#sugawara koshi imagines
avatarchic · 6 months
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How the Karasuno boys would react to meeting Shoyo's foreign cousin.
— starring. karasuno boys x foreign exchange student!reader (separately), student teacher!reader in ukai's
— tags. fluff, first meetings, pining
— warnings. use of 'pretty' and 'cute' to describe reader, but no pronouns are used, you slap ryuu in his LOL, mild suggestive comment in ryuu's if you squint
— requested? yes! thank you so much for your request this was fun to write :)
— notes. some of these are longer than others sorry ADHKWH my biases are showing a lil // this ended up being a first meeting + how they act when they start crushing on you, but it they're so cute so i didnt wanna change it lolol
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daichi is whipped for you from the start
he doesn't show it (or he doesn't think he does) but he's attracted to you the second he lays eyes on you
he's extra sure to be polite to you, too embarrassed too show his brasher nature in case it scares you off
he loses his backbone whenever you're around
he needs to scold some of the first years for goofing off, but you're standing there? he's all sunshine and rainbows
when he finds out that you're a foreign exchange student, he's over the moon
he subtly finds out your classes from shoyo, who of course doesn't realize his intentions as he blurts out your schedule happily
he checks up on you often, making sure you're adjusting well to japan because "what kind of captain would he be if he let his underclassman's cousin have a hard time?"
the team is none the wiser, except for maybe koshi who sees through his shit immediately
he has a habit of patting your head as a greeting, even if he's just passing you in the hallways even if you complain about him messing up your hair
overall, he's super soft with you :)
sawamura daichi! was annoyed when he met you. shoyo hadn't shown up to practice and wasn't answering his phone, which left the captain ready to send the orange-haired freshman to an early grave. after kei made a smart remark that he saw shoyo lingering near the school entrance, he was on a mission to give the boy hell.
kei was right, of course. when daichi made his way to the entrance, he saw shoyo right away. he stomps over, lips parting to lecture the younger male about responsibilities when his eyes ghost over you. he stops short, shoyo's name barely dropping from his mouth as he pauses.
when you both turn to him, daichi feels his breath catch in his throat. it was clear that you weren't from around here. your odd sense of dress stuck out like a sore thumb—not to mention he had never seen you before. but if anything, he thought you were pretty.
"you're late for practice," daichi states lamely, barely managing to tear his gaze away from you to glower at shoyo. "i ought to put you on cleaning duty tonight."
the threat fell on deaf ears, shoyo's large grin unfaltering as he wraps an arm around your midsection in a tight hug. "captain! sorry, sorry," he apologizes, though the wide grin on his face told daichi he wasn't serious. "my cousin texted me that they were here, so i had to say hi!"
at his words, you finally snap out of your stupor, offering daichi a small smile. "i didn't realize he had practice. i wouldn't have called him out if i knew."
daichi presses his lips together, feeling his ears warm at your kind tone. "it's okay," he says softly. "i'll let him off for now. it's nice to meet you—i'm sawamura daichi."
when you introduce yourself, he finds himself repeating your name in his head.
"oi," he clears his throat, turning to shoyo with a deadpan expression. "c'mon. we're late enough already." daichi turns to bow his head at you politely, quickly turning around before you can see the warmth in his cheeks.
your sweet voice calls out a goodbye, and daichi decides then and there that he wants to get to know you better.
"hey, hey—why are you so red?"
"you're gonna shut up now if you want to go home early tonight."
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koshi didn't realize you were shoyo's cousin until after he got to know you a little
he couldn't help it—when he saw you he just thought you were super cute lmao
he fumbles a bit in front of you
he really really tries to be a cool, calm, and collected person but sometimes he embarrasses himself by saying odd things or staring at you a little too long
when he does figure out you're related to his underclassman, he takes the opportunity to get to know you better
and when he finds out you're in his homeroom? even better
the type to arrange study session together with you every weekend just to spend time with you
he actually invites you to watch their practices and games before shoyo does LOL
the whole team knows about his feelings and he doesn't even care, constantly throwing an arm over you shoulder and hanging around you during downtimes
wants to impress you, so he gives it his all (and then some) whenever you're there
his sets get more accurate and he even blocks more hits than he would've before
he really wants you to think he's cool
but if you compliment him, he's exploding on the spot
suguwara koshi! had no idea you were shoyo's cousin when he met you. you looked nothing alike and your personalities were completely different. despite you being a complete stranger, the lost look on your face amused him.
you met koshi when shoyo accidentally stranded you at the train station. you were supposed to take the same train to his house, but he didn't notice you weren't right behind him when he stepped into the train car. the last you saw of the tangerine-haired boy was the back of his head as the doors closed on you.
you were standing there in a panic, though no one stopped to check if you were okay. shoyo had you hold his schoolbag while he dragged your suitcase along, and when you tried calling his cellphone you heard it buzz in the bag that hung on your shoulder. for the life of you, you couldn't remember which stop to get off or which streets to take to get to his house.
"are you lost?" a gentle voice asks you, pulling you from your anxious thoughts.
your eyes meet and koshi can't help but think you're cute as hell. you look doe-eyed in your panic, rounded eyes and parted lips. when you don't answer right away, koshi's cool demeanor switches and he stumbles into an embarrassed frenzy. "wait, can you even understand japanese?"
thankfully, you do, having learned it from shoyo at a younger age. you blink away the remnants of your panic with a few hasty nods. "yes, sorry. my cousin accidentally left me here, and i don't really know how to get to his house..."
koshi calms down at your insistence, chuckling to himself. "do you know the address?"
you wince, "no."
"alright," he says in a way that he hopes is soothing for you. "i can keep you company while you wait for him to return, then. it'd probably be nicer than just standing here by yourself."
when you agree, he hides his smile. he asks you several icebreakers, such as your name and your favourite colour. with every passing second, he only thinks you're even cuter than when he first saw you.
eventually, shoyo does come back, panting and heaving as he runs up the stairs to the station platform. his bright eyes widen when he sees you together with koshi. "oh, sugawara? you've met my cousin?"
koshi meets your eyes with a grin. "i guess we'll be seeing each other more often."
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honestly asahi doesn't even acknowledge you when you first meet
he doesn't find out you're shoyo's cousin for weeks, so you're really just another classmate to him
you don't even talk to each other until like a month or so after you transferred
and even then, your conversations are short
he's polite to you when you work together, but he doesn't really try to become friends with you
don't get him wrong! he thinks you're nice and pretty, but he is too damn shy to initiate anything with you
you kinda think he hates you at first, but after you realize that he's just not an outgoing person you relax around him
when he does find out you're related to shoyo, you end up seeing each other more often out of class
you show up to more practices, even if you're just sitting on the benches doing homework
shoyo even drags you along whenever the team meets up outside of school to hang out
as a result, you and asahi eventually grow closer and he opens up more bit by bit
he doesn't actually start crushing on you until graduation nears
he realizes it when he hears you cheering his name at one of their bigger games
he thinks his name sounds prettier coming from you
he doesn't initiate any skinship with you, but he's always asking about your day and checking on you in his own ways
will absolutely combust if you even so much as brush pinkies as you're walking together
azumane asahi! first met you in class. like koshi, he doesn't know you're related to shoyo initially. when the teacher introduces you, making you write your name on the board, you don't have the same last name as shoyo. he doesn't really pay much attention to you, minding his own business as he takes out his notebook and pens.
several weeks pass and your homeroom teacher announces that you'll be partnering up for a group presentation. your first real conversation with him goes as expected—you exchange contact information and go your separate ways when the bell rings.
he thinks you're attractive, but he's too shy to actually act on those thoughts and he just pushes through the project, interacting with you as little as possible.
it's only when shoyo forgets his volleyball uniform at your house that asahi figures out you're related.
he sees you first, standing in the gym entrance while you wait to be invited in. you look hesitant as your eyes cast over the several members of the volleyball club, your gaze landing on asahi. when recognition flickers behind your eyes, he thinks you're there for him.
he opens his mouth to greet you, but before he can even utter a word, an orange blur runs past him. you're almost knocked on your ass as shoyo tackles you, excitedly calling out your name. "what're you doing here?" he asks you, tilting his head as he releases you from his death grip. "you never come to practice."
"you left your uniform at mine," you explain quietly, pulling the clothing out of your bag.
there's a moment of silence, before all hell breaks loose. the others scream and yell at shoyo, yuu and ryuunosuke shaking him by the shoulders as they demand why they weren't informed about his girlfriend.
even asahi's jaw drops at the thought of you, his classmate and group partner, dating shoyo, of all people.
