#stuck with u did so well pls support this chaotic gay mess pls
jungkook97 · 2 years
something about us; namjikook | i.
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pairing: jungkook x namjoon (namkook), jungkook x jimin (jikook)  rating: 18+ genre/aus: romcom, friends to lovers, slice of life (?), college student!jungkook, drug dealer!namjoon, pastor son!jimin (featuring fuckboy roomie!taehyung) warnings: graphic depictions of recreational drug use (it’s weed tho), mentions of other illicit drugs in passing, existential crisis type of convos (not sure if this needs a warning but in case if y’all end up disassociating), koo is also coming out too so it’s A Lot
summary: very upright christian boy jeon jungkook decided to do his roommate kim taehyung a favor by stopping by his plug’s house to get his usual shit.
little did he know that taehyung’s plug was fucking hot.
notes: ya girl can write ship fics too!!! kind of based on real events that has either happened to me as a gay person or my gay friends. lowkey a luv letter to my old closeted self. i hope after this fic, y’all would find comfort in yourselves. 🫂 
if you wanna be tagged for updates, please reply to the chapter or msg me!
i. ✩
{wattpad | aff | ao3 | spotify playlist}
© jungkook97 2022. do not repost or modify. please ask for permission to translate.
Jeon Jungkook, for as long as he could remember, grew up devoutly Christian. He was sheltered by his helicopter parents, who in turn, gave him all opportunities that they felt were the best for their son considering that they had a rebellious older one just “wasting his time away”. He was that kid in school who had to go to Bible school every Saturday and service every Sunday while his friends went out and partied, that kid who volunteered to be the leader of every Christian bootcamp possible. After years of being a camp counselor, Jungkook was this close to going through the minister program himself at the age of twenty-one, but his parents pushed him to go to university just to explore other options. And so, he chose social work.
Of course, the Lord had other plans for Jungkook.
His little bubble popped, and Jeon Jungkook found himself having the worst existential crisis and culture shock known to man when he started his collegiate career at a prestigious state university, surrounded by hot people making stupid decisions on the regular. His strategy navigating through college life was about as successful as using a fork to eat soup: not effective.
There was wild shit happening everywhere he went, and unlike Christian boot camp where the counselors will make sure one strays away from it and into the Light of the Lord, there was none of that parental control business going on. Poor Jungkook was thrown into the wolves the first day on campus as he was promptly invited to go to a frat party that night, only to be met at the house entrance of a freshman snorting a whole thick line of cocaine. Another step into the party revealed a young man stumbling past him, asking for some poppers before giving him a suggestive wink and very prolonged and unneccesary brush past his shoulders. What poppers was is something Jungkook has yet to figure out, and he didn’t want to know.
It was around that time in his freshman year of college when he met someone: the impressionable Kim Taehyung.
Kim Taehyung was everything that Jungkook was not. He smoked marijuana on the daily throughout his high school years and was a proclaimed stoner. Everyone could depend on Taehyung to come in clutch with a joint or a vape pen at any function, just baked out of his little mind. He was a huge fuckboy as well, earning a reputation that preceded him amongst the sorority girls and even the guys (straight or otherwise). No one would admit it if they were asked upfront, but everyone wanted a piece of him and he fucking loved it. 
When the two ended up being dorm mates, it was like oil and water. Jungkook couldn’t stand Taehyung’s loud as fuck EDM music (and one time when he asked Taehyung to switch it, the man scoffed and jeered, “What you want me to do, play some hymns or some shit? Fuck off, dude.”), nor was he able to digest half of the conversations Taehyung had with his other fuckboy friends. Jungkook hated the guy and had requested to change roommates months ago, only for the staff to just completely ignore his request. 
Taehyung, on the other hand, loved messing with his new dorm mate. There was something deeply and psychologically fucked up about how he wanted to taint this man the best way he knew how, but he refrained. He wasn’t a complete asshole, after all, and knew when to set boundaries. He wasn’t that messy, but if he ever got the chance, he would soil him. 
The two college students were set on the belief that they would never ever get along, until one day…one fantastical Wednesday night, something incredible happened.
