#suck it stabler
malevolent-muse · 1 month
Law & Order Trivia: Olivia Benson
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Of course, Bobby (the love of my life) won the poll!!! Too bad most of my fellow SVU fans these days won't even know who he is... If you haven't watched Criminal Intent, you're missing out!
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elliot-olivia · 2 years
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goldlightsaber · 1 year
im fine one moment and then a random undercurrent of sadness starts sneaking into my brain and i used to think it was the norm but now im thinking its not and i try to push it back like it’s a snake that’s gotten into the house again. PLEASE gtfo i thought you were normal and i know better now
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trickbehindthemask · 2 years
❛ you look like you were jealous. ❜ (from emma to regina)
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One sentence. Six words. One emotion.
Regina has half a mind to walk away. It was certainly the right thing to do. Cool down, breathe, assess the issue and come back to it with a clear head. That's the logical thing to do but Regina had a tendency of throwing logic out the window and this was one of these moments. Still, as jealous as Emma bluntly put it, the brunette will /always/ find a way to keep her composure. "You flatter yourself too much /Miss Swan/." And if she puts a little bit more emphasis in her name, she didn't notice. At this point it was second nature.
As she stopped her pacing around the office, Regina turned on her heels, dark eyes falling on the blonde. There it is, that stupid feeling. The quickening of her pulse, the mouth dryness, her hands wanting to reach and touch and Regina mentally chastises herself, her body betraying her mind? A constant struggle. Arms come to cross over her chest, needing something, anything, to do so she doesn't feel tempted to reach for the savior.
Their relationship was fairly new. Finding a stable ground, working through the intricacies of what they are to one another hasn't really been untangled. So sometimes she falls short, sometimes the right course of action still is amiss to the former evil queen. Even so, she wants to try, even when most of the time she gets it wrong. "But, and it is a big but, if I were to be..." She trails for a moment, disgusted by the word that was about to leave her mouth, "...jealous. What of it?"
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fatecantstopme · 1 year
That’s Not What I See
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Pairing: Elliot Stabler x Plus Size!Reader
Summary: You're a crime analyst on the Manhattan SVU squad. You've been attracted to Elliot Stabler since you first met him, but you knew there was no way he'd be into you. Men who looked like him never were...at least that's what you thought.
Warnings: Use of pet names. Cursing. Mentions of self-esteem issues. SMUT, praise kink, oral (F receiving), multiple orgasm, unprotected sex (P in V)
You walked into the office gym at 5am, thinking there wouldn't be anyone else there. You hated working out, especially in front of other people. Normally, you used the gym in your apartment building, but it was under construction, so you decided to sneak into the office early.
You'd thrown on leggings and a slightly too small t-shirt, and you were tugging on the shirt uncomfortably as you walked into the gym. You just wanted to get on the treadmill for an hour, but your plans were interrupted when you heard soft grunts coming from across the room.
You froze, hoping whoever it was wouldn't notice you. You moved towards the treadmill quietly, using it as a shield so you could see who was in the room without them seeing you.
From your angle, all you could see was a man's legs on the weight bench across the room. He was laying down and preparing for another rep. When his arms came into view, you let out an involuntary gasp. The Marine Corps tattoo on his right arm was a dead giveaway...it was Elliot Stabler.
He racked the weight bar and sat up, eyes looking in your direction. You knew he couldn't see you, but he must have heard your gasp. Shit, you thought to yourself.
"Hello?" he called.
You decided it would be weird if you didn't respond, so you stepped out from behind the treadmill and gave him a little awkward wave. "Good morning."
He smiled warmly when you came into view. "Morning, (Y/N)."
You could feel his eyes on you, boring holes into your skin, and you tugged on your shirt again. You suddenly wished you'd worn something a little looser, but you hadn't expected to see anyone, least of all him.
"Since when do you come to the gym before dawn?" he asked as he stood up and started walking towards you.
"I--uh--I...normally I don't--umm, I use the gym at home. It's being renovated."
"I see." He stopped right in front of you, giving you an up close and personal view of his beautiful body. Every inch of him was toned, muscles flexing under his skin. "I kinda like having the company."
You let out an awkward chuckle. "I was just gonna...umm--use the treadmill?"
He smiled again and your heart nearly stopped in your chest. "Go for it, doll. You don't need my permission."
You grabbed onto the arm of the treadmill to keep you upright--the term of endearment making your knees buckle. "Yeah," you mumbled.
"Let me know if you need anything." With that, he walked back over to the weight rack to finish his reps.
You were about 5 minutes away from having a full blown heart attack, but it would be super awkward if you left the gym now. So you climbed onto the treadmill and started walking at a steady pace. You did your best to keep your eyes forward, but you could feel Elliot looking at you every time he sat up.
After several minutes, he stood up and came across the room towards you. "Mind if I--?" he asked, gesturing to the machine beside you.
"Oh--uhh, sure," you stammered.
He smiled and got onto the elliptical.
You'd been sucking in your stomach as much as possible since the moment he noticed you...it was restricting your ability to breathe properly, but you didn't care. Standing next to a man who looked that good made you feel incredibly uncomfortable, frumpy even.
"How you liking SVU so far?"
Fuck, now he's gonna ask me questions? I already can't breathe. "I like it, but it's not easy work."
He nodded. "No it's not, but it's rewarding."
"Mhmm," you hummed.
"You're the first crime analyst we've ever had on the squad."
"I know," you said quickly. "I hope I'm adding value."
"You add a lot of value, both to the work we do and to the general morale of the squad."
"Oh," you said in surprise. "I, uhh, I appreciate that."
He chuckled lightly. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure," you said tentatively.
"Do I make you uncomfortable?"
"What?" you asked in genuine surprise. "Why would you think that?"
"Well...you don't make eye contact with me very often and you stutter a lot when you talk to me--like you're flustered."
"I promise, it's not because you make me uncomfortable." It's because every time I see you, I want you to rip my clothes off and bend me over your desk.
You could feel his eyes on you, almost like he was scanning you--trying to decide if you were being honest. You didn't dare turn your head, you'd either fall on your face or reveal the thoughts in your head.
"Okay, good. I just wanted to make sure," he said with a smile. "I like you, (Y/N)...I don't wanna make you uncomfortable."
That tiny naive voice in the back of your mind squealed he likes me! but the more logical part of your brain ignored it. A man that looked like that was not interested in a woman who looked like you.
"I appreciate that," you mumbled. You'd only been on the treadmill for 40 minutes, but you decided that was more than enough. You wanted to get the hell outta there. You hit 'stop' on the machine and hopped off. "I'm gonna hit the shower. See you in the squad room."
"Okay. See you there."
20 minutes later, you were seated comfortably at your desk, going over some reports you needed to write.
You felt Elliot's presence before you saw him, and you did your best to act nonchalant. He walked up to the desk across from yours and leaned against it. He'd clearly showered and was now dressed in his usual slacks and a button down, sleeves rolled up to reveal his toned forearms and his tattoo.
"You smell really good," he commented. "Body wash or perfume?"
"Oh, uhh--maybe both?" It better be that damn perfume. It was expensive.
He smiled. "Well if it's the perfume, I'd recommend wearing it more often. It smells delicious." He shot you a wink before walking over to his own desk and sitting down.
You couldn't help but wonder if this man knew the effect he had on you and if that was why he was flirting with you. Was he even flirting? Hell, you had no idea. The hotter the man, the more awkward you became. You had a hell of a time reading them and it had messed you up in the past.
It's not that you had low self-esteem necessarily, it's just that you'd put on a fair amount of weight in the last couple years and it definitely affected your self-confidence. Hence why you'd started going to the gym every day...you wanted to get that young, happy, thinner version of you back.
As the day progressed, you forgot all about your encounter with Elliot that morning. It was a busy day and it flew by. Before you knew it, it was after 7pm and you were still curled up at your desk, typing away on your computer.
You heard a throat clear to your left and you turned to glare at whomever it was that dared to interrupt you. "Oh, Elliot!" you exclaimed in surprise. "I figured you'd gone home by now."
"I thought you would have too," he said with a shrug. "I'm actually just heading out now, but I wanted to see if you were hungry."
