#strelles goldenflower
strelles-universe · 1 year
THANK YOU FOR HAVING GOLDENFLOWER BE THE ONE TO TELL HER KITS WHO THE FATHER IS. I don't understand why she had Fireheart tell them in Canon, I mean, the guy was almost murdered by him, I think out of everyone he has the most valid reason to feel uneasy looking into Bramble's eyes and seeing Tawny's claws.
I can understand being frustrated with everyone being on edge and treating these kits differently because of who their father was, heck I was even a little upset at times with how Fireheart handled it, but it wasn't terrible. Man's was almost murdered by that guy more than once and only had Greystripe by his side to deal with it for moons, cut him some slack.
The Erin's probably did it to include Fireheart in the story more, but I personally think it's the mother's job to tell the kits who the father was instead of the cat who was hated the most by said father.
It was my biggest grievance with her lmao - I always looked at it as her letting her kids down and furthering their suffering. Like yeah, no duh the clans don't trust your kits - you've told them nothing of their heritage so they think Mr. Murderer is a good man!
So I made her confront her own feelings and the mild prejudice she has against Fire (bc I'll be honest, it felt like she chose him bc he would be the easiest to bully and the most acceptable target) then tell her children her damn self.
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doritopaw101 · 2 years
Alright finally got everything good now. Thanks @nightly-ruse and @spottyistired for the help and @flippythegodzilla as well
Right so new names for the colored kitties:
Goldenflower -> Dawntalon (after some talks on discord with strelles)
Graypool -> Houndpool
Blackfoot -> Batfoot
Whitetail -> Pearltail
Graystripe -> Duskstripe
Silverstream -> Willowstream
Silvertide -> Slushtide
Onewhisker/Indigoglare -> Valerianwhisker
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strelles-universe · 2 years
Goldenflower's Reckoning has officially been (in the planning guide) reworked to better fit Hound's personality and the air around the scene and it wasn't as satisfying to write but it feels better
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strelles-universe · 2 years
So, Goldenflower, rumor has it that a certain striped-someone might be interested in you? What do you think?
Goldenflower chuckled, "If it's true I say he'll have to work for it. I'm certain Tigerclaw would be a nice mate - but I don't know whether he's capable of matching me."
Goldenflower flexed her claws, "Maybe I'll invite him to spar and if he's still conscious I'll allow him to hunt for me."
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strelles-universe · 2 years
ThunderClan: Are you gonna tell your kits about their father?
Goldenflower: No
ThunderClan: *doesn't trust her*
Tumblr media
It's worse than that XD Goldenflower actually elected to tell them that Tigerclaw was brave and noble warrior instead of his actual crimes lmao.
"...But Bramblekit and Tawnykit have done nothing wrong, and I will not let them be punished because of Tigerclaw. I'm not even going to tell them who their father was, just that he was a powerful and brave warrior."
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strelles-universe · 2 years
hey goldenflower, are you feeling alright? all of this must be difficult to process
Goldenflower curls up a bit in her nest, "...it's a lot. All that talk of us and our future... he didn't even look at me when he left. I wonder if he even cares about his kits."
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strelles-universe · 2 years
That scene between goldenflower and hound was amazing. Loved how scared Fireheart was of them. He was right to be cautious lol.
How does mask feel about her father and is she happy living in the clans?
Fireheart is aware that stepping between the two was a death sentence XD
Hound and Goldenflower do eventually get along - it just takes a bit for Goldenflower to admit that she was being a bit cowardly for trying to folster off her responsibility to her kits on Fireheart.
Mask despises her sire and feels bad that her mother ever had to put up with him for any length of time. She's relieved that she doesn't look much like him (unlike her brother supposedly) but she hopes he doesn't have any other kits.
Mask is pretty neutral about living in the clans. She wants to be a part of the wandering life her mother is from but she also feels tied to ThunderClan. She doesn't hate being tethered but if all of her friends were to die, she'd walk off without a second thought.
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strelles-universe · 2 years
Cats of ThunderClan: Goldenflower
Name: Goldenflower
Meaning: Golden furred and Delicate
Identity: Cisgender Molly - She/Her
Orientation: Bisexual - Tom Leaning
Rank: Sitter
Former Rank(s): Hunter
Goldenflower is a mostly golden long furred cryptic tortie molly with yellow eyes and paler stripes. The molly is very loving and caring towards her kits- she’s also incredibly defensive of them. A sharp tongued and somewhat rude cat, Goldenflower was very respected by her fellow clanmates although she’s not very popular with cats who’ve previously been on the receiving end of her tongue. Although her name isn’t the most fitting, she’s pleased to be named after her late mother whom she misses dearly and wears the suffix -flower with pride.
Not many cats were surprised when Goldenflower announced that she would be staying in the nursery after Swiftpaw and Lynxpaw became apprentices. Everyone had seen the way she practically glowed when surrounded by kits and even before she'd switched, she'd long since begun learning about names and proper kit-care.
Goldenflower was practically glowing when Lynxcackle received her warrior name and she's willing to brag to anyone willing to listen about how amazing her kits are. She can't wait for Swiftpaw to earn his warrior name and hopes that it's as fitting and well-chosen as his sister's.
She was devastated by the revelation of Tigerclaw's treachery and her mind is swimming with confusion. Did Tigerclaw ever care about her? He spent moon after moon courting her and he'd seemed genuine - what about their kits? Did he even care about them or were they secondary to his plan for revenge too? Goldenflower is paranoid that ThunderClan will punish her kits for being Tigerclaw's - or worse, that Tigerclaw will come back and try to steal them from her.
Her approach to this is to shut down - she won't talk about Tigerclaw to almost anyone and has already decided not to tell her kits about their father. This strategy has resulted in some isolation and disapproval from her clanmates but Goldenflower just curls up tighter and tighter.
