#stucky rp
justan-0-t-h-3-r · 10 months
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Credits to original poster!
It's been 6 years (maybe more) since I first fell down the Stucky hole...And here I still am!
A fully fledged 'adult' apparently.
Refusing to believe anything else regardless of what's going on in the MCU....
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roleplaylogs · 11 months
RP Hunt!
Hello! Long time no see. I’m back in the world of searching for roleplay partners now my life has calmed down a little and I have a lovely work from home job. I currently have one long term writing partner (writing together for probably about 4 years now… jeez) but I’d love to expand my horizons. I’ve done these call-out posts before but if you’ve commented/sent me a message before and I haven’t responded due to my own inactivity, please get back in touch! I’d love to chat and do trials with as many people as possible.
For my preferences, I am 25 so I definitely will not write with anyone under 18 (though I prefer 21+ just so I don’t feel so old). I tend to be an email role player these days but I’m probably going to kickstart my Discord again so am more than happy to write there.
I am fine with NSFW and dark themes as long as everything is discussed beforehand. I always have my own plot ideas but love it when my partner is into planning things out too. I can RP in text format and also literate, my responses tend to be between 1-3 paragraphs but I am happy to match length. Creative writing is a hobby for me and now I have time I’d love to flex my writing skills again.
Here are the fandoms and ships I’m currently searching for. The characters I write are in bold and I’ve put an asterisk next to those I am particularly interested in.
Stucky - Steve Rogers/James Barnes
Stony - Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Bishova - Kate Bishop/Yelena Belova
Stevetasha - Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanoff
Winteriron - Loki/Tony Stark
(I am open to most marvel ships/multi shipping, so try me if you have any of your own ideas)
Hannigram - Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham
Harry Potter:
Drarry - Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Dramione - Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger (a new one for me but I just finished reading Manacled so blame that)
Wolfstar - Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (another new one I am interested in exploring)
Good Omens:
Mormor - Jim Moriarty/Sebastian Moran
Sherstrade - Sherlock Holmes/Greg Lestrade
Sheriarty - Sherlock Holmes/Jim Moriarty
Hamish Watson-Holmes/Alexander Moran-Moriarty
And I think that’s it! DM me, or leave a note and I’ll send you a message and we can chat. Thank you for reading.
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steven-g-rogers · 5 months
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Steve was overthinking everything right now.  Whether he should touch Bucky.  How close they should be.  What he should say.  He hadn’t expected Bucky to agree to move into the tower with him.  Steve worried that he only did it because he had nothing else he could do right now.  That he was there because of a mixture of guilt and obligation.
Bucky had been on the run for so long.  Ever since he’d broken free of the hold HYDRA had on him.  He’d been hiding and rediscovering himself.  Only it couldn’t last.  There was one thing the world’s governments didn’t like and so Steve tracked him down and gave him the offer, come live with him in Avengers Tower.  They’d gotten a reprieve for Wanda.  They could do that for Bucky too.  None of what had happened was Bucky’s fault after all.
So here they were and Steve didn’t know what he should do.  There were things he wanted to do.  He wanted to pull Bucky into his arms and kiss him breathless.  He wanted to finally admit all those feelings he’d been holding on to all this time.  All the things he’d never said back then.
Steve always considered himself a brave person, but he’d never been brave enough to admit to that.
They stepped into the elevator together and the doors closed behind them.  “The view is really nice up in my apartment,”  Steve said.  “Bet you never imagined living in an apartment in Midtown one day, huh?  It’s a big move from the tenements we grew up in.”
God, that sounded lame.  Bucky was still learning who he was.  This felt like so much pressure to put on the man.  So while yes, Steve wanted them to finally be a couple, what he wanted most was for Bucky to feel safe.
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man-without-country · 10 months
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RP: The Hunger Games AU
In the early years of the Hunger Games, a sickly, fragile boy from District 12 named Steve Rogers is doomed to fight for survival. His mentor, Bucky Barnes, was district-born but grew up in the Capitol. Once he meets Steve Rogers, everything he ever knew is forever changed and he becomes dead-set on getting his tribute out of the arena alive.
If anyone is interested, feel free to send me a message or like the post!
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mr-steve-rogers · 1 month
Looking for long term RP partners!
Hi! I’m looking for some 18+ long term partners for some Stucky roleplay! If you have any AUs or ideas you need a partner for, please send me a message or reply to this post!
I can play either Steve or Bucky.
Open to any AU other than A/B/O, pure smut and fantasy related stuff.
I have more experience roleplaying things closer to canon storylines or tropes like enemies/friends to lovers. Definitely not afraid of mature themes, drama, angst and smut when appropriate!
I reply with at least one paragraph or more, so looking for partners who are also looking to develop stories and emotions in detail.
I don’t currently have Discord but if I really like the sound of your idea or AU and it’ll be more convenient for you then I’ll happily make one!
