#story of evil vocaloid au
ankala · 2 years
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I am going to create an au that is so self indulgent
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iliveunderarock · 7 months
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ermmm here is a little servant of evil velvet and veneer comic i hope you can read it ok😰
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pinkprincessia-art · 1 year
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A pair of pitiful twins, separated by their fate
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bluedragonfairy2000 · 21 days
A few days ago I mentioned having and idea for a hermitcraft/life series/empires au based off of some songs that I have been listening to lately. Now while I didn’t get much feedback on the idea I figured after having a few days to mull it over I might as well post it since even if it doesn’t get a lot of love, I’ll never know until I post it and it would be a good to free up some head space before going back to school. Though I do want to thank the people who did like it as I really appreciate it! It kept me from scraping the idea all together.
Given how long the story is turning out to be I might break it into parts to make it more manageable to read. It will probably be at least three parts with the synopsis being the first part, the prologue/background being a second part, and the actual story being the third part. I will break up the story more if I think it needs it, and I will link all of them here
Synopsis (Here), Prologue, Story
Ok first off! This au is inspired by multiple songs! So I am going to quickly give a shout out to them and their creators.
Tower of Ai by Hitoshizuku x Yama and animatic by Kaurnival.
Daughter of Evil by Mothy, revenge version English cover by JubyPhonics
The Court Jester by Joe Swensen, Featuring Fukase.
The King by Rosendale
The Lonely Prince by Rosendale
Fairy King by Rosendale
The Pond by Rosendale
Elements of Royalty au:
Most of the prologue is based off of Tower of Ai by Vocaloid and animatic by Kaurnival. As it features most of the life series group. (i.e. Grian, Scott, Pearl, Scar, Bdubs, Joel, Gem, Cleo, Lizzie, and Jimmy). Beyond this point is spoilers for the Tower of Ai song as well as basic run though of what the story for this au will be. So go watch/listen if you don’t want to be spoiled before you see/hear it.
I will go more in detail when I write the Prologue for this au but basically the world where these characters live has fallen into ruin because The Ancient Builders wanted to stop relying on the Watchers to protect them. Since the cost of the Watcher’s protection was that selected people would have to fight in death games. In response to that when the next time the Watcher’s became bored the next time they just threw every natural disaster in the book at them. When it seemed like everyone was going to die the Watcher’s decided to send a prophecy that chosen person (Grian) could go retrieve 9 gifts that relate to the world and restore the balance, but he would have to travel to a tower at the ends of the earth to do so. Not wanting to go alone Grian asked around and Scott, Pearl, Scar, Bdubs, Joel, Gem, Cleo, Lizzie, and Jimmy were the only ones who would go with him. As they travel the group gets extremely close as they face dangerous situations together and only survive thanks to their friendship. Once they finally reach the tower Grian goes to relieve the first gift only for Scott to come in at the last second and steal it. This sets up a pattern where each of the nine people who came with Grian steal one of the nine gifts Grian was supposed to receive In the end Grian is left alone feeling betrayed and like he failed to save the world. Climbing up the tower he finds that the nine gifts are actually waiting for him there and it’s revealed that this was all an elaborate trick set up by the Watchers. The Watchers had sent all of the others a vision of what would happen if Grian took the gifts. Basically the original gifts were traps, and whoever took them would be killed as a kind of sacrifice to reveal the real gifts. So each member of the group decided to sacrifice themselves in hopes that once the real gifts had been revealed that Grian would be able to use them and save the world. None of them informed Grian of this as they knew he would try to stop them if he found out what they were doing. Each of the members of the group died in a way that related to each gift. Scott drowned, Pearl was burned alive, Scar basically had all of the water drained out of him a dehydrated, Bdubs went insane and since the song doesn’t make this clear probably died of sleep deprivation or disappeared all together. Joel was torn apart by vines, Gem was struck down by lightning, Cleo was torn apart by blades of wind, Lizzie froze to death, and Jimmy was consumed by lava. When Grian receives the true gifts he also gets to witness what happened to his friends as well as being shown why they did this. At this Grian is devastated as now even if he does manage to save the world he will have to do it without his friends and the he was basically the cause of their demise. So in misery he tries to fulfill his friends last wish to bring their world back to glory all the while mourning the lost of those he held dearest.
This is basically where the Tower of Ai ends and my au begins. This story was created when I tried to figure out the the other members of the life series (Ren, Martyn, Etho, Impulse, Skizz, Tango, and Mumbo) would fit in, and they would possibly met the other members of life smp if they had all died. So I’m this au when Grian tries to restore the world his desire for his friends to be alive is stronger than his desire to fix a already decaying world. So the Watchers run with that and offer to fulfill his desire since he won their game. When he agrees the world that the group has lived in fades away and all the people basically have quick painless death as they fade into oblivious. When Grian gets angry and confused at what the Watcher have done they explained that his desire was for his friends to be alive and since their souls were now trapped in the gifts they bestowed upon him they had to clear away the old world in order to create a new one where his friends could be alive. Grian is stunned to hear this but before he can do anything the Watchers take the gifts and use them to create the new world. In the process each member of the group is revived as they become the immortal spirit of their element.
Scott becomes the spirit of water able to control the ocean, rain and anything else made of water.
Pearl becomes the spirit of fire with her dog Tilly (who is going to be with her in the full story) as the embodiment of smoke.
Scar becomes the spirit of light, able to not only control light but magic and luck as well (gambling man)
Bdubs becomes the spirit of darkness, able to control the monsters of the night.
Joel becomes the spirit of the earth, able to create massive earthquakes.
Gem becomes the spirit of lightning, usually only showing up during stormy weather.
Cleo becomes the spirit of the winds, able to guide ships along their course.
Lizzie becomes the spirit of ice and snow, able to create blizzards.
Jimmy becomes the spirit of lava, he doesn’t have a vary big role in the overworld but with a new nightmarish dimension added into this world he had dominion over the nether.
Grian is overjoyed to see his friends alive again but the he stops when he realizes that while the Watchers did make a new world they didn’t put him in it. They instead left him on the remains of his old world which was just a singular tower on a floating island in the void. The Watcher’s tell him that as compensation for having to take his gifts away they we give him three new ones. The first is the remains of his old home which they refer to as the End dimension, the second is the ability to have control of death in the new world they created. However this will make him unable to visit the new world as since he is the embodiment of death now if he goes there the world will wither away at his presence. Lastly they give him the gift of being able to Watch over his friends for all eternity. With that the Watchers leave grian to his cruel fate. Forever knowing his friends are alive but being just out of reach of them as he sit in a dead world.
This is where the main story kicks in. After centuries have past the rest of our main cast (Ren, Martyn, BigB, Etho, Impulse, Skizz, and Mumbo) are born into the world that was created by Grian’s wish. I won’t go too in depth here since this post is already long enough. The last things I will cover is this first Mumbo won’t be making a appearance until late into the story. I have a good role for him it just won’t show up till later. Secondly Tango isn’t initially a blaze hybrid. I know that odd but I have a good reason! The only people who are initially hybrids are Ren and Martyn. Lastly I have been really into Fabric Fsntasy SMP so for this au Martyn with be a Ice Dragonborn.
