#stray kids immagine
goldylockswriting · 6 years
Straykids reaction to their S/O surprising them with a selfmade gift.
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Hey there jagi! Thabk you so so much TT ♥️❤️ I love you.
This is such a cute request so ofc I'll make it for you! Thank you for requesting this TT ♥️😘 I hope you'll enjoy!
(。◕‿◕。✿) (。◕‿◕。✿) (。◕‿◕。✿)
He'd really love self made gifts.
Though he'd be flustered too like he'd feel a little guilty that you're giving him a gift cause he feels like he doesn't give you enough.
He'd say things like "for me? Why?"
But as you tell him it's cause you love him then he'd just smile so much
Chan his cute chuckle when he's happy
He'd love it so so much and he's be so appreciative
He'd thank you in many ways
As in kisses hugs or actual thank you's
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Honsestly be such a ball of excitement and cuteness
He'd appreciate your gifts a lot
He wouls be so so so surprised cause he wouldn't suspect you to give him things at all since you're more the laid back couple.
He wouldnt be able to stop smiling all day
And ofc tell all the members about the amazing gift you made for him!
And if it's edible he'd eat it all in one go😂 loving it to much
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He'd be honestly such a happy fanboy
All excited about it even if it's small he doesn't care cause you made it
You probably stole all his uwu's
He'd kiss you all over your cheeks thanking you for making him such a sweet gift
Would tell you he loves you
Definitely be more clingy that day just to make you feel just as loved back
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Honestly he'd be so surprised
But so happy with it
Even though he shows to you he's happy with it he'd totally try to act "cool" to the memebers
But that cutie can't deny it, so if the members confront him about it he will just look away and secretly smile thinking about your gift making him all flustered ans happy again.
He really loves to give as well but since it be the first time you give him something and this is self made it makes him so so happy and feeling loved and special
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Be a smiling mess
Whenever others ask why he's smiling he's just look down and smile even wider telling them you gave him a special gift.
He's blush as the others tease him about it but he wouldn't mind cause he's too happy
Also he'd feel a little guilty saying something like "B-but I don't have anything for you"
Though ofc you'll reassure him that he doesn't need to give you anything and you just wanted to show him some love
Which will make him all happy and smiling again
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He'd be over the top surprised but so so happy with it
Say things like "really? This is for me? Are you serious?! Wahhhh!"
Just one big ball of fluff tbh
He'd unpack(or eat) it immediately and tell you what he thinks of it
He'll love anything you'll give him just cause it's from you and it shows how much you love him
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He'd first react a little shy and flustered asking things like why you give him a gift.
Would feel a bit like he doesn't deserve it
Also he'd feel a little guilty like hyunjin cause he doesn't have anything to give to you
But once you tell him it's okay and it's just a way of expressing your love this baby boy wouldn't be able to stop smiling all day long
Loving your gifts a bit to much he'd ask you if you could make more of different types of it.
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Just like all the others he'd be really happy with it(but like who wouldn't XD)
He'd no doubt have something for you too in the next few days cause he just wants you to feel happy and loved as well like you made him feel.
Even though you tell him not to he will there's no stopping this boy XD
You'd make his mood for the whole week
Will pet yout head more or pull you on his lap back hugging you softly whispering "I love you" in your ear cause you made him so happy
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He'd feel very loved but also really insecure about it
The last mainly cauze he doesn't have anything for you and it makes him feel like maybe he's not good enough of a boyfriend.
Will ask you things like "are you sure you don't mind I have nothing for you..?"
Will get blushy cheeks
And give you a lot more skinship for the rest of the day just to make sure you know how thankful and happy he is with you and with the present.
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(。◕‿◕。✿) (。◕‿◕。✿) (。◕‿◕。✿)
Wahhhh well that was my very request TT I hope you like it @kpopwillruinourlife. I really enjoyed writing this for you❤️
Bye bye
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safitheartist · 5 years
Okay. Listen.
This is super self indulgent and basically just me wanting these characters to get along and be friends.
Anyway Gotham City Siren Talia should be a thing.
"-So I stand there, with half a rubber chicken, a baby bear and 5 jars of honey an' with the major of Gotham as a hostage an' Batman just stood there, staring at me as if he wasn't quiet sure if he should be impressed or disapointed in me. I honestly had no idea how to explain that to him either so I just offered him some honey." Harley finished her tale.
"Okay, you win. I can't top this story." Pamela said, handing her girlfriend her plate in defeat. "Me neither," Selina shook her head, sliding her slice of Pizza to Harley.
Harley smiled gleefully at her prizes. "Come to mama!" She said, before pausing. Her eyes traveled to, where the fourth member of their sleepover was located.
She exchanged looks with her friends, who both gave her unsure shrugs. Harley took a deep breath.
"Hey Tali' ya wanna have a play too?" She asked the woman who was sitting next to the balcony railing. Talia didn't pay her any mind. Her gaze was striktly directed over the dark streets of gotham. She has been that way since they arived back at Selina's appartment.
