#strelles stormborn sitters
strelles-universe · 2 years
Cats of ThunderClan: Fernpaw
Name: Fernpaw
Other Names: N/A
Meaning: Long furred
Age: 14 moons (Book 5 - Ch. 5)
Identity: Cisgender Molly - She/Her
Orientation: Bisexual
Rank: Apprentice - Sitter
Former Rank(s): N/A
A long furred dark gray spotted molly with pale blue eyes and a timid and disarming smile. Her paws are darker than the rest of her body and her pelt is extremely soft. She’s closest to her brother Ashpaw though she loves her other siblings dearly as well.
Fernpaw has never intended to go far from the nursery - she enjoys spending time around younger kits and prefers speculating names and assisting monarchs to hunting and patrolling. She’s done her best to memorize each of the prefixes and their meaning and became even more dead set on her pathway after witnessing and assisting with her mentor’s kitting. For a while, Fernpaw was passed between miscellaneous warriors while her mentor was looking after her very young kits and properly recovering from kitting. She received most of her general warrior training (hunting, border patrols, combat) from other warriors and returned to the nursery to learn the intricacies of rearing young kits. Fernpaw honestly thought this was a great compromise and it reassured her that she would be a very good Sitter.
It was a difficult time for her, standing between Ashpaw and Elderpaw while they quarreled with their adoptive brother as the source of the animosity. Even when the two brothers made up over the mangled body of Cloudywing, she still remembered stressing as she alternated between which brother she snuggled with and tried to comfort each night. The wounds Cloudywing received instilled a deep fear within her for open-combat and dogs though she tries to put on a brave face. She was further shaken by the murder of her mentor at the paws of Tigerstar - her own mate.
After surviving the relay incident and realizing how close of a cat her mother had, Fernpaw is struggling to re-ground herself in reality; taking Speckledtail’s more critical and sharp words without thinking.
Mentor(s): Goldenflower (deceased), Speckledtail
Apprentice(s): N/A
Parents: Brindleface (mother), Whitestar (father)
Auncle(s): Volewhisker (uncle)
Sibling(s): Ashpaw (brother), Elderpaw (brother), Cloudywing (adoptive brother)
Nephling(s): N/A
Cousin(s): Graystripe, Sorrelkit, Sootkit, Rainkit, Daisykit (deceased), Vinekit (deceased)
Mate(s): N/A
Crush(es): N/A
OoC Friends: Galepaw
Kit(s): N/A
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strelles-universe · 2 years
Cats of ThunderClan: Speckletail
Name: Speckletail
Meaning: Spotted with a Distinct Tail
Identity: Cisgender Molly - She/Her
Orientation: Bisexual
Rank: Elder - Sitter
Former Rank(s): Hunter
A pale gold, short furred classic tabby molly with golden eyes and a curious spray of white spots across her tail. Speckletail is a stubborn and headstrong molly known for remaining firm in her opinion regardless of the situation unless overwhelming evidence is given. Sometimes, even in the face of overwhelming evidence she’ll remain firm in her perspective regardless of the situation.
She’s a very traditional molly who was one of the kits from the Great Famine of Doestar’s leadership. This has made her particularly prickly about the other clans noting that despite Doestar’s begging, none of them ever sent ThunderClan aid citing that all clans can care for themselves. She holds the strongest grudge against RiverClan - viewing their full bellies and refusal to feed her clan as a direct slightly against them. In the end, Speckletail’s brother - Snowgaze - and his two young kits passed from starvation, solidifying her fury and resentment towards RiverClan. When her own son was born all white with translucent blue eyes, she named him after her brother and became highly protective of him.
Speckletail is highly devoted to the Souls and ensured that her kits were similarly knowledgeable in their words. No one would be surprised if she became a lecturer focused on stories of the Souls when she finally retires to the elder’s den. Her devotion to her clan runs deep, and she reacts badly to others that don’t appear to share the same level of devotion to their clan.
Speckletail is torn on her feelings about Fireheart - she disapproves of the fact that he’s with Graystripe; a cat who chose to mate with and sire RiverClan kits. He’s an outsider himself too - a kingdom cat who still swears and prays to his own gods rather than the Souls and she disapproves of this as well. That said, she’s grudgingly able to admit that he’s a good deputy with fierce dedication to his clan - Asterdawn’s training shines through in him and the stunt with feeding RiverClan makes her feel strange knowing that he probably would feed her clan if he’d been in RiverClan during the famine. She started loosening up in the wake of his sister saving her son’s life but her loyalty towards him was solidified during the massive relay where he risked his own life, his beloved sister’s life to save their clan - to warn them.
In the wake of Goldenflower’s death, Speckletail has taken on Fernpaw as her apprentice.
