#sugar daddy rich
jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Over The Odds | Best Friend Pt.4
Pairing - jungkook x reader
Genre - smut, angst, fluff, S2L, ceo!jungkook, sugardaddy!jungkook
Word count - 1.9k
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Drabble 16 - Jungkook and Taehyung make a shocking discovery 
warnings: swearing
It’s a Thursday night, Jungkook and Taehyung are sitting in Jungkook’s lounge watching hours upon hours of security footage from both yours and Kook’s apartment building that the private investigator has been kind enough to share with them. There’s leftover Chinese takeout food scattered across the dark wooden coffee table, it’s almost eleven pm, adrenaline and desperation are the only thing keeping the pair awake.
After your police questioning Jungkook rushed over to Taehyung’s townhouse, where you explained to him that you think Namjoon still may have a key to your apartment, making him (in Jungkook’s opinion) their number one suspect. Jimin was there too, he gave details of how he’d seen your ex and Jennie right outside the building, something that you’d told Jungkook previously but he hadn’t thought much of it until that day. That was a week ago now, and every night since after work he and Taehyung have dedicated what little free time they have to watching the security footage themselves.
Recently he purchased a new television for a date idea he’d planned, and executed perfectly, little did he know just how useful that decision would prove to be. Now there’s two huge televisions in his lounge, the usual one, mounted to wall with an electric fire underneath – and the new one, sitting directly in front of the fire on the hard floor. Your building security tape is playing on the top tv, Jungkook’s on the bottom. Between the two best friends they’re adamant that they’re going to solve this themselves, as the police and private investigators have proven to be useless.
“You’d better be prepared for the case of your life,” Jungkook mumbles, he’s sat back in sweatpants and a hoodie, legs spread wide open as he keeps his eyes fixed to the screens in front of him, “Cause’ if I see Namjoon on this thing I’m gonna kill him myself.”
At this Taehyung laughs sleepily, adjusting the thin gold rimmed glasses that he has to wear when concentrating to save himself a headache, eyes still glued to the screens, “You’ll have to find a new attorney cause if it turns out he did this, I’ll help you bury his body.”
“What I don’t understand is how somebody was able to get into my apartment to steal the camera and then Y/N’s to leak the video,” Kook rubs his face, reminding himself that he needs to shave in the morning, “Namjoon would’ve never been allowed in my building.”
“What about Jennie? She’s been here before right?”
“Mmm, somebody would’ve stopped her, it’s been over a year since she was last here and even then I think she only came over once.”
Taehyung takes a beat before deciding to change the subject, he needs a mental break from this whole situation that’s taken over his life, “So when’s Y/N moving in?”
“Haven’t asked her yet,” Jungkook huffs with an awkward chuckle, “It’s hard to find the right moment for something like that with this shit going on.”
Pretty soon after you’d first said ‘I love you’ he told his best friend he was going to ask you to live with him, not because you’re ‘technically homeless’ but because he dreads the days when he wakes up and you’re not here. Six months ago Taehyung would’ve been shocked at the fact he wanted to take such a big step in a relationship, but the only shocking part about this is how Taehyung has actually managed to keep it a secret.
“Does your mom know that she’s gonna be moving in?”
“Yeah she’s all for it, my dad tried to talk me out of it obviously but when have I ever cared about his opinion?” Jungkook scoffs, mostly to himself. He’s unsure why his dad doesn’t approve of his relationship but truthfully he doesn’t care, his father doesn’t approve of a lot of things he does and it’s never stopped him from doing them.
“I guess some people could say it’s a bit soon, you’ve known each other what six months now?” Taehyung leans forward, taking a quick sip of fanta before settling back into his seat.
“Ahh that’s true but…” Jungkook smiles, quickly checking his phone for any notifications, typing a quick reply when he sees your name, “When you know, you know.”
Y/N: I miss you ☹
Jungkook: I miss you too baby
“I’m jealous, didn’t know you were such a romantic.” Tae chuckles, cracking his stiff neck as Jungkook pockets his phone, “Hang on is that Jennie?”
Both men sit up straight, suddenly feeling wide awake. Jungkook pauses the screens, and there his ex whatever she is was – clear as day, unlocking the door to your old apartment with a key she’d pulled from her coat pocket. She was alone, glancing round the corridor before entering your private space.
“Ring the PI,” Jungkook instructs his friend, “That’s Jennie.”
“How hasn’t somebody picked up on this?” Taehyung frowns, he’s furious, already dialling the number of their private investigator.
