#subconsciously or not. i want nice connections w people and i wanna make friends and have nice things!! but!!
sapsolais · 1 year
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puppy-the-mask · 1 year
Some Lmk Cas and Connie things;
-In the initial storyline Cas is from a border town close to demon territory, as close as human civilization dares to live. The town has lots of guards because of this. She learns swordsmanship through her brothers, who her father teaches so they may follow in his footsteps. She acts as a sparring partner enough times to get some harmless practice in and would later develop her skills in private.
-Cas' real passion is music, becoming a performer and traveling to a bigger town for work. It's the road between these towns that she utilizes her sword skills with any bandits she encounters
-Any timelines where they meet in the modern day have Cas as a normal person who plays with local bands for extra cash and would now have to learn self defense to keep up with all the weird demonic stuff going on in their life
-After fusing with the consumption Cas suffers from frequent nightmares, which spread the consumption subconsciously as a way to protect herself from the 'danger' in her dreams. Only people that she no longer sees as a threat/trusts with her life are immune to the goop and able to safely touch it. This is rare as he must instinctively trust them/ want to protect them enough that even panicked and asleep the ooze doesn't touch them or consider them a threat
-Until they come to terms with their situation and new companion Cas is highly unstable, the slightest anger or panic causes the consumption to manifest. It isn't until they finally talk with Connie that she starts learning how to control it
-While sealed away Cas covered the cave walls in songs they wrote while they were trapped as a way to pass the time
-Connie is AroAce, quite literally only interested in food. They've never had a friend before but if someone managed to become close with them they wouldn't believe they were really cared about or that the person truly understands What they are.
-If they Do then Connie will not really know what to do about it, they're caught off guard and don't like it. Hold their hand and walk them through relationships, they don't understand. But they're quietly harassing Cas into teaching them about friendship and how to care about people.
-Connie's love language is Gifts(Aka Free Food), Words of Affirmation, and Quality Time. They love receiving food and actually going out of your way to spend time with them (despite having to stick close to Cas) makes them feel appreciated. It's not often people hang around for Them rather than Cas since they don't come out much. They also never realized how nice it feels to be complimented and told they're loved.
-Connie is really protective of their friends, they don't have many so they Really don't wanna lose them.
-A relationship with them starts out with them more confused and incredulous than anything- 'Wait you're wanting to talk to me? Why??? uhm Okay?????? whatever dude go ahead I guess' But they'd catch an interest and start growing fond of the person over time
-Cas and Connie have made a name for themselves as online food critics, leaving really comprehensive reviews on all the places they've eaten at together. They also really love going to places that have those massive food challenges, they have yet to lose a single one
-Connie has a shrine in their room of all the knickknacks, pictures, and shirts they've won from every challenge. They also have before and after pictures of each meal.
-They have been kicked out of multiple establishments for eating too much, every all-you-can-eat buffet in their area has their picture up on the wall with 'BANNED' over them like a food service wanted poster
-Cas' Gems are some of the most sensitive parts of their body. The biggest gems being the most sensitive, only to touch though. She can't feel temperature through them but touch is amplified because they connect directly to his nervous system
-He doesn't wear scratchy or hard fabrics because of this, only soft or flowy fabrics over his arms or anywhere the gems would touch
-They don't let anyone touch the gems unless they trust them with their life since their life would literally be in the person's hands- the shards being a secondary life source to them
-They don't let people grab their arms when they don't have long sleeves on and don't even let anyone know about their biggest shards out of paranoia that anyone could betray them and use the knowledge of their weakest points against them. Those being the back of their neck (even small fractures cause paralysis due to location) and their Tongue (biggest shard- essentially their insta-kill button)
-The general pain scale goes as follows;
Touching- just a weird sensation, can overstimulate them if there's too much going on around beside the touching. Mainly paranoia that makes it unpleasant
Tapping- light pinch/the kind of sensation that makes you want to grit your teeth but isn't exactly Painful
Tapping with Nails/Claws/something hard- Harder pinch, instantly gritting teeth, is actually a bit painful and causes a slight ringing sensation. More pressure = more pain, could be ranked above Scratching if the person does it too hard or holds their nail down/prolongs it
Flicking- like when you pinch your hand in a door or something closes on you, a sharp pain that kind of leaves a ringing sensation pulsing through their body
Scratching- Sharp pain, feels the same as normal scratches just much worse
Blunt force- Painful, could crack the gem (even more painful) which would cause everything below it to go numb/limp
Pulling- Excruciating, Trying to pull the gem out would literally be them trying to pull out a part of their body. Like trying to pull teeth or nails- there are nerves attached that would be yanked with them.
-While they've definitely had partners over the years they've all been doomed from the start because Cas can't commit to mortals that'll die or leave her. But they leave because he doesn't commit to trusting them enough to let them touch the gems... Homie can't even make out with their S/Os without freaking out and backing down at the last minute. Or they leave because of the whole 'Sharing a body with a Demon' thing. It's a vicious cycle, a self fulfilling prophecy.
-On the last point I had a scenario/story/fake episode idea where Cas breaks up with their girlfriend -who she had been having boundary issues with- but had really wanted things to work out and tried making herself trust her. But then she pressed the tongue gem with her nail despite knowing that's the Worst One and It Hurt. So after pushing her off Cas breaks things off with her and kicks her out of her apartment. But the ex was toxic and started showing up to all their usual hangout spots and even their workplace all to make them out to be the bad guy. The plot of the episode is basically the gang get to know the ex- not knowing about the breakup or her connection to Cas- and it drives Cas to isolate from the mk crew. This leads to her spending time with the one person the ex literally Physically can not reach- Monkey King. So the two end up hunkering down in his shame temple and watching crap tv with a bunch of ben n jerry's and talking about all their shitty past relationships. Alcohol is Of Course involved on Cas’ end and they make horrible unholy ice cream booze creations- such as an alcoholic coke/rootbeer float for themself. Wukong hoards the ice cream after that lest they commit more food crimes with it. I just think it'd be funny to have them gossiping and lounging around the shame temple eating a shit ton of junk that shouldn't be humanly possible. The start of a beautiful friendship, finally an immortal that doesn't have beef with him! XD Of course at the end of the episode she'd learn she can trust her friends and talk to them about her problems instead of keeping them to herself and the toxic ex would probably end up with a restraining order or have crossed a line that causes Cas to reveal the whole Demon thing and scare her off. idk the important part was the booze and gossip with wukong- that was the entire reason i mentioned this
#lmk oc#lmk oc The Consumption#lk persona#casual conversation#Cas; Is super touch starved and loves affection#Also Cas; *Is covered in instant death buttons and trust issues*#i dont know if i like the timelines where they already know some of the immortals or the ones where they've coasted by under the radar more#it's interesting having past relationships dug back up but also this random lady with a potentially world eating demon is just Here#because knowing them gives fun dynamics and plot opportunities#but having her just walk in and be like 'OH SHIT YOU'RE A DEMON TOO!?' and let connie out to chat is so much funnier#She joins Macaque's Dojo to learn self defense and is doing a lot better than a normal person (either through prior sword training or-#-enhanced abilities thanks to connie)#And it's only AFTER they become close friends that they realize They're Both Demons(/demon adjacent)#They become a regular at Pigsy's and it isn't until the monster of the week rears it's head that Cas takes action and just bodies the thing#And then goes back to her table and keeps eating- but then sees everyone's faces and is like 'So... Can i take this to-go or???' Awkward 6-#It's the best noodle shop on her walk home from work- there's NO WAY she's letting it get destroyed- but now they know her secret#They question why she didn't think they'd be chill about it with The Monkie Kid working as their delivery boy and she just kinda blanks#She hadn't even noticed or put 2 n 2 together- all that registered was good noodles and everything else didn't matter#he doesn't watch the news- he's never seen Mk on tv cause they just straight up Haven't been paying attention#THEY DON'T LEARN MACAQUE WAS A VILLAIN UNTIL HE SAYS SOME SHIT AND THEY'RE LIKE 'WAIT YOU /WHAT/!?!?'#They don't judge they're just surprised#Their apartment is neutral ground- doesn't matter what your beef is leave it outside. heros and villains welcome#'He tried to kill us!''He literally killed me!''Well obviously you got better-now get over here the show's starting and I saved you a spot'#now I'm debating if Roommate Syntax should just be canon to all the apartment timelines- cause even if she doesn't become Recluse it'd be-#-hilarious to have him just chilling in the background minding his business being an shut in roommate#OMG AFTER LBD TAKES OVER THE CAVES THE SPIDERS CRASH THERE WITH NOWHERE ELSE TO GO- but it's a small 2 person apartment#so Cas is just like 'ok when you said you had some 'family' that needed to stay i didn't think it'd be this many people for this long'#They think they can remedy the space problem by killing her off but she shuts that down Real Quick#Syntax did not know she could do that... She lets them off easy though because she needed the help with Rent XD#This is becoming a real Durarara situation where everyone knows everyone through some kind of connection
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silversatoru · 3 years
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play-thing — part one
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gojo satoru x getou suguru x f!reader
t/w: nsfw 18+, dark content, drugging, manipulation, noncon/dubcon, oral (f!receiving), nipple play, this story contains very dark themes so please do not read it you’re sensitive to any of these topics
synopsis: suguru and satoru are missing something in their lives, and who better to manipulate than an lonely, impressionable girl who just moved to tokyo from another city. they’re willing to take extreme measures to transform you into their perfectly submissive little play-thing. 
