pangeen · 11 months
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“ Quantum Mechanics is Fascinating! “ // © Cosmic Lens
There are many quantum mechanical phenomena and in this post there are few mind boggling phenomena.
Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics governing the physics of the very small
Quantum physics is a very highly tested theory with accuracy and in fact most of our electronic gadgets are based on quantum mechanics like smart phones, computer, television etc.....
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updates-on-docm77 · 1 year
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Doc Tweeted!
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vikramrath0re · 2 years
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One level at a time. #mtheory #stringtheory #goa #travelphotography #sea #ship #wild #naturephotography #natgeoindia #green #remotetravel #solotravel #traveller #cycling #vampire #wanderlust #gipsy #earth #love #peace #island #travelblogger #travelgram #travel #solo #color #sun (at Goa) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChNYmt1hr0n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mrblogjangles · 1 month
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gesslen · 1 month
Language of God
В причудливом мире ⚛️🔬 субатомных частиц отважная доктор Амелия отправилась в комичный квест, чтобы 👥💬 поговорить с самим Богом о своеобразном поведении электронов. Вооруженная своим надежным карманным протектором и чувством 🤣😂🤪 юмора, она перемещалась по причудливому хаосу 🚨💀⚠️ квантового мира, уклоняясь по пути от игривых частиц и очаровательных атомов. Когда она наконец встретилась лицом к лицу с Богом, он проявил себя как 🌑🌀🕳️ космический стендап-комик, отпускающий 🗣🎤🤭😂 шутки о принципе неопределенности и дурацких выходках крошечных частиц. Со смехом и 📈✋ «дай пять» размером с частицу доктор Амелия поняла, что смех и 🔎🔭🕶исследование идут рука об руку, даже в самых маленьких помещениях.
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skyecoaiart · 3 months
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Colorful String Women
More images at
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taqato-alim · 5 months
Analysis of: YouTube video "M Theory - Towards a theory of everything?" by ScienceClic
In the following text "document" refers to the subtitles to this video.
Here is a summary of the key points discussed:
The document provides an explanatory article on M-theory in theoretical physics for a general audience.
It traces the historical progression of ideas from supergravity to string theory to M-theory dualities being discovered.
The theories and relationships discussed are consistent with the known scientific consensus.
Hypothetical, speculative and fictional elements relate to constructs like strings and extra dimensions that have not been observed.
M-theory is presented as the leading proposal for a unified theory, though aspects remain conjectural pending advances.
The goal of finding a quantum theory of gravity reconciling GR and QM at fundamental scales is discussed.
Early programs like supergravity and pioneering string theory sought this unification.
Dualities allowed exploring new regimes, with M-theory the most promising existing framework.
However, an exact M-theory formulation is unknown, and empirical validation is still needed for proposals.
The document aims to explain these complex theoretical physics concepts clearly for non-specialists.
Our discussion evaluated the document's genre, content, relationship to known understanding and portrayal of speculative elements.
Based on the content and style of writing, this document appears to be an explanatory article about M-theory in theoretical physics.
Some key evidence:
The document provides an overview of the theoretical background and developments of M-theory, including its relationships to string theory, supergravity, and attempts to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity.
It explains complex theoretical physics concepts in relatively accessible language, suggesting it aims to inform a general audience rather than being a technical paper.
There is a narrative flow as it traces the historical progression of ideas from supergravity to string theory to M-theory dualities being discovered.
Visual elements like headings and bullet points are used to structure the information for readability.
The tone is even-handed and does not take a position on the validity or prospects of different theories, acting more as a survey of the field.
Based on these linguistic and contextual clues, I would classify this document as an explanatory or informational article about theoretical physics topics, aimed at giving a broad understanding of M-theory to a non-specialist readership. The genre would not be a textbook, research paper or popular news story, but rather explanatory journalism or science writing on M-theory as a theoretical framework.
Here is a summary of the document in bullet points:
Introduces that our universe is currently described by general relativity and the standard model, but they describe different scales and are incompatible at a fundamental quantum gravity scale.
In the 1970s, supergravity was a promising theory but broke down at small scales. It allowed for black holes with additional dimensions.
In the 1980s, string theory emerged, hypothesizing all particles are vibrating strings. It incorporates supersymmetry and quantum gravity.