“What’s the bet that she got that key from Namjoon?” Jungkook’s voice is raised as it all clicks into place, your ex-boyfriend is a dead man.
“Over the odds I’d say.” Tae mumbles, calling the PI again when he doesn’t answer the first time, “It must’ve been Jennie who stole your camera from your apartment too.”
But that doesn’t make any sense to Jungkook – there’s no way Jennie would’ve been able to get into his apartment without being questioned, all the security staff know to let you in because you’re his girlfriend, but her? There’s just no way. He’s frowning, checking the date of the security footage from your building so he knows exactly when the tape was leaked. It was the final day of your trip to Korea, of course it was, so that means his camera had to have been stolen before that. While Taehyung attempts to reach the PI one final time Jungkook rewinds the footage playing on the bottom tv, going back to the day before Jennie broke into your apartment.
“We’ve already watched this Guk.” Taehyung looks to him with confusion, somewhat sleep deprived.
“We must’ve missed something, the camera had to be stolen before that.”
Jungkook’s going crazy, all he can think about is the fallout of what Jennie had done. He’d almost lost you, important company investors, not to mention his mom was heartbroken to say the least. All the shit you’ve been through was because of her, her and Namjoon. His leg bounces as a distraction from his own intrusive thoughts.
“Guk the only person that goes in is Y/N.” Taehyung can tell his best friend is close to snapping, but he knows full-well that they’ve already watched the footage for that day and so he tries to rationalise with him, “We watched this two days ago, look it’s Y/N-“ He points to the screen upon seeing your figure arrive at the building wearing all black.
“Wait.” Your boyfriend pauses the television, Taehyung sighs, “Is this clip from the day before Jennie was at Y/N’s apartment?”
Tae freezes, frantically checking the tiny, barely noticeable date and times that display in the corner of the screen, “Yeah definitely… But we were in Seoul that day. Are you saying you think the tapes been tampered with?! How can Y/N be in two places at once? One of the security team must’ve edited—”
Jungkook zones out of the conversation, his racing heartbeat is deafening as the realisation hits him like a tonne of bricks – the video hasn’t been edited, but that’s not you in his building either. No, the truth is far worse than that. He pushes his hair back in a hurry, audibly exhaling, you’re going to be devastated.
“It’s not edited.” Kook’s voice is deep, he presses play on the remote, cursing himself for not noticing this sooner,
“Jungkook the date has to have been edited, that’s Y/N!” 
“No, it’s not.” 
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bunnyrhe · 2 years
Rich Doctor! Kim Seokjin x Ocelot Hybrid Little
Summary: Jin loves to swim with his cub.
Warnings-rich Jin, little space reader, hybrid reader, needy reader, light teasing, caregiver Jin
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Jin loved to take swim. 
He lived for the rush of the biting cold on his back and shoulders. The water felt like freshly spun silk suavely gliding against his skin. The weightless feeling he got seeing his world turn blue when he dove down to the bottom of the cobalt waters was unparalleled.
That was the main reason he added the pool feature to his penthouse in the sky. Jin had champagne dreams and champagne money to enjoy every furlong of the finer side of life where the grass was greener and the air was cleaner. Afterall, one does not become a cardiothoracic surgeon to not live lavishly.
He lived on the top floor for the view of the blue distant mountains far beyond the dull monochromatic black cityscape. The mountains were serrated, their broken whitecapped peaks and domes shrouded in fine early morning mist. The swirling peach clouds among the mauve sky made a striking contrast . This was nature's palate in perfect juxtaposition. 
The early morning sun worked magic on the water,turning it into a thousand glittering sapphires among the grey deck tiles on the veranda. The water subsumed colour from the sky, changing it to an astonishing lilac.
Jin dived deeply into the water, hearing the muffled sloshing as he breached. The dive sent glittering arcs of spray that fell back into the pool. He opened his eyes, seeing a yellow and black striped figure seemingly rippling at the water's edge. 
He propelled himself to the surface. He wiped water off his face and blinking the chlorine away. He breathed in deeply, blowing water out of his nose. Even doing the most mundane of things, Jin Iooked fabulous. He flicked his wet hair back, eyes smoky like onyx and focused on you. The water beads rolling off his body creating a glossy polish over him. He was a polished marble Adonis in the first light of day.