wc: 1.9k
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suguru and satoru do everything together; live in the same house, work at the same company, even share a closet of the most expensive clothes, but something was missing. they both felt it, the empty space between them, and they were determined to find the perfect piece to fill the gaping hole in their lives.
and you practically fell right into the palm of their hands, in a local grocery store of all places. a pretty little thing with a freshly broken heart who’d just moved here from a neighboring city. no friends, no family nearby, anxious and impressionable and desperately in need of a couple capable men to show her around. it all started with an innocent question: “hey, sorry to bother you guys, but could you tell me where the baking aisle is?”
how you ended up here you still weren't quite sure. 
“let us take you on a tour of the city tonight,” satoru had cooed at you.
“there’s a few really nice bars, we could grab some drinks,” suguru added, both their voices smooth and terrifyingly persuasive.
but they seemed nice enough, and you weren't in any position to be picky with making friends right now — after all, you’d have to get accustomed to the city somehow, right?
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wear something pretty, satoru had winked at you before you parted ways and continued your shopping, and for some reason you were very inclined to do as he said. they were both intimidatingly attractive and you weren’t exactly sure what their dynamic was yet, but you decided that if you ended up in bed with one of them tonight, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.
you’d chosen a short and silky black dress, something elegant but classic that would absolutely catch the eyes of both men. and it did, satoru’s eyes glazing over your body several times before he even bothered to say hello to you. suguru was less obvious, his dark eyes giving you a quick once-over before giving you a warm smile and wrapping his arm around your shoulders as the three of you entered the first bar.
it was small, dimly lit with a few lanterns and packed tight with people. a little too crowded for your level of comfort, so you stuck closely to the sides of suguru and satoru as they led you deeper into the pub. the dark-haired male gestured towards an empty seat at the end of the countertop, the two of them standing on either side of you after you slid into it. satoru spoke with an impressive level of charisma, ordering three of the same drink from the bartender — who he seemed to know quite well.
taking a few sips of the liquor did wonders for you initial anxiety, and the casual conversation with both men was helping you to settle in as well. 
so, where are you from? 
what made you want to move to tokyo?
what do you do for a living? 
you were painfully oblivious to how the conversation stayed entirely centered around you; you still hadn’t learned anything about the two men, but they were learning everything about you. 
an hour or so in, a warm dizziness began to swirl around the inside of your head, slowly exacerbating until you felt like you were about to tumble out of your seat. you’d only had a couple drinks, and you normally handled your alcohol fairly well, so why did you feel absolutely sloshed right now? 
“guys, i think maybe-” you turned towards your two tour guides and crashed forward into suguru’s chest without warning. 
“think you went a little heavy, toru?” he scooped his hands under your plump ass and lifted your unconscious body into his muscularly arms. 
“not my fault she has no tolerance,” satoru shrugged, throwing some cash on the counter, “might be easier with her like this anyway”. 
“i suppose,” suguru clicked his tongue off the roof of his mouth, “stupid girl, didn’t your parents teach you not to trust strangers so easily?”
the two of them casually made their way out of the bar together, making jokes about how poorly you handle your liquor to anyone who gave them a questionable look — but the bar was so loud and jam-packed with people that they made it out without any incident.
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you were slow to come out of your sleepy haze, head nodding up and down as you struggled to maintain consciousness and take in the scenery around you. in a futile attempt to brush some hair out of your face you realized your hands were tightly secured behind your back. panic immediately flooded your system, chest tightening and hot tears brimming at the edges of your eyes. 
“just a precaution, angel,” suguru came walking into your hazy vision, a warm smile on his face as he tucked the loose strands of hair behind your ears, “how are you feeling?” 
“wha-, whaaat happen- ed?” your words were garbled, your brain barely able to form them. 
“don’t worry about it,” satoru appeared next to suguru, “you just drank a little too much, but we’ll take good care of you, won’t we suguru?” 
“of course, no need for you to worry about anything anymore,” he gave an affirmative nod. 
“i don’t think-” you wracked your brain for any recollection of what had happened tonight, but you found nothing, “i don’t th- think i — understand”. 
“you will soon,” satoru flashed a bright smile, but it wasn’t nearly as inviting as the first time you saw it. this time it was eerie, evil, threatening — what exactly was he talking about? 
your brain was quickly turning to absolute mush, your vision getting darker and foggier than it already was as you tried to hang on to the sound of their voices.
just relax
we’re gonna make you feel good, you wanna feel good, princess?
you want us to make you feel better?
“mhm,” you gave them a slow nod. you did want them to make you feel better! you felt groggy and confused and nauseas! so of course you said yes! that is what they were asking? right?
you felt the bed shift around you, several hands tracing over your skin and gently pushing you onto your back. you tried to question them, tried to form the words, but your brain was unable to produce a single word or movement at this point.
a hot tongue connected with the side of your neck, lips latched onto the skin and sucking gently on the sensitive area. another mouth was on your inner thigh, sucking a little harder and undoubtedly leaving a small marking. you subconsciously let out a squeaky, shaky breath, the warmth of their tongues eliciting a response in your doped-up body.
goosebumps raked through your body when you felt a pair of slender fingers slip under your dress and brush over the thin material of your panties. it was satoru, his middle and index fingers prodding at your clothed cunt and sending jolts through your legs. meanwhile suguru continued to cover your neck in sloppy kisses, one of his large hands groping at your covered breasts.
your brain had gone numb, from the drugs, the confusion, the terribly intoxicating pleasure. you hated how clueless you were, how useless your body was right now, but what you hated most of all was that you weren’t even trying to fight back. their touch felt good — too good for you to ask them to stop.
it wasn’t long before satoru’s fingers were replaced with his mouth, his tongue running up and down the fold in your panties and absolutely soaking the material with his saliva. he groaned from the taste, getting just as much pleasure from this as you were. he was quick to push the fabric to the side, sliding his tongue against your sticky folds with hunger and urgency. he lapped at your cunt, flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue and evoking a series of twitches from your lazy body.
“be gentle with her” suguru’s voice sounded far off in the distance as he mumbled into your chest.
satoru heeded to the other man’s instructions, slowing his pace and going more gentle on your sensitive, puffy clit. suguru found your hardened nipples through your thin dress, rolling them in his fingers and enhancing the already blissful feeling you were getting from satoru’s tongue.
the two of them working together was incomprehensibly euphoric, your stomach coiling into tight knots with each swipe of his tongue. without warning he dove even deeper, his tongue shooting into your cunt while his nose rubbed against your throbbing bundle of nerves. between that and suguru giving your nipples a sudden tug, your body was crashing with waves of pleasure — strangled moans and pitiful whimpers the only sounds that your mouth could produce.
it was a near-holy experience, the feeling of the sedatives pumping through your veins as satoru tongued your pussy and suguru massaged your breasts through your heightened orgasm. you felt like you were floating, the room was spinning, and then everything went dark.
a real shame that you wouldn’t be able to remember any of it by the time you woke up.
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bright sunlight pierced through your eyelids the following morning, forcing you awake and causing you to jolt up. you were laying in a large bed that was situated at the back of a rather large room, fitted silk sheets cool under your skin. confused of what happened and where you were, you stood from the bed and made your way to the door, feet patting on the soft carpeted floor. 
when you opened the door you entered a long hallway that led to a wide stairway covered in the same fluffy carpeting. two voices were laughing and talking beneath you, and curiosity fueled your motivation to walk down the stairs and into an open-concept kitchen and living room. 
satoru and suguru, the two men from yesterday were busy at the stove, pancakes and bacon sizzling away on two cast-iron pans. they wore matching aprons, suguru’s reading chef daddy, and satoru’s reading mr. good-lookin’ is cookin’. 
who the fuck were these guys?
“feeling better?” suguru was the first to notice you loitering at the edge of the room. 
“yeah, how are you? didn’t picture you to be such a heavy drinker,” satoru laughed, flipping a pancake with grace. 
you didn’t remember much, nothing past sitting down at the bar with them. you weren’t much for getting wasted but you were plagued with more stress than usual lately — maybe you really let yourself go last night. 