At that exact moment, your stomach let out a little grumble. You realized you'd worked straight through lunch and you were starving. "I could eat."
He raised an eyebrow. "You didn't eat lunch, so I'm betting you're starving."
He was paying that much attention? "Yeah, you're right. It's probably time to get the hell outta here anyway."
"My thoughts exactly. Come on, I'll take you home. We can get dinner on the way--my treat."
You normally took the subway, but it was after dark and the squad didn't like you walking home or riding the subway alone. "Oh, you don't have to do that."
"It's not a chore, (Y/N). We can stop anywhere you'd like."
You bit your lip as you thought about it. You really should turn him down, but if you'd learned anything in your time with SVU, it was that being a woman in New York was dangerous enough without walking alone at night.
"There's a little pizza shop by my apartment," you conceded.
He grinned. "How'd you know I was thinking pizza?"
You laughed. "You eat it all the time...you must think pizza is a vegetable."
He laughed. "It's delicious. Grab your coat."
You hurried to pack up, then you threw on your coat and followed him out to his car. It was a chilly night, but the sky was clear and the air was crisp.
Elliot made small talk on the way to the pizza place. You were thankful that he carried the majority of the conversation and you couldn't wait to have food to occupy your mouth with so you wouldn't sound like such an idiot.
"I don't think I've ever been here," he commented as he found a parking spot near the shop.
"It's the absolute best," you insisted enthusiastically.
He smiled at your animation. "This is the most excited I've ever seen you."
You blushed. "I like food."
"So do I...and I'm starving, so let's go in."
As soon as you walked in the door, you heard a thick Italian accent yell your name. "(Y/N)! Looking beautiful as ever."
You smiled at the older man, embracing him when he came around the counter for a hug. "You're too sweet, Gio."
After he released you from the bear hug, he turned to look at Elliot, clearly sizing him up. "Who is this?"
"This is Elliot. We work together," you said reassuringly. "Elliot, this is Giovanni Romano, owner and chef extraordinaire."
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Elliot said as he extended his hand for a shake.
Gio looked him up and down, and apparently decided he liked him because he smiled really wide and said, "No handshakes! We hug here," before wrapping a surprised Elliot into a hug.
You laughed at the look on Elliot's face. Gio finally let him go and Elliot looked relieved, if not a little shocked.
"Maria!" Gio yelled towards the back. "La principessa is here with il innamorato."
You turned red as a tomato and prayed Elliot didn't speak Italian. "Gio!" you hissed.
"My principessa?" Maria yelled as she came out of the kitchen. She bustled over to where you were still standing by the door.
"She's Gio's wife," you whispered to Elliot a millisecond before she grabbed you in a tight hug.
She then turned her attention to Elliot. She nodded approvingly and turned to whisper to you, "Lui è bello."
You blushed again. "Sì," you mumbled back. "Now silenzio, per favore."
She smiled at you and gave your cheek an affectionate tap. "What can we get the two of you, amorino?"
You smiled. "Two of your best pies, Maria." You turned to Elliot, realizing he might not want you to order for him. "If that's okay with you."
He smiled. "I trust you."
"Two pies coming up!" Maria said with a smile. She grabbed Gio and practically dragged him towards the kitchen with her. You could hear her talking about Elliot and you in Italian and it made you laugh.
Elliot followed you to a table near the back of the small building. "So, uh...you come here often?"
You blushed. "Nearly every day when I was in school," you said honestly. "The food is delicious, cheap, and there's free WIFI. Plus, Gio and Maria have become like family to me."
"They seem really sweet."
You smiled fondly. "They're the best. I don't have any family of my own, but they both kinda took me under their wings...like an Aunt and Uncle."
"That's very kind of them."
Gio appeared with two waters, before he disappeared again with a wink in your direction.
"I didn't know you spoke Italian."
"Oh, uh, yeah. Gio and Maria taught me. I ended up minoring in Italian at NYU."
"So, uh...what did they say about me?"
"Hmmm?" you pretended not to know what he was talking about...you really didn't want to answer him.
"Come on, I know they were talking about me."
"Maria said you were handsome, that's all."
He raised his eyebrow. "Why don't I believe you?"
"She did!" you insisted.
"I don't think that's the only thing she said."
You blushed.
"You're blushing."
"It's warm in here."
"No, it's not. Just tell me what she said."
You bit your lip. "Do I have to?"
He laughed. "No, but I'd really like to know."
"Technically that's all Maria said. Gio, on the other hand...well, he called you my um...well in Italian it means 'lover', but you can think of it more like boyfriend, I guess? Or maybe more like sweetheart?" you rambled.
Elliot laughed heartily. He enjoyed watching you fumble for what to say. It was endearing and incredibly cute. "I hope you didn't correct them."
You nearly spit out your water. "What?"
"Well, if you're as close to them as you seem to be...then they would know if you were seeing someone right?"
You nodded.
"And their assumption that I'm your lover means you're not seeing anyone?"
You nodded again, clearly uncomfortable.
"Yeah," he said with a smile. "Good." He picked up his water and took a long drink, eyes never leaving yours.
What the actual fuck is happening? "I'm confused."
He shrugged. "Let me put it this way, I'm honored they would think I'm your lover."
You choked on nothing but air. "Excuse me?"
He smiled again, wider than before. He leaned in closer to make sure no one but you could hear his next words. "I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about it."
Your jaw nearly hit the floor. You stared at him in shocked silence for what felt like an eternity.
Like a little Italian savior, Maria appeared beside the table with her famous focaccia.
You grabbed a piece of the delicious bread and took a massive bite, despite the fact that it was fresh from the oven. It burned your mouth, but you didn't care. You needed something to distract you from the words Elliot had just said and the way he was staring at you.
Maria gave you look that said slow down, but she didn't say it out loud. "The rest will be out soon, amorino."
Once Maria was out of ear shot, Elliot asked, "What does amorino mean?"
"Essentially 'little love'. It's a term of endearment," you answered, grateful for the change in topic.
Elliot steered the conversation in other directions for the rest of dinner. He asked you all sorts of questions about your life and answered several of your own. He didn't mention what he'd said earlier, and you were fine pretending it hadn't happened.
After dinner, Elliot insisted on paying the bill, even though Gio tried to comp it. You knew it made Elliot look respectable in Gio's eyes and for some reason, that made you proud.
"I'll pull the car up," Elliot told you before heading outside.
"He's lovely, principessa," Gio said softly.
"I know, but he's just a friend, Gio."
"Ahh, amorino, you are young! You cannot see," he insisted.
"Can't see what?"
"The way he looks at you, (Y/N/N)," Maria said gently as she joined the two of you.
"Like you hung the moon," Gio finished.
"You two are romantics," you said with a laugh.
"Perhaps, but we are old...we've lived. We both know what it means when a man looks at a woman the way Elliot looks at you," Maria assured you.
She wrapped you in a tight hug and Gio followed.
"Now go, principessa," Maria said with a smile. "He's waiting."
You turned to look out the door and sure enough, Elliot was standing on the sidewalk, leaning against the car, waiting for you to come outside.
You said your goodbyes and met Elliot out on the sidewalk. "Fancy meeting you here," you teased.
He smiled. "It's almost like I planned it that way."
You laughed and walked towards the now open passenger side door. Elliot helped you into the car and closed the door before going to his side and getting in.
During the short drive to your apartment, you watched Elliot out of the corner of your eye. You were looking for whatever it was that Gio and Maria insisted they saw. He was relaxed, more so than he ever was at work, and he seemed genuinely comfortable. But comfort and desire were two very different things.
Much sooner than you would have liked, Elliot pulled up in front of your building. This time of night, there wasn't much by way of street parking, but he managed to snag a spot a block away. "I'll walk you in."
"You don't have to," you assured him.
"It's after 9...there are pervs on the street."
You almost laughed, but you knew he was serious. His statement wasn't funny, so much as the way he said it. "Alright, come on."
He followed you to the front door of your building. You punched in the code and the door unlocked. As you pulled it open, you had a sudden burst of confidence.
"Would you like to come up?" you blurted.
