#suga is a forever mood
kikikittykis · 3 months
Wearing His Jersey To a Game: Koushi Sugawara
Fandom: Haikyuu
Pairing: Sugawara x reader
Summary: Cute HC's and one shot on wearing Suga's jersey to a game
So you had asked Suga if he had wanted to hang out and study for a bit before his game the next day
While you were “studying” at his house and you secretly swiped his spare jersey from his room since he’s already packed his main one
You let his mom know you had it just in case but you did not let Suga see since it was going to be part of a surprise for him
Which wasss……….
That you were gonna be at the game the next day!!
Wearing his number!! 
Supporting him when he needs it
When Suga went up to serve you started cheering for him
He saw you wearing the Number 2 jersey with a large #2 written right on your cheek too!
After that his serve and playing for the rest of the game had improved significantly!
Obv due to you being there for him!
“You’ve got this Koushi!!!” Sugawara heard a voice yell from the stands, He immediately knew who the voice was. As he started preparing to serve he took a quick glance to the stands where he was quickly able to find you clad in an Orange and Black Karasuno jersey that had the number 2 on it, his number! He also noticed that you even sported a #2 on your cheek. Suga’s mood and confidence were immediately boosted as he grinned at you before quickly turning his focus back to the game in front of him and his serve. Which went perfectly leaving Karasuno one more point closer to winning the game.
Karasuno won the game with flying colors winning both the first set and the second set one directly after. As soon as the game finished up you ran down to the team to congratulate Suga on his win. “Y/N!!” Suga yelled seeing you coming towards him and he ran towards you engulfing you in a big sweaty hug. “You actually were able to come,” Suga said as he looked at you and took your looks in. Taking in you wearing a jersey of his and the large 2 on your cheek.
“Of course I was Koushi, You guys were amazing today!” you gushed at him smiling from ear to ear.
“Nice one Sugawara-senpai, giving her your jersey to wear for the game. Man, I wish I had a girlfriend who would do that for me.” Nishinoya said and came over to the two of you with Tanaka in tow.
“Actually, Y/N how did you get my jersey since I didn't know you were coming to my game today?” Suga asked you, confused as to how you had his spare jersey.
“I may have swiped it from your room last night while we were hanging out, after you had packed so I took the right jersey, Sorry for not telling you I took it, I was making it a surprise for you,” you said to Suga hoping that he wasn’t upset with you though you knew that likely he’d never be upset at you for this.
“No, no worries Y/N, I loved the surprise so don’t worry about it!!” Suga said, he reassured you, then gave you another hug. He leaned over to give you a sweet kiss on your cheek, which held a number 2 on it in Black and orange, his number. Both you and him knew from that moment on that you were his biggest #1 fan forever.
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dirtybtssnaps · 9 months
Pros and cons of bts members please
Genre: Lovely smut
Pairing: Dominant! Bangtan Sonyondan and Submissive Female Reader
Name: Kim Namjoon (Rm)
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Pro: Namjoon’s such a cute, smart but slightly ditzy boyfriend to have. Both of you are usually just home alone or in a hotel room together, he’s usually just on the computer while you’re lying down on your phone. Occasionally both of you will go out on dates or just a walk together, this is when his ditziness comes out the most, with him trying to show you something new and destroying something on accident. You know he means well and just gets too excited to show you sometimes he thought was cool.
Con: Just like anything else when he touches something while excited he forgets his strength. Namjoon ripped your clothes off, effortlessly threw you on the bed, pinned you on the bed, and fucked you unmercifully for an hour. Afterward, both of you cuddle together for a while, until he has to get back up and work on his computer again.
Name: Kim Seokjin (Jin)
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Pro: After years of dating and traveling the world seokjin’s ready to settle down with his love, during the first time you both met he asked you out on a date. He was a complete gentleman during the whole date even picking you up and dropping you back off. After dating for a while he asks you to be his girlfriend, and after that you both become attached. Whenever someone sees Seokjin you’re usually right by him, you’re friends get slightly jealous of you thinking you’re lucky to have him.
Con: He offhandedly asked you if you were into Bdsm after you said yes and since it was introduced to your relationship it’s there forever. You’re always at his beckoning call no matter what, he’s stern but also very nice and a cutie sometimes. As time goes on the kinks and rules slowly get rougher, and the love you receive from him gets more intense with it. After each session, he cuddles with you and teases you about how you acted and the noises you made during it.
Name: Min Yoongi (Suga)
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Pro: You’re treated like a big spoiled fluffy house cat, everything you and anything you could want was easily at your fingertips. He hates leaving you all alone during tours and dislikes seeing his kitty getting grumpy before his flights he’d take you if he could, so you get extra treats, cuddles, and cute little cat toys. After pestering him a bunch of times about needing somewhere to sit in his studio, he got you a human-sized cat bed in the corner of his studio.
Con: Besides your being “Yoongi’s cat.” In everybody’s phone, and if you’re in your cat bed while anyone walks in they’ll greet you like your a cat. Yoongi’s kinda into free use, if he’s in the mood and you are too why wait and just do it somewhere nobody else is? That’s why he has passwords on his recording room doors, and he just loves seeing your cute little eyes looking back up at him while giving him head.
Name: Jung Hoseok (J-Hope)
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Pro: Hobi Oppa is such a ray of sunshine to your life honestly, you both hang out and go out on cute little dates all the time. He always makes sure to compliment everything you wear, your hair, and even your makeup. He’s also kinda overprotective of you, and also not against being away from each other for too long. Somehow both of you even started sleeping together naked even without having sex, he often hugs you, cuddles with you tightly during it, and gives you deep kisses all over.
Con: Hoseok is such a sweetheart it’s honestly hard to find any faults in him…. Except for one…it’s just that he’s a masochist. He’s obviously the dominant one in your relationship, but it’s kinda embarrassing for him but you love him so you don’t mind. He regularly fucks you hard until you can barely control yourself, your legs and arms going everywhere until they wrap around him. Your nails start digging into his back making him moan and go rougher and deeper inside you.
Name: Park Jimin
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Pro: The honeymoon phase is forever, Jimin always thinks it’s important to make sure you’re secure, happy, and satisfied in your relationship together. Fights are usually tame between both of you just being simple disagreements, he loves surprising you with cute things he finds while away/on tour.
Con: From Humble to greedy, From Divine to Sinful it only takes one step to be off the path. As trips and work shifts seem to get longer his infatuation gets deeper for you, and when he sees you he just wants to drink every drop and still thirst for more. One time they even extended a tour for bts, and he couldn’t take it anymore the phone and video sex weren’t enough anymore so he flew you out.
Name: Kim Taehyung (V)
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Pro: Taehyung is just a nice shy guy, he couldn’t even make the first move, he just slipped you a cute note with his name and phone number. After a bit of texting you both got comfortable texting and talking to each other on the phone and he invites you over for dinner at his place. You’re hesitant at first but you go and both enjoy yourself a lot, both of you end up spending a lot of time together making people think you're both moving too fast. Taehyung defends both of your relationships, he honestly loves you and sees both of you being together for a long time.
Con: “It’s not true love if she’s not satisfied I’m bed.”, these are words Taehyung has taken to heart and keeps true to himself. So whenever both of you have sex he goes for as long and hard as he can. Taehyung may be rough in bed, but he’s always gentle with you during it fixing your hair, checking up on you, calling you sweet names he even gave you water during the middle of the sex when your throat sounded dry.
Name: Jeon Jungkook
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Pro: Jungkook loves your personality, the way you talk, your interests just everything about you. But he really loves your body, whenever you could be wearing regular clothes, a nice dress, an oversized shirt, a nightgown, lingerie, or just fresh out of the shower he loves it. You’re his favorite person to take pictures of, even setting up photo shoots at places to put up in his studio.
Con: He wants to post them so badly, not in a malicious way but in a beautiful way. In old paintings there are women simply in gardens and rivers naked, it’ll be actually tasteful nudity and he knows people would come from around the world to see you like that. Even with photos, your skin looks so soft, and everything always seemed like it was made to make the best background for you.
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03-shiro-25 · 1 year
Min Yoongi | Are my feelings not important?...