“ah, sorry about that, I don’t even remember what i did, honestly,” you shrugged, “thanks for looking out for me though, where’s my stuff?”
“in a hurry to leave? stay for breakfast,” suguru brushed off your question with a captivating smile, his eyes squinting together in the most adorable way. 
“we insist,” satoru chimed in, humming as he continued to focus on the sweet-smelling food. 
and so you stayed, which was probably the worst mistake that you’d made in the past twenty-four hours of countless terrible mistakes. 
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part one | part two
a/n: im on a yandere/dark content kick today i cant help it. anyway if u wanna be tagged when i post part two lemme know :) and if u want some yandere megumi go read @katslutski​ ‘s tell me 
(ily kat <33 so happy to have someone to get into very specific obsessions with)
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misscorn · 3 years
Day 7: Future/Post Confession
I can't believe yet another @takaritsuweek has come and gone so fast 😭❤ everyone in this Fandom is so talented and im obsessed with the nostalgia content 💘 please enjoy my last one shot for this week ☺
Onodera Ritsu was being weird, which could only mean one thing: something was wrong and he wasn't talking to Masamune about it.
Masamune had really hoped that things would go smoother after Ritsu confessed, but that was foolish. Masamune was so, undeniably happy, but they weren't perfect people. Both of them still had things to work on, separately and together. One of those things was more readily relying on one another. So, Masamune was determined to find out what was wrong.
Ritsu just seemed a lot more...spacey than usual. And anxious. And maybe a little gloomy? Masamune couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he knew that he didn't like it.
Currently, Ritsu was over at Masamune's apartment, helping to clean up the dishes as the two of them had just finished dinner. Ritsu was at Masamune's place quite frequently and Masamune always brought up the idea of moving in together, but Ritsu hadn't quite come around to it yet, mostly because he knew for a fact that it would affect any work the two of them brought home. Masamune got...distracted easily and Ritsu tended to get swept away. So, for now Ritsu was content with a lot of sleepovers.
Once they finished cleaning, Masamune led Ritsu into the living room by his hand. He sat down unceremoniously on the couch before pulling Ritsu down with him and on to his lap, making Ritsu's face burn red.
I kind of hope he never gets used to this, Masamune thought, loving the sight of Ritsu's adorably embarrassed expression.
"What do you think you're doing?" Ritsu asked, trying to sound scolding, but he only succeeded in sounding nervous.
Masamune wrapped his arms around Ritsu's waist. "I just want to talk and I figured if I have you like this you won't be able to run away." Like how you love to do.
Ritsu couldn't even argue against that logic, but he made a displeased face anyway. "Fine. What is it?"
"Is everything okay with you?" Masamune asked.
"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine." Ritsu said dismissively.
"You just seem like you've had something on your mind lately." Masamune said. "Making me worried."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you." Ritsu apologized immediately.
"Don't say sorry, there's nothing to be sorry for, I just wanna know if there's something going on." Masamune said, trying to sound reassuring.
Ritsu chewed on his lower lip nervously before he spoke again. "I guess I have been thinking a bit..." He started vaguely.
"What about?" Masamune pressed gently.
"Well, my mom's gotten off my back about An-chan, but not about settling down. She's been trying to set up matchmaking sessions, introducing me to daughters of friends of hers whenever I visit, sending me info about singles events." Ritsu tried not to cringe at the thought of going to one of those. "And I just...I think maybe it's time I tell my parents about you. About us." Ritsu said. "I mean, I know we only started officially d-dating not too long ago, but I feel like we're both kind of in this for the long haul." He laughed nervously. They've both been in this for the past ten years, after all. It was hardly too soon to let his parents be in the know. "So, um, it seems only right to tell them..."
"If you want to tell them then you should." Masamune said.
"You make things sound so simple." Ritsu sighed. "It could go really, really wrong, you know?"
"I know. But the other option is keeping it a secret forever. Which, you can if you want, but it might be difficult to eventually explain to your parents when they visit why you have a longterm male roommate and you both wear matching wedding rings and share a room and take care of a little girl who calls both of you dad."
Ritsu's face flushed at Masamune projection of their future together, his heartbeat picking up in pace. "You want to have a daughter?"
"Someday, I think it'd be nice. But we're not even past the step of me meeting your parents, so I don't think they're going to get grandchildren anytime soon." Masamune planted a quick kiss on Ritsu’s shoulder.
"W-Wait, meeting?! I was just going to tell them, I didn't plan on having you meet them yet!" Ritsu said quickly.
"Ritsu, this is your mom we're talking about. If you tell her I exist she will track me down and interrogate the hell out of me whether you want her to or not." Masamune deadpanned.
Ritsu groaned and slumped against Masamume, knowing that he was right. "Maybe I should just test the waters first? It doesn't seem fair to throw all of us in at once."
Masamune hesitated to agree, subconsciously playing with Ritsu's hair. "I want to be there." He said firmly. "I understand you're worried, but like you said, things could go wrong and I want to be there for you if they do."
"You're only one door away." Ritsu said.
"Too far." Masamune insisted, pressing a kiss to Ritsu's forehead.
Ritsu rolled his eyes, trying hard not to smile. "You're absolutely ridiculous."
"Mhm. Besides, I can't charm the hell out of your parents if I'm busy next door worrying about you."
"Oh, is that your plan? To be all cool and suave until they can't possibly reject our relationship?" Ritsu asked sarcastically.
"Yes, exactly."
Ritsu shook his head before he refocused and took a deep breath. "How's this weekend?"
"I can do this weekend." Masamune said.
"I'll invite them to my place for dinner and hopefully it will be totally boring and uneventful and they won't care about us being together at all."
"Yeah, the woman who has hounded you about marriage for over ten years is going to not care about you being in a romantic relationship." Masamune said sarcastically.
Ritsu groaned loudly.
Masamune chuckled. "What about your dad? How do you think he'll react?"
"No idea, which is honestly worse."
"We'll handle it." Masamune promised and sealed it with a kiss.
"I can't do this, I think I should call them and cancel, tell them I'm sick." Ritsu said as he and Masamune cooked dinner together. Technically it wouldn't be a lie since Ritsu was feeling pretty nauseous.
Ritsu had spent all day yesterday making sure his apartment was spotless and then earlier today he and Masamune had gone grocery shopping together since Ritsu’s options for dinner had been a little slim.
"Oh, yeah, tell your mom that you're sick, I'm sure that will make her stay away instead of making her want to come over more." Masamune said sarcastically.
"You're no help."
"I thought I was being a lot of help, unless you wanna cut the onions." Masamune said, not looking up from the cutting board where he was working on the veggies.
Ritsu huffed and turned away to sit at the kitchen table, putting his head in his hands. He couldn't do this, he was such an idiot for ever thinking that he could. Introducing his parents to Masamune? He had never even mentioned liking men to them! And now suddenly he was going to announce that he had a boyfriend! There was only one way this could go: badly.
"Hey," Masamune said softly, abandoning his cutting station to sit next to him. "Its gonna be okay."
"You don't know that."
"I know, and honestly I'm kind of freaking out too. I don't think there's anything that could prepare me for meeting your parents. I want them to like me, I want them to think I'm a good fit for you because I know they're always going to be a big part of your life. Even if they can be a little overbearing, they love you, and it would kind of really suck if the people who loved you the most hated me." Masamune said. "But, either way I know that no matter what happens we'll still be together and for me that's enough." Masamune placed a comforting hand on Ritsu's knee.
"Even if my mom spends every single family gathering trying to drive you away? Even if she keeps trying to set me up on blind dates? Or, worse, tries to convince my dad to mess with your work?"
"Ritsu, the only thing your mom could do to keep me away from you is put out a hit on me."
"Don't joke about that."
"Oh come on, your parents don't have that many connections." Masamune said. "...right?"
"I really couldn't tell you."
"Jesus Christ." Masamune said, breathing through a laugh. "Look, the point is; we're gonna be okay."
Ritsu placed his hand on top of Masamune's and gave it a squeeze as he slowly nodded. "Okay...okay." He said. "Let's hurry and finish dinner then. My mom likes to get places early."
Masamune smiled softly and stole a swift kiss before happily helping Ritsu in the kitchen once more.
Eventually, there came a knock at the door. "I'll keep an eye on the food while you go get it." Masamune said. Dinner was just nearly done.
Ritsu swallowed hard and nodded, turning to leave the kitchen.
"Wait." Masamune grabbed his hand and kissed him quickly. "For good luck." He winked.
"Y-You're such an idiot." Ritsu scolded before quickly going to the front door and opening it.
Youko and Tatsuo Onodera stood side by side at Ritsu's door. Youko broke out into a smile and threw her arms around Ritsu before anyone could get a word out.
