moleshow · 2 months
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for whom? who is asking this?
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probayern · 2 months
i forgot that i become an insane person when i'm apartment hunting
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stuckontheceiling · 11 months
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Tagged by @moodsworks to show my lock/home screens, pinterest, and last song I listened to.
I change my Lock Screen all the time so you’ve caught me on a day where I want it as art. And as for Pinterest & last song? I’m nothing if not predictable
Tagging @mxgyver & @tootietwo2 🫶
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iweb-data-scraping · 1 year
Scrape Property Data from Zillow, Trulia, Streeteasy
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Zillow is the top property and property website in the USA. The website and app have millions of data of homes. These homes comprise the ones for rent, sale, or even ones that are not available in the market. Zillow also offers property and rent estimates. Therefore, let’s discover Zillow data scraping for scraping property listing data.
When purchasing or renting any property, we understand that the initial thing which comes to mind is pricing comparison. This website for housing offers pricing comparisons with other listings in this area with fundamental data like the house type, total rooms, size, short descriptions, etc. You could even find new estimations for the property if specific changes have been made recently.
Web Scraping Property Data — Scrape Property List Data from Zillow, Trulia, Streeteasy
Getting property deals on websites is not accessible if you lack the technical skills and resources to perform web scraping. iWeb Data Scraping offers the Best Property Website Scraping Services USA to scrape data of various property websites.
Web Scraping Property Websites Data
Web Scraping is an important option to keep track of other property website listings accessible for sellers and agents. Having the ownership of extracted information from property websites can assist you in adjusting the listed prices on the website or help you make the databases for business. iWeb Data Scraping offers web extraction services for Property to do data scraping of property websites like Zillow, Trulia, Streeteasy, etc.
List of Data Fields
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At iWeb Data Scraping, we extract the following listing of data fields from different property sites:
Property Name
Zip Code
Property Description
Latitude & Longitude
Contact Details of Property Agents
Property Image
The top property websites across the globe are a great source of vital data. Any database of a popular property website targeting the USA could have data on more than 100 million homes! The homes include homes for sale, rent, or ones that are not presently available in the market. This gives rent and property estimates and helps owners and customers plan better by guessing the property price in the coming five to ten years.
Know more : https://www.iwebdatascraping.com/scrape-property-data-from-zillow-trulia-streeteasy.php
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amtrak-official · 10 days
while this is absolutely specific to the area, most people in NYC that i know wouldn't touch apartments.com compared to less scammy/more widely used sites like streeteasy - would pulling average rent costs from a different place for areas that have city-specific apps/sites like that be bad for the data's accuracy?
I am considering changing the dataset over to the rent Cafe data, do you think I should do that
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loving-n0t-heyting · 18 days
Wages for the typical U.S. worker have surged since the pandemic, but for many Americans those gains are being gobbled up by rising rent.
Rents jumped 30.4% nationwide between 2019 and 2023, while wages during that same period rose 20.2%, according to a recent analysis from online real estate brokers Zillow and StreetEasy. The gap between wage growth and rent increases was widest in large cities, including Atlanta; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Miami, Phoenix and Tampa.
Rent outpacing wage growth means that many Americans are using an even larger portion of their paycheck for shelter, and often skimping on other necessities like child care, groceries or saving for a down payment on a home.
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farmlesbians · 6 months
hi my love, im potentially moving to nyc next year for grad school and im already starting to panic about housing, I know you live there now and im just wondering how you navigated the housing market and finding available apartments and things like that bc just the thought makes me 😭 also your thoughts on good neighborhoods and places, sorry if you dont know or dont want to answer!!
hiiii sorry it took me a while to get back to this and it might be kinda long so i can do a read more lol i’m in the process of moving apartments rn actually!!!
i found my first apartment on streeteasy which can be good when you are looking for an apartment and already know who you will be living with/if u are looking for just urself since it’s just straight up apartment listings and you can narrow them down based on budget/pets/number of rooms etc (make sure the apartment is no fee though!! places can be shady about that but u should notttt be paying a brokers fee like u found the place urself)
i also know a lot of people who have found luck through facebook groups idk how u personally identify so this may not be helpful at all but i always get recommended the one thats named something along the lines of “young women in nyc housing/roommates/sublets” i think u have to pay $10 to get accepted now since it’s huge but i know people who have had luck on there too! and it’s good if u are looking to rent just a room in an apartment or look for a short term sublet while you search for long term housing. i’ve also been recommended/heard of people looking on lex but that can be such a mixed bag people on there are WEIRD
the best time to move is def in the winter which is when rents are the lowest and apartment hunting is the most hectic from like may-september but it’s always quite rough here
as for neighborhoods… since ur moving for school it would be best probably to look at what subway/bus lines your campus is closest to and start from there looking at what parts along that line are within your budget or looking for places within ur budget that allow you to get to those lines somewhat “easily” … like when i decided to move this time around i tried to find an apartment that was along subway lines that get me directly to certain locations at my job or allow me to in-station transfer to them.
idk if that was helpful at all but if u have any other questions lmk!!!