Min Yoongi x gn reader
Synopsis: at reader's family dinner he saw how worried a very important person to him reacted to someone not feeling well mentally and got reminded about how the person reacted when reader felt like he could never be happy again
warnings: angst
Note: i will probably mainly write for Suga on this blog. He is like my ULT Bias AND ULT comfort person on this planet. He helped me so much so I feel the most comfortable when I write for him (and Jk)
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Today was the day you would be meeting up with your whole family. You were so excited, you haven't seen them in forever. You had a pretty good relationship with your family. But since they were all busy with their own lives and you were busy with your work as an producer at hybe entertainment you never got the chance to meet up.
It was in the afternoon when you started to get ready. You didn't put on anything fancy or styled your hair. They all knew you were no fan of dressing up and stuff. So you were not worried when you looked in the mirror and saw yourself with messy hair, some wide jeans and an plain black shirt. You liked your style.
So after you were finished getting ready you headed to the front door where your boyfriend was already waiting for you. "You ready?" he asked you as he eyed you up and down with a smile. He knew how exited you have been for the last week. You were only talking about that dinner and how you have missed them all so much. The whole week your mood had been over the roof.
"I guess you will come home late today then?" he opened the front door for you as he walked out with you.
"Yeah, probably haha" you giggled, growing more excited. "Well, I might still be at the studio when you come back so either you go home to rest or you come visit me after your dinner" he shot you a dirty grin before he started to laugh. "Yeah, we will see. Love you. See you later." you spoke fast, giving him a small kiss before each heading to your own cars. He drove off to the studio while you went the other direction towards the restaurant where you were supposed to meet your family.
The moment you arrived one of your aunts came walking to you. "Y/n! It is so good to see you again! Did you grow a bit more again? I swear you are taller than the last time I saw you" She always said that when she saw you. You laughed "Hello to you too! You think I grew again? Well I hope so!" you smiled at her. You really liked her.
"Come with me! The others are already inside" she told you as she lead you the way to the table where your whole family sat. You almost teared up at that sight. Your two aunts who were always bickering about something. Your grandma who was in despair since her hearing aids weren't working right AGAIN, your uncle who didn't speak much, your older sister with her bright pink hair AND her husband was here too! He was really introverted! At family meetings he almost only talked to you! With others he only said something when he was asked something, but with you he talked and talked and talked. You waved and smiled at him, he did too when he was you.
Next was your little sister. She was still pretty young, about 12 years old, but really cute. Then your stepdad and finally your mother. When she saw you she immediately stood up to hug you. "Hey my treasure, how have you been?" since you were a child she always called you her treasure. You thought that that was really sweet. "Work is great, it is really fun! And the people I work with are very nice" she nodded at you as your aunt interrupted you. "Yah! We don't want to know about your work! Tell us, do you have a girlfriend yet?" you just rolled your eyes at her.
Of course she only wanted to know that. "No, I don't" you said without explaining that you have a boyfriend. "Do you have a boyfriend?" your older sister asked you. Now a smirk grew on you face. "Yes, I do." your sister just smiled at you knowingly. A sigh was heard from your aunt.
The dinner went on like that. Just catching up on the lives of each other. In between you went to your sisters husband to talk to him since he couldn't really talk with the others. But you noticed that your younger sister has been awfully quite the whole time. Your mother seemed to have noticed too as she excused herself and her youngest child. They stood up and left the table to a quiet area where they could talk unbothered. You had a strange feeling so you followed them.
You knew eavesdropping wasn't ok but you somehow couldn't stop yourself, you were way too curious. They stopped in a hallway where no people where. You hid behind a wall where they couldn't see you but you could see and hear them. Your mother crouched down a bit to be on your sisters level. "Please tell me what's wrong love" she looked at her with concern-filled eyes. Your little sister looked down to the ground. "I don't know... I just haven't been to happy with my live lately I guess.." the little one mumbled. To ashamed to look at your mother.
"It is just... I hate my life at the moment..." the moment you said these words to your mother you regretted it and wished you would have just stayed silent.
Oh no... You were ready to step in at every moment. Preparing yourself you argue with your mother and comfort your sister but it never came to it. Your mothers next acts and words shocked you. They hurt. "Would you like to tell me why sweetheart? Maybe we can work on making it better together?" she softly spoke as she hugged the small one in a comforting manner.
Your heart dropped the moment you heard her say that. You were not expecting that. An aching pain started to spread in your chest and your breathing got caught in your lungs. Suddenly your body felt heavier than before and your mind went blank.
She seemed angry and disappointment "Sorry that your life is SHIT. I am sorry for giving birth to you and gifting you this awful life." what she said and the way she said it broke you. It sounded as if she thought that it wasn't her problem and that you only wanted to hurt her. Tears started to fall from your eyes. You came to her because you thought she would give you comfort... but she didn't.
You had to get out of here. You had to leave. You couldn't stay here right now. So you rushed back and gathered your stuff. Your family looked at you confused. "Sorry... my boyfriend needs me home as soon as possible. It was nice meeting you all again." with that you left and basically ran to your car. As soon as you closed the car door your mothers word repeated in your head over and over again. 'I am sorry for giving birth to you' 'I am sorry for giving birth to you' over and over again. Like a broken record. No matter how hard you tried to think of something else the words kept replaying in your head.
You could barely concentrate on driving, almost getting in a car accident. 'Where are you Suga?.. I need you..' with that thought appearing in between your mothers hard words you drove faster. Needing to see him as soon as possible. He was the only person on earth that could give you comfort.
You arrived at the studio and rushed inside, heading straight to your boyfriends 'genius lab'. With every step you took your body started to feel heavier. You knocked before entering after you heard him give you the ok. As he turned with his chair to see who it was he was surprised to see you already back. He thought you would stay away longer. "Hey baby, why are you back already? Is everything ok?" the moment he asked you that you felt your strength leaving your legs as they slowly gave out under you.
You leaned on the closest wall to you and slowly slid down until you were sat on the floor. Suga was beyond concerned, jumping up from his seat to rush and crouch down in front of you. "Hey. Hey.. what is wrong baby? Did anything happen?" he asked but you couldn't answer him. 'I am sorry for giving birth to you' 'Maybe we can work on making it better together?' the words your mother said to your sister replayed in your head, like it was mocking you.
Did she love your sister more then you? Why did she react different with her? Is she more important than you?...
"Are my feelings not important?..." that was the first thing your boyfriend heard from you this night. Your voice sounded lifeless as you were just staring in front of you. It scared him. A few single tears streamed down your face. A frown adorned his face after he heard these words leave your lips. "Of course your feelings are important. Don't ever think that they are not, ok?" he tried to reassure you. "Would you like to tell me what happened?" you had been so excited about tonight, he just had to know what could have ruined that for you.
"My mother... when I was a kid and felt like everything was to much and like I would break down every moment I trusted her and told her how I felt... 'Sorry that your life is SHIT. I am sorry for giving birth to you and gifting you this awful life.' That were her exact words to my feelings... but today my little sister told her that she was feeling like I did back than... my mother wasn't angry at her. She offered to help her.." Yoongi's jaw clenched as he heard the story.
How could your mother have said that to you? Especially at a time you were feeling like shit anyways. He was furious. And he was sad for you. You looked so broken when you spoke about it. So he sat down onto the floor beside you and offered you some cuddles. Of course you accepted as you leaned in and cried your eyes out on his shoulders. He made you feel like your feelings were important. Like he understood how you felt. He was your family.
"You know Yoongi? When she said that to me back then I of course felt hurt, but more did I feel sorry. I shouldn't have told her how I felt. It must have been hard for her to hear these words leave my lips.." you thought about it.
"Even if it hadn't been easy for her, you were suffering too. And she is your mother. She is supposed to be there for you. To help you through tough times. So you had no reason to feel sorry" he sounded sad as he spoke.
"Actually, every time she cared for someone else I felt my heart ache and questioned myself 'Why couldn't you care for me the same way? Why? Do you not love me enough?' For years the memories and thoughts wouldn't leave my head. It was so draining. I felt tired. But I can't talk with my mom about this... even though I really want to know why she reacted the way she did.."
"I will do anything I can to help you forget about it. I am sure your mother had a good reason for her behavior back then. And please never feel like you are any less important than anyone else. For me you are the most important person alive." a small smile could be seen on your face thanks to his words. As he saw that he felt relieved and smiled back.
