#suck my nuts nissan
coffeeskater · 8 months
If one more dip shit brings their absolute dog shit Nissan/infinity into my good and holy Mazda dealership, I will shit in their air box and leave one of those fake 20$ bills in the cupholder.
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jpitha · 2 years
I was looking for information on the Rt2 Rotary in Concord MA so I could show a friend. I used to have to drive on it for work and it is wild. Rt2 is a two lane divided (in parts) highway that ostensibly has a 55 mph speed limit, but being one of the major routes into Boston everyone drives 70+ on it. Anyway, I found this.
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Note how they're not trying to eliminate the chaos. They know this is impossible. They have the slightly more realistic goal of organizing the chaos.
How will they do this? Maybe by rebuilding the Rotary? Maybe by changing the approaches so you don't go slinging into it at full tilt?
No. With paint.
As if paint will stop a Boston Driver from driving the way they know they have a God Given Right To Drive.
Old friends Séan and Randy meet up at the Dunkin' Donuts outside of Arlington, MA. Séan drives a beat to shit first gen Osyssey filled to the top with paint, dropcloths, ladders and brushes. There are paint stains all over the car and on the back is a Boston Red Sox’s license place surround, Red Sox stickers and a “MY KID WAS FUCKER OF THE MONTH AT CONCORD HIGH” Séan is not a painter by trade.
Randy drives a 1993 Nissan Hardbody pickup with a headache rack and that diamondplate lock box everyone had. The truck cab is full to the smokers windows with empty Dunkin cups, cigarette packets (Parliaments) and the back has an old tire, a waterlogged bag of cat litter and some frayed wire cable. Randy has been out of work for 15 years and nobody knows how he still has money for Dunkin.
“Séan! You old fucker! Howyadoin?” “Fuckin terrible Randy. They’re changin my commute!” He takes a sip of his extra-large coffee "regulah" (coffee with cream and sugar is "regular" around Boston). “Fuckinell. How?” Randy lights a cigarette. “Get this: theyre tryin to make the Rout 2 rotary LESS CHAOTIC” “Wha? Fuck me that’s nuts” “I know right? I need my Dunkin, I need my cigs, and I need to be sliding around that rotary at 70mph.”
Randy nods, takes a drag. He sucks the cigarette down in two puffs and lights another.
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missduckysays-blog · 7 years
Sunday Morning Dreams
So having just woke up, and it's like 1pm, I have to say it feels both lazy, and relaxed. THE NIGHT PEOPLE HAVE SUCKED ME IN!!! Oh well. It's warm and sunny out and my puppy is getting more used to sleeping in for 12 hours at a time xD Sometimes I miss being at our house (mine and my husband's). Not necessarily being with him. Just living in my own house. But honestly there was the very persistent feeling that I was playing a big game of pretend. The sensation that I just don't belong there. Maybe it was the Army environment where you have to be all straight edge, pop out a few kids, and go jogging with the other moms at 6am. I'm a stoner who has tattoos and is honestly considering dreads. I want to become a dentist that little kids are cool with so that they don't have to be so afraid. I mean really, who's going to be afraid of a super cool dentist with full sleeves and curls who is always smiling when they come in? I want to move somewhere awesome. Maybe Northern California. Maybe. I'll test out Cali by going to San Diego for Dentistry school. Honestly I may just stay in the DC area. I love it here. Wherever it is will definitely be a city. I am just now getting my life back together, sort of. I live with crazy people, and I'm happy to. I grew up with a bunch of nuts who's tempers are as bad as mine. Ask @fuzzpuff. He knows lol He's the one I talk to the most. My ex was too normal for me. He wants normal things. I revel in the odd, peculiar, and downright insane. I love retelling stories of the trouble I got into (and still do). Partying is so fun when you do anything OTHER than drinking. I hate parties where no one is smoking pot. They're boring because they're *usually* full of Snapchat drones and assholes. I miss having my own space, but I don't fit into the world of housing developments and brand new Nissans. I don't quite know where I fit yet, but it's definitely not in Little Boxes.
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doubledaffy · 7 years
January, 2017. Daisy and I went to Japan to visit Kevin and Shoko. I wrote a lot about it and made this little video. XO.
1-5-17 Thursday
Kyushu island
Hippo Bakery
Beach walk. Bread. Blendy Stick. Laundry mat. Itoshima - wife and husband. I forgot my back pack on the beach it so happens. Moto guys. Daisy thought Japanese surfers were big water turkeys. Ancient pine forest. Karatsu burger. I hated. Aka egg and cheese. Kagamiyama mountain. Body move move. Karatsu castle. Ripped the cube into traffic towards Akasaka station to meet Tsuyoshi. (We got the laundry while I sat in the car). AirBnB guy. Boom box grocery store. Dars. Wasabi potato sticks. Crying toddler. Google translate sucks. Shoko made hot pot meal. Nummy. Kevin whipped his chocolate pops.