You weren't sure who was more surprised, you or Elliot. He certainly recovered faster than you. "I'd love to."
You just nodded awkwardly and held the door for him to follow you in. The two of you took the stairs in silence, a silence that continued all the way to your door. "This is me," you mumbled.
You unlocked the door without looking at him and gestured for him to enter. You were thankful you'd cleaned the apartment the day before, so everything was neat and organized.
"It's a cute place," he commented.
"Thanks," you moved to the kitchen, needing something to do with your hands. "It's all I can afford. Do you--uh, do you want a drink?"
"Sure," he said warmly as he slipped his coat off and draped it over the back of the chair.
You poured him a drink and poured yourself a double. Lord knew you needed a little more liquid courage than he did. You were taking a risk--making a gamble you weren't sure would pay off.
You came into the living room and handed him his drink before sitting on the couch beside him. You left space between you, just in case he wanted there to be some.
You were drinking your beverage a little faster than you should have and he noticed. "You alright?"
"Mhmm," you hummed.
"Is this about what I said at the restaurant?"
"Because I didn't mean to offend you or make you uncomfortable."
"You didn't," you said quickly. It had made you uncomfortable, but not in the way he was thinking.
"Okay, good." He took a sip of his drink. "Because I meant it."
You exhaled sharply and he turned to look at you.
He sat his glass down on the coffee table and scooted closer to you. "I think about it all the time, (Y/N). I think about you all the time. It's almost annoying--you occupy my thoughts all day every day and I don't know how to deal with it. You make me feel like a teenager again."
You didn't know what to say. You'd dreamed of this happening, but you never actually thought it would. Now that you were sitting in this position, you had no idea what to do.
"I know I'm older than you--hell, I might be too old for you, but I can't help the way I feel. I'll never bring it up again if that's what you want, but I wanted to tell you the truth."
"You're not too old for me," you said quickly.
"How old are you?"
"Oh," he seemed almost relieved. "I thought you were younger than that...I actually feel better."
You laughed lightly. "10 years isn't all that much."
He shook his head. "Not at our ages."
You fell silent again, unsure what to say next. You finished your drink, then set it on the coffee table beside his. "Why me?"
He looked confused. "What do you mean?"
"Why would you want me?"
"Because you're incredible?"
You rolled your eyes. "Elliot, come on. Look at us."
"I don't understand."
You sighed, feeling reluctant to answer. "Look at you. Hot, muscular, in incredible shape. Then look at me. I'm none of those things--I'm overweight, frumpy, and average at best."
He stared at you in silence for a long moment, shock evident in his features. "While I appreciate the compliments, doll, that's not what I see when I look at you."
You almost didn't want to ask, but you had to know. "What do you see?" you whispered.
He moved closer to you so he could take your hand in his. "I see a beautiful woman with warm, caring eyes, and a gentle heart. I see a woman who makes me laugh, a woman who's witty and charming and brilliant. I see the kind of woman I can imagine a future with."
You were breathless by the time he'd finished speaking. No man had ever said anything like that to you before, even before you'd put on weight.
"Do you want more details? I can give you more," he said softly as he leaned forward so his body hovered over yours. You were caged in the corner of the couch and for the first time in a long time, you felt tiny.
You couldn't find the words, so you simply nodded.
He smiled down at you and licked his lips. "I see the sexiest woman I've ever met--a woman I've wanted to touch since the moment I laid eyes on her. Every part of her gorgeous body is perfect...and I want to claim it all as mine," he finished with a soft growl.
Every instinct in your body was screaming at you to just do something and you finally gave in. You wanted this as much as he did, so why not indulge?
You leaned forward and crashed your lips against his, moaning softly as he pulled you closer. He deepened the kiss, desperate to feel as much of you as he could.
You shifted beneath him, allowing him to settle between your legs. He wedged his knee against your crotch and brought his hands down to your sides.
You moaned softly as his lips began to trace your jaw line, then down your neck, then to the sweet spot behind your ear.
You felt his hot breath in your ear as he whispered, "You're so beautiful." You shivered involuntarily and your hips bucked forward in search of friction.
He chuckled softly. "Needy, are we?"
"Yes," you admitted, allowing the desperation to creep into your voice. "Need you."
"Oh sweet thing, don't you worry, I'll take care of you."
"Elliot," you whimpered softly.
He groaned. "God I love hearing you say my name like that."
He grabbed you around the waist and pulled you against him. You instinctively wrapped your legs around him and he whispered, "Good girl."
You shuddered, the praise going right to your core. It didn't go unnoticed by him, and he tucked it in the back of his mind for later.
"Where's the bedroom?"
You pointed to the right and he stood up with you still wrapped around him like a baby koala. "Elliot!" you yelped.
He smiled and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. "Don't worry, baby, I got you."
He carried you to your room with ease, tossing you onto the bed like you weighed nothing more than a rag doll. You'd never been so turned on in your damn life.
He climbed on the bed, covering you with his large form. His lips sought yours again, latching onto you like you were his lifeline. Your left hand trailed up his back, your fingers gently clutching the hairs at the back of his head.
He continued to kiss you, but your mind began to wander. You thought about seeing him in the gym earlier that morning and your body started to heat up even more. You wanted to see all of him, not just his arm muscles.
You gripped the edge of his shirt and tugged harshly, desperate to get it off him as fast as possible. He chuckled softly as he sat up, just long enough to take off his shirt.
He was back on top of you before you could register the view--and you found yourself annoyed. An idea popped into your head and you smirked against his lips. He might be a hell of a lot stronger than you, but you had the element of surprise.
You wrapped your legs around his waist again, pulling him towards you so you could lock your ankles around him. His groan quickly turned into a gasp of surprise when you flipped him onto his back. You smiled down at him, a mischievous glint in your eyes.
"What do you think you're doing?" he asked lightly.
"I wanted to see you better...so I'm in control now."
He didn't often give up control anywhere, let alone the bedroom, but you looked so pleased with yourself that he couldn't help but acquiesce.
Your eyes had drifted from his face to his exposed torso. He watched as your hands followed the curve of his muscles, eyes drinking in every inch of his skin. The way you looked at him was intoxicating--it was like a drug he didn't wanna quit.
Your eyes flicked back up to his and he saw the unbridled lust in them. It took every ounce of self-control he had to not flip you over and fuck you senseless. All he could think about was hearing you screaming his name, but he knew he had to wait. He had a feeling it would be worth it.
"Can I touch you?" he asked softly.
You nodded and he immediately grabbed your hips and tugged you onto his abdomen. He wanted you to be a little bit closer so he could touch every part of you. His hands slowly slid under the hem of your shirt and for a moment, you froze--panic rising in your chest.
Elliot saw it flicker across your face, so he stopped moving, but he didn't remove his hands. He wanted to make sure you knew he was only stopping to make sure you were comfortable, not because he found something he didn't like.
"Can I keep going?" he whispered.
You nodded cautiously, so he slowly moved his hands farther up your belly. He enjoyed the feeling of your soft curves and he had a feeling he was really going to enjoy holding onto you while he fucked you.
He reached the edge of your bra and paused, waiting for you to indicate it was okay for him to continue. You didn't tell him to stop, so he slid his hands up over your breasts, giving them a gentle squeeze. You released a soft sigh and he did his best to keep moving at a slow pace, despite wanting to literally rip your clothes off.
You allowed him to pull your shirt up and over your head, and it took all the energy you had not to wrap your arms around yourself and hide. When you saw the look on his face--the hunger in his eyes--you suddenly didn't feel as self-conscious as before. Your body reacted to him in the same way his reacted to you, and you felt the desperation begin to creep in.
You shifted your hips, seeking some kind of friction against his body, while your nails raked down his chest. He groaned softly, but his hands didn't leave your body. Instead, they slipped around to your back and quickly unhooked your bra.
The moment your breasts came into full view, his hands began to massage and knead them, fingers pinching and twisting your nipples gently.
You moaned and dug your nails into his sides, gripping them for stability. He looked up at you, at your dark, lust-filled eyes, and he lost control for a moment. He flipped you onto your back so fast you let out a little yelp in surprise.