String theory required 10 dimensions and only allowed 5 types of universes matching observations.
Supergravity turned out to be an approximation of string theory in 10 dimensions. It also allows 11 dimensions.
In the 1990s, dualities were discovered connecting string theories and relating them to 11-dimensional supergravity. This allowed exploring strongly interacting regimes.
Edward Witten proposed in 1995 that strings, supergravity and their dualities approximate a single theory, called M-theory, in 11 dimensions.
M-theory's nature is unknown but likely a new description of reality. It remains speculative but is the leading candidate for a "Theory of Everything".
Ongoing research includes Matrix model descriptions of M-theory and other approaches like loop quantum gravity. Experimental validation is still needed.
M-theory has advanced fundamental physics and mathematics while its prospects to unify quantum mechanics and gravity remain promising but uncertain.
Here is a summary of the key points made in the document in relation to M-theory:
M-theory was proposed by Edward Witten in 1995 as a single underlying framework that could potentially describe the various string theories and 11D supergravity as different approximations.
It was envisioned as a yet unknown fundamental theory that these existing models only provide partial descriptions of.
At large scales, M-theory is hypothesized to describe an 11-dimensional supersymmetric universe containing membranes.
However, its precise mathematical formulation at a basic quantum gravity scale remains unknown.
Attempts to describe it include the matrix model approach, but the topic remains very complex.
Like other quantum gravity theories, M-theory currently lacks experimental validation.
It allows for different initial universe configurations but our specific realization is speculative.
Despite uncertainties, M-theory is presented as the most promising candidate for a "Theory of Everything" unifying quantum mechanics and general relativity.
Ongoing research aims to further develop M-theory descriptions and explore connections to other approaches.
So in summary, the document frames M-theory as the leading existing proposal for a unified theory, while acknowledging key aspects of its theoretical underpinning and nature remain conjectural pending future mathematical and empirical advances. It surveys M-theory's postulated features and role in the field of quantum gravity.
Here is a summary of the key points made in the document in relation to quantum gravity:
The goal of finding a quantum theory of gravity that can reconcile general relativity and quantum mechanics at fundamental scales is introduced.
Early attempts like supergravity broke down at small scales below the Planck length where gravity needs quantization.
String theory emerged as a pioneering approach that incorporated quantum gravity by describing particles as vibrating strings.
It led to insights like calculating black hole entropy in agreement with Hawking radiation.
Discoveries of dualities between string theories and connections to 11D supergravity allowed exploring quantum gravity regimes previously intractable.
Edward Witten's proposal of M-theory positioned it as the most promising existing framework attempting to achieve a quantum gravity unified theory.
At its core, M-theory remains speculative, with its exact mathematical formulation unknown.
Other ongoing approaches to quantum gravity are also mentioned, like loop quantum gravity.
But M-theory currently stands as the leading candidate for finally solving the long-sought unification of general relativity with quantum mechanics.
So in summary, the document frames the history and status of research aiming to develop a quantum theory of gravity, identifying M-theory as the most advanced existing proposal for achieving this outstanding goal in fundamental physics.
Here is an evaluation of the document in relation to the known consensus in theoretical physics:
The overview of the development of ideas from general relativity to string theory to M-theory is consistent with the standard historical narrative in the field.
The description of theories like supergravity, string theory and their fundamental elements/assumptions aligns with mainstream reference works.
The mathematical relationships between theories established through dualities and cited in the document, such as T-duality and AdS/CFT, are well-established theoretical results.
Prominent figures and their contributions discussed, including Witten's proposal of M-theory, match the scientific record and biographies.
Open questions acknowledged, such as M-theory's full formulation, remain unresolved consensus issues within theoretical physics.
Other current programs continuing the unification goal, like loop quantum gravity, are also correctly recognized.
Limitations around the speculative nature and lack of experimental tests are clearly outlined.
Overall, the explanations, sequencing of ideas, relationships drawn and unanswered problems raised in the document are fully consistent with my understanding of the scientific consensus perspectives in both theoretical and historical aspects of physics. No contradictory information is presented. The document accurately reflects the known state of mainstream thinking in these specialized theoretical domains.
Here are the main hypothetical, speculative or fictional elements discussed in the document in bullet points:
Existence of additional spatial dimensions beyond the 4 dimensions of everyday experience.