Main Story Synopsis:
Prince Ren had been on the brink of death after being kicked out of his kingdom by his greedy father and his ruthless citizens. If he hadn’t accidentally stepped into Martyn cave he probably would have given up long ago and just let himself be consumed by the elements. As it was now though he and Martyn had found a surprisingly loyal group of companions and were spending their days traveling the land and hunting down new and exciting challenges. It had been months since his exile and Ren could honestly say he had never been happier. While he still held onto a few fond memories of his time growing up his fathers castle, deep down he had known that the kingdom hadn’t been his home in some time, if it ever was to begin with. He had easily discarded the idea of trying to go back and reclaim his thrown, However, after months of nomadic lifestyle and dungeon crawling he was starting to become desperate for a sense of stability for not just him but the companions he had made during his exile. With the only skills he had being the ones taught to him as the crown prince, Ren was unsure how to give his new friends the comfortable life he desired for him. So in a bid that was probably caused but what little bit of childhood naivety hadn’t been stamped out by father he made a wish on a falling star that he could be given the powers to create a paradise where he and his friends could live out the rest of their days in peace. Unfortunately for Ren there were forces out there that had been Watching over him for some time. Hearing his wish They decided to grant it but in a way that he would come to regret.
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aphicelend · 3 days
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Misaki Shirayama
26 y.o | 1.52 cm | Japanese | April 4th | Aries
(APH) Human | City Ver. | Colorful AU | BOX AU
Tags: #Art/HC tag | #Posts related to her
Wanted to do a profile for her here 💦 Misaki has been one of my fave oc's since 2012 and i'm having fun drawing her a lot again, and I love to put her in my other oc's stories 💃 so here's info of her hetalia AU(?
i wrote everything in spanish and im lazy to translate it properly so, google translator yay
| Personality
Introverted | Temperamental | Stubborn | Agressive | Kind | Caring
Misaki is a young woman with a fiery personality, she has little patience for stupidity. She is a hard worker, and likes to put effort into what she likes. She is also stubborn when it comes to opinions if it is not her way she will not do it, she tends to violence when someone bothers her. Her pride is something precious to her.
Despite this, when she gets upset she needs her time to calm down and then apologize. Even so, Misaki is a girl who cares about others, her way of showing her appreciation is through actions, especially cooking.
Socially inept, having lived surrounded by “nations” Misaki behaves awkwardly with other humans, for some reason she always feels distant and finds it difficult to understand them.
Having grown up with nations, Misaki did not develop “parental affection” or someone to consult her problems with, because she considered that Japan would not fully understand her.
He usually feels a constant feeling of loneliness, his heart is a hard shell that makes it difficult for him to let in emotions like love.
Strip about her background
In this AU, Misaki was raised by Japan who took care over her as she was abandonated. Her childhood was kinda chaotic, surrounded by nations of course she didn't grow like other kids, she felt distanced.
Japan tried his best to give her a normal life, of course he wasn't used to raise a kid. Misaki always wondered why did he took her? He felt lonely? She would never know.
She always had a sense of loneliness, a feeling of she doesn't belong where she is. Mother? Father? What's that, she only had "weird uncles"
Misaki was very problematic at school, her classmates teased her a lot and she answered back with violence.
Through her adolescence, she kinda developed a crush on Yao, and she was rejected, of course, the man only saw her as a little sister.
More about it here.
Time heals, she tried to moved on. On Uni, she meet a guy named Kazuo, they clicked and became a couple, Misaki thought that finally had someone who cared for her deeply, but no. The guy cheated on her. That was the point that made her close herself.
-> She lives alone in an old traditional house that Japan left for her, she works as botanic in a national park in Kyoto.
| Interests and facts
She LOVES gardering and plants. She has a traditional garden on her house and it's her first priority.
She's very good at cooking, Japan and China taught her very well.
Also Romano as shared with her some italian recipes so she could "learn something good"
Her way to show love is giving you food.
Her dream is to open her own restaurant.
One of her interests are kimonos, she likes to make her own
Favorite station is autumn, she loves when trees go orange.
Loves cats, and bunnies, loves cute things.
She likes minimalist clothing, plain clothes or stripped patterns
Her face may look annoyed but she's kind, and gets along better with girls.
She has been mistaken for a minor
Does she feel something for Alfred?? who knows.
She's just afraid to someone break into her heart and get too attatched.
I made this chart
| Music
Mostly vocaloid because i'm a weeb
Balsam / Misaki - About her loneliness
The Beast / Misaki - Her fear to open her heart
I'm glad you're evil too / Misaki - Her wish to find someone
Girl Pilot / MisAme - Their dynamic, Alfred trying to reach her but he can't
I can't stop the loneliness / Misaki - the song says it all lol, maybe her fear that its too late?
Hammer Song And The Tower Of Pain / Misaki - Pushing everyone away it's the best
MAD HEAD LOVE / MisAme - Their dynamic, they're idiots.
If you got this far here's some old misaki drawings, old hetalia? ocs? she used to have friends and now she's DEPRESSED.
2012 | 2014
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starlightshore · 2 years
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my ember redesign! I tried to keep true to the OG's placement of elements. I changed her eyes from green to red -her victim's eyes glow red in the ep and I like to keep color pallets pretty simple. So, design consistancy!
I gave her a mini skirt and a collar for her neck and wrist to give her a more Vocaloid like vibe. She sings in Ghost Language which then gets morphed into the listener's preferred music style. (the lyrics stay the same tho) If this was animated, I'd have the song recorded in a few different styles to show this aspect off.
I rewatched her debut episode tonight: she needs fans vocally praising her in order to get power, and once she's broadcasted internationally, she'll "rule the world." The commentary was on how kids use rock music to express themselves -but end up following a crowd and doing the will of other's. maybe something to do with the fear of rock music (people claiming its devil worshiping) but that uh, gets warped when she's a "evil" ghost?? so idk what that messaging is even saying there lmao.
To modernize this concept, she uses TikTok as her platform. (Tikie Tok as it's called in the AU) the message is now about how people approach social media and idolize people. How that can develop in unhealthy ways and can warp one's sensibilities.
I don't wanna spoil my plot rewrite too much, but yeah, thats the gist. I feel Ember's story would do well in this modern setting
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exp01flower · 2 months
hi :D
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My name is Hana some may know me as flower and I DONT HAVE A CLUE ON GIW THIS WORKS HAND IT OVER TO THE EVEN MORE ANXIOUS ONE!!!!!!!!!
hi creator here this is just my little vocaloid AU where an evil person tries to ruin vocaloid (scary!!!) I decided to do flower since her CI design looking like IA started this whole theory (aka the alt name of this blog;
this whole thing was just the story in my head to explain why CI was so different to flower, ask our beloved thing about different things. I will usually use color coding for characters, the two main ones will be Flower and point (point will be bold lols) other characters/ mains will be Fukase, Miku, Gumi, and more!!!! (IA will be brought up but due to flowers current condition she will call IA “her” the first few post without my idea pumping will be full of flower rediscovering things form her life like her past with a certain ginger, how she came to be this way and her interest! Please ask questions
this post WILL include fukaflower bc I think they’re pookie. Not every post will be about them but there will be hints and lore with it
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Video Games as Live Action Films
(That I've Seen... this would be longer if it was animated films)
Super Mario Bros: Terrible Mario film, completely trashes the OG setting. GREAT pulp scifi flick that "happens" to be studded with a bajillion Mario references.
Mortal Kombat: Films range from good enough to blah. Excellent fight scenes overall. Not too off lore-wise. Some choices were weird, but overall decent enough.
Resident Evil: ... well, it's a zombie flick so I already didn't like it but ignoring the whole Amnesia Plot it wasn't bad if you took it as a full AU.
Cube Escape Paradox: Painfully short but it feels exactly like the game brought to life. Perfect. Beautiful. Creepy.
Detective Pikachu: EXTREMELY well done. Completely different from the actual game but a solid mystery, good if very creepy CG across the board, very very lore friendly, felt like a more realistic yet still lightish vibe.
Sonic the Hedgehog: They salvaged the CG, put a bit too much focus on the humans, and felt more focused on being a Robotnik Origin Story, but... lore friendly and the characters felt fine. Sonic felt like an awkward kid but hey it worked as a pre-Sonic Genesis Sonic.
