#stray kidz social media au
x-woozi · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything.. else?
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Female Reader x Stray Kids
Genre: College au, social media/text au, fluff-ish, maybe a little crack
Summary: After a very public embarrassing moment, y/n manages to make a few new friends. Though in trying to make those friends there is a bit of a complication in winning over the group.
A/n: This is my first social media au, I always enjoy reading these and I thought that I’d finally try and make one myself. There will also be some written parts as well.
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Start date: August 27, 2020
End date: October 26, 2020
Updates: Thursdays, Saturdays and Mondays at 5:30 CST
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Part 1 : A video?!
Part 2: Brownies!
Part 3: Replaced
Part 4: Next victim
Part 5: A plan?
Part 6: on a mission
Part 7: acceptance
Part 8: it’s a mess
Part 9: Friday night
Part 10: jokes
Part 11: A BEAST?!
Part 12: one tough cookie
Part 13: freedom
Part 14: a favor
Part 15: Racha inc.
Part 16: an accident
Part 17: Family Dinner
Part 18: bro zoned
Part 19: I’ll handle it
Part 20: a skirt.
Part 21: after..
Part 22: cuddles
Part 23: time bomb
Part 24: rumors
Part 25: waiting
Part 26: are you alive?!?
Part 27: confessions
Part 28: ‘my scary emo boy’
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x-woozi · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything.. else?
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Part 6: on a mission
Summary: After a very public embarrassing moment, y/n manages to make a few new friends. Though in trying to make those friends there is a bit of a complication in winning over the group.
A/n: There will be a few written parts and this is the first! I apologize if there are any errors I will try to go back through it later. But please enjoy and let me know what you think!☺️
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Tag list: @smileyjisung3 @milkywayfelix @scoups-of-sugar @holaaaf @hey-i-really-miss-you
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Being at school earlier than normal was not really your initial idea. Your class didn’t start for another hour and a half, but for this plan you had to be there. Normally this was what you did for someone you were already friends with. You were told that he was a bit harder to get through to, so you just had to go for it.
You sat on one of the benches outside of the fine arts building with two coffee in hand. Only one being yours, the other was for him. Felix had said that he was a lot like Chan, staying up at all hours of the night trying to get ideas out, finish a song, or trying to perfect it. Sleeping wasn’t really something they did very often or for very long.
Coffee was basically a necessity.
Also taking Chan’s comment into consideration, ‘go easy on him’, you thought that maybe you could just be nice. Something simple. Bring him a coffee, walk with him to his next class, nothing too crazy right? It wasn’t really much of a plan but it was a start.
You noticed more and more people started to exit the surrounding buildings, swarming then slowly moving to their next destinations. Still waiting on the bench you scanned the crowd for him. The walkways started to clear, but there was no sign of him. Though this was only the first attempt you were already feeling a bit discouraged.
Well, maybe next time. You thought, I guess I could just give this coffee to Chan maybe?
So focused on looking for him, you hadn’t noticed that someone sat beside you on the bench. Not until they cleared their throat calling for your attention, causing you to jump in your seat.
“Looking for someone?” Taking one headphone out of his ear and looking over to you.
You stared back at Changbin looking over his extremely basic ‘bad boy’ look. “Where did you even come from?” You asked, confusion filling your voice. You could have sworn Felix said his first class was in the ‘music building’. That was the whole point of sitting, waiting there, if not then you would’ve waited else where or still been in bed.
“The library,” breaking your train of thought, he clearly knew why you were there, and the cocky smirk on his face only confirmed it for you. “So, were you looking for someone?”
Staying positive and focused on being nice, you hand over the iced coffee and smile, “Yes, for you actually. I thought I’d bring you something to help get you through the day.”
“Uh-huh, thanks” he takes the coffee and stands, ready to end the conversation there and leave.
“Wait” You jump to your feet in efforts to stop him “uh where’s your next class I’ll walk with you” you managed to stutter out.
