#study dates during fall and it’s so nice n u guys have midterms and he needs you there to focus and I I I
lovemikage · 2 years
smth soft for tonight :)) this is just a modern!mike x reader for everyone to enjoy
modern!mike sucks at words so he loves to curate you playlists of songs that remind him in you (one of his favs is summertime by mcr, its rly soft and sweet, go listen to it)
he also ends up sending you voice messages pretty often bc smth hes just to hyped out abt smth or agitatedly whining abt how annoying steve's mother henning is lmaoo
(oh btw steve definitely gives the Talk to mike. poor miks he has to deal w steve and hopper on his back)
he tends to write a lot bc he gets inspired by memories of you; the stories themselves have no correlation, it could be a story of how dustin became a vampire bc he remembered how pretty the sunset was when u kissed him
his hair is perpetually messy yet it looks so attractive on him
you and will are his favourite people
during dnd if theyre doing a serious campaign w the og party, he lets you look at his campaign notes (sometimes if he rolls a nat 20 for an enemy, he lets u decide if he should allow the enemy to kill them off LMAO)
movies w him just end up as soft kisses and hugs while wrapped up in the same blanket :"))
library dates to study (like actually study bc he finds it relaxing sometimes and he tutors you if youre struggling w like math or smth)
good night and good morning texts every day <3
oh and he TOTALLY has a priv twt acc where he screams abt you
-poly anon :))
do you understand how much I needed this rn )):
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katsukiboom · 6 years
Hi my love~ May I request a scenario where Shinsou and the reader are close friends who slowly realize that they’re in love with each other? Also, friendly reminder that your writing is awesome and YOU are awesome. 💕
Sure my darling, I’m sorry this took me so long but it ended becoming long as fuck as well LOL I tweaked the prompt a bit but overall I hope the feeling’s the same, also used fem!reader for ease of writing. I hope you like it!
“Hitoshi-kun, can we study at your place?”
It was a phrase that left your lips rather often the past few months, something that surprised you even more so than it did him. The motive behind your words was a mystery just like the way your cheeks flared up every time he accepted or every time he was closer to you by barely an inch more than usual, but you pushed every sign aside to favour your friendship - even if you already knew what was truly happening.
People always tend to say that the friendship between a man and a woman doesn’t exist but you were out there to prove them wrong, to let all of your classmates know that you could indeed become best friends with Hitoshi Shinsou without falling for him. It wasn’t a test or a game however; you had been instantly interested in him ever since the Sports Festival, and while you were from another class in the General department the pride that filled you when you saw him enter the arena for his fight against Midoriya from Heroics was more than your chest could contain. To think that someone from your department had gotten that far in the competition was amazing, to see the amazing Quirk he had was the cherry on top.
But when you first told your friends about your admiration for the purple-haired boy you were met with whistling and pats on your back, them telling you to go and get your guy while you could because surely there were other girls out there that had the same thought as you did. “No you guys,” you slowly replied with a smile, “I find him worthy of admiration. I can’t possibly like someone whom I’ve never even talked to before.”
“But you’ll end up liking him sooner or later,” one of the said as she gave you a cheeky grin.
You were sure it would not end up that way.
You approached him a week after the festival, and to say you were nervous was just an understatement - your voice broke several times while introducing yourself and telling him the reason why you were there in his classroom and he only listened with a neutral expression before he smiled up at you, his purple eyes giving you a kind look and his cheeks slightly tinted red. “It’s nice to meet you (Y/N)-san, I’m glad to meet someone else from our department. Maybe I’ll get to see you around more often?” It sounded like an open invitation that you gladly accepted, and from that moment every now and then you’d walk into Class 1-C during breaks just to talk with him for a bit or even spending full lunch hours together getting to know each other.
To everyone else around you, you were already dating. It took a lot of explaining for them to finally understand that you guys were just friends, but at some point you did start to wonder what would happen if things were actually different. Of course you never told Hitoshi this and continued acting like nothing was wrong, dismissing your doubts as something dumb while taking notice of the little things about him - the way his hand moved to his nape or ran through his hair when he felt nervous or wanted to seem confident, how he licked his lower lip when focusing on something, the little wrinkles on the corners of his eyes when he squinted to see some from afar. He was a handsome guy, but somehow he seemed even more beautiful with all his little imperfections.
You were fine with keeping to yourself and bottling your feelings away for the sake of your newfound friendship until one day you started to notice him looking at a few girls during lunch which in turn made you feel a knot in your stomach. “What’s wrong?” he asked once he turned back to you, genuine concern all over his voice - it was then that you noticed you had been staring at him with what must’ve been an angry expression and you quickly gave him a small smile that you hoped would work as comfort.