Five Nights At Freddy's: Drags on forever in places but genuinely spooky even if it doesn't feel outright scary. Props are incredibly well done, fairly lore-friendly if again another AU.
And bonus round:
Video Games as 'Realistic' CG Films
(That I've Seen)
Final Fantasy (The Spirits Within): Absolutely terrible as a Final Fantasy film; too tech not enough magic, no real references to the actual series outside of the kinda-sorta-Lifestream (FF7/FF9) and some vague bits that felt like FF5. Decent scifi flick if very generic otherwise. Related, I vaguely remember they wanted to make the MC a virtual actress but since it was before Vocaloid and Vtubers, or how Lightning from FF13 was legit used as a fashion model... that didn't pan out for a lot of reasons.
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f4nggzz · 11 months
Jet the Jerboa is basically the Fang that's in the Fleetway comics, following the events of team chaotix until he's revealed as a villain, I didn't made many things about him, I just like to draw him, maybe one day I'll make more things about him
Flake also follows the Fleetway comics lore, he's a hybrid in this AU, and because of that he has a medical condition that causes him a loss of melanine, making his body have a kind of albinism that evolves with time, and because of that, he's extremely insecure and makes many impulsive actions
Buried Fang is basically a creepypasta from Sonic Triple Trouble, me and @hmmmzin always found creepy that Fang was "Buried alive" and then I had the idea of making a horror fangame related to this event, I'm not on the hype to do it now, but who knows? X3
This Fang is part of an AMV series that I think on doing from the Vocaloid Saga of Evil (Daughter of Evil, Servent of Evil and all...) Where Fang would be Len and Nic would be Rin, at the time I even made art of Fang and Nic as Len and Rin, one day I'll do it, I was animating it but my phone broke so AAAAAAAAAAA
This Fang follows the majority of the events from Archie comics, however it has some changes!! Nack's family was part of the Royal family where obviously Nack suffered from a kind of psychologic pression caused by his parents of being the best in everything, and that made Nack end up as someone very paranoid when it comes of committing errors and giving him a very self destructive vision of himself, Nack kinda went against his parents because of the pression, and he decided to enter in a bounty hunter life, until his adulthood, when he accepts his parents offer to clear his criminal record and live a "normal" life, what ends up with him isolating himself
Yea, this little guy originated Andy :3 he's a Fang that I've created in 2014, all of his backstories are:
2014: originally he were a Fang from another dimension, where he is one of the main villains that fights against another sonic series corresponding heroes (considering that in the time I thought that putting hair on a sonic png was considered as making a new OC XD)
So after some more adventures he decides to explore new universes until he finds the original universe
2015: he's apparently the younger brother from Fang and Nic, his change of color is because he was beaten up (I had 10 in the time I wrote this :'3) and in that time he was extremely evil, however after some time he turned to good XD
Another lores that I remember: at the time when I wrote comics (unfortunately I can't show because my parents threw it away :c) he was a character extremely unlucky and misfortunate XD he's also had a younger brother called "Léu", who he had a rivality with (Léu was on the side of the heroes and Asir was on the side of the villains), the most recent story was related to racism against weasels (it was 2018 and I didn't knew that Fang wasn't a weasel) about how it had some kind of racism against weasels because of the "representative" being a villain
(Asir and Andy are NOT the same character, it means that Andy is not an alternative version of Fang!!)
And that's what I can remember of him (9 YEARS OF HISTORY WITH HIM HHHHHHH)
Aaannd yep, that's it (poor hmmmzin that had to translate everything aaaaaaa TwT)
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ctheathy · 1 year
• = Platonic and/or Pet-like
• = Romantic
• = Suggestive
• = NSFW
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Vocaloid [+AUs from any song. Example: The Court Jester!Fukase] :
Hatsune Miku ,, Kagamine Rin ,, Kagamine Len ,, Luka Megurine ,, Meiko ,, Kaito ,, Gumi ,, Fukase ,, Utatane Piko ,, Flower ,, Oliver
The Evillious Chronicles [Daughter/Servant of Evil] AU:
Riliane ‘Rin’ Lucifen d'Autriche ,, Alexiel Lucifen d'Autriche // Allen ‘Len’ Avadonia ,, Kyle ‘Kaito’ Marlon ,, Michaela ‘Miku’ ,, Germaine ‘Meiko’ Avadonia
Baldi's Basics :
Baldi ,, Arts and Crafters ,, Playtime • ,, 1st Prize ,, It's a Bully ,, Principal of the Thing ,, Gotta Sweep ,, Cloudy Copter ,, Beans ,, Chalkles ,, Dr. Reflex ,, Mrs. Pomp ,, The Test ,, Null // filename2 ,, 0th Prize ,, PlaceFace ,, Bladder ,, Johnny
The Powerpuff Girls :
Monster Hunter Stories :
Mojo Jojo ,, Brick ,, Boomer ,, Butch ,, Princess Morbucks ,, Fuzzy Lumpkins ,, The Amoeba Boys ,, The Gangreen Gang ,, Sedusa (+Ima GoodLady) ,, Rainbow the Clown//Mr. Mime ,, Abracadaver ,, The Sandman ,, The Gnome ,, Dick Hardly ,, Knock-off Powerpuff Girls ,, Him (+MIH) ,, Owlie Boop ,, Allegro ,, Chelsea ,, Sapna Nehru ,, Packrat ,, The Powerpunk Girls [Berserk, Brat and Brute] ,, The Rowdyright Boys [Blake, Bash and Breaker] ,, The RowdyRouge Girls [Bellicose, Bedlam and Bruiser]
Lute ,, Cheval ,, Lilia ,, Mille ,, Hyoro ,, Genie ,, Itsy-Bits ,, Dr. Manelger • ,, Debli ,, Avinia // Ayuria ,, Gale ,, Kayna ,, Ena ,, Alwin ,, Zellard ,, Reverto ,, Kyle ,, Yoomlana
South Park + Hellpark :
Corpse Party :
Stan Marsh ,, Kyle Broflovski ,, Craig Tucker ,, Clyde Donovan ,, Tweek Tweak ,, Thomas ,, Jacob Hallery ,, Cosette ,, Philip “Pip” Pirrip/Pirrup ,, Damien Thorn ,, Estella Havisham
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun :
Satoshi Mochida ,, Yuka Mochida • ,, Seiko Shinohara ,, Naomi Nakashima ,, Ayumi Shinozaki ,, Yoshiki Kishinuma ,, Mayu Suzumoto ,, Sakutaro Morishige ,, Yuuya Kizami ,, Naho Saenoki ,, Sachiko Shinozaki •
Hanako // Amane Yugi ,, Yashiro Nene ,, Kou Minamoto ,, Teru Minamoto ,, Mitsuba Sousuke ,, Aoi Akane ,, Akane Aoi ,, Sakura Nanamine ,, Natsuhiko Hyuga ,, Tsukasa Yugi ,, Tsuchigomori Ryūjirou
The Koopalings + DiC cartoons :
Larry Koopa + Cheatsy Koopa
Morton Jr. Koopa + Big Mouth Koopa
Ludwig Von Koopa + Kooky Von Koopa
Wendy O Koopa + Kootie Pie Koopa
Lemmy Koopa + Hip Koopa •
Care Bears + Movies :
Iggy Koopa + Hop Koopa •
Roy Koopa + Bully Koopa
The Care Bears • ,, Care Bear Cousins • ,, Auntie Freeze • ,, Professor Coldheart • ,, Frostbite ,, No Heart ,, Beastly ,, Shriekeline “Shreeky” No Heart