Fun fact. The man who invented Tenga, has the Guinness world record for longest JO. How fitting.
Gross airbnb hair on comforter and towel. Do not want to stay there. Wasting more money. :(
1-6-17 Friday
Big dry heave last night. Woke up at 1am thinking "oh boy, something's going on. Whoops!" Ran to the bathroom, felt the heat rise up my body. Was it the broth? The chicken? The Sake? I placed my hands upon the electronically heated seat of the Japanese washlet and began to dry heave. No barf. I felt like Barfing. But nope. My body wouldn't let me. I felt better though and went back to bed. Daisy told me in the AM that they made the HotPot with pork broth, thought of me, and then decided not to tell me. Maybe it was that. Who cares. I feel better today. Kev made Spanish French toast (torijas) for us. It was lovely. Daisy said the shower she took was the best she's ever taken. That's because there's a huge window looking out in the the sea. It's magic. Daisy and went to 7-11. Big presence here. Kev fully loves it. Apparently they make great stuff and the ATM is reliable. Located right next to the "Titty mags" as Kev explained. I took out Shoko's penny board and we stopped at HIPPO tiny surf bakery and got some snacks for the house. No salty bread. We showed up too late. I left the penny board outside and no one stole it! --- Shoko drove us to a special lunch and snack spot. Snack spot was very Japanese and cute and had weird dessert stuff. Lunch spot was closed at 3pm! Great shoe horn though. I Bought the best spoon ever. White metal. Feels like stone. Expensive ceramic gift shops. Hotto motto dance and curb eat. Sake factory great traditional architecture. Drove to muji and inkcube in the mall. Went nuts at Muji. And stuff. Daisy neck hurt. Back home. Cream soup. Organize pack. Test journals and pens out. Daisy in bed by 9. I stay up and eat cream soup and some dars. White chocolate. Do some photos and stuff. Kev teaches himself Japanese on laptop then plays StarDewValley.
1-7-17 Saturday
Woke up early. Beach walk. Big shell find. Hippo. Too early for SheoPan! 9:30 is the best time. Come back. Blendy stick with Scones and Cream Soup left over. Computer time clicky and and work / taxes shit. Shower ocean view. Skate to Hippo at 9:30. got the SheoPan. Groin pull fall on the way back. Saw Osky and the Corgy photo shoot. Kev takes us to train. I dropped 40 on the train card by mistake. Taking photos on the train is illegal, Kevin explains. Photo sound on iPhone mandatory. Unpack at AirBnb. Then Bounce to Lunch at crazy under ground mall. Green noodle soup. So many people. So many things. So many structures. So much lighting. So much movement. No white people. Babies dressing nicely. Cool gear. Women in mens wool long straight overcoats. Tan and black. Big buttons and ties. Underground mall culture. Walk tour through FuK with Kev. Side of building greenery stair case hike to views. Photo shoot women and man.  Stop at Julette’s letters. Got a CLIP and stuff. Wooden baby toys nice. Japanese Love Pop and cool pencil, etc. Walk to DONUT spot. Lots of walking. Donut spot in crazy OTHER mall under ground. Madness. Hot down there. Amazing donuts. Weird that in a mall though, but maybe that’s great. Mall Mall Mall. Energy to go to MUJI. Big walk again. Lots of stores and big streets. Mega complex. Water light projector show. Muju is calming. Hot in there. Got more shit. Wanted everything and a new house to decorate. Book for Ben. Meet up with Shoko at Hippo and crazy recycling bear. Walk to restaurant called CHIKEN. Allow smoking, but place is cool and hip and nice. Light beer life. Moscow mule. Was off, from walking and hunger. Kev big adventurous eater. Raw Chicken - SASHIMI. Crazy. Got a little buzzed and let go. Crazy smokey chicken dish. Tasty food overall. Walk back in the Rain. LAWSON Dars and purple gummy candy and Crunky! Shoko peeled off before the AirBnB after party. Incense at the Airbnb made it smell better. Muji lights. 1/4 xanax or whatever to sleep. Pushed beds together with D and passed out.
