siphoklansan · 3 months
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Introducing…. 𓆝 ⋆.𖦹°‧
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꧁𝐒𝐮𝐜𝐡𝗼𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐢꧂
สุชลที ทิพย์ชลาลัย
“He claims that his father is a king.”
Height : 167 cm.
Birthday : 15th of November (Loy Kratong)
Age : 18
Homeland : East of Scalding Sands (Attidaya)
Best Subject : Practical Magic
Club : Equestrian club
Talents : Horseback riding, swimming.
Hobby : Taking care of his pet *jet dragon horse (Nhil - ม้านิลมังกร)
Dislikes : Nagas, sea snakes
Favorite Food : Tom Yum Khung (ต้มยำกุ้ง)
Least Favorite Food : Traditional medicine, bitter herbs.
꧁𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜꧂
- 𝐕𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐥 𝗼𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚: the ability to summon an extinct, magic creature of the sea: the Jet Dragon Horse. Suchol can command the horse at will whether to attack or to use it as a means of transportation, both on land and sea.
- Suchol can breathe underwater.
꧁𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝗼𝐮𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐜𝐡𝗼𝐥꧂
- Suchol’s first name “Sucholatee” means beautiful sea and his last name “Thipchalalai” means the angel’s ocean✨
- Suchol is based off of another famous literature piece (famous as in it has been in plays for countless of times- like Romeo and Juliet💀) called Phra Apai Manee (พระอภัยมณี) and he’s based on a character named Sudsakorn! The story is a bout Sudsakon, a half mer half human boy, goes on a journey to find his father.
- Spoiler alert: tbh his father is lowley a piece of shit based on what I remember😭 He has a lot of wives (at that time having many wives is a power status, and he’s a king) and he fell in love with a mermaid who is Sudsakorn’s mother. THEN HE LEAVES SO THAT’S WHY SUDSAKORN GREW UP TO LOOK FOR HIM. The dad’s also the protagonist of the story (his name is on the title) but I’m purely writing this out of memory because so many things happened in the story and I have to go reread it again. The dad left for some “duties” but got a new wife along the journey like bruh🗿
- Back to Suchol though, his horse Nhil (or should I say his unique magic👀) is based off of the horse dragon in the literature piece! The horse dragon is a wild animal, and its strength even rivals yakshas. But Sudsakorn decided that no☝️you are my friend and I will treat you like you’re some stray cat on the street☝️ and that’s how Sudsakorn got his mount HSJDJUJSUJDU
- To elaborate further on his Unique magic, it’s kind of like Kalim’s magic carpet. The magic carpet is a replica of the original one, and Suchol’s horse dragon ability is a replica of the extinct animal🫶✨
꧁𝐀𝐛𝗼𝐮𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐜𝐡𝗼𝐥꧂
- Sucholatee Thipchalalai or Suchol for short, is an aspiring and dutiful young half-mer of Royal sword Academy- sorry that was a lie, he’s actually a trouble maker. Don’t let his pretty face fool you!
- Oh, he’d stir up trouble and pranks everywhere. Like dude, how’d you get here in this academy of all places?? You sure you’re not from NRC? You didn’t snuck in here did you?
- Aside from his infamous tricks and such at the academy, he’s quite a sweetheart to his family; his single mother who is a mermaid, and his surrogate father who is an old man next door.
- Growing up on an island with fairytales and stories being told to him constantly, he grew up to believe it is all true. That is to say, he’s the type to believe that Santa Claus is real (and he still does please don’t break the news to him🙏)
- Suchol was a young prodigy due to the mysterious ways his surrogate father taught him magic. It ranges from animal linguistics to ancient magic! That said, he doesn’t find a need to study and still gets good grades. Lucky bastard🙄 /lh
- The general rule of hanging out with Suchol is to NEVER mention Charin. Ever. Not because he hates the yaksha, it’s more like Suchol sees him as his idol. Charin was the older brother Suchol never had. The red eye shadow he wears is proof that he wants to grow up to be just like Charin!
- Suchol is the type of guy who says the most mind boggling, crazy, unbelievable thing ever but it turns out to be true.
- “My dad is a king from a far away land!” Yeah sure buddy 🤥 (it’s actually true)
- But hey, being a bad boy and a trickster aside, having a friend like Suchol is like a breath of fresh air. He’ll drag you to fun fairs and games, making sure you having the time of your life is his priority.