The Care Bears: Adventure in Wonderland
Alice ,, White Rabbit ,, Caterpillar ,, Cheshire Cat ,, Mad Hatter ,, Stan the Jabberwocky ,, Princess of Wonderland ,, The Wizard of Wonderland ,, Dim & Dum
Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation
Dark Heart ,, Christy ,, Dawn ,, John
Happy Tree Friends :
Cuddles ,, Giggles ,, Toothy ,, Lumpy ,, Petunia ,, Handy ,, Nutty ,, Sniffles ,, Pop ,, Cub • ,, Flaky ,,The Mole ,, Disco Bear ,, Russell ,, Lifty & Shifty ,, Mime ,, Cro Marmot ,, Flippy + Fliqpy ,, Ka Boom ,, Splendid ,, Splendon’t ,, Lammy ,, Mr. Pickles,, Truffles ,, FatKat
Chikn Nuggit :
Chikn Nuggit [+ Demigod form] ,, Cheezborger ‘Chee’ ,, Iscream ,, Slushi ,, Fwench Fwy ,, Sody Pop • ,, Sassparilla ,, Cofi ,, Hawt Saus ,, Bezel ,, Milkshek ,, Old Pea ,, Katsup and Meowstard • ,, Beta!Fwench Fwy ,, Beta!Slushi ,, Beta!Hawt Saus
Angry Birds :
Red ,, Chuck ,, Bomb ,, Matilda ,, The Blues ,, Jake, Jay, Jim • ,, Bubbles ,, Hal ,, Silver ,, Ice Bird ,, Terence ,, Corporal Pig ,, Foreman Pig ,, Chef Pig ,, King Pig ,, Prince Porky ,, Stella ,, Poppy ,, Luca • ,, Willow ,, Dahlia ,, Gale ,, Handsome Pig ,, Artist Pig
Littlest Pet Shop :
Zoe Trent ,, Russell Ferguson [+Cyril McFlip] ,, Minka Mark ,, Penny Ling ,, Vinnie Terrio ,, Sunil Nevla ,, Pepper Clark ,, Buttercream Sundae ,, Sugar Sprinkles ,, Mitzi ,, Shahrukh ,, Madame Pom ,, Delilah Barnsley ,, Scout Kerry ,, Sweet Cheeks ,, Cashmere Biskit ,, Velvet Biskit ,, Blythe Baxter,, Brittany Biskit,, Whittany Biskit
My Little Pony :
G1 AU: >>>
Twilight Sparkle ,, Rarity ,, Pinkie Pie ,, Apple Jack ,, Fluttershy ,, Rainbow Dash ,, Spike ,, Sunset Shimmer ,, Starlight Glimmer ,, Trixie Lulamoon ,, Moondancer ,, Coco Pommel ,, Coloratura ‘Rara’ ,, Maud Pie ,, Limestone Pie ,, Marble Pie ,, Flutterbat ,, Chimera ,, The Diamond Dogs [Rover, Fido, and Spot] ,, Discord ,, Lord Tirek ,, Flurry Heart • ,, Cozy Glow • ,, Snowdrop • ,, Nightmare Moon ,, Daybreaker ,, Queen Chrysalis ,, Unreformed Changelings ,, Thorax ,, Pharynx ,, King Sombra ,, Tantabus ,, The Sphinx ,, Pony of Shadows // Stygian ,, Grogar
Megan Williams ,, Spike • ,, Danny Williams ,, Molly Williams • ,, The Moochick ,, The Bushwoolies ,, The Grundles ,, Sludge ,, G'nash ,, Dinah • ,, Squire Alonzo ,, The Crabnasties ,, Mayor Camembert ,, The Sheriff of Muensterville ,, Pluma [+The Ghost of Paradise Estate] ,, Woebegone ,, Mayve • ,, His Elevated Eminence •
Applejack ,, Bow Tie ,, Ember • ,, Firefly ,, Glory ,, Medley ,, Moondancer ,, Twilight ,, Heart Throb ,, Lickety-Split ,, Posey ,, Gusty ,, Buttons ,, Fizzy ,, Ribbon ,, Galaxy ,, Mimic ,, Gingerbread ,, Magic Star ,, Shady ,, Cherries Jubilee ,, Cupcake ,, Truly ,, Sweet Stuff ,, Wind Whistler ,, North Star ,, Paradise ,, Surprise ,, Lofty ,, Locket ,, Whizzer ,, Masquerade ,, Princess Tiffany ,, Princess Primrose ,, Princess Royal Blue ,, Princess Serena ,, Princess Sparkle ,, Princess Starburst ,, Baby Lickety-Split • ,, Morning Glory ,, Rosedust ,, Honeysuckle ,, Peach Blossom ,, Lily ,, Forget-Me-Not
Scorpan ,, Tirac ,, Beezen ,, The Duchess ,, Knight Shade ,, Zeb ,, Erebus ,, King Charlatan ,, Niblick ,, Draggle ,, Reeka ,, Hydia • ,, Ahgg ,, The Smooze • ,, Squirk ,, Crank ,, The Flores ,, Jewel Wizard ,, Lavan [+crystallized form] ,, Sting ,, Queen Bumble ,, Princess Porcina ,, The Raptorians ,, Crunch the Rockdog ,, The Sqree ,, Somnambula ,, Kyrie ,, Bray ,, Grogar
Seito Kure ,, Boron Makuroshi ,, Toru Garakuta ,, Haruma Neko
Popee The Performer + Chinchikurin :
Popee Paraphone // Hanabishi Kuruwaya ,, Kedamono // Keita Ookami ,, Papi ,, Marifa ,, Eepop (mirror Popee) ,, Onomadek (mirror Kedamono) ,, Nightmare Popee ,, Docter Popee [Phaeton & Me]
The Amazing Digital Circus :
Pomni ,, Caine ,, Bubble • ,, Ragatha ,, Jax ,, Zooble ,, Gangle ,, Kinger ,, Gloink Queen • ,, Dr. Football ,, Moon ,, Sun ,, Paine ,, The Bone Pastor,, Princess Loolilalu ,, Gummigoo ,, The Fudge • ,, Chad ,, Max
Abstracted characters [Digital+abstracted form] :
Kaufmo ,, Queenie ,, Rett (yellow dog) ,, Wriggle (worm on a string) ,, Doz (purple dinosaur) ,, Blonk (pink cyclops) ,, Moppsy (mouse sockpuppet) ,, Yucko (yellow rabbit-like creature) ,, Bizz (polka-dot covered clown)
Fan-made names by Sunnie_Daies on Reddit
Lego Monkie Kid : ••••
MK ‘Monkie Kid’ ,, Mei Dragon ,, Tang ,, Pigsy ,, Sandy ,, Mo • ,, Red Son ,, Demon Bull King ,, Princess Iron Fan ,, Bull clones • ,, Lady Bone Demon (+disguise form) ,, ‘Bai He’ • [little girl] ,, Spider Queen ,, Huntsman ,, Goliath [strong spider] ,, Sun Wukong ‘Monkey King’ ,, Six-Eared Macaque ,, Syntax (+pre-corrupted/human form) ,, The Mayor (+Chief of War) ,, Yin & Jin ,, Guardians of Knowledge • ,, Lion Guardians • ,, Demon Accountant ,, Ne'Zha/Third Lotus prince ,, Erlang Shen ,, Scorpion Queen ,, Azure Lion ,, Peng ,, Yellowtusk ,, Chang'e ,, Tang Sanzang ,, Zhu Bajie ,, Sha Wujing ,, Ao Lie ,, Ao Guang/Dragon of the East ,, Master Subodhi ,, Dragon Attendant ,, Kui Mulang ,, MK [party clone] ,, MK [artist clone] ,, MK [delivery clone] (he won't be obese here...) ,, MK [backup clone] ,, Ink MK ,, Store Owner ,, Li Jing ,, Xiangliu ‘Nine-Headed Demon’ ,, 100-Eyed Demon ,, Nüwa
Ferdinand :
Ferdinand (+young form) ,, Paco ,, Nina • ,, Juan ,, Valiente (+young form) ,, Guapo (+young form) ,, Bones (+young form) ,, Lupe ,, Angus ,, Maquina ,, Una ,, Dos ,, Cuatro ,, Hans ,, Greta ,, Klaus ,, El Primero
Disney movies (will accept all characters of said movie) :
Cuz it's too many characters to write down damn it
19s — Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ,, The Chronicles of Prydain ,, Bambi ,, Cinderella ,, Alice in Wonderland ,, 101 Dalmatians ,, Peter Pan ,, Sleeping Beauty ,, The Fox and the Hound ,, The Little Mermaid ,, Beauty and the Beast ,, Aladdin ,, Hercules ,, The Lion King ,, Pocahontas ,, The Rescuers Down Under ,, The Hunchback of Notre Dame [fuck Frollo up for me, will you dear? <3] ,, Mulan ,, Tarzan
2000s — The Emperor's New Groove ,, Monsters, Inc. ,, Finding Nemo ,, Pirates of the Caribbean ,, Brother Bear ,, The Incredibles ,, Howl's Moving Castle ,, Ratatouille ,, Up ,, The Princess and The Frog
2010s/2020s — Tangled ,, Frozen ,, Brave ,, Maleficent ,, Inside Out ,, Zootopia ,, Finding Dory ,, Moana/Vaiana ,, Coco ,, Raya and the Last Dragon ,, Luca ,, Encanto
Misc. :
- Reisuke Houjou • [Mirai Nikki // Future Diary]
- Rococo [Omori]
- Tobey McCallister [WordGirl]
- Dr. Sylvester Ashling [Epithet Erased]
- Ahmanet (+alive Ahmanet) ••• [The Mummy]
- The Lamb // Lambert [Cult of the Lamb]
- ENA (+ _____ form) [Joel G]
- Sun [Two Face ,, GH'S Animation]
- Blommy // Bloomy [Fluffffpillow's oc]
- Nabbit [Super Mario Bros]
- Marx (+Marx Soul) [Kirby Milky Way Wishes]
- Manga Marx [Kirby of the Stars! Moretsu Pupupu Hour!]
