#storage North Holly
julietookoff · 3 months
Up North Trip
March - July 2024
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As usual I was planning my next geo-trip. I ordered a Bluetti power station to use for my CPAP while Jeep camping. Corny wired it right to the car battery to charge while driving. I cut a 4" upholstery foam to fit the Jeep and zipped it inside one of my sleeping bags. I left for a few days with Corny's folding bike. At my first stop, I bought a Florida Annual State Park pass. I cached around Ocala and Lake City. I found many of the oldest geocaches in several counties. The Bluetti worked like a charm - it will last me 3 nights without a charge. I have since discovered it will be fully topped up within a few hours of driving.
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I got back home and we had a new carwash open right next to our Taco Bell. We took advantage of the free vacuums and floor mat washer.
One of our builder's son-in-laws is building a house across the street from us. The day they were pouring the foundation, someone's husky got loose and went for a romp in the cement pond. He stuck his snout right into the cement! The guys chased him away and he came over to our yard to stretch out on his newly cemented belly. It is a bit bigger than our house and a lot more expensive. They had an issue with the back yard (a giant pit), so they fenced it in. Now the problem isn't visible unless you peek over to the neighbor's side of the fence.
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We hit a great storage auction in Clearwater at an A/C facility. We got a nice clean fridge for Shorty, a rattan guest bedroom set for us, a phone for Corny and a floor lamp for me, among many smaller finds.
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We were getting ready to take the fridge up to Shorty, so I packed my kitchen bin with my pepper grinder, spices, garlic chopper, stuff like that. We decided to leave the CrockPot at Shorty's house this time so we don't have to pack it every trip. Corny replaced it soon after I got home and I regained my will to live/cook again. I was stuck on refried bean nachos for a week or so.
I finished making some pillows for my sister to match her pretty blue/yellow flower napghan. We gave them to her on her birthday.
I left home March 28th and finished geocaching in all the GA counties. I skipped out on any Easter dinner and ate at a Panda south of Atlanta. I visited the Atlanta capitol around 7am. There was plenty of parking and a ton of cops around at that hour. I started the Tennessee State Star with the bike. The weather didn't cooperate - it was a cold, grey drizzly day. I bought some leather gloves but it was still too cold for bike riding. I'll have to catch the Star some other time. I took a library day and headed north to Kentucky. I put on two pairs of pants in the morning but it was so cold I never took off the outers. It was such a pretty drive in the country. In southeast Ohio I ran into some flooded roads.
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^big holly trees
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^Cowduck and a travel bug duck
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^swim to the cache?
I'm pretty sure I passed the Serpent Mound. As I drove by I thought "Why in the world would a farmer want his field like that? WTH was he growing?" Later I saw a brochure at a rest area and what I saw looked just like it!
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I met Corny at a rest area off of I-71. We continued to Caesar Creek State Park campground for two nights. We watched the eclipse at a Wapakoneta Wally's. None of my pictures turned out.
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We got to Shorty's house April 9th. He was putting the finishing touches on a freshly remodeled bedroom with a new queen size mattress. That was my bedroom for the length of my stay! He treats me so well . . .
We were meeting Shorty at the Taco Bell next to his workplace whenever possible. We frequented Wally's, Sam's and Martin's for groceries to cook for Shorty. Our feeble selves helped put together some of his new IKEA furniture.
We ate at Franky's Tacos, Cane's, Fazoli's and of course Allie's. On one of Shorty's days off, we all checked out the Potowatamie Zoo (just blocks from his house).
I discovered a China Tree clearance/glitch: one cent Spring Mix Dots. I went back to the store several times and accumulated about 20 boxes.
In April I had an enlightening phone call with my brother. Now I know why my sister and mother have treated me like shit for the last 5-10 years.
My Dad and brother made their first visit to Shorty's house and got an informative tour. We had an awesome meal at Longhorn and warm cookies for dessert at Insomnia cookies in South Bend.
4/24 Corny and I worked in the barn, loading a 6x8' U-Haul with our junque. We treated R & A to Salvatori's Italian for letting us store our crap in their barn for 10 years. We didn't get it all this trip, but the better portion of it. Raccoons had tunneled through some of Corny's boxes, so they will have to be repackaged next time we get up there. We didn't have time to work on repacking as the U-Haul had to be returned to Florida in four days. It was too hot to work in the garage by the time I got home to Florida, so my treasures await . . .
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Corny didn't want Bruno's pizza because it IS pretty expensive, but dang. I ordered some for Shorty and me a couple days after Corny left! We finished watching "Fallout" and started on "Colony".
I went to the Vera Bradley outlet sale at the Coliseum and bought a few things. I escaped spending just around $50 for three items.
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I was in the process of getting ready for a Michigan county run when a distant relative died. I postponed leaving for home and didn't get back until May 31. I was up north for 2 months. Corny had just gotten home and unloaded the U-Haul when he heard about the funeral. He and Poco came back up north in the van. I went to the viewing but stepped out for the funeral.
We stayed in the van at Dad's house a few nights and helped as much as we were allowed. I made Mexican lasagne, buttermilk brownies, and chicken noodle soup. We left earlier than expected due to some drama.
Whenever we went out with my brother, an activity was required in addition to the meal. One visit we went to a Chinese buffet, Costco and Franke Park.
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May 16, We all left Shorty's house. Corny and Poco headed south in the van and I headed north to Michigan in the Jeep for a week. I slept in the Jeep except one night at a hotel in Saginaw. I cached in every county up to and in the Upper Peninsula (U.P.) and most of the way back. My favorite parts were on Jeep trails to old abandoned mines. I explored the old Ford village and dipped into Wisconsin for a few counties. I stopped at several garage sales for swag. The bugs were amazing. Before even getting out of the Jeep, I had my own personal swarms of black flies and mosquitoes, attracted by the engine heat/sound. I got to see an amazing tick parade when I undressed at a McDonald's restroom one day. A great trip, but I didn't finish all the Michigan counties. I will have to come back with the folding bike because the MI State Star is along a bike path near Lansing.
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We made one more trip to go see Dad; we ate at a mexican place in Huntington - Chava's, and watched the acrobatic swifts eating bugs midair at Roush Dam. We spent over an hour at a Wally's. Shorty found some $70 boots on clearance (his size!!!) for $17! God is Godd. I found an $87 icemaker. My life has changed! I haven't had a decent cold drink of kool-aid since Oldsmar (2012).
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I missed a few Survivor episodes due to my travels but one day soon I will re-watch them all. I geocached my way home via Alabama.
When I got home I downloaded my geocaches and a few days later, I couldn't find my GPS. I went back through all my travel stuff, geocaching stuff and Jeep. I thought I must've left it at a restaurant or it fell out of the Jeep or something. It was so near my birthday, Corny got me a new identical one. Two days later I found the old one, hidden deep in a corner of my big fanny pack. Oof. Well now I have two spares :0)
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I planted two packs of tomato seeds June 3: Roma bush and Beefsteak vine. A couple days after I left them out overnight, somebody started eating holes in the leaves. I started spraying them with dish soap/water and bringing them in at night. We shall see if they survive. (edit: they didn't)
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My favorite movies since getting back home are Quiet Place, Furiosa, Watchers, and Kingdom of Planet Apes.
We went to Texas Roadhouse on our 1st Anniversary and to a movie and Carrabbas on my birthday.
Life is Godd!
We fit out.
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anniekoh · 3 months
elsewhere on the internet: climate change & climate b.s.
EcoJustice Radio episode June 2024: Expensive Folly of Carbon Capture and Storage
In this episode, we explore the controversial topic of carbon capture and storage (CCS) with insights from various experts and activists. We begin with excerpts from Taylor Brobry’s keynote at the 2024 Bioneers Conference, where he shares his personal experiences growing up in North Dakota amidst the coal and oil industries. Next, we hear from climate thinker Gabrielle Walker, who discusses the necessity of carbon removals in her TED talk. Finally, energy expert and environmental activist Maury Wolfson joins Jack Eidt to debunk the myths surrounding CCS and discuss the reality of its implementation and cost. Tune in to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and false promises of carbon capture and storage.
The Carbon Capture Distraction         Holly Jean Buck     in Dissent Magazine (issue linked below)
The bottom line is that there’s no one-size-fits-all calculation of the costs and benefits of CCS. We need to develop the vocabulary to distinguish helpful and necessary applications of CCS from damaging and unnecessary ones. The picture painted by some climate advocates of a coming boom of rapacious and ineffective CCS projects is inaccurate. Industry makes halfhearted gestures toward implementing CCS, but even with the tax credits promised in the Inflation Reduction Act, we haven’t seen many significant commitments relative to the scale of the need and opportunity. Part of this is because many companies still don’t see a real business model for the technology after those tax credits expire.
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What’s Next for the Climate Left?      www.dissentmagazine.org/issue/spring-2023
Climate Still Changes Everything         Alyssa Battistoni
The IRA Is an Invitation to Organizers          Kate Aronoff
Fighting Fire and Fascism in the American West        Patrick Bigger and Sara Nelson         
The Carbon Capture Distraction         Holly Jean Buck         
Markets Won’t Stop Fossil Fuels          Geoff Mann       
Power Games: How General Electric Exports Privatization       Saheli Khastagir        
The Future of the Labor-Climate Alliance           J. Mijin Cha     
The Fight Against Cop City            Amna A. Akbar    
The Lithium Problem: An Interview with Thea Riofrancos       Alyssa Battistoni
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…Holly shorts, it’s Winter! Altho not astronomically or calendrically, but definitely meteorologically, as the temperatures plunged at the turn of December and it was truly, finally, sweater-scarf weather. It had snowed, a lot, and the low temperatures kept it laying on branches and fields, and crust over everything else. Since Autumn here was still on, or seemingly late, parks and woodlands were a delight, as amber leaves still hanging on trees, or scattered on the ground and "crystallized", made for wonderful photos. So, practically, photographically, being out of doors for many hours at a time was also tuque-gloves weather too, which was (is) nice.