You were not angry at your mother. But you had to admit you were a bit hurt and disappointed. But that didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was the man who was currently holding you close, telling you over and over again how important you were. Soon you fell asleep in his embrace. He couldn't fall asleep for a long time. Thinking about what your mother said and how you must have felt hearing these words as a kid.
He swore himself that he would always pay attention to your emotions and would help you whenever you needed him.
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blu-archer · 1 year
Prescription with a side of Rest [part 3]
It's been forever but I promised myself I was going to post something today [ then I proceeded to have the busiest day ever but we move...]
It's very much not as long as I wanted but it become a sort of filler thing - I swear the next segment will actually have proper content😭 like I ended it here so that the next piece will be done properly...
[Part one] [Part two]
t/w: There is an attempt at a smut scene - its very brief because I started writing and then left, and when I returned I was no longer comfortable with it... so its very short and rushed but its there😅 I'll mark it with a *
other than that, please forgive my errors and how much of a mess this is...
Sickie: Jimin [and Tae technically]
jhope/suga/Jimin m/m relationship [AU]
Word count: 3476
“Do you think he’ll be awake?” Yoongi shrugged in response as he pulled into the parking area. “He hasn’t answered, besides the message via his roommate.”
“Hobi, I am sure he’s fine. And if he is asleep then you can just hang around. It’s not that complicated.” He put the car in idle, helping to gather some of the supplies that they had quickly bought before Yoongi’s boss had called him. He was more than a bit annoyed that he had to go to the company to fix whatever mistake some intern had made with his files, but it couldn’t be avoided. He would have to see Jimin a bit later. “If he is awake before I manage to get back –“
“I’ll explain your work problem, hyung.” Hoseok pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. “Hopefully he is feeling better than before. Are you sure you can’t come up just for a few minutes?”
“I-“ as if sensing the questioning, Yoongi’s phone lit up with an incoming call from one of the other producers he was working with.
“Never mind.” Hoseok smiled softly. “Put that on speaker if you drive, and text me when you’re done or if you’ll be out late. I’ll update you on Jimin as soon as possible.”
Their lips met once more, this time deeper and lingering, before Hoseok was hopping out of the car with the groceries and his duffel bag. Yoongi sighed heavily before answering the call on the last ring, his mood plummeting at the panicked exhaustion present in his colleagues voice.
This day was going to be nothing like the relaxation and cuddling that he had planned.
The door opened before Hoseok could even knock, showing a young well-built man with messy black hair and an assortment of piercings dangling from his ears. He looked just as surprised to see Hoseok as he was to see him, with a backpack slung over one shoulder.
“Hi, you’re Jimin’s boyfriend.” He blinked. “You look a lot taller than what your photos made it seem like.”
Well then.
“You must be Jungkook-ssi.” Hoseok smiled politely. “I’m Jung Hoseok. Jimin informed me that you were a brat, but I’m going to take that observation as a compliment and not a diss to mine or my boyfriends’ photography skills.”
The man -Jungkook- let out an awkward chuckle as his cheeks reddened. Despite his height and build, Hoseok could see how young he was with how he held himself – with not quite the right amount of certainty.
“I thought you were still on holiday?” Jungkook shuffled, his one hand fiddling with the string of his hoodie. “I’m sure hyung will be happy that you’re back though.”
“Is he here?” Hoseok looked past Jungkook’s shoulder, deeper into the apartment. But his view was limited to the doorway and a passage that if he remembered correctly, lead to the bedrooms.
“Uhm… yes. I think he’s watching something with Tae-hyung in his room, or they might be asleep. Tae already managed to catch whatever Jiminie-hyung has, so he’s kind of dragged him into his sick-day routines.” Jungkook stepped aside to provide space for Hoseok to step in, closing the door again and taking off his shoes alongside the elder. It was clear that whatever plans Jungkook must have had would be put on hold by Hoseok’s sudden appearance. “I can show you where they are if you want?”
“Could I perhaps be shown to the kitchen first?” He had dropped his duffel bag next to his shoes and held up the goods that Yoongi and he had bought. “I got some food that needs to be packed away and some more medicine – we went a bit overboard, so there should be enough for all of you if you happen to start feeling sick as well.”
Jungkook hummed thoughtfully, already reaching to help carry some of the packets and murmuring a string of thank you’s.
Those ‘thank yous’ quickly turning into dramatic praises and ego boosts towards ‘Jimin’s heavenly Sugar daddies’ when he saw that they had bought “expensive” medicine. Hoseok was starting to get concerned on what medicine and lifestyle that the three roommates must be used to if this was the response to seeing Yoongi’s go-to over-the-counter medicine, especially since he was fairly sure Jimin had mentioned a track record of mental illness and disorders amongst his small friend group. Hoseok was certain that Jimin had mentioned those – and those needed proper care. Maybe he should start dropping off meals for them, if not for their own health benefits then at least for his peace of mind.
The apartment was quite neat – not a trait that Hoseok usually associated with his boyfriend, so it had to be one of the other two that kept it all in order and from how Jungkook was eagerly packing away the groceries that he emptied out onto the kitchen counter, Hoseok had a feeling that he was the cleaning culprit.
“If I had known how quickly this cold would spread amongst you, I would have brought you some vitamins.” Hoseok said kindly, but his words only seemed to make Jungkook laugh.
The younger paused to look at the seriousness on Hoseok’s face and then broke out into softer giggles. “I’m going to get sick anyway. Vitamins don’t prevent colds, especially when you have immune systems as bad as hyung’s and I.” He gave a genuine smile that seemed more welcoming than before. “But thank you for the thought. Let’s go check Tae’s room. I need to go study soon, but I’d feel bad to just leave you here in our home without anyone to talk to.”
He felt a bit a guilty at inconveniencing the younger man, but he seemed more than happy to lead Hoseok towards the bedrooms once everything was packed away. Jungkook knocked three times on a door with patchy paint-fingerprints on the handle – evenly paced – before he opened it and peeked inside.
“Hyung? … Are one of you awake?”
A low moan was the only acknowledgment he got. The room was dark from what Hoseok could see into it, and he quietly murmured not to wake anyone if they were in fact asleep. Jungkook seemed to abide only by lowering his voice.
“Taetae, is hyung asleep?”
Another moan – this one a little more whiney than before, then Taehyung answered with sleep clinging to every word. “Mmm. ‘thought you were gonna study.”
“I am. But I just wanted you to know that Hoseok-ssi is here.”
Jungkook opened the door a little wider, letting a trinkle of daylight from their apartment to flood the dark cave that the 95’er’s had burrowed in. Hoseok gave a small wave as Taehyung struggled to prop himself upright in his bed before brushing his wild hair out of his face, squinting tiredly at the doorway. He was closest to the entrance, covering Jimin’s face from being disturbed from most of the light, but Hoseok could still make out the familiar blond hair – albeit messier than he'd ever seen it, but his chest warmed at having his boyfriend close to him again. It had been way too long since they’d last seen each other.
“Hi Taehyung-ssi.” He greeted, glancing at Jungkook as he stepped closer. The younger almost looked to be guarding the door with how he still blocked most of the space. “Jungkook-ssi told me that you weren’t feeling well either, sorry for disturbing your rest.”
“Tha’s okay hyung, I was awake…” Tae yawned, belatedly raising a hand to his mouth. “Minnie is still asleep, but you can stay if you want. He’ll pro’ably wake up soon.”
 Hoseok wasn’t too convinced on Taehyung being awake or that Jimin would wake up soon, but he thanked them for letting him stay and promised not to disturb anyone while he waited. Jungkook reassured him that it really wasn’t a problem when they returned back to the main segment of the apartment. Actually encouraged a bit of noise , teasing his hyung’s about messing up their sleeping patterns worse than ever before, and then dipped out to go study after writing down his number in case Hoseok needed anything.
Alone. Hoseok could vaguely hear Taehyung shuffling in his room, and the sound of a shower joining that of the numerous quirky fountains that decorated the apartment, but other than that the space remained silent. He sent a quick update to Yoongi and then decided to get started on a meal. There hadn’t looked like much in the fridge earlier and it would be better if they had something to eat before taking any medicine later. Maybe even some pre-made meals just enough for the next few days. Anything to keep him occupied enough not to retreat back down the hall to where Jimin slept.
