argentisms · 2 months
STARTER FOR: @stylinskies | stiles & allison WHEN + WHERE: after the events of motel california, before getting back on the bus
Now that the chaos has died down, the adrenaline has worn off. She's exhausted, feeling like she's trying to wade through water and unable to come up for air. It's no secret that Scott's in bad shape, bad enough that Allison doesn't feel good about having out of her line of sight. She'd helped him shower off the gasoline, skin scrubbed raw in an attempt to feel clean despite the obvious. Holding him through it was no question, the only sound of the shitty hotel room being her soft voice trying to reassure him with It's okay, and I've got you. Once the smell of gasoline is dulled, she gives him a moment to himself to get dressed, while she gets rid of the gasoline soaked shirt and jeans balled up on the floor. It's the perfect opportunity to check in on Stiles, knowing he's worse for wear. He'd been the one to step forward, right into the large pool of gasoline to get the flare out of Scott's hand.
With a quiet reassurance that she'd be right back, Allison made a beeline for the trash can at the end of the hall. She made the executive decision to throw out the soaked clothes, the smell alone made her want to gag. Once she's making her way down the hall again, Stiles comes into view -- Seemingly having the same idea as her. "Hey," she greets lamely, chewing on her bottom lip as she moves towards him. The cool night air causes goosebumps, despite the comfort of Scott's sweatshirt. The obvious question goes unsaid, both knowing the answer. "I was just getting rid of uh -- Scott's clothes." She sentence out of context sounds absurd enough that it almost pulls a laugh from her. "They were starting to make me nauseous."
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executethyself35 · 3 months
Oc Masterlist
(inspired by @xxluckystrike's)
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Bianca "B" Hernandez
she/her, estp-a, 1918, staff sergeant
Having Gone from Cuba to New York was insane for a small child. Constantly butting heads with her mother, and becoming a U.S. citizen was the last straw. Bianca was working various odd jobs and couch surfing from one friends to another's when the U.S. decided to officially enter the war. She had nothing going on really in her life and the military wanted people, so she joined up. There was also the fact that she knew it would piss her mother off. So, now she's making friends, maybe falling in love with someone, and dragging herself all over the Southern U.S. and Europe. What could go wrong?
SHIP: Bill Guarnere
FIC: Let's See How Far We've Come
OC TAG: #b vibes
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Zipporah "Zippo" Fieldman
she/her, estp-a, 1914, technician 5th grade, sniper
Being born in Russia during the Great War, and living as an adult in 1930s San Francisco causes someone to harden emotionally, even more so as an older sister. Zipporah was working for her father at his deli shop, and going to the local synagogue whenever she could, when the war broke out. Having decided that if she was gonna live through a second world war, she was going to fight in it. Now, she's going all over the place, going from the Southern U.S. to almost all of occupied Europe, and making friends along the way, maybe even fall for the guy who she couldn't stand at first.
SHIP: Joe Liebgott
FIC: Let's See How Far We've Come
OC TAG: #zippo vibes
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Olive-Marie "Ollie" LeBeau
she/her, enfj-t, 1921, technician 3rd grade, nurse/medic
Born in New Orleans, Olive-Marie lived a happy humble life, until her father passed when she was 10. Her mother met a wealthy French man and they fell in love. From then after, her life became different. Her new step-father tried his best to be a good father figure to Olive-Marie and her older brother, while also taking care of his own children. Her mother on the other hand had finally gotten the social status she wanted and it went to her head, she didn't become a complete asshole though. It was a party her family was attending where she would meet the man she would come to loathe and her finacee, Roland Marrow. Forcing her to date him first because his family had wealth and both parents wanted their children to settle down. Olive-Marie didn't want to settle down though, especially not with a man who was cheating on her 24/7. When the war broke out Olive-Marie wanted to join up and become a nurse, but her family didn't want her too. Then they heard Roland was joining up and decided to make Olive-Marie become engaged to him so she wouldn't run rampant out there. Now, she's out here across Southern U.S. and Europe, saving people, making friends, and falling for her fellow medic, while saying fuck you to her finacee.
SHIP: Eugene Roe
FIC: Let's See How Far We've Come
OC TAG: #ollie vibes
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Torrance "Torrie" Stylinski:
she/her, enfp-t, 1921, 2nd lieutenant
Born in London, England, to an Irish mother and Namibian father, Torrance is their eldest child. Her parents divorced when she was 10 and her mother took Torrance and her little sister to Ireland, where she lived up until her grandfather died when she was 15. This caused her grandmother to uproot Torrance's entire family to Hattiesburg, Mississippi. When the U.S. went to war, Torrance joined up because she wanted to and she needed to get away from her mother, who was trying to set her up with a local boy. Now, she's shocking people with British accent, explaining English slang, and making jokes with her friends and the guy she likes, all across the Southern U.S. and Europe.
