merilistudies · 5 years
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My class is yet again canceled today because the teacher is still sick so I'll do a bit of research for my seminar paper.
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monriatitans · 3 years
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Sun, October 10, 2021 "Those against CRT (Critical Race Theory) in our schools never understood the lesson below:
Let's say it again... Studying history will sometimes disturb you. Studying history will sometimes upset you. Study history will sometimes make you furious.
Is studying history always makes you feel proud and happy, you probably aren't studying history." - Unknown
See the original post on Instagram! Watch WGS on Twitch and YouTube!
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geodesiannerd-blog · 7 years
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♡27.05.2017.♡ ♡Currently studying history and reading book for my literature class. ♡Have so much to do but I procrastinate listening to Gun's N' Roses. Have a nice day, V.
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creepbuzz-blog · 6 years
Top 10 Scariest Facts About History That You Weren’t Taught in School
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Top 10 Scariest Facts About History That You Weren’t Taught in School
Today we are talking a few things your teachers left off your lesson plans at school! Join me as we talk about the Top 10 scariest facts about history you weren’t taught in school. Before we get started I just want to remind all of you reading this to subscribe or push that notification bell if you love this website. #10 Heroin
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Used to be used as a Children’s cough syrup. German drug company Bayer made a heck of a lot of money off selling heroin to parents. Get a load of these babies! Heroine was a prescription drug in the US until 1914 and was then banned in 1924. Can you imagine how the children would be after a sweet dose of Bayer's Heroine? #9 Hugo Boss Designed Nazi Party Uniforms
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Hugo Boss is a luxury German Fashion house that now sells its product globally and is frequently seen on runways. The designer brand started up in 1924 and originally supplied the Nazi Party before and during World War 2. Comedian Russell Brand was ousted from the GQ Men of the Year Awards after making Nazi jibes at the brand in 2013. Remember Thomas Edison from your history lessons…you know… the light bulb guy… well he had a very "Dark Side"… your teachers didn’t tell you about He murdered an elephant, now did they! #8 Thomas Edison devoted his life to working with electricity
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Unfortunately he got pretty brutal when he needed to prove a point. In 1903, the American inventor murdered an elephant to prove that alternating current was a bad idea. He invited 1500 people to watch him murder "Topsy" the Elephant at Luna Park Zoo on Coney Island. He also filmed it and released the footage to the public. It is heartbreaking! #7 Ring a Ring of Roses Song
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Remember that song you used to sing as a kid in the play ground- Ring a Ring of Roses …. Yeah!.. well ….it’s a death song. Ring a Ring o Roses is a song about people dying from the plague. Ring o roses refers to the rash that plague victims would develop. The pocket full of posies refers to herbs that people would carry to protect themselves from plague…and the atisho atisho bit is the sneezing of a sick person…and the we all fall down bit is where…you know….people physically drop down dead and die. Fun. In Europe, a lot of us are very proud of our monarchy and the centuries of history behind it, but not one taught us at school that King Charles II of Spain was severely inbred. King Charles the II was the last Habsburg ruler of Spain. He was the product of 16 generations of ruler-ship in Europe, but also 16 generations of inbreeding. The Habsburg were a lot like the fictional Lannisters; they were very concerned in keeping their bloodline pure. Awkward. In school, I was taught a lot about the Roman Empire, but I was never taught this…. #6 Romans Used Humane Urine as Mouthwash and crushed mouse brains as tooth paste
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Well, what a treat! I guess they had to keep their breaths fresh somehow! They also used urine to clean their clothes. This is basically because ammonia, which is found in pee, takes out stains…so…they were more concerned with having white teeth than fresh breath! I personally would pass on cleaning my teeth with pee and brains…. Just a personal choice. #5 Saddam Hussein was given the Key to the City of Detroit
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History paints Saddam Hussein as a bad guy, mainly because he was indeed a bad….er…guy. None the less, after making a donation to a church in Detroit in 1979 because a Reverend praised him, he was handed the city keys. The American history books aren’t so proud of that one. #4 Christopher Columbus Raped Children
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Oh well, that kind of extinguishes the "yey" for Columbus and his explorations party. In some places, people even goes as far as to celebrate a Christopher Columbus day. The problem is, not only was he awful to the indigenous people, he also raped them, including the kids. He would often give his lieutenants sex slaves and wrote that girls from 9 to 10 years of age were the most desirable…. Urmmm. #3 Nazi Twin Experiments
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I don’t know how much history has shielded people about the kind of experiments Nazi War Lords did on concentration camp victims. Obviously, we know that they gassed innocent people, but the school history books leave out a few choice facts. I know a lot about the Josef Mengele experiments, because I have done extensive research on that area of history , but a lot of people don’t about the veteran Nazis sick experiments on twins and other such horrific medical tests. Mengele would inject chemicals into their bodies, especially their eyes to try and change their colors. Another Nazi, Isle Koch allegedly made lamps from human skin and that's why it gets to our Top 10 scariest facts about history you weren’t taught in school. #2 The Extent of Japanese Cruelty in World War II