*Hands traced down his sides, gently caressing at the sensitive skin at his waist before a wet warmth latched onto his chest. Jimin’s breath hitched at the bruising being kissed into him and let out a low moan as Yoongi’s mouth [because it had to be his] found its way to one of his nipples, taking his time to play before moving to the next.
Jimin could barely move from beneath the producer, trapped in warmth and his own pleasure that was quickly building, but he tried his best to arch into Yoongi’s embrace. A soft chuckle had Yoongi breaking from his actions and Jimin let out a mortifyingly petulant whine. The bed dipped next to them and through a heavy gaze Jimin watched Hoseok lean in and kiss Yoongi tenderly, deepening it for a moment before pulling back just enough to give a teasing grin.
He had been so close. Honestly, he had never been one to finish quickly until he’d met Yoongi and Hoseok. Somehow they just kind of knew all of his buttons, better than himself.
“Does this feel nice, baby?” Hoseok let his hand trail lower, letting his fingers dance along the exposed skin of Jimin’s dick before grasping it. Jimin had to bite back his moan, especially once he felt the icy cold drops of lube joining. “Do we make you feel good?”
Jimin nodded, throwing his arms up over his face he mumbled low words of agreement. His voice breaking into  soft moans as he felt Yoongi’s tongue back on him.
They seemed to be taking their time, teasing him with small actions that had his mind and body reeling. It was only when Yoongi sunk lower that Jimin couldn’t take it anymore. He was so close he could feel it. He wanted to cum so badly but everything that they did, felt better than the last and he just wanted more. So much more.
He choked out a moan much louder and surprised than any previously when Hoseok pushed his legs up and he could feel Yoongi’s tongue go where it never had before. Licking a large strip before lapping and sucking. Jimin didn’t know what to do with himself other than try to push into the sensation. His legs were shaking and his breath quick with sharp, breathy whines that Hoseok kept swallowing with kisses. It was when he felt Yoongi work in his finger that Jimin cried out. His one hand gripped at Yoongi’s hair while the other clung to Hoseok for support, his entire body shaking as Yoongi continued to eat him out.
“There! Right the-there! Oh my god!” Jimin whimpered. “Oh my-oh yes! Mmmhm, fuck!”
 He felt Yoongi suck just as he pressed and rubbed repeatedly over the bundle of nerves inside of him, not giving Jimin a chance to adjust before he completely whited out.*
Jimin shot upright, his head immediately crying out with pain. He was in bed in his room. Alone, except for Taehyung who was peeping through the doorway looking as equally drained.
“You okay? You looked like you were having some type of fever dream or something. You’re covered in sweat…”
“Um..” He cleared his throat – unhelpfully - and ran a hand across his brow, trying to calm his breathing. It had been a dream. Of course it had been. In which his best friend had walked in on him, in the midst of a wet dream. How mortifying. “Fine. ‘m fine, just.. a bit warm.”
His words didn’t ease any concern on Taehyung’s face, but his friend decided it was best not to press too hard on the matter. Jimin would tell him if he really wasn’t feeling well. “Maybe you should go take a shower and wash off that sweat. There is some food waiting for you in the kitchen, so make sure to come eat.”
“Did you order in?”
“No, Hoseok-hyung stopped by this morning with a whole bunch of medicine and food. He made something for us while we were asleep so-“
“Hoseok - sorry – Hoseok was here?” Jimin almost bolted to his feet before he remembered that while his dream hadn’t been real, the unfortunate wetness in his boxers was, and while Taehyung had seen him in a lot of compromising situations the man wasn’t the biggest fan of certain ‘messes’. “He is supposed to be in Daegu with Yoongi, what… why was he here?”
Taehyung shrugged, coughing into his fist. “Kookie let him in. We’ve been building a puzzle for the last two or so hours, but I thought I heard you make a noise. So I just wanted to see if you were awake yet.”
“Wait,” Jimin breathed deeply, finally his heart was slipping into a less erratic speed, but his face still burned. “Is he still here?”
He tried to swallow his whine when Tae nodded. It would have been nice to be woken up at the surprise arrival of one of his partners, but he couldn’t exactly fault his friends for not disturbing him when he had spent the better half of the last two days whining about his lack of sleep.
“Just -yeah. I’ll be out in a bit.”
“Go shower, Min.” Tae smiled tiredly. “He’s in the middle of creating an autumn forest scene with me. He can be occupied for a few more minutes while you freshen up.”
Hoseok was buried in a deep concentration, lip bitten between his teeth as he tried to find the placement of one frustratingly difficult piece that he was determined not to hand off to Taehyung -who was remarkably good at puzzles it seemed – when he felt a warm, slightly damp body press into his back. Soft sniffling muffled into his neck and a tender embrace that spread around his chest, so familiarly Jimin that he immediately melted back into the youngers arms.
“You’re awake.” He grinned, twisting to see his boyfriend. His hair was dripping, and his old high school dance t-shirt clung to sections of his skin where he hadn’t dried off properly. There was a flush to Jimin’s cheeks, but it could easily be because of his recent shower and despite the evident eyebags and rosy nose, Jimin was smiling widely and glowing with happiness. “How are you feeling? Any better than yesterday?”
“I-Yeah, a bit I guess. How are you here?” He got comfortable on the floor next Hoseok, adjusting so that their thighs pressed close together. He shifted and his fingers picked at each other as if missing the sleeves or rings that he would usually fidget with. “You were supposed to still be with hyung’s parents.”
“Mm..” he hummed, finally giving up his puzzle piece to Taehyung, who merely gave a small smile while his eyes shifted between the two, finally settling back on his puzzle silently. Hoseok leant back against the couch and just stared for a moment.
Jimin’s voice was deeper than he’d ever heard it and quiet, just above a whisper. Hoseok could only assume that the poor dancer was about to lose his voice entirely.
 Almost on impulse, he reached out and grasped one of Jimin’s hands, lacing their fingers and pulling it into his lap. “I suppose there was something missing while we were travelling. So we decided to come back. The Min’s understand. Yoongi’s mother practically packed us up to go when we said that we wanted to check up on you. She’d actually been hoping to meet you this trip around, but since she couldn’t she asked me to tell you to feel better and to have a great final exam. We left early this morning to drop everything off and go shopping before coming here. Yoongi wanted to be here when you woke up as well, but he was called into work last minute. Something about some songs being deleted that need to be restored urgently. He’s quite bitter about it.”
“Oh…” Jimin rubbed his nose sheepishly with his free hand and Hoseok squeezed the one in his grasp. “I didn’t know she wanted to meet me, maybe we can… heh’….H’ngxt’ah… He’ekshh… ugh…” His cheeks flushed as he tried to subtly sniff away any lingering tickle. “Sorry, maybe we can visit closer to the holidays?”
Hoseok hummed, forcing himself not to coo at the way Jimin’s entire body had shivered out the sneezes. “Bless you. I’m sure they’d love that. We can figure out a route to visit all of our families just like we did this time.”
Before Jimin could respond, he twisted away to bury his face into his arm, sneezing twice more before coughing harshly and blindly fighting to release Hoseok’s hand. Letting go was unwanted but he complied, then reached for a few tissues out of the box Taehyung had been hoarding to hover near Jimin’s hands as he moved to sneeze into them now – his arm not able to catch the entire misted spray with how close they sat.
Hoseok couldn’t bring himself to look away, moving closer to lay a steady hand on Jimin’s back as the fit finally ended and he was able to shyly take the tissues from his boyfriend, his face ablaze with embarrassment as he blew his nose as quietly as possible given the poor circumstances. If he hadn’t been feeling so unwell he probably would have noticed the growing pink dusting Hoseok’s cheeks as well.
“Gross. That didn’t sound great.” Taehyung pouted just enough to be both concerned and teasing. “You should eat something. Hyung made some great jook. It’ll help your throat at least for a bit.”
“And you can take some medicine afterwards.” Hoseok added warmly. “And I will dry this hair for you.”
As embarrassed as he was, Jimin let Hoseok drag him to his feet to be led to the kitchen.  The dancer hadn’t even been bothered at instinctively trading the used tissues from Jimin with fresh ones. Although Jimin had sputtered enough about spreading germs that Hoseok promised to wash his hands immediately if Jimin at least didn’t fight him on eating.