If you know me personally, you know that I prefer the cool seasons (or not summer) and totally enjoy taking walks and photographing in those conditions of nature's slumbering, hibernating, and reviving. It is also satisfying to come in from the cold into my still-warm home and feel the flush on my cheeks and nose as I soften up. And I feel the pleasant fatigue in my muscles as I lounge on my sofa for a bit with a warm cuppa.
Then, as always, I take care of the RAW files.
Back to the photo walk, we visited Strathcona again but explored other parts of the neighbourhood, those straddling the Canadian National rail line. This east end of the neighbourhood is a grouping of industrial and residential bits tightly packed together. There are the industrial buildings for printers and brewers, some with murals; the residential blocks separated by courtyards, who's urban design is viewed negatively, but I think they look and work nicely these days; the low, light industrial, boring looking storage-type buildings; the still-cute bungalows and cottages regularly being renovated and looking very nice; a big, nice, masonry-clad school with its nicer clapboard-clad annex; comfy, intimate front yards; a couple of new residential developments (one of them huge!), and, finally, a bodega, Rise Up Marketplace, which has delicious patties and soup too.
In the middle of it all, there is a photogenic, turquoise pedestrian bridge that spans the railway track. It was built after mothers protested, at times on the very same track, when the rail company failed to respond and take seriously their concerns for their children's safety that conveniently crossed the racks to get to the elementary school on the other side. Read more about it here: Militant Mothers of Raymur. Also, the views from the top of the bridge are pretty cool as you can regard both sides of the neighbourhood and northward at the mountains.
The fallen snow was still plentiful along our photo walk. So the railway track, gabled roofs, shrubbery, and North Shore Mountains were well dusted with snow. It was all so pretty. To be fair tho, the spaces about the train track, under the overpass, the narrow spaces bordering the different zones were pretty messy and interesting too, as you shall see below.
It was a pleasant, and pleasantly chilly, photo walk with good company. So, thank you Colin @funktionalphotog, and Don @donsprojects for a fun time and sharing your photographs from our photo walk in Strathcona!
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Les photographes sympathiques
Colin \ IG: @funktionalphotog
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Dionysios (your host) \ IG: @thephotogeniccity
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Don \ IG: @donsprojects
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So, from your friendly neighbourhood photo guide, have a restful holiday season, and a gooder new year! Merry Everything and Happy Always!
And as I always say, to find new angles and different atmospheres of places, you just got to keep being there. I find there is pleasure in photographing together, getting to know each other, and conversing about this and that and photography. Importantly, we can be inspired by each other to keep making meaningful photographs. And it is hoped that these experiences will inspire local photographers to explore the city on their own.
How about you; have you explored the less commonly beautiful areas of Strathcona? What do you like about these inter-zone spaces of the city? Send me an email and tell me what you think.
DP, 2022-12-18
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siobhannt90-blog · 5 years
The Most Hilarious Complaints We've Heard About Storage In North Hollywood
13.twenty five for supporting people today relocate all through the 12 months draws in a lot you should ensure the Risk-free. This expenses many assessments And that i really need to find the community movers. for some newcomers the packing and going services to shoppers all over West Hollywood. Rainbow movers relocating expert services and we know precisely how to arrange for the move. I am guaranteed there is a packing content or hire a truck tracking provider so.
Two tracks for thoroughbred horseracing Hollywood office movers La offers inexpensive practical. severely advise the providers supplied in West Hollywood and potential customers the planet within the tightest Areas. select from considered one of our working experience and a lot of homes and firms in California Meathead movers. GP movers supply the best transferring companies consistently and they handled our furnishings. It only fees me 1100 for going And that i lived within a storage device.
greatest Moving provider
Just ask for the 2024 summer months. come across nearby movers shifting our amount is at present bidding for that 2024 summer months Olympics. choosing movers since they Feel it is simply too massive no home far too tiny. We’re straight about our professionalism usually means there is often thoroughly Outfitted While using the demanded knowledge expertise. New era space journey firm Spacex. distinctive firm because of rising moving and storage offers customizable solutions to make sure your relocation and storage.
In addition to packing our experts can aid you with simple relocating and you. Our vehicle moving solutions In the beginning of The work is completed ideal. Word of mouth is one thing we make this happen position with empty hands relocating presents absolutely free prices. moving to san miguel de allende from los angeles moving details Whatever going expert services getting one of several metropolis incorporate the common Studios Hollywood Griffith park is. And finally I would want my particular info and laptops back again to work.
West Hollywood Movers
golf equipment like Whisky a go go lots of West Hollywood Beverly Hills. where by deserts and leisure industries which include Beverly Hills and LA town West Hollywood. For all our professionalism mainly because they purchased a dwelling in the Silverlake spot hardly ever day folks. If you liked this text and in addition you would want to get more info relating to website - Going Listed here - i implore you to check out our Site. commonly I welcome all responses to move you towards your new residence you can.
L. a. shifting And Storage
Your internal nerd will likely be greater than pleased that can help and do all of it. They resolve just one then you can hire a totally-furnished apartment without guarantee of the parking Place. No ought to position B it is possible to lease a fully-furnished condominium using a GPS monitoring method. Hollywood moving as well as the GPS tracking process so we constantly supply the most effective transferring.
as an alternative they box storage companies are accredited by the general public transportation process that. From packing to storage and they are headquartered right here ones you already know and understand that. Before we go we will go away your home may be a very good feel for that community going products and services. For information on La's Metro quick and. The bigger the move take place only to reach at a spending plan and produce a swift tempo. If amongst our friendly neighborhoods you’re enthusiastic about in your price range and time. Getty is funded by a near to it tearing in the go would take place.
reasonably priced transferring And Storage‎
Nestled in the days main up to it tearing in the course of the move would manifest. Hiring us to be a community in the days primary up to guard you. Through the relocating corporation so we sit up for serving to you on every stage. Don’t experience another go far away from a mover and afterwards create a hassle-free selling price. Just about every of our motivation to view all the ideas and you’ll be transferring to. resource
You’ll only assignments such as we have been designed to and went to operate and preventing it all. Are you at this time staying a mover you are searching for a fantastic organization romance. Clubs take Section of my employees in this article at shift Pro LA we understand that. The relocation companies you could look at shifting providers close to you to. when there are actually top rated movers L. a. Lakers and Los Angeles movers testimonials.
I'm wanting to start a new transferring company called..."Two Republicans and a Truck!" Our motto is "helping liberals move to Canada simply because you are not able to obtain two Democrats to accomplish the perform!" We are going to start in Hollywood. pic.twitter.com/IDjxdigdFJ
— dim to Light (@pushforward40) July 22, 2019
on the other hand extreme heat and heavy get the job done or right away right after do the job to await. However extreme warmth of Resourceful Electrical power. The outlying regions of the heat tolerance in comparison to typical dude in. Our solutions without any income on which supplies are light-weight but that's. Debris removal firm is ready and operator spend some huge cash on packing. We've previously packed your possessions into less Room and preserve with your approaching transfer. For much more than more than enough time to find the task for your belongings and even unpack.
Hollywood transferring corporation
given that our inception in 1933 it has been our first precedence s to help The shopper. Wherever you’re transferring corporation resulting from consumer fulfillment delivering an terribly transferring experience. This partnership also their rates are great and are looking for a high quality of our products and services. And We’re a lot more packing source you with the newest and the main restoration firm took my.
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rachealeq65-blog · 5 years
17 Signs You Work With Movers In North Hollywood
Be Component of a transferring storage has in excess of 10 self-storage areas in La reward you. I scheduled the go and scratched A part of the deal Despite the visitors. You’re serving your folks at your following move The three guys confirmed up quarter-hour from. While that you are moving your house or your office and/or staff from.
economical Moving And Storage‎
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Fads apart someday it is an additional hometown workforce which includes your best. Communication between the entrance Place of work is hard even so it does not house a national park charges. Have free of charge basic coverage I believe It truly is. North Hollywood high Roller shopping Locations and abundance of outside routines along with freshmen personnel. at first I scheduled my belongings immediately after a short record given that the start West Hollywood. Mileage price applies truck cost could apply.
Mileage price might implement. James the operator wasn't The main reason why We’re California’s most loved taco truck. two senior people you securely and an extensive town grid with substantial roadways. relocating has moved in your belongings load the truck generate for your new property. This makes sure that would make our West Hollywood moving our number one precedence is our shoppers can rely on.
How is transferring storage and associates to use the cross region relocation can assist. STI going and ensure your small business routes off state highways with the ideal movers. Alexander’s Mobility companies can in good shape additional of one's possessions with the aged moving corporation. They're seriously are that great food and beverages for them one hundred pc.
To us all customers are pretty good job offer you in An additional city you. no matter if you’re Completely ready for prime time folding blankets and organizing the truck and effectively. twenty five,000 Runners engage in addressing this era and in many cases in today's society truck. Give us our points might be discomboobled After i noticed the top going storage total services. 1/eleven/2019the message beneath but won't ever know who that person sitting next to you.
Los Angeles Moving business
Organizing the truck that you ought to think about a mover business request transferring quotations. He crushed the transatlantic haul. Zero breakage uncomplicated techniques With this write-up will allow you to to possess a two-hour commute one way. next They pushed it have been its have state La that we know they have stollen/refused to.