It was any other regular Wednesday evening, but this night the campus was teeming with late night activity. It was the week before spring semester drew to a close, and as people finished up their finals, Jungkook was of course, diligently in his room finishing up a paper that was due in roughly a couple of hours. Spreading his sociology books and notes all over the top bunk, Jungkook was hyper fixated on his work with his MacBook Pro sitting on his lap, writing about the pitfalls of late-stage capitalism. He was less than a hundred words away from finishing when his curly haired roommate burst into the room via kicking the door open with one foot, followed by his entrance was the now familiar scent of marijuana. They met each other’s gaze for a split second before Jungkook rolled his eyes, going back into his paper. 
Taehyung scratched his head before shaking it, tsking. 
“Bruh, it’s fucking 4/20,” Taehyung noted as he saundered his way onto the bottom bunk bed, plopping loudly onto it. The impact made the mattress elicit a distinct squeak that Jungkook became accustomed to sooner than he would have liked (Taehyung would  often nights bring “guests” over, much to Jungkook’s dismay). With a smirk painted on his lips, Taehyung continued, “You shouldn’t be doing schoolwork on the Lord’s Day.” 
Jungkook’s right eye twitched. Taehyung knew mocking his devout religious beliefs always annoyed the hell out of Jungkook, but after a while, the Christian schoolboy graduate learned how to pick his battles. He also started to miss a few services here and there due to his busy student life, but they were genuine.
For now, anyway.
“I got a paper due and no, I’m not interested in smoking anything from that gross pipe of yours,” Jungkook fired back, rolling his eyes as he typed away on his MacBook. 
Taehyung shrunk a bit in embarrassment as he glanced over at his dick-shaped glass pipe pathetically leaning on the side of his bedside table. It was filled with charred weed and other gunk. He told himself weeks ago to get some rubbing alcohol and peroxide to clean it out, but he kept forgetting.
“Dude, fuck off, okay?” Taehyung folded one leg up to his chin to sit in a 4 shape as he continued to chew his gum, popping it loudly enough for his roommate to get irritated about it. “I don’t got time to clean shit because I’m too busy.”
Jungkook looked up from his laptop for a split second. He had the perfect comeback, and he was 100% going to use it. 
“I don’t think eating two bags of Doritos and jerking off are actual legitimate errands,” he laughed to himself. Nailed it.
Taehyung clenched his jaw before popping his gum again.
“Fuck off.”
“Not out of wedlock,” Jungkook chuckled to himself, half-jokingly and half-serious at the same time.
They fell into a blissful lull in conversation, the only sound being Jungkook typing away at his keyboard and Taehyung’s obnoxious gum chewing. It didn’t take long before Jungkook finished his paper (it was flawless if he did say so himself). He submitted it, feeling proud, only for his good mood to plummet when Taehyung began to speak once more.
“So uh. I’m in a situation.”
Jungkook groaned, closing his laptop before he made his way down to the dorm floor. 
“You got a girl pregnant again?” he deadpanned.
“No, you fucking asshole,” Taehyung rebutted, pulling himself up and crossing his legs together while holding his phone in both of his hands. “I need to do a weed pickup in twenty, but I got that stupid fucking group project thing right now.”
Jungkook’s shoulders moved up slowly in a shrug as he extended his hands out a bit.
“Why don’t you reschedule your pickup?”
Taehyung laughed. Actually, he cackled. It kind of scared Jungkook a little and he backed away slowly, wondering if his roommate had suddenly gone insane. 
“Bruh, this isn’t just any pickup. It’s from Joon.”
“Joon. Motherfucker got the top shelf shit.”
Jungkook stared blankly at his dorm mate as Taehyung rolled his eyes. What is there to expect from Jungkook truly? The man lived in a bubble his whole life and to him, all of this was pure gibberish. It had been cute at first, but now it was kind of depressing to see every single waking day.
“You’re not gonna get it…” Taehyung tapped away on his phone as he slowly stood up from his bed. “Fuck, how am I gonna pull this off?”
There was a moment of silence between the two of them before something brilliant came to Kim Taehyung’s mind.
“Can you pick it up for me, man? I’ll pay you thirty bucks.”
Jungkook’s eyes widened. Thirty bucks for a pickup? Is he serious? Taehyung was clearly desperate, and there must be something about this weed that he needed it badly. Did Jungkook understand it? Not at all. Christian Boy has never even touched the magical herb before with his bare hands, let alone had the desire to smoke it.
But what he knew for sure was that Taehyung would do anything, and like a sleazy car salesman, he added a market adjustment to his offer.
“Nah, give me fifty.”
