#stram tam
kuradai-s-kosa · 6 months
Gonna go live with Borderlands in 25 minutes on > twitch < with my dear friend NnerenniuM. The enhanced edition was messing with their GPU so we swapped to regular edition, so no more golden chest.
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norwegianlearner · 1 year
Opposite Adjectives 2
sulten | mett hungry | full
hvit | svart white | black
lett | vanskelig easy | difficult
frisk | syk healthy | sick
vid | trang wide | tight
åpen | lukket open | closed
rett | feil right | wrong
fast | løs fixed | loose
bein | skjev straight | oblique
blid | sur cheerful | grumpy
bratt | slak steep | gradual
rask | sakte fast | slow
hurtig | treg rapid | sluggish
sliten | opplagt exhausted | freshened
energetisk | trøtt energetic | tired
riktig | gal correct | incorrect
tam | vill tame | wild
uklok | smart unwise | smart
stolt | flau proud | embarrassed
stram | slakk tight | slack
sjenerøs | gjerrig generous | stingy
grådig | velgjørende greedy | charitable
morsom | kjedelig funny | boring
modig | feig brave | coward
lik | ulik like | unlike
hyppig | sjelden frequent | rare
dyp | grunn deep | shallow
identisk | annerledes identical | different
bråkete | stille loud | quiet
våken | søvnig awake | sleepy
mektig | umektig powerful | weak
rolig | rastløs calm | restless
skyldig | uskyldig guilty | innocent
praktfull | grusom splendid | awful
trang | romslig narrow | spacious
solfylt | skyggelagt sunny | shaded
streng | mild rigid | mellow
subjektiv | objektiv subjective | objective
teoretisk | praktisk theoretical | practical
tilfeldig | planmessig random | systematically
tillatt | forbudt permitted | forbidden
vannrett | loddrett horizontal | vertical
variert | ensformig diverse | uniform
voksen | barnslig adult | childish
sta | medgjørlig stubborn | pliant
komisk | tragisk comic | tragic
konkret | abstrakt concrete | abstract
moderne | gammeldags modern | old-fashioned
naken | påkledd naked | dressed
positiv | negativ positive | negative
konstant | skiftende constant | volatile
aktiv | passiv active | passive
homogen | heterogen homogeneous | heterogeneous
først | sist first | last
arrogant | ydmyk arrogant | humble
flat | kupert flat | jagged
fysisk | psykisk physical | psychological
obligatorisk | frivillig compulsory | voluntary
kriminell | lovlydig criminal | law-abiding
beruset | edru intoxicated | sober
dynamisk | statisk dynamic | static
glatt | ru smooth | rough
fin | grov fine | rough
blek | brun pale | brown
fet | mager fat | skinny
generell | spesiell general | special
individuell | felles individual | collective
brå | gradvis abrupt | gradual
maksimal | minimal maximum | minimum
maskulin | feminin masculine | feminine
optimistisk | pessimistisk optimistic | pessimistic
spiss | butt pointy | pointless
skarp | sløv sharp | blunt
sentral | perifer central | peripheral
rund | kantete round | angular
naturlig | kunstig natural | artificial
informativ | intetsigende informative | inane
muntlig | skriftlig oral | written
pratsom | taus talkative | silent
innvendig | utvendig internal | external
profesjonell | amatørmessig professional | amateur
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kayzowl · 5 months
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it's stram tam! continuing my ffxiv comic http://twitch.tv/kayzowl
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jolikmc · 4 days
Stram tam. More writing and whatnot.
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narkinafive · 6 years
is this link more direct? idk
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hailmogar · 3 years
Holy shit I'm in the Stram Tam PC AH GTA group & I just got an invite to play with the crew. Matt, Lindsay & I got into a car wreck, I killed Jack with a laser gun & I had the honour of being murdered by Alfredo.
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Killing Jack felt horrible!
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golurkkoopa · 3 years
Stram tam, more minecraft
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tbfstreaming · 4 years
stram tam
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stram  tam 
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kiraraneko · 5 years
TIM TAM TIME FOR A STRIM STRAM https://twitch.tv/kirawrart Drawing a Neopet commission today!
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kuradai-s-kosa · 6 months
going live with Cursed Halo at my twitch
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kuradai-s-kosa · 6 months
streaming some Cursed Halo at 9pm PST (2 hours 50 minutes from now) with a dear friend on my twitch
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narkinafive · 6 years
Watch with me in star wars bitch: https://www.rabb.it/s/sx307
link post isn’t working but THE STREAM IS!!!! we’ll wrap up s3 of rebels, then ove onto s4, and stop before we break our own stupid hearts :’)
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narkinafive · 6 years
Gonna finish up some gifs and then stram tam assemble at like 8 est? Maul arccccc
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tbfstreaming · 6 years
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tbfstreaming · 7 years
Can someone say “Doesn’t know what to put for an image?” 
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