michaeljclarke · 8 months
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Water in the woods of Vermont.
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shotmrmiller · 2 months
There's a post going around abt price lying about his sex life and why do I think Simon would be the same way? He's like nah mate I don't fuck but goes home to reader every time to make sure that mattress still has an impression of reader
that's funny because i think price would fucking boast. you know those 'we trying for a baby' 'why tf do i wanna know you getting stuffed full of cum' memes? that's him.
oh he's letting everyone and their mom fucking know that he's going in with only the gun he keeps by his bedside as protection cuz babyyyy-
and do not asking him what positions to have some sort of cheeky gotcha moment he will spill any and all beans. he doesn't care. proud of it. he's got a heavy sac and a full heart and ain't ashamed in the least.
simon is the one that lies. yeah, he could have tons of one nighters. used to, too. the boys know him well enough that if he up and leaves in the middle of a 141 night out, he's gotten in someone's pants. and he still does that. doesn't say a word after finishing that swill soap calls beer and just-
leaves. blends into the shadows and disappears. soap tends to give some crass whistle too like don't do anything i wouldn't do but he's just running to go home to you cuz he:
misses you
needs to be inside you
also tired, social battery is empty
he doesn't tell even price anything. it makes him feel a bit bad, almost. (keyword almost. you're the upmost priority and if john is the man simon knows him to be, he'd understand)
he trusts him to always have his six no matter what and here simon is, hoarding you like a dragon does his treasure but he just can't risk anyone knowing of you. will not come home to an empty, bloodied home like he did last time.
all it takes is one slip of the tongue. one word to fall onto listening ears for you to get taken and killed, if not worse. he's made one too many enemies. he knows he's dangerous. knows his life's dangerous. but he gives up so much for his country so the least anyone can let him have all for himself is you.
and no photos taken :) except for the ones he lets you take of yall on polaroid.
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weirdlookindog · 1 month
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Richard Westall (1765-1836) - "The weird sisters, hand in hand", 1798
William Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' Act I Scene III: The Three Witches
engraved by James Stow (1770-1823)
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allthingseurope · 7 months
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Stowe Gardens, England (by John B Marshall)
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Madeleine Stowe (34) in Unlawful Entry (1992)
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kyurochurro · 26 days
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MSR SLUMBER PARTY!!! WEEEEEEEEEEE 💫🌙🛸 (they’re gonna watch movies all night)
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kaeyachi · 9 days
Kaeya, despite being a sickly and gentle child, was his own kind of nightmare for Crepus and the other Dawn Winery staff.
See, Diluc is prone to mischief and chaos, dragging along his younger brother and a couple of other children into his plots and messes.
But Kaeya? Kaeya is the type to end up in the most random, and I do mean most random, of places. He would vanish for several hours, only to be found in an unexpected location such as, oh let's say that one time, he was found eating fruit with some friendly hilichurls...IN LIYUE.
He was such a curious soul that would easily get distracted by the wonders of Teyvat, but since he is so silent in both words and movements, whoever is watching over him would lose sight of him just as quickly.
He has caused several search parties in his youth, only for people to find out he was following a seelie to a treasure chest or napping with a young wolf cub in Wolvendom.
Crepus swears that Kaeya and Diluc are competing on who can give him gray hairs the fastest (so far, Diluc is winning, but Kaeya sure is catching up with every scream of panic from a designated babysitter and Diluc)
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random-brushstrokes · 6 months
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Stow Wengenroth - Strange Visitors (1944)
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starcurtain · 4 months
Sometimes I think about the fact that we have absolutely no information on how long Aventurine actually spent in slavery.
He fled from the Avgin massacre as a young child, and we didn't see him again until he was a grown adult. I doubt he could have survived entirely on his own at that age and Sigonia's conditions seem too harsh for people to randomly adopt orphans, especially from a rival/outcast clan...
We do know that the master we see on screen was not his only master, because he was purchased from someone else, but we have no idea how many masters he had total before his final one, how many times he could have fled and been recaptured, how many times he was bought and sold...
We do know that Aventurine appears to have been kept on Sigonia or somewhere similarly tribal for those missing years, since his first request to the IPC is for Jade to take him to her "chief," but we don't even know how long Aventurine has been out of slavery. He doesn't look massively different in age from his "trial" with Jade to how he looks in-game now, and he did not rise through the IPC ranks over time like Topaz but won his role directly through his gamble with Jade and then later proving himself on Iymanika.
Basically, all this is leading to a big question: Is it possible that the Aventurine we know is only barely out of slavery? That there may be something like five years or fewer separating him from the wastelands of Sigonia? That he learned all these new behaviors, all this new information about how to operate as a free person in the universe, in what likely amounts to 2-3 years of Jade's guidance and his own hard work?
Man, what an incredible character. Really a standout among my very favorites.
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silverfoxjumps8 · 4 months
Madeleine Stowe
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disease · 1 year
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whynot-movies · 1 month
12 Monkeys (1995)
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cable-salamder · 8 hours
Hiiiii I heard you wanted doodle requests and you know me- maybe some Comic Garmadon and min? I'd love to see them both and your doodles scratch my brain :)
Did you know picking up and opening my copy of Garmadon makes me take 5 billion psychic damage and is made worse by the fact that it ALWAYS falls open on either the “why do you carry me with you?” Page Or the “What is it that you want?” “Redemption” page?