- One of his best qualities (maybe the only one /j im kidding) is honesty. Suchol finds it difficult to lie. While he wouldn’t be blunt about it (*cough* Mathura *cough*), he still makes sure to be honest without hurting anyone’s feelings.
- So what do you say? You don’t wanna miss out on one of the best rides of your life, right? Suchol can’t wait to show off his new friend his legendary horse!
*jet in this case refers to the gemstone
*picture of the dragon horse since I’m too lazy to draw it (the horse has shining black scales that looks like the jet gemstone)
“PS. Invite Charin if you can!” <- his words not mine.
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axvwriter · 3 months
Stupid joke comic
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I haven't finished outlining it as I've run out of steam for now. I made the sketch then thought I'd just outline it to make it easy to see and less messy, forgetting how slow I am when drawing. Also idk what Charin looked like as a little kid, so I just shrunk him which I think works for a not at all serious comic.
Gosh I wish I was funny.
The characters are Paulie, rough idea of one of Paulie's friends, and @siphoklansan's characters Suchol, Charin, and Anan.
I'll come back to this hopefully tomorrow and finish outlining by which I'll consider it done. I wanted to at least share the lil' Charin sketch because it looks so stupid.
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444names · 2 years
french forenames + the entire article on substitution cipher from wikipedia BUT excluding "è"
Achrin Adectagen Adectel Adely Aderes Advanden Aesecry Affid Alisto Alleded Alloïc Ancelly Ancipher Annisolits Annole Aratement Artal Athbbline Atriesse Atteen Aulthies Avichlown Babecalle Bablex Bacticine Barisa Barred Befeand Berch Berle Beted Betted Bhectis Bitablie Board Bolved Bover Brattly Brept Brianed Broguer Buted Butions Cadisiseck Calle Carde Caric Cassiet Cattoreted Chabage Challow Chaph Chaphane Chaël Chelied Chicted Chied Chinne Chria Chring Chrouse Cindilly Codulan Colarie Colvente Comblext Comes Comic Comised Comont Comove Comple Complypie Compreet Consups Copubst Coreque Corged Cormy Cousiong Coverhanne Cowere Cowing Crefer Crianaude Crypt Crypting Cuboles Cures Cédrégo Célie Dapexamill Dapher Decryphons Deple Derine Dermerin Diannic Difert Diffrodis Dighond Diped Dishem Ditionvely Dival Diver Dylateduke Dyles Dylles Dylvidet Eaddis Eadelygram Emanneve Enjamandew Entages Enter Entlet Entomes Enton Eoutuart Equalle Equissige Esentati Etisireete Evelle Eviging Evionesan Exavaing Exisiovina Exparive Faboly Facted Fanned Feigpern's Ficard Fidelled Flach Forres Forrow Fower Fowevers Frackephis Framen Franded Frelled Frual Fulial Gally Gilienrich Gingue Gisks Gissa Gitiction Gored Goved Graph Guiver Géric Gérômes Hance Hanciern Hanne Hapheric Hemak Hendents Hifid Hocks Holatter Honverick Hosete Hosse Imince Imuciphard Inalphion Indiffir Istion Itanages Jeakaël Jeaner Jeanst Jeant Jeariat Jearld Jearnal Jearres Jeascon Jeash Jeasts Jeatted Jecowely Joses Joëllopy Jériews Kablin Kaburypent Karumplain Kenglit Keyeak Keystin Keysts Knomple Laincel Lares Larremat Lashely Laters Leanore Leistiones Lemewely Lencry Lerypt Letiougbox Linee Listrunne Littimed Lonor Looks Lorge Lowevis Lucathely Lutit Macte Madri's Mainged Malitiple Mancia Maphe Maphicie Maruces Mathur Matireamon Matrarcele Mattles Maymbits Menta Micely Milit Miner Miuseas Modine Mondence Mosabit Movered Moves Movica Mullyance Mulne Multinetc Murnade Murpled Naliane Namauted Natin Nevengler Nomonjula Nomplextur Nonie