SHIP: George Luz
FIC: Let's See How Far We've Come
OC TAG: #torrie vibes
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Marselle Rosaliano
she/her, enfj-t, 1922, private first class, nurse/medic
Born into a mob family in Alpine, New Jersey, Marselle had a very happy life. She had a happy life with her two younger brothers, and then finding out her best friend Rose and her younger sister Lavanda were her half sisters, made her even more happy. She also had a girlfriend named Lacey, and that relationship did not end well. Marselle was working at a department store and living in the apartment above her brothers sub shop, when Pearl Harbor happened. Marselle decided that she wanted to become a nurse and join the military. Now, Marselle is out in the Southern U.S. and Europe, being absolutely confused by all the innuendos her friends are making, and not understanding that the guy she has a huge crush on is flirting with her.
SHIP: Skip Muck
FIC: Let's See How Far We've Come
OC TAG: #marselle vibes
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Elizabeth "Eliza" Thomlin
she/her, estp-t, 1923, corporal, nurse/medic
Being born into a religious cult as the 5th of nine children, in Asheville, North Carolina, Elizabeth had a terrible childhood. Supposed to be born with a twin like her other siblings, Elizabeth twin had died in the womb, this causing her mother to spiral. Elizabeth also being the only child born with red hair and green eyes, she was deemed the "devil child" of her family. Elizabeth's mother hated her and told her and showed it everyday, and father allowed it to happen. Elizabeth was homeschooled up until she was 14 and her father decided to put her into school because she was constantly getting into trouble at home. In her sophomore year of high school she meets her best friend Anna. Right before her and Anna's junior year, Elizabeth moved out and moved in with Anna and her Mother. After she moved out, Elizabeth started acting out once again, living her life on the edge. But, she didn't have any sense of direction in what she wanted to do with her life, and that's when the war broke out. When it broke out, Elizabeth wanted to join up to get away from whatever her life currently was and saw a sense of purpose in joining up. She also new of the risk of death and was willing for it. So now Elizabeth is going around the Southern U.S., where she lived most of her life, and Europe. Making friends, going back and forth between two companies, and falling for a man she claims to hate, who she has just as much a reputation as he does.
SHIP: Ronald Speirs
FIC: Let's See How Far We've Come
OC TAG: #eliza vibes
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Mary McCullen
she/her, estp-t, 1921, sergeant, mortar squad
Born in Washington State, to two devout Irish Catholics, with her fathers moto being "Fit God in whenever you can". Having gone to church every week up until her father passed when she was 12, in a motorcycle accident. That changed something in her, she hates motorcycles now and hates going to church. Mary's mother said that going to church would make her feel closer to her father, and that was the last thing Mary wanted, a reminder. When the war broke out, Mary was in a void, her eldest brother was in prison for arson, she was helping take care of her older sister's kid, and she needed to get out, so she joined up. As of late, she's getting used to the heat of the Southern U.S. and then the whiplash of the weather in Europe. With her close friends and the idiot she's falling for, she's getting better mentally, but also taking one toll after another.
SHIP: Donald Malarkey
FIC: Let's See How Far We've Come
OC TAG: #mary vibes
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Julia "Jules" Vasquez-Rodriguez
she/her, estp-a, 1923, private first class
Growing up in The Bronx and having two older brothers who bully you ruthlessly, makes you a little mean. The baby to her three full siblings, but the middle child including her 4 younger half siblings, Julia deals with craziness often. Julia had moved out of her childhood home to an apartment in Philadelphia at 17 for work, where she met the one person she would consider her best friend for life, Joe Toye. Julia met him while she was moving in and was having issues with her groceries, since then they were close. She watched him leave when the war broke out, while she sat there working at a boutique. Julia finally had enough of sitting around and doing nothing while her best friend was running around all over Europe, so she joined the airborne. Now she's in the same predicament as the other replacements, not being treated with respect, until she gets put Easy Company. Now she's got more friends than she ever had, and she might finally realize that she's in love with her best friend.
SHIP: Joe Toye
FIC: Let's See How Far We've Come
OC TAG: #julia vibes
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Allison "Allie" Harten
she/her, entj-a, 1917, 1st lieutenant, intelligence officer
The eldest daughter to an army man, and a traditional mother, Allison is all her father. All Allison wanted to do throughout her life was join the military, since she had no brothers and wanted to continue the family tradition, having both her father and grandfather being in the army. And all her mother wanted Allison to do was be a stay at home wife and never work. Allison never wanted to do that, she knew she would settle down, but not right now, she has a life to live. And once she turned 18 in 1935, she joined the army, having gotten into a non full in combat position thanks to a family friend of her grandfathers. But, once the war broke out and a new division opened up, Allison was interested, especially when she heard it was an elite one. So Allison joined the airborne, but she was the only woman. This made her decide that she was gonna start a women's division, no matter how small it was, she was going to prove that women belonged in the military. Now, she's ordering around the others, dealing with Sobel's incompetence, and trying not to murder anyone. And, she's going around Europe collecting info, and trying, but failing miserably at not falling in love with a certain cigar smoking sergeant.