"H-Hi, mom." Ritsu smiled nervously as he hugged her back. "Hi, dad." He said to Tatsuo over Youko's shoulder as he was still being tightly squeezed.
"You feel skinny." Youko said as soon as she pulled away, pouting at her son. Ritsu was not surprised to be scolded instead of greeted, but he knew his mother meant well.
"Well, its a good thing I've invited you over to eat then. Come in." Ritsu said with a sheepish expression, attempting to play it off.
"It smells good." Tatsuo said.
"Ritsu, don't tell me you've left the food unattended for long." Youko said worriedly as they shuffled toward the kitchen.
"No." Ritsu's hands started to shake. "The foods being watched. Right now. B-by my b-boyfriend."
""Boyfriend?!"" Both Youko and Tatsuo exclaimed.
"How long has this been a thing?" Tatsuo asked.
"Oh...ten years or so..."
"Ten YEARS?!" Youko had heard enough, marching into the kitchen with her husband and son following not far behind.
"M-Mom, wait, maybe we should talk a little more-"
"You." Youko pointed accusingly at Masamune. "Are you my son's so called partner?"
"I am. My name is Takano Masamune, it's nice to-"
"Takano? I'm not familiar with that name. What's your family background?" Youko interrupted.
Masamune blinked, glancing between Ritsu and his parents, a little confused by the question. "Uh, my mother is a lawyer and my step father is a doctor, but I'm not on speaking terms with either of them."
"A boy with a troubled family history? Hardly seems like a good choice for a partner." Youko commented to Ritsu.
"Mother! That's incredibly rude!" Ritsu defended Masamune immediately. What was she even going on about?
"What do you do for a living?" Youko asked Masamune.
Masamune played along with her questions as he didn't know what else to do. "I'm the editor in chief for Marukawa Publishing's shoujo manga department: Emerald."
"Emerald? Onodera Ritsu, do you mean to tell me that you are dating your boss?" Youko said, putting her hands on her hips.
"I've heard about the great things you've done for Emerald, Takano." Tatsuo admitted. "But it does seem to be a conflict of interest to be dating a subordinate."
"I've been in love with him since I was twelve! Way before he ever became my boss!" Ritsu said quickly before a realization dawned on him. "Wait...these are the things you're upset about? His family and his job?"
"They're very important things to consider when picking a partner, Ritsu." Youko said. "You know, if you had told me that you were rejecting all those lovely girls because they were girls I could have been setting you up with perfectly charming and handsome men!" Youko pouted.
Ritsu wanted to laugh. And cry. And hug his mom and kiss Masamune and melt into the floor in total relief.
"I'm sorry, but I'll have to object to any matchmaking sessions." Masamune jumped in.
Youko frowned sternly at him. "Just what exactly makes you worthy of my one and only son?"
"I know I'm not the kind of person that you would normally want for Ritsu, but I love him. I've loved him for over ten years and there's nothing that could ever stop me from loving him. I will always, always take care of him and make him happy and if there ever comes a day that I don't then please feel free to come back and snatch him away from me because just like you I think Ritsu only deserves the best. I will always be loyal, reliable, and honest with him. And, if you'd still like to join us for dinner, I can show you that I'm not completely useless around a kitchen."
Youko did not move, nor did her disapproving expression melt away, but Tatsuo stepped forward to put a hand on his wife's shoulder.
"So, ten years huh? That's a long time. Why don't you tell us how this all started?" He smiled as he ushered his wife to sit down.
Ritsu beamed, tearing up a bit.
"Well, I was in our school's library..."
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planetdream · 2 years
hihi if you're still open to giving your thoughts on people's natal charts im wondering what you could tell me abt mine 👀 any scalding truths you think i needa hear or reads on kinks mayhaps? 👀 (if not thats ok u can delete this ask lmao)
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hiiii. i told myself i wouldn't do these for a while (for several reasons) but i had to read yours because i LOVE looking at a full chart (literal heart eyes). i also needed a quick warm-up before i get to the several other chart readings i need to do 😭
— also kinda spoke a lot about love in this my bad 😔 also a bit delirious rn so if this seems scattered, my apologies.
"bad" stuff first so...scalding truths? you're an aries moon... quit being a hothead. i know anger is a natural emotion...but my advice to all aries moons is....try crying sometimes <3...but ur moon is at 20° (scorpio degree) and in the 4H (cancer) so maybe you do cry often idk idk...and your chart as a whole?? ik you have to speak ur mind on like...everything (being opinionated is fun, trust me, i know)...but sometimes it's okay to just...not... like!!! not even in a bad way, it's just that silence is nice sometimes :)
okay, sexy things now <3 your venus placement—and this singular placement is another reason why i had to answer this ahah—sagittarius venus in the 12H at 5°. lets do a semi-deep dive into this (sorry this is just the first time ive felt !!! looking at a chart in a very long time):
— venus in the 12H (karma, spirituality, subconscious, etc) is one of, if not, my favorite place for venus to be positioned in. having venus in the 12H is all about wanting to be drowned in love (that's certainly a way of putting it, wow). by drowned in love, i basically mean: a soulmate connection, karmic connection, whichever you want to call it. kinda just being a very deep hopeless romantic with a side of "let me suck the soul out of your dick" type beat.
— sagittarius venus...the best thing about love is that you can learn in it. sag venus' typically want to be taught something, anything by their lover. so when a sexual partner has a kink that they're interested in, you might like to be taught more about that kink (visual learner type beat).
— people w sag placements are also very good at sex (or so i've heard...and combine that with ur scorpio sun and cap rising....yeah). now, and, this is kinda me being astrologically stereotypical...i find that people with sag placements (fire placements in general) can easily separate love from sex...but sometimes specific placements can get in the way of that. you're a scorpio (w an aries moon), so you're possessive in nature and that's okay! also, you have a pisces placement..so... that i'll get to soon :))
— 5° is a leo degree...which i always find funny when leo (whether that be sign or degree) is in the 12H cause it's just like....do you want to hide or not?? anyways...i feel like you're kinda...loud in bed? just a feeling rlly.
now that with your mars placement: pisces mars in the 3H at 9°
— oh you wanna be in love so bad oooo....but since your mars is in pisces, sometimes there are times where it's hard to accept that you deserve to be in love OR you have a hard time making the whole love thing happen!! pisces mars people give me 75k words, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn vibes idk idk
— 3H (ruled by gemini...communication) so im just gonna guess that you love dirty talk, yeah? (especially since you're a scorpio mercury) and being flirted with and/or romanced (because pisces be like that). how do you feel about one-night stands? or simply, just casual sexual relationships. bc i think you'd enjoy it? but u also have water placements so it might end up a bit romantic even if it's not exclusive.
— mars at 9° (sagittarius degree) again, you're into experimenting and people that have a lot of experience (ur a cap rising...ur a bit attracted to experience and status).
and then (and very briefly), your venus square mars aspect. you like that push and pull—the fight for dominance just makes sexual relationships so much fun for you. are you into enemies to lovers? cause that's the vibes i get lol
some possible kinks: experimenting. anything involving cum. POLY (scorpio sun in the 11H. the 11H means groups of people so...yeah). roleplaying. spanking probably. choking probably. quickies in public places—basically the whole "we could get caught" dynamic. dom/switch/sub aspects but make it spicy so, probably even "taboo" kinks. dirty talk (maybe even heavy emphasis on backtalk and degradation). kinda just being...bullied but lovingly. body worship (that's where praise comes in). not a kink but cuddling after sex lol, just very very nice aftercare. again, not a kink but fun sex!! lets not be so serious allll the time lol.
lastly (and i always make sure to say this), there are specific asteroids that can point even further in-depth to ur kinks and the things you might like. if anyone wants me to, i could share a few and even give examples using idol charts or something idk.
but that got long and i think i hit all the points i wanted to lol. but!!! i hope u liked it and i hope that i was able to bring you some insight <3
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bedtimebrain · 3 years
EXO KAI: Detective Gone Wrong P2
Characters: JonginxYou
You came to know Jongin by accident, but have no clue he’s EXO’s Kai. And when you found out....
Part 1 Part 3
Your text messages with Jongki didn’t just stop there after that night. You guys texted frequently, on and off work. Though neither of you always replied instantly, the conversation kept going.
Jongki seems to have really long working hours occasionally. You were still not sure what kind of job he does, he seems to be doing a variety of things during his working hours, and even travels around sometimes.
You came to a weak conclusion that he might be a fitness trainer for those rich family wives, which explains why he would need to go to the gym during his working hours and his nice body. You decided to tell him you wild Guess tonight when you go over.
‘Jongki oppa!’ You knocked on his door and shouted excitedly.
‘annyeong Y/N!’
