rachelsextherapy · 6 years
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Body autonomy is the most important message. We need breast feeding awareness because people who do it are getting harassed for it in public. This does not mean that parents who don't participate are wrong or bad... Not just if they can't, but also if they don't want to. #bodyautonomy #breastfeeding Regrann from @sexstuffwithkristin - Awareness, Education, and Support for Breastfeeding is sooooo important, but this often pits breast feeding against formula feeding. Unless you don’t have access to clean/safe water, formula feeding is safe and will provide your child with the sustenance they need to survive. This is coming from a formula fed baby (me!) and a mom who formula fed her child (me again!). Oh & adoption or just prefering not to BF are also reasons to formula feed! There are so many! . . #sexstuffwithkristin #breadtfeeding #awareness #formulafeeding #fedisbest #fedisbestwhetherbottleorbreast #stopshamingparents #stopshamingmoms #stopshamingdads - #regrann
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