Goldenflower found kinship and warmth in the loner, Hound who brought in her daughter and a sad story. Even as Goldenflower struggled to reconnect with her clan, Hound was a stable and steadying presence in her life. The tipping point for their friendship was Hound stepping in when Goldenflower attempted to make Fireheart tell her kits the truth about their father - although she’d been hurt and blinded with pain at the time, she realized that Hound had been right about her internalizing her fear and passing it on to Fireheart.
Seeing Tigerstar trespassing so deep in ThunderClan territory so soon after telling her kits the truth about their sire sent waves of rage and fury boiling through her veins. She’s not sure what she was expecting but it wasn’t that Tigerstar would kill her. Still, she’s satisfied that he didn’t get away with it completely free - he was bleeding and stumbling off. She’s proud of herself when she finds out that she took a life from him and is grateful to Fireheart and Hound for stepping up and deciding to look out for her kits when they didn’t need to.
Mentor(s): Dappletail, Thrushpelt (temp)
Apprentice(s): Fernpaw (incomplete)
Parents: Dappleflower (mother/deceased), Silktail (father/deceased)
Auncle(s): N/A
Sibling(s): Lionheart (brother)
Nephling(s): Cinderpaw (niece), Thornrustle (nephew), Brackensight (nephew), Brightruin (niece)
Cousin(s): N/A
Mate(s): Tigerstar (former)
Crush(es): Hound (nursing)
Kit(s): Lynxcackle (daughter), Swifttalon (son, Bramblepaw (son), Tawnypaw (daughter)
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strelles-universe · 2 years
Potential Scenes: Goldenflower's Reckoning
"...you're a coward."
"Excuse me?" Goldenflower narrowed her eyes.
Hound drew herself up, flattening her ears and looked her square in the eyes.
"You're a coward," she repeated.
"How dare you," hissed Goldenflower, unsheathing her claws.
Fireheart's tail lashed anxiously, not knowing if he should step in or obey his instincts and turn tail. His position as deputy clashed with his nerves which were telling him that stepping between the two mollies could easily be the last thing he ever did.
"You're a coward and you won't even admit it," Hound scoffed turning to Bramblekit and Tawnykit. "Your father was a murderer and liar. He plotted and planned to take over his own clan and was exiled for it. He murdered Redtail- the old deputy, plotted with Brokentail's rogues, tried to murder Bluestar and when that didn't work he was kicked out."
The two kits stared up at her, wide eyed as their mouths fell open.
"That's why cats avoid you," Hound concluded, turning back to the bristled and defensive form of Goldenflower. "There. It was that easy."
"I told Fireheart-" Goldenflower began with a growl.
"So your kits' father was a jackass!" Hound interrupted. "So what? That gives you the right to hide why everyone flinches when they look at Bramblepaw? Why they tense when Tawnypaw locks eyes with them? You were just going to let them think they're hated for nothing?"
"Tigerclaw being their father isn't their fault!" Goldenflower snarled.
"No it's not but it's the truth!" Hound snapped. "Newssnap burrass- not telling them isn't gonna make cats less mean! It's gonna make them more frustrated because they don't understand!"
"What do you-" Goldenflower started but shrunk back as she remembered.
Fireheart winced.
"In case you forgot boar brain, my daughter's sire is Brokentail," Hound seethed. "And she's known from the moment she asked. Because I wanted her to know. So that she better protect herself."
Hound turned back to Tawnykit and Bramblekit, "Lean into your mentors little ones. Because your father is a killer and your mother is a coward."
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strelles-universe · 2 years
Swiftpaw what’s your thoughts on what longtail did?
Swiftpaw grimaces, "I-I didn't think he could ever say something like that. Longtail's always been a little weird about Fireheart but he's always tellin' me that a warrior is compassionate and hardworking."
He chances a glance at Longtail as he slinks by him with Aspenwind escorting him from the camp.
"I don't know what made him say that but he looks sorry enough. Maybe he remembered that I was a sickly kit too."
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strelles-universe · 2 years
So when they were younger they were both name goldenpaw?
Yup lmao - The ideas was that Lionheart and Goldenflower looked nearly identical as kits as therefore, were named the same and as they grew older, they would become more independent and gain different suffixes. While they were kits, they were referred to as "The Goldens" and specified via nicknames.
However only two moons into being an apprentice, Lionheart's mane really began to take shape and he was renamed Lionpaw.
Regarding names, ThunderClan and RiverClan are the most poetic about it, I suppose. They don't mind duplicate names and look at it like the cats in question having to grow into their own.
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strelles-universe · 2 years
Ok I don’t know how many times I have to say it but this world is awesome it’s amazing and I… I love it… I love it so much
Go hound! You tell golden (I don’t have a problem with golden but the fact she threw it on fire to tell her own kits about tiger…)
Thank you :D I honestly have a lot of fun with worldbuilding strelles and sometimes I actually thank the universe for making warrior cats a Special Interest of mine.
Yeah that always bothered me :/ like, no it wasn't the kits' fault that Tigerclaw was their father but it was Goldenflower's job as their mother to tell them why they were being discriminated against.
They weren't even the only ones suffering! Longtail and Dustpelt got raw straws too so she had cats who could've talked to them but nope, push off the job to the cat with arguably the most awful experiences regarding Tigerclaw.
Bramblepaw and Tawnypaw not knowing who their father was wasn't gonna magically change their parentage after all.
So Hound is a bit of a foil to Goldenflower in the background- and also a way to express my annoyance with Goldenflower doubling down like her ex-mate wasn't a war criminal lmao.
Aka: Strelles has a lot of opinions about parents who forget that just because something's not their fault doesn't automatically mean it's no longer their responsibility. I hate it when parents don't tell kids key things like this.
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