“I usually walk alone” shoving his free hand in his pocket and beginning to walk away again.
What is with this guy? It’s just to one class.
Deciding to walk with him anyway you tried matching his pace “well I don’t mind so let’s go.” Out of habit you attempted to link arms with him only to be surprised when he moved and turned to face you making you take a step back.
His smirk was gone, and now he just looked down at you. “I said I walk alone,” he lowered his voice trying to intimidate you like he did everyone else.
Deciding to let it go for now you rolled your eyes ”Fine, but don’t think this is the end,” putting on your most stern face to match his, “I’ll be back Seo Changbin.” Turning on your heel you walked away.
When you were far enough away you let out a huff of air. Guess it’s time for plan B, you thought to yourself as you found yourself in front of the school cafeteria. But first food. There was never a wrong time to eat but it was always a good time right after something went wrong. And, well, this morning did not go the way you wanted it to.
After picking something to eat you scanned the room looking for an empty seat. You managed to spot one only to realize it was next a so-called squirrel in the wild who was with Felix and another familiar boy. Without hesitation, you rushed over and sat with them.
“Hey, guys!” Plopping yourself down next to Jisung.
The three were a bit startled by the sudden outburst but happily said their hellos and good mornings.
“How is everyone this morning?” You asked, looking around the table waiting for answers.
“Nervous for this test in my next class” Felix sighed holding up a review sheet.
“Tired and hungry” Jisung yawned out.
The last boy looked up from the table “I’m sorry about the other day..” he quickly blurred out, “I never apologized for that”
“it’s okay really, all is forgiven” You let out a small laugh “I’m y/n by the way”
“Ah um Minho”
After the short introduction, lots of small talk continued until someone else joined the group.
“So, I heard you didn’t do so well this morning” Chan commented, smiling to himself as he sat in the chair across from you. He knew you chose the wrong person to go for first but he wasn’t going to stop you. He’d rather just watch in amusement.
“That was just the first attempt. I still have plan b” though you had no idea what it was you sat back and folded your arms trying to act like you really had it all figured out.
“And what is plan b, might I ask?” Chan leaned forward in his chair looking just a little curious.
Picking up your drink to take a sip “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“I think I would,” a familiar voice said from behind you.
You turned to face the boy in dark clothing again “well you’ll just have to wait and see” turning back around taking a bite of your breakfast. “Also shouldn’t you be in class?”
Han and Felix looked a bit in shock. They weren’t really scared of Changbin because they’ve known him for so long, but they had never seen someone outside the group not be.
“What are you, my mother?” He scoffed, taking the seat beside you.
The attitude on this one, you thought already starting to regret your choices. This is definitely going to be harder than I thought.
Pushing the chair out from the table as you stood “well it’s been fun and all but I should head to class” you smiled and waved to the boys. “See you later guys, bye Binnie,” You said teasingly, and patted the top of his head, slightly ruffling his hair before walking away.
You could hear the laughter coming from the table quickly followed by a loud ‘ouch’ and an apology all from that same boy.
After exiting the building you could hear quick footsteps coming up behind you. “Y/n wait up!”
You turn to see Chan trying to flag you down. “What’s up?” Waiting until he was at your side.
“We do have class together, so I figured I’d just walk with you.”
“Makes sense, well come on then let’s go” linking arms with the taller boy.
“You know,” Chan started as you both began waking, “I thought you’d have more trouble breaking him down”
Letting out a fake gasp placing a hand on your chest “you have no faith in me.”
He let out a small laugh “but now I’m not so sure.”
“Oh? And why is that?” Very much intrigued at his change of thought.
“Well for one you move fast. I mean you’ve already got Han, Felix and Minho to like you-“
Quickly interrupting “and you!”
“We’re already friends so I don’t count.” He patted your head similar to the way you did changbins “anyways, Jeongin already kind of wants to know you because of Felix. The only other two you’d have to win over is Hyunjin and Seungmin, and they’re not that difficult.”