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spade-riddles · 6 months
Hi Spade - the photo of the apt. Is Taylor’s kitchen in her penthouse in Tribeca. The picture is on streeteasy, it’s the same place as Gracie’s pic laying in the floor with Taylor in it.
Keileigh Teller posted a picture that looks taken in an apartment. They could have celebrated her birthday in the apartment and then they went out for PR. It's clear she wanted to be in NY for her birthday to be with Karlie. And today Karlie post a 6 year days old lategram to make it seem like she was with Jerk.
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stereopticons · 8 months
for the fun meta asks:
19. Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?)
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
19. Hahahahaha. I feel like you should ask @blackandwhiteandrose this question because she’s the one who has to deal with the fact that once I start writing, I forget every word I’ve ever known and use the same ten verbs over again.
I definitely use the word “murmurs” a lot because I maintain that there is no acceptable substitute. It’s a specific type of speaking that unfortunately occurs a lot in my writing and I spend a lot of time trying (and failing) to find acceptable synonyms. I also frequently describe feelings as being in the character’s chest (tightness, warmth, pain, whatever, it all goes behind the ribs I guess) and I do often describe how someone tastes when kissing. I’ve written Patrick coming out to David at a bar/the Wobbly Elm at least three separate times, so I should probably knock that off.
20. Ooh okay. Well. I’ve said, since I started writing fic, that world building is my biggest weakness. I’ve never felt very confident with it. So when I started writing indie band Patrick, I decided to challenge myself and really delve into the world building. Granted, it’s not fantasy or magical realism or anything like that, and it takes place in a real place (New York, primarily), but it’s outside of Schitt’s Creek and there are a lot of pieces I have had to pull together. Every place that’s mentioned so far with the exception of David’s gallery, really exists. I went on streeteasy and found apartments for Stevie and Patrick and a loft for David. I’ve researched music venues extensively lol. Even the subway routes. But the piece of completely unnecessary but still really fun world building that I loved doing was booking Patrick’s band’s tour. I had a couple of cities I needed them to hit for plot reasons and certain date parameters and used that to create a plausible tour route. Then I looked up music venues in each city that would fit the band’s status and the type of music I imagine they play. THEN I made a tour poster:
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Of course, if I’d been writing instead of making that, maybe I’d have finished the fic by now lmao. Oh and I also created all of the song titles for their first and second albums as well as an EP, which I won’t share yet but they are pretty delightful.
Meta asks for writers
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033h · 4 months
i’m moving to new york in like 5 months because i got a job offer and just kinda impulsively said yes… any advice for new ppl moving to new york :’) im kinda worried
first off congrats on the job!! That’s so exciting and will probably make things easier in a lot of ways, that was the hardest part of getting an apartment for me and the job market here (like most things) is pretty competitive.
That being said I highly recommend looking into what apartment hunting is like here well in advance. Not just researching neighborhoods (it’s good to check which trains go to where you work, if you’ll be going in) but also dealing with brokers fees and knowing what amenities you need, figuring out if you’ll want roommates, etc, since my experience was basically that you need to be ready to apply on the spot when you tour, especially in the summer. There’s a lot of resources and a whole Reddit page dedicated to renting here that I found pretty helpful. I had a sublet for 2 months so I could have time to find an apartment. Things on there go quickly but listings project can give you a good idea of what’s out there, I think I found my apartment on streeteasy but toured like 15 places altogether.
In terms of other things, you’ll figure out the trains and navigation with time. What I wish I had done differently is doing as much as possible with the initial inertia of when you first get here: reaching out to any connections, dating, buying crazy shit on Facebook marketplace, exploring neighborhoods. It’s totally overwhelming but also highly motivating because you aren’t grounded by anything yet. Once I got settled and more secure I definitely lost most of that energy and I wish I had done a bit more when I had it, I feel like I’m just now trying to explore on my own more months later. Oh and download the got2gonyc bathrooms google map, it will probably save ur life at some point.