1-8-17 Sunday
Woke up. Jon Bellion hate listen. Shower in tiny shower. Trying to meet with Kev at Eggs and Things. Big American style food. Just love the American food. Not so much THAT< I love knowing what I’m eating because I have a special little diet that doesn’t really include meat or fish or pork or anything, and here in Japan that’s hard. Kev showed up. After Eats and Things we popped on the train(s) to Dazaifu - a very old (16th century) Shrine (or could be a temple, hard to remember which is which) about 1hr on the localish trains. People on the trains sleep a lot. It’s nice. Also, no one is loud. Very quiet and respectful. Trains are on time and the stations are clean. One train we took was just the loveliest color scheme - light green/blue and red. V. calming. Tons of people in the terminals at times. Felt like Grand Central Terminal. If I ever felt like wanting to go to a Bigger Japanese city, nope - this amount of people is fine. Dazaifu is amazing. Tiny village full of a billion people swarming up to see the shrine, but it was oddly peaceful because no one is rude and it’s generally quiet. Tiny shops and people cooking meat sticks and shit on the sides on the way up. At the end, before the gate, there was a naturally formed single file line just to take a pic with the whacky animal statue. Formed by the people in a simple organized way. Not like the monster americans at Disney. Just a nice simple civilized line. Inside, we had to do a special hand and mouth wash routine to cleanse ourselves a the water zone. I touched my lips to the water bucket stick because it’s hard to know the customs in other countries. A million Japanese people cycling through there each day, and Jeff touches his lips to the community water bucket. We hiked up into the woods and saw an amusement park on the other side which seemed weird being so close to a shine or whatever. We got soft meatless sweet pucks and sat at a low table. Very relaxing stroll. Felt bad that Kev was in the Glum zone not knowing if his relationship is in the pits. Train back Komono woman sleeping among all the other sleeping Japanese people. Kev bounced, had to work and wanted to be home for the night. We wish we could all just stay at the house. Going back to the AirBnB and not having family dinner with the homie was bumming us out. I was excited to take the reins and figure out where to go in the new city. Apple Maps is great for walking directions on this trip. Great UI. Google Maps looks like garbage. Daisy found a place that has burgers and veggy options called Brooklyn Parlor. No shame in just going to a cool hip place that I know I can get something I like. The thing is, the Japanese food I have eaten is amazing. But when you’re without your Japanese speaking friends, it’s very hard to make sure you aren’t eating shell fish or meat. We saw some other cool small restaurants we’d thought looked nice on the walk. 7-11 stop after dinner to get snacks. The Titty Rags had censorship thingies on the genitals and they also had tape on the pages so you couldn’t open em. Old man barfing at the bus stop, but overall we’re getting a friendly vibe from the city. Plans to watch Finding Dori on the lappy, but might just crash. Trying to plan what to do tomorrow with the rental car with Kev. Hard to plan sometimes! We’re living out of a backpack now because of the AirBnB and would like to re-up / swap out our gear.
(First horn sound we’ve heard here. Wow. Just now as I was typing this entry, just goes to show you, why honk, when you can be patient and kind?)  
1-9-17 Monday
Eggs and things iced coffee?
Train to Kevin's
Rental car madness - couldn’t find Nissan. Goosechase.
Senyoji temple - Magic. Soft. Quiet. Milltion Monks on hill. Old artifacts. Incense. Chanting on Mic.
Everyone backs their car in to the parking spot.
Ichiran Noodle Factory - ticket system. Rice and Egg and cold Mushrooms. Put the plate on the sound thingy and it makes a big sound all across the restaurant signifying that you want your next little order.
Tea Garden Madness - Light up trees across this huge empty yard with pop music blasting from a ton of speakers hidden all over the grounds. I did a BodyMoveMove, naturally.
1-10-17 Tuesday
Tried to go to Hippo today. It’s hard to go there, apparently. Closed on Tuesdays. Whoops! Came back with no pastries, so Kevy Cab hooked up the Pancakes and I took care of the Blendy Sticks. Grabbed the laundry and popped out to the long driving day through windy roads in the beautiful Japanese country side. First we stopped at the big Caldera overlook where a volcano made a blast hole a very long time ago. Then we popped down more windy roads to see the Aso Volcano. It was cloudy, but you could see a massive mountain with a big hole in it smoking underneath sets of ominous clouds. The museum center looked like something out of a Russian Post Apocalypse B movie. Drove to the wrong hot springs, I was getting car sick, so moved up front. The steering wheel is on the right side here, so sitting up front is a treat cuz you feel like you’re just controlling the car with you mind. Finally made it to the real hot springs. It’s a 24hr spot and it’s magical. You pick your favorite little hot spring house for around 1500 Yen (15 bucks). Then you pop in there, shower off, put your coins in the slot thingy that makes hot water blast out of a long tube into a beautiful wooden tub. We would have splurged for the rock tub for an extra dollar. Yup, a dollar for the upgrade. Daisy and I never felt so relaxed. I bought some sheepy slippers at the gift shop and am wearing them now. I also bought a sprite type drink that was about 1/4 size of a glass coke bottle, with a label designed to win design awards. Shoko is now getting car sick, so it’s me and her up front, with her driving. She drives very fast. On the highway she was passing mother fuckers with ease. I was nervous. Grabbed our laundry from the trusty laundry mat (drying only for us). I lay down on the bench while Daisy read Japanese Nylon. I was trying to still my body. Bopped over to the UDON noodle place and got some Tofu Noodle Udon and white rice. It was simply great. Ate at the counter and took some iPhone vids of stuff. At home raging on some 7-11 snacks we got at some point today. 7-11 here is what I want a convenience store to be. It has lots of shit I like and cheap. Daisy in bed now cuz I feel I owe it to myself to document these trips. They’re super important to me and special and I’m lucky to go on them.