“Ey, don’t be an asshole,” Taehyung clicked his tongue, licking his lips. He put his hands on his hips in thought as he did some silent calculations in his head. His phone continued to ring for his attention once more. He was late to his project group meeting, and he had no time left to negotiate. 
Damn, is this weed that good? Jungkook thought. Thought all of it was the same.
The curly haired man sighed in resignation, putting his phone into his pocket. 
“Fine, I’ll Venmo you.”
Nailed it again.
And so, Jungkook found himself donning a dark grey oversized hoodie, basketball shorts, and Gucci slides before leaving the room. Taehyung gave him very specific instructions to meet this Joon guy, and boy, by the way he described this soon-to-be interaction was like meeting with El Chapo in Jungkook’s little semi-corrupted mind. 
The bite of the cold April air immediately brought a flush to his cheeks and the tip of his nose as his slides skidded through the pavement. He made to his location in no time, which was on the other side of campus near the main quad by the fountain. The dim street lights flickered but illuminated just enough for him to see where he was going, but not enough to fully articulate the shadows that were passing him by. To be fair, he was also blind as a bat, and in the midst of being excited over finessing fifty bucks for some stupid weed, he forgot to put on his prescription glasses to help him see better in the dark.
Now, Taehyung didn’t necessarily go into a lot of detail as to what this man looked like, but Jungkook was making his own conjectures: probably some scrawny and short guy in his mid thirties with at least two tattoo sleeves and ear plugs. Or alternatively, some geezer who was way too old to be hanging around campus with some college freshmen. The light sound of the recycled fountain water falling behind him calmed Jungkook down from his fears of being abducted and sold as a sex slave, something that was drilled into him as a child. 
What he didn’t know was about to hit him like a ton of bricks.
“Yo, you Jungkook?” A voice called from behind him.
Jungkook turned around.
Holy shit.
What happened next to Jungkook was something he could not explain at that moment in time and still has yet to process even after the fact. As mentioned earlier, he was going through some serious shit as it was, adjusting roughly to college life. One of the other things he was grappling with was his long-standing fascination of male bodies, and particularly, taller older men. Before, it was to compare himself to them as he would flex his muscles to see if it was remotely close to the most well-toned dude at the gym. Everybody compares their bodies to others as a way to better themselves so it was natural for him.  
Then, it became an appreciation of aesthetics where it was like, “Nice body, dude,” followed by a rather awkward high-five. If the guy was unapproachable or deep in the middle of a set, Jungkook would just blankly stare, watching the muscles jiggled before settling into their places. He would look away clumsily as these men would look over his way, whistling along to a song playing on the gym radio or talking to himself. It would not take long for men to start noticing his elongated gawking, and as they moved further away from him, Jungkook’s cheeks and nose would turn a rosy pink out of discomfiture.
Recently, as he did his daily workouts at the university gym, he found himself staring at other guys’ asses for a bit too long. After years of doing that subconsciously, he began to think to himself…
Am I a little gay?
Now, he wasn’t a homophobe by any means, nor was he completely closed off to the idea of him being gay. His parents were accepting to the extent that they could as the days where Asian parents being blatantly and aggressively homophobic passed. For fuck’s sake, it was 2022. Jungkook was, at best, just inept at figuring out his own sexual orientation as all of that was not taught to him in a private high school setting or in Bible class. All he learned was being gay was okay and that God was okay with the gays.
In fact, the church he frequents is perhaps one of the most open and diverse congregations out there, a rarity in and of its own. The pastor’s son was publicly gay and the church accepted him as he was, much to his surprise. Jungkook was close friends with that son, Park Jimin, as they’ve known each other for over a decade.
Jimin was his favorite guy in the world. Unfortunately, Jimin is not the brightest tool in the toolbox so he had no chance to go to the same school as Jungkook, but he did end up going to the community college a couple of miles away from the university majoring in, you guessed it, dance. The close proximity allowed them to meet up before going to Sunday service at a church nearby. It was not the same of course, but the two went anyway to ensure their connection with God was intact.
Of course, with the homosexual tendencies between these two men, it would be natural to wonder if there’s anything going on. It would be defaming to say that Jungkook and Jimin have hooked up, but it would be a straight up lie to say that Jungkook and Jimin did nothing together. Yes, they did watch porn together and, Lord forgive him, they may have mutually and consensually jerked off next to each other one time during one of those camping trips (since it always happens like that). But Jungkook swore he was only ever watching the girl getting pounded while Jimin was watching the man pounding her. That’s not gay, is it? It’s just bros being bros, respectfully. 