Honestly everything else (friends, activities, go to spots) I’m still very much figuring out for myself! It’s a unique city from everywhere else I’ve lived and it’s normal to take a long time to adjust (again I still am). Say yes to any opportunity you can to meet new people and try new things. Read up on the history of where you live and the places you go and be mindful of others around you. I find that New Yorkers are not always “friendly” but tend to be mindful/look out for others and are quite willing to strike up a conversation, at least compared to the PNW where I’m from. In general, people are pretty open to meeting up but it can be hard to really get to know one person. Wishing you all the best with the move and again congrats 💓💓
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moleshow · 2 years
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eileenleahy · 2 months
oh fuck i just saw a streeteasy ad about "underrated nyc neighborhoods" and saw MY OLD NEIGHBORHOOD i need to die...... it was only a matter of time for queens to fall to the unyielding force of gentrification.....
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barid-bel-medar · 1 year
Every now and again I go on Streeteasy to look at apartments, not because I need one (I actually just renewed my lease), but to be quietly horrified by NYC apartment rates and the sheer *limited* affordable housing I'm seeing.
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大纽约社区介绍之University Heights, the Bronx
大学高地(University Heights)位于布朗克斯西北部,是一块面积不大、有些地方还很邋遢的飞地。布朗克斯社区大学(Bronx Community College)占地45英亩,校园横跨悬崖峭壁,视野开阔,对社区的影响举足轻重。
这不是一所典型的通勤学校。该学院最著名的建筑由斯坦福-怀特(Stanford White)设计,2012年,学院大部分建筑被评为国家历史地标。
1973年,这个拥有约3万人口的社区并不景气。纽约大学(NYU)在19世纪末建立了这所校园,作为其格林威治村(Greenwich Village)以外的乡村校区,随着犯罪率的上升和入学率的下降,纽约大学以约6200万美元的价格将学校卖给了州政府。
据史料记载,随着有宿舍的大学被学生每晚回家的学院所取代,一个艰难的过渡时期随之而来。West 183rd Street和Loring Place North等曾经是学生和教师居住的街道变得空旷破败。
但学院的管理者和居民们认为,这所在20世纪80年代斥资数百万翻新校外建筑的学校就像一条马奇诺防线(Maginot Line),阻止了南布朗克斯的凋敝。
如今,隶属于纽约城市大学(City University of New York)的布朗克斯社区大学拥有约11000名学生和1600名教师,校门有保安人员看守,校园周围有巡逻车巡逻;2012年,由Robert A.M. Stern Architects设计的新北楼和图书馆落成剪彩。目前,学校还在翻修主广场。
6岁的盖尔-道森(Gail Dawson)说:"这个地区唯一真正稳定的好东西就是大学"。1978年,她从哈林区(Harlem)的一个公共住宅区搬到了这个社区,为的是给孩子们提供一个更安全的成长环境。当时,和现在一样,身患残疾的道森女士住在一套一居室的公寓里,房租由联邦住房券支付。
大学高地给人的感觉是静态的。伟大美国人名人堂(Hall of Fame for Great Americans)是一个露天校园,收藏了约100尊半身铜像,包括艺术家、发明家和总统,其中最近期的人物莫过于富兰克林-德拉诺-罗斯福(Franklin Delano Roosevelt)。
该市正在考虑重新划分Jerome Avenue两英里的区域,以建造更多经济适用房、公园和商店。目前,车库、轮胎店和其他汽车行业占据了这条街道。
一些长期经营的企业主对此表示担忧,比如43岁的佩德罗-蒙西翁(Pedro Moncion),他在West 181st Street拥有一家San Rafael Auto Repair修车厂。蒙西翁先生说,将该街道重新划分为禁止工业用途可能会导致他已经经营了28年的生意终结。
此外,曾经住在附近希望山(Mount Hope)的蒙西翁先生说,在附近的许多街道上,购买杂货、衣服和电子产品的地方已经比比皆是。他说:"我不知道我们还能想要什么"。
大学高地坐落在一座小山上,从这里可以俯瞰曼哈顿和新泽西州的帕利塞德悬崖(Palisades cliffs)。大学高地的北面是West Fordham Road,南面是West Burnside Avenue,东面是Jerome Avenue,西面是哈林河(Harlem River)。根据2010年的人口普查数据,94%的家庭居住在出租房中,而整个城市的这一比例为69%。根据经纪人的说法,这些出租单元中的许多都被预留给第8条(Section 8)补贴住房,或者被安排成单人间(single-room-occupancy)。
