#strange and dottore had a few things in common from the start
starkkawajiri · 9 months
FATUI MAGIC USERS AU TIME got some doodles done, guess whooo
in loving memory of supreme strange's good writing, i am starting with fatui harbinger strange (totally didnt sketch wanda and mordo before i found out about the catastrophe) ((they're next))
- The Second of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers, Il Dottore / The Doctor
(og dottore for reference)
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i love crazyasses!!! alr so clearly not colored but imagine it is, + un-altered outfit (since the one harbinger strange has is a bit different)
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super! okay class question nr 1 was the artist attracted to men
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alright now to talk about this freak of nature, things i kept from Il Dottore's backstory
(will refer to him as Stephen to differentiate between this AU and the regular Marvel Impact AU where his name is Sufian)
zoinks warning for some crazy shit, mentions of malpractice and totally legal ways of treating patients
☆ this dude wants to create a god and to elevate humans to the level of gods, and the people around him have given him constructive criticism on his ways and research, such as "thats not normal", "please cut it out", and "get that scalpel away from me"
☆ if there are clear lines that cannot be crossed as a researcher and doctor, Stephen does not see them! He has used gods' remains as treatment and he would do it again ((take his medical license away))
☆ harbinger strange is at least 400 years old; he IS human but he created segments or "clones" of himself like any normal person would to surpass the limits of his lifespan (which he later killed for two cool magical rocks, might've as well not made them🙄)
despite everything, he's far more tame and sane than Zandik/OG Dottore in this AU, just a little bit more of a jerk that, instead of starting off with negotiating with Lesser Lord Kusanali, went straight to throwing heretic hands with the traveler
small side note
- Loki takes the place of The Balladeer/Scaramouche, he's a puppet which means -> very bad if there's someone out there that wants to create a god. i dont need to say more, you can imagine how thats going
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the more normal people are next, if u have any questions about this weirdo pls hand them over, i love questions
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What if creator reader is separated from their nephew and nugget is crying, sobbing - just wanting to be with [Y/n] when all of a sudden they see some dilf/grandpa looking dude (Pierro) and then it all clicks to him and decides to adopt them for now all while helping Nugget find their guardian/relative who happens to be the all ruling deity that created the world.
He felt it's been hours as his feet attempted to carry him to safety where that was. He had never been here as his parents not his favorite guardian ever took him to a place like this. It all seemed too strange and also scary as he heard sounds of things that he has never heard of before.
He would have been brave if they were here since when they were, everything seemed to be afraid of them. That's why he loved them so much - they were his protector.
But they weren't here.
What if the monster that's out there gets him? He's small. He can't outrun many things.
"Where are you? Mami... Papa...! Tita! I'm scared!" The voice of the child cared through the winds but no one heard.
Or at least that is what the child thought as it clutched onto the one thing that he brought with him - a stuffed animal plushie that was gifted to him by his guardian when he was five. It was some sort of raccoon animal but didn't look like a raccoon with it's cute tail and fluffed up red and white fur.
Beneath the very ground, the land started to sing and cry as they had no way to comfort the boy personally, except maybe to send a sort of message to anyone that was in the area of the forest nearest to him. There were a few but they were too far away and of course, the animals and fungi would only frighten the child.
There was one.
One that had been shunned, one that has been in hiding in far away lands but had come to the great Dendro forests once again in hopes of new methods. He had heard the cries of the child and decided to follow the sounds, a few of his subordinates following the foreboding man of a nation now destroyed by time and gods.
His lone icy colored eye watched the path ahead to a clearing where the cries were coming from. He could have easily ignored it as lost children were quite common in the Sumeru forests as told to him by Dottore and from what he remembered. But this cry, there was nothing to explain other his heart shattered from hearing the pain, to hear an innocent be so distressed.
As if is body was moving on his own.
"Titi! W-where are you?!" The young child huddled into what looked like a small burrow possibly made by a small fox or even the whopperflowers that decided to stay close but were eliminated quickly by his subordinates. Guarding the entrance of the burrow where he easily hid were two dendro slimes though one was big. The Child seemed to be scared but the slimes seemed to make flowers appear on top of its head as a way to comfort the crying child.
A crying child was worrisome enough.
But if the crying child had sparkling silver streaming down his cheeks?