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Possibly because Hiroshima and Nagasaki were so horrific to humanity and the pain echoed throughout Japan for a great deal of time, the extend of Japanese killing in world war two is somewhat brushed over by history. Of course all countries involved inflicted pain and suffering, but did you know that Japanese torture methods were considered to be the most severe, that the Japanese killed more Chinese soldiers than the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust , and that Japan wounded more American’s in Alaska than at Pearl Harbour? There were also swathes of reports of Japanese cannibalism. Of course, this far in the future, we have to live and let live, but Nazi Germany got the lions share of the blame for atrocities, and Japanese war crimes are largely glossed over. #1 Russia and Japan are Technically Still at War
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Finally….just when you thought we were sort of semi living in a time of peace…. You may not know that Russia and Japan are technically still at war. Two powerful countries who are still sour post World War Two. Eeesh!!. Even though the countries haven’t been engaging in hot war for over 70 years, they never signed a peace treaty officially indicating peacetime. The pair still disagree over the Kuril Islands. SO that was the top 10 scariest facts about history you weren’t taught in school. I actually really enjoyed this list. Love me a lil bit of history! Did any of you guys already know some of this stuff? What did you find the most shocking ? Let me know in the comments section below. The teeth brushing with mouse brains and urine was a personal highlight I think. Read the full article
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ainnounkornita-blog · 7 years
Studying history is not useless
When we learn history, it means we learn something from the past. History provides experiences and examples to become basic knowledge in order to support and shape people’s thinking to solve the problem in their life.
There are many benefits studying history in our life. History is a root knowledge of facts that support people getting inspiration to make an innovation. For example, there are many innovations based on history from many years ago. Ancient people made a fire using a stone. By the time, an innovation came by changing the stone with matches or gases to get the fire easily. In addition, learning this subject can help preserving the culture. The researches had been studying history of Borobudur Temple in Indonesia. By doing that, they are able to conserve and maintain Borobudur Temple as the World Cultural Heritage. The most important of all the advantages is helping people to learn basic knowledge, critical thinking, and learning from mistakes, so they will be understand how they behave and interact with other people.  
Nevertheless, when does the right time start learning history? When we were child, our parents told us stories which are most of them were history in the previous time. That has influenced the way they think until they grow up. Unconsciously, we do not realize that we start studying history in our lifetime.
Therefore, history is a basic knowledge that we should learn in order to acknowledge why we are here in the world and to decide what would we do in the future life. Besides, studying history is not only suitable for children for shaping their character, but also for all ages because it is fundamental analytic for solving the problem.
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bee116 · 6 years
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Happy Monday everyone! I'm just doing my school! 🤓 #study #studygram #instagram #instastudy #studyhard #student #studyblog #school #schooltime #studying #studytime #history #studyinghistory #monday #happymonday #2018 #mylife #studyisfun #studyaddict #studyblr #mondayafternoon #happymonday
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jackieopaper-blog · 8 years
The depressing thing about studying history.
I’ve always been an observer. I sit around, often in public spaces, and listen to the all too intelligent banter between all knowing Americans more than most people should. I frequently find myself lurking comment sections, albeit lacking in comments myself, but nevertheless lurking to see what kind of thoughts are being processed aloud in the physical and digital realms of the American conversation. Needless to say, most people are not very aware of, well, frankly even the simplest of historic concepts. Yet, this is not just an American problem. It seems that a good portion of our world takes to the hobby of continuously repeating past mistakes.
As a person who studies history, this can be a rather frustrating thing to watch, but I know all to well what the problem really is: the way history is presented to the masses. I can’t speak for other countries, but I do know that in America, we learn history in a rather poor fashion. More than we would like to admit, history is taught by under qualified coaches who’s main concern is churning students through without much effort on their end so that they can get back to their real passion, the said sport of their choosing. I will say, however, that there are some exceptions to this rule, but nevertheless it is a prevalent problem in the secondary learning setting. I can only remember about two above average history teachers in all of my secondary education experience. This could also be said for my middle school years, when sports became more of a thing.
There is also the problem of the way the information is presented in textbooks and the overall dryness of the subject. The information recurrently feels extraneous and removed that students feel the information is expendable because it is so unconnected to anything they experience. My goal is to attempt to fix this all too familiar problem by seeking a different approach to presenting history to the masses. Wish me luck!
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vanitaomnia · 9 years
#whereisharrytruman #hesdeadintheground #studyinghistory #bobsburgers @crymealiver
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merilistudies · 5 years
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Study day in the library
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merilistudies · 5 years
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Today is "run to the library to get books before anybody else does" day.
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