter a mode known as anaerobic metabolism. Most people juggle time for work, home chores and family, however doing fitness exercise becomes the last priority. Valerian Root- doesn't work for me, but I know people who swear by it. Good old hard work. Do not use antibiotics as they kill the good bacteria as well as the bad. As the name refers, these payday loans are granted for long term use for the borrowers. The problems are usually caused by the difference in how the stomach releases the digestive acids and enzymes. Having a plan will reduce problems that may come up. There is no doubt that he has used it, and uses himself as living proof of the effects of HGH, online pharmacy but he may be on other treatments and could have gone through cosmetic surgery. I have been practicing Yoga for over ten years. I visit Yoga classes and it goes away again. The kinds of stress can come from performing high impact activities regularly or being overweight. But these 4 ideas are worth trying first as the chances are high that one or more of them will provide substantial allergy relief. As will happen, after a couple of years, animation went through a very slow period. Once you realize how delicious your meals are you will be inspired to try other ingredients. Are you a different person than you were in the beginning? True enough; the reason why most of our efforts today are directed towards a better sense of health and well-being. The reason for this is that rarely do herbal blends come with unwanted side effects or harsh reactions. Think about receiving a pass - do you want it to come bouncing on edge? His suggestion was “I am counting a lot of money”. Insomnia is actually a highly inconvenient disorder and this health issue can affect a person's productivity and his mood for the day. When stress enters the system and the mind can no longer handle the effects, mental health dysfunction can occur. But whatever your plan includes, the most important thing you can do is to stick to it.
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Dentist In Dayton
Finding the Best and the Cheapest Dentist in Dayton
We grow up learning that it's important to go to the Dentist in Dayton. In multiple grades of elementary school people visit the children and tell them why going to the dentist is right for them, and that they should be going to the dentist at least twice a year. Despite all this, there are many adults today who don't go to the dentist, for a variety of reasons. No matter the excuse; however, there is no way to maintain good oral health without going to the dentist, and avoiding the dentist can actually lead to serious oral health problems and possibly require oral surgery.
So when was the last time you went to the dentist? If it's been more than a year, it is essential for you to go to the dentist as soon as possible. No matter what excuse you have for not going to the dentist, it is time to stop putting off a visit to the dentist's office, because dental services can prove invaluable in the long run.
There are many reasons why adults avoid going to see the dentist. One of the most common reasons is that people are afraid to visit the dentist. They don't want sharp things poking inside their mouths, and many fear that if they go to see the dentist, they will find out they have some form of oral problem and may end up needing dental surgery. The idea of dental surgery doesn't appeal to anyone, and people reason to themselves that if they don't go to the dentist, then they won't be told that they need oral surgery.
Dental implants have become very popular because, in the long-run, good quality dental implants performed by a skilled dental team gives you the much-needed boost in terms of comfort, convenience, and confidence. Since dental implants are expensive, it is natural to expect people to consider low cash out Dental Implants in Dayton. However, you should not sacrifice your health and well being by opting for what only superficially appears to be affordable dental implants.
Dental Implants in Dayton can be administered in one session, but the osseointegration can take a period of three to six months. Osseointegration is the process wherein the dental implant anchors and takes root on the jawbone. A case of unsuccessful osseointegration process will fail the dental implant. Failures generally occur due to improper placement or poor positioning of the dental implants which require the judgment of well-trained, knowledgeable and experienced dentists.
Benefits of Botox for Eyebrows
Following are some of the benefits of a Botox brow lift:
? The Botox cosmetic procedure can be performed on all skin types. ? The system is useful for people who have naturally drooping eyelids and low-hanging eyebrows. ? Little to no risk is involved that the eyebrows will begin to sink again after the Botox injections. ? Patients can go for touchup treatments after 6 to 8 months after the initial surgery at reasonable Botox cost.
If you are experiencing the appearance of those irritating crow's feet around your eyes or the lines in your forehead and between your eyebrows are increasing your concern regarding your beauty, don't worry, as these are nothing but a natural process of aging. However, now you can get rid of all these aging factors with the blessings of Botox injections.
Among the incredible advancements in the field of cosmetic procedures, Botox in Dayton is one of the most excellent methods to get rid of fine lines of aging. Though the popularity of Botox injections is rapidly growing among the beauty conscious clients, still many people are unaware of its advantages and simplicity.
Botox for eyebrows is an ideal procedure for you if you want to take a few years off your face by lifting your eyebrows. With the period, Botox for forehead and eyebrows have become a popular anti-aging procedure for both men and women, who don't want to go under the knife for removing mild to moderate heaviness in their brow area.
When looking for a Cosmetic Dentist in Dayton, don't be afraid to take your time. After all, cosmetic procedures are hardly emergencies so you should have plenty of time to learn about your particular system and possible dentists with experience in that procedure. You can even decide what types of techniques, materials, and methods you are most interested in, as many cosmetic problems can be solved with different procedures. You should arrange for consultations with various dentists and ask them about their expertise.
