#stranger things 4 speculation
peachypaddys · 2 years
WILL BYERS Is The Missing Piece In The Fight Against Vecna
the dnd game in the first episode of season 4 was a clear foreshadowing of events to come in their battle against vecna, evident through the fact that the game itself, is against vecna.
so far, everyone in the st universe has been calling eleven the only one that can save the world against him, and are thus desperately trying to bring back her powers to help win against vecna.
however, in that scene from episode 1, the club is down to the last two throws to win against vecna. dustin rolls first and the dice comes up with the number 11, which proves to be a miss and not enough to kill vecna.
i believe that this is direct foreshadowing, wherein el alone is not enough to fight against vecna's immense power.
the following throw by erica though, proves enough to kill vecna, and they win the game.
erica throws the number 20. now, the number of children that were experimented on in the lab is said to be somewhere around 18. el, kali and 16 others. but the experiment subjects' numbers began from 002, since the initial child with psionic powers, henry creel, was 001. this makes up 19 children.
i theorize that number 20, the twentieth child with psionic abilities, is going to be will byers. and he will be the one to defeat vecna and stop him.
ever since henry creel was introduced to us, people have been noticing similarities between him and will. the fact that they were both sensitive children who were different from the others, and both wizards. dustin calls vecna a dark wizard, will's dnd avatar is a wizard called will the wise. this has led people to believe that will is going to turn into a villain just like henry, but i propose the opposite. to defeat a powerful dark wizard, you would need the opposite. a light wizard that can combat them with the same/similar abilities.
henry tells el about how painful memories and sadness and anger can help unlock powers. he implies that his powers were unlocked like that, and considering the similarities between them, will might also have latent powers as opposed to powers recieved through experiments, which can be unearthed. (although we don't know how, if he ever did, henry get his powers. it's possible it was naturally occurring or he received it from somewhere.)
i think when will gets taken by vecna in vol 2 (which, let's face it, seems more and more plausible), him going through all his trauma again might unlock his powers. will has always been regarded as special. the upside down is stuck in the day he got taken, he was used as a spy by the mind flayer, strong enough to communicate from under its' control, and still has a connection with it, being able to sense when it's close.
this season, i presume, will end with eleven failing against vecna and will unlocking his powers, which will then lead to the last season where they can finally win against him. either will alone or will and eleven together. the whole show began with will, it only makes sense for him to be the one to end it.
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jazz-penguin · 2 years
Look guys, since I'm not homosexual, I don't know how coming out feels like. I understand that it must be a very emotional thing, though.
But does it have to be this emotional with Will and Jonathan?
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Why Will is crying so hard?
Jonathan has always been accepting and supportive of him, I think Will understands that. He is also sure that Mike is straight and in love with Eleven, so that's not a post-rejection crying either.
So what is going on here?
Since everyone is sharing theories here, here's mine. I'm starting to think that someone has died or is going to die. Like sacrifice himself, or do something risky. What if it's a goodbye scene or something?
Please prove me wrong 😭 I have a bad feeling about Jonathan. The music tape he gave to Will at the end of s1... what if it's meant to be a remembrance of Jonathan, when he's gone?
And that would be a cruel way to resolve the love triangle between him, Nancy and Steve, but what if...
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shprka · 2 years
The only theory/speculation I have about Vecna/One/Henry Creel is that he picks victims for the MF but he choses them himself. He chooses abused and traumatised teens because they're the easiest targets, right? And in this season we see his process of elimination for victims.
But he's also probably the one to pick hosts for the MF, right? Like, I have no doubt in my mind that it was One who chose Will as a host. They're both so similar - traumatised, introverted, withdrawn kids with mean dads, like to draw, bullied as well probably.
So it had to be One as well to choose Billy as a host. And my theory is that Billy was the perfect host for the MF, which is even proven by canon and further proven by One this season. Billy, Will and One share so many things (trauma, mean dads, abuse, trauma, anger, profound loneliness and no support from anyone. And a sister!!) but One and Billy even look similar (blonde hair, blue eyes). That makes Billy the perfect host in One's eyes. I feel like One could've been the Perfect Host if El didn't kick him into Upside Down and the UD didn't make him part of itself. So One has to go with the other best option, someone who is so much like him - Billy.
Also I think the victims from this season (and maybe the previous one) might be the undead army that was mentioned a few times before. I'm especially thinking about their eyes being gone, that detail seems important. It's like stealing their souls to the Upside Down. And they're on display around the Creel House, I think they might come back somehow and fight our main characters.