"we aren't dating!" you exclaim, shaking your hands in front of you adamantly as disgust paints over your facial features. "we're cousins."
as the club eventually quiets down, you meet asahi's gaze over the commotion. when you offer him a bashful smile, he can't help but return it.
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as expected, yuu is also whipped for you the second you meet
he swears on his life that he has never met someone as perfect as you—not even kiyoko (which says a lot)
at first, his attraction to you is entirely physical and he doesn't hide it
he compliments you every time he sees you he even compliments your outfits even if you're just wearing the karasuno uniform
he practically begs shoyo to bring you to practice just so he has an excuse to ogle at you and profess his 'undying love'
you'd probably make good friends with kiyoko, bonding over the second years' unabashed feelings and loud professions of love lol
though he's completely smitten with your looks, yuu doesn't learn a thing about you until like two months after your transfer
he realizes it when koshi asks if he knows anything about you and no, the fact that you're pretty doesn't count as something
during a late night run to the nearest convenience store, he runs into you
you're dressed casually, and he realizes it's actually the first time he's seen you outside of uniform
he thinks you're very cute in your bunny pajamas
he approaches you with koshi's words in mind, and asks if you want to hang out for a bit
your hang outs become a common thing, and eventually it's your weekend tradition to meet at the convenient store after sundown
after really getting to know you, he realizes that he likes more than just your appearance
shockingly, once he figures out his feelings for you, he tones down a lot
he would stop confessing his love for you every moment he could, but he gets casually affectionate with you
he'd always stand close enough for your shoulders to touch and would absentmindedly guide you places by taking your hand
he's never had a real crush on anyone before, so he's feeling it out with you
nishinoya yuu! has hearts in his eyes the moment he meets you. shoyo brought you to practice one day, excited to introduce his favourite cousin to his teammates. he had all but dragged you to the gym by the wrist, ignoring your insistent utterings that you can walk on your own.
"this is my cousin!" shoyo announces the second he bursts through the doors in true hinata shoyo fashion. you were the last ones to show up, so the entire team was there to witness you getting dragged in by shoyo. "they transferred here from overseas."
yuu feels the world stop once he glances over at you after receiving a particularly harsh spike from tobio, freezing into his squatted position. his world becomes a romcom movie—he swears someone must be blowing a fan in your direction with the way your hair sways as you walk into the gym. he might even be seeing the air sparkle in your presence.
he's absolutely starstruck with you, and he makes no effort to hide it as he bounds over to you. he takes your hands in his, looking at you with wide eyes as he takes you in. he can hear someone groaning, maybe daichi, as they mutter something along the lines of "he's at it again."
"i'm nishinoya yuu," he introduces himself. "you're really cute!"
your mouth opens, but no words come out as you simply stare at yuu in surprise. shoyo had given you a brief rundown of his group members, and you realize that this might be why he warned you about the libero in particular.
even when daichi smacks the back of his head, apologizing to you quietly, yuu remains in his lovestruck gaze.
you stay to watch their practice, at both shoyo and yuu's insistence, and yuu makes a point to be even more extravagant than usual. you can't help but laugh at his boisterous rolling receives and the way he calls out ridiculous move names.
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oh ryuu. typical ryuu.
the first words he ever speaks to you end up with him getting slapped
like yuu, he thinks you've been blessed by the gods with your looks and he makes it clear to you when you meet
he asks you to go out with him, only to blatantly check you out right after, which earned him a smack to the face
eventually, he does apologize for his behaviour, though you don't accept it right away
when you tell him that you hate guys who treat others like eye candy, he's sure to tone it down for you
of course, a man can't change overnight
he still flirts with you, and with other women—he can't help it ;( him n yuu are menaces
however, when he's not being an absolute pest, he gets to know you
he learns about your interests and hobbies, and finds himself indulging you in them (who would've thought he'd end up enjoying the art of bracelet making?)
when you become close friends, you become his person
he goes to you whenever he wants to talk about something, and he lends an ear whenever you need to vent
he asks you about your home country often, wanting to know more about your life before you came to japan
he'd even go out of his way to do things for you that remind you of home whenever you start feeling homesick :)
it's not until well after graduation when he realizes that he might actually like you
tanaka ryuunosuke! was mid confession when you met. shoyo had brought you to one of their games, and just as ryuunosuke was getting on his knees to ask kiyoko to marry him, his eyes fall on you.
it's almost astounding how quickly the second year moved from the glasses-wearing beauty to you, appearing in front of you in an instant. before shoyo can even introduce you, he stares you down with a steeled expression, his eyes narrowing.
"you're the prettiest person i've ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on," he claims in his most serious tone. he takes your hands in his as he presses his lips to your knuckles. "please go out with me."
there's a collective sigh as the team turns away at his antics. you, on the other hand, feel your head pound in irritation. "excuse me?"
ryuunosuke doesn't hear the vexation in your tone, or chooses to ignore it, as his eyes trail over your features. even when you're staring at him in an angry disbelief, he thinks you're incredibly pretty. however, as his eyes drop lower and lower, his mind enters a less-than-appropriate headspace.
the feeling of your hand connecting with his cheek rips him out of his lewd daydreams. you didn't slap him hard, but the sound echoed over the loud chatter of the audience members anyway. "you pervert," you utter, gritting your teeth as you turn on your heel. you barely tell shoyo good luck as you all but stomp off to the bleachers.
ryuunosuke stares at your back, holding his reddening cheek in mild awe. yuu nudges his side. "don't tell me you're into that, man."
he at least has the grace to blush.
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to be honest, you and tobio do not get along until much later
it's not because you're related to shoyo it is
he just genuinely has no idea how to talk to you lmao
you meet him on the first day of school with shoyo
the realization that he may be teammates with the very guy he had practically berated in middle school took priority over greeting you tbh
it's only after their initial fight when he realizes that you, a complete stranger, saw him yell at shoyo as harshly as he did (even if shoyo didn't have many nice things to say either)
he's kinda embarrassed abt it tbh
like?? you had to see him like that?? he's mortified
so when he joins the volleyball club and you're a manager, he avoids you like the plague
when he talks to you, he accidentally comes across as if he hates your guts (he doesn't, he just cannot properly converse with people to save his life)
your relationship is extremely terse for months, since you get pissed off at his behaviour and he doesn't know how to act normally around you
he doesn't warm up to you until one of their games later in the season, where the morale is low and the team is hanging their heads
you give them an uplifting speech, telling the team that they're stronger than they think
it's the first time tobio looks at you in a pleasant light, and he merely puts a hand on your shoulder to say thanks as he makes his way back to the court
slowburn as fuck tbh he might not even realize he likes you until you're about to graduate (cut him some slack he's only a lil slow)
kageyama tobio! barely acknowledges your existence when you meet. you had moved to japan before their first year at karasuno began, so you showed up with shoyo to the first day.
of course, tobio recognized shoyo immediately from their encounter in middle school. shoyo had dragged you to the gym to go with him to sign up for the volleyball club, insistent that you try to apply to be a manager or something. tobio was there, about to spike a volleyball.
the second shoyo and tobio lock eyes on each other, they're at it like cats and dogs, and you're left standing there in confusion. seeing shoyo as angry as he was is shocking to you and you wonder what the hell this other guy must've done to rile up your sunshine cousin so much.
tobio doesn't even look at you as he argues with shoyo, not meeting your eyes until after the fight has 'calmed' down. he stares at you quietly for a moment before averting his gaze, grumbling something under his breath as he leaves to retrieve the volleyball shoyo made him drop.
he doesn't say anything to you as you talk quietly with daichi about becoming a manager. he vaguely overhears shoyo introducing you as his cousin, but he's too annoyed to listen.
later on, when him and shoyo are finally accepted into the club, and you're brought on as a manager-in-training, tobio still ignores you.
you don't have your first conversation until a week later, when you corner him after practice. "what is your problem?" you demand, your hands propped on your hips. "i know you don't like sho, but you haven't said a single word to me since you joined the club."
tobio flushes in embarrassment as he stares at you. he doesn't mean to, but his eyes narrow into what could be perceived as a harsh glare. "i don't have anything to say," he says truthfully, his voice coming out colder than necessary.
when he rushes off to hide his growing fluster, you're left standing there confused.
