#su stevenel
spinevenlove · 4 months
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Hiii uwu
Nuevo diseño Human Spinel!!!!!
Spinel's new design, I wanted to make a new design, both her clothes and her hair have changed! Also the drawing style, I wanted to like it with everyone!
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tachiha3 · 11 months
Zuko and Spinel : different fandoms, same problems
This is something that has been bothering me for a while now so I decided to write this down to get it off my chest. If you disagree with this or think this is absurd, please take it with a grain of salt.
Onto the essay
Steven Universe and Avatar : The Last Airbender are two of the shows I completely adore and we know that both have fandoms with quite a.... reputation.
But something that distinctly bugged me about these fandoms is their treatment of Spinel and Zuko. Or how their stans treat them. (I am NOT talking about all stans.)
I've noticed the way these two characters are practically worshipped by their stans and their fan following get a bit... toxic at sonetimes. So here are some of the things I found similar between them.
• Treating them as if they are the only ones who suffered adversities
No doubt, both are very tragic characters which have suffered a lot, with spinel being abandoned for 6,000 years and Zuko being burned, banished and humiliated by his own father. But I've seen fans make it seem like it's the worse thing that anyone has ever endured and all the other characters' trauma is insignificant. We should recognize that every character has suffered a lot and that's what made them who they are and the story so beautiful.
• Stating anyone who ever caused ANY discomfort to these characters is completely wrong
Saying that Pink Diamond was sone completely irredeemable and evil monster for leaving Spinel in the garden and Katara was being a b*tch because she was rude to Zuko during their stay in the western air temple. This is more extreme on the SU side while people hating on Katara for this are still a miniority. Pink Diamond and Katara are both pretty complex characters and neither of them were completely wrong in their respective scenarios (Pink being partially wrong and Katara being not wrong at all).
• Hating on their 'ship rivals'
Ah, yes the controversial point. This case is more extreme in the ATLA fandom. A lot of people hate on Connie in SU and while not all the haters are stevenel shippers, I've seen a lot who are. Same is the case for Aang in ATLA. Which is very sad since they are both very sweet characters who care for their partners very much.
• Infantilizing the characters
This has got to be the most infuriating thing I have witnessed from the stans. There is nothing wrong with coddling characters and claiming them as your 'baby' but it gets really irritating when people claim that these characters absolutely, never in their liftime did anything wrong and that, honestly is insulting to the characters as well, you are taking away attributes that makes them them.
Well, this is about everything. Spinel and Zuko are both such great and lovely characters but their stans make me hate them so much which is sad 'cause I love them so much.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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gronjon44 · 4 years
And since it's over, I'd like to give my final thoughts on most of the series, even Jasper now that I've seen how they ended her "arc".
I'm gonna list this in order of main characters, so this is concise.
I'm gonna get this out of the way now. Jasper was treated like actual shit and even I can see it. She got some redemption at the end I liked how they turned her into this trainer to help Steven deal with his anger. BUT I was hoping it would evolve and help Steven get through to her and make her open up. But instead she was shattered, turned into a Diamonds herald again, and then dismisses right at the end. I will respect Rebrccas decisions, but Jasper deserved much more then to be an emotional pin cushion for her poke into and never fix.
Garnet went though significant changes. She was very guarded in the begining, showing trust only between the gems really. But when she was split by Jasper she was forced to open up when Steven realized who she was. This opened the door to have her be more vulnerable, and strengthen her bond with Steven. And this went on throughout the series and I like how she was the first to initiate the hug that fixed Steven-Zilla (that's what I call him)
I'm gonna lump these two together cause they kinda parallel each other, and you could fit Garnet with them you wanted to. Both Pearl and Amethyst were still caught up in the idea of Rose, and Amethyst never really knew Rose before so she always associated Rose as she was when she was born, Crystal Gem and a friend. She was also extremely immature, and I think that fed into Steven's immaturity, so she had to progressively get more adult and accept things were changing.
And Pearl was honestly a parallel of that, while also being an opposite. She did not relax, she was strict, she was secretive, and she had known Rose longest, as well as when she was still Pink. So she was caught up the most in the Gem Wars History. She had to open up the most and to learn to "live and let die" essentially. Or at least that's how I see it.
Peridot went through some of the most drastic changes. She was basically Spock from Star Trek, all logic and science, but more evil sociopath. But when Jasper was defeated, Peridot was left to her own devices and became a sort of Skeletor, plotting what she could do to defeat Steven and please Yellow. And it took her losing the status she wss given to figure out herself and be her own person (in her case litterally when her arms and legs were destroyed) She was able to separate herself from homeworld, and it took a long while for her to really become her own person.
Bismuth wss someone I originally didnt care for at first glance. I understood her importance and wss ok with it. But when she first showed up I was fine with it. But when she was revealed to basically be a radical gem and Rose had to bubble her, I was hooked. And while her acceptance of Steven not only being Rose but also being Pink just seemed to quickly solved for me, I'll let it be.