He was watching you pacing and meowing at the pool's edge, softly and pathetically calling out for him.He splashed the water invitingly watching you mewl at him, a pair of needy emerald eyes staring at him wanting early morning cuddles. "Come on babygirl! Come swim with Appa! Come on you can do it!" 
You shook your head, pawing at the tiles cutely. You wanted him to come to you. "Aish, a wildcat who can't swim." He teased, paddling over to you. His broad shoulders submerging and reappearing to reveal modestly rippling biceps. The long, graceful breast strokes created satisfying swish-swash noises. 
Of all the wild, ravishing adventures his lifestyle allowed, his favourite journey was the one that led him to you. He had first met you when you and a handful of exotic tropical hybrids had been brought to the hospital.You had been smuggled in to be sold for your pelt, the ocelot fur had become a rare luxury now with the near extinction of your kind. He'd done a minor repair to your cardiac septum when you were in human form and then he couldn't take his eyes off of you.
You'd shifted back to a tiny ocelot form by the time he'd made post-up rounds the following morning. It scared him when he didn't find you in your bed. He searched the bathroom and the halls before moving to call a security code. Blue was for missing patients but you were so frail and unhealthy you were getting machines from the NICU. If he called pink security would find you faster if they understood the situation. He was hovering over the phone dial when your tail wrapped delicately around his wrist and he swooned. 
You were still patched up, a tiny cut over your right eye and bandages down your middle. You were a tiny Ocelot. You weren't an Ocelot,"you're an Oce-little!" He chuckled to himself, clacking the phone down onto the receiver.
You recovered well, getting all your nutrition in the right amount and copius amounts of love and attention. The cardio nurses cooed at your interactions, your happy drawback to your hind legs and the tackling of his stethoscope. You'd pounce on his shoes, and he pretended your blunt teeth and puny claws hurt him and his L.V. loafers. 
It broke him to leave you for surgeries, especially as you cried into your pillow waiting for him. You kept thinking he was abandoning you. Jin loved cool rare surgeries, it's what put his name on the map but they were so long. He couldn't put you in the theatre, not his baby. He'd begun leaving you clothes and toys and pictures of him before he left for surgeries. 
It was no surprise when he adopted you. There was minimal resistance from authorities once he'd lined pockets enough. He signed some papers to make it official and got same day approval to bring you home.
 You'd never left his sight since. Jin insisted that you be carried everywhere, your legs just weren'tstrong enough yet (no cub let Appa take you to the playroom...cub you're just not strong enough let Appa feed his baby...uh uh Cub can sleep with Appa tonight- Appa needs to monitor your heart rate). His cub needed him to carry her around like a baby bundled in blankets or with the stretchy carrier scarf meang for infants. It let him manoeuvre around the home tidying and relaxing while xou were swaddled and wrapped against his chest.
Jin cooked for himself most days, only sending for the Chef on days he worked late. He tried to keep those days to a minimum having read enough literature to tell him key parts of hybrid health was linked to being near their human. The baby carrier was the best investment he made so far. Being without you for long times still drove him crazy, needing go check the cub cams around the apartment every opportunity he got. It mainly was footage of you sleeping in sunshine or rolling around on his pillow but it tided him over till he returned to you.
" Come here, kitten, Appa doesn't want your collar to get wet." He pet your head, scratching the spot between your ears, hearing you purr deeply. You rolled onto your back showing him your tummy which he graciously tickled. He propped up on the edge of the pool letting you play with his fingers, nomming on Appa's fingers softly with your lips.
He knew you were feeling particularly small today, making a mental note to warm some milk for you for breakfast.
He unfastened your collar, setting it on the towels he'd laid out. You licked his nose softly, giving him your version of gentle kisses. Jin laughed squeakily, gloriously happy that his cub could join him. "My turn." He kissed your forehead softly,pulling away to watch you spin around excitedly. Jin cooed softly, eyes beaming down at you.
"My precious cub. I love you baby. Now don't drink the pool water okay?
You sank in slowly, barely making keeping your head above the water and paddling over to Appa. Jin could almost cry from sheer happiness. He cheered for you, swimming over to you then ducking underwater to pick you up close to his chest. "My brave little one! Oh! I'm so proud of you, my cub." 