That yelp quickly turned to deep moans as his mouth attached to your breasts, sending bolts of pleasure through your body. His hands fumbled with the button and zipper of your pants--he was about 3 seconds away from ripping them when he finally got the buttons undone.
"Why are women's dress pants so complicated? There are literally THREE buttons." he mumbled against your skin.
You laughed warmly, knowing he was right. "Try wearing them sometime."
He grinned up at you. "They look better on you, but..." he tugged your pants off and tossed them onto the floor. "...just as I thought, they look much better on the floor."
You chuckled at his joke and rolled your eyes. You were about to comment on the cheesiness of his statement, when he sat up and began removing his own pants. You were so focused on watching him that you forgot what you were about to say.
You eyed his bulge when it came into view and you began to pant with need. Elliot noticed and gave you a little smirk. "Want me to take these off?" he asked, gesturing to his boxers.
You nodded rapidly.
"Sorry, baby, I didn't catch that."
"Yes, please," you said aloud.
"Good girl."
You moaned and rolled your hips involuntarily--the praise going directly to your core.
His words had the desired effect on you and it only made him want you more. He tugged off his underwear and climbed back into the bed, but you stopped him with a gasp.
"Absolutely not," you said with wide eyes.
"What?" he asked in confusion. He followed your line of sight and realized you were staring directly at his dick. "Something wrong?"
"It's not gonna fit."
Elliot nearly collapsed in relief as he started to laugh. "Baby, you had me worried for a minute." He laughed again. "Don't worry, it'll fit."
You shook your head. "I might be a big girl, but my vagina isn't."
He laughed again. "You're perfect, baby, and I promise you, I'll be gentle."
You finally looked back up at him, eyes still filled with doubt. He offered you a warm smile and it helped to put you at ease. "Okay," you murmured. "I trust you."
"That's my girl." He climbed back on top of you and kissed you deeply.
When he broke off the kiss, he began to make his way down your body, lips never more than an inch away from your skin. He was dying to taste you and he was quite certain he'd waited long enough.
When he reached your core, his eyes flicked up to yours to make sure you were watching. He grabbed ahold of the edge of your panties with his teeth and tugged on them--pulling them down your body with nothing but his mouth.
You didn't know why the hell that was so hot, but good god it was. But nothing could have prepared you for the sight of Elliot's large body between your legs, mouth mere centimeters from where you needed him. You'd never imagined he'd look this damn good, nor did you imagine you would feel so comfortable baring yourself to him completely.
Elliot locked eyes with you as he placed soft kisses to your inner thighs and your pussy lips. He breathed in your scent as he did so, and he had to grip the bedsheets to keep from losing his control.
You were panting heavily, the anticipation nearly killing you. "Elliot, please," you whimpered, hips jerking slightly.
He smiled as he placed another kiss to your mound. "Please what, baby?"
"Do something," you begged.
"Anything! Please!"
Normally he would have kept asking until you used your words and told him what you really wanted, but he was having a hard time resisting his own urges right now, so he decided to have mercy on you.
He dove into you with abandon, mouth working you in ways you'd never imagined. It was like having a sex god between your legs--not that you'd ever say that to him, he'd probably find it blasphemous--but in that moment, you couldn't be bothered to care.
Your nails raked against his scalp as you struggled to find purchase somewhere on his body. Your hands finally came to rest on his biceps, nails digging into his skin as you held on for dear life.
Your body jerked beneath him, the pleasure so immense that he had to hold you down to keep you from squirming away from him. He glanced back up at your face to make sure you were enjoying it--and was met with the most beautiful sight.
Your head was thrown back against the pillows, mouth open as you moaned and panted. Your chest was rising and falling rapidly with each heavy breath you took. He wished he could see your face better, but it was more than obvious you were enjoying yourself.
He somehow learned exactly what you liked, and what you needed, without you having to say a single word. You were more than pleased because you were certain you couldn't actually speak. The only sounds coming from your mouth were moans and something that closely resembled his name.
His fingertips were digging into your hips as he held you in place--his grip so tight it was sure to leave bruises. Your legs began to shake around him and your thighs started to close in on his head, but he was more than happy to wear your legs like earmuffs.
Your moans rose in volume and length, signaling you were close. Your nails dug deeper into his biceps, pressing crescent shapes into his skin. It would have been painful in any other setting, but he was more than delighted to bear the pain.
He knew you were close to orgasm, so he sped up his movements, tongue dancing against your clit with expert precision.
You gasped his name, hips jerking against him as you came. He held on tightly as he helped you ride out your high--not stopping even as you began to whimper.
"Too sensitive, Elliot," you gasped.
He lifted his head long enough to say, "I'm not done," before diving in with renewed vigor.
You gasped at the intensity of the sensations and within seconds you could feel a second orgasm building within you.
He lifted his head again. "Unless you want me to stop?"
"No!" you practically yelled. Your hand grabbed the back of his head and pushed him back down and he chuckled warmly at your insistence.
"I didn't think so," he mumbled before licking his way back into your pussy.
Unlike your first orgasm, your second hit you suddenly and quickly--rendering you nearly speechless. You could do nothing but gasp for air as wave after wave of pleasure threatened to drown you in an ocean of passion.
Elliot finally lifted his head, a satisfied smirk resting on his handsome features. You looked down at him, breathless and wide eyed, and he felt his body heat up.
He moved with such speed that it surprised you, nearly pouncing on top of you, mouth mere inches from yours. He seemed to be studying your face and for a moment you felt embarrassed--unaccustomed to such a lustful expression on another person's face.
But the way he looked at you--the desire evident in his eyes--simultaneously put you at ease and made you want him with renewed desire.
He touched your cheek, which was flushed bright red. He could feel the heat radiating from it and he liked being the cause of such a reaction. "You look beautiful like this," he whispered.
Your cheeks turned a darker crimson and he smiled, knowing he'd caused that as well. "I like you like this," he murmured. "Laid out beneath me, pretty eyes wide, lips parted, hair a mess...I've never seen anything so sexy."
"Elliot," you whispered. You didn't know what else to say, so you let your body do the talking for you. You tugged him down to you, lips latching onto his as you kissed him hungrily.
He lowered himself to be closer to you, careful not to put his weight on top of you--he didn't want to hurt you. His hands tangled in your hair as he deepened the kiss, letting you taste yourself on his tongue.
You moaned softly, hips pressing upward against his pelvis. His cock brushed against your core, earning a groan from deep in his chest.
You liked the sound he made and you were desperate to hear more of them, so you did it again, this time more slowly and with more pressure. He pressed against you, his own body seeking friction of its own volition.
You slipped your dominant hand between your bodies and wrapped it around the base of his cock, squeezing gently as you stroked upward. He groaned and his hips bucked against your hand.
Even though he was on top of you, you felt like you were in control...and you were going to use it to your advantage. You slipped the head of his cock between your folds, sliding it upward against your clit. He groaned and bit down into the soft flesh of your neck and you gasped at the mixture of pain and pleasure.
You were about to do it again, but Elliot pulled just out of reach. "Baby if you keep doing that, I'm gonna lose control."
Your eyes widened innocently. "What if that's exactly what I want?"
His eyes widened in surprise. "What?" he croaked.
"What if I want you to lose control? What if I like the idea of you fucking me like a feral wild animal? I want you to fuck me so well I can't walk tomorrow. Make me scream, Elliot. Please."
The seductive tone in your voice morphed into a plea at the end--a plea Elliot could not refuse. Not when you looked so gorgeous and needy beneath him...not when you said his name like that...not when you begged him to fuck you like he'd been dreaming about for months.
He grabbed his cock and began to rub it gently against your entrance, earning soft moans of pleasure from you. He knew you would feel incredible, but he was trying to hang onto whatever sanity he had left.
"Relax for me, baby," he whispered gently. He felt the tension in your body ease a little, but he needed you to be completely relaxed or he was definitely going to hurt you.
He gently rubbed circles into your hips, trying to calm your racing heart. "I've got you, doll. I'll go real slow, okay?"
You nodded, expression still worried.
"Hey," he whispered, leaning forward to kiss you softly. "You tell me to stop, I stop, okay? No matter what."