SHIP: Bull Randleman
FIC: Let's See How Far We've Come
OC TAG: #allie vibes
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mccallsmemaybe · 4 months
WHO ― @stylinskies
WHEN & WHERE ― january, outside the mystic hills preserve
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There were ups and downs to having a motorcycle. On one hand, you looked cool and it felt cool. The downside was, if per chance it snowed or it got cold ― you were forced to find another ride. Which, for Scott, almost always meant asking Stiles, his best friend, roommate, partner in crime, and basically his brother for all intents and purposes at that point. It worked out, too. Stiles had said he needed to talk to him about something later ( when he dropped him off at the Animal Clinic ), so they got to hit a bird with a stone or whatever that saying was. Horrible saying, too. Who would want to throw a rock at a bird? That was awful. Poor bird.
Scott was kind of surprised Stiles hadn't rambled it all off the minute he got into the jeep. It couldn't be that important? Right? He figured it was something to do with his readmission paperwork for school. Maybe something about him unable to get back in. He wouldn't be surprised, even though he'd been working really hard to get readmitted to the program. Nevertheless, he waited until they'd swung through the drive thru at their usual place and parked outside of the preserve instead of going home. That's where his patience finally ran thin.
He looked over, arm leaning against the jeep. ❝Okay, dude, spill it. What's so important to talk to me about that we couldn't talk about at the apartment?❞ Unless Stiles forgot, but then why were they at one of Scott's favorite spots ( despite the terrible accident that happened there the a little over a year before ), it's where him and Allison used to hike all the time when they couldn't escape out of town. ❝Is it something about the case? Did you find out something new? Is there, like, I don't know ― a new Star Wars movie coming out or something?❞
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starlightsearches · 2 years
Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order. Then send this to 10 people 🎥🎬📺
Tagged by @leatherboundriot 💖 all my love to you Harley!
Dustin Henderson from Stranger Things
Finn from Star Wars
Lizzie Bennett from Pride and Prejudice
Kendall Roy from Succession
Burt Hummel from Glee
Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle
Elle Woods from Legally Blonde
Edward Nashton from The Batman
Stiles Stylinski from Teen Wolf
Rosalie Hale from Twilight
No pressure tags: @theold-ultraviolence, @thembohux, @starsandroots, @tartheanmaid, @seafrost-fangirl, @spicedchaiandromeda, @reiaux and anyone who wants to participate 💖
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blurredyellow · 4 years
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Dylan O'Brien appreciation post. I love this man and may god bless him. Amen.
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horansqueen · 3 years
Orange turquoise and tangerine (I feel like our Niall opinions are v similar haha)
really? thats so cool! we should totally be friends! and i also love Dylan O'Brien btw :P
send me a color
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not-another-fangirl · 3 years
Freeze! You're under arrest for being so lovely❤. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it 💞. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful appreciated and important !!! 😊 <3💓
Omg thank you🥺🥺 You're so sweet! I love you!💕
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voidheichou · 3 years
1, 18, 24 for the ask game :)
1: First Celebrity Crush?
I’m a cliche late 90s baby who grew up watching high school musical, so obviously my answer is Zac Efron haha
18: Do you like or dislike surprises?
I guess it depends, really. If the surprises are good/in a positive context then I love them, they make me super happy and I’ll probably be more impressed with how it was executed rather than the surprise itself, but if it’s something upsetting or negative like distressing news that comes as a shock, then I obviously don’t like those for various reasons.
24: What’s the best gift you got?
Ironically, the most precious gift that comes to mind is from a ‘friend’ that turned out to be everything but a genuine friend lol. It’s my beacon hills lacrosse hoodie with ‘Stilinski 24’ on the back. It sounds silly but wearing it gives me extra comfort/strength that I need on some days, as if Stiles himself is saying “you’ve got this” to me 😂🥰
Thank you for the ask! ✨
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heythrrdelilah · 5 years
Salted Carmel Cappuccino
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A/N: THis was written as a request for @hermionejacobs​ who requested: ‘ I love you page and the holiday list idea, so I wanted to ask if you could write a Sam Winchester x reader for the hometown/new coffee shop owner prompt at Christmas time. Love you x’ 
Thank you so much for requesting! You are super sweet! Thank you for the compliment! Love Ya! I hope you enjoy! This was my favorite of all of the prompts and it was the only one requested so I’m excited quite frankly. This note is after I finished writing: Sorry that it ended so abruptly, i ended up liking it so much that i might turn it into a full fic on wattpad or AO3. If i didn’t finish it now I would get too carried away. Sorry. Also, if I do continue this, I will change up the way they get together.
Word count: 2,564 
Warnings/tags: Fluff, abrupt ending, Holiday, Hallmark level Cheesy 
Pairings: Sam x Reader au
As you stepped off the plane at 9 in the morning, you could only think of two things; where to get your morning cup of coffee, and the nearest heater. Luckily, the airport was warm after you got out of the long glass tube from the plane to the gate. You pulled your carry on behind you as you tried to remember the way to the baggage claim. It had been a while since you had been home. You helped film a baking competition in LA for the last 6 years. It was your lifelong dream and everyone knew it, however, with all of the holiday episodes and year round filming, you never made it home for holidays. This year, you managed to take a two week vacation for the holidays. You hadn’t told any of your family however. You wanted it to be a surprise. Especially to your parents. You knew that the family were all going to be at your parents house this year, your grandparents coming down from Niagara on the Lake. It was the perfect time to come home. 