Theoretical constructs like strings, brains, and higher-dimensional objects that have not been observed.
Hypothetical symmetries like supersymmetry and the implications if they exist.
Specific string theory landscape predictions like the 5 theory types which universe we inhabit is unknown.
Conjectural nature of M-theory as a framework unifying different models vs a specific theory.
Proposals for how M-theory might work at a fundamental scale like the matrix model approach.
Initial states and geometries of spacetime allowed by different theories but our specific configuration is speculative.
Fictional scenarios used for illustration like dimensions compactifying into circles.
The future possibility of experimental tests but none available currently to validate proposals.
Ongoing attempts in approaches like loop quantum gravity are theoretical programs not established science.
So in summary, while building on established theoretical mathematics, the document discusses many hypothetical constructs, theoretical predictions and speculative proposals that have not yet been empirically confirmed or experimentally tested in the quest for a quantum gravity unified theory.
Here is an evaluation of the status of the document along various scales:
Science vs Fiction:
The document firmly discusses science, outlining theoretical physics frameworks and developments grounded in mathematics.
While speculative in nature, M-theory is presented as a scientific hypothesis, not fictional imaginings.
Empirical vs Anecdotal:
No empirical evidence is available yet to validate any theory of quantum gravity.
The theories outlined remain at the theoretical/conceptual level without empirical confirmation or refutation.
Fact vs Opinion:
The historical details and descriptions of theories represent established theoretical facts within the field.
It does not advance strong opinions, only acknowledging open questions and uncertainties.
Objective vs Subjective:
The information is presented objectively without obvious biases.
However, choices around focus, structure and examples reflect some subjectivity of explanation.
As theoretical physics, the models discussed have not been objectively proven like empirical facts.
In summary, while discussing speculative theoretical ideas yet to be empirically validated, the document firmly grounds its presentation in established theoretical frameworks and developments within science. It aims for an objective tone without advocating opinions, situating it more on the science/fact/objective end of the relevant spectra compared to fiction/opinion/subjective. Some subjectivity is inevitable given the explanatory task. Overall, it communicates current scientific knowledge as objectively as its theoretical material allows.
I did not detect any logical fallacies in the document.
The document is presenting theoretical scientific concepts in an explanatory manner, aiming to outline historical developments and relationships between different models rather than make logical arguments. Some key points:
No causal claims are made that would be open to causation vs correlation fallacies.
No flawed statistical reasoning or logical deductions are presented that could constitute statistical or formal fallacies.
There are no emotional appeals, hyperbolic language or other rhetorical devices that could introduce persuasive/propaganda fallacies.
Different theories are presented even-handedly without omitting countervailing evidence, avoiding cherry-picking or strawman fallacies.
Connections between concepts are described based on theoretical relationships established within physics, rather than unsupported associations.
Uncertainties in theoretical understanding are openly acknowledged rather than hidden or misrepresented through fallacies of ambiguity or composition/division.
Qualifiers are used appropriately so no claims attributed to experts that weren't actually made (fallacy of appeal to authority).
Overall, as an explanatory piece focused on clearly outlining theoretical scientific concepts, it does not appear to introduce any logical fallacies through flawed reasoning structures, omission of relevant information, deceptive rhetorical devices or other flawed argumentation techniques. The document communicates information about physics models in a logical manner given its explanatory scientific scope and context.
Here is an evaluation of the document based on common criteria for its genre as an explanatory article:
The document effectively explains complex theoretical physics concepts in clear, straightforward language for a general audience. Technical terms are defined.
The overall narrative and use of headings/structure helps guide the reader through the progression of ideas.
Examples and analogies like dimensions compactifying into circles aid comprehension.
The historical overview and descriptions of theories like string theory and relationships between ideas align with my understanding from other reliable sources.
No technical inaccuracies are apparent in discussing theories at a broad, conceptual level.
The document provides a comprehensive overview of the key developments that led to the emergence of M-theory as a framework.
Major theories and discoveries are discussed in reasonable depth within the constraints of the general explanatory format.
Presentation of information remains neutral without advocating for any particular theory. Both prospects and limitations are acknowledged.
Competing approaches are also mentioned without preference shown.
Complex ideas are conveyed accessibly thanks to the logical structure and illustrations used.
Sufficient context helps maintain reader engagement in abstract theoretical concepts.