‘I came with food bribes to use your TV! Ginseng chicken soup!’ You presented the thermal pot to him at the door removed your shoes
‘Anyway it’s meant for you, i already ate some at home before coming over. I mean it’s almost 9pm, I’m sorry I couldn’t wait to eat w you’ you added
‘Gumawo, this food bribe is more than what I expected, haha. I’m gna eat on the dining table, just use the TV’
‘Woohoo!’ You cheered and speeded over to his sofa and switched on his TV while he set his dining table.
‘Oppa! You have Netflix? I’m gna use it ok!’
Seeing how excited you are he couldn’t help but laugh.
‘Omo 100 days my prince. My friend loves this show, she say loves the male lead! Oppa did u watch this?? Or are u not into dramas?’ You turned your head back to ask jongki who was eating at the dining table
‘100 days my prince ?! Wow, I guess it’s really popular among the females. No I didn’t watch the full thing, just here and there.’
You loudly declared you were going to watch it, and toggled to watch the first episode. But you were hooked. You couldn’t stop at the first episode, by the time you were done with the second it was already past 12.
Nicely, jongki also came out from the shower as your episode ended. Saying your byes and your goodnights, you thanked him for hosting and he thanked you back for the food. You headed home, it was a good night indeed!
Again in that week, you both decided to meet for supper. Over supper you asked
‘Oppa I wanted to ask you previously but I forgot, are you a fitness trainer for rich people? You have such a nice body and you earn so much and you have not so regular working hours. I’ve been thinking about it..’
‘No I’m not! Why are you always coming up with strange conclusions, hahah. I’m pretty sure I don’t sound like a fitness trainer right, I told you I just came from a show’ he said as he stuffed the ssambap into his mouth
‘Right , I thought so too. Are you a model then? I’m sorry but I know you have abs’ you said it with your mouth full and sent a wink to him, making him laugh
‘How would you know I have abs! I’m not a model but you’re close hahaha’
‘Ok, I’ll continue thinking about it then, haha’
‘Oppa, don’t you think the male lead is really charming? I found out his name, he’s do kyungsoo from EXO!!’ You kept your eyes on the screen , oblivious to the questioning look jongki had on his face.
Tonight, you were at Jongki’s place after work again, to catch up on 100 days my prince since he was home.
The past few times you watched, he never sat down with you as he was always busy with chores. But today he decided to, and he was starting to irritate you when he kept cracking up once in a while.
‘Oppa what’s so funny? You’re so annoying!’You threw a cushion at him , but he caught it and stuck his tongue out at you
At the end of the episode, Jongki quickly took the remote on the table.
‘I’m deciding what to watch next!’ He gloated
But the previous episode ended on a cliff hanger! You weren’t going to let him have it. You attempted to snatch the remote from him and you both ended up in a chase around the house.
Obviously you weren’t going to win against the owner, giving up, you both sat back down on the sofa, panting and dying of laughter. Looking up at the TV screen, it was now on YouTube. You guys must have accidentally switched the screen while fooling around.
His YouTube homepage were all EXO Kai dance videos. Not that you know exactly who that is but you heard about him.
‘Ohhhh opppaaaaa you’re an EXO fan? You like EXO Kai~’ you raised your brows at him and said it in a teasing tone
But he started kneeling over in laughter. You didn’t get what’s so funny though, but anyway you continued asking
‘Oppa can you dance ? Im sure you like dancing right? Show me please !!!!’
Recovering from his fits of laugh, he looked straight at you
‘You really wanna see?’
‘YES!!’ You shouted like a fangirl.
He connected his phone to his speaker and started playing some pop song that was totally not your style. It went something like ‘don’t mess up my tempo~~’. Though the song wasn’t really blessing your ears but jongki’s dancing was absolutely world class in your opinion.
You didn’t know much about dancing. But damn, anyone would know he’s a good dancer. Though he was just dancing for fun, just for you, he bothered with his facial expressions, giving life to his dance. You felt your heart started thumping, as you realise how attractive jongki was in this moment.
When it came to an end, you did a standing ovation just for him and cheered.
‘You’re hella hot, I’m serious.’ You raised a thumbs up at him and he got a little shy at your honest compliments
‘How are you not attached if you’re so eligible though. How do girls around you not fall for you?’
Seeming not too sure how to answer your question, he started
‘Uhm, actually I’ve been in and out of relationships. But I guess they dont really last because of the nature of my job? And some other reasons I guess’
‘Are you a back up dancer ? That’s why? I mean it can be little hard if you’re always dancing with hot girls or something’ you replied thoughtfully
‘About love, I’m fine, fate will come. But Y/N, I look like a back up dancer to you?’ He was all serious as he asked, and you were a little shocked
Teasing him, you replied ‘you’re the main dancer in my heart’ and you showed him a heart sign. His expression softened, showing that ‘I’m so done with you’ face
‘Oppa I know you’re done with my nonsense for tonight, and I’m not going to watch your Kai dancing videos, you can slowly watch them when I’m home sleeping. Bye~ see you soon’ you picked up your belongings and gave him a side hug as you said your goodbyes.
‘Y/N ah, let’s watch a horror movie tonight.’
Tonight you both were having supper take out at his place, since it was too cold to go outside. By the time the food arrived it was already late, but you didn’t mind since you had an off the next day.
‘But I really can’t , I’ll have indigestion’ you pouted
Not really taking your aegyo jongki insisted ‘I’m sorry , we are watching it. At most we finish our supper first’
And he was smug about it, especially when you kept whining after.
‘Oppa, I’m warning you. I might scream, cry, bite you or tear your clothes apart because I’m a scaredy cat. Don’t regret your decision’ you warned him just before he offed the lights
The movie barely started but you were already feeling scared. You moved closer to him and hugged the cushions tightly. At every scary part you looked away and leaned closer to jongki without thinking.
Omg omg, the jump scare is coming!
You quickly shut your eyes as the story progressed to it’s main crux.
The boom of the zombie’s voice sent you in a scream and you jumped onto jongki. You hugged him tightly and burst into tears, you were scared out of your life.Of course, this got jongki cracking up instead.
‘It’s just a movie , don’t be scared’ He put his arms around and gave your shoulders a rub.
After you calmed down a little, you attempted to sit up and recover the distance between the both of you. But suddenly there were flashes of light from the TV. And you headed right for Jongki’s chest, grasping him tightly.
‘I DONT WANNA WATCH ANYMORE’ you yelled and sobbed hard
Seeing how you were really in a bad state, jongki gave in and stopped the movie.
‘Y/N I’ll go on the light, ok?’ He tried to free himself from your hold but you weren’t letting him go, you were scared and when you were scared you were clingy like a child. Getting the hint, he stayed beside you and let you cry your fears out. Feeling a little bad about this, he apologised softly ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t know you hated it so much’
‘I definitely won’t be able to sleep tonight. You jerk’ you threw a punch on his chest and said in between hitches of breaths, not really calm yet.
He tucked your head under his chin and pat you lightly, hoping to comfort you the best he could. Your eyes started to feel swollen and heavy from all the crying, together with his rhythmic pats, it all produced a hypnotic effect on you. Without even knowing, you drifted off to sleep.
You had no idea how long you were asleep for before you woke up to see jongki laying you down on the bed.
He turned around ready to leave but you reached out for his hand before he walked far. You could feel him gently trying to remove himself from your hold but you subconsciously asked
‘can you stay for a while?’
He lightly tapped your hand, and you let go of it. The next thing you feel was the bed dipping down on the other side.
Opening your eyes, you saw jongki sitting up beside you then you safely drifted off to sleep again.
It was already morning when you woke again, checking your watch it was 6.30am. Still sitting up, jongki had fallen asleep. You laughed a little seeing him like this, but at the same time feeling a little bad and guilty. You slowly got out of the bed and went over to the side where jongki was, wanting to adjust his sleeping posture without waking him up.
You put one hand over his torso and one hand behind his head, wanting to gently adjust him. But you were only able to move him slightly before you got stuck in a really awkward position. You managed to get half of his torso lying on the bed, but your hand was now stuck under it.
You tried pulling your hand out as lightly as you could, but you the awkward position you were in was not really holding you up well, and you were losing your balance. You quickly grabbed the bed frame and steadied yourself, but seeing jongki’s sleeping face so close made you forget about the task at hand. You leaned in to take a closer look, and the more you looked, you don’t know why there was this overwhelming desire to kiss him. Without thinking, you quickly gave him a peck.
It was as if he felt your kiss or something because he suddenly turned over to his side making you fall onto him. You let out a Yelp in shock.
He opened his eyes and murmured ‘What are doing?’ You were in such an awkward position you couldn’t even think of a good answer. But he didn’t wait either, he just continued saying
‘Just sleep, it’s still early’ and pulled you right back into bed instead, this time locking you in his arms as he closed his eyes.