Next part
Taglist: open ✅ Ask to join Rhe's taglist @cinnamonspicedreader @soft-teddybear @importantnickelcloudfish @urluvl @cherrystaehy @choi-kim-misuki @sophiayoongi-hyung @chubbynadnad-blog @nlost21 @nothingeverdies @lady-amethysta @xanny91 @jvinnv @bokuatsubro @rosquilleta @shiverrick @hearts-4-yoongi @namutits @snowyydayys @maddiejo112 @kenkozsgf @kimahnjung98 @sunshinee0-0 @frinnabibi @guess-whos-now-a-mood @ejspencer14
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hajidumps · 2 years
Choi Han: fuck the rich
Cale and Alberu: [sweats]
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taeyohonic · 2 years
stolen walks | 1
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summary: taehyung lashes out at his new dogwalker. and he will be sorry for that. you’ll make sure of it. or: taehyung is liking his wounds, yeontan is liking his balls and you kind of want to lick taehyung’s balls. it’s a story of long walks – figuratively and physically.
rating: overall m
words: 1400
additional tags: e2f2l, age gap [10 years], heartbroken taehyung [at the beginning], former idol taehyung, model taehyung, sugar daddy taehyung, college student reader, deaf side character, ASL is used [but simplified; adapted to English]
warning (contains spoilers): swearwords, taehyung being mean, slight discrimination, disability fraud (see endnote for more on that topic)
info/note: this story continues where chapter 20 of stolen dances leaves off. you do not have to read stolen dances first, but you’ll get spoilered if you read stolen walks first. lower case letters intended. and i do not want to hear a wooooord about yeontan not being able to still be alive that long in the future. please, have a heart.
links: | next [masterlist] [masterlist for this fanfic]
“did you take out the trash?” your aunt does not care for niceties.
“i said i would, auntie,” you answer, your voice still husky form sleep.
“but did you?” she asks again. now, you sigh. you didn’t even have your coffee yet.
“yes i did, auntie, of course i did.” you want to add ‘don’t you trust me?’ – but right now is not the time to test family ties.
“and what about the dishes, are they clean?” is she talking to an animal?
“i know how to clean up after myself,” you tell her. although the way you mutter it into your phone sounds more like a whiny child than a backtalking adult. in your defense, the coffee maker does take a long time to start in the morning.
“what about the dog?” yeah, what about the dog, you think as you watch yeontan lying in his back, all four legs wiggling in the air. the sun hasn’t even fully come out yet and your client is already too awake for you to keep up.
“tannie is perfectly fine,” you answer as the coffee maker beeps to life. thank the lord! you do a silent happy dance which the pomeranian watches with critical eyes.
“send me a picture, child, will you?” your aunt orders and you roll your eyes at nothing. of course, she doesn’t trust you with kim taehyung’s dog. even though it’s you that is doing her a favor.
“sure, auntie. how is your leg? are you in pain?” now the caffeine is ready and hot, making you a bit more empathetic to your aunt’s situation.
she huffs while you get down on the floor – steaming mug in hand – to sit next to the sweet dog still on its back. yeontan’s eyes lit up when he feels your hand on his belly. a thorough belly rub is a good start in the day, you think, as you hear your aunt huff from the other end.
“i cannot believe i had to break my leg right now, how inconvenient,” she mutters. only your family can make it sound like this is actually your fault. though you weren’t even in the city when it happened.
“rest well auntie, i’ve got everything under control,” you try to appease her. it’s no use as you hear her answering groan. still, you tried.
“then send me the photo of the dog!” she says, clearly agitated with her injury. your fingertips scratch tannie’s skin and you feel his purr under your palm.
“of course,” you mumble and after another round of questioning, you finally end the phone call. falling down next to yeontan, you put your half-finished mug on the carpet next to you. both you and the dog lie there for a second as seoul tries to wake up. and you watch the sunrise from kim taehyung’s penthouse while the model shoots in italy.
you hungry? you sign with one hand while the other holds the pitiful rest of your burrito. your friend eyes your dripping taco bell wrapper with a mixture of disgust and astonishment.
but we ate just now! she signs back, accentuating the ‘now’. you just shrug as you crumble up your garbage.
so, just ice cream then? you ask silently and see her shake her head with a chuckle.
lead the way, she signs – clearly giving up – and you happily take her hand as you skip across campus to your favorite ice cream place.
i still cannot believe you are house sitting for the kim taehyung, your best friend mari signs while you both devore your dessert.
shush, mari! you can’t just announce it out loud – it’s top secret! you answer back, only to hear her laugh loudly. it’s the highlight of your day when you get mari to laugh; so, your grin is bright.
have you met him already? or talked to him? she signs after taking a deep breath to compose herself. your best friend looks beautiful with her flushed cheeks and the lightest of freckles on her nose.
you shake your head and explain. all the contact goes through my aunt. she’s the one who’s supposed to take care of everything.
but, mari takes a second with her hands in the air, isn’t it weird to be in the house of a former idol?
you think about the rainforest showerhead, the tv that’s bigger than your own bed, the sound system which connects with your fitbit while you work out in the personal gym.
it’s really, you start, but trail off, not sure if weird is the right term.
different? she offers.
decadent, you sign back. mari’s eyes widen before she shoves you, making you lose balance. your ice cream melts on the floor while mari apologizes profoundly to the store owner.