1-11-17 Wednesday
Woke up at 8am and popped out to the ocean magic tree zone to dance in public for my BodyMoveMove & Exquisitemovement project. Dancing really gets the heart pumping. Daisy said she wanted to go for a run on the beach but where is she now? Face down in bed, that’s where. I can’t seem to sleep past 8 and I’m loving it. Slid over to Hippo for a pastry run. Scored that ShioPan which is very rare and special, as we all know. Came back and missed the “let’s go” and rushed to get ready. Everyone was making fun of me for being a space cadet on this trip, but I kinda like being loose and spacey when I’m not at the wheel. Most of my life is dictated by me and only me so it’s been really nice that Kev and Shoko are handling everything and being great tour guides. We zap over to Shoko’s parent’s house which is a traditional Japanese magical tiny compound. Garden’s and outbuildings and paths tucked and squeezed into the tiny suburban hillside. They have another house that they open as a cafe and art gallery and everything is as you’d expect a modern day / ancient Japanese house to be. They have a fucking COY POND in the middle of it all with lots of buddies swimming back and forth. Their toilet has a button that lifts and lowers the seat - no touch lifestyle. That sums up the house and how rad it is. We jammed over to a fast food Sushi Roll place that uses a conveyer belt system to deliver your food and you pay per plate. You order on the touch screen and it makes a lot of loud chimes and screams at you, which is the only downside. All this annoyance is overruled by the convenience and novelty. I ate no fish because fish grosses me out and I feel bad for them. They say fish is good for you, but not for me because it’s disgusting and smells like low tide. Your kid isn’t dressed up like he/she is headed to fashion week? Don’t bring them outside then. That’s the rule. Tolls here are very expensive, but the roads, even though I can’t read a god damn word, seem to be great and tight and efficient and clean. Next, we bopped over to the largest bronze Buddah that is laying down. It’s magnificent and peaceful. Snagged a Bodymovemove before going inside and praying at all the little pray stations. Then we got little balls with feathers on them to toss into the tiny buckets but none of us were successful. Guess what? This place is manicured to perfection and has a very hand made feel. Lots of paths into the forest and mini shrines and stuff. Even a tiny Torii Gate you can crawl through. Whoops, sun is setting, so we blast off to another Temple Shrine they’re calling Hay something. It has a lot of stairs and you can see the ocean and whatever. Big hay knot thingy you can pray to. We got gas and stopped at Aeon for food and snacks for gifts. The Nissan March really gets good gas mileage. I can’t find my lens cap, but who cares, I already got the good Bokeh shot on the highway. We’ve been using a “Shared Wallet” System, which is neat. You all put in the same amount of $ at the beginning and when you do group activities you all take out of that. At the end if there’s any left, you split it up. It works well or whatever. Back home Shoko made hot pot - no pork so I don’t need to dry heave over the wash-let again! Beers for everyone but me and desserts and funny convo on the futon and stuff. I took a bath listening to the ocean waves pulse. So nice. That pulsing really does wash away everything bad.
(so that’s it for what I have written. I know we stayed in Japan longer, maybe I wrote the rest of my thoughts in an actual journal? Hard to care to search for it right now. Maybe the video above will do the trick closing that gap. I’m updating this blog right now and it’s 5/11/19 10:07AM)
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As much as I hate to
I'm going to bed early tonight, it's currently a few minutes to 11 PM and I'm about to go to bed. We are taking an 8 hour drive from NY to VA with two dogs so my husband wants to be up at like 7:30 AM maybe 8 so we can get the car situated and head out to get our breakfast at Subway then hit the highway, it kinda sucks because our puppy yips in the backseat dog canopy thing so he has to ride in the backity back/trunk of our Nissan roque meaning we have to minimize how much we take. We're sharing a duffle so in all it's. a cheese ball barrel of puppy food, an ice cream bucket of dogs food, 2 collapsed crates, the carrier (with puppy), 2 laptop cases, a canvas bag (Idk why but his mom makes me feel out of place and my sister in law dumps our nephew there on her way to work and I don't wanna watch Minions over and over), and a cooler at my feet because snacks and drinks need to be within reach without me needing to reach behind the seat. We will be there until the 6th and I might be active most of the time, I shamelessly hide away in the other living room or at the table or in the guest room it'll depend on how nuts our puppy is he's 5 months old and about to see his first toddler I'd hate for it to go wrong.
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