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roleplayfinder · 2 months
Hey there! 24f looking for someone 18+ to do a Stucky (Steve x Bucky) RP. I’m a fan of both canon and AU, currently feeling like doing either! I mostly don’t have a preference when it comes to playing as Steve or Bucky. It mostly depends on the plot but either is fine!
I usually RP on Discord or here on Tumblr. If you’re interested, like this post & I’ll send you a message!😁
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jamesbucklebarnes · 6 months
I haven't made any formal posts or anything but I was wondering if anyone out there is interested in a Stucky rp? I'm in no way caught up on Marvel but I've been watching a lot of stuff with sebastian stan & it's got me thinking about them but I'm a literate style rper and I'd love to do an au or something! message me if you're interested at all :D I'd be looking to play Bucky
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scottssteve · 5 months
intro post
hello!!! my name’s monty, i’m 20 years old n im looking for fellow 18+ marvel roleplayers. here are some facts/details abt me and what i roleplay!!! interact w this post or shoot me a dm and ill get back to you :)
i live in the EST time zone and i work part-time, so my hours can be a bit all over the place. i also have ADHD so i can be quite forgetful, but i do my best to respond as quickly as im able to!!
i try my best to match the length of my roleplaying partner, but i can go a little overboard sometimes so please don’t feel obligated to match me when i ramble on in a response lol
i’m a okay with smut as long as we discuss it beforehand and everything. i’m also okay with some darker themes, but again, i would like to discuss it beforehand— we’ll play it by ear!!!
i can be very chatty ooc so don’t be afraid to talk to me! :) i’ll talk your ear off if you’ll let me
(i’m pretty open to playing various characters and various ships. i will not roleplay anything incestual or involving a minor.)
steve x bucky
steve x tony
thor x bruce
scott x steve (personal favourite!!!!!! pls rp scottsteve with me ill love you forever)
bucky x tony
thor x steve
steve x bucky x tony
tony x loki
peter quill x thor
tony x thor
tony x stephen strange
peter parker (college era, ps4 spiderman ish) x harry osborn (also college era)
peter parker (see above ^^) x johnny storm (comics)
im pretty open to other ships, so don’t be afraid to suggest any you’ve been into!!! i prefer m x m pairings :) i’m also open to oc x canon pairings (me as either)
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an-rp-world · 10 months
Little rp intro!
I'm pretty flexible when it comes to most parts of rp.
● no minors please, I am in my late 20s and only want to interact with adults.
● kink and nsfw friendly!
● No set length for replies, I usually try to match my partners.
● I'm an adult, you're an adult, we're both busy. No stress for immediate replies.
● sometimes tumblr won't tell me I have messages though so feel free to give me a nudge if you feel it's been a bit.
Fandoms I play in: Mostly Marvel and Star Wars
Pairings most interested in (flexible on who I play, also open to others)
Steve/Tony, Tony/Bucky, Bucky/Steve, Bucky/Zemo, Tony/Thor, Loki/Tony
Poe/Kylo, Poe/Hux, Hux/Kylo
Open to messaging here or elsewhere! Sending me a dm and let's chat!
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roleplayreyn · 11 months
Stucky RPs
Hello all, I’m searching for MCU roleplays with a Stucky endgame. I’m 30+, female, and my timezone is GMT+12. I’d like to play Bucky against a Steve Rogers. I’m looking for someone at least 21+, female/female-identifying/afab preferred, who can reply at least a few times a day and likes to build plot. I’m happy to play other side characters in the MCU as and when needed, and would like a partner willing to do the same (this is not the same as 'doubling'). I’m a huge fan of slow burn and unresolved sexual tension.
I write short-to-mid length paragraphs and prefer quality over quantity. I use Discord. You should be collaborative and willing to have fun :) I like to chat OOC as well so bonus points if you do too!
I’m particularly in the mood for plots like:
- canon divergence after TWS (recovering Bucky, Stucky on the run, etc) - light-to-mid HYDRA Trash Party - enemies to friends (to lovers?) e.g. FormerHYDRA!Bucky and Cap!Steve - shrinkyclinks - angst, hurt/comfort, whump - WinterSoldier!Bucky plus WinterSoldier!Steve
and more!
Interested? Reach out via PMs or straight on Discord at reyn2098!
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I recently got back into roleplaying and I completely forgot how hard it is to find partners 💀
so I'm posting this on this acc just in case
I'm mainly just looking for Stucky rp plots, totally down for an AUs, and am all good with any point in time during their relationship. I've only played Bucky before but I'm completely comfortable with writing for Steve instead! I've not roleplayed as him before but I have written fanfiction from his point of view and that's sorta close :)
I'm a sucker for pre-war Stucky as well as rps set after CA:TWS, exploring Bucky trying to find himself again as well as Steve trying to help him is pretty fun >:) Though of course if you have anything else in mind I'm happy to listen, those two are just suggestions if you need some :))
I prefer literate roleplay, but don't feel as though there is a word quota! Sometimes you just cant get out a whole lot without feeling like you're dragging it on etc... and thats totally chill. Just write what ya can!