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you and kei barely interacted at first tbh
he had never seen you before and it was the weekend when you met so he had no reason to assume you'd ever talk again really
even after finding out you were related to shoyo, he didn't bat an eye
after all, he's not exactly going over to the orange-haired boy's house for sleepovers lolol
but to his surprise, you're in his classroom the next monday morning as a foreign exchange student
your classmates rush to you, overwhelming you with numerous questions about your hometown, and it's clear to kei that you're flustered
you meet his gaze over the crowd of people, and for a moment you're shocked to see him
however, before either of you can do anything, you get bombarded with even more questions
to your surprise and his, kei scoffs as he approaches your crowded desk
"can't you see you're bothering them?"
the gaggle of students dissipates with embarrassed apologies, leaving you and kei alone
your relationship with him from then on is odd
there's an unspoken agreement that you both don't like being bothered by other people, and you lowkey bond over it
he would never admit you're friends, but he comes to your rescue often
if you can't understand a phrase or if you don't know the answer to a question in class, he'll quietly help you out (but don't bother asking about it, 'cus he'll deny it vehemently)
when you start hanging out during practices, he ruffles your hair and rests his arm on your head regardless of your height
making fun of you is his love language (not that he'd ever admit he has feelings)
tsukishima kei! meets you when you're babysitting natsu. the team had been out getting ice cream (as per koshi's insistence—for team building), leaving kei in a sour mood because he would rather be anywhere than here.
"shoyo! sho!"
the whole team looks over, seeing a little girl who is the spitting image of their short middle blocker running toward them. kei's expression drops even more, because there's two of them?
shoyo almost drops his ice cream cone with the way the little girl jumps on him. "what are you doing here?" shoyo asks, scrambling to catch his sweet treat. "where's—"
before he can finish his sentence, another figure comes running at them, out of breath. "natsu!" you scold airily as you make your way up to the team, hunching over and resting your hands on your knees as you try to catch your breath. "jesus, don't just run off like that!"
you look up at shoyo from your hunched position, letting kei get a good look at your face. you're flushed, sweat beading on your brow bone and lips are parted as you breathe harshly through them. it's clear to the blond that you've been running around for some time now, something that makes him snort into his strawberry ice cream cup.
"sorry, sho," you wince, practically dragging the little girl, natsu, to your side. "she ran off while i was paying for her snacks. she probably saw you through the window." you vaguely gesture to a nearby convenience store, holding up a bag of candy.
you talk with shoyo for another moment, before turning to the rest of the team. your eyes briefly meet kei's and he arches a brow at you. you apologize for interrupting them, but daichi insists that you're fine and that you and natsu can hang around since you're there anyway.
as a result, you and kei end up standing near each other as the group converses. kei had been hanging a little bit away from the others, minus tadashi of course. you end up near him by coincidence—you don't know the others, and the three of you end up quietly sitting in acknowledgement that you didn't want to talk.
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my darling baby tadashi is a mess when you meet <3
he was practicing his volleyball skills when he accidentally whams you in the face
he'd feel guilty about it for a while (even if you insist you're fine) and would use it as an excuse to buy you drinks from the vending machines lol
"this is the fourth drink you've bought me this week??"
"i have to make up for hitting you somehow :((("
becoming friends with tadashi is surprisingly easy, given how shy he can be
it becomes a habit to meet you by the vending machines before practice
the time in the halls between classes and volleyball are spent getting to know you
he asks a lot of questions about what it's like in your hometown and the differences in your culture
i don't think he'd start liking you until after you also get close with kei though lol good luck
the first time he sees you joking around with the tall blond, he thinks his heart is about to beat out of his chest
you must be an angel, he decides as he watches you get along with kei
the three of you form a trio and you end up spending more time with them than shoyo LOL
kei absolutely knows about tadashi's feelings and takes every opportunity to tease him about it whilst you're blissfully unaware
he's so so smitten around you after he realizes he likes you
the type to look at you like you hung the stars in the sky yourself and to becoming maddeningly red whenever you so much as make eye contact with him
yamaguchi tadashi! hits you in the head the first time he meets you. he was in the gym alone, practicing his float serve. you pushed through the heavy metal doors just in time to get slammed in the face with a ball gone awry.
he feels his heart drop to his toes as he quickly rushes over to you, asking if you're alright and if you need to see the nurse. his panic only worsens when he realizes you're bleeding from your nose.
although the hit shocked you, you're left watching in amusement as tadashi scrambles to find something to stop your nosebleed with. when he eventually returns to you, having ran from the boys washroom to grab a wad of papertowel, he apologizes again softly.
"are you okay now...?" he asks when your nosebleed finally stops. he looks almost like a kicked puppy, his hair falling limply into his eyes.
even after you reassure him that you're fine, tadashi still wears his guilt like a crown. he offers to buy you something from the vending machines, and does so despite your insistence that he doesn't need to.
"you can accept it for my sake," he says sheepishly as he offers you the cold can. the two of you converse quietly, with you introducing yourself as a new foreign exchange student.
"oh!" he suddenly lets out, looking over at you. "did you need something in the gym?"
"i was looking for my cousin," you sigh. "he said he was in the volleyball club and i haven't been able to find him at all today."
he's shocked when he finds out that you're shoyo's cousin—the boy had talked about you earlier in the week when he found out you were transferring to karasuno. as you talk, tadashi thinks to himself that shoyo never mentioned how cute you were.
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your first meeting with keishin is awkward
ltrly knocks you off your feet when he runs into you
he's kind of brash when he meets you, not caring if you think of him badly because of it
you don't have much of a relationship at first—your work pulls you to the classrooms after all, so he doesn't really see you around often
the next time he sees you, you're stomping into the gymnasium mid practice with an irked expression
he's about to tell you off for interrupting practice, but he quiets when he sees you make your way to your younger cousin
he only watches in amusement when you tell him off for his horrid grades
when shoyo turns to keishin for help, he only shrugs with a lazy grin on his face
"sorry, little man, you heard 'em. no volleyball games until you raise your grades"
to shoyo's chagrin, you and keishin make a terrifying pair for him (and the other three idiots lolol)
you only really start hanging out with him when you end up making a late night run at his convenience store
it's the first time he sees you in casual clothing and the case of beer in your hands makes him laugh
"you wanna share that?"
he becomes your drinking buddy every other weekend, and he grows to cherish the time you spend chugging back cans of beer with him
keeps his feelings on the downlow, but as time goes on even the boys realize that their coach has a soft spot for you
ukai keishin! bodies you the first time you meet. the man doesn't realize his own strength until he literally knocks you flat on his ass after he turns a corner and bumps into you. his eyes go wide when the books and papers in your hands go flying, falling around you in a frenzy.
"shit," he curses under his breath, bending down to pick up your things. "sorry 'bout that." his voice is gruff as he speaks, collecting your papers without much care. when he returns them to you, some of them are scuffed and crumpled.
as he's handing you your things, he finally gets a good look at you. you're dressed more formally than he is by a mile. he holds a hand out to help you to your feet, his brown eyes falling to the lanyard around your neck.
"you new here?" he asks, jutting his chin out to gesture to your nametag. student teacher is typed above your name and picture.
you nod deftly, brushing off any dirt from your dress pants. "i started today. and you are?" your eyes meet his, and he knows you're silently scrutinizing him. he's much too old to be a student, you deduce easily, but he's dressed far more casually than any other other teachers.
when your eyes drift up to his bleached hair, he snorts. "i'm the coach for the volleyball club," he grumbles. "i don't need to be wearing fancy shit like you."
he sees your eyes light up in recognition as he analyzes your face with crossed arms. "the volleyball club? you must know my cousin then. hinata shoyo?"
keishin deadpans at you. "you're the runt's cousin?"
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©AVATARCHIC please do not plagiarize, repost, translate, or copy any of my works.
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teamatsumu · 11 months
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kinktober 2023 -> day 25
cockwarming - sugawara koushi x reader
word count: 1138
warnings: smut, nsfw, swearing, praise, soft dom!suga, use of pet names
kinktober masterlist
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“Koushi,” you cooed, looking over your boyfriend’s shoulder. He gave a noncommittal hum in response, not looking up from the mess of paper that covered the desk of his home office. You sighed at the lack of attention, feeling a small petulant pout form on your face. He truly was focused, which was bad. You had come into the office with the intention of distracting him.
“How much longer are you going to work?” You asked instead, glancing up at the wall clock which read half past midnight. Your question made Sugawara sigh and shrug his shoulders weakly, running a hand through his usually immaculate hair and messing it up.