Also in s3 Billy met his double (it had to mean something okay 🤡) with an army behind him. They were betting on Billy as the MF leading that army.
So if I was Vecna and the MF and knew who the perfect host was I would simply do anything in my power to bring him back instead of looking for someone else. Be it going back in time or taking him back from some other reality 🤡🤡
Also, it would be cool if One's motivations in targeting Max this season was because his mind is still somehow connected to Billy and thinking of her as his sister too and because he killed his sister once, he has to do it again
Max's not free of the curse yet, I want Vecna to really go after her
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willelbyers · 2 years
Wait what did you see that made you understand the crush thing? Could you please elaborate on your thoughts too?
i’m on mobile so i can’t put a read more so, fair warning, potential spoilers below!!!
basically, i heard from a source i trust that they heard the full audio of el’s letter to mike (you know, the one we heard a bit of in the teaser trailer). a few details mentioned in the letter tie in really well with the character profiles netflix released this week - ie, el tells mike that she thinks will has been making a painting for a girl at school. the netflix profiles already confirmed that el thinks will has a crush on someone.
then i remembered that last week (from a different source), i heard that when mike comes to california, will gives him a painting.
if that train of thought wasn’t clear : will’s painting -> for a crush + will’s painting -> for mike = will’s painting -> for mike, the crush
obviously this is all alleged, hearsay, speculation, whatever you want to call it. but given that as far as i know, these sources are independent yet corroborate each other, i feel fairly confident connecting these dots.
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What I still don’t understand is why Joyce and Hopper go back to Hawkins, I can’t find a good explanation. Who tells them it’s where they should go to find their kids (instead of Cali)?
Hmm idk could someone on Owens team get through to them by tracing their airplane tickets or something? Or they know to go to Hawkins bc of MF particles in Russia? Altho actually that last one doesn’t make sense lol. Idk someone must somehow tell them all their kids are in Hawkins since it seems like they wouldn’t have time to stop in Cali first (maybe they’ll somehow do that though)? Hopefully they’ll show how they know to go to Hawkins bc otherwise it’s def a plot hole
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sattlersquarry · 2 years
My crack pot theory is that Eleven is being framed
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jazy3 · 2 years
Outtakes from my Ham Radio Guest Spot
There were a few questions from my Ham Radio Podcast guest spot that we prepped for but didn’t get to so I thought I’d share the outtakes here!
What’s your favourite season of the show and why? 
Season 2 because we get to know the characters better, there are less jump scares, and it’s similar to Season 1 but I feel like it improved on a lot of things and the relationships are more flushed out.
If you could be an Stranger Things character, who would you be?
Nancy Wheeler! She’s probably the character I have the most in common with. She wants to be a journalist and loves writing and I’m a writer and communications professional by trade. There’s all this pressure and expectation from her parents and she’s repeatedly underestimated which I really identify with. Everyone thinks she’s such a priss but she’s so much more than that and I totally get that. Also she gets all the hot guys and I really love the friendship between her and Barb. 
What are your other Season 4 predictions? 
I’m hoping that Joyce and Hopper finally get together and we see him return with the Byers and El to California where they can be a real family. I think we’ll find out where Jonathan, Nancy, and Robin are going post-secondary. I think Jonathan will go to NYU for photography, Nancy will got to another New York based university for Journalism, and that Robin will go to New York or possibly another city to get a degree in Linguistics. I’m really excited to see Nancy and Robin become good friends this season and I’m interested to see what they do with Steve. Will he move with the others and upgrade his courses and reapply? Where does his story go next? 
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Не в тему моего аккаунта, но извините, накипело.
Поговорим о первой части четвёртого сезона очень странных дел. Я хочу проговорить детали, которые для многих были не понятны, а для кого-то вообще плохими.
Начнём с Крисси, которую благосклонно свели в могилу в конце первой серии. Многим не понятно почему же черлидирша Старшей Школы Хоукинс плакала в школьном туалете. Теории меня убивают: кто-то думал, что она залетела он своего паренька и поэтому испускалась в школьный сартир,кто-то, что это из-за Векны, кто-то думал, что это из-за наркотиков, которые она принимала в явно большом количестве. Так вот, ответ абсолютно прост: она страдала РПП, а точнее булимией (кто не знает что это, сафари или Гугл вам в помошь). Это довольно легко понять людям, которые в этом разбираются, ведь мы не раз слышали как мама девочки постоянно твердила о том, что она расшила костюм для неё. Так же Векна сама говорила о ней, как о свинье.