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Anyways! Min! Garmadon is there too ig but he’s passed out like a loser
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Madeleine Stowe (33) in China Moon (1991)
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vintagecamping · 1 year
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A traveller and his companion relax on the way home from Stow on the Wold Horse Fair.
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scoobydoodean · 10 months
#okay wait do y'all think that she wasn't going to try and murder Dean?#Do you think he was going to get through to her?#convince her somehow to not try to stab him?#that she was telling the truth at all in that scene?#because she was totally going to try and kill Dean#like 100% that was going to happen#and if Sam hadn't shot her then Dean would have had to kill her and that would have been so much harder on Dean#like it was disturbing that Dean had a 3 day old monster child that wanted to kill him but who was then killed by her uncle Sam instead#and even more disturbing that they then never mention her again#but these are also the guys who left their half brother in Lucifer's cage and didn't lose any sleep over it so...#and I love Dean but killing Amy was an asshole move#and there's kinda a difference between killing an active imminent threat and killing someone in cold blood after the fact @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis
I didn't want to clutter someone else's post but this was partially directed at me? I've talked about the whole "Emma vs Amy" debate quite a few times, but I'll share a few thoughts.
Amy is a present, unrepentant, fully cognizant, adult, serial murderer. She is not actually sorry about what she did in any way. She believes that slaughtering humans like cattle to feed them to her son was the morally correct action even if it wasn't the ethical action because it kept her son alive. She is not correct.
Emma is a brainwashed child who's been psychologically conditioned for a few days. She has never killed anyone and only wants to kill Dean because some women who abused her told her to.
Hunters like Sam and Dean primarily deal in punitive justice, not preventative justice—and what I mean by that is that Sam and Dean try not to kill people (with powers or without powers) who have never killed anyone.
While I think you're right to point out that a preventative justice component is in play, that is not primarily how Dean makes the decision to go after Amy, and the reason we know that is because Amy's son swears to kill Dean and Dean does nothing about it because the boy has done absolutely nothing wrong.
Dean's application of his personal code is consistent here. He kills Amy, who is a murderer who killed four people, but he does not intend to kill Emma or Amy's son—both of whom wanted to kill him—because neither has actually killed anyone and both may choose not to.
You say that Emma was going to kill Dean 100%, but you don't actually know that because we never got to see that future. You assume Amy would never have killed again, but when you add up "murderer who regrets absolutely nothing" and "child vulnerable to catching illnesses" you get "Mom who absolutely would kill again as necessary and who would feel zero remorse doing so just like the last time".
I don't personally think SPN gives us any reason to suspect that three days of psychological conditioning from a cult is too much to overcome. We have seen other characters overcome much more serious levels of psychological conditioning intended to make them killers. For example, Cas and Alex. I'm not saying Emma wasn't trying to pull the wool over Sam and Dean's eyes in the scene where Sam shot her, but I am saying that doesn't actually mean in any way that she couldn't be convinced to actually choose a different path.
Under the same litmus test with which you suggest Emma's condemnation, we'd also condemn season 2 Sam for his potential "future" crimes. We are killing monsters before they actually become those monsters... because of the dark path someone else intends for them to go down. Amy—again—is an active present unrepentant serial killer.
I think sometimes people misremember the scene where Sam kills Emma—recalling the scene as a scene where Emma lunges at Dean with the knife and Sam steps in just in time to save his life, or where Dean is unarmed and Emma has him at knife point. But that is not what happened. Emma quite literally brought a knife to a gun fight. Dean had a gun pointed at her, and if she was thinking straight at all, she would have left to avoid being killed if given the chance—especially when Sam arrived. And had she not, Sam could have shot her at that point—but Sam didn't wait to see what she'd do. He wanted her dead, because even if she ran, he didn't think they were equipped to deal with surprise attacks from Dean's Amazon child. That is the decision Sam made after a brief moment to consider, and it makes sense to me given the headspace he was in at the time and his assessment of Dean's headspace as well, but it does not make his decision consistent with his previous or future behavior regarding people who have been psychologically conditioned to kill.
My own frustrations are more with fandom, for a thought process that really really does not make sense to me, where Emma deserves to die but Amy deserved to live. I do not agree with that premise. I do not understand why so much of fandom has the perspective that a child who hadn't shed a drop of blood and who was acting in response to a cult's torture, who brought a knife to a gun fight and had already been driven into a corner where she had no choice but to surrender or run—doesn't deserve a chance to choose something else before she's barely lived and before she's heard a loving word in her entire life, but an adult with full cognizance of their actions who went through with killing four people and doesn't regret it should go on with their life and is "just a good mom doing what she had to" and killing that person is the bad thing. I don't understand that. I don't think Dean killing Amy was wrong at all in the "hunters kill supernatural murderers" show. The only thing Dean did wrong was lie about it and not take enough care to keep her son from seeing it happen.
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