"I don't want you to stop," you whispered.
He smiled gently. "Just in case, baby." He kissed you again before assuming his previous position. "Just relax, beautiful. It'll feel so good--I know you're ready for me."
You relaxed your body as much as you could, but nothing could have properly prepared you for the stretch you were about to experience.
Elliot began to slowly enter you, eyes never leaving your face. Every time you winced or inhaled sharply, he wanted to stop, but you told him to keep going.
Once he fully bottomed out, your breathing was ragged as your body adjusted to his size. He was using every ounce of will power he'd ever had to just stay still.
"You're doing so well for me, baby," he managed to groan out. "Such a good girl."
Your pussy spasmed around him as the words "good girl" registered in your brain. You suddenly needed him to move...
The moment he felt you clench around him, something inside of him snapped and it was game over for him. Whatever self-control he'd had went out the window and he started to move, setting a fast pace from the start.
Your cries mixed with his groans as he slammed into you with force. Somewhere deep in the recesses of his mind, he worried he was hurting you, but one look at your face shut that voice down instantly.
You looked much like you did when he'd been eating you out, only this time he had a view of your face. It was a sight to behold--one he didn't think he'd ever get over.
"You feel so good, baby," he whispered.
"Please, El--" you whimpered.
He wasn't sure what you needed and you didn't appear to be in any position to tell him, so he decided to take matters into his own hands. He shifted his body so your hips were angled up, one leg on either side of head. As he thrust into you, you cried out desperately, hands fisting the sheets beside you.
He felt as the head of his cock hit that soft spot inside you--and he knew he couldn't stop now. He kept up his pace, slamming into your g-spot with each thrust.
The sounds coming from your mouth were incredible--he wanted to hear them every single day for the rest of his life. You were shaking with pleasure, body writhing against him as he struggled to keep you in place.
He needed to feel you cum around his cock at least once before he found his own release...so all of his focus was on getting you to your next orgasm.
He started to murmur dirty things to you, noticing the way your body reacted to his words. "Your pussy feels so good, baby. So tight and warm--I could stay here all night."
You were way too far gone to respond verbally, but your body told him everything he needed to know.
"You're taking me so well--squeezing so tight."
He placed soft, sloppy kisses to your calves, hips never slowing their intense pace.
"This is my pussy, you hear me? Mine. I'm gonna make sure she feels so good, baby."
You moaned loudly--clearly liking the idea of being his.
"You like that, huh? You like knowing you're mine? Like knowing I'm marking you? No one else will ever compare, baby--gonna ruin you."
"Elliot!" you screamed as your orgasm came crashing down on you. Your pussy spasmed around his cock, squeezing him so tightly he could hardly breathe.
The feeling of your orgasm triggered his own, sending him spiraling over the edge with a deep groan and whispers of your name. He filled you with his seed, letting your legs fall to either side of his hips as he stuttered his last few thrusts.
He collapsed on top of you, whispering your name against your skin like a prayer. He kissed your jaw and your neck--the affection warming your heart as you lay beneath him, slowly coming down from your high.
After several moments, Elliot pulled out of you and rolled onto his back. You both lay on the bed, breathless, as you tried to regain control of your heart rates.
Elliot grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours as he lay beside you. He turned to look at you and he smiled, taking in your beautiful post-sex glow.
You turned your head to look at him and smiled warmly. "That was..."
"Fucking incredible."
"I was gonna say decent," you teased.
He laughed and jokingly rolled away from you.
"Come back! I was kidding!" you called after him.
He kept laughing as he looked over his shoulder at you. "Come get me then."
"I can't move," you said simply.
He rolled back towards you, body now facing you. "Oh yeah? And it was just decent?"
"Decent--best sex of my life--same thing."
He grinned wolfishly and leaned in to kiss you. "That's more like it."
You rolled your eyes and affectionately smacked his arm. "Cocky, are we?"
"I know what I'm good at," he said with a shrug.
"Smart ass," you teased.
"But you like my ass," he teased back.
"It does look nice in those jeans you sometimes wear. Makes me wanna bite it."
"Oooo, kinky."
You both laughed.
Elliot looked down and his expression immediately sobered.
"What's wrong?"
"I--I didn't--I was so caught up..."
He looked back up at you, a look of regret on his handsome face. "I didn't even think about putting on a condom, (Y/N)...I--God, I'm so sorry."
You shrugged. "No need to worry. I trust that you're clean."
"I am," he assured you. "But what about...pregnancy?"
"Oh," you brushed him off. "We definitely don't need to worry about that. I have a tiny sperm murderer living in my uterus."
"You have a what?"
You laughed. "I have an IUD."
He started laughing too. "Oh! 'Sperm murderer'..." he mumbled as he laughed even harder.
You grinned ear to ear. "I was gonna call it a tiny copper knight defending my honor, but I figured that was too much."
"You're so weird," he teased. "Come here."
You giggled as he grabbed you and dragged you against his chest. He held you tightly as he kissed your skin softly. "You're so beautiful," he whispered.
"You are," he insisted.
For the first time in a long time, you felt truly beautiful, but more importantly, you felt seen. He knew who you were and wanted you anyway. He liked you for you...and he liked your body, which was really just a bonus.
"What are you thinking about?"
"If we should get a shower...or go for round two?"
He groaned softly. "I'm an old man, doll."
You rolled over so you were on top of him. "Well that's just a pity...there's so much I wanna do to you."
His eyes seemed to burn as he looked at you. There was absolutely no way in hell he could say no to you. "You're gonna be the death of me."
"At least you'll die a happy man."
He grinned. "No man has ever been happier."
Before you could respond, he grabbed you and pulled you down to him, slamming his lips against yours in a bruising kiss. Your last coherent thought before Elliot sent you into orgasmic oblivion again was I guess that's a yes for round two.
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countrymusiclover · 14 days
4 - Calling the BAU
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Part 5
Detective Stabler’s Daughter
Tag list - send an ask to be added @hiireadstuff @person-005
The next morning - Spencer’s pov
Walking into the FBI building I had been dialing Y/n for a few hours since it was strange that she hadn't called me on my way into work this morning. Sitting down at my desk I sighed pressing the call button on the phone again but I heard the same response for the fifth time. "This is Y/n, I can't answer the phone now. Leave a message and I'll call ya back later."
"Urgh! That's not right. It's can't be right." Tossing my phone on the desk I ran my hands through my hair frustrated.
Footsteps came down the hallway and I lifted my head up seeing it was JJ. "Hey Spence, you okay. Something seems to have you pretty upset." She pointed out standing in front of me.
"Uh.. There's somebody missing that I care about and she's missing." I sighed leaning back in my chair.
She tilted her head. "Is she a friend or girlfriend?"
"She’s one of my students in my classes. I’m not sure if she’s my girlfriend or not exactly..." I croaked out feeling my chest tighten with fear.
An office door opened before she could say anything more. Garcia and Hotchner came out of his office. "We have a new case. Everyone in the briefing room now." JJ and I followed them into the room seeing the rest of the team which included Morgan, Prentas, Hotch, Garcia, JJ and me.
The team had come to visit me when I wanted to show them a tour of the campus. But before they were about to go back home a call came in from Garcia about us needing to see something fairly important.
"Okay, so this will sound odd. But the computer system has been blowing up a few minutes ago with a repeated message and now there's a video that was all sent here. Specifically to Spencer's email address." Garcia explained once we were all in the conference room.
Hotch glanced over to her. "What else do you know about whoever sent the emails?"
"I wish I could say I had more to tell you. Sadly I haven't recovered much. At least until I get to read through the emails and see if anything sticks out to me." She sighed in disappointment.
I gulped feeling a lump in my throat. "Garcia uh...can I read over the emails with you?"
"I know that you can read them really fast but what do you think you'll find that she can't with her computer skills?" Emily asked with her arms crossed over her chest.
JJ sent me a half smile. "He claims that this woman is his one of his students. But not certain she’s a girlfriend yet.."
"Wait a possible girlfriend. Are you serious? How do we not know about her - how do I not know anything about her?" Garcia put a hand over her heart in awe and somewhat of a betrayal that he didn't tell them sooner.