'Teyvat had started with a simple speck floating endlessly. A great force soon took possession of it. Day and night, it worked endlessly until the speck grew and grew. The great earth overgrew with the power of fire spewing, forming mountains and land together, storms brewed with the help of a simple blow from the Force themselves, creating the winds, the storms - lightning, and rain were created from the frustrations and determination of Them. Over time, thanks to the rain, the oceans, lakes, and rivers, the land had become to freeze, and in others, forests had become bountiful. From the bountiful lands of green, soon great beasts of each domain rose from a slumber they had no recollection of. Awaiting them in front of them was a being of pure golden and silver light, a wave of their hand, and the great beasts, "dragons" as they were bestowed by the light, bowed before the Light. Before them stood the Divine Creator. The ruler of Teyvat. They had breathed life into their world and what else could they do other than what they asked, which was to live well and prosper. It's unknown what happened as it all went so quick. Many events occurred at the same time but what everyone remembered was the favoritism the Creator showed to the nation of Khaenri'ah.
Oh, how the creator loved Khaenri'ah. How they were so willing to do more, happy to learn more and had treated Them like one of them.
They were a nation closest to the Creator and the first to know that the Creator had a family and one of them was with child and their Creator loved the said child. The child was said to be who will inherit Teyvat.
The Heir.
The Little Prince.
"One day, I shall bring him here to show him all that I love and hope he will love as well. One day, I want him to walk and talk among you all so he appreciates you all. He will be dearly loved and he shall be friend to all - my future benevolent prince."
He was one of the lucky few who have read the scripts of when the creator was still among them. How they adored the idea of Gods and humans living in harmony and the future friends he might have.
Of course, They always appreciated free will. Something that the Anemo Archon was inspired by. They never really placed harsh judgement. They always treated everyone fairly.
But seeing the child in person like this must be a dream. Did this mean that the benevolent Creator has returned? If so, where are They? And why is the Heir crying?
Pierro carefully approached the child and though the slimes should have been dispatched and before he could give the order, the slimes stopped as if they knew the Harbinger would help. The child still crying and sparkling silver streamed down his cheeks and hiccuping.
Everyone surrounding the area took pity. They had to ensure the Heirs happiness.
"Little one, where is your Guardian?" He asked gently and was happy to see that he stopped, wiping his tears for a moment before replying. The child was unsure to say anything but his instincts were telling him that the man was a good man.
"I... I don't know. We were in [Guardians name] ride home when.. when there was a big crash...! I was so scared I c-closed my eyes! I open them and they were gone..! I don't know where I am! I miss Tita! I want my Tita! I wanna go home! I must ask mama and papa to punish the fool who hurt Titia's ride! Ah! Tita! I hope they're not hurt!"
Anger soon filled their bodies.
Someone brought harm to the Heir and the Creator?!
Divine retribution is indeed in the makings for whom dared to bring harm to their Creator and the Heir.
But first...
"What is your name, Little Prince?"
The child looked up, wiping more of the tears from his face and tried to put on a brave face. He has to be strong until he finds his Guardian again!
"I'm [Nephew's Name]! But... Tita calls me Nugget! Or Little Prince like you did, Mister."
Nugget was happy that the man smiled and even patted his head. Though he looked "stern" and "emotionless" like those people his Tita mentioned, the man was very kind. And he was the one he stuck to when he decided to go with them. And Mister Pierro promised to help him find his Tita. If they're in danger, then he'll be able to come and rescue them like the hero he is!
"Mister Pierro, do you have friends?"
"Friends? Something like that." Pierro will indulge in the Little Prince. Who cannot?
"Then we have an army! We have lots of people to look for Tita and it'll be easy! Oh, you'll like them mister. They're really nice and though clumsy, are the best!"
He couldn't wait to see the Creator in person. To see the benevolent being that his predecessors practically worshiped. The man who formed the Fatui will assure that he will leave no rock unturned till their Grace is safe in the lands of Snezhnaya
That's all I got. Thanks folks :3
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merakiui · 4 years
My first proper writings in a while pftt it’s not too rusty I think
JueYun Karst, a sacred place to all Liyue’s locals. The abode of the mighty Adepti, which mortals may not trespass without sigils of permission. It may sound like some mysterious haven to them, but you beg to differ.
Same river, same rocks, even the Qingxings in the mountains taste the same as they were the century prior. Here you lay under your favorite cherry blossom tree, half dozing off with a novel covering your face. I wonder when Ganyu would bring new sequels, what happened to this couple, did they elope or?You roll over and stretch, yawning.