Mentor(s): Brownclaw (deceased)
Apprentice(s): Fernpaw
Parents: Harepounce (mother/deceased), Stagstalk (father/deceased)
Sweetparent(s): None
Auncle(s): N/A
Sibling(s): Snowgaze (brother), Whiteeye (sister)
Nephling(s): Frigidkit (nephew/deceased), Frostkit (nephew/deceased), Aspenwind (nephew/deceased), Cedarfur (niece)
Cousin(s): N/A
Mate(s): Smallear (kit-sire)
Crush(es): N/A
Kit(s): Mistlefall (daughter), Snowpaw (son)
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strelles-universe · 2 years
Cats of ThunderClan: Goldenflower
Name: Goldenflower
Meaning: Golden furred and Delicate
Identity: Cisgender Molly - She/Her
Orientation: Bisexual - Tom Leaning
Rank: Sitter
Former Rank(s): Hunter
Goldenflower is a mostly golden long furred cryptic tortie molly with yellow eyes and paler stripes. The molly is very loving and caring towards her kits- she’s also incredibly defensive of them. A sharp tongued and somewhat rude cat, Goldenflower was very respected by her fellow clanmates although she’s not very popular with cats who’ve previously been on the receiving end of her tongue. Although her name isn’t the most fitting, she’s pleased to be named after her late mother whom she misses dearly and wears the suffix -flower with pride.
Not many cats were surprised when Goldenflower announced that she would be staying in the nursery after Swiftpaw and Lynxpaw became apprentices. Everyone had seen the way she practically glowed when surrounded by kits and even before she'd switched, she'd long since begun learning about names and proper kit-care.
Goldenflower was practically glowing when Lynxcackle received her warrior name and she's willing to brag to anyone willing to listen about how amazing her kits are. She can't wait for Swiftpaw to earn his warrior name and hopes that it's as fitting and well-chosen as his sister's.
She was devastated by the revelation of Tigerclaw's treachery and her mind is swimming with confusion. Did Tigerclaw ever care about her? He spent moon after moon courting her and he'd seemed genuine - what about their kits? Did he even care about them or were they secondary to his plan for revenge too? Goldenflower is paranoid that ThunderClan will punish her kits for being Tigerclaw's - or worse, that Tigerclaw will come back and try to steal them from her.
Her approach to this is to shut down - she won't talk about Tigerclaw to almost anyone and has already decided not to tell her kits about their father. This strategy has resulted in some isolation and disapproval from her clanmates but Goldenflower just curls up tighter and tighter.
Goldenflower found kinship and warmth in the loner, Hound who brought in her daughter and a sad story. Even as Goldenflower struggled to reconnect with her clan, Hound was a stable and steadying presence in her life. The tipping point for their friendship was Hound stepping in when Goldenflower attempted to make Fireheart tell her kits the truth about their father - although she’d been hurt and blinded with pain at the time, she realized that Hound had been right about her internalizing her fear and passing it on to Fireheart.
Seeing Tigerstar trespassing so deep in ThunderClan territory so soon after telling her kits the truth about their sire sent waves of rage and fury boiling through her veins. She’s not sure what she was expecting but it wasn’t that Tigerstar would kill her. Still, she’s satisfied that he didn’t get away with it completely free - he was bleeding and stumbling off. She’s proud of herself when she finds out that she took a life from him and is grateful to Fireheart and Hound for stepping up and deciding to look out for her kits when they didn’t need to.
Mentor(s): Dappletail, Thrushpelt (temp)
Apprentice(s): Fernpaw (incomplete)
Parents: Dappleflower (mother/deceased), Silktail (father/deceased)
Auncle(s): N/A
Sibling(s): Lionheart (brother)
Nephling(s): Cinderpaw (niece), Thornrustle (nephew), Brackensight (nephew), Brightruin (niece)
Cousin(s): N/A
Mate(s): Tigerstar (former)
Crush(es): Hound (nursing)
Kit(s): Lynxcackle (daughter), Swifttalon (son, Bramblepaw (son), Tawnypaw (daughter)
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strelles-universe · 2 years
Cats of ThunderClan: Brindleface
Name: Brindleface
Identity: Cisgender Molly - She/Her
Orientation: Bisexual
Rank: Sitter
Former Ranks: Hunter
A very rounded and soft furred, gray spotted tabby molly. The spots across her pelt are darker than the rest of her and her face is coated in small, thinner spots. Brindleface is a loving and gentle cat who spent much of her life going along with that others wanted and desired. 
Though she enjoyed hunting, Brindleface has always felt the calling of the Nursery as a sitter. When her kits left the Nursery, Brindleface privately spoke to Bluestar about her rank. Eventually they decided on using the RiverClan system of dual ranks- officially, Brindleface is listed as a Sitter but she will go hunting and take up traditional gorse tunnel guarding when she needs to.