Your metallic pink suitcase came slowly around the carousel, the airport being small there were only four carousels for luggage making it easy to find yours. You pulled it off and walked outside. The cold peircing your skin. This was one fact you had never missed about your hometown. It was freezing. The snow covered the ground like a thin white blanket, the morning sun barely making it glisten. The airport traffic was slow, making it easy to find a taxi. You watched the familiar town pass before you as you watched out of the window. Your old high school empty, except for Mr. Stylinski’s car, your old theater teacher. He was always there late and it seemed nothing had changed. 
As the car pulled into your old neighborhood,  you noticed that the neighbors Christmas lights were even more extravagant than you remembered. The taxi pulled next to your driveway and you stared in awe at the Gastovs sparkly lights in their trees,  fake Icecicles around their house that shown lights,  and even the inflatable Christmas land that includes a Santa,  elves,  frosty,  and a snow globe you could stand in with fake snow trickling around you by air. The snow on the ground only an accent. You stepped out into the brisk air and pulled your suitcase,  carry on,  and purse along with you.  Your parents had their usual fairy lights on the trees and plastic reindeer out front. Classics.  Your moms car was in the driveway,  meaning your dads truck was in the garage. Everything was exactly the same. You took a deep breath,  walked to your espresso colored childhood home door,  and knocked three times. You heard chattering around and a jingle of the door knob before the warm air welcomed you. Your mothers face lit up. She was taller than you, as you are a rather short individual, so when she excitedly wraps her arms around you without a word, you felt as though you were tackled. “Hey mom,” You laughed, dropping your luggage and hugging her back. You had a stream of tears rolling off of your face out of nowhere. You had not expected to be this excited to see your mom, however, all of the feelings rushed out at once. 
“(Y/N/N)... what...how… why…?” Your mom asked all of the obvious questions while in shock. You laughed and pulled away from her hug, “Let’s go inside and talk about it. I’m freezing.” She nodded, rubbing both of your arms with her palms like firewood. You walked into the familiar living room instantly feeling like you were 17 again. The suede couch against the wall,  tv against the windows by the front door. You placed your luggage down by the entrance to the hallway. The air felt like you stepped into a fire pit,  which was nice.  "Where is dad?" You asked,  walking into the kitchen. It was remodeled like you had planned. Your mom FaceTime you everyday after you had sent the money for the contractors. You two spent three months of face timing every minute you had to plan this kitchen. The marble tiles, the rose gold finishing on the white cabinets.The double ovens next to the fridge. 
Your mom walked over to the cabinet and pulled out a coffee tin. "He went to work. You know your father. He can't ever relax. Coffee is empty. How about we head downtown? Catch up over some coffee?" She smiled,  tossing the can into the trash. "Dads truck is in the garage?" You asked walking over to the door that lead to the garage.  She shrugged shaking her head, "the garage door broke yesterday so he took a cab to work. I told him to take my car but he left it in case of an emergency." She explained,  grabbing her keys. She took her purse from the table and walked back into the living room,  slipping on her boots. They were like men's work shoes but had fluffr on the top edges. She was wearing jeans and a heavy coat now. She looked at you as she opened the door,  "we need to go shopping,  it seems. Looks like you've forgotten your coat." She walked right out of the door,  you following close. She left the door unlocked. For a moment you forgot about safety,  but in this town,  neighbors watch out for each other. It was nothing like LA.  
On the car ride you explained all of the funny stories working on the baking competition show,  along with crazy LA stories in general. Your mom had missed you,  you just hadn't known how much. You made a mental note to come back more. 
Downtown,  your mom pulled into a meter-less parking spot, one thing you missed most. You got out into the brisk air and followed your mom down the brick road sidewalk. "Let's get coffee first so you can hold something warm while we shop," She opened the glass door to a shop you hadn't recognized.  The warm air and espresso smells swirled around your being. Enlightening you. "Is this place… new?" You asked,  looking around the brick walked,  wooden table,  couch filled room. Your town hadn't had any thing new in years. If it did,  it was usually a new business from someone already from town. The line was short and students were spread across couches and tables,  on their phones or laptops. It was definitely the hot spot in town for college ages to be out this early. The town had a k-12 school that also doubled as a community college. This meant most of the people who were born here,  never leave.  You were rare. 
"Well,  it has been here for about five yeaes, " She smiled.  You look at the menu,  it was quite modern. It fit the LA style you were used to. The building was fashionable to a classic coffee shop as well.  Kind of like central perk on F•R•I•E•N•D•S.  You scrunched your brows,  "the McCall girl?  She finally opened one? " You stared at the menu board in aw. The baristas was no where in sight,  explaining the line not moving. Your mom shook her head,  "No,  Scarlet teaches art for the middle school now. You wouldn't know the owner. He moved to town just for the location to open this shop.  Smart business move." You nodded.  Indeed. The first new business from an outsider in centuries. Also a coffee shop which was better than the McDonalds 20 minutes out of town. 