Northon Nouspervé Novers Nuentick Numbie Numble Obvight Océater Odetted Odewed Oduen Odureng Ofint Omencrie Ommarom Operte Orads Orequer Ormultypt Oseork Oulaine Paine Parchisa Patrojear Peaten Pecry Pervis Piated Pience Plano Plaryptah Plowelaes Plyne Pokinge Poscryphis Poser Poster Pothugh Prack Prean Preane Preninni Preve Procélish Prodang Progue Prolyst Protanthid Prouge Prounin Proverity Provied Putireed Ranpram Rartion Rease Reasidere Reathelf Reattaribn Relled Remed Remical Remir Remoss Repeciplie Reple Rical Roden Rogradeart Rogrégo Rompards Roseencie Round Rovented Roviction Runie Régit Sable Saule Scodefte Seased Sedea Sepers Seproly Seque Sether Setionne Sever Sevid Sianst Simplow Sirdimence Sisenée Sistically Siver Siving Solletian Squely Stactelly Stale Stiname Stion Strimp Suaoa Suathie Subato Subsetle Sucarged Suchols Suctically Sylonge Séver Tatoodam Terat Therabstic Thich Thide Thoups Théring Timptarie Tionam Tionsil Todipher Toinavon Tornalen Traber Trabette Trable Trafful Trasysitut Treciphase Trient Triews Trigmant Trinable Trinewor Trorte Turthow Tutichaël Ualed Ualle Unbri Unded Uning Upper Usent Vanny Vansirs Varealéa Varfow Velve Verlaymboa Vertern Vidde Vider Vérogringe Wascaming Wassaure Wasures Weleam Werable Wevermy's Whele Whern Whickeved Whomi Whoul Whourpli Whoutive Whowever Widure Wored Woriong Worly Wourypial Wwillegred Xamen Xavineand Xords Youse Yvern's Yversposer Zebri's Élichrical Élionomed Élisimert Étace
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tiny-design · 5 years
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Indirect control is the most important aspect of the player character’s relationship with Trico in The Last Guardian- while they can direct it to perform certain actions, much of them are performed automatically, or at first only with persistent requests. This builds a sense of mutual symbiosis between the two characters, further spurred on by the various puzzles that require both of their capabilities to overcome.
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daily-klingon · 3 years
Verb Drill - chol
Infinitive chol approach, close in, come closer, get closer, come nearer (v)
First person singular jIchol I approach qachol I approach you vIchol I approach him, her, it Sachol I approach you vIchol I approach them
Second person singular bIchol You approach chochol You approach me Dachol You approach him, her, it juchol You approach us Dachol You approach them
Third person singular chol He, she, it approaches muchol He, she, it approaches me Duchol He, she, it approaches you chol He, she, it approaches him, her, it nuchol He, she, it approaches us lIchol He, she, it approaches you chol He, she, it approaches them
First person plural machol We approach pIchol We approach you wIchol We approach him, her, it rechol We approach you DIchol We approach them
Second person plural Suchol You approach tuchol You approach me bochol You approach him, her, it chechol You approach us bochol You approach them
Third person plural chol They approach muchol They approach me nIchol They approach you luchol They approach him, her, it nuchol They approach us lIchol They approach you chol They approach them
Imperative, no object yIchol! approach! pechol! approach!
Imperative, 1st person sg. object HIchol! approach me! HIchol! approach me!
Imperative, 3rd person sg. object yIchol! approach him, her, it! yIchol! approach him, her, it!
Imperative, 1st person pl. object ghochol! approach us! ghochol! approach us!
Imperative, 3rd person pl. object tIchol! approach them! tIchol! approach them!