Morgan smirked in my direction. "Pretty boy being a player over there. I wish I'd be saying congratulations under different circumstances."
Clutching my hands into fists at my sides I could feel my whole body shaking while I attempted to get the words out. Thinking back to last night and what would have happened if I had just stayed like she asked. "I have a wealth of knowledge I should be applying to this case. Behavioral patterns of stalkers. Tactical recovery strategies. Victim survival odds. But right now I can't focus on anything more than 4 seconds at a time. Which makes me the dumbest person in the room. So...Please help me. Help me find her."
"We don't know if we have a case. So we'll be working on personal time. Does anybody want to leave?" Hotch asked the others looking around and nobody said anything against it. "Good. Let's get to work."
Everybody else had left the room but I felt Garcia reach down for my hand squeezing it gently. "Don't worry, we'll find her."
"Yeah I know...I just hope she remembers what I taught her to buy her time so we can find her." I sucked in a breath following her down to her office where she opened the door and I pulled in a chair from another desk.
Sitting down beside her she turned on her computer screen grabbing me a set of headphones. "Here, put these on and wait for my cue ... .so care to tell me about this girl before we see some dark things."
"We've gone out on some coffee dates that happened near the campus... .sorry I don't really know what would be important until we look through the evidence." Running a hand through my hair I sighed heavily.
She spun slightly in her chair. "Reid, I know you're worried about this girl. But you just need to remember that this isn't all just riding on you. This girl has to fight against the clock in her own way."
"Yeah...there is one thing that sticks out to me about these photos." I dropped my attention to the printed photos she had given me when we came into her office. One of the photos showed blood on the floor and a gun bullet laying at the edge of it. "He has a handgun. That’s the weapon he used to control her.”
Garcia paused her typing on the keyboard glancing at me. “What’s her name? I might be able to track her phone or her status on social media platforms.”
“Y/n Stabler.” I answered her question. “She has a few siblings and her father is very concerned for her all the time.”
She asked me. “What’s his name?”
“Elliot Stabler. He works for New York Police Department SVU.” I gasped thinking that it was obvious what the best next step should be. Getting up from my chair I rummaged around in her bag taking out her keys and running out of the office. “I’ll bring your car back, Garcia. I have to go speak with him.”
Driving through the city streets I gripped the steering wheel parking outside the building. Rushing inside I made my way through the department until I found a door that read SVU’s written on the glass door at the end of the hallway. Entering through the door I saw multiple different people working at different desks until a woman with short dark brown hair noticed me. “Can I help you with something, sir?”
“I’m um - needing to speak with a guy named Elliot Stabler about something important.” I answered her question frantically scanning my eyes around the room even though I had never seen a picture of her father.
The woman responded. “Okay. He’s my partner so give me a minute to find her. My name is Olivia Benson.”
“Spencer Reid.” I nodded nervously hearing footsteps coming in our direction.
A guy wearing a bright blue dress shirt and black pants who crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. “What are you doing here, Mr. Reid?”
“I need to speak with you. It’s about your daughter, Y/n.” I stepped past Olivia when she took a step backwards watching the two of us talk.
Stabler stepped closer to me. “Did something happen to my daughter?”
“I think someone has abducted her.” I gulped feeling my hands beginning to clamp up at my sides, praying that he could help me find her.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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hooty-1-6-svu · 1 month
*deep breathe*
Okay, I'm putting my two cents in on that Mariska interview today that Parade posted. And it's a long post.
Now, if you read the excerpt from it, it sounds like she doesn't want EO to happen. If you read the WHOLE article, then you understand why she said it.
She's promoting her new purple leash project and they ask about Benson and Stabler, kind of like out of the blue, then try to deflect with "what's gonna happen with Olivia next season?"
I'll come to Mariska's defense. I would've probably done the same thing if I was in her position. I can't say for certain, but she is probably frustrated with all the questions surrounding it, and (from the way it looks like) we're not getting any type of crossover, she could also be frustrated by that. She knows that EO brings in ratings and she has been a supporter of rebuilding the relationship between Benson and Stabler and possibly exploring it more. She's been shot down by the overlord Wolf and I can see her being upset by that. I don't think she would do a complete 180 on her thoughts. And to add to that, she misses working with him and they had the opportunity to do some sort of crossover, and it didn't, or won't, happen this season and it sucks.
Yes, how she said it wasn't great, but I don't think she meant it like that. I think she's just tired of answering the same question over and over again. Like she said, it's gonna take a minute, but love wins in the end, we just need to be patient.
I think Parade did her really dirty with throwing that in there and they should be ashamed of that. She was promoting a new project and we know Parade loves EO. They should've just stuck to the project and that's it.
I'll support EO till the very end, and if they conclude that they should stay friends, I'll be okay with that. Will I be upset that they're not a couple? Yes. But will that stop me from supporting them? Hell no.
Olivia deserves to be happy, and if she needs to work on herself first, then by all means do it.
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rahleeyah · 1 year
who had "genderbent olivia benson" on their "things that make leah feral" bingo card
under a cut bc it's a lot, tw: at the beginning for brief discussion of SA wrt Serena and Olivia
this is cut and pasted from discord so forgive the way it jumps around but:
Sorry I just distracted myself with "Olivia would've been a man" bc like. Can you imagine them doing the "I'm the product of a rape" storyline for a man? I really can't see anybody doing that bc the challenge that would present to the character's masculinity is so complex I can't see anybody having the balls to do it
(god but the alternate universe in which Olivia is a man and Elliot falls in love with him anyway.... I'm vibrating at a frequency that could shatter glass) 
Bc in many ways Olivia internalizes her mother's trauma and acts as a victim, as if she herself has been raped, she empathizes as a woman, as a fellow member of an oppressed class, but if it's a man, and he is of the same class as the person who hurt his mother, he can't claim her injury as his own and instead of taking the place of the victim he takes the place of the perpetrator which is also fascinating wrt the Serena/child relationship
He would not be named Oliver also I'd have to sit with this for a minute to come up with an appropriately elegant and literature inspired name for him lmao
And he is still doing penance, by joining svu, not bc he has inherited his mother's pain but bc he has inherited his father's shame
Ooof and when he meets Simon.....
Oooof and when Elliot wakes up from a dream about [his name] sucking his dick
...kathy being less threatened because its another man tho
kathy being like 👀
I'm losing my mind about this actually closet bisexual Elliot Stabler who struggles to form solid attachments with men (if you think about it he works best with women and that goes back to Joe and Bernie) developing this intense codependent relationship with another man for the first time and Kathy is at first just happy he has a friend but as time goes on she has. Questions. Especially when Elliot starts preferring to hit from the back 
God Kathy trying to tell him he's in love with this guy and Elliot having an existential crisis
Ok but what is his name. Some suggestions:
Alexander (the great)
Patrick (bc she couldn't call him Patroclus)
Jason (and the Argonauts)
Marcus (Aurelius)
Or maybe she went generic. Sean/Ethan/Evan/David
oh i like Marcus
And maybe he goes by Mark but Serena always called him Marcus
Maybe Elliot switches back and forth between Marcus and Mark
But Marcus at one point killing someone or hurting someone and being like "I'm just like him!" meaning his dad and Elliot grabbing him by the back of the neck and being like "you're nothing like him" all fierce
fj;sldfj;sladjfsalkfj;sdf FUCK
what if its mark most of the time and "Marcus" when Shit Gets Real
Also "you're nothing like him" making Elliot realize Mark is nothing like Joe. That Elliot has approached almost every man in his life as if they are his father - dangerous, not to be trusted, not safe to be vulnerable with - and then realizing he is safe with Mark
Oh wow I am on my knees at the moment thinking about their physicality actually like. Still touching too much still standing too close still finishing each other's food and sentences, but also some hand wavy plot excuse for them to get as close as EO did in the "are you ready for me daddy" scene and also. Since they're both men. Way more seeing each other shirtless/naked in the locker room and what that does to Elliot
The question is tho what does Marcus look like 🤔
Still dark hair and big dark eyes I think
God what if Marcus is like an out bisexual (he still fucks both Alex Cabot and Trevor Langan) and the way that would force Elliot to confront his own desires and the way the lightbulb would go off in his head when he finds out about Trevor and realizes Marcus is Available and Elliot wants him to be and what that does to Elliot. The shame and the desire
Closet bisexual Elliot Stabler is very important to me. Elliot lying awake at night thinking about Trevor and Marcus and when he imagines it he keeps replacing Trevor's face with his own
And Olivia is really interesting bc so much of who she is is tied up directly in her relationship to womanhood (and the audience's response to her is deeply connected to the audience's perception of womanhood, either as women themselves or as people observing women)
So what does that do to us when Olivia is no longer a woman?