“and then i was like – why would i need that layout when not one – not one magazine, tannie, was printed in that format since world war two.”
your knife is pointing at the ball of fluff on the counter. the both of you realized on your second day dog-sitting that your conversations were best held eye to eye. so yeontan took his place on the kitchen counter while you prepped your dinner. it’s not as unsanitary as it sounds, you tell yourself silently while feeding him a piece of sliced carrots.
the dog munches on your treat for a second, still, his eyes are trained on your face, as if to tell you to continue.
“and then he said that we have to be flexible in design formats. flexible. this ass on a stick can’t even bent over for his own professor.”
you justify the not so kind description of your ta with yeontan’s age – this pup has seen and heard worse in his lifetime; you are sure of it.
the knife in your hand swings with ease as you try to continue the well-deserved bashing of your ta. but before you can even open your mouth, you hear an angry voice from the kitchen entrance.
“what the fuck is going on here?” kim taehyung does not look happy. the years have been kind to him, his defined jawline pressed with anger. his hair is ruffled, the red eye flight having left its mark in the man. his shirt looks crumbled, and you don’t miss the light stain on the jacket he so carelessly throws at the chair close to you. it’s his eyes that worry you – the furry of dark brown is fixated on you.
“let my fucking dog go!” now he screams, pointing to the knife in your hand. however, the former idol doesn’t leave you any time to react – within seconds he’s in front of you, knocking the knife out of your hand. you just stare in astonishment as you try to catch up with his actions.
“what the fuck is wrong with you? isn’t killing my dog even a bit harsh for a sasaeng? what do you garbage people actually think you’re accomplishing with this? hm? get out of my fucking house, you scum!” taehyung’s scream is bone chilling, making you wince with every syllable.
the man himself has picked up his dog, cradling him to his chest. there is only disgust in his face when he looks at you. you feel a weight crushing your lungs as you watch your idol of many years cursing you out. you’ve never felt smaller. the last time you cried was at your parents’ funeral. but now, you can already sense the traitorous tears in the corner of your eyes.
“what? got nothing to say, idiot?” he yells. you can’t answer. “are you not only stupid but deaf?”
taehyung’s accusation makes you freeze. it’s been years since you heard deaf and stupid in the same sentence. so, without even thinking about the consequences, you start to sign.
you are really mean, kim taehyung.
with your first gesture, the man stops breathing. it’s like a glass shatters at his feet as he watches you sign. and with this silent ringing in his ears, he looks closely at his surroundings – the prepped food bowl for yeontan, the unfinished stir fry in the pan, the opened bottle of oj next to the fridge and your plush house slippers.
it takes him another moment of silently starring at your challenging eyes when he realizes: he fucked up.
hello to you all! i hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new fic! just as an author’s note: i do not agree with the readers actions, nor do i think that taehyung is totally in the wrong here. i hope i do not disrespect anyone with this storyline. it will only be used throughout the next two chapters. the ASL speaking with mari will be part of the whole story, though.
i’d love to hear what you think about the reader! as always, if you want to be tagged, just ask! lots of love from dana
taglist: @dahliasbouqet​ @daydreambrliever​ @tetesland​
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swxprada · 3 years
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saint laurent its my pajama !
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the-posh-life · 3 years
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dnfao3tags · 2 years
hi!! i was wondering if you knew of any fics that highlight how rich dream is and how he spends money on george lmao thanks!!!
sooo low key sugar daddy!dream? these might not all fit exactly but it was the closest i could find that wasnt straight up sugar daddy smut
— incisors by angelbeachcat info: mature | complete | 2k summary: Tragedy hits the summer before Dream’s life is supposed to begin. George takes away the ache, even though he's suffering too.
— something in red by phoesct info: mature | complete | 5k summary: the five times Dream buys George something to wear, and the one time George buys something for himself to wear for Dream.