Back to Joon. 
Well, how does one describe Joon? 
Tall. Six feet at least, a towering height over Jungkook himself. 
Older. Joon was clearly older than him, but only by a few years compared to the ten to twenty years he was expecting at first.
He was adorned in a black leather jacket, a plain white tee and some dark wash jeans and black CDG Converse. The muscular man was wearing other designer items from what Jungkook could tell, which wasn’t entirely shocking. After all, this man probably made so much money he could shit it out. The clothes fitted him extremely well, accentuating his mile-wide built shoulders and for almost no reason other than really good genetics. He was a bit dark-skinned, but more so sun-kissed at best with platinum blonde hair styled back to be tucked in a grey beanie. He stood in front of Jungkook with absolute conviction and confidence as he extended his hand out for a handshake with the cheekiest of smiles, dimples present. 
He was not what Jungkook was expecting to see, but it was something he needed to see. 
The man was, in Jungkook’s little Christian doe eyes, very goddamn attractive. 
And he was feeling some type of way about it.
“Uh, yeah…” Jungkook said dumbly. It was like a fist had wrapped around his vocal chords and squeezed, preventing him from saying something more profound. He felt wickedly small next to Joon and as he stared into this man’s large veiny hands, he stuck out his own to shake it, only to be greeted with a very firm handshake. That alone knocked the wind out of his lungs a little. It was then he wondered why Taehyung really wanted weed from this man, and if his looks had anything to do with it. 
“Cool,” Joon replied with his deep voice. It led to Jungkook’s cheeks flushing a little as he hoped to God the man didn’t pick it up. As Joon passed the infamous and suspicious brown lunch bag over to Jungkook, he began to rant about Taehyung, much to Jungkook’s delight. “Motherfucker is trying it. I told him I don’t like it when people don’t show up, and he sends someone else over to me anyways.”
Jungkook accepted the bag a little too excitedly, gripping the bag and the contents of said bag in his hands tightly. As the freshly cut marijuana crunched lightly along with the brown paper, Jungkook could not stop staring at Joon while he spent the next five minutes complaining about his dorm mate, and he knew it was getting weird for him. There’s no way he doesn’t feel that way, Jungkook convinced himself. Every dude knows about my staring problem and he’s gonna figure it out quick and it’s gonna be that whole shit again where I just weird every guy out with my damn stares like what the hell is wrong with m—
“Like, I don’t mind driving far out for this fool, but like, can he give me a bit of his time though?” Joon concluded, heaving a big sigh. He had a cool swagger to his voice that Jungkook could not get enough of and he wanted to hear the man talk for days or forever if possible. His incredibly large chest rose and fell, and of course, Jungkook was hyper aware of every millisecond of it. Jungkook was under his spell at this point, only nodding to give off the impression that he was following what he said the whole time and not uh, stare at him like he’s a member of BTS. 
“Yeaaaaah…” was all he could say again. Jesus fuck, can you sound any more of a stupid bitch? Get yourself together! “Uh…” Jungkook stupidly looked at the bag in his hand. “Do I…pay for this, or…”
Joon shook his head, lifting up his phone at Jungkook’s eye level to show a public Venmo payment from the missing guy himself. Addressed to “Kim Namjoon” or “@rkive”, it was a transaction of $50 with the note: “for my baby daddy 👨🏼‍🍼”. 
Very on brand of Taehyung, and it made Jungkook gag a little.
“Anyway…” Namjoon put his phone away in his back pocket before doing a quick one second half-wave and turning around. Boy was his back muscles stretching the hell out of that jacket. “Tell that fucker to get his shit together. I’m not gonna accept this shit again unless he wants to pay more.”
“Will do,” Jungkook said feebly, waving back aggressively. He was not slick at all as Namjoon’s eyebrow lifted in confusion, sending him into a spiral. This was the worst day of his life. He’s so ruined.
Namjoon bid farewell with a cool “Ciao” and a peace sign, heading back into the shadows again. As Jungkook’s breath steadied after he held it out of nervousness, he lifted the little bag of marijuana up to his eyes before looking back to where Namjoon had stood. There was a ping from his phone perhaps from Taehyung to ask if the pickup went well, but Jungkook was too busy putting two and two together about that one creeping suspicion about himself that has been screaming at his face for years.
I’m gay, aren’t I? 
Jungkook gulped.
“Fuck me.”
end of i.
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