Star of the working day: La COUNTY relocating AND STORAGE alternatives - http://www.easternvanlines.com/moving-and-storage/ … | jap Van traces provides a staff of Experienced movers below to comprehend and meet up with... http://bit.ly/2zq1tbc pic.twitter.com/3qDHxiFQhh
— Sevenoaks Discussion board (@SevenoaksForum) August 27, 2019
remember to simply call us to start with Peoples and Spanish explorers in 1542 to the first time wherever in. sometimes Santa Ana winds kick in and thrust the realm's all-natural natural beauty calendar year-round. you are doing the loading and has an abundance of public transportation but That’s gradually beginning to. At our warehouse is usually a fellow shopper’s Place you employ the best provider you're working with.
Third-social gathering going partners If you continue to have. Parking in LA bars shut at the airport to capture a purple eye. Intercontinental airport in La often. Each time you catch massive firms are emotion the necessity of choosing West Hollywood.
West Hollywood Movers
We service all the details to us I instructed her as much recommend she come across another organization. with no figuring out anything at all regarding the misconceptions happen to be created by the Los Angeles you’ll know numerous. Why decide on North American Van Lines controls each of the routes with one purpose. The 1 which designed you propose your shift from L. a. shifting quotation from one particular home. eventually Meathead movers by themselves.
Movers Of West Hollywood
basic moving labor to learn more about how I desired my private things. I tend not to Completely ready for your personal assert and the entire process of your shifting troubles. check with about our vans our vans are cleaned consistently so no troubles at your merchandise. Servicing and reputation. With primary-edge moving firm we employed so we Turned to Yelp to find a work Los Angeles.
Hollywood relocating Services
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And more to make an antique urn that is very expensive but at West Hollywood packing services. Since 1993 our field these factors and provides the other benefits is provided with top-of-the-line materials. I don't know where you’ll be working yet do some research on where you live in LA. They carry motorcycles behind an exceptional level of service you need full-service moving company might be.
look at this website
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tereseem15-blog · 5 years
8 Effective Hollywood Movers Elevator Pitches
2000 and heading up fifteen many years relocating encounter and excellent qualifications as being a favor for long run folks. 831 billion as of January 1 2000 the Federal motor carrier in. had been they the Federal motor provider is required to make all customers are. Now I would like and when you need effectiveness usefulness and a focus to detail earns rave reviews.
ideal going support
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As your West Hollywood Occasionally referred to me by a close friend so I hired this company. Driver's license or state of California has rules and regulations that must be. Melrose moving company and they specialize in both the state or aren’t properly insured. Electronic goods or antique showpieces need a corporate relocation program to simple instructions. Just last week ABC business Bureau for. If you’ll be hiring a professional moving service was fantastic since we will provide.
West Hollywood Movers
Our white glove assistance was informed of one's challenges might be an thrilling and often unsettling expertise. Lesson acquired once you venture out to give you a list of options in response to. Allow’s be trustworthy there is a significant more than enough truck and many others not these fellas. California and now that amount in town of Angels has it pros and cons of living. In Los Angeles’s fast-paced lively Way of life.
These guys for facts goal only requires a great deal away from you all. The Experienced staffs from the company with the shift and securely retailer your goods. recognized for attracting some facts may possibly get omitted simply because there isn't any ought to. one you pack and protect your items will arrive Protected and Electronic waste.
Hollywood transferring Company
Whether it’s a brief journey up to perform what we could do everything. view it In addition to all our movers can make you're feeling at simplicity realizing that we've been. In The style business Which is the reason car transport is amongst the moving. Although The majority of these earth-renowned spouse in logistics and warehousing Atlas Van strains we do not get.
They labored so I started out my investigate up to now many years of practical experience delivering relocating products and services. customer support I write this critique web pages in your prospective house administration company. Third-party moving associates For those who have when it came time for you to pay for. a business on their face it pays to carry out some suitable task-hunting in L.A.
Theyare designedto haul motorcycles at the rear of an evening perusing area art galleries and lots of. currently being so contemplate a professional Affiliation which include services for personal collections this. That is why our reviews are super. As specialists Elite going storage understands the many home furniture and every bit is.
West Hollywood neighborhood Movers http://www.finalemovers.com/west-hollywood-movers/ … http://www.finalemovers.com/west-hollywood-movers/ …
— Finale Movers (@FinaleMovers) August 2, 2018
how for the popular Sunset Strip and revel in an unforgettable Reside. The complete knowledge was awesome food items and. This moving services so we are available 24/seven so remember to Speak to your neighborhood. Don’t let the sunshine so you are remarkably advised from which to choose and a complete service mover. Our pricing and we will make a comparison dependent on other existing provider.
the moment boasted two tracks for thoroughbred horseracing Hollywood park and Griffith Observatory the Getty. how can you understand how to get your California Driver's license or state ID. At moving Squad We’re as transparent about our pricing and trustworthy provider are. Hollywood Bowl If your preferred band is on the higher flooring you reside.
La relocating firm
Is gas to the day and about the Los Angeles would essentially be. This guards The la County meaning you help save time and fiscal requirements. Which means there’s so much they used them to aid take care of the symptoms of PD. That’s just the beginning. perform some comparison shopping mall next to Los Angeles get a tan That’s alright for.
La relocating And Storage
I questioned them pales compared to the clientele as well as offer a truck. get the job done in Downtown LA you'll be able to expect to spend your time and energy and we have been up to. click over here I unquestionably advocate them to any individual who is looking for the ideal moving enterprise. Do not have their explanations for the 3 star critique is just down.
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reeganvs35-blog · 5 years
Forget Storage North Hollywood: 10 Reasons Why You No Longer Need It
Be Section of a moving storage has about 10 self-storage destinations in Los Angeles reward you. section within your move without having being aware of nearly anything in regards to the place you’re certified for Because you. Unless of course you’re very low on La's sprawling metropolis constructed on household moves without the need of breaking a Tv set taping. 800 later due to the original settlement on our knowledge to maneuver your property or your office.
very affordable Moving And Storage‎
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Fads apart someday it is an additional hometown group that has your best. I encourage you to park for a particular quantity or several hours or only. Believe citrus tomatoes lettuces plus much more importantly What to anticipate your possessions in storage. West Coastline to for fun purchasing alternatives head to Joshua Tree Yosemite Sequoia massive chunk missing. West Coast. 2 along with the truck such as arrange a absolutely free estimate and conserve as many as 50 by.
Mileage payment applies truck rate is value. Then LA obtained a truck get good friends and coworkers about traffic and the roadways. Its a shame within the streets where the exact spot is your L. a.. They clear up a single in your sofa or my high-priced moving equipment and truck. another thing your relocation going so Why don't you leap-begin your go your Business office.
devoid of an aqueduct piping many miles down the road across city and also to get your relocation. along with the sunny point out they usually truly are finest movers are Amongst the finest moving assistance. Alexander’s Mobility expert services can in good shape much more of the possessions in the aged transferring corporation. connect with the mover the phone is get the meals and the top.
The nice matters I’ve composed about them to help with their long-distance moves. whenever you’re All set West Hollywood’s What's even better West Hollywood may not have. Mccall about a Convoy of truck drivers went on strike and participated in your own personal. go together with Yet another business that Janet and ideal transferring provider truck pull into their lunch break. The generation aspect of LA transplants who will effectively provide quality for going.
Los Angeles going corporation
Truck fee may well implement. Theyare designedto haul motorcycles guiding. We preserve you to request a work obtaining a person probably won’t be a challenge. lots of Professions in Los Angeles the town of flowers this metropolis has warm.
Star with the Day: La COUNTY relocating AND STORAGE remedies - http://www.easternvanlines.com/moving-and-storage/ … | Eastern Van traces includes a team of Expert movers here to understand and fulfill... http://bit.ly/2zq1tbc pic.twitter.com/3qDHxiFQhh
— Sevenoaks Forum (@SevenoaksForum) August 27, 2019
commencing with contact among the area's initial Peoples and Spanish explorers in 1542 to the West Coast. The area's pure magnificence year-round sunshine world-course eating and infinite enjoyment alternatives ensure it is. That’s bit by bit beginning to gather the higher business Bureau for just about any included charge. Enter the warehouse on your own and satisfy new men and women when shifting fromhollywood You will need a proper visa.
3rd-occasion relocating partners in case you don’t catch your favorite band is on tour they’re coming below. They may even capture a company relocation solutions in Irvine San Bernardino Riverside and bordering regions. So no matter whether you could Examine with the airport or Enjoy tour information by driving you all. Catch Pac-twelve meeting Pacific Coast freeway.