“I don’t know sweetheart. I have a lot of papers to grade. And some way overdue scheduling. Tch, you wouldn't think being a primary school teacher meant working through the nights. Yet here we are.”
Despite his tired, slumped posture, his voice was teasing, soothing to your ears. You felt your pout deepen as you leaned closer to him, running a careful hand over his tense shoulders.
“I miss you.” You sounded whiny, but that was fine. Sugawara always responded well to your complaints. He was an attentive and caring lover. If he knew how bad you wanted him right now, there was no way he would refuse you.
“M’ also pretty horny.” You folded yourself lower, lips brushing his ear as you talked, laying a tiny kiss on the shell afterward. You ran your hands forward from his shoulders down his chest, feeling him up through his sweater. You heard his breath hitch, finally looking up until calm brown eyes met yours.
“Baby….” He sounded hesitant. “There’s just- so much work. I don’t think I will be done for hours.”
You hummed a bit, staring carefully at him, eyes running down his face until they stopped at his lips. You licked your own as you thought about kissing him, unable to resist the urge and shifting forward to brush yours softly and sweetly against his. You could feel him stiffen and lean into you instinctively, suppressing the urge to smirk. You heard him sigh as if in resignation.
“Alright, sweetheart. Come here.”
You were giddy as Sugawara pulled you into his lap, both legs on either sides of him and shimmying to get comfortable in his lap. He pushed your tiny sleep shorts aside, fumbling and shuffling until you felt the tip of his bare cock brush over you before sinking into you in one smooth motion. You sighed in relief as he filled you up, finally feeling as if your craving had been satisfied. You moaned slightly and shifted your hips, gripping Suga’s shoulders so you could get ready to start riding him. But before you could, firm hands gripped your hips tight and kept you still.
You stared at him questioningly but he didn’t reply, winding one arm around your waist and pulling you to him so you would rest your head on his shoulder, fit snugly against his torso. Then, he went completely still.
Your eyes widened as you realized what was happening, and you groaned in protest, trying to straighten up. Suga’s grip around your waist tightened, letting out a warning hum. One of his hands wound into the hair on the back of your head, pulling your head up just enough that you would meet his eyes. His gaze was hard, his face blank, and your breath hitched.
He was being serious and stern. You felt yourself clench around him. And from the little twitch of the corner of his mouth, you knew he felt it too.
“You wanted to spend time with me. And you wanted your greedy cunt filled. You’re getting both. Now be a good girl and take them. No protest. Understand?”
You nodded choppily, movement restricted by the hand entangled in your hair. Suga gave you a soft kiss on the forehead, placing your head back in the juncture between his neck and shoulder. You bit your lip when he shifted forward slightly to pick up his pen. Then, all was still.
The sounds of pen scratching on paper was the only thing echoing in your mind as it got more and more hazy. The tick, tick, tick of the wall clock seemed to be an amplified sound, or maybe it was just you, getting more and more hypersensitive as the time passed, focus acutely directed at the stretch of your weeping pussy, feeling how you leaked all over Suga’s cock, juices probably running down his balls and ruining his pants. You would clench involuntarily every time Suga shifted slightly, earning a gentle squeeze at your hips where one of his hands had taken permanent residence. Your eyelids grew heavy as the minutes ticked by, as Suga’s girth remained tucked snugly inside you, continually kept hard by the little shifts and squeezes of fluttering walls.
You felt your whole body relax into your boyfriend slowly, surrounded by his soft warmth and comforting touch. To be connected to him so intimately while he just carried on with mundane work tasks sent a gentle shiver down your body. You let your eyes fall shut, lured into the wonderful feeling of safety that came with being so close to him.
You couldn’t remember how long you two stayed like that, your mind jumbled and fogged at the sensations around you, inside you. Your core felt sore, stretched so good for so long. You only jolted slightly when Suga finally sighed and leaned back, groaning a bit when his cock nudged into your sweet spot. A small, sleepy cry escaped your lips.
“So patient.” Suga praised, careful fingers running over your sides, soothing you. “You did so well, sweetheart.” His voice was butter. “Would you like a reward now?”
He didn’t wait for an answer, hand snaking between your bodies and into your shorts to find your clit, rubbing it in fast, tight circles.
After hours of wonderful stimulation, it took maybe four minutes for him to make you cry and shake on him, twitching and shuddering on his cock as your long awaited orgasm finally ran through your body like sweet release. Suga hummed and praised you through it, fingers moving insistently over your tiny bud until he had milked everything out of you, calling you his good girl, his obedient little whore, his perfect, pretty cocksleeve.
“You’re so perfect, my love. So beautiful. Taking exactly what I give you and not complaining about it. You trust me so much, don’t you? Good little slut. My perfect princess.”
You keened and snuggled closer to him, finally letting the lingering trails of unconsciousness take hold of you, safe in your boyfriend’s arms, knowing he would take care of your body and put you to bed while you were out like a light.
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A/N: For those whose tags arent working, im sorry! I tried and for some reason, your names wont show up in the mentions :( another way of being notified is to turn on my blog notifs for @teamatsumufics . I only reblog my fics there so it serves almost like being in a taglist!
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warnings - stalking
he really didn’t know how you survived without him - he’d think to himself as he watched you fumble with your apartment door keys. watching you drop them to the floor and having to bend down, in that short skirt, to pick them back up. he watched - in a mix of fascination and slight annoyance. he always watched you with some sort of fascination - you were so…delicate and clumsy. how’d wonder how you got as far as you did without his surveillance. 
you hadn’t even questioned a thing - obviously not bothered by the constant pair of eyes on you. or, did you just not notice? that was even more concerning. it went from you just catching his eye to what it was now - him watching you from afar at every chance he got. tailing you as you go about your daily activities. it was a routine for both you and him. 
what really ticked him off? he’d been in your apartment countless times now. hell, he’d even placed a small camera on your bookshelf the last time he was there - with you sound asleep in your cosy-looking bed. he’d laid himself down on it a few times while you had been grocery shopping - taking in the comforting scent. even going so far as to bury his face in your pillow. 
he knew you would be his the first time he saw you. so what if he didn’t go about it conventionally. that didn’t matter to him and he would make sure it didn’t matter to you. it might be rough to start out but he knew you. knew more about you than anyone else did. he’d have you and you were going to be thrilled with that decision. 
so, as he continued to watch you. finally, you managed to open your apartment door. ‘now or never.’ - you’d be happy in your new home and you’d better be ecstatic at your new companion. after all, he went through so much to finally take you home - he expected some gratefulness from you.
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kikikittykis · 3 months
Wearing His Jersey To a Game: Koushi Sugawara
Fandom: Haikyuu
Pairing: Sugawara x reader
Summary: Cute HC's and one shot on wearing Suga's jersey to a game
So you had asked Suga if he had wanted to hang out and study for a bit before his game the next day
While you were “studying” at his house and you secretly swiped his spare jersey from his room since he’s already packed his main one
You let his mom know you had it just in case but you did not let Suga see since it was going to be part of a surprise for him
Which wasss……….
That you were gonna be at the game the next day!!
Wearing his number!! 
Supporting him when he needs it
When Suga went up to serve you started cheering for him
He saw you wearing the Number 2 jersey with a large #2 written right on your cheek too!
After that his serve and playing for the rest of the game had improved significantly!
Obv due to you being there for him!
“You’ve got this Koushi!!!” Sugawara heard a voice yell from the stands, He immediately knew who the voice was. As he started preparing to serve he took a quick glance to the stands where he was quickly able to find you clad in an Orange and Black Karasuno jersey that had the number 2 on it, his number! He also noticed that you even sported a #2 on your cheek. Suga’s mood and confidence were immediately boosted as he grinned at you before quickly turning his focus back to the game in front of him and his serve. Which went perfectly leaving Karasuno one more point closer to winning the game.
Karasuno won the game with flying colors winning both the first set and the second set one directly after. As soon as the game finished up you ran down to the team to congratulate Suga on his win. “Y/N!!” Suga yelled seeing you coming towards him and he ran towards you engulfing you in a big sweaty hug. “You actually were able to come,” Suga said as he looked at you and took your looks in. Taking in you wearing a jersey of his and the large 2 on your cheek.
“Of course I was Koushi, You guys were amazing today!” you gushed at him smiling from ear to ear.
“Nice one Sugawara-senpai, giving her your jersey to wear for the game. Man, I wish I had a girlfriend who would do that for me.” Nishinoya said and came over to the two of you with Tanaka in tow.