If you are interested we can discuss more in PMs! You can message me here or comment on this post and I'll message you. We don't have to keep it here if you'd prefer a different platform, just ask and I'm happy to send you my discord :)
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captaintoyoursargent · 11 months
Hi! I am a 20 year old female, looking for a partner to play BUCKY BARNES to my Steve Rogers. I would prefer no explicit content, and to be on discord. I write in LITERATE, THIRD PERSON, PRESENT TENSE, and usually about a paragraph or so, though I am happy to match my partner.
I have an idea where Steve is transported to "Our" world, by falling through a portal. One where superheros exist only in movies and comics, Bucky draws comics, but has lost his passion because he cannot live on the income. His character is The Winter Soldier, and he finds Steve and lets him stay while Steve tries to find his way home. At first, he doesnt believe Steve actually is Captain America, he thinks Steve is wearing a coutume for a convention, but after a while, he starts to believe, and helps Steve get home. But it turns out, over the course of their time together, they've grown close, and they dont want to leave, so a two way portal is established, in Steve's world, Bucky takes on the role of the winter soldier, fighting alongside steve to keep the world safe, and in Bucky's world, Steve is just a normal guy, he helps Bucky with his comic career, and eventually the adventures they go on in Steve's world become a best selling comic series in Bucky's.
Other background information: Bucky has lost his left arm, and he uses a prosthetic, in order to parallel the time he spends with Hydra I like to use a milatary accedent. A mission gone wrong. He's blown up, (IED?) Presumed dead? Left for dead? And captured, and held as a POW, then escapes, and looses his arm in the escape, is sent back to US soil to heal, and decides to take the honarable discarge, and the large amount of money the military is offering him to keep quiet.
He has read the Captain Anerica comics, but they tell the stories of the movies as we see them, rather than real-world comic stories. (This is because I am very unfamiliar with the comics. I know some of the important bits, but not much.) He also has his cat, Alpine, who I write as female.
When Steve first shows up, Bucky thinks he's dressed up for a convention, or because of general NYC weirdness, or for some other reason and doesn't believe Steve when he says that he's actually Captain America. It takes quite a bit of convincing, and Steve even has to prove that he can do things a normal person cannot before Bucky starts to believe.
If anyone is interested in doing this RP with me, interact with this post, and I'll reach out, or message me!
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steven-g-rogers · 3 months
Bucky looked at the Captain America decor hung up everywhere and chuckled, gently nudging Steve. "Does everyone still think your birthday is today?"
Steve laughed and shook his head.  “I like it better that way,” he admitted.  “Honestly, it makes it feel like Captain America is more of a character I was playing than me and having everyone wish him a happy birthday, helps me remember that I’m not him.  I get to be something else other than the symbol of truth, justice, and the American way. I can just be the little punk you grew up with sometimes.” 
He pushed his hand into Bucky’s and laced their fingers together.  “They all get Cap.  You get me.” 
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man-without-country · 3 months
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I am once again looking for a…
Stucky RP Partner!
Would love to do a medieval/fantasy RP. Still thinking about several plots but I’m currently thinking about some enemies to lovers thrown in there.😏
If you’re interested in RP’ing, feel free to message me on Discord:
- youbetterbejoeking🪷#5591
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metalarmsgt · 2 years
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This is an 18+ Bucky Barnes role play account. Any minors will be blocked. Muse is brought to life by an experienced writer.
This is an independent portrayal of Bucky Barnes from the MCU so both canon and noncanon aspects will be in place.
I'm looking for like-minded individuals to role play and build friendships with. Both character, original character, and self insert role players are allowed.
🔞 - NO MINORS! By interacting you are agreeing that you yourself are over the age of 18.
Writer is 30+
Writer's pronouns are she/her
Writer is a fan of fluffy, angsty, dark, and romantic themes.
Writer is LGBTQIA+ friendly
Both descriptive storylines and light banter are allowed.
Anons please assign yourself an emoji.
OC, Crossover, AU, Multiverse Friendly
Please do not jump straight into smut. Writer prefers to build a little context beforehand.
Absolutely no hate or bullying will be tolerated. You will be blocked without warning.
All NSFW interactions will be tagged as: #NSFT
Stucky shipper
Bucky will be written as bisexual
If you have any questions or concerns shoot me a DM.
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roleplayfinder · 5 months
Hi, I’m looking for people 18+ to role play with. The main fandom I’m looking to rp and currently have some (vague) ideas for is Marvel! I primarily write as Steve Rogers but I have dabbled in Bucky Barnes and others some here and there.
The main ship I prefer to write is Stucky but I’m open to Stony and other ships as well.
I prefer lit replies if possible. I like to write at least a couple paragraphs but I do try to match length as well!
If interested please either like this post or reach out to me on discord at KitKat389, thank you!
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