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malevolent-muse · 4 months
What is SVU? A Random Synopsis
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One time I had a reader tell me they had never watched SVU ... this was my response:
Wait.... what? You've never watched SVU?!!!! OMGosh! Okay, SVU. Let me tell you about how amazing it is.
There's this cop, his name is Elliot Stabler. He's an ex-marine with a wife and a bunch of kids. He's partnered up with this smoking HOT babe. You know her, Olivia Benson. The sexual tension is REAL but that doesn't stop them from having a great dynamic and the shows is basically a buddy cop adventure with people getting raped... and Ice T! But he's a good man and doesn't cheat on his wife. In fact, Elliot and Cathy separate for a bit and he still does NOTHING with Olivia.... Instead, he gets his estranged wife pregnant and they get back together. Everything is great until the actor did not renew his contract and the whole show devolves to revolving around Olivia.
Now, don't get me wrong. I LOVE HER. She is my favorite. But since she has to carry the whole show, the writers turn her into a saint. So no more hooking up with hot guys, no more flipping out on bad guys... instead she gets her act together, gets promoted, and adopts an orphan. Yeah... she's a saint. Blah blah blah.
Then Carisi joins the squad and that character pretty much SAVES the show. He came on and we were all like... oh no, here's another character that will be around for a season or two and then gets shot or arrested or killed. But no, not Carisi. He's so sweet and naive... But thinks he's tough. He has a terrible New York accent. He's cute but sucks at knowing how to attract women. He is smart and gets his law degree. He has CRAZY sexual chemistry with Rafael Barba (the SVU assistant district attorney) but of course Barba is a man... And Carisi is "straight" and catholic so it's basically queer-baiting but we all love it anyway.
What else can I say? I LOVE SVU :D
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you seem pretty cool, and I got hate for saying these things, but you don't seem hateful. You seem nice, so I just wanted to share my non hateful opinions/stuff I'm confused on and get your feedback
1. I am all for Daenerys taking back the iron throne, but I'm also a little confused cause Daenerys can't get have kids cause of the blood curse so Daenerys cant birth her heir/heirs so if she decides to have a heir/heirs who is she going to choose to be her heir/heirs but I kinda like the idea that if Daenerys gets the iron throne and after she dies, Drogon burns the throne (it took a dragons fire to make it and it'll take a dragons fire to melt it) and then westreos goes back to how it was before Aegon the Conqueror or the kingdoms vote who they want as a king/queen since they've been under one ruler for so long
2. I get why people don't talk bad about rhaeger but I also don't understand why no one talks bad about Rhaegar to Daenerys and tells her what Rhaegar did, cause him kidnapping lyanna is the reason why Robert decided to rebel in the first place with the help of some of the other kingdoms (who were tired of the targaryens which I honestly understand)
Well, I'm a highly pragmatic person who isn't quick to anger, especially from strangers online. You can ask me anything and I'll answer the best of my ability without being an ass about it.
Many fans have guessed that Daenerys is not actually barren or will not be barren for the whole series. You can do some googling to find people's opinions on all of that. Here's a reddit thread of people talking about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/15dy6b5/is_daenerys_barren_spoilers_extended/?rdt=38014. There's also a lot of essays here on tumblr.
The fact that a monarchy is a really flawed system of government isn't a new idea. Just because someone was born into the job doesn't mean that they'll be any good at it. English history is full of horrible kings. Richard II was deposed for a reason, for example. No one studies Henry VIII because he was a good person who did wonderful things for his people. Especially because he had his armies slaughter a bunch of them. King John is the archetypal "bad" king. So yeah, monarchies suck.
I'm not sure each kingdom governing itself would be all that much better. I can understand why people would think it would but you still have a monarchy, leaving the smallfolk and lesser lords, for that matter, to be at the whims of a person who is stupid, cruel, or both. I think it would be great if Daenerys developed some version of parliament where people can be represented and also voice their concerns to the ruler and the Small Council in an official way.
Will that happen? Stay tuned.
A lot of people hate Rhaegar, actually. I mean, I do. How he treated Elia and their children is pretty unforgivable. I mean he just didn't fucking care or at least he acted that way. People who are fans of Daenerys are not Ride or Die to all the Targaryens. While Rhaegar's actions might be explainable, as in he did it for prophecy, that doesn't make them forgivable. Also Lyanna was not even 16 when he knocked her up and left her to be looked after no one but guards in Dorne. Stabler and Benson would have been all over that situation :).
You can ask any questions you want.
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svucommentary · 2 months
If Organized Crime ends we could just bring Stabler back to SVU. It sucks because it sounds like its really hitting it's stride as a show but if they don't renew Elliot is still in New York as long as he survives the finale. Jet could come too.
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thelesbianpoirot · 3 months
I’ve been binging SVU and the original Law and Order all month because I’m home sick and for all that they would insult and borderline abuse the creeps they’d catch, they were also pretty misogynistic and terrible to victims at times. The original show more than SVU (sometimes the detectives would hit on teen victims or say straight up rapey things about women they found hot 🤢) but even SVU has its moments of victim blaming, calling girls fast, or at some extra horrible moments, have the male detectives say that the victim deserved it, especially if she had an active sex life or was a prostitute. But as hard as those episodes are to watch, seeing the realistic growth in the writing and characters over the years is interesting, like a time capsule of the real life change. The one that stands out most to be though is the framing of prostitution. Around 2015 they'd hit that sweet spot of treating prostitutes with respect while being realistic about the horrors and dangers of the jobs and now they use inclusive language and frame prostitution and other types of harmful sex acts as empowering. It's embarrassing.
I have tried watching all the Law & Orders, even Trial and Jury (my and my best friend watched 1 season of every L&O spin off), and I found all of them repulsive, nothing hits like SVU, SUV isn't perfect, and they often use the characters to say awful things so they can be corrected later as a learning moment, like the shaming/victim blaming. They don't always circle back, catholic stabler is very CATHOLIC, but Benson is much more fair minded, and they all hate pedos and rapists. And It is not perfect, and I wince a lot, but I rather than characters be imperfect representation of realistic people (real cops are MUCH worse), than what is happening now, where every detective lets men skirt accountability, used inclusive language for crimes that mainly affect women and children, and still manage to get graphic with the rape. I think women are allowed to watch a rapist get beat up my fictional cops. It's SUV and criminal minds and COLD CASE for me, I hate The ROOKIE, BLUE BLOODS and THE CHICAGO SERIES, they suck ass. OG NCIS is only good for a few season before it sucks, CIS doesn't have a good cop cast, I just like the female characters. Someone suggested 911 so I'm making my way through it, but it's very schmaltzy, not case focused. Hate cops, love powerful women, want to see woman beaters, and rapists getting their due in a fictional sense sometimes. Men watch porn, I don't got to justify loving the occasion fake cop.
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wawamouse · 3 months
Oz Rewatch 3: S3E03: Legs
Apparently when we were watching 2x03, I typed something wrong into google and thought THAT episode was titled “Legs”… We even wondered why the episode was titled “Legs”. Turns out, that episode was titled “Great Men” and THIS episode is titled “Legs”…which makes a LOT more sense—2x03 was the episode that Glynn was being a bastard to Miguel for personal reasons.