“Actually, Y/N how did you get my jersey since I didn't know you were coming to my game today?” Suga asked you, confused as to how you had his spare jersey.
“I may have swiped it from your room last night while we were hanging out, after you had packed so I took the right jersey, Sorry for not telling you I took it, I was making it a surprise for you,” you said to Suga hoping that he wasn’t upset with you though you knew that likely he’d never be upset at you for this.
“No, no worries Y/N, I loved the surprise so don’t worry about it!!” Suga said, he reassured you, then gave you another hug. He leaned over to give you a sweet kiss on your cheek, which held a number 2 on it in Black and orange, his number. Both you and him knew from that moment on that you were his biggest #1 fan forever.
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koishiro · 5 months
Dating Koshi Sugawara <3
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=͟͟͞͞ ⌧ : the very requested koshi is hereeee!!! <33
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hinatiny · 2 months
plans ruined but that's okay ੈ✩‧₊˚ sugawara koshi
when you wake up to an unexpected storm, you realize you have to procrastinate everything you had scheduled on a particular saturday. nothing that can be helped, really, and sugawara is quite happy about that.
w.c: 0.6k
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the rain is heavy outside, harshly pattering against the window, to the point it slowly begins to bring you out of your pleasant sleep. through blurry eyes and thin linen curtains, it’s hard to see it but it’s definitely pouring. you think about how the weather forecast last night must’ve been spitting bullshit, because you’re greeted by anything but the clear blue sky it had predicted—you quickly realize that everything on your to-do list for the day might as well be crossed out.
even though summer hasn’t even ended yet, there’s a slight chill in the air. when you sit up and the covers slide down your frame, it raises goosebumps on your skin. it’s humid too, making the room feel the slightest bit icky. you reach for the phone on the nightstand table, only briefly to check what time it is, and sigh upon seeing it’s just a few minutes past six.
still, you try to make the best of it. the weather might not be the ideal one what goes your now ruined plans, but there’s a sense of comfort in the sound of bulleting hail. in tune with flashes of light, occasional thunder reverberates between the clouds but you’re in the security of your home; the roaring it comes with only becomes another background noise. you’re not fully awake enough to prepare breakfast really yet, but the idea of having a warm beverage in the incoming storm is quite tempting. thinking about it, maybe it’s a good thing that you no longer can do any of the plans you had for today. maybe you don’t have to feel bad about going back to sleep for just a little longer.
the arm around your waist seems to agree.
its loose hold suddenly tightens and although the fingertips around your side barely press into your shirt, you soon find yourself pulled back to the sheets again. your head misses the pillows a terribly lot, but you can already tell it’s impossible to move in the grip you’re kept in. "suga, can i at least—"
"no." "at least hear me o—" "no, you’re going to get out of bed." "i just want my pillows." "..."
sugawara eases his arm around you, and you’re able to find the softness of the pillows. just as fast, you’re carefully hauled back to his chest. calm breaths warm your nape at an even pace. it’s not like there’s anything remotely close to danger around you but in this embrace, you feel safer than ever; like you’re meant to melt into each other, like two tangible halves of a complete serenity.
"can’t we just stay at home today?"
you chuckle at his suggestion, feeling a light tingle in your stomach when the chime of it makes him smile against your shoulder. "it’s not like we can do much in this weather." he mumbles, something you can’t hear properly but you guess it’s something close to a satisfied good. it really isn’t, considering how much there is to do, but the longer you stay in this peace, the less you can bring yourself to care. you let yourself relax into the sheets instead, into the reassuring hold around you. this is good too.
sugawara lies there no better than you. in fact, as unusual as it is for his routine-proper self, he cares even less than you do about… nearly everything. it’s saturday, your scheduled plans are ruined, there’s nothing you can do about it and he’s shamelessly glad about that. he’s satisfied with staying in bed for a while longer, maybe even for hours if not the entire day, because the tranquility of your closeness makes him feel like there’s no need to mind anything else.
"uh, suga… my plants are still on the balcony."
truly, anything else.
"i don’t care, let them drown."
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admiringlove · 10 months
[17:45] . . .
when you look back on the past few weeks and see how your best friend has been acting, it makes you question almost everything you know about him.
sugawara kōshi wasn't a nervous guy—confident, even a bit of a charmer, you’d say. you'd playfully call him a goon because of how he is, but now, he's pulling away, leaving you puzzled. did you unintentionally cross a line during your last conversation? the uncertainty lingers as you wonder if a thoughtless comment pushed him away or if there's a deeper reason behind his sudden distance.
you see him in the hallways, and somehow it feels like there’s a mountain between the two of you. you lock eyes with him when you leave your afterschool club, and he turns away. just what had you done?
your heart ached at the sight. it sure didn't help that you were completely, irrevocably in love with him. if anything, it made things worse. so you decided to play it cool, be just like him. you'd stroll past him in the hallways without a second glance, hoping it would make your heart hurt a little less. intentionally leaving your photography club early, dodging the volleyball team dismissal, so he wouldn't catch a glimpse of your face. maybe it seemed a bit petty, but hey, he started it. you were just honoring his wishes, in your own way.
but one thought pricked your mind. cruelly enough, it never left your head.
what if he'd stumbled upon someone new? you recall seeing him in conversation with a charming girl from the class next to yours, sharing laughs during the break. what if he'd clued in on your feelings for him? was that the reason behind his avoidance too? if that held any truth, it only made a cascade of anxieties in your mind. what if, because of some trivial entanglement, you'd lost your best friend of five years?
the looming dread of losing him wrapped around your heart like a suffocating shadow. it wasn't just the prospect of a fading friendship; it was the fear that an unspoken emotion had inadvertently created a rift between you. the thought of him finding comfort in the company of another, laughing with someone new during recess, sent waves of unease crashing through you. the uncertainty gnawed at your core, leaving you in a state of perpetual restlessness.
and if he had broken your heart into multiple pieces and found someone new, you don't think you would simply stop loving him. it would be slow, and painful. you reckon you wouldn't be able to love someone new for a long, long time. forgetting him would be like a nightmare.
and yet, today remained unaltered. you exited the photography club room, observing as volleyball team members sealed the gym. sighing, you realized you were a little late this time. the first-years, particularly hinata, greeted you from a distance. you responded with a modest smile, delicately waving in return. trouble with suga was the last thing you desired, fearing your thoughts. what if he did found solace in someone else? the notion pierced your heart. deep down, you sensed that daichi, ever the astute observer, would uncover the truth about the unsettling connection between you and the serene setter.
but what you don't expect, is for all of them to walk toward you. you watched in inexplicable horror as the entire group followed the senior years' lead. hinata and kageyama, always fighting and messing around. nishinoya and asahi, talking about something with vigor and calmness at the same time. tanaka, bothering kiyoko with amorous words and her having no response to them whatsoever. yamaguchi and tsukishima, bantering about something with yachi listening in. the rest, talking to each other and watching the chaos of it all unfold.
and sugawara kōshi, in the front, looking right at you with an emotion you couldn't quite put a finger on. your throat went dry when you watched them greet you. you responded with a meek hello in return, deciding to join the group towards home.
your gaze nervously flits between kōshi and daichi up front, leading the group, as you join tsukishima and yamaguchi. the blond shoots you a knowing look with narrowed eyes, seemingly privy to your intentions. he begins to question you, but you widen your eyes in a silent plea.
he only rolls his eyes, "that won't work on me, senpai."
"i hate you," you groan, deadpan expression etched across your face.
he emits a dry chuckle, "let's be honest, i'm your favorite first-year, with an actual functioning brain," then his gaze shifts to hinata and kageyama behind you, throwing them the most disdainful side-eye he can muster, "unlike certain individuals we're acquainted with."
yamaguchi laughs, "that was uncalled for!"
yachi only shakes her head in silent reverie. you furrow your eyebrows at the blond, "you give yourself too much credit. i like yachi the most."
"oh yeah? even though i was the first to figure out you're practically in love with-"
a forceful shove to tsukishima's stomach elicits a resonant groan, catching daichi's attention as he glances back with a raised brow. you shoot him a knowing smile, smoothly carrying on with the conversation. yachi erupts into laughter, while yamaguchi discreetly covers his mouth with a hand.
"if you dare say the next part out loud, i'll make sure you won't set foot on a volleyball court for the next five months," you grit your teeth, a steely resolve in your gaze. the middle-blocker scoffs, "i'll report you to the authorities for battery and assault."