“Nothing, it’s nothing,” you muttered and you wondered if you were trying to convince him or yourself. Pulling out your phone you pretended to be texting as you thought of something, still feeling his eyes on you as you got up from the table and stretched your arms a bit before turning your attention back to him with what you hoped was a determined look in your eyes. “Can I come by your house sometime this week? Midterms are coming up and you understand English better than I do.” If he didn’t believe your facade he said nothing about it; giving you a thumbs up and his address, you left with the promise of texting him a day and time to see if he was available.
The first study ‘date’ had been rather awkward - you blushed every time he leaned closer to you to explain one of the activities, you stuttered more than you would’ve liked, and to top it all you almost threw a glass to the ground, had it not been for him being there to catch it. Each time something happened he smiled at you as if already aware of your growing heartbeat, and you were pretty sure he indeed was. “Maybe we could… do this again?” he offered as the day ended and he walked you to the nearest bus stop. “It was fun studying with someone outside my class and you actually helped me a lot with History today, so I think it’s a win-win.”
You ended up returning that same week and then at least one time every week after that, even after midterms were over and you had passed your exams. His father grew used to have you around and often would bring you two cups of tea with some biscuits, and you could’ve sworn that when he left the room he smiled faintly at you as if he knew something the two of you did not. Those were pleasant days, the ones you spent with Hitoshi, but the feeling that something else was brewing inside of you always left you feeling rather confused.
One day, you were revising each other’s math notes when you let out a loud yawn. “Are you tired already (Y/N)?” you had taken the habit of calling each other by your first names, something that made your heart flutter involuntarily every time much to your dismay. “We could take a break if you want.”
You turned your attention to him and saw the stupid smile he always gave you; that damn smile, you thought to yourself as you returned it. “Nah, it’s okay,” you replied with a tired voice, but as you focused even harder in your homework you noticed your eyes closing slowly - trying your best to do everything quick just so you could disconnect from your notebook for just five minutes you didn’t even realize you had finally fallen asleep after just a moment of deconcentration.
About an hour later you woke up, feeling something plushy beneath your body. It took you a moment to register that you were still in Hitoshi’s room, more specifically on his bed, his scent all over the pillow and covers and making you smile before you remembered that you’d have to go home soon. As you got up and walked to the desk to put all your stuff back in your bag the bedroom door opened, Hitoshi appearing on the other side sporting a calm and neutral expression that turned into a chuckle when he saw you. “Up already?” he asked with a playful tone. “I was going to wake you up when you fell asleep earlier but I couldn’t - you looked so peaceful and… cute…” the last word was whispered but you caught it anyway, gasping silently as you looked away with your cheeks burning. “U-uh, I was going to ask if you wanted to stay for dinner? Dad says it’s okay, so if you want…”
Your blush deepened when you heard his stutter, and as you timidly looked at him again you saw he was just like you: face as red as it could be, eyes avoiding yours and his hands playing with the hem of his shirt as he waited for your reply while leaning on the door frame. It was only then that it all came back to you but ten times stronger, and as you felt your heartbeat racing you only let out a happy ‘yes’.
You had never seen him so happy before. You were happy to have fallen for him as well.
Hitoshi was amazed when you first approached one day during break, right before he left for the bathroom - your hair was slightly messy and your clothes could’ve used a bit more ironing, but all of that didn’t matter as he watched the cute girl from 1-D standing in front of his desk and stumbling over her own words a bit more attentively than he probably should’ve. When you were done introducing yourself and praising him, he smiled up at you and almost without thinking implied that he would’ve liked to see you more often, your name rolling out of his mouth with ease. His heart did a little jump as you smiled back before you agreed to visit again and left the classroom; but as his eyes followed yours as you walked out and closed the door behind you, the few classmates of his that had stayed there during break didn’t hesitate in clapping loudly, making him turn around to look at them.
“Now it was finally time someone recognized your talent Shinsou,” one of them said with a sheepish grin, but Hitoshi only laughed along with them as he started putting his pen and notebook below his desk before going on his bathroom trip. “A cute girl at that - who knows, maybe you’ll be the first one of us to have a girlfriend!”
“I don’t know what part of her praising my Quirk gave you the idea that she’s interested in any other way,” Hitoshi replied calmly, although the image of your smile popped back up in his mind and he was thankful he had his back facing the others as his face slowly felt like it was burning up. He did wonder if that had been the real motive for you to suddenly appear there, and as he exited the room he kept his eyes peeled in case he caught at least a glimpse of you again.