The line began moving and you were next.  As you saw the man behind the counter,  in a red flannel,  sleeves rolled up,  hair a little long but tucked neatly behind his ears.  His Kaliedescope eyes and kind facial features smiling down at your mom. He was making your stomach dance just by looking at him. This had to be the new outsider. "Mrs. (Y/l/n),  good morning. Your usual? Winter special?" His deep voice made your mom smile,  she nodded. His eyes darted to you.  He stood tall over even your mother. This meant he towered over you. Even behind the counter,  leaning with both palms ontop,  arms extended. "I haven't seen you before? New to town?  Mrs.  (Y/L/N),  is the perfect your guide I can say from personal experience," He spoke happily.  You smiled shaking your head but your mother chimed in,  "this is actually my daughter,  (y/n)." She interlocked her arm with yours,  wizard of Oz style. You waved, "nice to meet you…" You left a space for him to fill in his name. 
"Sam.  Sam Winchester. Wow!  Your mom here raves about you. Says you haven't been home in six years? You must like California?" There was no one in line behind you yet, so he was able to have this conversation. “It’s not too bad. I’ve wanted to come home, just never had the time,” Why were you explaining yourself to a handsome stranger? You had no idea. “Well, let me guess, sugar-free salted carmel cuppaccino… bone dry?” how the hell did he know that? You nod once, eyebrows raised and eyes widened. “You’re good,” You giggled, handing over your card. Your mom tried fighting you off but you hadn’t allowed that. He shook his head, ringing your order up and tearing off the reciept, “It’s on the house. Welcome back.” He then turned and began making the coffee. Your mom pulled you to an empty red couch against a wall with a coffee table in front. You both sat waiting. “He’s handsome isn’t he?” Your mom finally broke the silence. You burst into laughter as your mom waggled her brows at you. This was embarrassing. “He’s okay,” You lied through your teeth. Along with the looks, he was kind and charming. A perfect trio. A few minutes later, Sam had brought your drinks over, setting them on the table. “Mind if I sit? It’s a slow morning,” Sam asked, sitting in the chair across from the couch. You shook your head. Your mom looked at her phone, swiftly picked up her coffee and stood up. “Come to think of it, I have a nail appointment I made last week, I was going to cancel when you arrived, however, honey these nails need to be done, " She spoke, leaving the shop before you could protest.  You were left,  awkwardly drinking your coffee in front of this Man,  when you came to be with your family. "Your mom is really nice. she showed me around the first week, " Sam spoke,  eyeing you intensely. "She talked about you always, yet she never showed me a picture of you. Kind of a shame. You're gorgeous, " He spoke nonchalantly. 
Your cheeks turned red, you knew this because of the heat you felt radiating off of them. You were blushing. This was highly unlike you. "Um… thanks… you're um… not bad yourself," You flirt. Wait…flirting? What has gotten into you?  You are asking yourself so many questions but all of the answers were clear. He was hot. He was kind too. He leaned over the table. "Maybe I could show you around too?privately?" He asked.  You shook your head,  "I'm from here. Remember?  Also,  I am back for two weeks for my family." You laughed,  sipping your coffee. He watched you intently before quickly shuffling to his feet. He walked to the back and returned moments later. He carried a heavy tan jacket.  "Take my jacket until you find a heavy one for yourself. Or just return it after your trip.  An LA gurl must be broke with the high living expenses and al?" He placed his jacket around your shoulders and sat beside you on the couch. Wow!  What a gentlemen?  "I am not broke. I help direct and edit a baking competition show," You flick a grow at him, sipping your coffee. He leaned back nodding his head,  seemingly impressed. “So you must know a thing or two about baking?” He questioned. You shrug. You had learned a lot more while on the job, however baking was a hobby of yours. “Well, yes. However, I am better at directing and editing. Need a commercial?” You were joking, obviously, however he did not see it that way. He nods, placing his elbows on his knees, intently looking at you, “Lets do it.” 
As simple as that phrase may have been, you spent the next week setting up a commercial for him. You began spending more time with Sam, than your own family, which you didn’t mind. You two had connected in ways you never imagined you would with anyone. 
On film day, you arrived dressed warmly, wearing Sam’s jacket as you had this whole trip. If you hadn’t needed to buy a jacket you wouldn’t. You were smart with your money. The local film students at the community college have been working with you all week on this project. This was a perfect opportunity to build their portfolio and they worked for free, which Sam liked. 