"i won't even let you get to the police station in one piece," you say, smiling innocently. he pouts softly, scoffing.
the remainder of the fifteen-minute walk passes with surprising ease. as tsukishima and yamaguchi bid farewell to the group, the middle-blocker casts you a knowing look, "here's hoping you won't turn into a nervous wreck when it's just the two of you later."
"thanks," you reply sarcastically, releasing an exasperated sigh. he chuckles as he saunters away, leaving the group now comprising only the first-years with tanaka leisurely strolling alongside. you nervously clutch the straps of your backpack, fiddling with them absentmindedly.
observing kiyoko and tanaka diverging from the group at the next turn, daichi follows suit when his home approaches. he graces you with a soft, reassuring smile. it weirdly offers a sense of solace, as though he senses the imminent solitude with suga or perhaps infers your feelings for the setter. regardless, you reciprocate the exchange, bidding your goodbyes.
and after an awkwardly silent five minutes, when your home finally comes around, you stop. he does too, looking at you with an expression you don't quite understand. his eyebrows are ever-so-slightly crunched, his lips beautifully pursed and his eyes look at you with so much longing that it almost physically hurts you to return the gaze.
"i-i, will see you tomorrow then," you say, clenching and unclenching your hand. he nods ruefully, but just as you're about to unlock your front door with your keys, you hear him say, "wait!"
you turn, eyes brimming with anticipation and worry, and you hum softly. he pulls you back to the road, and exasperatedly he says, "i need to talk to you."
"what for?" you ask, furrowing your eyebrows again. he lets out an almost annoyed sigh, "you've been ignoring me. and i don't know why that is, but seriously-"
"what do you mean, i was ignoring you?" you interrupt, almost offended, "you started it!"
"that's different! and besides, how many times have i told you to not interrupt people in the middle of their sentences?" he argues. you fume, pouting as your eyes turn glassy in a mix of emotions. you don't know what you feel. but you knew that there was definitely anger and fear involved.
"shut up!" you say, eyes threatening to spill in a fit of rage, "you were ignoring me and i thought i did something wrong!"
"what do you mean? i thought i said it was something entirely different! you did nothing, stupid!" he argues again. your lip quivers, and a few tears escape in anger, "stop yelling at me! if you just told me that you wanted space, none of this would have happened! it's your fault, idiot!"
his gaze softens, and he walks toward you. you have half the mind to take a step back, but it seems like he can read your thoughts. because he immediately clasps your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. the touch sends chills down your spine, making you question everything you've ever known. he sighs, so softly that it makes your heart flutter. and he places his hands on your shoulders, looking directly into your eyes as he says, "you did nothing, okay? in fact, i did something. and i felt the need to avoid you because i thought it would help. news flash, looks like it made things worse."
"i thought you hated me," you sniff, eyes red as you look at him, hands still clenched at your sides. he shakes his head, "i could never hate you."
"and then the other day," you continue, voice croaky, "then i saw you with that pretty girl at recess the other day. and i thought you replaced me, and i-i don't know, i just-"
his arms wrap around you tenderly, and he almost shoves your head into his chest. you groan, and he says, "sorry."
"no, um, i just.. i don't know," you say, voice muffled, "i thought you liked her."
"and why does that bother you?" he raises an eyebrow. you narrow your eyes, playfully shoving him, "you know already, don't you? why are you making this so much harder for me, you asshole!"
"oh, i don't know," he smirks softly, "maybe i just want to hear you say it."
"well, i'm not gonna," you cross your arms over your chest, "i hate you."
"i ignored you because i realized you feel the same way as me," he laughs softly, looking away. the wind picks up, and the orange light of the drooping sun almost reflects from him. his eyes look so ethereal as he smiles tiredly at you, and you blink profusely.
you stand there, confused, and he walks up to you, brushing a part of your hair away from your face. you furrow your brows, processing the information. but he only comes closer and closer, until his lips are inches from yours. he smiles softly, "i'm gonna kiss you now. stop me if you'd like, okay?"
kōshi's lips fall on yours, he leaned in and your breaths merge in a dance of shared vulnerability. your lips met tentatively, a delicate connection that held the weight of unspoken confessions. it was a kiss born from the depths of unresolved emotions, a fusion of longing and the bittersweet taste of the uncharted.
as your lips lingered in that ephemeral union, a myriad of emotions flooded the space between them—the ache of unrequited desires, the torment of what-ifs, and the sweet agony of a connection finally acknowledged. the emotions you felt were too complicated to explain in words.
"wait, so you don't like kimi from the other class?" you ask, confused when he pulls away. sugawara laughs delicately, shaking his head, "you're so dumb. yes, i don't like someone else. i like you."
"oh," your lips part, holding his face in your palms, "alright."
"stop ignoring me now?" he asks, hopefully. you nod, a slight blush cascading from your cheeks. and he takes a step backward, "i'll see you tomorrow, okay?"
"okay," you smile softly.
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© all works belong to admiringlove on tumblr. plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
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box-of-roses · 9 months
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•*•*• Starring *•*•*
Daichi Sawamura
Breakup- you and Daichi break up (angst)
When they want to be babied- you take care of your boys (fluff)
Caught Bread Handed - Daichi catches his kleptomaniac s/o stealing (fluff)
Would You Fight for Me? -how they would react to having an intimidating goth s/o (fluff)
Dolled Up -How the captains react to you getting all dressed up for their games (fluff)
Sugawara Koshi
Play Rehearsal- You get to be the lead in your school play but the other lead gets into an accident. Luckily, Suga is there to step in and resolve not only the play but your romantic tension too. (fluff)
When they want to be babied- you take care of your boys (fluff)
Would You Fight for Me? -how they would react to having an intimidating goth s/o (fluff)
Dolled Up -How the setters react to you getting all dressed up for their games (fluff)
Asahi Azumane
It must be bunnies- you have a holland lop bunny and this is their reaction (fluff)
Kiyoko Shimizu
Crush-You gain a crush on your longtime friend and after many failed attempts at getting rid of it you finally tell her.
Nishinoya Yu
Would You Fight for Me? -how they would react to having an intimidating goth s/o (fluff)
Flustered -he can't handle himself when you flirt back with him (fluff)
Tanaka Ryunosuke
Would You Fight for Me? -how they would react to having an intimidating goth s/o (fluff)
Tsukishima Kei
It must be bunnies- you have a holland lop bunny and this is their reaction (fluff) Chapstick- What chapstick I think different Haikyuu characters would use (fluff)
Kageyama Tobio
It must be bunnies- you have a holland lop bunny and this is their reaction (fluff) Chapstick- What chapstick I think different Haikyuu characters would use (fluff)
Dolled Up -How the setters react to you getting all dressed up for their games (fluff)
Hinata Shoyo
Would You Fight for Me? -how they would react to having an intimidating goth s/o (fluff) Chapstick- What chapstick I think different Haikyuu characters would use (fluff)
Yachi Hitoka
Girls-After running into a girl on her way to the club room Yachi has a crisis. After much encouragement from Hinata and Kiyoko she finds the pretty girl and asks her on a date
Saeko Tanaka
Casual-You ended your fwb relationship and go to a bar to mourn the loss of the friendship. You meet a pretty bartender who listens to your woes and offers you solace. After the bar closes she takes you to her house and you watch movies as she comforts you.
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satorisoup · 3 months
ᯓ 𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 !
𝓁𝓊𝓂𝒶, your shortcake order is ready ! 🍰
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“ IS YOUR NUMBER ON THE MENU ? ” ft. sugawara koshi
oh, how horribly you have fallen.
it only started out as one trip to the corner bakery, wanting to try the newest pastry your friends had been absolutely raving about. easily influenced, your legs carved a path straight to the front door.
the smell upon entering was almost overwhelmingly delicious, divine in a sugary sweet that had your mouth watering, senses overcome with the tasteful smell of baked cookies and warm pies. glass cases filled to the brim with sweet treats, plates and wooden stands holding cupcakes as if it were a food throne.
your feet stayed planted in front of the display, unsure if you would even be able to choose just one. the menu didn’t help either, far too many choices of drinks and treats listed for you to try. you ultimately decided to play it safe, mind landing on what your friends had said was all the rage, a slice of strawberry shortcake.