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holistichangover · 5 years
🐹 Chomiś (green leaves)
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- you or your pet is going through some stuff and one who is going through some stuff is getting help from a pet(grief card) - I might be feeling lonely and they knows that - abundance, they feel it when they are with me - they feel like I'm one of them
🐹 Suchol (rose petal pink flower)
- dynamic - attached to the other one - always want to be around me 24/7 - forgive yourself, you're not doing wrong (you are distant because of work or whatever reason - in my case studying in Warsaw) - abundance - they want to help me with the situation and healing
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robertrybar · 7 years
Londyn - den treti
Tolko som sa po prvom dni bal, ze polovica decak skonci v horuckach, ze som sam prechladol. Chlipnem si rumu. Ranajky. Vajcia su dnes este bledsie. Som nevedel, ze aj vajcia sa daju takto pokazit. Opustame Londyn. Konecne svieti slnko. Po slabych 3 hodinach prva zastavka - Anne Hathaway's cottage. Rodisko vymyslenej manzelky najznamejsieho vymysleneho literarneho autora. Velmi pekne miesto. Krastna zahrada, krastna prechadzka prilahlym lesom, kde som nabral na topanky krastne ho.no. Dom bol autenticky az na umelohmotne maso. Na to, ze to boli mali ludia, mali na vecku celkom vysoko pisoare. Stratford upon Avon. Krastne male mestecko s rodnym domom najznamejsieho vymysleneho literarneho autora. "Jeho" hry boli prelozene do mnohych jazykov, Hamlet a Vela kriku pre nic dokonca aj do klingonstiny. Rodny dom je taka vacsia chajdicka. Boli celkom bohati - to sa pozna podla poctu posteli. Uzasnu atmosferu prehliadke dodavaju dobrovolnici, ktori odusevnene rozpravaju o jednotlivych miestnostiach. Ich vek je +60. Ma'am ktora rozpravala o rukavickarskej dielni mala urcite okolo 80. Neskutocne sme sa zabavili. Pri odchode som ju mal chut objat. Slabe dve hodiny a sme v Cambridge. Najviac laureatov Nobelovej ceny. Druha najstarsia univerzita v UK a 7. na svete. Kazdy kto vo svete nieco znamenal/znamena, sa suchol o Cambridge. A dnes sme sem konecne prisli aj my! Cambridge ideme pozriet z druhej strany ako vacsina - z lodicky. Ben - mlady punter, ktory len vcera zlozil sprievodcovske skusky - celkom putavo rozprava historiu Cambridge a jednotlivych colleges. Postupne si vypocujeme niekolko semi-true, half-true a not-true stories. Kings college chapel bola v niekolkych pribehoch. Stavali ju 100 rokov pocas panovania 3 kralov. "Vykladane okno" na prieceli je jedno z najvacsich na svete. Pocas 2. sv. vojny ho dostranili, lebo sa bali bombardovania. Hitler kazdopadne Cambridge nebombardoval, lebo ho chcel mat po vojne ako HQ. Pri rozoberani okna poriadne neoznacili krabice a naspat ho davali 7 rokov. Este aj dnes mozete najst zensku hlavu na muzskom tele. Mozete mi verit, aj nemusite. Muhehe. Nasa lod ale bombardovana bola - plechovicou Stella Artois z lode okoloplaviacich sa domacich. Dobre bodlo. Vacsinu dna sme nakoniec stravili v buse. Este stastie, ze pani vodici maju zmysel pre dobrodruzstvo a do kruhacov zasadne nedavaju prednost a jazdia stylom plyn-brzda. Vecer sme zakoncili v miestnom noodle bare a prchame do pelecha. Ranajky mame kazdy den skor. Zajtra uz o siestej. Este stastie, ze uz ideme domov, lebo este tyzden a uz by sme ani spat pred ranajkami nesli.
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chemicalworldnews · 7 years
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New technology could offer cheaper, faster food testing
CAMBRIDGE, US: The foodborne pathogen Escherichia coli O157 causes an estimated 73,000 illnesses and 60 deaths every year in US. Better safety tests could help avoid some of the illnesses caused by this strain of E. coli and other harmful bacteria, according to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers who have come up with a possible new solution.
The new MIT test is based on a novel type of liquid droplet that can bind to bacterial proteins. This interaction, which can be detected by either the naked eye or a smartphone, could offer a much faster and cheaper alternative to existing food safety tests.
“It’s a brand-new way to do sensing. What we have here is something that can be massively cheaper, with low entry costs,” said Timothy Swager, professor of chemistry at MIT and the senior author of the study.
Qifan Zhang, an MIT graduate student, is the lead author of the paper, which appears in the journal ACS Central Science. Other authors are Suchol Savagatrup, an MIT postdoc; Peter Seeberger, director of the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Germany; and Paulina Kaplonek, a graduate student at the Max Planck Institute.
Detecting bacteria
Two years ago, Swager’s lab developed a way to easily make complex droplets including droplets called Janus emulsions. These Janus droplets consist of two equally sized hemispheres, one made of a fluorocarbon and one made of a hydrocarbon. Fluorocarbon is denser than hydrocarbon, so when the droplets sit on a surface, the fluorocarbon half is always at the bottom.
The researchers decided to explore using these droplets as sensors because of their unique optical properties. In their natural state, the Janus droplets are transparent when viewed from above, but they appear opaque if viewed from the side, because of the way that light bends as it travels through the droplets.