They left Taehyung to his puzzle – Hoseok tried not to feel petty about the fact that the younger man had already found the place for the piece that Hoseok had handed him – and drifted to the kitchen where he got to work on washing his hands and reheating some food while Jimin sifted through the medicine boxes laid out on the counter.
“You didn’t need to get all of these.” Jimin smiled almost fondly at the boxes before switching his gaze to his boyfriend. “I’ll be fine in a few days.”
“Or worse. Plus you have your exam soon, I don’t want you trying to push yourself through that while you’re still sick.” Hoseok  set down a glass of water on the table beside the medicine and rested a hand momentarily on Jimin’s lower back. “Hyung and I just want you to feel better and we didn’t know your preferences so… You’ll just have to deal with the overcompensation.”
With a sigh that was not anything but pleased, Jimin opened a few boxes to take what he wanted. “Well it won’t go to waste. Kook is probably going to be down with this in the next couple days, if not sooner, and Tae has clearly already been here. So the overcompensation is appreciated, even it does make me feel a little guilty.”
“You have nothing to feel guilty about.” Hoseok pressed a quick kiss to his boyfriends temple. “Now you’re going to eat, take that medicine and then we’re going to go cuddle somewhere. Because I have been deprived, Yoongi kept trying to do work and neglected me these past few weeks.” He pouted heavily enough to bring a small giggle out of Jimin.
“I guess I’ll have to fix that and scold him later.” Jimin leant into Hoseok’s warmth and wondered how he had even coped with being away from his partners. Just five minutes in his hyung’s presence already had him feeling better than he had in days.
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🎵 + 🌟👯‍♂️ for bts 💜
ah I was hoping you'd ask for a song ♡
🎵 recommend a song based on your vibe/blog
Immediate answer was The Dreaming by Monsta X, it's one of my comfort songs and makes me happy just like seeing you on my dash/notifications! 💝
🌟 send w/ a group, and I’ll talk about my favorite era, concept, and/or album
ahhhhhhh. My favorite era was probably when I re-discovered them after BE and before Butter in 2020-21, it just felt like home. It had been years since I last followed them actively but it didn't matter, as I was falling back for my old obsessions and faves, but it was a surprise how important they became to me (mushy mushy shush). So yes, that.
Also honorary mention to Skool Luv Affair era and my obsession with Tae <3 and the passion in their eyes (eyeliner)
Favorite concept I take it like as styling etc, I absolutely love BS&T aesthetics and Black Swan as well. school concepts have my heart too forever and always
Favorite album is a difficult choice as every album is great in their own way. But right now it's a battle between BE and Love Yourself: Answer. Those two are the first BTS albums I bought, and I fell in love completely 💜
and yes I answered to them all bc I love to ramble <3
👯‍♀️ send w/ a group, and I’ll rant about a favorite friendship
HOW TO CHOOSE. okay I was gonna go with Sope as they have my heart but Yoonkook have it too. So Yoongs and Kook, I love their dynamic so much and how they become so playful and random together, even if they're quieter introverts by themselves (mood 😭) and Yoongs always telling how Kook is so talented and he's so proud of him, and Kook teasing Yoongs about That That and calling him grandpa 🥺 that's their way of showing love and I'm here for it! also the 'Suga hyung won't scold me' gets me every time!!
kpop ask game
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sinkat-arts · 2 years
Daisuga WIP (Thursday) Wednesday
So, I decided at to start doing WIP Wednesday. I'm actively working on a long fic that won't be posted for... forever, and it might help me stay motivated if I can post little bits here and there? Anyway, I decided that at, like, 1 AM Pacific Time last night, so... very late. Which is why I'm posting this today. This is actually a part that I've scrapped from the larger fic, but I like it well enough to want to maybe do something else with.
For context, this is after the Interhigh Tournament, which was in June. Since Suga's birthday is also in June, I decided to combine the two. And since it's in Suga's POV, I use Koushi? I honestly don't know how he'd refer to himself in his head;;;; I also juggled the timeline and events of the day after Interhigh around a little bit, which is partially why I scrapped this.
13 June 2012
It should have been a day like any other. Just a Wednesday. There were many like it before and there would be many like it after. But this particular Wednesday was maybe a little different. This one was… well, it was a mixed fucking bag so far. 
“I can’t even be happy on my birthday,” Koushi groused aloud. He picked halfheartedly at his packed bento, but even though his mom had made sure it was full of his favorite things, he just didn’t have much of an appetite today. “Thanks, Seijoh, just what I wanted. A big fat L for my birthday.” 
Asahi took a sip of his juice. His giant paw of a hand dwarfed the box, making it look like a prop from a kid’s toy kitchen set. He gave a solemn nod in agreement, the picture of serious contemplation with the straw of a baby juice box still stuck in his mouth. Koushi couldn’t hold the giggle that bubbled up despite the dour mood.  
“What?” Asahi asked, snapping into attention in a mild panic, “Something on my face?” 
“You’re adorable,” Koushi answered, grinning and reaching over to pat his head, “You just make sure you finish your juice box like a good boy, ‘kay?”
Asahi didn’t miss that he was being teased. “Oh, ha ha,” he grumbled, running his empty hand over his hair to make sure none of it had escaped the tie holding it back, “You’re never too old for a juice box… and anyway, you’re the old man here, not me.” 
“By, like, 6 months,” Koushi returned, but his attention had strayed away from his friend. His eyes scanned the courtyard, seeking. Koushi sucked his teeth in frustration - he hadn’t found his target. Again. “Are you sure…” he began.
“I’m sure,” Asahi cut in, doing a decent job of masking exasperation, but Koushi caught it all the same. The exasperation was well-deserved, though, so he let it slide. It wasn’t that Asahi predicted what he was going to say because he was psychic… he’d just been asked the question already. Twice in the course of 20 minutes. “I saw him this morning, but not since.” 
“Lunch is halfway over,” Koushi said, pushing a piece of fried chicken around. “We could at least eat lunch together for my birthday… Do you think he forgot?” 
Asahi raised his head, face inscrutable for a few seconds. Most of the time, the guy was an open book, he had all the guile of a puppy… but every now and then he had these moments. Moments where Koushi felt like Asahi knew something and was holding back. 
“No,” he said, taking the last, loud draw of juice from the container before setting it down neatly on the table in front of him, “He wouldn’t forget. Something must have held him up… maybe a teacher grabbed him.” 
“You think?”
“Maybe?” Asahi said with a shrug that was somehow sympathetic rather than dismissive, “We could go look for him.” 
It could have been the shitty mood after losing yesterday - which was surprisingly devastating, considering how often the third years had experienced loss since coming to Karasuno - but something really wasn’t sitting right. He didn’t like the fact that he himself hadn’t laid eyes on Daichi all day, he didn’t like the look Asahi gave him, he didn’t like that he was at their table and Daichi wasn’t. He’d expected today to be kind of off, but it was too far off. Something had to be going on. 
“Nah,” Koushi said and started pulling his bento back together, “I’ll go… you, uh… you hold the fort down in case he does come. Text me?” 
Asahi nodded, but that weird look was back on his face. He wished he knew what it meant, but if he wanted to find Daichi and (gently) reprimand him for skipping out on lunch, he couldn’t press. He finished packing back up and turned away, walking at a pace that he hoped hid the fact that he was getting just the tiniest bit scared of what might be going on. 
It’s nothing. Probably just what Asahi said… a teacher asked him to help with something. And Daichi can’t not help someone. The guy’s hopeless. 
Still, his feet carried him faster and faster as he got closer to the nearest entrance to the school. There were a few places Daichi might be, assuming a teacher hadn’t sequestered him somewhere, so he turned himself towards what he thought the most likely spot would be and made his way to the gym.
At first glance, the place was empty, but that wasn’t cause for worry yet. He wouldn’t be on the court, not if there was something wrong, so Koushi made a straight line to the storage room. Closed, but unlocked… someone was in there. As silently as he could, he turned the knob until he felt the weight of the door swing free of the catch, and moved inside with a few soft steps. Ah, and there he was. Leaning against one of the ball caddies, shoulders slumped over and head in hand, Daichi was facing away from the one window that was the sole light source for the room. It was hard to make out his face, bathed in shadow as it was, but it was clear he was… lost. In thought, in his head, he was somewhere far enough away that he hadn’t noticed Koushi’s approach. 