- Taranza [Kirby: Triple Deluxe]
- Scooby-Doo [Velma Meets the Original Velma]
- Evil [I Eat Pasta For Breakfast by Chibi-Works]
- Eloise Sarah Bellrose ‘Stripes’ [I Eat Pasta For Breakfast by Chibi-Works]
- Patchy the Pirate // Flying Dutchman [SpongeBob SquarePants | The Time Travelling Ghost Pirate Theory] •••
° Rio Ranger (+Rio Laizer)/Toto Noel •••• ,, Sei Satou ••• [Your Turn To Die]
° Monaca Towa ,, Nagisa Shingetsu ,, Jataro Kemuri ,, Masaru Daimon ,, Kotoko Utsugi [Danganronpa // Warriors of Hope]
° Isaac “Zack” Foster ,, Rachel Gardner ,, Edward “Eddie” Mason ,, Daniel “Danny” Dickens ,, Catherine “Cathy” Ward ,, Abraham Grey [Angels of Death // Satsuriku no Tenshi]
° Satou Matsuzaka ,, Shio Kōbe • ,, Asahi Kōbe ,, Taiyō Mitsuboshi ,, Sumire Miyazaki ,, Mitori Tajima ,, Shōko Hida ,, Satou’s aunt • [Happy Sugar Life]
° Eun Sian ,, Chae Yul •••• ,, Chae Yuri ,, Hyun Yujin ,, Min Hyunee [Secret Alliance]
° Aoi Mukou ,, Miyuki Sone ,, Haru [You and Me and He // Totono]
° The Angel •••• - The Demon •••• - The small Demon • [Avogado6]
° Justine Florbelle ,, Aloïs Racine (+pre-torture, +mid-torture) ,, Basile Giroux (+pre-torture, +mid-torture) ,, Malo de Vigny (+pre-torture +mid-torture) [Amnesia: Justine] ••••
° Rush ,, Hide ,, Seek ,, Eyes ,, Halt ,, Ambush ,, Screech • ,, Figure ,, Jack ,, Glitch [Roblox Doors]
° Sharko ,, Marina ,, Zig ,, Bernie ,, The Ghastly Ghost ,, Manic Mermaid ,, King Neptune [Zig & Sharko]
° Oh ,, Gratuity ‘Tip’ Tucci • ,, Pig • ,, Gorg ,, Kyle ,, Captain Smek ,, Boov [Home 2015]
° Pound (+Monstar form) ,, Bang (+Monstar form) ,, Nawt (+Monstar form) ,, Bupkus (+Monstar form) ,, Blanko (+Monstar form) [Space Jam // The Nerdlucks]
° Charmander ,, Squirtle (+Wartortle) ,, Bulbasaur ,, Leader Caterpie ,, Whiskers ,, Gastly • ,, Haunter ,, Flareon ,, Chimchar ,, Turtwig ,, Abomasnow [Starter Squad by Shippiddge]
° Kitsunami the Fennec [Sonic the Hedgehog]
- [Any Tails variant will do tbh] ➴
OG Miles ‘‘Tails” Prower • movie Tails • boom Tails • Anti-Miles • SH/TSAA Tails • (There's something about Knuckles) Tails • Blacksmith • (Tails’ Dark Diary) Tails • WWMH Miles • Nine • Mangey • Sails • Tails.EXE • starved Tails • Inner Tails • Ali Baba • Tailsop • Tails-Zilla • Tails Doll • Metal Tails • Luther • (Tails Gets Trolled) Tails • AOSTH Tails • Zails the Zone Cop • pinball/brainwashed Tails • Requital (The Sonic Oddities) • (Sonic Prime) Tails • (The Ankh) Hologram Tails/Hollow • (Operation Crimson) Tails • (Operation Crimson) Flor • Tails emo AU (Kayla Green)
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May add more in the future ...
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Hello, everyone! Welcome to:
The Official EvilliousTale AU Blog!
"What's EvilliousTale and what is it about?"
A: It's a crossover between Undertale and Evillious Chronicles, in which the characters in EC are replaced with the Undertale cast!
"What's Evillious Chronicles?"
A: Evillious Chronicles is an expansive dark fantasy multi-media series conceptualized by Akuno-P, originally told in song using the Vocaloid software. Expanding into light novels, short stories, and manga, the overarching story revolves around the vessels of sin, seven objects inhabited by demons that spread malice and calamity in their wake, and the numerous characters affected by them throughout the centuries. I reccomend reading it!
"What's Undertale?"
A: Undertale is a 2015 2D role-playing video game created by American indie developer Toby Fox. The player controls a child who has fallen into the Underground: a large, secluded region under the surface of the Earth, separated by a magical barrier. I reccomend playing it!
Right now we have:
Papyrus as:
- Behemo Barisol (Paphemo Bonesol) [ORIGINALLY LEN]
- Rilliane Lucifen D'Autriche [ORIGINALLY RIN]
- Lilith/Waiter [ORIGINALLY RIN]
Sans as:
- Levia Barisol (Sanvia Bonesol) [ORIGINALLY RIN]
- Allen Avadonia/Alexial Lucifen D'Autriche/Postman [ORIGINALLY LEN]
- Kokutan-Douji [ORIGINALLY LEN]
Toriel as:
- Margarita Blankenheim [ORIGINALLY MIKU]
Asgore as:
- Gallerian Marlon [ORIGINALLY KAITO]
Asriel as:
- Michelle Marlon [ORIGINALLY MIKU]
- Master of The Court [ORIGINALLY MIKU]
Gaster as:
Chara as:
- ???