To turn the droplets into sensors, the researchers designed a surfactant molecule containing mannose sugar to self-assemble at the hydrocarbon–water interface, which makes up the top half of the droplet surface. These molecules can bind to a protein called lectin, which is found on the surface of some strains of E. coli.
When E. coli is present, the droplets attach to the proteins and become clumped together. This knocks the particles off balance, so that light hitting them scatters in many directions, and the droplets become opaque when viewed from above.
“We’re using the native molecular recognition that these pathogens use. They recognise each other with these weak carbohydrate-lectin binding schemes. We took advantage of the droplets’ multivalency to increase the binding affinity, and this is something that is very different than what other sensors are using,” Swager said.
To demonstrate how these droplets could be used for sensing, the researchers placed them into a Petri dish atop a QR code that can be scanned with a smartphone. When E. coli are present, the droplets clump together and the QR code can’t be read.
Chad Mirkin, a professor of chemistry at Northwestern University and director of the International Institute for Nanotechnology, described the particles as “a powerful new class of assays.”
Faster and cheaper
Current food safety testing often involves placing food samples in a culture dish to see if harmful bacterial colonies form, but that process takes two to three days. More rapid techniques based on bacterial DNA amplification or antibody-bacteria interactions are expensive and require special instruments.
The MIT team hopes to adapt its new technology into arrays of small wells, each containing droplets customised to detect a different pathogen and linked to a different QR code. This could enable rapid, inexpensive detection of contamination using only a smartphone.
“The great advantage of our device is you don’t need specialised instruments and technical training in order to do this,” Zhang said. “That can enable people from the factory, before shipping the food, to scan and test it to make sure it’s safe.”
The researchers are now working on optimising the food sample preparation so they can be placed into the wells with the droplets. They also plan to create droplets customised with more complex sugars that would bind to different bacterial proteins. In this paper, the researchers used a sugar that binds to a nonpathogenic type of E. coli, but they expect that they could adapt the sensor to other strains of E. coli and other harmful bacteria.
“You could imagine making really selective droplets to catch different bacteria, based on the sugar we put on them,” Savagatrup said.
The researchers are also trying to improve the sensitivity of the sensor, which currently is similar to existing techniques but has the potential to be much greater, they believe. They hope to launch a company to commercialise the technology within the next year and a half.
The research was funded by the Abdul Latif Jameel World Water and Food Security Lab (J-WAFS) at MIT, the US Army Research Office through the MIT Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies, the Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship at MIT, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Max-Planck Society, and the German Research Foundation.
© MIT News
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siphoklansan · 2 months
Urm my oc is Siphok Fr/j give yourself and your ocs a song!!!!!🫶🫶
For Sippy, she’s very ヒステリツクケイトガール by PSYQUI purely for the vibes tho not the meaning hjusjusnsu😭
For Anan, he’s kinda the vibes of Too Sweet by Hozier. Hozier supremacy ya’ll I’ve been leaving this song on repeat-
Charin is very Cake by the Ocean by DNCE ! DNCE is so Charin coded though so I had a hard time picking😔
Pin-Cha’s songs should be nursery rhymes istg HSNIAJUSNUJAI but I’ll give him New Light by John Mayer (purely for the vibes) or any Chevy song!
Government Hooker by Lady Gaga for Mathura or any Lady Gaga song in general.
And last but not least for our dear Suchol would probably be Trouble Maker by Olly Murs!
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siphoklansan · 2 months
Heyyyyyy Sucholatee~
*props myself up on some table*
So like, did it hurt when you fell out of heaven? Cause’ you look like an angel. Bby you can fall out of clouds whenever you want now, I’ll catch you every time~
You belong in my arms wooooo yeah rizz/j
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You made him malfunction omg ceru /j
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siphoklansan · 11 days
hello everyone! Still on a hiatus and im drowning in the art-burned-out hole :,)) WORRY NOT! I wanna know what you guys want to see me draw. While I do have some asks that need to be answered with a drawing, my art sucks atm so I’d like to do some practice first.
For those who know my instagram account, unfortunately due to the new meta policy, that account will not be an art account anymore :(( my old sketches and art dumps there are all removed, and I will probably post them here or on a different account!
Without further ado….
Of course, please remember the inbox rules!
Unfortunately im not looking to draw others’ OC (im still not done with the oc interaction asks(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`))
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