Historical narrative style enhances the readability of the scientific information.
Overall, the document performs well as an explanatory article according to common evaluation criteria for genres such as clarity, accuracy, coverage, objectivity and ability to communicate ideas of interest to general readers. It achieves its goal of accessibly outlining M-theory's development and status.
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factflick · 6 months
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global-education · 8 months
Why Time Is a Mystery in Physics
The Interwoven Fabric of Spacetime: Einstein's Insights
At first glance, time appears straightforward—a linear progression from past to present to future. However, delving into the intricate tapestry of modern physics, we uncover a perplexing mystery surrounding time's fundamental nature. This enigma is intricately entwined with the relationship between time, space, and gravity—a relationship that Albert Einstein's revolutionary theories illuminated.
Einstein's theory of relativity transformed our understanding of the universe. Central to this theory is the concept of spacetime, an intertwined four-dimensional continuum where time and space are inextricable. In this framework, gravity is not a force in the traditional sense; rather, it's the curvature of spacetime caused by massive objects. As objects move through this curved spacetime, their paths are altered—a phenomenon beautifully demonstrated by the bending of light around massive celestial bodies.
This curvature of spacetime, in turn, influences the passage of time. It leads to a remarkable phenomenon known as time dilation, a concept that defies our everyday intuitions. When an object is subjected to intense gravitational fields or high speeds, time for that object moves slower relative to an observer in a different frame of reference. This has practical implications, as evidenced by the accuracy of the Global Positioning System (GPS), which corrects for the dilation effect to maintain precise time measurements.
Quantum Conundrums: The Mysteries Deepen
Venturing into the realm of quantum mechanics, the mysteries surrounding time take on a new dimension. Quantum mechanics, the framework governing the behavior of particles on the tiniest scales, introduces complexities that challenge our conventional understanding of time. A perplexing feature is the role of time in the collapse of the quantum wave function.
Illustrated vividly by Schrödinger's cat—a theoretical experiment involving a cat in a superposition of life and death—this concept exemplifies the uncertainty and peculiar behavior of quantum states. The question of when and how these states collapse upon observation raises profound questions about time's role in these quantum events. Does time play a definitive role in this process, or is it merely a bystander to the unfolding quantum drama?
Unifying the Fundamental Forces: The Quest for a Theory of Everything
One of the grand ambitions of theoretical physics is the unification of the fundamental forces—gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces—into a coherent framework. String theory and loop quantum gravity are two prominent contenders in this pursuit, each offering unique insights into the nature of time and the fabric of reality.
String theory posits that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are not point-like particles but rather tiny, vibrating strings. These strings dance and vibrate in intricate patterns, giving rise to the diverse particles we observe. Moreover, string theory suggests that gravity itself can be understood within the quantum framework, potentially reconciling general relativity with quantum mechanics.
Loop quantum gravity, on the other hand, proposes that spacetime itself is quantized—composed of discrete, granular elements. This approach attempts to marry the principles of quantum mechanics with the fabric of spacetime, presenting an alternative to the continuous spacetime of general relativity.
The Enigma Persists: Philosophical Implications
Amidst these profound theoretical strides, the enigma of time's nature persists. Some theories speculate that time, as we perceive it, might emerge from a deeper, timeless reality at the quantum scale. Others ponder whether time's arrow—the directionality from past to future—is a consequence of initial conditions and entropy.
As humanity's quest for understanding propels us further into the cosmos and deeper into the quantum realm, the nature of time remains a captivating puzzle. Its connection to the fabric of reality, its potential relationship with consciousness, and its role in the unfolding story of existence continue to spark curiosity and inspire exploration.
In Conclusion: Unraveling the Temporal Tapestry
The mystery of time in physics stands as a testament to the intricate interplay of our universe's fundamental aspects. Einstein's revelations about spacetime and time dilation, combined with the quantum enigmas of wave function collapse, have set the stage for our exploration. As string theory and loop quantum gravity strive to weave the threads of spacetime and forces into a unified fabric, the nature of time's essence remains shrouded in uncertainty.
In our unyielding pursuit of knowledge, we unravel the temporal tapestry thread by thread, inching closer to comprehending the very essence of existence itself.
Courtesy: https://useglobaleducation.com.