The life of an Adepti such as yourself is repetitive, to say the least. Especially when your powers were not meant for the battlefield, more for healing and caretaking. In this era of relative peace, boredom is on way to describe your daily mood. Now Rex Lapis had stepped down from his archon post, the contract between Liyue harbor and the Adpeti had been completed.
Maybe it’s because you are young for an Adepteus, or how your curious nature often gets the best of you, you long to explore the common world. The world must have changed a lot since the war, and whenever Ganyu comes by she would tell you what is going on in Liyue recently. Why haven’t you gone to the harbor? Because all the senior adeptus objected to the mere idea, saying how you would get lost and never come back. Your battle prowess is not enough, they always preach, as if you are still the same fragile newborn centuries ago. You are not supposed to talk back, so you have no choice but keeping your mouth shut, only silently cursing them once they are out of earshot. All the mortals you dealt with in offering ceremonies were nice and respectful, not even wanting to look at you in the eyes. This is how things should be, you said to yourself quietly in the head as you nod to conclude the ceremony. But...this is just distressing somehow, you are just being ungrateful, it happens.
That is, until you met that strange man when you sneaked out the borders of Jueyun Karst a few days ago.
It was an spontaneous decision, now you had gotten yourself lost around Cuijie slope. Maps aren’t exactly available to you, and it has been too long since you last saw the common world. How many times have you passed this flower? Is it even the same flower or just the same species?
“Are you lost, Miss?” You’re not! You are just-
Eh, what’s with the mask? Does he have some horrid scar that needs to be concealed? No matter, might as well ask him for some directions. “Greetings,sir. I am heading towards Liyue Harbor. And yourself?” You try to let your smile come off as non-condescending, as to not have him yelling “Oh forgive me the mighty adeptus” similar to those mortals you encountered on Qingyun peak.
How unusual, someone like you is out and about on her own. Perhaps you know your destination, but Dottore is sure you never got the correct route. Judging by your fine attire, that vision trinket around your waist paired with antiquated speech, one can tell you are not from the surrounding villages. So what is a young maiden doing here all alone? The Doctor might have devoted most of his hours on research projects, but he however knows ladies of rich families travel with attendants.
Unless, you are no common young maiden at all. There is just something about your aura...That feeling cannot be put into words,yet. Silently signals his subordinates to stay put, Dottore had started his analysis the moment he began to answer your rather intrusive questions. Half-truths of course, to appear as sincere as possible. This is usually the work of an underling, but this time...maybe he will see to it himself.
“So you are a doctor? You...fix people up? What a coincidence. I happen to practice the same profession.” A fawn, that’s what you remind the Harbinger of. With those eyes gleaming with curiosity, but cautious as if you would bolt if he had passed the safe distance. JueYun Karst, where “spirit guardians”of Liyue dwell, is nearby, if memory serves. Human-esque immortal beings...it’s not everyday people came across any of them. Not that he wants to attend those pretentious ceremonies, and Dottore doubts he would be allowed to watch given his Fatui status. The subject of immortality is irresistible to any researcher, but the sources are scarce.
My, my, is it possible? Are you a real adeptus in the flesh before him? It is indeed a bold assumption, but there is no other possible hypothesis. You don’t even recognize the Fatui emblem, saying it looks like some strange butterfly?
(I did fem reader here since it flows better! Hope I did not overdo the mood hhhh )
-Wonderful anon
WONDERFUL ANON!!!! This was absolutely amazing!! OMG :O The way you described the reader as a poor little fawn who’s curious but also still wary of Dottore... *chef’s kiss* And I love how scheming Dottore sounds when he’s lying to her. King of ulterior motives!!
You definitely didn’t overdo the mood! It felt perfect. The introduction of the reader’s innocence when it comes to human culture and Liyue Harbor itself was very fitting. It’s good to know that because it makes it easier for her to believe whatever Dottore says, under the impression that what he’s saying is true. Poor adeptus!reader has no idea about what she’s gotten herself into. And the fact that she doesn’t even know about the Fatui... Oh, Dottore is going to have a field day with that.
I adore the idea of Dottore being interested in the concept of immortality. Like many scientists and researchers, it’s one of those things that seems unattainable or difficult to truly comprehend. But now that he’s found this lost adeptus, he’s going to make full use of her to test all sorts of things related to immortality.
10/10, wonderful anon!!!! This was such a lovely read. Your writing is delicious, so thank you very much for this meal!
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