Minor characters
Madjick as:
- Elluka Chirclatia [ORIGINALLY LUKA]
- Elluka Clockworker [ORIGINALLY LUKA]
- All of Elluka's forms
Whimsalot as:
- Irina Clockworker [ORIGINALLY IROHA]
- All of Irina's forms except MOTC
[More Minor Characters will be added in the future!]
Remaining roles:
The 7 Deadly Sins: Sateriasis, Banica, and Kayo
The 7 Heavenly Virtues: Gumina, Carlos, Gakusha, Michelle, and Nyoze
Original Sin Main/Important Characters: Maria Moonlit, Meta Salmhofer, Gammon Loop Octopussy, Milky Eights, and Ly Li
Lust Arc Main/Important Characters: Mikulia Greeonio, Lukana Octo, Lilien Turner, Maylis Beelzina, Yufina Marlon, Hakua Netsuma, and Karchess Crim
Gluttony Arc Main/Important Characters: Ron Grapple, Juno Beelzina, Platonic, Lich Arklow, and Eater Sabella
Pride Arc Main/Important Characters: Arth Lucifen D'Autriche, Anne Lucifen d'Autriche, Prim Marlon, Leonhart Avadonia, Mariam Phutapiè, Keel Freezis, Mikina Freezis, Gast Venom, Kyle Marlon, Germaine Avadonia, Ney, Chartette Langley, Clarith, Michaela, Gumillia, Riliane "Lily" Mouchet, and Yukina Freezis
Sloth Arc Main/Important Characters: Kaspar Blankenheim, Julia Abelard, and Gatt Coloumb
Envy Arc Main/Important Characters: Kai Miroku, Mei Miroku, Miku Miroku, Rin Miroku, Kiji Yarera, and Saruteito
Greed/Wrath Arc/EVILS THEATRE Main/Important Characters: Bruno Zero, Shiro Netsuma, Hel Jakko, Feng Li, Hanma Baldured/Nikolay Tolle, Loki Freezis, Mira Yarera, Tony Ausdin, Gammon Octo, and MOTHY (Master of the Hellish Yard)
Official Designs
Currently Sanvia, Paphemo, and Gabriel are the only ones with official designs, but I'll make more later on!
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- I REALLY need help for this AU, most notebly the character assigning and the characters that need to be added, either for Undertale or missing characters in Evillious.
- If insane enough, I'll even add Deltarune and UTY characters, though that's very much not gonna happen.
- Bold characters in 'Remaining Roles' are characters who aren't played by Vocaloids.
- This blog will mostly focus on Sanvia and Paphemo cuz they're my favorites, but I'll post other characters as well.
- You can ask more questions about this AU in the asks. Please do not mention the blog unless it's fanart.
- There's only one person working on this AU and moderating the blog and that's me, @angelp-official , so ABSOLUTELY DO NOT expect me to complete everything before the year ends or anything.
That's all I can say now, hope you'll enjoy my works!
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uraniumnm333 · 1 year
Ok i wanna do a pjsk/kagepro au for 8/15 and since today is 8/8 (haha tsukasa number funny) i wanted to start spitballing some ideas i have
First: i really want the nightcord gang to take the place of the yuukei quarlet. Or at least have two nightcord characters take the place of konoha and ene. This js purely bc of the whole code name thing
i’m also on the other hand really tempted to have tsukasa as ayano. Bc lovelovelove
but on the OTHER other hand i could so just rework kagepro in a way that i keep the snakes and general premise of the story, but give it a different sort of plot line. Like instead of assigning character to character, its character to snake and have them a lil differwnt
then again that is. So much work. but im worried people will come into it thinking “ah siblings this is a weird relationship if theyre implied to be together”
just another lil point mafuyu as haruka/konoha is incredibly important to me
also wanna consider the fact that haruka and konoha could be considered seperate people ? Idk but we arent soin that here LMAO
I want miku to be azami.
zatsune maybe can be involved too ??? As like saeru or smth
sorry when i was younger i read too many zatsune fics so yknow. Yeah
(maybe ill write a throwback sort of vocaloid fanfic. There was this one i really liked where zatsune was like. This evil side of miku which was cool. Really now i wanna do that NO FOCUS 8/15 KAGEYPRO
thats all i got but id love for people to give me more ideas for it. We gonna build the conematic universe and starts w the chapter i will hopefully have out by 8/15
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lovelyprincessn64 · 11 months
Halloween request event
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Come one and Come all today is spook mouth all day and night and this year I want to give everyone a special event for a holiday of horror and nostalgia.
Welcome to the Halloween party to request for any horror of your choice and to your heart desires and here are the choices:
Creepypastas and pokepastas
Crospe Groom Vincent Valentine anniversary
Spooky Mouth
Horror games and movies pules tv shows
Day of the dead
Celebrating the FNAF movie
Characters cosplaying
Halloween party
Trick or treat
Prompts of your choice (it has to be spooky theme)
Pumpkin patch
Suff form your childhood or nostalgia
Fan made monster high skullector dolls
Fanasy horror
Dead in the night
20. Any thing horror related
21. Gruesome faith
22. Yandere nightmare
23. Fan art of fan made horror games
24. Lots of blood and gore
25. Gothic style
26. Fall / autumn
27. Vacation to nightmare
28. Apocalypse
29. Dark desire
30. Monster fright
31. Hypnos lullaby tribute
32. Friday the 13th
33. Candy
34. Horror anime shows
35. Japan Halloween theme
36. Your ocs
37. Black and white horror Style
38. Tim Burton
39. Disney's Halloween theme movies
40. Bloody movie theater
41. Bloody snacks
42. mcdonald's boo buckets
43. Halloween specials
44. Vincent Valentine's birthday
45. L's Birthday
46. Bakery hell
47. Pumpkin spice latte
48. treehouse of horror
49. Childhood trauma
51. Tails's birthday and Tankman birthday
52. Monster Mash
53. sweetest of dreams
54. Night of the nuns
55. Ladies night
56. Sweet as sugar
57. Cafe nights
58. Fortunes of misfortunes
59. Last night at the Christmas party
60. Everless night
61. Final Call of a final girl
62. Death by Grimace Shake
63. Cupcakes
64. Eddsworld
65. R.I.P in pieces
66. Nightmare night
67. Five nights of fun
68. Victims of blood lust
69. vocaloid of terror
70. Dawn of the box office
71. Build a bitch
72. Doomsday
73. Winterwonder HorrorLand
74. Magician of mischievous
75. Tales of Horror Korean
76. Psychotic pharaoh
75. Animal crossing Halloween stuff
76. Cookie Run
77. Grave mistake
78. Lost CN episodes
79. Haunting Hour
80. Chills
81. Deadly sorrow
82. Night of the Woods
83. Come learn with Pibby
84. Fran bow
85. Garden of nightmares
86.🌡Blood n Honey 🍯
87. Random Encounters
88. Reflections
89. Deepest of regrets
90. Hell on kitty
91. Wii Deleted You
92. Jerry's basement
93. Toy Story Black Friday incident
94. Mario Madness
95. Baked alive
94. Dead Bart
95. Saturday of asphyxiation
96. Wonderland Massacre
97. Untold loneliness
98. Mr. Prinz's Pokemon Dusk & Pokémon Dawn also Pokémon Nightfall even Pokémon Nocturne including Pokémon Aurora along with Klaus and Dave even the dark Chronicles.