Years of drinking colas, tea, coffee, smoking and eating pigmented food can have a catastrophic impact on teeth and thus turns them into filthy and yellow. Even after every meal if you brush your teeth, aging will force your teeth to look awkward. The teeth luster will fade away with medicines and thus makes you look older than you are. Getting back dazzling teeth in medieval ages was costly and time-consuming. However, with advancement in technologies, there are Professional Teeth Whitening in Dayton options for you. It is easier to get white teeth than you thought of.
In many cases, there are instances where you might need the services of an emergency dentist to help you with taking care of any dental emergencies that you have. There are various injuries and emergencies that a dentist can take care of for you. It is even easy for you to get an appointment set up with a dentist.
There are all sorts of injuries that an Emergency Dentist in Dayton can help take care of for you. If one of your teeth has been knocked out, you can get it replanted in your mouth within a short period. For best results, you will need to wash off the tooth, keep from handling the root of the tooth and call for an appointment.
You can also use a dentist to take care of any fractures in the teeth. Small repairs can be used, but in some moderate cases, a permanent crown can be used for repairing a tooth. An emergency dentist can be used to handle an extruding tooth in that a tooth that has been placed out of its normal alignment can be fixed quickly through the services of a dentist. Gum infections can also be handled.
While change can be useful in some situations, stability is recommended when using a healthcare provider — remaining with the same physician or dentist results in the best care because the provider becomes familiar with the medical history of the patient. When choosing a Family Dentist in Dayton, select a provider that will be around for the long haul.
Depending on current or future dental needs, specialty services may be necessary. For example, a family with children may want a dentist that caters to children and teens, teaching the youngsters proper oral health. Some adults anticipate a need for special treatments like veneers, cosmetic contouring, and smile makeovers. Senior citizens in the family may feel most comfortable with a provider that can address the unique needs of this age group, which include tooth loss and dry mouth.
Get Other Details Regarding the Family Dentist
While services are essential to becoming a lifelong provider, so are convenience factors. If office operating hours are not compatible with the schedules of individual family members, it may become necessary to find a new provider. Families switch insurance plans when they change jobs and dental offices change the methods they accept. If the dentist does not take the dental insurance plan that covers the family, the increase in out-of-pocket expenses may make it difficult for the family to continue seeing this dentist.
Click This Site for getting more information related to Dental Implants in Dayton.
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I think flier teams in general make for bad defensive teams. Flier units are good offensive units but make bad defensive units and are very vulnerable due to archers. With Aversa being common if you want to keep your units nearby each other the best counter is to use a ton of ploy unit, whether normal ploys or panic wards/drives can also work. Whilst I DO agree with you that they not bread line poor, you have to remember that some things in the States aren a direct comparison to this country simply based on socio economic status. In this country even if you earn under I think 11k you can get free/reduced rate dental. Dental insurance in the States is something else and I p sure it isn covered on MedicAid or at least not the actual work past a check up or children dental care.. Thanks for posting this. I met my nevermo husband and was able to make a joyful transition to love non mormon life, but I had friends, roommates all fitting in this demographic, all, for lack of a better word, bewildered they were not married. Relief Society in a ward where a high percentage of the sisters either had established careers or graduate degrees week by week, it turned into a support session, the assumption was that we were all broken somehow, all waiting wistfully for our boats to come in. With Manny/Jeffree now everyone knows all 여수출장마사지 about trademarking laws. Here with Jaclyn people suddenly understand makeup production and what goes down in the lab. Unless you work in those fields, I don see why people act like these things are facts. Most fountains don't need to be hooked up to a water pipe. Once you fill your fountain, the same water circulates through it. You'll need to replace what you lose to evaporation especially in an outdoor fountain but this amount shouldn't be large. In conclusion, patients who suffer from body image dissatisfactions complexes such as BDD, who display strong traits of perfectionism, and who have tinted and unattainable expectations of cosmetic surgery influenced by the media make bad cosmetic surgery candidates. These people enter into surgery with unrealistic expectations, nave understandings about the risks involved with cosmetic surgery and are not satisfied with surgery outcomes as their problems have deeper psychological and emotional roots that require counseling or therapy instead of a quick surgical fix. This contraindicates the outcomes of cosmetic surgery when these people do not have improved self esteem levels or higher satisfaction with their bodies but instead 여수출장마사지 have aggravated BDD symptoms or post surgery depression.. She was born in 1960, the youngest child of two university professors. Her parents divorced when she was still at primary school and she and her older siblings grew up in Oxford. Their father died when Cressida was just 11. Jackie Aina got me into the Smashbox Studio Skin 15 hour wear hydrating foundation. She didn't even put it on her face, she just held it up in a video and said it was a good foundation. I've never seen a foundation with 4.5 stars on Ulta (Born this way, her most highly praised foundation, has 4 stars).. This might sound weird, but depending on what kind of coverage you wear, I'd recommend skipping foundation on your nose. For me, I tend to wear medium coverage or lighter, and because I've always had that same issue, I just stopped wearing foundation on my nose. I'll still use bronzer on it, but nothing with coverage.
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