Whitestorm and Brindleface aren't in love but the two of them wanted kits very badly. They talked about becoming parents a lot before eventually Brindleface broached the idea of Whitestorm siring kits with her- they wouldn't be mates officially but it would give both of them the chance to raise kits. Brindleface figured that Whitestorm would be a wonderful father and Whitestorm agreed that he couldn't think of a better mother for his kits than Brindleface.
They behave somewhat lovey-dovey but they're mostly just friends raising kits together.
Brindleface is struggling deeply now as the last few moons have been intense. With Cloudpaw in trouble she spent most of her time trying to keep Ashpaw and Elderpaw apart as the two brothers were so fiercely violent towards each other. Her heart shattered when her sons were reunited by Cloudywing’s deathbed promotion where no one was sure if he would pull through. She’d seen Isaria storming through the camp and the molly’s sobbing over her precious son whom they were entrusted with still haunts her nightmares.
Now she has to deal with the heartache of knowing that Goldenflower was murdered attempting to get her something to eat. She can hardly look at Bramblepaw and Tawnypaw without guilt making it hard for her to breathe and her eyes misting over.
Mentor(s): Stormtail (deceased)
Apprentice(s): N/A
Parent(s): Wrenfeather (dame/deceased), Molenose (sire/deceased)
Sibling(s): Volewhisker (brother)
Nephling(s):  Graystripe (nephew), Daisykit (niece/deceased), Vinekit (nephew/deceased)
Cousin(s): N/A
Mate(s): Whitestar (living)
Kit(s): Ashpaw (son), Fernpaw (daughter), Elderpaw (son), Cloudywing (adoptive son)
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strelles-universe · 2 years
The Cats of ThunderClan: Rosetail
{Insert Image Here}
Name: Rosetail
Identity: Cisgender Molly - She/Her
Orientation: Heterosexual
Rank: Elder
Former Rank(s): Sitter, Guard
A silver-gray classic tabby molly with an unusual bright ginger tail. Rosetail is very proud of her tail and many cats remark that it’s the most well groomed part of her- she takes very good care of it. Rosetail is a romantic, always interested in love stories and tales of charming toms and cheeky mollies.
Though she never officially took a mate herself, many cats suspect that she’d been seeing a cat of the Shining Sun before Pinestar’s retirement and the ensuing suspicion directed towards the Shining Sun hit her hard.
Though she can have her head in the clouds, Rosetail is a highly skilled cat more than capable of giving someone severe wounds when pressed. The death of her sister hit her hard when she was an apprentice and as a result, she clung tighter to her brother- something that was thoroughly unwanted by the cat in question.
Rosetail sided with Snowblossom against Bluesdawn regarding Thistleclaw’s behavior albeit she was more gentle, insisting that her brother was just a stubborn tom. Only when Thistleclaw began consistently harassing Bluedawn over Snowblossom’s death did she see the truth.
Mentor(s): Tawnyspots
Apprentice(s): N/A
Parent(s): Poppydawn† (mother), Breezeflight (sire/deceased)
Sibling(s): Sweetpaw (sister/deceased), Thistleclaw (brother/deceased)
Mate(s): N/A
Kit(s): N/A
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strelles-universe · 2 years
The Cats of ShadowClan: Hollyflower
Name: Hollyflower
Meaning: Alluring and Gentle
Identity: Cisgender Molly - She/Her
Orientation: Bisexual - No Leaning
Rank: Lecturer
Former Rank(s): Sitter, Guard
A dark gray and black molly with a more silvery underbelly and deep blue eyes. Her entire face is steadily turning white with age.
Hollyflower has always enjoyed being a mother and being around kits. Out of loyalty to her mentor Tigerwhisker, she finished her training as guard apprentice and spent a season as a guard before making a request to Raggedstar to become a Sitter instead.
When she gave birth to her kits, she told them that they had no father- merely a sire and they didn’t need a father to be the greatest warriors. She hold a deep resentment towards Blizzardwing for being too cowardly to tell his second mate about them and even more so for essentially abandoning their kits. Although she never told the rest of ShadowClan her reasons, it was noted that she was either extremely cool towards him or extremely hostile.
Hollyflower has always found joy with little lives and was fundamentally unable to understand Lizardstripe’s disdain for being a mother. She thinks she’s developed at least a basic understanding due to her own queasiness regarding touching other cats’ illnesses from battle.
When she was banished from camp with the rest of the elders, she sought solace in Poolcloud and she hopes they can be happy long after the day they pass on.
Mentor: Lichenclaw (deceased), Tigerwhisker (deceased)
Apprentice(s): Newtspeck
Parents: Smokethroat (mother/deceased), Ashear (sire/deceased)
Sibling(s): Yewkit (sister/deceased)
Mate(s): Blizzardwing (former/estranged/deceased), Poolcloud
Kit(s): Blackfoot (son), Flintfang (son), Fernshade (daughter)
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