“Okay okay but what about Changbin?” Worried about the one who wasn’t mentioned.
“You didn’t run at the first sight of him-“
“What like he’s a monster?” You laughed.
“Well you also didn’t really back down when he tried to get you to and then” he paused giving a light chuckle “you called him Binnie.”
“What?” Feeling completely lost and confused in this conversation. “And that’s a good thing, right?”
“He’s surprised and a little impressed. But the nickname I think really threw him off” Chan laughed. “You should’ve seen his face after you left, I’ve never seen him so red. I don’t think it will take much more before the kid gives in”
Huh, so he really does just act like a tough guy. It was only day one and you already almost had him, what more would you really have to do?
“Well in that case let's all get something to eat or do something, with all of them.” you figured you might as well just win them all over in one go. At least that's what you were hoping for.
“Are you sure you want to do that? One on one is okay but all of them together is a lot.. even for me sometimes” he warned as you took your seats in class.
Setting your things on the desk in front of you, if Changbin was the hardest to get through to then it shouldn’t be a problem. You turned to face him “Why not, I mean how bad could it really be?”
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x-woozi · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything.. else?
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Part 26: are you alive?!?
Summary: After a very public embarrassing moment, y/n manages to make a few new friends. Though in trying to make those friends there is a bit of a complication in winning over the group.
A/n: okay the time stamps sort of matter this time. Umm also i also have an idea for a new series once this one is done, but it may not be for stray kids.. idk yet!!
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Tag list: @smileyjisung3 @milkywayfelix @scoups-of-sugar @holaaaf @hey-i-really-miss-you @kodzu-ken @ariasnight @sunoo-luvs @hellok1ttycake @beta-eats @f0rcryingoutl0ud @seungcheoluwu @crscendoforsung
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x-woozi · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything.. else?
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Part 22: Cuddles
Summary: After a very public embarrassing moment, y/n manages to make a few new friends. Though in trying to make those friends there is a bit of a complication in winning over the group.
A/n: Im going to be honest I wasn’t expecting for so many people to like this series so thank you guys so much for reading!!
Times and dates don’t matter!
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Tag list: @smileyjisung3 @milkywayfelix @scoups-of-sugar @holaaaf @hey-i-really-miss-you @kodzu-ken @axolotleyeliner @sunoo-luvs @hellok1ttycake @beta-eats @f0rcryingoutl0ud (to be added to the list please send in an ask, thank you 😊)
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x-woozi · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything.. else?
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Part 20: a skirt.
Summary: After a very public embarrassing moment, y/n manages to make a few new friends. Though in trying to make those friends there is a bit of a complication in winning over the group.
A/n: Yay I’m on time today! Times and dates don’t matter. Please send in an ask to be added to the rave list, thank you 😊
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Tag list: @smileyjisung3 @milkywayfelix @scoups-of-sugar @holaaaf @hey-i-really-miss-you @kodzu-ken @axolotleyeliner @sunoo-luvs @hellok1ttycake
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x-woozi · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything.. else?
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Part 21: after..
Summary: After a very public embarrassing moment, y/n manages to make a few new friends. Though in trying to make those friends there is a bit of a complication in winning over the group.
A/n: Alright so it’s a little late but there’s a little extra and that’s why.. Please enjoy!!
Also I just want to say that I absolutely love seventeen and of course Dino, and I do NOT think of him this way at all!! It’s just a story and I needed someone for the part.
Times and dates don’t matter.
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Tag list: @smileyjisung3 @milkywayfelix @scoups-of-sugar @holaaaf @hey-i-really-miss-you @kodzu-ken @axolotleyeliner @sunoo-luvs @hellok1ttycake (To be added to the tag list please send in an ask, thank you 😊)
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You laughed at Hyunjins last text before opening the door. The four that stood behind it, each held something out towards you. “Uh guys what’s with the stuff?”