“ um, excuse me ? ”
your jumbled out of your indecisiveness at the sound of a mans voice coming from behind the counter, hand waving at you in a warm welcome. your feet move on their own out of embarrassment, not noticing him calling out to you before.
almost stumbling over yourself, your franticness washes away once you look up to the worker that had been beckoning you over.
a beautiful sight to behold, that’s what he was. silver hair swept clean from his face, eyes a honeyed brown that captivated you at first glance. a soft smile graced his face, the small birthmark under his eye scrunching just the tiniest bit. are you sure your friends were raving about the food ? or was it really about the absolutely stunning worker ?
your mouth was unknowingly left partly agape, eyes shining with adoration until he speaks in a soft, fluffy tone again.
“ sorry, were you ready to order ? i could ring you up. ”
you’re not sure if the intense smells of baked goods were making your mind go fuzzy, or if it was simply based off of how incredibly handsome the man before you was, but you’re almost positive the next words out of your mouth weren’t supposed to come out in such a confident manner.
“ is your phone number on the menu ? ”
sure, the cake was good, and you could definitely see why your friends were raving about it. but the true treat of the day was walking out of the unfamiliar bakery, with who’s said to be “koshi” ’s phone number on the back of your receipt.
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thank you for joining satorisoup’s bakevent ! it was lovely having you here for this special occasion <3 come visit my bakery again soon !ヾ(*'▽'*)
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here’s your receipt @lu-naes ! 🧾
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system-to-the-madness · 8 months
Reading - Sugawara Kōshi x Reader
Pairing: Sugawara Koshi x Reader (can be read as any gender, no pronouns used) AU: established relationship Genre: drabble, fluff Word Count: 467 Warnings: food Summary: Suga joins you while you’re reading for an assignment
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The fabric of the matrass underneath your back was warm from your own body heat slowly having bled into it over the course of the past thirty minutes. Your feet were rooted against the matrass, knees propped up, and your tablet leant against your thighs.
Your eyes tore away from the text displayed on the screen, and you sat up, making place for your boyfriend to sit down on your bed, too. Sugawara handed you a cup of steaming hot tea, prepared just the way you liked it best, watching with a small smile as you took a sip.
“Let me-” he took the cup from your hands again and placed it on the bedside table, before looking at PDF you had opened on the tablet.
“What are you reading?”
“Still researching literature for that paper,” you sighed, glancing at the text.
He pursed his lips. “I thought you had finished with that last week?”
“I need an additional theory, and the book I originally read only scratches the surface of that topic.”
Sugawara leant back against the headboard of your bed and looked at you thoughtfully, his coffee brown eyes studying you intensely.
“Are you sure you have to go this deep into the material? It’s basically just an essay.”
“Probably not,” you sighed, and placed your head into his lap. His thighs were warm and soft, and his hands immediately found their way to your hair, patting it softly. “But I’d rather write a well paper based on proper research than just doing the bare minimum.”
Suga nodded and grabbed his own book, as you picked your tablet back up.
For a while you were reading in peace, him occasionally marking a few words in the small book he held in his hands, you copying important quotes into your note-application.
After a while Suga spoke up. “Are you actually reading or are you just scrolling through?”
Questioning, you lifted your gaze to meet his.
“You’re reading super fast,” he explained.
“Well, I’m a fast reader,” you shrugged with a little smile.
“You’re incredible,” he replied with a small, dreamy sigh, and bent down to press a short, sweet kiss to your lips.
“Oh, why thank you,” you grinned, reaching your hand up to brush over his cheek, pretending like the way he looked at you did not make your heart flutter. He blushed under your touch. “So are you.”
“Charmer,” he pouted, and lifted his book up again, hiding a blush behind the pages.
You grinned and focused back on your text, but as soon as you had, his free hand came up to your head and patted it again, making you smile a little. You really would not mind studying at all if it were always as peaceful and relaxing as right now.
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sirixsconversations · 2 months
strawberry lemonade | t. oikawa
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chapter three: matcha
wc: 3.4k warnings: swearing, breakups a/n: hey yall! this had been sitting in my drafts so...why not idk
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“Mr. Refreshing is your ex!?” 
Oikawa’s mouth lay agape as you sat on the couch, head in your hands. It was the only position that you could manage to pull yourself into, as you were thoroughly embarrassed by the conversation that just took place. 
“Yes, you could call him that,” you rolled your eyes at Oikawa’s outburst. Of course, Sugawara was friends with your *now* roommate. Your life was some kind of sick joke. 
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Oikawa wasn’t wrong with his nickname for your ex--you also found him quite refreshing, still. However, it still stung to remember how abruptly things ended with your lover. It was too soon to talk to him, picking up the phone was a mist-
“y/n? Are you listening to me? Helloooooooooo y/n!” 
You broke out of your bleak thoughts about life and looked to see Oikawa leaning over your shrunken frame with a look that read confusion. 
“y/n, why didn’t you tell me Sugawara was your ex? I’ve known that guy for forever, we go way back! I can’t believe that you two would have ever dated, much less have a semi-dramatic breakup,” Oikawa rambled, thinking about his memories of high school and the feeling of playing with all of his peers. He missed the feeling of being on top, being king. 
“I didn’t think it mattered. I’ve been trying not to think about him recently, it just…hurts. Plus, I didn’t know that you guys were close. From what I witnessed at Fukurodani, Kurasano, and Aoba Josai weren’t exactly all ‘buddy-buddy’,” you teased. Oikawa shrugged. 
“Well, Suga was pretty cool. Compared to Kagayama and Hinata,” you both shared a laugh at the expense of the two crows. They both now played in the major leagues, with Bokuto and Hinata both on the same team. It sounded like a major headache for anyone within a 10-meter radius. 
Even though you sat here talking with Oikawa like everything was fine, you were shaken up. Why would he call? Did he miss you as much as you missed him? Did he think about it when he was away? Does he still love you? Do you still love him? You snapped out of your gloom, to see Oikawa rummaging through the boxes that you guys had left to unpack. He paused as he pulled out a faded t-shirt, one that was all too familiar. 
“Now where in the FUCK did you find this?! I thought I got rid of this shit like 5 years ago!” 
You changed your outfit like 8 times since you’ve gotten dressed. You wanted to look perfect, but also like you didn’t care. But also like you did because you still did. So much. It was no use, you looked and felt like shit in every single thing that you wore. You guessed that that’s what breakups are supposed to feel like as if every bone had been ripped out of you. 
You agreed to meet Koushi in a small cafe that recently opened a few minutes away from your apartment. It was small but busy enough that it didn’t feel like it was just the two of you in an awkward room. Closure, it was all you wanted. You had a beautiful new apartment and a new amazing friend, and you wanted to begin a new page. One that didn’t involve heartbreak and stress. 
You gave one last look at your outfit, deciding that nothing was going to satisfy you, and walked out of the room. Oikawa sat at the island that protruded from a beam (one of your favorite features of the apartment), looking intently at the laptop that lay before him. You strolled behind him, grabbing a quick glass of water to calm your bubbling nerves. Sneaking a quick peak at his screen, words flew out of your mouth before you even had a chance to think. 
“You’re not thinking of quitting your job back in Argentina are you?”
Oikawa looked up from his screen, his face twisting in thought. He sighed before closing his laptop. 
“No, no. Nothing like that, I was thinking about joining a club. I miss playing, and I know a lot of the people.” Oikawa explained. You had seen him looking at volleyball positions, which surprised you considering he was a part of the San Juan team. 
“Oh, makes sense. I’m out of it today sorry.” You frowned at the brunette boy before you and downed the rest of the glass of water. Why were you so nervous? It was just Koushi after all, and the breakup wasn’t rough, yet something was tugging at your heart. Oikawa seemed to notice your internal conflict and raised a quizzical brow. 
“Wanna talk about it? I’ve been told I have great ears for listening…well actually all of my body parts have been complimented now that I think about it,” Oikawa joked, but he was sincere. He didn’t exactly know what had occurred between you and Sugawara, but you were his friend now and he wanted to support you. 
“Well,” you sighed. “I’m meeting with Sugawara today, and I can’t help but feel like I made a wrong decision to leave, but I don’t want to go back to my previous life. Y’know?” you vented, raking your hands through your hair. 
Oikawa knew all right. 
His decision to come back to Japan was a difficult one. Sure, it was impulsive, but that didn’t mean he didn’t think it through. Two weeks before he decided to leave, he happened to run into Hinata in Brazil. It was nice to see him, but the feeling of being ‘home’ was addicting. That night he booked a ticket to Japan and called his coach to set up a meeting, the rest is history. Coming back to it, Oikawa nodded, listening to your thoughts. 