You were utterly confused at what had just happened and there’s no way you could be sleeping with your heart almost exploding in your chest. You tried to wriggle out of his hold, but it wasn’t much use. So instead, you forced yourself to take deep breaths in and out and the next thing you know, you were woken up by the jarring alarm.
You thought jongki would be shock to wake up next to you, but you were totally wrong. He seem to be very much clear that he had you sleep right next to him. Turning off the alarm, he turned to face you and tucked your hair behind your ears. Catching you off guard like this, you jerked your head backwards.
‘What are you doing?’ You asked and sat up, wide awake now.
‘Didnt you kiss me last night?’ He looked at you straight in your eye, and tried to control his smirk.
Realising you fell into your own pothole, you immediately tried to escape. Jumping out of bed and out of the room. You went straight for the washroom and tidied up yourself as fast as you could. Grabbing your coat and your belongings you stood by the door all ready to leave. Only that you needed Jongki’s fingerprint .
After about 5 minutes had passed as you waited nervously, he finally came walking through to the living room with his mad scientist hair.
‘What’s up with you ? You literally transformed in 5 minutes’ he joked
What in the world was he thinking? Is he playing with you or what? What’s all his actions suppose to mean?
You had this inner thoughts but did you really wanna know the answer to these?
Okay, yes you wanted to. But do you dare to ask?
No you didn’t. So you could only suck it up like a loser and be confused and embarrassed all by yourself.
He took a step closer to you but you massively overreacted and almost fell backwards. But all he wanted was to reach across you to open the door.
Seeing how flustered you looked, he took the chance to tease you. Keeping his hand on the handle, he stepped closer to you and you moved back. Just like in the movies, his head kept moving towards you until you hit the wall. You shut your eyes and scrunched your face
‘What do you want!!!’ You pushed him away and yelled
You didn’t realise you have been holding your breath all this while. Jongki on the other hand seem to be having fun with this. But you were trying your best to look serious and firm about this.
He didn’t reply, but simply opened the door instead. You stepped out right away the minute he opened it.
‘Okay bye’ giving him a panicky goodbye wanting to run away already. But he called you
‘Y/N! Look behind you!’ And he pointed to behind you
You quickly turned but there wasn’t anything. What the hell ?
Turning back, you came face to face with him instead and he gave you a kiss on your lips.
‘Okay you can leave now, bye bye! See you soon!’
What just happened? You have no idea what just happened.
Your mind was blank. Really blank, as blank than an empty canvas.
And your heart was beating erratically as you walked away in a daze.
Kim Jongki.... am i falling for you? are you falling for me? ------------
Decided to split another part out so i don’t have to rush the ending. The story hasn’t exactly hit the climax yet? Let’s see how it turns out!
Edit: Part 3
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lentaska · 5 years
Height Difference - Part Two
Note: First person POV, OFC from non-wrestling background English is my second language, I apologize for any grammar/wording mistake. This is a work of fan fiction using characters from wrestling, I do not claim any ownership over them.
@thecristsandcallihancult @monstersmaid
Part Two “I wanna talk to you about something.”
Road trip usually made me sleepy, but I was too nervous to even think properly now. We would arrive at the stadium within one hour, and for the first I’d meet Fulton’s friends.
It might sound weird that we finally got chance to meet each other’s friends after five-months dating. The schedule conflict had been the issue, we had friends who must travel around to work, and both of us agreed to meet them when they were gathered together. Which meant, I was about to meet not only one or two wrestlers, but whole group of them.
“Are you sweating?” Fulton eyed me, joked. “They’re not gonna interview you, lil’ bird. They just wanna know what kinda person you are.”
“What if they don’t like me?”
“They will like you. Take it easy, they’re all nice people.”
As a wrestling newbie - I only knew how it looked like - my subconscious reply was “no they are not nice, they hit you with chairs”. And it made Fulton laugh hard.
“My bad, I should teach you the basic. Those scenes you saw is part of the story plot, we all have plots at some level. It may be easier for you to consider it as TV show.”
“But you got hurt... I don’t wanna see you get hurt.”
No matter how many times I told myself that wrestling was his passion and job, and he could handle it well, seeing him got injures still scared me. The biggest worry I ever had while dating an artist was “my boyfriend cut his finger when sharpening pencil”, to date a wrestler was something way different. I was very frustrated during the first month of the dating when he returned with bandage wrapped his arm or bruises on back
“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.” He gave me his hand and waited for my response, “Trust me.”
Nodded, I put my hand on his, he grasped it and rubbed carefully. He might not be good at comforting people by words, but he had his way to show consolation and support.
I looked outside of the window, we were getting close to the destination. Wondering what a real wrestling match would be like, I heard Fulton’s voice, “I wanna talk to you about something.”
The serious tone gave me bad feelings.
“When we were with your friends, you said you don’t wanna move in together now.”
Swallowed hard and told myself to act cool, I replied, “well, it’s only five months and we never talked about financial stuff.” The latter part was a lie, I was hoping to use it to make the statement more cogent. The thing was, I had never been through this stage, it’s a totally new concept to me.
“We discussed the financial stuff weeks ago, it was the day I got my contract with Impact, remember?”
You had no idea how much I hated his good memory sometimes.
“Right...” I coughed embarrassingly. Wording was an art that I wasn’t equipped with, especially when I panicked, I didn’t even gave second thought to what I said, “you know it can end up in bad way right?”
“What do you mean by ‘bad’?”
My voice faltered, “moving in can be different from what we think... W-what if we break up?”
Fulton’s face clouded over, brows knitted together in exactly the same way when he faced a difficult opponent in match. “So you think it will somehow ruin everything. I kinda start to wonder if you have enough faith in our relationship.”
I screwed up.
Having the thought that he might refuse to talk to me, I turned away, couldn’t help feeling despondent. The abnormal aura between us did not vanish after we arrived the destination, although Fulton acted like nothing happened and introduced me to his friends - he even grinned like usual, but I could sense his displeasure.
The meeting with his friends was short since they were in hurry of preparing for the match, but they were all friendly and considerate people. They knew it’s my first time watching wrestling show with almost zero knowledge, and were willing to answer every question I had, even the stupidest ones. After a short chat with the Sami Callihan - whom I learned that actually had easy-going nature in real life rather than the malicious personality in rings - about what the main event was tonight, I looked up and found Fulton was gone. I didn’t even have the chance to say “good luck”.
A hand patted my shoulder, it’s Jake Crist, “looking for Fulton? He already went to the ring. Aren’t you going to watch the match?”
“I’ll just stay here.” I forced a smile.
The younger Crist stared at me for a while, said, “I don’t wanna be gossipy but did you two have argument?”
“It’s my fault.” I replied, eyes downcast, “I said stupid things and upset him.”
“This is how relationship works. Couple always argues about small things.”
“But today is the first time he brought me to meet you guys, it’s so special for him and I ruined it.”
“Don’t say that. Whatever the argument is, I believe there’s a reason.” Jake gave me a comforting smile. “Fulton talks about you a lot. Every time he mentions ‘Birdie’, we know the topic is about you.”
I blushed. He liked to give me pet names.
“You two are deeply connected, things will work out.”
I nodded, feeling much better, “thank you.”
“By the way, you can also watch the match here.” Jake turned on the TV.
The first scene I saw was Fulton leaning at the corner of the ring, face covered in blood.
“Hey are you alright?” Jake asked me.
Slightly shaking my head, I bit my lips in disquietude. It didn’t take long to know that Fulton lost the match, he looked like a beast in trap, wounded and dispirited, I wanted to hug him so badly, hence the first thing I did when he walked into the room was to grab his hand.
But he gestured stop, “Don’t touch.”
My arm froze in an awkward posture. Everyone in the locker room turned their sights to us, the confusion in air suffocated me. I didn’t want to act like grouch in front of his friends, it would embarrass him, so I mumbled “sorry” and left quickly.
 Wandering in the hallway, I tried to figure the reason that he said those words: was it because the argument we had in car? Or was he displeased that I didn’t go to the auditorium but stayed in backstage? I made mistake too and I wanted to fix it. Maybe we could try cohabiting first? It sounds fine for me...
With no attention paid to signs and turning, I somehow got lost in the building. Guided by intuition, I took another turn and was immediately stunned by the person appeared in front of me. It’s Fulton. He looked better than when he was locker room minutes ago, all the blood and mess was cleaned up.
“Where have you been?” he asked in worries.
“I got lost.”
Fulton let out a sigh, “like always...”
Before he went further, I cut him off, “I want to apologize.”
He looked puzzled, “what is it for?”
“I’m sorry for what I said. I have faith in our relationship with no doubt, but I never went so far in the previous ones and didn’t know what to do...”