“It��s our ‘sort of break up’ package, thing?” Chan tried to explain.
“Yeah we brought different movies and food since, you know..” Jisung trailed off when he looked over at Chan and was given the ‘stop talking look’.
“Well I brought more brownies,” Felix smiles widely. “But these are a little different.”
You let out another small laugh seeing how excited he was, “I really appreciate it, but you didn’t have to come all the way over here for this.”
“Yes we did. Now where can we put this stuff” Changbin asked, trying to move through the door.
“Yes we did. Now where can we put this stuff” Changbin asked, trying to move through the door.
With no other choice you stepped aside to let them in. I guess it’s only fair since I already invaded their home multiple times.
“We didn’t know what you would want to watch or what you already had so..” Chan said holding out some options.
“I was just go-“
“Or if you had enough blankets” Changbin interrupted.
“Ah man we forgot the pillows” Jisung pouted.
Like the other three boys you stopped to face him, “and why would you need pillows..”
“It’s a sleepover duh!!” Felix chimed in.
Chan let out a deep sigh, “guys no. I said we had to ask first, and that was only if it seemed like she really needed us too..”
They all turned back to you waiting for some sort of answer. Which you couldn’t, you were just very confused with the whole situation.
“I told you it was a bad idea to tell them,” Changbin said to Chan, then looking back at you. “Let’s just eat and watch something.” Trying to change the subject.
They didn’t ask too many questions about what happened. You guessed that they just didn’t want to pry, or get Changbin worked up. It was just like any of the other times you hung out with them, only a little less hectic.
“Alright Channie boy, I have to ask about the laptop,” you said after only half of the first movie.
“I brought it as a just in case back up plan”
“A back up plan?” You asked
“Yeah just in case you were like, really upset”
“And why would that-“ your eyes widened “YOU WERE GOING TO LET ME HEAR MORE?!”
He let out a chuckle “mm but your okay right so there’s no need to-“
You covered your face attempting to look very broken up about everything, “ugh but I’m so hurt by what happened.” You peeked through your fingers slightly, “the only thing that would really help with anything is music” you let out a very long dramatic sigh.
“Look you made her sad again” Felix shook Chan’s arm.
“Wow the dedication,” Changbin mumbled.
“No no maybe another time,” Chan laughed. “Just play the rest of the movie.”
You tapped your chin trying to think “what if I bring out my extra blankets and pillows and we make a fort and I let you stay.”
Jisung a head popped up like a little kid, “a fort?! Come on Chan just a couple songs. She said we could stay!!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at how easily he could turn on his friend. All that mattered was that it worked, Jisung took your side and Chan caved.
It was a weirdly, nice sleepover. Not really what you had planned for your night to begin with but it was better.
You weren’t alone, just letting you feelings get the best of you. They were there for you like they said they would be.
Deciding to try and be friends with them really was a great idea. You thought, I really do feel a lot better with them here.
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x-woozi · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything.. else?
Part 27: A confession
Summary: After a very public embarrassing moment, y/n manages to make a few new friends. Though in trying to make those friends there is a bit of a complication in winning over the group.
A/n: there is only one more part, and I will be posting it in 30 minutes. I don’t want to make you all wait 3 more days just for the last little bit. So look forward to that.
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You did the same thing anyone would do if someone said they had to tell you something. But had to do it in person. And they were on their way to you. You panicked and immediately started cleaning up. Which was pointless because you had been stress cleaning for the past few days, while you were waiting for any of them to respond to you.
What is he coming to tell me? I feel like I should already know. Subconsciously you did, but your mind wasn’t ready to admit that. Having to wait again for some kind of explanation made you feel even more restless.
Just when you thought you were about to explode from curiosity and nerves, there was a knock. Surprisingly that made your stomach sink even lower. You were so anxious for him to hurry and get there to tell you. Now that he was you weren’t sure if you were ready to know.