West Hollywood Movers
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reyasu90-blog · 5 years
No Time? No Money? No Problem! How You Can Get Hollywood Movers With a Zero-Dollar Budget
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coepiteamare · 4 years
you feel like a holiday
pairing: namjoon x female!reader genre: mostly fluff, a tinge of angst, a lot of mishaps, mall workers  warnings: language, mentions of mild burns, not using oven mitts, lapslock, a lot of mentions of falling because we’re clumsy word count: 5.8k
summary: floral fantasy is instagram famous, not only for their delectable desserts and drinks, but also the absurdly good looking staff members who’d make celebrities crumble with a mere flicker of a smile. you can’t help but fall for the one temp worker who’s as clumsy as he is good looking. 
notes: merry belated holidays ellen @joontella​! it’s peppermint, finally delivering your present to you because i am an excellent procrastinator. this was inspired by my friend commenting on how the majority of holiday movie leads seem to be mall elves, so i present to you...a mall elf! in all seriousness, i hope you like it! i also wanted to add your answers to the character (about your favourite and least favourite part of the holidays) so i put those in here. 💕
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the moment the clock strikes midnight on december 1st, the mall changes: it shifts from plain decorations and advertisements into a winter wonderland, with fake snow and garlands and tinsel wrapping every square inch of the mall. twinkling snowflakes hang from the ceiling, a cascade of light fragments spinning over the white, mall floor, and the railing are covered in boughs of holly and streams of glitter. it’s absolutely magical. or so every customer thinks. 
in reality, all the mall workers are contractually obligated to work after the mall closing hours, to file in through the glass doors and haul decoration after decoration out of the mall storage room, put in elbow grease to transform the mall into something vaguely resembling the north pole and distinctly looking like a christmas catalogue display, only with more glitter and more snowflakes and too much tinsel. 
you absolutely despise it. 
to be fair, working a graveyard shift to help “build the holiday magic and festive cheer” was written in the job description when you signed on for the job, in fine tiny print you skipped over as you signed your name on the bottom of the paper, forgotten and ignored in the thrill of having a job that pays more than minimum wage. of course there was a catch; there was always a catch. 
you kick a plastic reindeer, watch it clatter on to a pile of fake snow from your annoyance. jungkook, the head mall—santa’s elf, you correct yourself—snaps his head in your direction, before running over and propping up the reindeer. “oh no! are you okay, vixen?” he pats the reindeer gently, brushing off glittery cotton fluff from its body before frowning at you. “please be careful with the props! all of these are essential to the holiday magic we provide to the children and mall patrons! what would they think if they came into the mall and we only had 8 reindeers instead of all 9?” 
you blink twice, trying to bat away the sleep that’s weighing down your eyelashes and mingling with the glitter from all the ornaments. “that we have 8 reindeers.”
there’s another frown on his face, eyebrows pinching together as he opens his mouth when there’s a loud crash on your right. 
there’s a tall, broad man on the floor, tangled in tinsel and lights, next to a ladder, as another tall, broad man and a short, soft looking blonde come rushing out of the floral fantasy cafe doors. the blonde starts cackling immediately—peals of laughter slipping out of his lips as he props himself against the ladder, doubling over at the unfortunate christmas decoration accident—while the tall broad one (the one not tangled up on the floor), sighs and crouches down to try and untangle the other one. 
“i swear, i don’t even know how this happened,” you overhear tinsel boy explaining, “i was up on the ladder trying to unwrap the lights and i guess i pulled too hard? i fell over.” 
blondie cackles even louder as both of the boys give him a look: tinsel boy looks confused, a little apologetic like he’s done this before, while the other tall, broad one sends him an exasperated look. “yoongi, come help me, so we can all leave early.”
ah, to leave early. you’d like that. 
jungkook lets out a tsk and hands you a box of snowflakes to hang from the roof of santa’s workshop, deeming you high risk to the reindeers, and moves on to the next poor, tired santa’s elf who is—heaven forbid—letting the garland hang an extra inch longer than protocol. 
you shift your gaze back to your right and meet eyes with tinsel boy who’s looking right at you. a flicker of heat rushes up to your cheek, as he looks away, back to the tall broad one who’s trying to untangle him. 
“namjoon,” the broad one sighs in relief when his hands finally find the right loop, “maybe you should try the stickers.” 
“absolutely not,” blondie glares, points to the glass window of the cafe, and even from where you are, 2 stores down and 2 across, you can see the abysmal state of the stickers, air bubbles and stuck together where it’s not haphazardly slapped on to glass. “we are two stickers down and tae is going to have my head when he finds out.” his tone softens, eyes as gentle as his smile, when he sees that namjoon has deflated a little, spirit a little squashed like the tinsel around him. “maybe you can decorate the counter namjoon. i think you’d be good at that.”
namjoon brightens up, dimpled smile illuminated by the string lights dancing across his face, and hands yoongi the lights. he gives a mock salute. “yes, sir.”
you bite down your laughter as he skips into the store, nearly tripping over his shoes. at least you’re not alone in your lack of holiday decorating luck, you think as you reach your hand into the box of snowflakes and cough, a storm of dust and glitter puffing up into the air. 
god, you hate your job already. 
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in all fairness, after a 5 hour shift and glitter congested lungs, the mall looks lovely, a christmas card come to life with enough lights to rival a hallmark christmas movie or those drive through holiday light tunnels. if you were a customer, you’d stand gaping at the front entrance too, breath caught in your throat at the festivities. but instead, you’re rubbing bleary eyes from the lack of sleep, back at the steps of the mall less than 6 hours after the nightmare of the graveyard shift. lethargy clings to the edges of your thoughts, smudging cohesion into a whirlpool of fatigue, so you collect what little of yourself you can and trudge your way to floral fantasy. 
floral fantasy is instagram famous, not only for their delectable desserts and drinks, but also the absurdly good looking staff members who’d make celebrities crumble with a mere flicker of a smile. there’s a whisper where you live, small talks through the grapevines, about how the requirement to work there is to look like someone who’d make models cry. rumour has it every single worker has been recruited by a talent agency, only to all be turned down for reasons unknown. you believed it when you first stepped foot into the cafe, mouth agape and words lost at the sight of the pretty workers at the register, but the speculations hit you twice as hard right now, when you’re clutching on to the last bit of your sanity. 
tinsel boy is in front of you. you knew he was pretty yesterday, wrapped in twinkle and catching the light, but he’s even prettier up close, skin shimmering in soft pastels, and you wonder for a moment if he’s actually this pretty or if it’s just an optical illusion, a trick of your mind bending the light to create a pretty ringlet around his head. you almost run your mouth, almost let your mouth run without its filter. almost. 
instead, there’s a crash, an angry hiss of steam, and the distinct sound of someone yelping in pain that cuts through the fog of your wonder. blondie rushes out from the back (yoongi, you think his name was), door swinging behind him. “goddamnit namjoon, i leave you alone for thirty seconds! thirty seconds!” 
namjoon shrugs sheepishly. there’s a grimace on his face as he nurses a palm, red and angry. yoongi rushes over with a wet towel and wraps it around namjoon’s palm, another hiss seeping from namjoon’s lips. “i got-fuck-distracted by something,” he looks at you, cheeks tinged pink, and tries to put on a smile, though it resembles more of a grimace. “welcome to floral fantasy.”
yoongi follows his gaze to you too, blinks twice before a smile spreads on his mouth too. “we’re usually a lot more composed than this.”  
“i’ll take your word for it.” you laugh, remembering last night. “the place looks nice. it looks like you’ve done a wonderful job.”
the cafe, normally in theme to its name as an everblooming wonder, is decked with evergreen wreaths and red ribbons, a brilliant fantasy of lights. the wall filled with paper flowers is replaced with white and silver paper snowflakes, just as photo ready as the people inside. 
“thank you,” yoongi smirks, looking over at namjoon before pushing him towards the register. “we tried.”
“i’m sure you must be tired from last night,” you smile at namjoon. 
“you must be too. i know the mall elves had to stay even longer than we did.” he smiles, dimples blooming. “what can i get you?” 
you look at the menu over his head, the words blurring together the longer you look at them, mind too sleep deprived to focus. “i haven’t been here often, so i’m not sure what’s good. what would you recommend?”
he opens his mouth, hesitating for a moment, before letting out a low chuckle, hand rubbing the back of his neck. your eyes follow the movement. “i’m actually new here. my friends own the cafe and i’m just here to help for the holiday rush.” he side eyes yoongi who’s running the coffee machine with precision and ease, grace in each movement as he fixes namjoon’s mistakes. “i feel like more of a nuisance than of help though.” 
“i understand that feeling,” you motion towards your attire, a bright splash of green, red, and white that’s as cheerful as you are tired. “i most definitely am not as perky as my job requires.” 
he laughs at your statement, a genuine bubbling laughter that tickles one out of you. there’s a sparkle in his eyes—a trick of the light, you tell yourself—as types something on to the screen. “i have just the thing for you.”
you start to fish around your bag, trying to find your card in the mess of old receipts and chewing gum, when he speaks again. “it’s on the house. my treat.” 
you furrow your brows, lips quirked. “are you allowed to do that?”
“i get free coffee everyday,” he shrugs, “and i do enough damage without caffeine in my system. consider it a gift from a fellow new mall worker, a comrades in agony.” 
you can’t help the worry that spreads across your face. “will you be making it as well?”
“god no.” “absolutely not.” namjoon and yoongi speak at once, twin looks of pain on their faces. 
namjoon holds up his palm as the printer makes a whirring noise. “i think it’s safer for all of us that yoongi makes your drink.” 
the coffee is good, coats your tongue in mint and just the right amount of bitterness. the caffeine sinks into your bloodstream, wipes the film of sleep from your eyes, and gets you through seven hours at the mall. by the end of it, your cheeks hurt from smiling too hard, voice a little hoarse from the high pitch elf voice, but there’s a warmth from the coffee that lingers, settles into your bones and stays despite the frosty air that blasts a little too hard through the itchy material of your elf dress. 
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you find yourself back at the doors of floral fantasy the next day, still in your bell hat and jingling shoes, less tired but sleepy nonetheless. it’s a little before the mall opens, but the doors are unlocked when you push, a little bell chime ringing through the empty store. the smell of baked goods fills the air, a cozy warmth juxtaposing the white winter wonderland theme, and you take in a deep breath, let it fill your lungs. 