Fulton dragged me into his arms, I was relieved a little in his bear hug. “I’m sorry too, Birdie.”
I looked up at him for an answer.
“You’re gonna think it’s stupid... I was covered in blood and I don’t wanna ruin your dress. I know how much you like this dress, you only wear it on special occasion.”
I wasn’t sure which one surprised me more: the reason why he didn’t want me to touch him after match, or how much attention he put on the details. But this was not what I needed to consider now.
“Listen, I have been thinking about what you said. I shouldn’t push you, if you’re not comfortable with moving in now, I’ll wait.”
Grasped Fulton’s fingers, I asked, “what’s about we start with cohabiting?”
“Are you sure?” his eyes widened. “I don’t want you to force yourself...”
“I’m sure.” I threw my arm around his waist, “by the way, can you take me to another wrestling show, I’ll definitely be out there to support you.”
With little strength, Fulton scooped me up and let me sit on his shoulder, “whatever you want.”
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magicalcreeks · 6 years
Cargo Car Confessions
Day 1: October 15 -First Time-
Summary: When Kenny ditches his bad date he relies on Stan and weed to make him feel better, even if that required them sharing embarrassing confessions and perhaps a kiss.
I’m so excited for @stenny-week and in some places it’s October 15th already so i wanted to post early! Please enjoy!
Stan had just stolen the ball from Cartman, blocking him from behind as he clutched the ball in his chest before thrusting it forward in a successful pass. Kyle caught the ball with ease— that was just one of the many perks to being on the basketball team— then he jumped off his back foot to slam dunk the ball into the hoop. The force of the dunk caused the hoop to shutter. it loosened the black sticky tape used to keep the hoop together after years of abuse and neglect.
“This is bullshit!” Cartman huffed with a healthy sheen of sweat coating his face, giving him the appearance of grease-soaked tomato.
“Sorry, dude. We won.” Stan stopped the ball with his foot then picked it up with his hands. Kyle did his winning trot towards Stan, holding his hand out for a high five, “good job, man.”
Cartman wasn’t done with his childish protest, “well!” He began, searching for the words he wanted to say before stammering at the two pairs of eyes staring at him, “well...” again, he struggled, wishing Kenny was here to back him up.
“It’s not a fair game because Kenny isn’t here!” A-ha, he got them now. Kyle and Stan moved over to the bench where Kyle dabbed his forehead and neck with the towel he brought with him. Stan tossed him an extra Gatorade.
“Kenny’s not here because he’s on a date.”
“Exactly, which means we’re down a player, which also means it’s not fair game.”
Stan and Kyle exchanged a look.
“Whatever, dude.”
“Ya know what, screw you guys! I’m going home!” Was Cartman’s declaration. He kicked aside an empty can of beer left by either upperclassmen or a drunken adult. It was hard to tell nowadays.
Kyle rolled his eyes, pushing up a stack of curls that have fallen from his loose bun, “you can’t go home, fatass, all of our shit is at your house.”
“Can’t hear you! I’m busy going home, you gaywads!”
Stan felt three pulses from his pocket, ignoring his friends bickering to divert his attention to the texts he was receiving. His body shifted sideways on the bench, heart racing with excitement as he half expected the texts to be from Wendy. Perhaps she wanted to get back together even though they broke up in middle school. She made it clear that she had no intention of being his boyfriend, even going out with Token of all people, until he suddenly had some sexual awakening; realizing he would rather suck dick instead of being with one of the hottest girls in school.
He rolled his eyes hard, taking on one of Kyle’s many mannerisms as he recalled past events. Cartman and Kyle’s idle chatter sounded nothing more than muffled sounds— like someone yelling behind a thick glass. Stan unlocked his phone.
Kenny: Hey, man, you busy?
Kenny: wanna meet me at our spot?
Kenny: nvm, ur probs with Kyle and Cartfuck—
A quiet chuckle escaped Stan’s parted lips. He continued to read the text:
Kenny: — u know where I am. Ps. I got weed ;)
His eyes glossed over those messages more times then Stan could count, “Stan? Stan? What the hell are you smiling at? It’s kinda creepy.”
Kyle was left standing in front of him with a slight concern dampening his features. The towel he’d previously used now slung around his neck, pale and covered with speckles of faint brown freckles.
“Uh...” Stan licked his lips, contemplating an excuse he could tell his best friend and have it sound believable. They knew each other like the back of their hands. Literally. He pocketed his phone, rubbing sweaty palms on his sweats.
The weather in South Park had been warmer than usual considering it was the middle of October. While Halloween decor met the eyes of anyone passing through their neighborhood, some houses started early with stabbing turkey and pilgrim lawn ornaments in their front yards. Global warming, said Randy like a scratched record over their dreaded dinners. According to him, it was real and ready to fuck us raw in the ass.
Kyle tapped his foot impatiently for an answer, hands resting subconsciously on his hips. His posture resembling one of his mothers when she was about to scowl them. Stan snorted.
“I gotta go, uh, my sister wants me to pick her up a box of tampons?” As he spoke aloud it sounded more ridiculous then it had in his head. What the hell, Stan? Your sisters in college you dumb fuck.
“She’s back for Halloweengivings... My parents thought it would be better to combine both holidays. Nothing better than carving a pumpkin and shoveling down cranberry sauce.”
Kyle blinked, “Uh, okay?”
“Great!” Stan shot up from his seat, giving Kyle a pat on the shoulder, “I’ll text you later, dude!”
He walked with a quickened pace, afraid that Kyle would try to stop him for questions. Sometimes he nagged more than he realized, even though he was only trying to be a good friend. A rain of guilt washed over Stan for lying to Kyle. He lied before. Plenty of times actually.
Once safely around the corner of the block, Stan made haste to Kenny doing god knows what by himself when he was supposed to be on his date with Tammy. Without a doubt she was hot, returning to South Park after moving to California. When she returned she developed an ego bigger than Cartman’s ass, along with an attitude comparing to none of the other girls in their grade. California changes people. Too bad she was still a slut.
At least that’s what the girls said.
Stan slowed his walking. He sniffed the burning grass as he approached their spot— the abandoned railway just minutes away from Kenny’s house. Tilting his head up at one of the many cargo cars rusted from years of weather damaged, he recognized the graffiti drawn on the sides. As well as the smell.
“You got a head start without me, asshole?” His voice echoed through the abandoned field of cars, picking up a rock to chuck at the rusted door. It bounced off the metal with a loud hallowed clink.
“Stan the man.” Kenny pulled the door aside, greeting his friend with widespread arms. Stan felt his heart thump.
“Move aside.” He hoisted his body up, then knee crawled over to his respective end of the car. Stan knocked aside the junk they collected; consisting of empty bottles of wine stolen from his dad, single cans of beer Kenny snagged from Kevin’s pack which steadily grew into a rather nice collection for them, darts, slingshots, and a bunch of other shit.
Kenny closed the door after Stan was in. Instead of relying on the crack of light from the setting sun, the inside of the car was illuminated with a string of Christmas lights connected to a lengthy power cord hooked up to Kenny’s house. Together they had made the perfect “man” cave.  
“I thought you were on a date,” Stan said, knees hugging his chest as if he was intruding in the space they created together. Those nauseating butterflies returned to flutter around his stomach.
“I was, then I left.” Kenny passed over the joint sloppily rolled together as if he had done it halfheartedly to quickly get the relief he desired. Stan was no expert at rolling anything. Even he knew it wasn’t his best work.
Kenny hooked a section of his sandy blonde hair behind his ear, exposing the multiple piercings neatly aligned on his outer lobe. He’s done all his piercings himself. Stan bummed off the joint. He attempted to quiet his mind from the indirect kiss from Kenny by smoking it out with the burning kush.
“She’s a bitch. There’s a big difference between being with her to get my dick sucked and actually pursuing a relationship.” Kenny spoke with a bitterness behind his words, “I don’t know. I thought it would be easier to ask her out considering we had a thing before. She’s changed.”
Stan shrugged, slouching back with eased muscles as the joint burned slowly between his fingers, “so you text me?”
A lopsided grin stretched across Kenny’s face, showing off the tooth missing from an accident he had when they were kids and crooked teeth unfixed from his families lack of money to get him braces.
“Of course! You’re my best friend after all. Besides, you wouldn’t judge me like Kyle would.”
“Yeah...” Stan’s voice trailed, eyes following the posters they tapped on the car walls, “he can’t help himself.”
“Yeah, he really can’t.”
They sat in the comfortable silence they created, the two of them passing the blunt back and forth until it became roach and they could no longer smoke it. Their minds were hazed yet relaxed. Nowadays drugs were the only thing able to ease their teenage minds from the angst and stress. Stan found this to be his only escape from the suffering thoughts thanks to his depression and anxiety. Kenny smoked for his own reasons. He just wanted to chill from time to time.