99. Cult Of The Lamb (some parts of it),
100. Splatoween Splatfest
101. Printer problems
102. The Phantom of the Opera
103. Soap opera genre
104. Dream yard of doom
105. Buried alive
106. Spider tea party time
107. Afterlife with Archie
108. The Walking Dead
109. Lost Silver
110. Evil Among Us
111. Rainbow Factory
112. What have I done
113. Old Chateau
114. Zardy's maze
115.Japan Halloween style
116. Ghosting you since 96
117. The bite of 87
118. Horrific Thanksgiving
119. Self aware genre
200. Earthbound Halloween hack
201. sonic channel
202. Balena Productions (some of it)
203. Tails gets trolled Halloween mod
204. Little Red Riding Hood zombie BBQ
205. Creepy dolls
206. Blood and Feathers
207. meatcanyon (but no requests of his real people videos including the controversial Super Bowl incident)
208. happy birthday balvenie
209. Karamari Hospital
210. Halloween shit post
211. Unown King
212. Cursed Cat Alastor
213. Lady/ man in the mirror
214. The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
215. Resident Evil
216. Spooky Redraws
217. The House of the Dead
218. Haunted Mansion
219. October birthdays
220. illbleed (it's a horror game)
221. Night of the consumers
222. Flesh Birds
223. Dino Crisis
224. Witch way
225. Eaten alive
226. Spookycore
227. No Escape
228. Goth Amy
229. Jack the Pumpkin King
230. Dear brother
231. Ben 10 Zombozo
232. Living Dead Boy / Girl
233. Monster Hunters
234. Nuns murder
235. The man that killed Halloween
236. After Dark
237. Little dark age
238. Calling All The Monsters
239. Turn the lights off
240. Thriller
241. Bloody Mary
242. Dead by Daylight
243. Spooky skeletons
244. Monsters under the bed
245. Charlie Brown Halloween special
246. Death comes at midnight
247. Black cats
248. Hocus Pocus
249. Radio demon
250. Overdue
251. Haunted by screams
252. Pandora's Box
253. Starve Eggman / starved characters
254. Ghostbusters (No 2016 version)
255. Nowhere to Run
256. Bloodpop
257. Plants vs Zombies
258. Main course
259. Genocide
260. Last Escape
261. Kill la kill anniversary
262. Shitno
263. Carnitrix
264. Blood stain ritual of the night
265. Suicide mickey.avi
266. Rain of Terror
267. Castlevania
268. Nightmare invasion
269. Deceased
270. City of the Dead
271. Scent of night
272. Look out!
273. Wind's Wreck
274. Children of the Night
275. Burger and Frights
276. Headless Horseman
277. Unborn's lullaby
278. There's always another night
279. Nebula
280. Reversion
281. Haunted by Screams
282. Living in the Dark
283. Moonlight Menschen
284. Hazbin hotel
285. One night at flumpty's 
286. Crimson head
287. I am not me
288. Silent Hill
289. Jack O'Lantern
290. Gorefield
291. Tofu Survivor
292. Grim Reaper
293. Grave robber
294. Scared Stupid
295. Mr. X
296. Don't feed it at midnight
297. Red Mist
298. Boogeyman
299. Ghost zone
300. What's your favorite scary movie
301. Thalassophobia
302. Mr. L
303. Death is part of life
304. Abandoned by Disney
305. He needs to eat
306. Why I'll never play a Mario game again
307. Appleyes
308. Body Gore
309. Black Ops Zombies
310. Dead space
311. Sleep experiment
312. Every copy is personalized
314. Sonic Generations beta
315. No mercy
316. Eyeless Jack
317. Slender Man
318. Ben drowned
319. Godzilla NES
320. Misfortune.gb
321. Glitchy red
322. Strangle red
323. I am Mr mix
324. Happiness for sale
325. Rap rat
326. Escape from Marywood
327. 1999
328. Rotten yellow
329. Zombreon
330. Pokemon Dead channel
331. Creepy Jigglypuff
332. Disabled can't sing (it's based off of a Pokemon Creepypasta about a Wigglytuff name disabled that cannot sing or use any Pokemon moves)
333. Please hurry
334. Sonic. exe
335. Bio crisis
336. Lisa Trevor
337. Circle you game
338. I hate you
339. Left unchecked
340. National Noodle Day
341. Boyfriend day
342. Abandoned loneliness
343. Pasta night
344. Bad ending friends
345. Evil art
346. Possessed Dawn
347. No you're not the one
348. I am not a clone
349. Goosebumps
350. Triple trouble
351. Sally.exe
352. Purple guy
353. King of five nights at Freddy's
354. Not everything as it seems
355. The murder of me
356. I'm pretty sure it's haunted
357. Luna game
358. Polybius
359. Lemon monster
360. Ed Edd n Eddy's boo haw haw
361. Las plagas
362. Ghost train
363. Resident Evil scrapped creatures
364. The Batman that laughs
365. Gregory's Horror Show
366. Deep fear
367. Faceless
368. Slendytubbies
369. Helluva boss
370. Carnival of Lost Souls
371. Vampire heart Draculaura
372. Why do ghouls fall in love
373. Sugar skeletons
374. Blood drive
375. Darkstalkers
376. Little red psycho Hood
377. #DRCL midnight children manga
378. Blood wash
379. She sways in her velvet dress
380. Keep going
381. Broken finger paradise
382. Horror tales patrick
383. Just gold
384. Survive the night
385. Hex Girls
386. Scooby-Doo Zombie Island (sequel to the movie not allowed)
387. Virus
388. Higurashi: when they cry
389. Hinamizawa syndrome
390. It's alive
391. Happy Fella
392. Harvest festival 64
393. Bonnie's Bakery
394. Morning coffee
395. Close at 2
396. Mouthwashing
397. Dr jekyll and Mr hyde
398. Fruit witches
399. Scoop room
400. YouTuber lumpy touch
401. Sleep paralysis
402. That's not my neighbour
403. Scarlet milk
404. Fundamental paper education
405. Zodick the Hellhog
406. Noh mask
407. Okiku doll
408. Aka Manto
409. Jinmenken
410. Oiwa
411. Nure-onna
412. Rokurokubi
413. Gashadokuro
414. Kunekune
415. Fanarts of The Batman Vs Dracula 2005
416. Scissor Twilight
417. Corrosion Isabella
418. Jenny Green Teeth
419. Cartoontrix
420. Jack Skeleton as tooth fairy
421. Silly Billy fnf
422. Hotdiggedydemon shed.mov
423. Oozers from adventure time
424. WB Splatter Spike or WB Splatter Tom or both / come up with your own suggestion
425. 1945 Tom
426. Ikenie No Yoru (translation it means: Night of the Sacrifice and it's a horror Wii game exclusive to Japan)
427. Tom the Postgirl
428. Childish Life Prolgue
429. Marry in Red
430. Lily's Well
431. Rainbow Factory
432. Elements of insanity
433. Pumpkin soup
434. Character of your choice as a pumpkin head
435. Howliday 
436. Mummy Majesties
437. MLP infection au
438. MLP candy mare
439. Zodiac of October
440. Gorefield of October
441. PortaBoy+
442. The Queen Of The Zombie Bees
443. Dead rising
444. Mlp Creepypastas
445. Gore N’ Kawaii
446. Count Mickey Dragul (some info: Count Mickey Dragul is a Disney horror / vampire wedcomic made and creative by twisted-wind as for the comic It's basically a vampire AU of mickey mouse)
447. I used to be a hero
448. By the ghosts of what I've done
449. There is no soul
450. Soulless
451. Bound by pain and flame
452. Trapped inside this nightmare
453. Cries of the lost souls
454. In the shadows of the night
455. The lives I couldn’t save
456. A hero’s heart not fully gone, in search of saving life
457. Stocked full of zombies that are craving brains
458. Evil beyond imagination
459. Creepy doll from kingdom hearts 3
460. Chucky doll
461. Unknown from dead by daylight
462. Glen / Glenda
463. Candy gore
464. Sick of candy
465. Suburban gothic
466. Doom Asylum
467. Dark Nautical
468. Southern Gothic 
469. Pastel Goth
470. New England Gothic
Disclaimer: be sure to read the rules before requesting please be thankful and understandable and civil thank you for reading and understanding.