“Scene!” You shout after the final shot was edited. You were pretty fast with editing, especially on commercials because they were short in length. The college students had left to finish their versions to put in their portfolios as their own, while you did the official editing. Sam walked swiftly over to you, your coffee in his hand. He sat back on the couch as you hit play. “This… this is amazing! You’re so talented!” Just then, his soft lips crashed into yours. It felt sudden. You only knew him for a week. Yes, your souls connected, maybe that is why you hadn’t pulled away. His lips were soft, warm, and had a slight hint of coffee. When he pulled away your heart sank suddenly. Had you wanted it to continue? “Sorry…” He stuttered. He looked worried, “I respect you. I promise. I just… i think you’re amazing.” Your cheeks turn bright pink as you looked at him. You press your fingers gently on your lips and giggle softly, “Since when do you drink Salted Carmel Cuppuccino’s?” He chuckled, relaxing once more. “It’s fine. I think you’re pretty amazing too,” You state, placing your hand on his knee. He lets out a deep breath, before leaning closer to you. His voice was shaky but rasp, “Stay? Your mom misses you. You could always run a show here? The city is only an hour away you could find a job there?” This was too fast for you. This wasn’t some lifetime christmas movie. “Listen… I just met you a week ago. Thats too big of a decision,” You state, feeling your heart pounding through your chest. “I get that… you feel it too though. This...this connection between us. How else am I supposed to see you? I want... this. I want you,” he has his hand on your cheek now. His palms were always warm from the coffee cups. “Facetime. Planes. For right now… that’s all this can be. A long-distance… getting to know you,” You state before getting up from your seat. You no longer could sit here and leave him hanging like this. 
You kept your word, however. When you returned to LA after your eventful trip home, you kept in touch. Talking everyday.
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derek-teen-wolf · 7 years
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argentisms · 4 months
STARTER FOR -- @stylinskies | stiles & allison WHEN + WHERE -- early morning of feb 23rd, scott & stiles' apartment
She should have expected this. After all, it's not like she'd never been there before -- Allison knew Scott and Stiles' home as well as her own, along with their schedules. She'd lost count of the amount of times she'd wandered out of Scott's room in the middle of the night to use the bathroom or get a glass of water, just to run into Stiles either doing the same or in the middle of a new hyper fixation. In the past, she didn't mind -- A hallmark of their friendship had become conversations at 2 am while drinking tap water, typically a good source of entertainment from Stiles considering most theories were a bit more unhinged after midnight.
Allison wished that this was one of those moments, that this was a typical run in before she crawled back into bed with a snoring Scott -- That she was meant to be there, that her and Scott hadn't broken up and she didn't run away from her life for six months. She shouldn't have been in their apartment in the first place, that much she knows. At the very least, she should have had the forethought to get dressed and leave, instead of letting herself fall asleep curled up next to Scott. It was easy to get caught up in the nostalgia, the longing, the mess of feelings that still held her heart hostage. All of this leads to her half awake, wandering to the kitchen for a glass of water, only to nearly throw the mug across the room when she turned to find Stiles only a few feet from her. Thankfully she doesn't scream, but practically jumps out of her skin with a loud gasp. So much for being a trained hunter.
"Holy shit, Stiles." She whisper yells at him, as if she has any ground to stand on. Her free hand presses against her chest and now thumping heart, realizing she'd essentially thrown her water at him. "Fuck, I'm sorry," Allison moves to grab the paper towels, grateful to the darkness of the kitchen that conceals the color that plagues her cheeks. She'd spent most of her time in France training, priding herself on her ability, just to have the shit scared out of her by Stiles simply walking into a room. "I'm --" She's sure he can piece together why she's there without Allison explaining. "I didn't know you were awake."
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executethyself35 · 5 months
Oc Intro Page
Bianca Maria “B” Hernandez: Born June 30th, 1918, Havana, Cuba, 5’6, she’s insane and willing to fight anyone with no issue, she and her mother immigrated to Washington Heights, New York, in 1923 when she was 5, joined the airborne as a sense of duty and a way to get away from her mother and out of spite towards her mother, rank is Staff Sergeant
Zipporah Josephine “Zippo” Fieldman: Born November 23rd, 1914, Saratov, Russia, 5’7, she will brawl anyone and then go to Shabbos right after, she and her family immigrated to San Francisco, California, in 1916 when she was 2, joined the airborne because she’s always been the oldest sibling and is the only sibling that could go to war, she felt like she had to go as a sense of duty towards her family, rank is Technician 5th Grade (sniper)
Olive-Marie “Ollie” LeBeau: Born April 16th, 1921, New Orleans, Louisiana, 5’4, is usually very calm and collective, can act a little chaotic at times but most of the time is very chill, unless you get her around B and Zippo then she’ll join them in their bs, she will fight a person if need be or drunk enough, technically engaged but she hates her fiance with a passion and was forced to become engaged to him just so her family would let her go into the military, joined the airborne because she wanted to help people and do something with her life, rank is Technician 3rd Grade (nurse/medic)