You ran to the door but hesitated to open it, remembering you still hadn’t seen the outcome of the fight. Please don’t let it be bad, I won’t be able to stay upset if it is..
There was another knock bringing you back. You waited another second before opening the door. He stood there in a gray pull over and a black hat looking down just enough so his face wasn’t fully visible.
You stood there for a minute before saying anything “Well are you going to tell me standing there all dark and gloomy in my doorway, or are you going to come in?” You stepped aside a little more, the annoyance was present in your voice, but was it real?
He mumbled out an apology and stood in the walkway, waiting to follow you after closing and locking the door. You both took a seat on the couch, still in silence. “So..”
“Right, uh” Finally he looked up and you could see his face. “I’m not-”
“Changbin, your face” just like you thought it would be, the ‘anger’ you felt was gone. Now you just felt bad seeing him like this. There was a small cut on his lower lip and just under his left eyebrow along with some slight bruising on his right cheek bone.
“It’s not that bad,” he went back to trying to avoid your eyes. “You should’ve seen the other guy.”
You moved closer to him, which made him scoot away. “Not that bad” you asked before grabbing his shoulders to make him face you again. Wow his arms are- nope stop it. Focus. One thing at a time. You removed your hands from him and tried to ignore your thoughts, but those mixed with him looking intently back at you made a warmth creep onto your cheeks.
“This is why I told them not to tell you anything yet, I was wanting to wait for this to heal up a little more..”
“Why did you have to go and start that fight?” You questioned. “I said i was fine and it didn’t matter. And now you're hurt!”
He turned himself more to fully face you, “because it did matter and you were not fine. I was here that night remember, you were much quieter than you normally were.”
“That doesn’t mean anything, we were watching a movie,” you argued, but he was right.
“It didn’t stop you the last time, you made a comment about almost every scene.” You were about to try to defend yourself when he let out a sigh. “That’s not why I’m here.”
Already both forgetting the reason he came over here to finally talk to you. “Right, okay so what it is?”
He scratched the back of his neck, “well uh, it’s just that I care about you”
You placed your hand on his thigh. “I know that, even though you don’t really act like it sometimes but I care about you too Binnie.”
His eyes darted to where your hand was. “Uh that’s not what I really meant. I um-“ the red on the tips of his ears were as bright as ever matching the color growing on his cheeks. “Y/n I like you.”
You gave a small smile “I lik-“
“No” he interrupted. “Not just as a friend, it’s more than that.”
You froze, he does like me? How did Nayeon know before me? Still saying nothing to him.
“It’s just that you are the only one that has really wanted or tried to get to know me, besides the guys. And you’re really nice, except for when your getting mad at me. But I think your even cuter when your mad.” He just smiled to himself as he rambled. “Not that I was doing it on purpose, but it made you come over so I could see you again. So it was a good thing.”
“Binnie I-“
“It’s okay, you don’t have to feel the same, I just think I needed to say it.” He looked back up at you and saw the blush growing on your face, it only made his smile bigger.
Seeing his full smile made your heart melt. You had never been able to see him like this, he always had such a serious face. You weren’t even sure how to respond to him, you just stared back at him as your thoughts slipped out “I could kiss you right now.” Your eyes widen as soon as you finished your sentence, “that’s not what I was I meant to say”
“Ask and you will get.” He moved one hand to the back of your neck to pull you in as he leaned closer. His lips were like silky pillows. It wasn’t like what you thought it would be, it was a gentle.
It was an amazing kiss, that was of course interpreted, “THEYRE KISSING! HE DID IT!” There was a small window next to the door and you could see Felix and Hyunjin peeking in.
“I’m going to kill them.” Changbin stood up from the couch and started towards the door.
“Go go go he’s coming!” Hyunjin yelled but he was too late. The door swung open and all 7 of them stood there.
“Why are you here?”