Note: unlike normal requests you have to request horror theme or if your not interested you can always send a normal one.
Have fun ~🎃🎁
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pinkprincessia-art · 2 years
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stepswowdsen · 5 months
【KagePro】 -from the darkness- 🖤💛🐍
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Outer Science is the 14th song of the Kagerou Project series, and Kuroha's main appearance. You can check out the Outer Science MV here!
Intro rambles
Kuroha/Saeru (Me ga Saeru Hebi, "Snake of Clearing Eyes") is my fave KagePro chara. Murderous mad man!
Inspired by the Outer Science MV, and my fave Kagerou Daze (LN) cover: Vol. 7 -from the darkness-
I'll clean this up later 🙏
Outer Science: Intro rambles
This rearrange cover ft. Kagamine Len is my fave Outer Science fan-cover~ I honestly prefer it over the OG cuz the tuning is better and the adlibs and robotic tones/voice effects really add sm. Has so much more oomph than the OG.
Ty vgperson for carrying the Vocaloid, KagePro, and RPG Maker games communities. Their TLs are so good.
KagePro: Intro rambles
KagePro is a multimedia project/franchise that originally started as Vocaloid songs. It also has a light novel, manga, and (shitty) anime adaptation. These music videos would tell the story of a group called the Mekakushi Dan (Blindfold Gang), teens who died on August 15th and entered the never-ending world called the Kagerou Daze (Heat Haze Daze) and came out with an eye ability.
Kuroha (Dark Konoha) or The Snake of Clearing Eyes (Me ga Saeru Hebi), is the series' big bad antagonist. He is one of Azami's snakes who possesses humans' vessels. He usually possesses Konoha's body, and kills everyone in the Mekakushi Dan to force Marry, the current holder of the Queen Snake (and granddaughter of the original Medusa, Azami), to reset the timeline, thus, forever repeating the "never ending tragedy."
I'm still amazed by Sidu's MVs. Outer Science is still my fave KagePro song and MV. Sidu's art style is so nice and their MVs are gorgeous. Sidu really appealed to my aesthetic tastes when I first saw this MV in 2013 as a 12 year old, I was immediately enamoured with it. They have such great aesthetic sense.
The colours and chosen visuals… How every single scene has so much attention to detail and connects to the story…
My origins with KagePro
I first got into KagePro when I was 12, so Kuroha was my 12 year old self's big fave~ KagePro was my kid self's first fandom interest.
12 ~ 16 y/o me was OBSESSED with this mf and the KuroEne ship 😭 Ene my wife… 🥺💙 Cuz I shipped them when Kuroha was originally thought to be a dark alter ego of Konoha/Haruka. That got debunked but the ship brings such great angst fuel
The Kuroha liker in me coming out with the unhinged anime man / meow meow mf core taste, HAHA.
I love smug evil bitches with black/white design aesthetics 🐈‍⬛ I love his expressions ✌️ And Kuroha has a great song and MV too~
The Kuroha (2013), Saeran (2016), Judar (2022) pipeline!
Art Inspiration
I did a quick Kuroha doodle. God the lowkey buff-ification is happening just like with Unknown/Saeran, but oh well LOL
Oh I think I also want the KagePro LNs 🙏 Sidu's gorgeous Kagerou Daze VII (7) cover with Kuroha on the cover 🖤💛 This will always be my favourite cover. Sidu's art style is IMPECCABLE I love their aesthetics sm… The pose and blood splatters and Kuroha and Azami's expressions… AHHH IT SLAPS SO HARD
I thought of a composition where all the "Keep out" tapes bind around his hands and arms just like in the LN cover.
It's based on the "Welcome to my womb" (Youkoso waga tainai he) line in the Outer Science MV and my fave Kagerou Daze (LN) cover -from the darkness- 🤭✨
I remember drawing fanart of it when this LN first got announced and came out in 2016, but my old art looks like frigging doodoo so I did a quick doodle redraw of it. I wanna draw JuAli, Saeran/MC, and KuroEne, soon, but grrr school!
Sen's KuroEne AU 🖤💙
The first ship I was obsessed with as a 12 year old was KuroEne cuz it was based off the popular fan-theory that Kuroha was a dark alter ego/corrupted form of Konoha, and so, that would've given the ship a connection (due to HaruTaka and KonoEne)
It got debunked by MCA (Mekakucity Actors), the KagePro anime, in 2014, since Kuroha was revealed to be Saeru, the Snake of Clearing Eyes, so ever since, I preferred dealing with KuroEne in lighthearted AUs instead.
But I also like thinking of KuroEne in canon-verse angst AUs where Kuroha messes around in the routes (timelines) and pretends to be Konoha. He decides to befriend the Mekakushi Dan members before k*lling them this time, and Ene projects her feelings for Haruka and Konoha, onto Kuroha (who she thinks is Konoha…)
2 years ago, before Ene lost her human body and became a cyber girl, she was Takane, a special needs student who had a chronic illness that would cause her to constantly faint and feel tired no matter how much she slept.
She was put in the same special needs class as Haruka, her friend and classmate who she eventually fell in love with. She never got the chance to tell him her feelings before she died. When she entered the Kagerou Daze and gained an eye ability, she gained a body that never needed sleep in response to her wish back when she was alive.
Haruka was an artist, and designed game avatars for them back then - Ene and Konoha. In the present day, 2 years later, when she meets Kuroha, she recognizes his appearance, and thinks he's Konoha. After seeing Kuroha, who she thinks is Konoha, she's surprised to see "Konoha" in the flesh...
In my KuroEne AU, Ene thinks that Kuroha is Konoha with Haruka's memories, because Kuroha/Saeru remembers previous routes (timelines) and thus knows her true name (Takane) and context.
I'm insane LMAO. I love angst!
I'm just thinking about how much I mellowed out over the years, cuz my ship AUs for LimGuda (Douman/Ritsuka), IdaTatsu (Idate/Tatsumiya), XanLena (Xanxus/Selena), JuAli (Judar/Alibaba), etc., are super fluffy and focused on the characters' relationship development and moments of emotional intimacy, building rapport and connection... These AUs are overall happy/have a happy ending! I want my faves to be happy <3
But the ship AUs I made when I was a kid, like for KuroEne (Kuroha/Ene), were angsty as hell. I think it's just cuz Kuroha's setup and role in KagePro's plot, as the big bad murderer that kills the entire Mekakushi Dan, just makes it so that any KuroEne AUs (and Kuroha ships in general tbh), that take place in canon-verse, will always end tragically. Good thing I still got it in me to be able to write angst/tragedy... hehe.
Ofc, I will delve into light-hearted AUs with them too that take place outside of canon~ I want to write/draw KuroEne in a much more fluffy and lighthearted setting too.
My fave screenshots from the Outer Science MV!
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gamerbearmira · 1 year
(The person, who compared Doll Pedro to "Judgment of corruption")
Yes, I am talking about the vocaloid song! I just thought it was similar (due me and my sister watching that series right now and Gallerian Marlon (Sinner of greed/Kaito in this arc) is her favorite character)
I just thought it was similar for the idea of a person having a doll of their loved one, who's soul is tied to the said doll, and being attached to it. Heh.
And now it pushes me to idea... WHAT ABOUT EVILLIOUS CHRONICLES ENCANTO AU?!
That's what I thought! Seven Deadly Sins is a nono. I have heard a little bit of the song, not all the songs in the series. I like Daughter of Evil?? I think that's what it's called THE RIN ONE 😭 and I've heard Gakupo's. Still have no idea what the story is, I think there's different story lines? REGARDLESS. GOOD SONGS. I think you should do the au, even if I have no idea what's going on, I'd like to see it 🦅
Seven Deadly Frames 💀
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