Anyway, these week’s storylines are as follows:
Gloria goes to the news about the negligence of Garvey and the attempted suicide of Miguel; Devlin does damage control; Garvey is removed from Oz
Stanislofsky arrives at Oz
On Death Row, Shirley suggests to Richie to take Schillinger down with him
McManus visits Snake on Death Row; inmates discuss Coyle; McManus visits Augustus in PC; Coyle is killed on Nappa’s orders; Pierce and Wangler plot revenge
Ricardo issues—feeling abandoned, trouble with Hughes
Said hunger strike continues; wins points
Howell and McManus argument; McManus tries to get Glynn to fire Howell
Murphy becomes the new supervisor of Em City; O’Reily problems; Murphy and O’Reily bond about being Irish; Murphy agrees to give pointers about Cyril’s boxing training
Pasquin vs Pacamo first boxing match (Biker vs Italians)
Aunt Brenda comes to visit Ryan and Cyril; worried about the boxing outcomes, Ryan decides to bribe one of he christians to give him drugs to drug the water bottles; Cyril wins against Robson
Bob diabtes problems; Bsumalis spits in his own food to put off Schillinger; Rebadow meets his son and grandson
Nappa has HIV, moves into Unit E
Keller post stabbing; starts to see Sister Pete; Beecher reveals that he (possibly) (probably) was the one to stab Stabler
Andrew Peter Schillinger arrives. Tobias sighs according to the captions. But it looks like laughter
if my points in this suck an there’s typos it’s because I can’t feel my face rn lol especially near the end of things
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Sister: When did she start wearing sweater? She’s turning into the priest guy. They share a wardrobe?
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Sister: That means nothing
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I always thought it was kind of funny to have Miguel looking so damn cozy in the hospital ward but Sister pointed out that they were probably just doing it to cover Miguel's neck/not wanting to do bruise make up or having failed to do it convincingly
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Sister: oh, she’s making one of those Nazi arm band things?
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Sister; That guy’s the leader of the latinos now? Me: No Sister: Oh so the other guy is just lazy about showing up to things? Me: Maybe he’s in the hole. Sister: And he has the nerve to tell Miguel he’s not brown enough…
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Sister: What’s he going to do with that basket anyway? Me: He could fashion it into a weapon… Sister: Make a trojan horse. An even gianter gift basket that he hides inside...
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Sister: Can you be on HBP medication and not eat? Me: I think they just forgot about that
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I still don't understand tbh. What’s the implication here? That he’s going to bite off the rest?
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Sister: I thought he said 'bitches not around'.... Me: Same
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Sister: (rolling around) This is so BORING… you’re not the Joker… Carry ON….
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Sister: This guy was a serial killer in Bones. He ate people, I think.
Stray Thoughts
I had forgotten what Stanislofsky’s crime was but I didn’t remember it be Possession of Stolen Good with Intent to Sell lol
Sister thinks the inmates are far too impressed with Miss Sally’s assets; “If they saw real pin up girls their heads would explode”.
Ricardo fucked someone’s cousin at a wake; sex at wakes seems to be a surprising trend in this show
Carlo shirt; same style as a shirt Chico has in season 6. Then again Jaz Hoyt has the same shirt in one episode of s4 or s5 (more likely). I like to think they sell it in the commissary
Tony Masters wearing a shirt that say “I <3 Cops”… Ironic?
Brenda's “You got the devil in you” bit always reminds me of the “Ya just like ya fatha” vine.
TINy LITTLE CHCO CLAPS ( edit: ok my bad, he wasn’t clapping, he was rubbing his hands together like a little housefly)
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oh wow Fiona’s unitard had a g-string. work
Narrator says he was a sprinter. Is he speaking as Augustus?
The fact that I managed to not misspell everyone names in this write up (Caught them all, anywya)…. I think I kept calleing Augustus McAllister lol And Elliot Stabler
Jorge is always in the background of Library scenes, I’ve noticed. Literate king.
Not enough Miguel? I kept Rick Dalton pointing at the screen whenever Chico was there because I am 😭 somewhat Inebriated at this point
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cricketsatnight · 1 year
hi there, i just wanted to let you know that a writer named errantrue posted a story on AO3 called Occupied in the olivia benson/elliot stabler tag that has plagiarized from the mile high chapter of your fic (two days later) the hours in-between and after. she forgot to replace a "Joyce", which led me to search the jopper tag for mile high fics, which is how i found yours.
Hey anon!
First off, thank you SO much for bringing this to my attention. You are a true fanfiction hero. (Seriously like... I want to buy you a coffee. May you be blessed always.) I know these things happen, but I have never had it so BLATANTLY happen to me before.
This fucking sucks. New milestone moment as a fic writer, I guess? (That I know of. Yeesh.)
Here's the fic in question on AO3. I imagine it won't be up for much longer, because I will be commenting there. Here is my fic. (The plagiarized scene is in Chapter 2.)
I saved their fic, also saved it in screen shots... what a headache.
You know, typically, I try not to engage in... well, being pissed off online.
But lol.
Since you're following me, and have been since October 2022, hey @errantrue - what gives? This is so disrespectful. I'm glad you fucked up with plagiarizing my work by leaving Joyce's name. Incredible clown shoes moment for you! (Joyce Byers, stay winning.) Moreover, I'm sincerely glad there are readers on AO3 that care enough to look into these things when something is off. (Anon, stay winning.)
Why would you follow me, assuming because you liked my work, and do something so rude and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh terrible? Shitty? I'm at a loss for words, think you could help?
I do this as a hobby. I do this for free, when I have the time, because I love writing. I share what I write in fanfiction with a lot of trust: all fanfic writers do. I trust readers to simply, in good faith, enjoy that I want to make the fictional people kiss. Not to rip my efforts off.
Everyone is capable of writing. I implore you to write what you want, but with your own fucking words. Not just bare minimum changes and tweaks. (Especially when you're copying and pasting a different character's name.) I think about how many of us get anxious wondering if we are writing things too alike to someone we admire, or the hellish what ifs about if there was a catchy phrase or descriptor we picked up in a story years ago, etc etc. These things do happen. I would never care much for or about that; creation is... a lot of fine-tuning and stumbling.
Don't do this.
I get sad when I am on a hiatus (like right now) because fanfic-writing is a beloved hobby of mine. Really one of the few creative pursuits I have that capitalism can't suck the joy from. Shit like this makes me more likely to extend a hiatus than come back smiling, though I know that feeling will pass.
I'm posting this and calling you out PRIMARILY because I am pissed off but also because chances are I'm not the only person you've done this to. Barring you don't panic-delete off of the internet, maybe other writers will figure that out when they comb over your fics.
Putting the passage the anon mentioned (and another) behind a KR link because they are NSFW passages from E-rated fics.
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(This is my fic.)
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(This is "their" fic. Fucking lol, where did Joyce come from???)
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(My fic again.)
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("Their" fic.)
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ellegreenawayslover · 8 months
Hi! Randomly picking questions... 15, 35, 72, 88
15. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
I love taking pictures of the things I like and taking photos of myself too, so I would say it depends if I have my glasses on or not (because I HATE how I look without them. I have worn them since I was 5 and I kind of have forgotten how I look without them) haha
35. To you, what is the meaning of life?
I think it is about existing as comfortably and happily as possible and spending time doing what you love/with the people you love.
72. You are at the doctor's office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do in your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) Yes! I want my friends and family to be able to say goodbye and know what is going to happen because the shock of someone you love dying without you expecting it is the worst thing ever
b) I don't know, probably spending time with people I love, and realistically, rewatching my favorite shows too.
c) I think so, at least at first because not knowing what is going to happen terrifies me, but I think it would last about a week max. I don't know if that makes sense.
88. If you could press a button and make anyone instantly explode, who would it be?
I don't really know. If fictional characters are allowed, I'd say Elliot Stabler because I've been rewatching SVU, and I can't stop myself from despising him haha
If not, maybe some of the horrible teachers in my old high school who were terrible to me and treated me so bad just because I was sick and had to miss class a lot because of that because they sucked.
Thanks for the ask :) I hope the answers weren't too weird hahs
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blaiddfailcam · 11 months
I just remembered that episode of SVU that randomly dipped into a story about Stabler going undercover in a wildlife trafficking ring and even though copaganda sucks, I would watch the shit out of a show strictly about busting poachers lol
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