Chan stepped forward, “well someone had to make sure you didn’t chicken out.”
You got up from your spot and met them at the door, “well he didn’t and you ruined a very nice moment.” You stood next to Changbin pressing yourself to his side, and he placed his arm around your waist.
“Were you that red this whole time??” Seungmin asked, pointing at Changbin. “That’s embarrassing.”
Before he could say anything you placed a hand on his chest to stop him, “it would be if I didn’t feel the same way, but I think it’s cute.” You smiled back up at him.
“I think I’m going to be sick” Hyunjin said with disgust on his face.
“Does that mean you’re permanently part of the group now?” Jeongin asked very excitedly.
“I wasn’t already? Guys I’m hurt.”
“No no of course you were, it’s just now with” Felix said looking over the two of you. “Well you know, now you’re really staying.”
“Yes but you guys are not. So go home.” Changbin said wanting them to leave you alone again.
“Yeah okay we’ll see you later,” Chan said with a wink pulling the rest of the boys along.
Changbin shut the door, “sorry about that I should’ve known they were going to do that.”
You laughed, “why, it’s not like you’ve never confessed your feelings before?” The were a pause, “I mean you have right?”
“Not really. No one else has ever caught my attention like you did, that and everyone else sees me as the ‘violent emo boy’ so..”
“Did Chan tell you I called you that?! Because I was joking, sort of. It’s just you are always in dark clothes and you don’t really say much and-“ You stopped when you realized you were the one rambling and he was just laughing.
“I know I know, and it’s true but I’m not always like that,” he said pulling you into his arms.
“Oh is there a more romantic side to Mr Seo Changbin?” You teased.
His smile turned into a smirk and his eyes lowered, “wouldn’t you like to know.”
“I think I would really,” you smiled before reaching to kiss him again.
Is there really a romantic side to him, or is he just a little softer, was the only though you had before fully falling into the kiss and that was all you could think about.
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x-woozi · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything.. else?
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Part 12: one tough cookie.
Summary: After a very public embarrassing moment, y/n manages to make a few new friends. Though in trying to make those friends there is a bit of a complication in winning over the group.
A/n: Guys I have been trying to finish writing part 17 for like 2 weeks now and I AM: STRUGGLING. But everything is all scheduled to post up until then though. Times and dates don’t matter.
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x-woozi · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything.. else?
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Part 25: waiting
Summary: After a very public embarrassing moment, y/n manages to make a few new friends. Though in trying to make those friends there is a bit of a complication in winning over the group.
A/n: Double posting because I just got promoted and am in a super great mood. Also this is basically the part 2 because I didn’t want to mess it up again but it’s not very long. Anyways the ending maybe coming soon... not really sure yet 😅 
(I bolded and italicized her thoughts to read easier)
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I really hope he’s not going to do what I think, you thought before putting your phone back into your pocket. As you walk through the courtyard, there are a lot of lingering eyes and covered whispers.
‘Thats the girl that threw herself at Dino’
‘I heard she tried it with the whole dance team’
‘Well have you seen who she hangs out with?’
Nayeon quickly came into your line of sight and you could see her starting towards you. If it wasn’t for someone cutting off your path and walking past you, you would’ve ran straight to her to leave.
It was Changbin, and he did not look happy. His hands balled tightly, swinging at his sides as he got closer to a group of people. oh no. “Changbin” you called but he kept walking. “Changbin!” You rushed after him but it was too late.
As soon as he reached them he grabbed one of the guys by the shoulder, spinning him around. It was Dino. Without a single word, Changbin threw the first punch knocking him to the floor.
“What the hell is your problem?!” He yelled, picking himself up.
“Changbin stop it!” latching yourself to his arm in an attempt to pull him away.
“Ah, I see what this is,” DIno laughed. “The boyfriend, right?”
Tugging on his arm, “Let’s just go.” You could feel his muscles tighten, you could practically feel his anger.
