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Sempre pense e olhe a frente. Essa é uma coisa que estou aprendendo muito e que está me permitindo alcançar todas as minhas metas (principalmente aqui no studygram❤️) Mas e aí, o que vocês vão fazer para pensar a frente?🤔 Também queria dar boa noite porque achou que fiz três posts só hj então já tá bom KKKKK #study #studyxmas #papelaria #amorporpapelaria #saveyourinternet #concursoartecriativa #stabilo #stabiloconecta #unipinfineline https://www.instagram.com/p/BrBmsE2Hvv0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6harl6xceo9n
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alexistudies · 8 years
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alexistudies’ 3K masterpost celebration: 3/3
for my last celebratory masterpost, I decided to write about scholarships because they are soooo important for people who plan on pursuing a higher-level education. Post-Secondary education is extremely expensive, especially here in the United States and who wants to turn down money?? Alright lets begin.
kind of a disclaimer: What makes you think you’re qualified to talk about scholarships, Alexi?
well my dad has been telling me about scholarships since I could talk because my family is always in the financial struggle!! but i also already have over $30K in scholarships so I just thought that sharing my advice could be helpful.
1. Look for weird scholarships!
so you wouldn't believe this but there are scholarships for practically anything!! you can find them for having curly hair, for being left-handed, or for being 4′10″ or shorter! one of the easiest ways to find this are just by going to Google and searching scholarships _______ and fill in the blank with whatever.
2. sign up for scholarship search engine websites!
I have been looking for scholarships since freshman year and a good website for any grade is Chegg! Not only is Chegg a scholarship search engine but it is also a great resource for college research in general. you can ALSO RENT TEXTBOOKS AND SUCH THROUGH THIS WEBSITE!!!! its literally The Student Hub.
one major scholarship website (mainly for seniors, imo) is Fastweb. Fastweb is like Chegg, where it will ask you for personal info and your interests, then match you with scholarships! also, Fastweb will update your grade-level as time progresses automatically. so when you switch from High School Senior to College Freshman, it will update & match you accordingly. 
3. Find a way to keep track of all of your scholarships.
you might get to the point where you apply for so many scholarships that you can’t keep track!! one way that might help you keep track is making a spreadsheet on Excel (or whatever you have that is similar). I was thinking about doing this since my first financial aid package came in the mail so I can have a clear, concise overview of everything. 
write your deadlines down on a calendar or set them into your phone!!! DEADLINES WILL SNEAK UP ON YOU AND YOU HAVE TO TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY. this rule also applies to college applications. aim to have your scholarship applications done like a week before its due and if you can, submit early!! the earlier you submit, the less stress you’ll have.
4. Ask your counselors for help scholarship hunting!
my school happens to have a scholarship wall but it never hurts to ask your counselor for help with scholarships! they also might have the hook up on less competitive scholarships so you’ll have a better chance of winning. we actually have a local scholarship application where you fill it out and then, counselors match you scholarships for local companies.
5. plan out your scholarship essays because they matter!
essays give the people reviewing you an opportunity to have deeper insight about you and why you feel you should deserve it. so, in a separate word doc or on an actual piece of paper (whichever you prefer) plan out your essay! brainstorm your ideas, puke out your thoughts, then go back to correct it! check out this tag to find more resources on essays in general . although these are my college apps tags, maybe it will help, as well and this one tooooo.
6. Pro Tip: Create a brag sheet!!
creating a brag sheet will benefit you in sooooooo many ways. if you create a brag sheet, you have all of your awards, extracurriculars, volunteer work and grade information in one place so when you’re filing out an application, you’re not scrambling to look for these things. plus it can be used when asking for letters of recommendation or filling out job applications!! 
alright!! thats about all i’ve got and this concludes my 3K Celebration!! thank you so much for everything and I greatly appreciate you guys. you guys keep me motivated to do things when i don’t feel like doing them. if you have any masterpost requests, let me knowww. i’ll gladly take them :)
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study-partners · 9 years
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Christmas Challenge ~ Day 2 My favourite Christmas book: I know it's not a Christmas book, but I'll go for Harry potter all the way! I just LOVE reading those books with a cup of tea in front of a fire place on Christmas eve❄❄
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Ahh férias...férias e mais férias! Nosso período de descanso chegou! E pra aproveitar isso bem, estou dando algumas dicas aqui sobre o que fazer! Espero que gostem! Eu vou fazer tudo isso e mais um pouco nas férias e vocês?? Vão viajar no final de ano? #papelaria #amorporpapelaria #study #studyxmas #saveyourinternet #studymotivation #studytips #lettering #bouncelettering #caligraphy https://www.instagram.com/p/BrBP2Fon2Qt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wmvqexedl6gs
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oiiii genteeeeee!! nesse post estou dando umas dicas pra vocês fazerem esse estilo de lettering que eu amo! O Bounce ou Bouncy Lettering!! Essa é uma t��cnica que no início é meio difícil de fazer, porque você não sabe direito qual letra deve ficar mais cima ou mais em baixo, como fazer a conexão entre elas, etc... Mas quando você pega o jeito....Meu Deus, fica simplesmente maravilhoso! Eu ainda tô no início com o meu bounce lettering e sinto que ele deixa meus títulos muito mais bonitos do que eram antes(além de ser muito mais prazeroso de fazer)! Se vocês tiverem alguma dúvida tem diversos vídeos no Youtube em relação a isso, mas os que eu mais recomendo são os da @marinaviabone e da @byalinealbino! Vocês podem aproveitar as férias pra teinar esta técnica! Perguntinha:Gostaram do meu bounce lettering? Já tentaram/vão tentar fazer? Frase do dia: Se não for você, quem? Se não for agora, quando? Erga-se, a preguiça não pode te deixar estagnado. #study #studyxmas #papelaria #amorporpapelaria #saveyourinternet #stabilo #stabiloconecta #studytips #studymotivation #lettering #bouncelettering https://www.instagram.com/p/BrANU-1nPLf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ekq7zn4f2u1a
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Já é quase Natal! Ele faz dezembro ser o melhor mês!! A ceia de Natal, presentes, ficar em família....Tudo isso faz essa data ser mágica!✨ O que vocês vão ganhar no Natal?(eu to pensando em Stabilo e @ocadernointeligente) #studyxmas #study #studygram #papelaria #amorporpapelaria #natal #saveyourinternet #stabilo #stabiloconecta https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq91x9Injka/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1i0va2vd1npc
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alexistudies · 8 years
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[ dec 16th 2016 ]
 i am officially on winter break and you can see how i feel about that here, but I’m in a better mood now so I decided to read a little and continue scholarship hunting. at least i can start sleeping in again!
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alexistudies · 8 years
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[ dec 12th 2016 ]
okay im not so anxious about calculus since we went over the homework in class. here’s pictures of me studying for my gov final in homeroom and me at home, working on revising my notes for my ap psychology final. today was a mellow day.
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