市价单位确实存在,比如位于Sedgwick Avenue的River Hill Gardens,这是一座由Goldfarb Properties拥有的五栋砖砌综合楼。校园北面还建有优雅的七层砖砌公寓楼,其中一些是装饰艺术时期的产物。
经纪人说,总的来说,University Avenue(也称Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard)以西的公寓楼最古老,也最时尚。
除此之外,还有零星的砖砌独户住宅,如West 179th Street的独户住宅,它们面对的是带前院的半独立式住宅。少数共管公寓包括位于Grand Avenue和Davidson Avenue的一些公寓。但有些共管公寓受到住房发展基金公司(Housing Development Fund Corporation)的限制,根据该公司的规定,购房者的收入不能超过上限。
市场价房产可能很难找到。据Meridian Realty Partners的副经纪人Jackson Strong称,如果有房,700平方英尺左右的市价一居室共管公寓平均售价为9万美元,两居室为14万美元。
由于大多数学生都住在别处,大学城的夜生活很少。位于Aqueduct Avenue East和West 181st Street的BX Campus Deli熟食店似乎是少数几家承认自己存在的商家之一。
在West Fordham Road上,有一家Dallas BBQ烧烤店在周末举办D.J.派对。在West Burnside Avenue上,有一些小店出售水果、美容用品和眼镜。
Aqueduct Walk沿着老克罗顿水渠(Old Croton Aqueduct)的顶端延伸,从19世纪40年代到50年代,这条水渠一直将饮用水从威彻斯特县(Westchester County)输送到这座城市。如果想重温美国历史,布朗克斯社区大学的名人堂也许值得一去。10月18日,布朗克斯社区大学将参加全市范围的"纽约开放日"(Open House New York)活动,届时还将参观由马塞尔-布劳尔(Marcel Breuer)设计的粗野主义(Brutalist)风格建筑。
该地区划入了几所小学,包括Andrews Avenue上的Public School 291、Sedgwick Avenue上的Public School 226和Jerome Avenue上的Public School 33。这三所学校都教授幼儿园到五年级的课程;P.S. 226和P.S. 33还设有学前班。
根据该市的统计数据,在2013-14学年的州考试中,P.S. 291的成绩略好于其他两所学校,当时有18%的学生英语达标,31%的学生数学达标。全市的这两个数字分别为30%和39%。
公立中学有Creston Academy、East Fordham Academy for the Arts和Academy for Personal Leadership and Excellence可供选择,这些学校都在社区外。
St. Nicholas of Tolentine Elementary School是一所教会学校,位于Andrews Avenue North,学制为幼儿园至八年级。
大都会北方铁路(Metro-North Railroad)的哈德逊线(Hudson Line)在大学高地有一站。到大中央车站(Grand Central Terminal)的车程为21至24分钟,月票价格为201美元。
4号线地铁沿Jerome Avenue停靠Burnside Avenue、183rd Street和Fordham Road。
在纽约大学落户之前,校园所在区域有几处庄园,其中一处属于马里(Mali)家族,该家族生产台球毡和其他台球产品。他们的砖房最初成为宿舍,如今是巴特勒厅(Butler Hall),为高中生上大学做准备。
转载自 New York Times, University Heights, the Bronx: Anchored by a College Campus
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displayheartcode · 9 months
Can I ask in your opinion how much should a person have saved before moving to a place like Brooklyn to live?
cry a lot, lower your expectations for apartments, sleep on your brother’s couch, keep track of your financials with an excel sheet, work a part-time along with an internship because you’re a full-time grad student, contact cousins as potential roommates, obsessively search streeteasy as you lower your expectations more… eventually, you’ll scrap enough to cover part of the monthly rent with some roommates
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god every time i open the streeteasy app i am reminded that unless someone falls in love with me and we split rent in a 1br apartment there is no way my ass is living within commuting distance of nyc i found a studio for under $1000 and i'm not kidding it was a hallway that had a kitchen counter installed and a twin sized bed shoved in the corner. bathroom the size of a closet closet the size of a single grain of rice. for $990 a month. i don't even need to be in love for emotional reasons i just need someone willing to share a bedroom with me for economic reasons
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