Lapis is an anti hero who should not have just been accepted as fast as she was. I used to love Lapis and Lapidot, still kinda do.l, but looking at it now and what they did to Jasper as part of that, I cant ignore it. Yeah she grew as a person but it wasnt done properly. She almost killed Steven 3 times, broke Jasper emotionally with being a fusion for so long, and she never actually owned up to her faults I think. And her sudden reintroduction in the final battle of Homeworld and how she just, magically decided to be a better person felt forced. Just my own thoughts.
Yellow remind me of the Dictator from the actual film Dictator , wanting to be better but treating it as face value. She is doing good but at litteral face value with changing a gems physical form. Blue to me is the same way, only trying to fix their in the moment emotional state. Honestly I think White was doing the most she could to help fix everything, since she was most at fault. She was letting herself become vulnerable to other gems to help them go through their problems and see themselves as they are, hopefully becoming better people. White in such a short time was doing more to help other gems then Yellow or blue.
Spinel got done dirty frankly. I love her inclusion in the end and I love her character, flaws and all, but they felt abandoned in the end. I'm assuming that Steven Universe Future takes place some months after the events of the film. MONTHS. The type of trauma and abandonment issues Spinel dealt with dont go away in sheer months, especially when it comes to 600 years worth of abandonment. And when she was with the diamonds she just seemed fine, devoid of any issues. She was hesitant to go with the Diamonds hell she openly denied Steven's immediate friendship offer and said "I need time to figure this out, and I cant do it here." I can't just accept that Spinel got through that as fast as she did, not without some underlying issues left over from her past. You cant change my mind on that sorry.
Omg Greg my boi, I wanna give him a hug and hot chocolate. The idea he had a ruff childhood and felt he needed to leave how he did, and how his parents never actually responded to his letters, its heartbreaking and it shows why he raised Steven how he did. He had too many lmits and he wanted Steven to have none of those limits. And him being half Gem complicated it, making Greg unsure about hospitals, about traditional schools, it's why he just let the Gems take over as his "mother(s)" because he knew they could help. Of course that caused issues that cant be ignored. But it just shows you why he is the way he is. And it hurts it really does.
Everyone else-
No real comment on anyone else, Lars and Ssdie are both league's ahead of who they started as. The Off Colors are still a delight I wouldve loved more inclusion of them though, Onion and his family eh never cared much for them accept the mom cause she was awesome, no real thoughts.
Connie is, a whole new person from who she once was. I think she, without Steven, wouldve become what Greg could've been. But Steven helped her, out of everyone, become something even better then who she was. And it even helped her parents become more open to both Steven as a person, and Connie as a growing person. I have no beef with her character development, she was done amazingly well.
And finally,
Steven -
Steven is... how should I put this, a mixed bag for me. While he most certainly grew as a person, mastered his powers and most of his responsibilities, I cannot say I like how he was treated this final season. Yes Steven Universe: Future was focused him moving on from the past, inevitable change, and learning things he never knew about before. Things felt too fast for him in that season, even if time was passing longer for him, it felt too short. His downfall from grace felt to sudden, his progression to becoming a sort of "Surogate Pink" was too jarring (still fun to watch I love the idea of it)
His training with Jasper even, yeah they played it out like he changed so fast, but THREE DAYS? In one episode? No I wouldve preferred he spend a month or so with Jasper, they show they're relationship, Jasper gets actual time to develop and become a character that we wanted her to become. Hell you could've still shattered her, and it wouldve made her becoming a diamonds herald again more heart breaking, and they could've spent time on helping her get over that mindset.
All in all, Steven's character development was fun, but left much to be desired.
All in all, while the series as a whole was enjoyable, it was by no means perfect. It had many ups, plenty of downs, and I think it's a good example what to do and what not to do when writing an growing narrative. Rebecca Sugar rushed Steven Universe: Future too fast, she left many ends open ended and unanswered, and I give the final season a 6 out of 10.
This is all personal preference so hey let me know if you disagree.
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alexicoganstar · 3 years
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dyachuk17 · 4 years
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New series be like…
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mypinkm00n · 4 years
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Beach date!
I like cute soft little kisses >.< ♡♡♡
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sad-pink-noodle · 4 years
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Aaa I forgot to post this here. XD
I had this idea since Snow day came out. 💕
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all-hail-stevinel · 4 years
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spinel ref for my Double Trouble AU finally done lol!!! some cute family sketches to come, then some more rando stuff im sure you guys are gonna love!
throughout the DT series Spinel’s form will change as she becomes pregnant and poofs twice during the births!
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starscheme · 5 years
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I’m not even sorry.
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kitweilon · 5 years
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jeese what a babes
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spinevenlove · 4 years
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Another redrawing
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alexicoganstar · 4 years
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dyachuk17 · 4 years
my first animatic for my favorite couple from steven universe.
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mypinkm00n · 4 years
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Video chat ♡
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sad-pink-noodle · 4 years
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Aaa sorry for the absence, school has been demanding. X’D
Anyways, here’s something I made for an AU a friend and I are making! 💕
Also, I’m not ready for SU to end... ;;
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all-hail-stevinel · 4 years
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here she is!!! My main girl Petal!!!! Her head is empty of thoughts and full of mischief!!
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