Koushi took a step forward and stopped at the sound of a sniffle. His heart dropped a little as he realized that those slumped shoulders were shaking a little. Even more when he realized Daichi wasn’t holding his head to support it, he was clutching one hand over his mouthing, desperately pressing against it and trying to keep everything in.
Part of him wanted to leave. Slip back out the door unseen. This was something private, something vulnerable. It wasn’t meant for anyone’s eyes, and if Daichi knew he’d seen… would that be a betrayal of some kind?
But that wasn’t all. Part of him wanted to leave because he was scared. Not just of how Daichi would react when he finally noticed him, but of himself. He was terrified of what he wanted to do in this moment. Rush forward, collect Daichi in his arms, find out what hurt and make it go away. How, though? What should he do? What could he possibly do that would help… and still keep him on that highwire he’d been walking ever since they were idiot first years and Daichi had smiled at him like that with his warm brown eyes and the sun in his stupidly handsome face. 
What he wanted, what his instincts said to do, was too much. But his friend - his best friend - was hurting right in front of him, and whatever nonsense his heart was trying to pull right now, Daichi needed… something. It was, Koushi figured, in his job description to at least offer. Daichi could make the choice himself to tell him to leave or let him stay.
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boredomofpain · 2 years
Inarizaki and the theme of sound, the greatest feat of Haikyuu’s narration (to me):
Manga is a medium in which you can’t directly use sound or movement to express something, as opposed to anime. A mangaka has to find a way around it. And Furudate managed to create an atmosphere around sound despite those limitations.
I’m going to focus on sound today using the wInarizaki match to illustrate it.
Sound is one of the main features of this game with the cheer squad, the silence, booing, drums..  So much so that we actually see the Inarizaki cheer squad before the team, as Karasuno enters the gym:  
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Here we have the first technique to « show » sound: growing sound effects (sfx) as the team gets closer to the source of the noise. 
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Right after that we get those dynamic straight lines on the crowd and instruments to create an oppressive atmosphere, and those banner-looking sfx:  
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Still in the same chapter, we have the sfx covering the bubbles of dialogue to convey the sensation that the cheer squad is covering every other noise:
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We then get quite massive and repetitive sfx as Atsumu walks to serve, creating a rythm of sort with his steps
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which he then stops by himself, leaving only small silence sfx that shows the difference with the noise from the start of the chapter:  
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This silence remains quite oppressive with the use of shadows and proportions of Atsumu’s fist.
As both Atsumu and Asahi serve, we get a new trick. This time we have large bubbles of loud people over multiple panels, highlighting the noise, so different from the silent gym. The booing also covers Suga’s bubble again:
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There is this oppressive tone again to the booing with those straight lines:  
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Right after that we get something unusual, it is the cheer squad that calls the chance ball instead of the player receiving, who stays silent, showing how intrusive they are in the game:  
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As Suna serves right off the whistle blow, we get two panels on the whistle and one on Suna watching the referee. How could you make your readers more focused on the whistle blow than that ?  
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An interesting contrast occurs on Karasuno’s shocking broad attack as we get a large sfx on Hinata’s spike and then none, not even the one representing silence:  
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This is a technique that is reused later on Hinata’s (cult) receive, no sfx  at all again, only silence and shock:   
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Another way to contrast with the crushing tone the cheer squad gives is to put the sound effects behind Kageyama as he serves, as opposed to the previous ones covering players, showing that the noise isn’t affecting him in the slightest:  
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This one is a pretty classic use of the form of the sound effect, as it draws in length through the page, showing how long the booing is:   
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And after Kageyama’s moment, it’s time for chapter 251 main feature: rythm.   
The use of alternate panels showing clapping or people hitting drums gives an impression of rythm as you go through the pattern:  
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Now this is a really good one, notice how every panel we get one more sfx until we get to the toss where the rythm is finally in place and looking really intrusive:   
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This makes the silence even heavier in contrast:  
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Fortunately for Karasuno, this atmosphere won’t last forever as the Japanese Taiko drums arrives:  
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We then get a showdown between the two cheer squads, with quite obvious parallels even in the panneling, as we see Inakou’s from the front and Karasuno’s from the back in consecutive pages:  
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An interesting point is that the Taiko drums are represented with hiraganas that are typically used for japanese words to contrast the use of katakanas for inarizaki’s cheer squad, as katakanas are mostly used for onomatopeias or foreign words. An opposition of style between traditional and unorthodox.
Now this is surely my favourite. Saeko’s group is here to change the mood, they do so by giving another tempo to block the crushing atmosphere, shown here with the rythm techniques i mentioned earlier. The second page depicts this with a calm flutist and Krsn sfx literally blocking Inarizaki’s. This is pure genius:  
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There are three techniques left that I noticed, the first one is to throw bubbles and sfx of different shapes and in every angle to show how helpless and stressed Yamaguchi felt as he couldn’t find his reset point:  
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The second one is the use of a large sound effect to cut off Hinata’s joy by literally cutting the page in half:  
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And lastly the fist of Atsumu going over the two other panels, to stop their noises, with the trick of the sound effects disappearing from one panel to the other:  
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As you can see, there are multiple ways to trick the audience into « seeing » sound when you can’t actually make it audible. Furudate is a master at this and it is a delight to analyse.
« We aren’t limited to one way of being great »- Furudate to other mangakas while overcoming his medium’s limitations
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agvstdae · 4 months
[the running commentary]
[[all this is more or less for myself aha]]
Oohhh we love a good intro
*also my mans yoon just staring the teacher down gotta love that look🙏
Ahhh YOONGI!!! MIN SUGA!!!!!
We On is such a banger, like the high notes and all AND HIP HOP PHILE OMG???!!!!! Eargasm frrr
You can really see that they enjoy being on stage💜
Jimin taking every chance to growl in the mic is such a mood😭💜
Vocal line absolutely KILLING IT in “Let Me know”💪
WAIT RAIN???????? It’s so fitting since it’s raining rn where I am aha
*Might I add that I have a deep emotional attachment to Dark & Wild?
EMBARRASSED????? AHHHHHHHHH- what a cute choreo😭😭 AND JUNGKOOK IN THE BED OMG THE AEGYO OH NO😭😭😭 big love for this song 💜
YOONGI NO WHY THE AEGYO😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I’m sorry but my second hand embarrassment can’t 😭😭
The “Look here” and Jimin combo is DANGEROUS
*Also love how live everything is, it’s very refreshing🧃🧃
*I would NOT be disappointed if we got a O!RUL82? x Dark & Wild concept again :D
Ughhh TOMORROW!!!! Such a good song🙏 also hobi vocals >>>
AND DANGER😩😩😩😩😩 the vibes are ON, and holy shit this is amazing AND boy in luv to tie it off - just perfect🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌
And Road as encore it can’t get any better🥲💜💜 AND JUMP AND AOB IM SPEECHLESS ilysm attack on bangtan you’ll always be iconic😩 AND Paldogangsan???!!!
Forever my fav emo boys🤞🤞🤞
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jwittekchatter · 7 months
Livestream Recap Tuesday, 27 Feb
-said he was in a crappy mood because of Cody being up his ass in his apartment and calling pharmacies
-had a lot of work stuff coming up, got humbled/his ass kicked at Sean’s gym. Said the training session was brutal
-said he’s not sure what he was thinking because he’s only done like 10 MMA classes and thinks he’s going to do a pro fight
-pretended to meditate (like back when he was with Georgie) then said “remember when we were in that relationship where I was being manipulated” - very strange comment to make since WE weren’t in a relationship together and HE wasn’t in a relationship with Georgie either
-said he’s done skydiving forever because of that hematoma he got last time, still has a lump from it
-knows it’s hard to keep up with his phases of what he’s into
-thinks Kyle was inspired to run the upcoming LA marathon because of Jeff running the NY one but Kyle hasn’t officially said that 🙄
-had a body scan (he showed on his Snaps) and said he’s in perfect health
-got that blue box chocolate PR box from Mr. Beast. It’s lit up so there was a black battery pack in the box. Cody being the moron he is said that it was a listening device and Jeff started getting paranoid. I thought he was joking but if you watched him in the H3 stream he mentioned it there again and seemed like he actually believed it.