"I bet you have tons of crazy stories!" She added, but Talia still made no sign of even hearing her.
"Or not...that's fine too!" Harley replied to the silence she got from the other woman.
"Don't take it personal." Selena said, "She's...been going through a lot." Harley knew that, she really did, she just...wished she could cheer her up a bit.
"Honestly, why are you even still here if you are going to be like that?" Pam threw in, "Pam!" Harley exclaimed, "Don't be mean!"
"Well, she can at least respond to us. We are helping her after all." She countered.
"Yeah but-"
"She is right." Talia said, her glance not straying away from the gotham skyline. "I appologize for my rudeness, your assistance was very much appreciated. I just...happen to have a lot on my mind." She added.
"Oh well....ya' are welcome?" Harley said, she again exchanged looks with her friends, before nodding at them.
If Talia was suprised over the two arms that wrapped around her neck from behind she didn't show it, however, Harley knew she probably noticed her approaching immediatly.
She guessed Talia even allowing her in her personal space like that was her way of letting Harley in even just a little bit.
"Penny for ya' thoughts, darlin'?" She asked, pressing against Talia's side. Selena and Pam moved in closer too. Selena slumped down with her back against the railing, her eyes fixed on Talia like a curious cat, Pam on the other hand decided to swing her legs over the it, staring ahead twoards the night lights as her toes played with the Ivy that was climbing up the house phasade.
"....I shouldn't have killed him." Talia said. "I beg to differ," Pam replied, "After finding out what he's been doing to you, I would say you should have killed him slower." She countered.
"Putting part of his own soul inside of you to control and manipulate you, honestly cutting his head off was mercyfull. If I had a tell in it I would have made sure he feels as much pain as immaginable." She said.
"I agree with Pam, ya ain't need to feel bad for killin' him. He ain't a dad worth cryin' ova." Harley said. Her accent made her words almost sound silly, but somehow it also made them feel more sincere.
"I don't think that's what she means Harls." Selena threw in, "You aren't sorry you killed him at all, are you?" She asked the assassin.
Talia smiled, it was a bitter smile, "He'll be back." She said. "He always comes back some way or another. I know that, I know killing him makes no difference in the bigger picture, but I did it anyways. Because it felt good." She explained.
"After waking up from what felt like a endless nightmare, after realizing what he had done, what he made me do, to my own son no less, it felt cathartic, like something I should have done ages ago....it felt good. And I know Damian saw on my face how good it felt." She ended her explanation, letting it hang in the air as the other women stayed silent.
"You know this doesn't make you a monster, right?" Selena asked, "Because I happen to know your kid and trust me, he doesn't think you are one either." She added.
Talia chuckeled, "I wouldn't bet money on that." She said dryly. "I want to make right by him, repair our relationship." She said, "And this really isn't the best way to start, is it?" Harley tightened her embrace a bit.
"Well, good starts are overrated, ya know?" She said, "So ya had a lil' hic up there, that ain't the end of the road for ya. You'll eventually get to where ya want to be, Tali'." She reasured her.
Talia smiled, "I hope so." She admited. "....thank you." She added, "For everything."
"What are friends for?" Harley chuckeled, leaning more of her weight onto Talia in a playfull manner, who smiled, returning the playfull gesture by showing at the other woman.
"So, what's the plan?" Pam asked. "I guess you aint going back to the league." She said matter of factly.
"The league is a extension of him." Talia answered, "I can try, claiming it, reforming it, as much as I want but his poision will always stay dorment within it." She closed her eyes, feeling the cool night breeze brush her hair.
"I have no love left for him, he never had any love for me to begin with. He has no control over me, I have nothing binding me to the league anymore." She said, feeling like a heavy weight fell off her shoulders.
"I do have money though, if you are concerned about that." She added.
"Figured, Talia Al Ghul is too smart to be financially dependent to anybody, even when she is slightly mind controled." Selena threw in.
"Marzouki." She said, causing her companions to look at her in mild confusion.
"Talia Marzouki. It was my mother's maiden name." She explained.
"Oh." Harley said, "It's pretty. I think it suits you." She said cheerfully.
"Well, Marzouki, you might not need anywhere to stay, but you know, if you happen to want to stay anyways, I think we can make a spot in the Gotham City Sirens." Pamela offered.
Talia smiled, "A team?" She asked, couriosly.
"Kinda." Selena said, "We really just happen to be some friends doing their own thing and help one another while at it. We don't know where that name even came from but people started calling us that, so..." She shrugged, "I guess it's about us being beautifull and dangerous, both things that clearly apply to you too." She added.
Talia frowned, "Just a group of friends, huh?" She said, her eyes trailing twoards the night sky, "That certainly would be new for me."
A smile spread on her face, "I think, I would like to try something new." She said as her new friends smiled at her.
"Well, now, let's talk about how we gonna call ya in the field." Harley exclaimed, "I have some wicked idea-"
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