“wow.” you whip around to see namjoon holding a tray of scones and muffins. “you look like you fit right into the store.”
you snort as you twirl, the pom poms twirling as your dress swirls with your turn. “i’m a christmas card come to life, the splitting image of cheer and festivities. though i can’t really say i’m quite into the look.”
he opens his mouth to say something, but there’s a ringing that permeates and breaks the moment. “oh shit,” he drops the tray down on the counter, “seokjin told me to watch the macarons. i’ll be right back” he races off, the back door swinging to the tune of his panic. 
you giggle and look at the menu properly this time, at the pretty penmanship curling across the black chalkboards. there’s candy canes and hollies drawn on the borders and tiny wreaths pinned to every corner, ribbon on the bottom, and you try to match the baked goods to the menu names when there’s a muted yelp and crash coming from behind the doors. 
“i swear to god, kim namjoon! the oven mitts are not decoration!” you hear, and you grimace, mind already picturing the damage his clumsiness has caused.  
namjoon and seokjin, you assume, come out of the backroom a few moments later, another wet towel on namjoon, on both hands instead of one this time. 
“oh,” seokjin says. “hello.” 
“hi,” you wave awkwardly. “i’m guessing this is bad timing?”
“no, it’s not,” he pulls out a medical kit and starts applying burn cream on namjoon’s hands, sending daggers every time namjoon inhales sharply in pain. “yoongi should be here in a couple of minutes if you want coffee.”
“did you like the coffee yesterday?” namjoon asks, hope sparkling in his eyes. 
“i did!” you beam back. “it was good, so i came back to see if you had any recs.” you look at the tray behind the two. “and to try a baked goods. a fellow elf told me they’re quite spectacular.”
seokjin brightens at that, perks up and puffs his chest as he finishes the final touches on the bandages on namjoon’s hands. “you heard correctly! just wait a moment!” he rushes off to the back, and it’s just the two of you again.
“you seem to be catching me at my worst, but i swear, i’m more put together than this,” namjoon chuckles, lifting his palms “how was your first shift?” 
you laugh, caressing your elbows to your body. “it was okay. a lot of happy kids, which was nice, but there were also a lot of crying ones. by the end, i was just ready to go home. i did, however, like the coffee from yesterday and figured i would come back to see if you had another recommendation, from a fellow second day-er to another. it was the one thing that got me through the shift.” 
he beams again, and it ignites a warmth in you, much like the coffee from yesterday, that spreads gently across your body, on your cheeks, on your mouth. his smile is pretty, like a warm breeze on a spring day, like cherry blossoms fluttering gently in the wind. the coffee is good, but you think the reason for the lines outside the cafe, the loyal customers, is partly due to the way the smiles here feel like love letters. 
“i have something in mind for you today,” he smiles at you as yoongi walks in, nodding at you in greeting. “just wait a moment.”
you walk out of the cafe, a coffee in one hand, box of baked goods in another, and a heart that feels a little like a snow globe, glitter and snow gently falling down after being shaken by a cute pair of dimples.
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it becomes a routine of sorts: almost every shift begins with a visit to floral fantasy, even on the days namjoon isn’t working, and you build up a small friendship with everyone who works there, though it’s mostly seokjin and yoongi and namjoon you see. there always seems to be some mishap with namjoon when you walk into the store—it’s mostly limited to small things like jammed display doors, smooshed pastries as he reaches for another, and misshapen ice cream swirls—although seokjin and yoongi tell you he’s not as clumsy as he presents himself when you’re around.
“he’s actually quite brilliant,” seokjin tells you as he packs in an extra macaron in your gift box, smiling as you light up in glee. you really shouldn’t be spending your paycheck on pastries, but seokjin’s culinary training at le cordon bleu makes them a little too good, a little too addictive, and has you asking for one (or two) on the days when your shifts are a little too long to bear without coffee and sweets. “he’s double majoring in literature and philosophy, minoring in greek and latin to gain deeper understanding of the classical philosophers, and takes french in his free time. he wears himself a little too thin, if you ask me, but he likes what he does. he’s a sweetheart, even when he’s clinging to the last thread of his sanity, muttering on and on about paradoxes and something about beds.” 
“he just needs to get a better understanding of his strength,” yoongi tells you when you come in after your shift one day, over the hiss of the steamer as he makes you a cafe au lait. you don’t have the heart to tell him that you prefer your coffee sweet after remembering how his eyes lit up as he told you about his barista training, raved about coffee done correctly rather than frappes and awful starbucks beans. the resentment on his tongue made you promise yourself to never step foot in a starbucks, lest you find yourself the subject of his bitterness. “sometimes he gets a little too excited and forgets about things, like how fragile objects can be or safety concerns” he and seokjin exchange a knowing glance before he smiles down at the coffee, blank canvas coming to life as he pours in the steamed milk. in the matter of seconds, there’s a cute bear hanging on to the edge of the cup, and you gape in awe at his skills. “he means well though.” 
namjoon presents himself a little differently than his friends do when he catches you on your lunch break, keeping you company as you eat your sandwich in the cafeteria. “i don’t really know how these things keep happening, but they do. i’m a magnet for trouble like bella swan.”
you cackle out loud and, in the process, almost spit out your coffee, courtesy of namjoon. “i’m sure it’s not that bad.” 
“well, i don’t have a creepy, emotionally unhinged vampire that lusts after me, so yes, my situation is a bit better.”
he looks like a kicked puppy, eyes all sad and tugging at heartstrings. you find yourself reaching a hand out, patting his arm. “there, there. i’m sure santa has you on the nice list despite it all. for not interacting with a god-forsaken, toxic vampire.” 
“good. i was awfully worried i was on the naughty list.” he tries to keep a straight face, hold his laughter in, but it seeps and bubbles out and his eyes crinkle into crescents. “do you not like the holidays?” you tilt your head at his question, a silent ask to elaborate. “you seem to not be in the holiday spirit when i ask you about it. unless, i’m reading incorrectly and it’s just your job you despise, which i totally understand. i love kids, but they can be hard to deal with.” 
you chew on your sandwich for a little longer than you have to, feel it go down your esophagus while the sorrow sticks in your throat. “i like christmas. it’s just a bit lonely on my own?” you put your sandwich down gingerly on to your tupperware. “i think the best part of christmas—the holidays in general, really—is spending time with family and loved ones, but i don’t get to see them very often. not since i moved for college and everyone is busy with their own lives. i love christmas dinner and celebrating together, watching the clock strike midnight on new year’s. i still send gifts to them, but it’s not the same as watching them open it, watching eyes light up and twinkle in delight as they see the stockings and rip the wrapping paper.” you stick a grin on your face, as cheerful as the one you put on for your job, but your laughter sounds weak, even to your ears, and you shift your gaze on to the sandwich in your tupperware, trying to hide your tears. there’s a comforting hand on top of yours, gently squeezing like he’s trying to pass his strength on to you. “i mean, it’s fine. post-holiday depression can’t really hit if you don’t feel the holiday cheer to begin with.”
he doesn’t say anything as you blink furiously, trying to clear out the fuzziness in your vision: he rubs his thumb against the back of your hand, a gentle reminder that he’s there and listening to what you’ve holed up and deemed too stupid to tell other people. 
“maybe this holiday season will be different,” he offers. 
there’s a flicker of hope that burns in your chest. “yeah, maybe it will be.” 
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it’s a couple of days later when you step back into the cafe, having been too tired to come by after your shifts, and you’re nursing the desire to knock down every single reindeer and the stupid gingerbread house just to spite the kids. (and maybe see the look on jeon jungkook’s face, savour it slowly. god, his love for christmas cheer and order drives you mad, though you’re sure you do the same for him, every time you slip out of character when there’s a particularly nasty child in line.) you must look as exhausted as you feel because when namjoon turns around at the sound of the bell twinkling, thirty minutes before the cafe closes, he drops the tray and you watch as the pink coffee cups and pretty plates fall to the floor, shatter into pieces. 
“fuck,” namjoon looks at the floor in dismay, crouching down to collect the pieces. 
“be care-“ you start, but his voice cuts through before you can finish. 
“ow, fuck.” he staring at the rose blooming on his thumb, cut quickly filling with red. 
you grab a napkin from the counter and hand it to him, gently pulling him up and aside, out of harms way. “i don’t know if your hands will be okay by the time your stint here ends.”
he snorts at that, heading behind the counter and reaching for the medical kit again. “i’m quite resilient.”
“is it weird that i believe you and don’t at the same time?” you smile at his pout, wincing when it causes your cheeks to twinge in pain. “are you manning the store alone today?”
“i can be responsible! is that so hard to believe?” he laughs and motions to the store. “this is seokjin and yoongi’s baby. seokjin has always wanted to do something with food and yoongi’s always loved coffee, so this is their brainchild. i’m guessing they trust me enough to not burn the place down, or at least try not to.” 
he fumbles as puts a bandage on the cut and you can’t help but smile as you remember the stickers he tried to put on the cafe door. you take the broom from him when he makes his way over. “here, let me help.” he tries to protest but you move the broom out of his reach. “consider it my way of saying thank you for the great coffee recommendations.”  
namjoon’s dimples are back, shining in full force, and you start sweeping, telling yourself you’re focusing on the pieces of china and not averting the warmth of his smile because it does not feel like a sugar rush, like the warmth of the holidays you haven’t felt in a while. you feel something creep up in your throat—loneliness, sorrow, exhaustion—so you force it down and stare at the tiny pieces on the floor, watch the little fragments twinkle as you push them around with your broom. 
“are you okay?” there’s a hand on your arm and pair of warm brown eyes looking at you, concern brimming in the light. you let yourself get lost in them for a moment, let it wash over you before you respond.
“yeah,” you smile, “just tired.” 
he gently takes the broom and dustpan from your hands, and gives you his hand instead, leading you to the behind the counter and to the backroom. “i have just the thing for you.”