-said he has a funny dating story that he’s waiting to share in live shows. A tour will be in the future. (He’s been saying this since fall 2021 guys. He’s lost a huge chunk of his supporters he had when Patreon started. The new influx of viewers he has now are Tana fans and probably wouldn’t pay to see his live show. I don’t think a live show will happen soon despite him saying it will. They’ve been spending Mondays as writing days for a live show though)
-said the latest meme on IG is true (it shows Jeff in bed with a girl and Cody in between them because he’s always around). Cody liked the meme but then seemed actually bothered by it on the live. He’s such a wimp.
-they both were sent Brooks running shoes after he whined about Cody Ko being sponsored for the NY Marathon (maybe because Cody is actually an athlete and focused on that)
-to Cody: “I gotta find a girlfriend eventually so you’ll have to find your own way”
-is proud of his niece with her bjj classes
-closed the pod room door and said they boys “lost” another pod episode while he was in AZ with Suga Sean. Handled it better but was annoyed. When the Bruce thing happened he asked Casey Neistat and his parents for advice
-someone asked if he feels like he’s his authentic self around his friends and Jeff of course said yes, around strangers too. 🙄
-Oscar said they could do an AI episode of the Bruce pod because I guess he has the audio and screenshots? Jeff sounded like he wants to do that but who knows with them
-said he used to be aggressive when they filmed the barbershop episodes but he’s gotten soft. Said it seems like he had more fun back then
-said he saw some clip of Tana and Brooke saying that Jeff is too hot and they couldn’t date him or something. He spoke in a weird voice and said he’d “get them” the next time they were on the show (he was joking and acting like they had said something offensive)
-there were issues with the live and it only worked on laptops but no phones so he was saying he will make a YouTube membership like H3 and move all previous Patreon vids over there. Then at the end he said he’d think about doing that so he doesn’t know what he’s doing, as usual.
-there will be a merch drop soon
-he said “consistency is key” which made me laugh because would any of us use consistent as a word to describe Jeff at all? Definitely not
-someone asked for advice about a long distance relationship but he’s never been in one so had no advice to give.
-said Cierra was gone to film a movie where she had to kiss a guy. He trusted her but it bothered him - but him acting like he’s sleeping with Tana shouldn’t bother a new girlfriend right? 🙄
-said he remembers the Australian girl and Morgan from the Bachelor but no one else
-I guess one of the girls is in law school and he said one of them would have to make a sacrifice to be close to the other and is wouldn’t be her if she’s in school - why he’s pretending like he’s move his entire life for a random girl he meets on this dumb dating show is so stupid
-some new girl asked what he likes to do in the bedroom and he said he’s not going to answer that - wtf is wrong with these new weirdo fans?
-said his life is so hard and he works so much - the lies he tells omg
-he got an infection in his mouth from cutting himself from his water pic, thought it was something worse
-someone said Cody is rotting Jeff’s brain and Jeff agreed
-asked if he’d put his kids on social media and said he’s not sure. His partner has a day in that so they’d have to decide - didn’t he say in the first Bachelor episode that the wife will have zero say in naming them and that he would only get to do that? I hope he was kidding but his change of tone was interesting.
-said he’s going to Miami for Suga Sean’s fight, I wonder if he’ll hang out with Mike and Sara? Last we saw Sara was pissed at Jeff and hasn’t been around him since. Will Mike choose her and Jeff be with other people?
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biginfoman · 2 years
5 Reasons to Curb Sugar Intake — Beyond Empty Calories
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DECEMBER 9, 2018
When it comes to weight management, refined sugar in all its forms — high-fructose corn syrup, dextrose, rice syrup, sucrose and many others — is certainly one of the top items to get knocked off an eating list.
Harvard University’s School of Public Health suggests that to achieve a healthy weight, you should limit “lower-quality foods” including sugar-sweetened beverages, refined sugar and highly processed snacks.
But your waistline isn’t the only thing affected by excess sugar consumption. Overindulgence on the sweet stuff can affect you in some other surprising ways:
According to the National Sleep Foundation, an after-dinner dessert is a great way to get a terrible night of sleep. In fact, the organization notes, the more sugar you eat during the day, the more likely it is you’ll wake up during the night.
That’s because sugar lowers the activity of orexin cells, a neuropeptide that regulates how wakeful you are. More bad news: These cells also help control appetite, so if they’re feeling off-kilter, you’re more likely to eat more.
When it comes to an effective immune system response — the kind you need to be on high alert during cold and flu season — sugar could be defeating your white-blood-cell army.
When you eat a big dose of sugar at once, like a soda or a candy bar, you temporarily suppress your immune system’s ability to respond to invaders, according to certified nutrition specialist Monica Reinagel of Nutrition Diva. If that happens occasionally, it may be no big deal, but since the effect lasts for a few hours, you may be sabotaging your immune system on a consistent basis if you eat sugary food regularly.
READ MORE: What Your Sugar Cravings Might Really Mean
Sugar may be tough on your weight goals, but it’s even tougher on your heart. A major study published in JAMA Internal Medicine suggested a sugar-packed diet may raise your risk of dying of heart disease, even if you aren’t overweight.
In the study, done over 15 years, participants who took in 25% or more of their daily calories from added sugar were more than twice as likely to die of heart disease than those who consumed less than 10% of added sugar.
Although much is made of the mind-body connection when it comes to health and wellness, less attention has been put on the mood-food link. But it’s a strong one, and sugar can be especially notorious for causing emotional fluctuations, including anxiety, frustration and even depression, according to Dr. Elson Haas, author of “Staying Healthy With Nutrition.”
He notes that refined sugar has been shown to deplete important nutrients, such as protein, vitamin B, zinc, chromium and manganese.
“These deficiencies can lead to lower levels of emotional and mental functioning,” Haas says. “When you don’t have these depleted from your system, you can really feel a difference in your mood and your emotional state.”
Refined sugar, as well as other high-glycemic foods, raises insulin levels in the body and that increases inflammation. When that happens, the inflammation produces enzymes that break down collagen and elastin, the structural “building blocks” of your skin, notes dermatologist Nissan Pilest, MD, of California-based Total Dermatology.
“Digested sugar permanently attaches to the collagen in your skin through a process known as glycation,” he says. “That results in sagging skin and wrinkles. Glycation can also exacerbate skin conditions like acne and rosacea.”
Plus, the more sugar you eat, the more likely it is you’ll develop insulin resistance, he adds. That can lead to excess hair growth on the skin, as well as dark patches on the neck and other areas.
With side-effects like these, you might be tempted to swear off cupcakes forever. But you don’t need to cut out refined sugar products completely to see benefits and lower your health risks, says New York-based registered dietitian Vanessa Rissetto.
Instead, focus on mindful eating and awareness — in other words, she advises, make a sugary treat into exactly that, so it’s a sometime occasion and not a regular habit. Start by eating your next sugary snack very slowly, and notice how it smells as well as tastes. You don’t need to become a mealtime snail, but doing this a few times can help you “reset” when it comes to sugar, Rissetto says.
“This exercise helps teach you that you crave much less sugar than you probably think,” she says. “Being more mindful when you eat, especially when it comes to sugar, can keep you off autopilot and change your eating habits.”