— sugar honey sweet by enonymous info: teen | complete | 4k summary: Dream isn't George's sugar daddy. No, really, he's not. Seriously. Gift-giving as a love language, or: 5 times Dream bought George something, and 1 time George bought something for him.
— promiscuous by galesofsong, vividoddity info: mature | complete | 2k summary: the story of what happens when struggling college student george meets user 'dreamwastaken' in a loud cs:go lobby.
— The Wasteland by backtopluto info: teen | complete | 118k summary: In 1890s New York, Dream is old money rich and George is an immigrant living in tenement row. A murder brings them together, and together they learn to be more.
this is what i got but if anyone knows any other fics with this trope, feel free to add in
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Over The Odds | Relevance 
Pairing - jungkook x reader
Genre - angst, smut, fluff, S2L, ceo!jungkook, sugardaddy!jungkook
Word count - 1.8k 
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Drabble 15 - Taehyung acts as your attorney for the police questioning
warnings: swearing
“I was on a flight home from Seoul when the video was leaked.” You repeat yourself for what feels like the millionth time, toying with one of the silver rings decorating your slender fingers.
“Is it possible that you could’ve asked a friend maybe, to post the video on your behalf while you were elsewhere? For financial gain and public exposure?” The mature police officer asks, winning Taehyung to roll his eyes beside you.
“You don’t have to answer that.” Tae’s voice is stern, assertive even, you’ve never seen him at work but now you can see exactly why he’s such a well-respected attorney. He’s smart, he’s had your back from day one and most importantly he’s not taking shit from anybody, especially the greying policeman who’s made it his duty to ruin your afternoon.
“That video destroyed my life,” You sigh, beyond irritated, shaking your head in disbelief, “I lost my job, my apartment, my family’s respect, my privacy, I almost lost my boyfriend… I didn’t have anything to do with the leak I wasn’t even in the country when it happened.”
“Alright, have you made any money from the video?”
“No.” You bite, “Not a penny.”
“But you have got public exposure, you’re somewhat of a celebrity now because of it.” The older man’s tone is beyond condescending, as though he’s talking to a piece of dog shit on the underside of his dirty shoes.
“That’s not a question.” Taehyung shuts him down quickly with a deep voice, you had no idea he could be so intimidating, “Are we done here?”
“Almost, Y/N can you just clarify what your relationship is with Jungkook? Are you employed by him? Does he ever...pay you?”
“He’s my boyfriend.” You say between clenched teeth with a racing heart.
“Right, but does he provide financial support-”
“I’m struggling to see how this is relevant to a stolen video camera and cyber crime.” The professional attorney stops him in his tracks once again, no wonder Jungkook trusts this man with his life - he’s incredible at this.
“Just trying to understand yours and Jungkook’s relationship Y/N,” The officer doesn’t even look at you while he scribbles in his notepad, “After the comments you made towards the end of the tape.”
Disgust washes over your entire body, you stiffen in place which doesn’t go unnoticed by either man in the room. He’s watched the video, you feel violently nauseous at the thought of it. Taehyung’s jaw sets to stone, sensing your discomfort. 
“Again, it’s not relevant. I think we’re done here, if you need anything else we’ll be sure to visit the station.” 
“These are just routine questions Sir, but that’s all I need for now.” You didn’t even get the officer’s name, nor do you particularly want it.
“I’ll see you out.” Taehyung stands from the sofa, smoothing out the material of his charcoal pinstriped suit, quickly ushering the other man out of his apartment.
The police are currently working their way through a suspect list, the IP address breakthrough significantly shortening that list. There’s only a handful of people who have 24/7 access to your old apartment – yourself included. It was Taehyung’s idea to talk to the police with him present, despite them telling you it was a quick couple of questions and that you had nothing to worry about, Taehyung believes they’re so desperate to close the case due to it’s high profile that they’ll pin it on just about anybody. 
And so that’s what lead you to his home, as you’re already friends the paparazzi wouldn’t think anything of it if they saw you nearby. Whereas if you’d gone directly to the police station together - you can only imagine the headlines. Tae’s townhouse is lovely, it’s bright and open and scattered with eccentric ornaments and expensive paintings, it’s a perfect match to his personality you’ve decided.
“Fucking asshole,” He says, running long fingers through his rich dark hair as he walks back into the room, “I knew they’d do this, I’m sorry you had to go through that. Can I get you a drink?”