Marselle Anita Rosaliano: Born April 16th, 1922, Alpine, New Jersey, 5’6, very bubbly and energetic, like a puppy, oblivious to certain things like flirting, and takes a minute to understand dirty jokes, will fight only if necessary or drunk, will be very blunt and tell you off if you really piss her off, she has connections to the mob since her dad runs one, but we don’t talk about that, joined the airborne because she wanted to help people, rank is Private First Class (nurse/medic)
Elizabeth Annabelle “Eliza” Thomlin: Born October 30th, 1923, Asheville, North Carolina, absolutely batshit insane, would probably kill a man with no issues, has severe mommy and daddy issues, hates religion with a burning passion, isn’t afraid of anyone, including Speirs, joined the airborne because she just needed to get away from her normal life and just do something with it, she saw that escape in the airborne, she’s willing to take the risk of death, rank is Corporal (nurse/medic)
Torrance Georgia “Torrie” Stylinski: Born March 27th, 1921, London, England, is a comedian on George’s level, will fight if drunk for shits and giggles, lived in England till she was 10, then moved to Ireland with her mother after her parents divorced, lived there till she was 15 and then basically her whole family on her moms side moved to America after her grandpa died, she’s a mixed albino woman, who currently lives in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, joined the airborne because she wanted to fight, and to get away from her mother, rank is 2nd Lieutenant
Mary Elise McCullen: Born November 15th, 1921, Castle Rock, Washington, has so many issues, like girl is so depressed but she’s vibing and laughing her ass off with Malarkey, Skip and Penk, will fight someone sober for funsies, her dad passed in a motorcycle accident when she was 12, so when she heard about Don and More’s run in with the truck she was PISSED, doesn’t have a great relationship with her mom, but she deals with it, joined the airborne because she wanted to, she saw her chance and took it, rank is Sergeant (mortar squad)
Allison Katherine “Allie” Harten: Born February 12th, 1917, Mountain View, Arkansas, is basically the mother of this group of idiots, is completely and absolutely done with everyone’s bs, both men and women, will call someone out and berate them in front of anyone without care, she doesn’t fight unless absolutely necessary, and doesn’t as drunk as everyone else, somebody's gotta be responsible here, joined the military when she was 18 in 1935, and once they introduced the airborne she joined that immediately, same reason as Lip she wanted to be the best so you gotta be with the best, she joined the military because her father and grandfather were both army men, and she has no brothers, so she decided to do join, it was also to piss her mom off, rank is 1st Lieutenant (intelligence officer)
Julia Ariana Josefina Vasquez-Rodriguez: Born, July 22nd, 1923, The Bronx, New York, the mini B, is treated like everyone’s younger sister, simply because she knew Joe Toye before the war, will fight someone if pissed off, not very hard to do, or drunk, will fight dirty (@blueberry-ovaries, i think you’re gonna love her), the youngest of her full-blooded siblings, moved to Philadelphia when she was 17 because she wanted to and for work, became friends with Joe Toye caused they lived in the same apartment building (yes this is setting up for a fic in the future, hush), joined the airborne because she wanted to, she was in training with the other replacements such as, Heffron, Hashey and Garcia, so she came in right before Market Garden, rank is Private First Class
(Also these girls got some ships to go with them, so i wanna see if y'all, my BoB moots, can guess which guys they go with, a few of them are kinda obvious but still wanna see what y'all think)
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mccallsmemaybe · 2 months
WHO ― @stylinskies
WHEN & WHERE ― weekend of the service project, in the bus on the way
For the first time that Scott can remember, he was having a hard time being optimistic. Hope seemed so out of reach. ❝ I can’t believe Derek is dead, ❞ he mumbled which was instantly followed by a groan when the bus went over a bump. A painful reminder of the fight with the alpha pack, how wrong it all went, and the fact that the wound on his stomach still hadn’t healed. The night before had seemed like a bad dream. Going to meet Deucalion alone, only for it to end up being an ambush on both sides— another battle in the war with the alpha pack. All Scott wanted to do was find some peaceful resolution, find a way to get rid of the threat without anyone else get hurt. Now he wasn’t sure if they could. There was no way to keep his hands clean nor protect those he loved and cared about ( and the list kept growing everyday it seemed like ). All this was part of the reason he insisted, despite being tired and hurt, that they still needed to go do the service work with the university. Selfishly, he needed to feel like he could make some good in the world still.
❝ Sorry, ❞ he winced as he pushed himself up in the seat to face Stiles more. ❝ Give me another term, ❞ he was lucky to have Stiles coming up with distractions that kept his brain from slipping too deep into the darkness of everything happening. Plus, if they somehow did get through all of this alive, he needed to pass the biochemistry final test in a couple months if he wanted to stay in the veterinary program. Then again, every time he looked up at his best friend, it was hard not to think about his safety and if he shouldn’t stay away from him as well. Scott wasn’t sure if he could survive without Stiles by his side. Wasn’t he the reason Scott got that far in life to begin with? Helped push him towards his dreams and reminded him of his values, the kind of person he was and wanted to be. ❝ Are they still following us? ❞ Scott motioned to the back window. He was hoping Stiles had convinced Lydia and Allison to turn around and go somewhere safer. Far away from him.