“No, wait.” He paused pretending to think, “You’re just upset I got to her first, huh?”
Changbin ripped his arm from your grip and tackled him to the ground. Immediately everyone's phones were out and recording it.
“Bin, stop! Hes not worth it!” you tried reasoning, just as the two flipped. Changbin managed to get out from under him and to his feet.
“But you are.”
You were about to try to reach for him again but his comment threw you off and you froze. Just as you shook it off, you felt someone’s arms wrap around you. “Hey wait, let go of me!” Trying to wiggle free as they pulled you out of the crowd.
“Y/n, you're going to get hurt! Just calm down” you turned to see the face that match the familiar voice. “You don’t need to be here right now.”
“But someone has to stop them.” As if on cue the rest of the boys came running to the crowd.
Nayeon was suddenly at your side and wrapping her arm around your shoulders, “come on I think they’ve got it. Let’s just get you out of here before the rent-a-cops get here.”
You couldn’t help but to keep looking back. They boys struggled to squeeze through the crowd at first but now you couldn’t see them. All you could do was hope that they could separate the fight before either of them got too badly hurt.
You didn’t really care about Dino, but if he was really injured Changbin could get into a lot more trouble than he already would be.
Just as you and Nayeon reached the parking lot, 4 campus security guards ran past you. “Look they’re barely going to help,” Nayeon rolled her eyes as she got into her car. “I’m sure your friend is already out of there,” trying to make you feel a little better.
“Yeah maybe,” was all you said, but your mind on the other hand. Were they really able to get to him in time? Why did he have to go and do that, I told him no more fights. Now I have to worry about him! Ugh, I hope he’s okay…
“Don’t think about it anymore okay?” Nayeon said, pulling you from your train of thought. “It’s already done, let’s just get to your place and wait.”
“Oh how I love waiting…”
“Well sarcasm is a good sign” she laughed lightly.
“I’m fine. Well I was, sort of. But now I’m a little upset?” You said it like a question which only confused your friend.
“Upset like you’re sad? Or like you’re mad?”
Thinking for a second, not completely sure yourself, “both I guess? I mean the whole thing with the lies is kind of whatever I could’ve just ignored it.”
“But…” pushing for you to continue.
“I told him no more fights, and for all of them to leave this alone.” You turned a little in the passenger seat to face her as she drove, “I literally just told him the dude wasn’t worth it. And then hit him again!!”
“I think he just cares about you. I mean what if it was us and the rumors were about me?” She had a valid point.
You turned back to the front and crossed your arms, “that’s different.”
“Why because he likes you?”
“What? No. We’re friends, I’m just ‘one of the guys’. Where did that even come from?” Wait why do I sound so defensive?
“Right okay. I saw the way he looked at you the other day, he did not look at the ‘other guys’ like that,” she gave a quick questioning look before continuing. “Plus I heard him say you’re worth it” she teased.
You tried to think back to that day, not knowing what look she meant. There was nothing. I mean maybe he did look a little longer when i talked or laughed, but it wasn’t just that day. You thought about the night you went to have dinner at their house. It was the same then too. But the doesn’t mean anything, right? Her last comment had his words ringing in you mind bringing a little heat to your cheeks you hadn’t felt yet.
Nayeon cleared her throat loudly, “earth to y/n?”
“What?” You looked up to see you were home and she was already getting out of the car. “Oh my bad.”
“You’re looking a little flushed,” she teased as you walked up to the door. “You feeling okay?”
“Will you just get inside,” you pushed the door open and headed straight for the couch. “How long do you think it’ll be before they’ll tell me everything's okay?”
After grabbing a bag of chips Nayeon sat beside you, “I don’t know, have you checked your phone?”
You mentally smacked yourself in the forehead Duh, why didn’t I think of that? You pulled out your phone to see if any of them called or texted. “Nothing.” You let out a very long dramatic sigh.