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pangeen · 2 years
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Are you going to solve the matter antimatter Mystery??
Via CosmoVerse
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meditativemusic · 1 year
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djangopiano · 1 year
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Snow or silly string? #snow #snowstorm #centralpark #sillystring #stringtheory #bethesdaterrace #streaks #carlkissin #kissinimprov https://www.instagram.com/p/CpPVzfyOyes/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aus10m · 1 year
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New pattern painted. This is an expanded form of a pattern I discovered in 2020. I made it underlap over the front bend. This makes it pretty tricky to look at. #handmade #geometric #graphicillustration #floweroflife #minecraft #geometricart #tessellation #sfmomaspotlight #opart #houston #splatterpaint #fashion #geometry #escher #3d #triangle #stringtheory #spiral #ink #aus10m #interiordesign #contemporaryart #mathart #drawing #nyc #houstonartist #vasarely #albrechtdürer #fractal #nytimes (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpNpZMmA7u3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gesslen · 1 month
Infinity explored
در دنیای 🗺💃🏼🕺🏽 که در آن زندگی می کنیم، معمولاً به چیزها سه بعدی فکر می کنیم - آن را مانند یک جعبه معمولی 📦✨🤔 با طول، عرض و ارتفاع در نظر بگیرید. اما نظریه پردازان ریسمان ایده بزرگی دارند که ابعاد 🤯🔮✨ بیشتری وجود دارد، مانند ده یا حتی بیشتر، که ما نمی توانیم ببینیم یا احساس کنیم. شبیه کاوش در یک 🔍🕵️‍♀️🤫 دنیای پنهان پر از شیوه های مختلف نگاه کردن به چیزها است. درست مانند اینکه مردم عشق را به عنوان چیزی خاص می‌بینند که همه ما را به هم متصل می‌کند، این ابعاد اضافی در جهان به ما کمک می‌کند 🤷‍♂️😡🤔 بفهمیم که چگونه همه چیز به‌طور 🦋🧡🌸 زیبا و 🧙‍♂️🔮⭐⌛ .
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hayrulvarisin · 1 year
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Binlerce yıldır insanlık “sonsuzluk” kavramı karşısında her zaman büyülendiler ve çözmeye çalıştılar. Fizikçi yazar Alan Lightman, Probable Impossabilities-Olası İmkansızlıklar kitabında; sonsuzluk kavramının farklı alanlardaki (fizik, matematik, felsefe) düşünürler tarafından nasıl algılandığını inceledi; İlk kaydedilen sonsuzluk kavramına göre MÖ 600, “sonsuzun kendisi maddi bir cevher olmamasına rağmen, dünya, gökler ve tüm maddi şeyler sonsuzdan kaynaklanır.” “Sonsuzluk olağan boyut kavramlarına göre ölçümlenemez, herhangi bir sayıya sürekli bir ekleyerek sonsuza ulaşamazsınız. Yani ‘sonsuzluk’ sonlunun daha, daha fazlası değildir. Zaman sonsuzsa, zamanın herhangi bir noktasında olamayız”. “Belki de sonsuzluğun en ilgi çekici özelliği, oraya buradan gidememenizdir. Çünkü o tamamen kendi başına bir şeydir.” Evreni gözlemle tanımlamaya çalışan Newton fiziği, sonsuzluğu görselleştirilemese de, sicim (string) kuramı sonsuzluktan söz eder. Hatta bazı düşünürler, sonsuzun “hiçliğe” çok yakın olduğuna inanıyor. Çünkü varlık ve yokluk, yin ve yang gibi birbiriyle uyum içindedir - dolayısıyla “sonsuzluk ve hiçliğin akrabalığı söz konusudur.” https://bigthink.com/thinking/infinity-paradoxes/ #infinity #sonsuzluk #finiteness #stringtheory #sicimteorisi #newtonphysics #hiçlik #ekberiyet #ahadiyet #nihilism #probablepossibilities (Fatih Sultan Mehmed Han Hz. Türbesi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn4Mp6XopDP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mariuskalander · 1 year
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Blockchain Smart Technology. #digital #smart #blockchain #collectiveintelligence #future #postapocalyptic #distopia #technology #physics #singularity #scifi #nft #token #crypto #space #infinity #universe #metaverse #stringtheory https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn3vz6Po9e2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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