“Coffee please.” You exhale, equal parts stressed and relieved that that’s over with, “Thank you so much for this Tae, I said I’d tell Jimin how it went. Is that okay? Am I allowed to talk about this? Sorry I’m not sure how all this works...”
“You can tell him how it went, that’s fine.” Taehyung delivers an awkward smile, “How is he doing?” He asks while preparing drinks, you can hear the machine steaming and beeping.
“You know I’ve barely seen him recently, he’s got a new boyfriend… I think it’s going well though. Have you seen much of him? I know you guys are friends now.” You raise your voice enough to be heard from the kitchen.
“Nope, we uh-, stopped talking pretty much as soon as he started dating somebody.” He enters the lounge with two mugs, both look handmade and are decorated with gothic illustrations of sick-looking farm animals and you wonder who would even buy something like that, “I haven’t heard much from him since.”
“Must still be in the love bubble, or the honeymoon phase whatever you want to call it,” You chuckle, grabbing your coffee, “Thanks.” The sofas in the room are electric blue and made entirely from velvet with the occasional gold detailing, so you make sure to be extra careful when drinking, fearful of ruining the no doubt expensive furniture.
“How’s your love bubble going? With Guk?” His feline eyes are soft over the rim of his mug, which looks absolutely tiny in his giant hand.
At this you can’t help but blush – things with Jungkook are amazing, save for the obvious. “Yeah we’re really good thanks, I was a little worried he would’ve thought I had something to do with this when they got the IP address but … I was literally with you guys at the time so…”
You trail off into a content hum, it’s been five months since you’d first met your boyfriend and truthfully you’ve never been happier; even though you’re unemployed, essentially homeless, and the centre of a high-profile police investigation – you manage to find peace and comfort in his arms when life is hectic and disappointing. Your parents love him, your dad keeps nagging for you both to go round again and your mum, for lack of better words, is obsessed with him. Of course Ruth doesn’t appear to be overly fond of him but that’s just her personality, she doesn’t take to anybody unless they’re so far up her ass that they become a part of her.
Sometimes curiosity gets the better of you and you find yourself asking Jungkook about Jeon Industries, especially where your sister’s concerned. Understandably he likes to keep his work life and personal life separate so he doesn’t say much, only that Ruth is annoyingly doing really well in her training at JI, his assistant told him that she has the most potential out of the group of new employees he’s overseeing. This is no surprise to you though, Ruth has always been the best at everything. She’s smart, she’s cunning and she has no issue with playing dirty. In fact it wouldn’t surprise you if she’s tried to pull the ‘you’re dating my sister’ card with Jungkook to fast track her way to the top, but if she has he hasn’t said anything to you.
“Everybody knows you wouldn’t do something like this, especially Jungkook. That officer was just an asshole,” Taehyung’s deep voice snaps you back into the real world, “The private investigators are going through your old apartment’s security footage now, nothing came from Guk’s. The only people that went into his place were you two.”
“Mmm, I just hope whoever did it gets caught soon and admits to it straight away, I really don’t want this to be dragged out any longer than it has to be.”
“Hopefully they’ll find something solid from the security footage, it’s not like people can get in and out of there that easily.” He reassures you with friendly features, you can tell he wants this to be over with just as much as you do, he’s been working so hard trying to get to the bottom of it all.
“Oh I don’t know about that, the code for the main building is written on the bottom of the doormat, pretty sure everybody knows how to get in there.” You scoff almost in disbelief, your rent used to be cheap but…at what cost.
“Jesus,” A puff of air rushes from his nostrils, “What about your actual apartment, that was locked with a key surely?”
“Oh yeah of course and I have the only key,” You’re nodding quickly before you still your movements, a wave of realisation flooding your senses, “Actually…” You’re wide-eyed, mouth agape.
“What is it?” Taehyung settles his mug down onto a glass coffee table, “Y/N what’s wrong?”
“Oh my god.” Your hand covers your mouth, “I don’t think I changed my locks since Namjoon and I broke up…” Fuck. He still has a key, and he hates Jungkook. Could he be responsible for this? Is that why he was quick to push the blame onto your boyfriend?
Taehyung sits up, he’s straight backed and equally as stunned as you, “Are you telling me he still has a key for your apartment?”
You nod slowly, but your words come out fast, so fast that Tae has to really listen to what you’re saying, “I never felt the need to change my locks cause he left the country and when he came back I guess I just forgot… Jimin said he saw Joon coming out of my apartment building the other week, he was with Jennie. Oh my god how did I not think of this before?”