“I thought you were Wendy.” He spoke slow and a bit sluggish, tongue untied and free.
“I thought you were over her, man. She’s no good for you.”
“I love her...” Stan admitted, clutching the fabric on his grey sweats between his hands. He still loved her, he always will.
Kenny spun the dart between his fingers, eyes locked on the boy across from him.
“I could... distract you.” His offer did not go without the flush of red spreading across his cheeks.
“I’m not... I’m not gay.” Stan’s throat tightened and suffocated his words.
“Neither am I... I mean... I think everyone is hot. Guys, Girls, and those in between.” Kenny admitted, crawling over towards Stan to take a seat next to him. They were close enough in the cargo car that Stan could smell the scent of aftershave emitting from Kenny’s body. He felt his stomach twist and turn at two things. Kenny’s confession and the fact they were so close to one another.
He was hot, funny, and Stan could always be himself around him. Instead of Kenny judging or trying to diagnosis his problems like Kyle, Wendy, or his parents, he was allowed to rant and cry out of frustration. They related to each other. Their lives at home sucked just as bad as their friends.
Stan was not gay. From what he knew he was straight with only a few gay mishaps. An embarrassing mishap being the time he got a boner during a sleepover at Kyle’s house. He accidentally walked in on him changing and caught a glimpse of everything. They swore to never speak of it for the sake of not making their sleepover painfully awkward, but Stan could not shake the mental image from his mind as he used his imagination to relieve himself once Kyle had fallen asleep.
Then there was that one time when he was still on the football team and they traveled to Denver to play against their best high school team. He was sharing a room with Craig, Clyde, and Token— to his utter despair since they only spoke in inside jokes which made Stan feel like an outsider. Stan discovered a gay magazine that must have fallen out of one of their bags. While they were fucking around in the pool he stayed behind in the room and allowed his curiosity to roam. He liked what he saw.
Kenny inched closer, resting a hand on Stan’s thigh but doing nothing more because he did not want to do anything if Stan wasn’t comfortable. He did like Stan. A lot.
In those seconds they both sobered up, blue eyes meeting a mysterious purple, adding to the many features Stan loved about him.
“I- I never kissed a guy before.”
Kenny chuckled, “it’s just like kissing a girl, except... Girls taste sweeter. Sort of like fruit because they wear chapstick and shit. Except for Craig-”
“Wait, you kissed Craig?” Stan questioned in disbelief. The weird competition he and Craig had with one another flaring like a newly lit flame ignited from jealousy.
“Spin the bottle. He tasted like a fucking fruitcake.”
Stan chewed on his lower lip. “Since we’re confessing I only kissed Wendy once... And Kyle. We practiced on each other when we were kids.”
“I thought you said you never kissed a guy?”
“T-That doesn’t count! We’re like super best friends so it wasn’t a real kiss!” Stan felt himself get defensive, not appreciating the skeptical looks Kenny was giving him. It was completely normal and not gay for friends to practice on one another.
“Chill, I’m joking-“
Stan silenced him with a kiss. Tensions melted away at the contact of their lips. Kenny tasted as sweet as old candy, also weed. Creating a strange yet familiar flavor. His tongue swept the bottom of his lip, making Stan look more confident than what he was.
Kenny pressed in, moving his tongue around for an entrance into his mouth. Their kiss was sloppy, awkward— because of the angle they were in— but exhilarating.
When they pulled apart for air, Stan was as winded as he was during his game with Kyle and Cartman. He had never experienced a kiss quite like that.
“How was I...?” What else could he say? He and Kenny just kissed for fucksake! Was he going to say thank you?
“Kissing Kyle really helped.” Kenny joked, nearly falling to his side from the playful shove from Stan.
“You weren’t so bad either. That was like my first real kiss, dude, so I guess you took my kissing virginity.”
“You’re so lame.”
Stan flipped him off, hugging his body with his hands. He just kissed Kenny. Him and Kenny, lips locked, in full make out. What were they now?
“You okay?” Kenny pried one of Stans' hands out from his weird human arm wrap, playing with his fingers before sliding his own in between. There was no way he could know how Stan feels now but he only dreamed about being his boyfriend, fantasizing about the pathetic crush he had since they were 13 years old.
“So are we dating?” Stan blurted. He was unable to look at Kenny’s eyes just in case he said no or something else which might break his heart for the second time.
“I would say we are... if you want too. We don’t have to tell the guys yet if you’re not ready.”
“So...” his tone a childlike whisper, “I guess this means I’m gay? Do I have to have, like, a big coming out party.”
Kenny smiled, “you don’t have to put a label on everything. Look at me. Who cares if you’re straight, gay, or bi. Be with whoever makes you happy.”
Stan nodded. He unraveled from his hold around his body to lean into Kenny, holding his hand tight. Right now he didn’t want to think. He just wanted to close his eyes and enjoy the moment.
“I’m going to punch Craig for kissing you, I hope you know that.” He murmured, knocking his shoe against Kenny’s.
“It was two years ago, babe. Besides, I would much rather kiss my boyfriend then Tucker.”
Stan’s heart raced again. Boyfriend. That’s right. They were boyfriends now. The title sounded like music to his ears.
Eat shit Craig Tucker.
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saneislame · 5 years
because elsa told me 2
today im going to write about my first time taking molly on Saturday (2/2/19) at the ASAP Rocky concert in san francisco. elsa told me that im going to forget it eventually and i know she's right so here i am.
the molly kinda slapped me in the face during his set, like around his third song. that shit hit selena right away this bitch was literally leaning back and looking at everything i was deaddd she's so funny. but yeah its smacked me and i felt like a lil heavy but also a lil uneasy and dazed like things were kinda moving but not really. holding arelys hand me a lot just because i needed the comfort knowing i wasn't alone, a minute in and i was rollingggggg. lemme tell youuuu wow everything looked so beautiful. things i remember so clearly i will never forget: the face of the boy with his shirt off and blue and purple face paint, he was cute and happy but like joyful and playful type of cute, like i wasn't attracted to him but he was just really really pretty. the man in the mask was my favorite. its crazy that i know who he is now, im glad bc it gives me closure but also its crazy how you could think someone is attractive in a mask but they could be so unattractive under it hahah (sounds deep but im deadass talking about like an actual physical mask, like rocky’s set mask.. i know all know what im talking about lol)
anyway i fell in love with his grills and his eyelashes and then he didn't even hesitate when i asked him to help me crowd surf, he carried me right over, and he yelled and everyone to catch me and to not let me fall. I felt like i was floating,, IN FRONT OF ROCKY...lemme say that one more time... IN. FRONT. OF. ROCKY. SINGING TO MUFUCKING PLAIN JANE!!!!!!! he jumped in after me and he crowd surfed together, i swore i was in love hahah. then they carried me back to in-between the crowd and the stage, took me back to the audience and i made my way back to the front. i wish i wish i could do that night over and over again, bc there are some concerts that you go to just because your friends are going. but i went because concerts in SF are always fun and im in love with rocky and the mob. this set was fucking crazy his vision is so,,, amazing like its so me. that sounds wack af but his vision is my vision... i wanna hang out w him sooo bad like please lemme be your friend..
also on molly i was more social which makes sense, but i felt like myself when i was talking to the guy in charge of the merchandise, like me literally trying to make connections at the venue lolll (theres another word for it but i forgot the word) but this dude was really nice, i forgot his name tho lolll. but pretty much since then its been really easy to talk to random people and not give a fuck if i mess up, i guess i have less social anxiety now than i did before, i think molly actually helped me in that way because it made me have like a subconscious realization that talking to people is hella easy and hella fun and like,, people like friendly people, that shit is hella fun. in the end i was really sad that i forgot my film camera, i still am,, i could've got a picture of the mans in the mask and he would've posted it and that shit would have been fireeee. but its ok, i think now i can't be afraid to ask people if i can take a picture of them. that shit can open doors, like yeah everyones a photographer but also im just doing this shit for fun, and i get to talk to people that I've never talked to before,.
also i talked to jelly this morning and i learned a lot i think.
we talked about how we have this energy and we can't let others take it, i really liked the conversation because i was dazed from being high last night and i felt a lil sleepy and the sun was shining on her and she was just so pretty and so calm. it felt kinda like a dream but i knew it wasn't. we talked about her trip to yosemite and we talked about a lot of things that people don't usually talk about. like the worry of being friends with guys without having them catch feelings for you. also the worry of toning down your light so that others won't feel bad about them selves like her sister and my friend from elementary school.
jelly makes me feel better about life, i hope that i can do that for others as well.
im scared to transfer, but thats something i can talk about later.
i wanna do more drugs because i want to learn more about myself.
acid in the spring is too far away. lol
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