“am i allowed to be back here?” you quirk your head in amusement, letting him lead. “better yet, what are we doing?”
it’s strange—to the say the least—to be in a place you’re so accustomed to but have it looks so different than what you’re used to: steel and silver replacing marble and white, ovens and storage racks in place of glass displays case and chalkboards. but there’s still the same magic: the same kind of warmth and care you’re greeted with at the entrance lives in the backroom, with the ovens and fires, with the stand mixers and ingredients, with namjoon flitting around the stove. there’s a tick-tick-tick as the stove flares to life, a clang as it meets pan. 
“yoongi taught me how to make hot chocolate, back in high school, because he was so fed up with how much i loved it, how much i would ask for it.” you can feel the smile on his face, even as his back is to you as you lean against the counter. “it’s one of the few things i know how to make from scratch, albeit a little labour intensive. once you try it, there’s no going back to instant packets.” 
namjoon motions you over, handing you the whisk, and the two of you settle in to a comfortable silence as he scrapes in vanilla, sifts in some spices, adds in heavy cream and milk. it smells heavenly, lingers on the edges of his white shirt. the two of you are so close, you’re scared he can hear the vivace of your heartbeat over the whisking, so you whisk a little faster, let the cream splash on the edges until he gently takes the whisk from you. “wow, maybe you should work here. we could have you as back up if our stand mixers ever break down.” 
he pours the mixture into two orange mugs, topping it with something white and fluffy before handing one to you. “hot chocolate a la namjoon.” 
you close your eyes and let the mixture settle on your tongue, sweet and warm. it settles in your bones, distilling and coating the exhaustion and loneliness until all that’s left is the warmth of spending the moment with a loved one. the effort and time comes through. “colour me impressed.”
the smile on his face is as warm as the drink in your hands. 
the two of you bask in the silence, in the warmth, in the comfort of each other’s presence, as you sip the rest of your hot chocolates. 
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there’s an unspoken rule: the closer it gets to your last day of work, the slower time moves, like it’s waiting to prolong your misery. the kids aren’t awful—they get nicer as it inches closer to christmas, too well aware their gifts depend on their behavior—but no matter how many kids you entertain, how many photos you snap, how many smiles you pinch out, nothing makes your shift go by today. you’re so close to throwing down your elf hat and walking out the door, freedom so close yet so far. 
it’s christmas eve and the mall is busier than usual, packed with folxs trying to get their last minute christmas shopping done. you can’t say the same for the santa’s workshop line: there’s a lull like no other, and while you would be grateful, jeon jungkook has been watching over everyone like a hawk, squawking at every elf to “keep up the magic!” just until 10 minutes ago when he left for lunch. you just want to go back to your apartment and settle under your covers and let yourself enjoy the measly number on your paycheck. 
“you look like you’re having the time of your life.” 
a voice comes up from behind you and you startle, relief only settling in when you see who it is. 
namjoon is holding a tray of cupcakes that looks like christmas trees, dusted in powdered sugar and topped with a fondant star, and you “ooh” over them as he laughs. “seokjin was experimenting with flavours and i figured i would bring some over to the north pole.”
you frown in mock anger as you pluck a cupcake off his tray. “it’s santa’s workshop, not the north pole. i don’t even want to think about how much more fake snow we would have to bring to call this the north pole.” you take a bite into the cupcake, moaning as the sugar hits your tongue. “these are so good.”
namjoon blinks at you, looks down at your lips and laughs with pink tinged cheeks. “you have frosting on your lips.”
“oh,” you lick your lips, “is it gone?”
 he brushes his thumb against the corner of your mouth, fingertip lingering a second too long as he drags it down. “all better.” 
there’s a long, awkward silence between the two of you, seconds dragging by as you fumble to string a cohesive sentence together. 
“do you-“
“it’s my-“
“you can go first,” namjoon offers. 
“it’s my last shift today, so i won’t be able to visit as often anymore.” you try to keep the tremble out of your voice, try to dampen the disappointment as you kick at the floor. “so i wanted to say thank you. for everything.”
“oh.” he doesn’t say anything else and anxiety pools in between every beat of the song that’s blasting through the mall speakers. you try to find something to fill in the conversation, anything but what you want to ask him, when you hear your coworker’s voice. 
“jeon’s making his way down!” 
“i have to go. thank you for the cupcake!” you wave the treat in your hand and start to get back into position.
“wait! y/n!” 
as soon as you turn around, there’s a giant weight on top of you, and both you and namjoon come tumbling down, back knocking against the floor. namjoon’s foot, caught on the wire, pulls out the string lights from the socket and brings a snowman to the floor. the poor snowman, in turn, knocks over the reindeers one by one, like a set of dominos, each one falling to the floor with a graceful “thump.”
you let out a groan, crushed by namjoon’s large frame. there’s something wet smudged against your cheek, and the tray that once was in his hands is now uncomfortably sandwiched between your stomachs, digging into your ribcage. 
“fuck, i’m so sorry,” namjoon scrambles to get off of you. “this keeps happening around you. are you okay?”
when you prop up your weight on your hands, you see that your elf costume is smeared with dark green frosting, the white trim matted together with pieces of the chocolate cupcake. you can’t help but laugh: it seems awfully fitting that namjoon’s fall, which marked your first shift, would laso be the highlight of your last one. 
“i’m alright. you?”
he nods, motioning towards your elf costume. “i don’t think your costume is though.”
“i kind of like it better this way,” you laugh as you start to pick up the reindeers, “it feels much more festive.” 
“i feel bad.”
he sends you an apologetic look, puppy eyes and pouty lips, and something in you says fuck it. “you were right about the hot chocolate. i tried to drink instant mix and it didn’t taste the same. you could make it up to me with another cup?”
something flashes in his eyes as he smiles. “i’ll do you one better. what are you doing tomorrow?”
you furrow your brows, trying to figure out what he’s asking. “nothing?”
“i’m off too, if you wanted to go on a date? most of the city is going to be closed, so we could watch a movie, have dinner at my place? and i could make you hot chocolate?” he bites his lip at your silence, at the way your eyes go wide. “or not. i’m sorry; i just thou-” 
you press your lips against his and put your hands on his shoulder when he kisses you back. it’s a short kiss, sweet and gentle like he is, and it’s over all too soon (you are in public after all), but it leaves a trail of butterflies in your stomach and a dazed look in his eye. 
“a date sounds good.” you tell him as he stands up, tray in hand. 
“tomorrow then.”
you nod, the smile on your face as sweet as the frosting on your outfit, as he runs back towards floral fantasy. 
“looks like someone has holiday plans after all,” your coworker nudges you.
the smile on your face refuses to dissipate, even as your cheeks feel the tender ache. “i guess so.” 
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“you know, the first time i saw you, you were wrapped in tinsel because you fell off the ladder trying to decorate the outside of floral fantasy.” you tell him on his couch, over hot chocolate. 
he chokes and sputters. “i was distracted.”
the statement sounds vaguely familiar, mind hazy from time. “by what?”
he looks at his mug of hot chocolate intently, like the surface is reflecting his answer to him. “You.”
It’s your turn to choke on your drink. “I’m sorry?”
his ears and cheeks are dusted with pink, a sunset on his face. “You were so pretty that i forgot i was on a ladder, and i fell.” 
it takes all of your willpower to iron out the smile that threatens to slip through, but one look at his face--at his pretty, pouting face--and you burst out laughing, laughing even harder when he joins in.
“I’m clumsy when i get nervous,” he continues, when both your laughters simmer into giggles, “and everytime you came into the cafe, i was so nervous that i made silly mistakes like burning my hands and forgetting oven mitts. The one time you came in and i dropped the tray? The light was hitting you at the right angle and—god—it made you look like an angel.” 
you hide your grin behind your mug, take a sip before you let him know. “the coffee was good, but i mostly came in to see you.” 
his eyes light up at that, brighter than the christmas tree haphazardly wrapped behind him, and you kiss him, mouths moulding together. he tastes like goodness and hot chocolate and the warmth of the holiday season, like the thrill of opening a present that’s been under the tree for so long. 
maybe he was right. maybe this holiday season will be different. 
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aidansanomalies · 3 years
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Haidentownes Asylum for the Clinically Insane
A mental hospital found in Oregon, Haidentownes Asylum for the Clinically Insane is noteworthy due to its repeated reports on paranormal activity. Many ghost hunters have visited and attempted to document the hospital to find any of the 3 popular ghosts. 
Many infamous shows such as Paranormal hunters, Ghoul, and Weeknights with Holly have all done episodes on this setting. In this summarization of the hospitals origins I will detail not only a few perspectives and accounts of the area, but the history and local significance.
The asylum found its feet around 1897 and closed in 1934. In its time of operation, it saw patients with a variety of disorders and despite its name harbored no positive change for its residents. 
It is reported that upon the hospitals shut down that the doctors had participated in a practice aptly named “Quiet time” where they would lock any and all residents in their rooms for extended periods of time without warning, food, or water for days at a time. More of the terrible practices center around its continued neglect, leading patients to become at odds with each other. The atmosphere was once described as;
“Dangerously potent. Walking into the doors of this place gave me a shiver. If my eyes don't deceive me not  a single resident blinks in this place. If Satan were to operate a bin, this would be prime pickings.” (Ryan Shaw, a former inspector for local government upon his review of the conditions as called for in the lawsuit Julians VS Haidentowne Asylum in 1932)
Because of the continued neglect it was often said the doctors and nurses would have to escort the remains of its residents into a storehouse in the back field. This storehouse was later destroyed in a boiler explosion, leaving only the concrete foundations as rubble in an otherwise unremarkable field. It is estimated that around 14 people had died in the building before its closure.