He didn’t know why, when you shyly showed up again a few days later during lunch with a milk carton for him, he felt happy to see that you hadn’t lied about coming back. You sat down on the empty seat next to him and talked about your respective Quirks, how you had come to enter Yuuei and trivial stuff like ages, pets and more - it was crazy for him to feel like he could talk to you freely, just being himself without thinking that you could be judging him for whatever thing he could say or do.
Minutes eventually turned into hours and before he realized it you both were spending way more daily time together than he had first anticipated, and while he felt more and more comfortable with having you around he couldn’t help but question his own reasons to do so and avoid looking at you with eyes outside the friendship at all costs; he knew he was failing nonetheless the first time he had a dream about you. It was nothing out of the ordinary or lewd, but nothing could keep his mind off the very real sensation of your body pressing against his as you hugged him from behind only to turn him around a moment later, standing on the tip of your toes to place a playful kiss on his lips before running off as you asked him to chase him while laughing. It was soft, you felt soft, and the apparently imaginary feeling chased after him all day long and prompted him to be more nervous than usual when around you.
He didn’t like you like that… not that he was aware at least.
He wasn’t unaware of the things people said behind your backs but he decided to ignore those pesky rumours if you also decided not to do anything about them, although he wanted to know if it bothered you that people thought you were dating. Then, one day during lunch, he saw a few pretty girls near the cafeteria entrance and stared for a moment, and as he turned back to you he noticed the stern look on your face as if reprimanding him for something. “What’s wrong?” he asked, thinking that maybe you were speaking to him and he hadn’t heard or that you felt any sort of pain. Somehow, the look on your face resembled one of pain - he hated it.
“Nothing, it’s nothing,” you replied before going on your phone, scanning through a few tabs absentmindedly which he decided to let slip to avoid any possible arguments with you, his eyes not leaving your form. It was then that you stood up from the table and stretched before offering to study back at his house, saying that he could help you with English before midterms arrived. A sudden rush of happiness ran through his body as he gave you two thumbs up along with his address, and as the bell rang again you promised to text him to ask if he was available.
You ended up agreeing on you coming over on Wednesday, Hitoshi already having talked with his dad about you and repeating over and over that you were no more than a friend to avoid his father’s possible teasing. It had been fine most of the time but during the time you were there he couldn’t help but feel you were on edge all the time, your face fully red and the stutter ever so present that made you look even cuter in his eyes. He offered to walk you back to the bus stop to ensure that you’d get there safely, and he could’ve sworn that the street lights that were starting to come to life gave you aesthetic looks from every angle he could see. “Maybe we could… do this again? It was fun studying with someone outside my class and you actually helped me a lot with History today, so I think it’s a win-win.”
He did expect you to say no or to at least think about it for a moment, but when you accepted without question it took him by surprise and he couldn’t stop smiling for the rest of the evening. From then on you spent at least one day a week with him and his dad who always asked him about you and tried his best to make you feel comfortable - it was endearing for Hitoshi to see you both getting along so well, and soon he started talking with his father about you even when you weren’t there. It felt right, and he liked the appreciation his dad seemed to have taken towards you. “She’s such a good girl Hitoshi,” he used to say. “Don’t be a fool and don’t let her go.”
The breaking point was one afternoon that you were studying for finals and revising math and he could see that you were the most tired he had ever seen you, the bags under your eyes almost as pronounced as his. Your head bobbed a few times as you seemed to be trying your best to keep focus until you let out that surprised even him. “Are you tired already (Y/N)?” he asked with a gentle smile, and you turned around returning it and replying that it was fine - once he was back looking through his own notebook it only took a moment before he felt a weight on his shoulder, and when he looked to his side he saw you leaning against him, your eyes closed and your breathing steady. Fuck, he thought while blushing, she looks completely adorable.
Carefully maneuvering your sleeping form and getting up as silently as possible, he picked you up bridal style and brought you to his bed, watching as you immediately shifted onto a more comfortable position. Hitoshi knelt beside the bed with his face dangerously close to yours and watched all about you as your chest moved up and down rhythmically, your mouth slightly agape. It was a precious sight to him and with his heartbeat racing he leaned forward and placed a kiss on the tip of your nose before sighing, almost absentmindedly.
“I’ve got it bad for you, huh,” he whispered, hoping you’d be a heavy sleeper as he lovingly admired even the littlest things about you while he could do it, like how you held your hands together while sleeping or the way you were always about to snore but didn’t quite reach the limit. He was amazed by the fact that you had become so much for him in such short time, but he was beyond thankful that you had decided to approach him first - bringing one hand to your face, he cupped your cheek and smiled at you one last time before getting up and walking back to his desk. “I’ll do something about this, I promise.”
It was more of a promise to himself - that’s how it all started.
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