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dermontag · 2 years
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Männer kämpfen in der Heimat Polen fehlen ukrainische Bauarbeiter 26.03.2022, 08:04 Uhr Männer verlassen ihre Jobs in Polen und gehen zum Kämpfen in die Ukraine - das stellt viele Unternehmen vor große Probleme. Auch ohne die jüngsten Folgen des russischen Angriffskriegs war der Fachkräftemangel bereits hoch. Momentan wagt niemand einen Blick in die Zukunft. Vor dem Krieg hat Szymon Janiewski zehn Ukrainer in seiner kleinen Baufirma in Polen beschäftigt. Nun ist niemand mehr da. Im Januar fuhren sie in ihr Heimatland, um ihre Familien zu sehen, einen Monat später brach der Krieg aus und sie kamen nicht mehr zurück - denn Männer werden zur Verteidigung des Landes gebraucht. So wie dem 40-Jährigen geht es derzeit etlichen polnischen Unternehmern. "Ich habe keinen einzigen ukrainischen Angestellten mehr", klagt Janiewski. "Sie waren das Rückgrat meines Unternehmens." Nach offiziellen Angaben hatten vor Kriegsbeginn 300.000 Ukrainer und Ukrainerinnen eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis im Nachbarland; die Zahl der tatsächlich Anwesenden könnte bei bis zu 1,5 Millionen Menschen gelegen haben. Viele ukrainische Männer hätten nun "ihren Arbeitsplatz in Polen verlassen, um ihr Heimatland zu verteidigen", sagt auch die polnische Ministerin für Familien und Soziales, Marlena Malag. Einige Branchen riskierten einen dauerhaften Verlust von Arbeitskräften, berichtet sie. Am schwersten betroffen ist die Baubranche. Vor dem Krieg arbeiteten auf polnischen Baustellen und in Firmen der Branche nach Angaben des Branchenverbands PZPB 480.000 ausländische Beschäftigte - vier von fünf kamen aus der Ukraine. Ein Viertel der in Polen lebenden Ukrainer hat jedoch seit Kriegsbeginn das Land verlassen, schätzt der PZPB. "Jeder in der Branche hat dasselbe Problem: ukrainische Arbeiter", so Unternehmer Janiewski. Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen stark betroffen Auch ohne die jüngsten Folgen des russischen Angriffskriegs war der Fachkräftemangel bereits hoch. Schon 2019 gab es im Bausektor einen Bedarf von 150.000 Arbeitern, heute sind es 250.000, wie Jan Stylinski vom PZPB sagt. Besonders hart trifft es kleine und mittlere Unternehmen im Osten von Polen an der Grenze zur Ukraine. Firmenchef Janiewski versucht, Kontakt mit seinen ukrainischen Angestellten zu halten, er hängt an ihnen und will sie in diesen schweren Zeiten unterstützen. Sie können die Ukraine nicht verlassen, denn 18- bis 60-Jährige sollen zum Kämpfen bleiben. "Das war ein Team, mit dem ich seit vier Jahren zusammenarbeite", sagt Janiewski. "Ich habe sie geschult, wir haben uns gut verstanden." Im Moment bietet er zehn Familienmitgliedern seiner Beschäftigten Zuflucht, sie sind nun Kriegsflüchtlinge in Polen, es sind Kinder und auch Witwen. "Die Kinder sind schon in der Schule angemeldet", erzählt Janiewski. Wie so viele seiner Landsleute hat er nicht gezögert zu helfen. Mehr als 2,2 Millionen Menschen aus der Ukraine hat Polen mittlerweile aufgenommen. Es kommen vor allem Frauen, Kinder und alte Menschen. Die fehlenden Arbeitskräfte sind nicht das einzige Problem für Polens Baufirmen. Durch den Krieg im Nachbarland seien die Preise für Asphalt, Treibstoff und Beton "dramatisch gestiegen", sagt Barbara Dzieciuchowicz von der Straßenbaubehörde. Viele weitere wichtige Produkte seien knapp - wegen gestörter Lieferketten oder Sanktionen. "Aus Belarus oder Russland kommt nichts mehr", sagt sie. Zwar ist der Straßenbau in Polen nicht in Gefahr. Jedoch sei die Lage "extrem, sehr dynamisch" und es sei nicht von einer baldigen Stabilisierung auszugehen, sagt Dzieciuchowicz. Ende Februar stiegen die Preis für Baumaterialien im Schnitt um 27 Prozent verglichen mit dem Vorjahresmonat, die Kosten für Dämmungsarbeiten sogar um 72 Prozent. Die Inflation in Polen liegt ohnehin schon bei hohen 8,5 Prozent und die Arbeitskosten steigen. Unternehmer Janiewski möchte zurzeit lieber nicht allzu weit in die Zukunft schauen. "Alles ist sehr schwer vorherzusagen", sagt er. "Ich konzentriere mich auf die Gegenwart, auf den Moment."
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reybunss · 7 years
I hope Boost Juice sets up Mieczyslaw in their name game for the free Boost tomorrow.
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mindobsessionsss · 4 years
Happy friday!
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