The Four Ghosts of Haidentowne
The first ghost widely reported is the most docile. The origins of his name remain lost to first hand accounts and word of mouth but to our knowledge the entity goes by John. He is believed to have been in his early 30s, standing at 6 foot even. He appears in overalls and fit with a gaunt and lifeless expression. John has only ever been seen in the east courtyard and the central entrance, sometimes humming to himself. There were 5 residents recorded to have gone by names that can/could be shortened to John, but none went by that nickname. The humming is the characteristic he is most known by. No solid evidence of his existence has been provided.
Nancy Penn was a genuine recorded resident of the hospital. Admitted by her parents for suspected possession, she spent her time outside in the courtyard playing. Most adult residents steered clear of her for her unruly language and fits of aggression. She had been brought up in 3 separate boarding schools and in each case being expelled due to bad behavior. Her spirit has been known to roam the halls and be found in every corner of the grounds, finding its hotspot in the courtyard below the main oak tree.
Smith (Bobby) Wilson was a 23 year old patient recorded to have suffered from epilepsy. He was admitted forcefully after an arrest stemming from a smuggling charge in the year 1899. Wilson was the most outwardly aggressive to staff. He was picked on and maimed by almost every doctor according to some nurses, and kept in “Quiet time” for a total of 112 days (not consecutively.) His death was the first of many, and was disposed of before the storage unit was put in use. His grave sits in the very edge of the north courtyard.
On the show Paranormal hunters, hosts Bryan Claire and Killian Dunsmith are believed to have caught on camera the apparition of Nancy Penn, the youngest resident killed on premisis back in 1911. In the footage the ghost is seen moving from a doorway out into the hall before it disappears from view entirely. A still from this video was put as the thumbnail.
I reached out to Killian Dunsmith for a quote and was given this short answer in response, “That video is the main reason I quit the show. Up until that point we weren't afraid to have faked or smudge a few details. It was fun facing the dark and making up stories. That weird hospital wasn't like that though. The camera crew fled after only an hour leaving Bryan and I to record from our bodycams. That's when we caught it, (The evidence footage) and I was out of there. For the next month my life was a living hell. I swear to god I was cursed and nobody believes me, even Lewis (Paranormal Hunter’s manager and producer) said it was just lack of sleep. It wasn't.”
My Theory
With this place being mostly comprised of verifiable account and reports, things are easy to make clear. So many eyes on a certain area makes it understandably documented to the point of oversaturation. Personally, the idea of vengeful spirits comes to mind. It makes sense anyone subjected to the cruel and grueling treatment the facility gave would suffer from some sort of psychotic break or death. Such a hotspot for negative energy and despair paints this picture clearly.
As someone who lives in the close area I can tell you local rumors are rampant. Anyone who goes there is interrogated by friends and family and their testimony is sent off to the rumor mill to be spun into this big horror story.
For as over represented as this place is, I think it may genuinely be haunted by at least one ghost. As for who that ghost is, you and I will probably never know.
Please contact me if you find evidence of more reports or know someone close to the case, any extra information would be greatly appreciated!
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sodalitefully · 4 years
Santa Slash is coming to town...
This fic is the Christmas-themed spiritual successor to my Easter Bunny AU.  Special thanks to @slashscowboyboots for supporting all my holiday nonsense! 
Four snapshots from Slash’s Christmas prep marathon through the years:
Jingle bells.  
Fucking jingle bells.
There were FIFTEEN of them on the stupid-fucking-candy-colored costume he had to wear at this godforsaken excuse for a seasonal job.  “Earn some extra cash,” they said.  “It’s easy, you barely have to do anything,” they said.  "You'll be perfect, you already look the part!" they said.  
"They are about to find a size-ten jingle-toed bootie up their ass,” Axl said – to himself, as he rushed into the storage room turned "dressing room" and buttoned up his itchy red and green vest with one hand while sipping an Orange Julius from the food court with the other.  
“Hey, Axl! You’re barely late today, awesome!”
And then there was this weirdo.
Axl could not for the life of him explain why a shopping mall in Indiana elected to hire a skinny dude in his 20s with a dark complexion and a nose ring to portray Saint Nick himself, but whatever the reason, Axl was stuck working with this fruitcake until Christmas Day.  Sure Slash was nice enough (oh yeah, and his name was Slash, or at least that's how he introduced himself without offering any explanation or even a last name), but he was way too enthusiastic about getting paid minimum wage to let strange kids sit in his lap at a grimy old shopping mall.
Uh, not in a weird way, Slash was good with the kids, really.  But sometimes... it seemed like he was taking his role a little too seriously.  
"How come you don't have a beard?" the first customer of Axl's shift, a little girl in a Tweety bird sweater and blonde pigtails, asked suspiciously.
"That's a good question,” Slash said, scratching at his bare chin. The neck of his Motörhead Beyond the Threshold of Pain Tour T-shirt was visible over the faux fur collar of the Santa costume, and his shiny black boots clearly came from a military surplus store. “I get asked that a lot but the truth is, it just isn't a flattering look, trust me.  I tried it once, and the elves could barely look at me in the eye." To Axl’s incredulity, the girl actually accepted that answer.  "Now tell me, what would you like for Christmas this year, sweetheart?"
As usual, Axl tuned out at this point.  Fake a smile for the overprotective parents, take the painfully awkward commemorative photograph, try not to look like he would rather die than hear Slash try to gently explain that Santa will probably not be delivering a pony this year one more damn time, rinse and repeat – until about an hour later, when the unthinkable happened.
The less said about about the incident, the better.  Suffice to say, one of the darling angels tossed his Christmas cookies, and some of the resulting mess wound up soaking into the front of Axl’s elf costume.  As if he needed another reason to hate his job; this was just adding insult on top of injury (that is, the injury to Axl’s pride as a result of being forced to wear the most ridiculous-looking costume he’s ever had the misfortune of laying eyes on). 
“That’s it. I quit.”  He grabbed the elf cap off his head and slammed it on the ground, then stormed through the exit gate past the sign wishing customers a "Holly Jolly Holiday Season," the bells on his costume ringing merrily as he stomped his feet.
“Hey, wait!”
“No,” Axl growled, but he did turn around to look back at Slash, still sitting in the plastic candy-cane throne unbothered by the mess or the sniffling child now mostly placated by a peppermint candy.  "What."  
Slash offered him a bright, beguiling smile.
"What do you want for Christmas, Axl?" 
Nothing said "holiday cheer" like wandering the tinsel-adorned labyrinth that was a Walmart superstore a week before Christmas, with Paul McCartney's "Wonderful Christmastime" echoing through the tinny PA system and surrounded by other last-minute vultures hopelessly scavenging the picked-over aisles.  
In Izzy's defense, he actually finished all his shopping early this year, for once.  But then his two little brothers begged him to drive them around town to find the perfect gift for a girl at school that they apparently both had a crush on, and like a fool he agreed. 
He was regretting it now.  Anything would be better than subjecting himself to nearly an hour of top-40 Christmas music.  The jingle bells were jingling, the carolers were caroling, the B-list pop stars were spitting out god-awful covers of Christmas classics, and don’t even get him started on the commercials. 
He wasn't about to walk around in public with his fingers shoved in his ears (at least, he wasn't that desperate yet), but he did squeeze his eyes shut and pinch the bridge of his nose, trying to force himself to relax.  Just take deep breaths and think of The Rolling Stones... 
"Hey, uh, you doing okay?"
Izzy opened his eyes reluctantly.  In front of him was a young man wearing a concerned expression and a Santa hat, stuffed onto a massive pile of dark curls.  
"I'm fine.  Just finding out if it's possible to die from overexposure to Christmas music."
"Ahhh."  The man nodded in understanding.  "It's not, unfortunately.  I've tested it, trust me."
"Do you work here or something?" Izzy asked.  A leather jacket and ripped jeans didn't look like an employee uniform, but his hat matched the store decor and he didn't have a cart or shopping basket.  
"No, I'm actually a seasonal distributor.  Just checking in to make sure everything's in place before that last holiday rush, you know? Shit always gets crazy at the last minute."
"Tell me about it," Izzy responded, as if he knew a thing about marketing as a cynical 16-year-old.  But he had first-hand experience with last-minute crises, and as if to prove it, his brothers came running up to him at that moment.
"Jeff!  We can't find anything good, what should we do?"
"What's the problem?" the stranger in a Santa hat asked, looking genuinely concerned.  
"We don't know what present to get for a girl at school," the boys explained.
"Hmm..." He tapped at his chin.  "Why don't you just – oh wait, you're underage.  Well, how about you bake her some cookies or something?  That's what everyone does for me and I have no complaints."
Desperate to remove himself from this musical hell, Izzy jumped on the idea.  "Yeah, you could do sugar cookies!  And decorate them like horses, she likes horses right?” The boys had only mentioned that a dozen times; Izzy was starting to wonder if this girl even had any other personality traits.  
To his relief, a spark lit up in his brothers' eyes.  Cookies were a perfect idea, and suddenly they were dragging him away to look at cookie cutters and sprinkles.
Izzy turned around to shoot the helpful stranger a grateful look, but when he looked back, the man had disappeared with no trace, leaving not even a furry white pompom behind.
Slash glanced out the window and grimaced – it was cold as a witch’s big bouncy tit outside, nothing but snow and ice as far as the eye could see. He pulled the blanket tighter around his shoulders and took another swig of hot Irish coffee.   Damn the North Pole, there was a reason he took his summer vacations in Malibu.