“Dang, how long does it take to stop a fight and get out of there?”
“Oh man, what if they didn’t and now he’s in prison?!” You said before sending a quick text to the group chat hoping someone will respond eventually.
“Okay prison? that’s a little much. jail on the other hand? Maybe.” She said before shoving a few chips in her mouth, not helping at all.
“That’s not funny,” hitting her arm before taking the bag from her. “I’m being serious here.”
“It’ll be fine, I’m sure of it.” Her tone was much softer now, “just try not to think about it for now okay? Let’s just watch some tv”
You agreed, but you couldn’t just not think about it. You tried but still not hearing from any of them, hours later? It would be a lie to say it didn’t stress you out, but what more could you do besides wait..
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x-woozi · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything.. else?
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Part 15: Racha inc.
Summary: After a very public embarrassing moment, y/n manages to make a few new friends. Though in trying to make those friends there is a bit of a complication in winning over the group.
A/n: hi I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and getting posts of rest! To be added to the tag list please send in an ask, thank you 😊 Times and dates don’t matter.
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x-woozi · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything.. else?
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Part 23: time bomb
Summary: After a very public embarrassing moment, y/n manages to make a few new friends. Though in trying to make those friends there is a bit of a complication in winning over the group.
A/n: Do you think it’d be better to tell him what was said or not? Any ideas on what will happen next?
Time and dates don’t matter.
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Tag list: @smileyjisung3 @milkywayfelix @scoups-of-sugar @holaaaf @hey-i-really-miss-you @kodzu-ken @sunoo-luvs @hellok1ttycake @f0rcryingoutl0ud @seungcheoluwu @crscendoforsung (To be added to the tag list please send in an ask, thank you 😊)
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x-woozi · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything.. else?
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Part 8: it’s a mess.
Summary: After a very public embarrassing moment, y/n manages to make a few new friends. Though in trying to make those friends there is a bit of a complication in winning over the group.
A/n: I know this one is pretty short I’m sorry, but the next part will be posted on Thursday and is written. Please look forward to it!
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x-woozi · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything.. else?
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Part 7: Acceptance.
Summary: After a very public embarrassing moment, y/n manages to make a few new friends. Though in trying to make those friends there is a bit of a complication in winning over the group.
A/n: With everything going on and coming out and I know a lot of stays are struggling. I just want everyone to know that this is a safe space for everyone, and I mean everyone. My “door” is always open.
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Tag list: @smileyjisung3 @milkywayfelix @scoups-of-sugar @holaaaf @hey-i-really-miss-you
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x-woozi · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything.. else?
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Part 13: Freedom!
Summary: After a very public embarrassing moment, y/n manages to make a few new friends. Though in trying to make those friends there is a bit of a complication in winning over the group.
A/n: Writing this is a lot more fun that I expected it to be, I hope you all are enjoying reading it too!! Times and dates don’t matter.
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Tag list: @smileyjisung3 @milkywayfelix @scoups-of-sugar @holaaaf @hey-i-really-miss-you @kodzu-ken
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x-woozi · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything.. else?
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Part 5: a plan?
Summary: After a very public embarrassing moment, y/n manages to make a few new friends. Though in trying to make those friends there is a bit of a complication in winning over the group.
A/n: The next part will be posted on Thursday. It will be the first written part! Times and dates don’t really matter.
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Tag list: @smileyjisung3 @milkywayfelix @scoups-of-sugar @holaaaf
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x-woozi · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything.. else?
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Part 14: a favor
Summary: After a very public embarrassing moment, y/n manages to make a few new friends. Though in trying to make those friends there is a bit of a complication in winning over the group.
A/n: Times and dates don’t matter. If you would like be added to the tag list please send in an ask, thank you!
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Tag list: @smileyjisung3 @milkywayfelix @scoups-of-sugar @holaaaf @hey-i-really-miss-you @kodzu-ken
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