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(In order of artist, then release) A aespa - Girls aespa - Illusion ALICE - DANCE ON Apink - Dilemma Apink CHOBOM - Copycat B BANG YONGGUK - Up B.I, Soulja Boy, DeVita - BTBT Billlie - RING X RING BLACKPINK - Pink Venom BLACKPINK - Shut Down BoA - Forgive Me BoA - 짓 ZIP BoA - Breathe BoA - After Midnight BVNDIT - VENOM BVNDIT - JIGGY C CODE KUNST (with 11Kitties), Meenoi - Take Me Conch - REDSUN Coogie ft. Lee Hi - Alone D DeVita - Bonnie & Clyde DPR IAN - 1 Shot DPR IAN - Mood DPR IAN - Miss Understood Dreamcatcher - MAISON Dreamcatcher - VISION Dreamcatcher - Fairytale E Epik High ft. YOUNHA - 그래서 그래 Gray So Gray Epik High ft. Colde - 비 오는 날 듣기 좋은 노래 Rain Song EXID - 불이나 FIRE F FIFTY FIFTY - Tell Me FIFTY FIFTY - Lovin' Me FIFTY FIFTY - Higher FIFTY FIFTY - Log in fromis_9 - DM G GEMINI - Do Me Right (G)I-DLE - Nxde (G)I-DLE - Change (G)I-DLE - 조각품 Sculpture (G)I-DLE - DARK (X-file) GOT the beat - Step Back GSoul - Everytime H HEIZE - 없었던 일로 Undo Hitchhiker ft. 3RD - Alone HUTA - BOOM Hyolyn ft. Jooyoung - Layin' Low HYO - DEEP I iKON - 너라는 이유 BUT YOU IVE - LOVE DIVE IVE - ROYAL IVE - After LIKE J j-hope - MORE j-hope - = (Equal Sign) j-hope - What if... j-hope - Arson JEY - Dirty JIN - The Astronaut Jiwoo - Evergray K KARA - WHEN I MOVE Kep1er - WA DA DA Kep1er - Up! Kep1er - Attention KIHYUN - Youth KIHYUN - Bad Liar KIHYUN - STARDUST Kim Hyerim - Your World KWON EUN BI - Glitch KWON EUN BI - Underwater L Lapillus - HIT YA! LE SSERAFIM - FEARLESS LE SSERAFIM - Blue Flame LE SSERAFIM - The Great Mermaid LE SSERAFIM - ANTIFRAGILE LE SSERAFIM - IMPURITIES LE SSERAFIM - Good Parts LOONA - Flip That M MAMADOL - WooAh HIP MINSEO - #Self_Trip MONSTA X - LOVE MONSTA X ft. R3HAB - Burning Up N NATURE - 넘어와 LIMBO! NCT 127 - Faster NCT 127 - 질주 2 Baddies NCT 127 - Time Lapse NCT 127 - 불시착 Crash Landing NCT 127 - Designer NCT 127 - 윤슬 Gold Dust NCT 127 - Playback NewJeans - Attention NewJeans - Hype Boy NewJeans - CookieNewJeans - Hurt New Jeans - Ditto NIve - what is life? NMIXX - DICE NMIXX - COOL (Your rainbow) O OH MY GIRL - Real Love OH MY GIRL - Drip OH MY GIRL - Replay P PSY ft. SUGA - That That R Red Velvet - Feel My Rhythm Red Velvet - Rainbow Halo Red Velvet - Beg For Me Red Velvet - Bomboleo Red Velvet - In My Dreams Red Velvet - Birthday Red Velvet - BYE BYE Red Velvet - ZOOM RM with Anderson .Paak - Still Life RM - Lonely Ryu Sujeong - PINK MOON S Seori - Can't Stop This Party SEULGI - 28 Reasons SEULGI - Bad Boy, Sad Girl SEULGI - Anywhere But Home SEULGI - Los Angeles SEVENTEEN - Darl+ing SEVENTEEN - HOT SEVENTEEN - DON QUIXOTE SEVENTEEN - Ash SEVENTEEN - _WORLD SNSD - FOREVER 1 SNSD - Villain SNSD - You Better Run SNSD - Closer SNSD - Freedom sogumm, Keumbee - 소금비 Salt Rain Sojeong - 내가 제일 사랑했던 노래 The song I loved Solar - 꿀 HONEY Sorn ft. Yeeun - Nirvana Girl STAYC - RUN2U STAYC - YOUNG LUV STAYC - BUTTERFLY STAYC - BEAUTIFUL MONSTER Stray Kids - 거미줄 VENOM Stray Kids - MANIAC Stray Kids - Charmer Stray Kids - CASE 143 SUNMI - 열이올라요 Heart Burn Sunny, Jungwoo, Renjun - Goodbye T TAEYEON - INVU TAEYEON - Can't Control Myself Taeyong, Jeno, Hendery, Yangyang, Giselle - ZOO TREASURE - 직진 JIKJIN TREASURE - 다라리 DARARI tripleS - Generation TWICE - Talk that Talk TWICE - Basics TWICE - Gone TXT - Opening Sequence TXT - Thursday's Child Has Far To Go V verycoybunny - On your mark verycoybunny - Lack of love VICTON - Chronograph VICTON - Stupid O'clock VICTON - Bonnie and Clyde VICTON - INK VICTON - Stay VICTON - Virus VIVIZ - BOP BOP! VIVIZ - Love You Like VIVIZ - LOVEADE W WHEEIN - 오묘해 Make me Happy WHEEIN - Pink Cloud WHEEIN - 파스텔 Pastel WJSN Chocome - 슈퍼 그럼요 Super Yuppers! WONHO - CRAZY WOOZI - Ruby Y YENA ft. BIBI - SMILEY YooA - Selfish YooA - Lay Low YooA - Blood Moon YooA - Melody YooJung - begin YOUHA - Last Dance YOUHA - NUMB YUJU - 놀이 Play YUJU ft. Mad Clown - 겨우, 겨울 Cold Winter YUJU - 데킬라 The Killa YUJU - Blue Nostalgia X Xiumin - Brand New
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serataenin · 2 years
cuz why not I guess
more songs and my favorite albums under the cut
Songs included: 
Glitch - Eunbi Dessert - Kim Yohan BTBT - BI Adrenaline - Cravity Jaws - BAE173 Dilemma - Apink Fragile - ONEUS Pose - Kino Gold Dust - NCT 127 Illusion - Aespa Color Me - Junny ft Chungha Darari - Treasure Halazia - ATEEZ Hurdle - Suho Forever Only - Jaehyun Sparkling Night - Pentagon Ghost - Taeyong Bite - D.O. Your Existence - Wonstein Punish - Choi Tai Joon Marc Got It - Kim Youngchul 
More Songs: Crazy - Wonho I Don’t Even Mind - Chen Last Sequence - WJSN Diamonds - Suran ft. Taeyong DU DU DU - TAN 458 - CIX Tank - NMIXX Raw - Solar Teddy Bear - NCT Dream Ring The Alarm - KARD Distance - HEIZE ft. I.M. VILLAIN - PIXY #MOOD - MCND Doom Du Doom - P1Harmony That That - PSY ft. Suga TTFU - Simon Dominic ft. Loco, Woo, Coogie Phase Me - Woosung Alone - Highlight Pretty Psycho - Purple Kiss
 **My Favorite Kpop Albums 2022**  I genuinely enjoy all or nearly all of the songs on each of these:
Lowlife Princess: Noir - BIBI Moodswings In This Order - DPR IAN 28 Reasons - Seulgi Oddinary - Stray Kids Devil - Max Changmin The ReVe Festival 2022 - Feel My Rhythm - Red Velvet New Jeans - News Jeans Eye On You - Kangta Antifragile - LE SSERAFIM Series 'O' [Round 3 : WHOLE] - Verivery The World Ep. 1: Movement - ATEEZ minisode 2: Thursday’s child - Tomorrow By Together  Chase - Minho  Gasoline - Key  Dice - Onew
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priintaniere · 5 years
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watermelon shirt for suga! watermelon shirt for suga!! 🍉
※ please do not repost my art ※ ➜ commission me or buy me a coffee ☕
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olaf-likeswarmhugs · 4 years
“... ‘Eight’ is like a short novel of confession of my twenty-eight-year-old self to the fictional character ‘you’ using various metaphors. I’m not sure whether it comes from my personal feelings or from the general atmosphere of society that is enduring tough times together due to disasters, but my 28-year-old life is likely to be remembered as a recurring helplessness and fatigue, and a longing for the ‘Orange Island’ where ‘we’ were not sad and could be free.” -IU
Island, yeah this is an island-- a small island that we made for each other Yeah, mm, forever young The word ‘forever’ is a sandcastle A farewell is just like an emergency text warning of a disaster A morning met together with yearning As each of us pass this eternity, we’re sure to meet again on this island
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min-shu-gah · 5 years
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dain-tae · 6 years
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Here's some random edits I've done.
Like/rb if saved!
Ps. Thank you so much for 2k
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