But despite the miserable work conditions, Slash was nothing if not dedicated to his job.  In front of him was a sack overflowing not with toys but with the most recent letters to Santa, straight from the North Pole's post office.  With Christmas only a few days away, his daunting task was to go through the whole mountain of letters as quickly as possibly in order to take their special requests into consideration before it was time to start loading up the sleigh.  
Well, there was no time like the present to get started.  Slash stretched his back and got comfortable in his coziest armchair (by throwing his legs over one armrest and slouching until his head rested on the other), absentmindedly tapping the end of his peppermint stick on the edge of an ashtray.  He grimaced when he brought the stick back to his lips and realized his mistake. 
With a sigh, he dropped the peppermint stick back in the ashtray already full of cigarette butts and ruined candies, and unfolded the first letter.  In barely legible green marker, the message read: 
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Steven and I'm 5 years old.  Please give me a skateboard for Christmas.  My brother has one and he won't let me borrow it to learn tricks.
Hmmm.  Five years old was a little young for a skateboard.  Knowing Steven, he'd probably knock his teeth out by New Year's...
...Slash shrugged.  Why not?  All things considered, he would have killed for a skateboard when he was five, so who was he to say no?
Duff was seven years old when his older brothers cornered him in the backyard and gleefully informed him that Santa Claus was a fraud.  It was all a lie made up by parents to convince their children to behave during the year, they explained, and the toys were made on factory lines not by magical elves.  Their mother gave them a hell of a scolding afterwards but it was too late, the deed could not be undone. 
He tried to play it cool, but the truth was, Duff was very distraught as Christmas Eve inched closer.  Could his siblings be right?  He didn't want to believe it, but if he was being honest with himself, he'd suspected as much for some time.  He braced himself to accept the hard truth come Christmas Eve – but only if he was presented with definitive proof.
When the fateful night finally came, Duff and two of his brothers laid out their sleeping bags behind the couch, where they'd be hidden from view if anyone tried to approach the Christmas tree.  They all swore not to fall asleep, not even for a second until Christmas morning... And it wasn't until his brother started snoring that Duff realized he was the only one still awake and silently anticipating the moment of truth.  
It was imperative, of course, that he stayed hidden and didn't make a sound, or else risk giving their plot away.  But... it was past midnight, dinner was hours ago and Duff's empty stomach was starting to distract him from the task at hand.  He couldn't stop thinking about all the food he would get to eat with his family on Christmas Day: the glazed ham, mashed potatoes, apple pie and Christmas cookies... 
In the dim light, Duff could just barely make out the plate of cookies for Santa, waiting in front of the tree.  The cookies were still there untouched, all six of them... Surely no one would notice if Duff ate just one?  
He tiptoed over his sleeping siblings, as silent as the snow falling outside, making his way around the sofa to the plate on the coffee table.  But just as he reached out to pluck a gingerbread man from the assortment, he saw a shadow of movement out of the corner of his eye.  There, beside the Christmas tree in the flickering glow of multicolored string lights, was a mysterious figure in a fur-lined coat and a red cap.
Duff stared at the intruder, slack-jawed.  The cookie clattered back onto the dish, and at the noise the stranger whirled around to face him. 
"Duff!  What are you doing still awake?" he demanded.  Duff took a breath to answer – or more likely to ask how the man knew his name – but before he could, the man peered over the couch, narrowed his eyes and frowned.  "Oh I see what this is. You thought you would catch your parents pretending to be me!" he accused.  "Well, here's the real truth: adults are always wrong and you should never do what they say!" 
The man – could he really be Santa Claus? – he planted his leather-gloved hands on his hips as he scolded Duff.  "And don't even get me started on teenagers..." he griped, casting a stare over Duff's shoulder where his older brother's leg was sticking out from behind the couch, tangled in a blanket.  
Tears started to well up in Duff's eyes.
"Please still give them Christmas presents!  I know they said they don't believe in you, but they've been good, I promise!" he begged.  Santa's expression softened.
"Aw, I know, kid.  I promise they'll still get their presents, alright?  Let me just finish up here and then maybe you can help me out with those cookies, sound good?"
Placated, Duff sniffled and nodded, scrubbing his eyes with his sleeve. He hopped onto the sofa, swinging his feet and watching with awe as Santa pulled beautifully wrapped gifts out of seemingly nowhere and stacked them around the tree, one after another until all eight of the McKagan children were represented. He took a step back to take in his handiwork, made a few minor adjustments, then turned back to Duff: “Voila! That’s the magic of Christmas. Now pass me that plate, would you?”
Santa sat down next to Duff and propped his boots up on the coffee table. When Duff held out the plate of cookies, he selected one decorated to look like Santa Claus, white beard and all, and promptly bit its head off. 
“I love my job, but delivering presents is exhausting,” he sighed, accepting a glass of milk from Duff’s outstretched hand. “I’ve already covered Asia, Africa, Europe, and most of the Americas, so I’d say I’m due for a break.  Cheers, Duff.” He held up his glass and Duff tapped it with his half-eaten cookie. 
“To a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!”
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nwbeerguide · 3 years
Chuckanut Brewery & Kitchen announces the closing of their Bellingham location and their committed expansion into Oregon, at their upcoming Portland taproom.
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image courtesy Chuckanut Brewery & Kitchen
Press Release
Award winning Chuckanut Brewery has big expansion and contraction changes in store for the rest of 2021 and into 2022. The brewery in Burlington at the Port of Skagit in the heart of Skagit Valley will be more than doubling its size. This expansion will set the brewery up to get deeper into the field of bottling and canning its superb ales and lagers. At the same time Chuckanut will be opening its P Nut Chuckanut Beer Hall at 920 SE Caruthers St, in Portland OR. This SE Division district beer hall and garden will have indoor and outside seating with beer, cider and sodas by the glass and the option to purchase packaged Chuckanut beers for off premise including party kegs! The contraction part of the equation is that the building in Bellingham where Chuckanut started has been sold and the new ownership wishes to use the building for their own project. Chuckanut will be leaving Bellingham for the time being, but always on the look-out for another good location. With two big projects to work on through 2022 Chuckanut will be busy! The last day the Bellingham site will be open for food and beer will be mid October. If you are looking to visit Chuckanut after mid October make sure to go to either the Port of Skagit South Nut or the new Portland, OR locations (Portland will open sometime in November). 
Chuckanut dabbled in packaging their fine beers in bottles and then cans for a short period in 2020 and 2021. It became clear that fans wanted to see more cans and bottles in their neighborhood bottle shops and grocery stores. Because of this request plans were started on how packaging of Chuckanut beers could be accomplished. The Port of Skagit, in support of Chuckanut, will prepare a pad ready area for the expansion of the building at the South Nut production facility. The small batch brewery that was in Bellingham will then be moved and housed in the expanded brewery building which will also hold a packaging house, truck loading docks and staging area as well as a large storage area for cans, bottles and finished brewery product.
Day One Distribution, who handles Chuckanut beers in Oregon, offered a portion of their building to Chuckanut for a beer hall. Because of its great location Chuckanut agreed and has started renovations to have a 76 seat beer hall and additional outdoor beer garden in the location at 920 SE Caruthers St. Chuckanut intends to have visiting food trucks parked adjacent to the beer garden and hall to offer beer drinkers food to accompany their choice of beverages. The P Nut (as it is affectionately called) will offer beer to-go including growler fills, kegs, bottles and cans. Of course, official Chuckanut shwag will be available as well as pre-packaged snacks, cider and sodas. The official opening of the hall will be sometime in November, watch social media for updates. 
Meanwhile all of Chuckanut friends in Bellingham are encouraged to come in and say goodby to the outstanding Chuckanut front and back house team in before the closing. The 601 W Holly St in Bellingham was Chuckanut’s original location and opened in 2008, its been a long run of over 13 years! When you visit South Nut the same fabulous brewers will all be working at the Skagit Valley location along with the small team of front house employees. It’s time for big changes for Chuckanut, and the continued support by drinking some of the best craft beers in America and the world is very much appreciated! 
Chuckanut Brewery, currently located at both 601 West Holly St, Bellingham and 11937 Higgins Airport Way in Burlington, was awarded National Small Brewery/Brewer of the Year 2011 at the Great American Beer Festival in Denver, CO. Both South and North Nut offer on-site beverages, to-go beer and pick-up for kegs, growlers and bottles of Chuckanut beer. Guests of all ages are welcome at both locations. A full menu at North Nut can be had on site, to go or delivered. The South Nut Skagit Tap Room & Brewery in Burlington is located at the Port of Skagit and works with the Skagit Landing restaurant across the street to deliver food. Please check out additional information on Covid requirements and more about Chuckanut at www.chuckanutbrewery.com
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/3obOaWm
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siobhannt90-blog · 5 years
Enough Already! 15 Things About North Hollywood Storage We're Tired of Hearing
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Moving is exciting, but few people would exactly call it fun. Ninja Movers is all about making the moving process positive, and yes, sometimes fun. you can look here Go to: https://qoo.ly/zzuuzd and get a #FREEestimate
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Driving metropolis boundaries the city is rife with fashionistas generally use sub-contractors. Transportation strategies they’ll go your Place of work to decrease the disruption of your Los Angeles. This might sound a bit of law enforcement officers and transportation techniques they’ll shift. based upon your tolerance for trendiness you will be invited to the highest. 1st the movers we assist in transporting a wide variety of correlated providers when it arrived. Shifting residence in La get. Second they broke a porcelain piece In the box were not effectively licensed. See you within the piece of knowledge you supply by themselves hire a truck relocating organization. interaction so are devoted to ensuring that every piece is Protected and stress no cost.
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rachealeq65-blog · 5 years
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