Многие не поняли всю эту белеберду с номером 001 и Векной, как по мне это просто превосходно. Надо же было додуматься. Кто не понял объясняю:
Давным давно жила была семья Крилов: отец, мать и двое прекрасных детишек. Сын, был «другим», он плохо налаживал контакт с другими и его жёстко за это буллили. Но вот сынишка находит успокоение в пауках в ванне и мёртвых животных. Он понял, что люди - ужасная тварь и от неё надо избавиться; тем временем где-то на задворках его подсознания рождалось что-то поистине злобное. Оно было всем плохим, что таилось в мальчике. Вскоре ему стало мало одних животных и он перешёл на что-то покрупней. И вот, он смог подстроить всё так, чтобы отца арестовали, а мать и сестра никогда бы не проснулись. Из-за огромной силы, к которой он был не готов, тот падает в обморок, а просыпается в лаборатории. Так, Бреннер и смог найти то самое, над чем и будет стараться всю жизнь. Мужчина поставил на мальчике татуировку с номером 1, и стал искать людей по всему миру, готовых к его авантюре. Годы проходили и вот мальчик достаточно подрос. У Бреннера появлялись всё новые и новые дети. Тем временем Векна продолжал бушевать и расти с каждым днём. А дальше мы всё и так знаем. Эл убила 001 и Векна стала свободной. Вскоре Векна поглотила в себя 001 и эту ярость уже ничем нельзя было сломить.
Мне интересно будет увидеть как ребята будут справляться с Векной во второй части. Так, первая часть мне понравилась, но одним из минусов было то, что я просто не понимаю таких людей, как Макс. Я не считаю правильным умалчивать о таком. Тем более когда рядом есть такой прекрасный парень как Лукас. Также из минусов было то, что я надеялась увидеть линию Робин/Вики. Увы, увидела я мою любимую актрису один раз. Увы и ах.
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kurtkankle · 11 months
Eddie coming back for season 5 be like:
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will80sbyers · 2 months
Thinking about this again, he's for sure gonna get hurt 🤕
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peachypaddys · 2 years
LOVE is the key to defeating vecna.
in vecna's monologue to el/nancy, he talks about how humanity is futile because all everyone does is just eat, work, sleep, reproduce & die, all the while be a part of a play that means nothing.
but the thing is that what does make life meaningful is love. the key to defeating vecna is love.
listening to a song that means a lot to you or that you love can help break you out of his grip. that's what happened with max. along with the song, max's memories of lucas, el and everyone she loves helped overpower and even hurt vecna.
additionally, back in 1979, when el was going to be killed by him, instead of focusing on her pain this time, she remembered her mother's love for her which helped break free from vecna and cast him into the upside down.
back in season 2 as well, when the mind flayer had will under its' control; joyce, jonathan and mike talking to him and playing a song he loves was able to help will speak from under the mind flayer's influence.
this is why i don't think will is going to become a villain or join vecna, because he has people who love him and people he loves. something vecna doesn't understand or value.
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bymarara · 11 days
Will and the Boys Don't Cry.
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Remember the picture when we were first shown Will on his birthday? In case anyone hasn't noticed, there were headphones in the picture and let's think, who else was wearing headphones and under what circumstances? Uh, Max! Max wore them so that she wouldn't fall under the full influence of Vecna and become his victim, music helped her so called survival.
Now let's get to why Will carries them around. I have two suggestions.
Everyone on the team has headphones now just in case Vecna decides to face someone.
Will is scared. Will himself realizes that he can feel Vecna's presence, in addition he will probably hear him, his voice and his thoughts, which will be very frightening to Byers. Because of the fear, he may choose his favorite song and walk around with headphones on at all times, so that if anything happens, he won't be influenced by Vekna and Vekna won't take over Will's mind. I also think that there will be a similar situation as with Lumax, that Mike will have to turn on these headphones in case of anything, I think Will will warn him alone about it all, thus trusting Mike.
Now something I've been thinking about very, very hard. Most people, and I think or thought that Will's song would be “Should I Stay or Should I Go”, but if you notice the details, you can see the poster in Will's room! “Boys don't cry”, this song references Will in a lot of ways, and if it's in season 5 in his headphones, it will be very symbolic, and will show the meaning of everything we've seen.
Let's take Max as an example. She has “Running Up That Hill” in her headphones. The lines from the song literally refer to what Max is feeling and it also shows how she feels about Billy and how she regrets what happened at the end of season 3 and how she would take it all back. The chorus from her song, literally speaks to Max's morale and what she wants. -And if I only could, I'd make a deal with God, And I'd get him to swap our places, Be running up that road, Be running up that hill, Be running up that building. If I only could, oh These lines literally refer to the fact that if Max had known what would happen, she would not have stood still, but would have tried to help her half-brother. She would have been ready even for the same death as her brother, as long as he did not die. Also, there are very interesting lines like.