“Jennie? As in Jungkook’s ex sugar baby? Call Jimin, tell him to get here as quick as he can, I’ll message the PI.”
“I don’t know if Namjoon could do something like-, what are you doing?” You frown, still frozen in place with shock, watching him put his glossy silver phone to his pierced ear.
“Calling Jungkook.” You can see his brain working overtime, he’s completely lost in thought when you hear the familiar sound of your boyfriend’s voice, “Hey it’s me, how fast can you get to my place? It’s urgent.”
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hajidumps · 2 years
Alberu - Cale - Choi Han
Choi Han is at the bottom of the chain because he's a sugar baby to both of them
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sondepoch · 3 years
Preview: Ride of Your Life
PAIRING: Sugar Daddy!Sukuna x Reader
TAGS: Fingering, light smut
Concept: Sukuna comes home after a business trip to spoil his sugar baby <3 this will be a two part fic ^^
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You’re on the bed when he comes home. 
Your makeup is freshly done, your hair pressed into the shape he prefers, and the white lingerie set he loves is wrapped prettily around your curves. You’re temptation incarnate, waiting on his bed in pose like the soft, origami towels all his waitstaff used to leave on his bed before he replaced them with you—and the second you hear the front door unlock, your muscles only tense, your back arched prettily as you call his name—
“Oh, baby.”
You don’t know how he enters the bedroom so fast, but those two words leave Sukuna’s lips in a breathless whisper. His eyes go half-lidded at the sight of you, your lace thigh highs, your skimpy bra, your crotchless panties. 
The man groans, launching himself on top of you.
“Fuck,” he groans, peppering your nape with kisses. A strong hand grips your thighs, molding you around his form until you’re straddling him. “Can’t believe I was away from this for so long. Can’t believe I couldn’t come home to this every night.”
He slaps your ass and your body flinches into him—not that you mind, since it puts you into the perfect angle to grind your lonely little clit against his trousers.
“Missed you so much,” you whimper, mouth going slack pressure begins building in your groin. It’s pathetic how fast you’re getting worked up, but you’ve been deprived of Sukuna’s body for three weeks; as far as your body is concerned, that was three weeks of nonstop edging, torturous buildup, desperate waiting for these seconds when he would finally come back to you. 
“You followed my instructions, right, baby?” Sukuna’s fingers dip between your legs and he starts pressing down on all the right spots, letting you grind against his palm as he slips a finger inside.
“I did,” you whisper, eyes falling shut. You jerk your hips down onto his hand. “Didn’t cum once, swear it.”
A deep chuckle rumbles out against your ear, and your whole body reacts to it. 
Sukuna’s laughter only gets louder when he feels your slick drip down onto his wrist. 
“You didn’t cum, but you still touched yourself, didn’t you, babe?” You can hear the smirk in Sukuna’s voice, the arrogant, infuriating, assholish grin that’s spreading across those lips. 
“What a slut. I wasn’t even gone a month—”
“It was three whole—”
“But you were probably humping my pillow on the first night, weren’t you?” Sukuna grins, his fingers thrusting deeper inside of you as they search for a special spot. “Probably wore my shirt, too. Bet you slept on my side of the bed and played with that pussy while thinking about my hands and—” the man presses his nose under your ear, smelling the scent of you and your—
“Fuck, doll. You even used my body wash?”
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petrovna-zamo · 2 years
An Italian story 🇮🇹
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maryben1028 · 3 years
 Online banking, UPI transactions, and online bill payment have marked the new era of the world. The world is slowly turning to eWallets, cryptocurrency, and online money transfer mediums instead of spending hard money or cash. These days Google Pay, Amazon Pay, Paytm, Cashapp.com, and many online payment apps are emerging. Where the famous Google Pay was launched in August 2018, the online payment services application, cashapp.com login 2018, hit the market 6 months before G-Pay. The cashapp web login currently has 7 million active users who use this application to transfer money and pay monthly bills. As the users of this mobile app grow daily, many new people continue to download the application. However, sometimes it is difficult for some users to understand many things, especially how to report a fraud on the cash app. If you want to report fraud to someone, here is a step-by-step guide for you.
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the-posh-life · 3 years
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Mile high club🖤
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flord1luna · 2 years
Fear Factory's guitarist talking about how Metallica treats their supporting acts:
Spoilers: Rob and Kirk smoke weed.
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