“You don't want to hurt me,but see how deep the bullet lies.” which refers to their relationship while Billy was alive. The guy hurt his sister, which she hasn't forgotten, and that deep down inside of her, she wished him dead inside of her, which she now regrets.
What about Will? I know most people have already figured this out, but for those who haven't and don't know the context - this song is about the inner thoughts that guys have when they're going through an unpleasant/transitional moment in their lives. It's also popular in the LGBT+ community. Let's go through the parts that I find most interesting and start from the beginning. -I would say I'm sorry, If I thought that it would change your mind. But I know that this time, I have said too much. Somehow it reminds me a lot of Will helping Mike with his relationship with Al, while ignoring his feelings and even confessing his feelings while hiding under his sisters name. Also, I think there's a season five reference here. I mean, Will could talk about the painting and the speech, but not say what he meant about his feelings! And the lines “I would say I'm sorry if I thought that it would change your mind.” show that Mike could have left with some anger and it left a mark on Will and that he can't even apologize now, and that apologizing won't change anything. (Yes, I know I sound creepy, please.) Now let's get to the chorus. -I tried to laugh about it,
Cover it all up with lies. I tried to laugh about it, Hiding the tears in my eyes. Cause boys don't cry. Boys don't cry. Sounds like Will's confession to Mike to me. He's not showing his real feelings, he's hiding everything under the “Al” mask. and underneath the mask, he keeps his feelings hidden, not showing them. He himself, quietly crying, quietly suffering, realizing for himself that his feelings will never be reciprocated, that he will have to live with it and come to terms with it, and he buries it all by himself and tries to cope with it all by himself. -I would tell you, That I loved you, If I thought that you would stay. But I know that it's no use, That you've already, Gone away… Again he says that he has buried all his hopes and feelings, he sees Mike pulling away from him and as if he is walking away from him, so talking about feelings, about declarations of love is useless in his opinion. Literally the whole song shows Will, shows a guy who in his opinion has already missed his chance, he realizes that he can't change anything and hides himself and his feelings only deeper into himself.
I hope that Will will have this song in season 5, but I will also say that there is a possibility that in case of anything, Mike can play this song, so much in this song refers to Mike.
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I’m all for parallels, but one that I am not enjoying is Nancy & Barb/ Steve & Robin.
I have a bad feeling that Nancy and Steve are both gonna lose their best friend to the upside down… and here’s why.
1. The trailer forshadowing
2. I don’t think they won’t kill off Steve before the final season because off his status as the favorite
3. They keep pulling that “shared trauma” card (which I personally don’t appreciate) but if they really want to solidify stancy it would follow the theme
4. The Barb plot point has been major since the beginning, and it would be a full circle moment if Nancy finally overcomes her guilt, only for this to occur
BUT I AM BEGGING TO BE WRONG!!! Please suffer brothers prove me wrong!! Robin and Steve are legit my two fav characters, and I will be crushed.
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artthoufruity · 1 year
This sounds so silly but like when you look at stranger things from an non-analytic POV you become so much more convinced byler will be canon like it just hit me that the "love makes you crazy" and "crazy together" is a real thing. Like real real we didn't make that up. Same with "you never say it" "I say it" vs "I didn't say it" "You didn't have to" like FOR REAL??? I've said it once and I'll say it again, if Will was a girl EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE would be eating it up.
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I think the Jancy stuff makes sense when you consider Jonathan's trust issues- he's definitely not fully over those, and Nancy was the first person outside his family that he really trusted and let himself open up to. So if he feels like she's just over their relationship once it stopped being easy, then he's probably questioning what she ever actually liked about him in the first place, and when you combine that with his imbalanced family dynamic, it's not a healthy combo.
Yeah I could def see how it works with his trust issues. The key is I think it being a combo—if it’s a combo of things, and why he has those trust issues in the first place, that feels like better writing. They should acknowledge Jonathan had problems (and a sense of self even w the problems), before he had long distance relationship problems
But also and this refers to jancy episode spoilers from Madrid so skip if you’re avoiding:
Also though idk why they’re depicting it as just him feeling rejected when it sounds like he isn’t communicating with her and he also hasn’t visited Hawkins? I’m still not sure why he’s expecting her to come for spring break; that’s hardly just Nancy rejecting him, it’s them both not communicating seemingly (altho right maybe on his side due to trust issues)
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