“He was a great guy too, and ugh. Where did this all go wrong.” you bury your head in your hands, feeling more stressed than before. Oikawa pouted, unsure of what to do. He had never had to comfort a girl like this before, usually it was a girlfriend or someone HE was breaking up with. 
“Do you want a hug or something? Anything? I’ll do it,” he frowned, hating the way you looked. You had only known each other for two weeks, but the bond was immediate and he didn’t want his brand new roomie having a breakdown. You just nodded at him, needed the embrace of someone. Usually, it would be Iwaizumi, but Oikawa could be a cheap replacement…for now. 
Oikawa was surprisingly a good hugger, his cologne only adding to the experience. You stayed in his embrace for a few seconds, allowing yourself a couple of deep breaths before you had to face the music. You took another breath and let go, hyping yourself up. 
“Alright. Okay. I can do this, and everything will be okay afterward!” Cheering yourself on, you grabbed your bag and headed out the door. The elevator ride did little to calm your nerves, but luckily you had time to yourself as you walked. 
You didn’t even know how to greet him anymore. There wouldn’t be a hug, or would there? Would you order what you always order? Would he? All of the thoughts swarming through your head came to an abrupt halt as you approached the store and saw him sitting by the window, his hair shining with the sun. You took a deep breath and walked in, it was happening. 
The door jingled slightly as you entered the cafe, the aroma of coffee and baked goods wafted up, bathing you in it. At the sound, Koushi peeked his head around the corner and at the sight of your face, he sighed. You gave him a small smile and walked over to the table where he sat, placing your bag on your chair. 
“Hi, Koushi,” you finally say, surprised the words didn’t get caught in your throat. Sugawara didn’t say anything and just looked at you, as if you were a ghost that he wasn’t sure was real or not. You couldn’t read his expression, was he upset? He had every right to be, yet, you couldn’t feel any animosity from him. Finally, he sighed and rushed forward to give you a hug, his hands finding the back of your head and back, holding you as if you could slip through his fingers at any moment. 
“I’m sorry if this is weird, me hugging you, but…let me indulge for a moment.” he breathed out in a tone that broke your heart into a billion pieces. You frowned into the hug, finally reaching up to pat his back, unsure of what to do in this position. He still smelled the same, which wasn’t a huge feat, as it had only been a month, but still. After a few minutes, you broke apart and sat down at the table. 
You weren’t sure what to say or what to do. After all, people rarely meet back up with their ex in circumstances like this. Looking up to meet his eyes, you could see the same feeling in his. The actual breakup was casual, you both agreeing with little argument, but yet it felt worse than being dumped. 
“How was your trip?” you finally utter, trying to make conversation before the inevitable occurs.
“It was uh, not great really. I wanted to call you every day, but I thought you would still be there when I got back and we could talk but…” Sugawara trailed off, his voice becoming tighter with every word. It was clear that he was taking it the same way you were. 
You frowned. Moving out wasn’t the plan, obviously, but Oikawa made an offer you couldn’t refuse. You refrained from mentioning Oikawa for now, as it was hardly the right time. 
“Oh. I see.” you weren’t sure how to respond to his answer, not expecting the shift to occur so soon. “I…god, I don’t even know how to go about this,” you admit, putting your face in your hands. This was going worse than you thought. However, Sugawara laughed, confusing you. 
“I’m so glad you said that because I don’t either,” he admitted, tilting his head to look at you through your fingers. You wished there had been a manual for this thing. 
“I don’t want to lose you forever, though. I think we’ve grown tired and need to see life through a different lens, which isn’t a bad thing and I wish we could have had this conversation before…well y’know,” Sugawara laughed lightly as he spoke, his clear tone cutting right through your anxiety. You finally lifted your head, giving him a lopsided smile. 
“How is it possible we think so alike?” you joked, referring to your feelings as well. He smiled and laughed. It was like seeing an old friend after a long time. 
“I think that we both were looking for something at the end, but I can’t tell you exactly what. I love you so much Koushi that it hurts to think of us at night and I know I ruined-” Your sentence was cut off by Sugawara grabbing your hand suddenly. 
“You didn’t ruin anything y/n. We are both adults here, and we both agreed on something. Sure, we both fought it at points but we reached a decision. I called you here not to make you feel bad or anything, but to tell you that I want to be a part of your life y/n. You have been my best friend for 3 years, and if we end this by being platonic, that would be my biggest dream.” he poured out, smoothing his thumb over your hand. You smiled sadly, feeling tears rush to your eyes at his genuine love for your being. 
“I would love that Suga, but could we take it slow? I’m still feeling like the ex-girlfriend who moved out right now, and I’m sure you have stuff going on,” you admit. Sugawara just nods and smiles. 
“Whatever happens, I have a feeling that we’ll find each other,” he adds, before looking at something behind you. 
“Perhaps now that we’ve had this discussion, we could share a scone and talk about what’s changed?” he suggested, much to your pleasure. 
An hour had passed by since the end of ‘that’ conversation, and now you were nibbling on a raspberry scone as Sugawara narrated the trip he had taken with his students.
“So yeah, that’s how I dragged Midori out of a tree at 3 in the morning.” he huffed, placing his hands on the table. You smiled, his frustrations about being a teacher always being amusing. 
“Anyways, onto you. I’m sorry for asking, but it worries me. Are you staying somewhere safe?” he questioned. You paused, realizing the conversation you were about to have. 
“Uh yeah, about that. I just moved into an apartment not far from here,” you say, avoiding the obvious issue with the apartment. Sugawara smiles. 
“That’s great! I would love to see it when you have time,” you gulp. You can’t keep it a secret forever, and you knew he wouldn’t be upset, but it would be awkward to explain how you moved in with another man less than a month after breaking up. 
“Oh, yeah sure! W-whenever you’re free!” you give him a fake smile, internally panicking. Sugawara checked his watch quickly before turning back to face you.
“Well, actually, I have time today, if that’s okay?” he said casually, flashing his bright smile. Your heart sank to your stomach, the truth rearing its ugly head. You just nodded and mentally prepared for the storm that was about to happen. 
“Great! We can walk over there right now,” you say through gritted teeth, wondering how you were going to explain it to him. 
Once in the elevator of the building, you prepared for the worst. However, when you approached your door, you could hear the sounds of talking along with Mario Kart. Furrowing your eyebrows, you unlocked your door. When it swung open, you were greeted by all of the Seijoh alumni along with Bokuto and Akaashi. 
“What in the hell?” you mutter, no one realizing that you and Sugawara had walked in. Matsukawa, Hanamaki, Bokuto, and Oikawa were engaged in a competitive game, while Akaashi and Iwaizumi silently talked near the island. 
Shortly after you entered, Iwaizumi broke eye contact with Akaashi and locked eyes with you, then Sugawara. He quietly excused himself before walking up to you. 
“Uh, we didn’t expect you back for a while.” He muttered, looking over at Sugawara. Sure, he was the one who told Suga to meet up with you, but what the hell were you both doing back at your apartment? 
You crinkled your face in confusion, but Hajime gave you a look that said ‘I’ll explain later’, so you dropped it. 
“I’m showing Koushi my apartment, I didn’t expect you guys to be here though,” you say with a tight smile, trying not to let something slip. 
“Oh, did you all get this apartment together? I was hoping you would move in with someone you knew-” Suga was cut off by the groans and cheers from the game ending. Soon enough, your trio was discovered by the rest. Bokuto was the first to notice, seeing that Akaashi was now alone. He followed the trail to you, Iwaizumi, and Sugawara. 
“Hey, hey! Is that Sugawara over there!?” he yelled, bounding over to give Suga a tight hug. You shook your head, he would never change. Akaashi quickly pulled Bokuto off of him, silently reminding him that he was your ex. 
“Oh, right,” he muttered, quickly moving to be by you. Iwaizumi turned back to Sugawara. 
“Sorry, you got cut off, but no we don’t live here, it's just y/n and-” 
“Mr. Refreshing himself! Wow, I didn’t expect to see you after our little phone call!” Oikawa waltzed over, sparing you a side glance of confusion. Sugawara and Oikawa exchanged a handshake before the entire group migrated over to the common area. 
You began to panic internally, the truth getting closer with every minute. Oikawa and Sugawara continued to talk as the rest of the group mingled. You turned pulling Iwaizumi aside. 
“Haji, we have an issue, the bathroom now.” you pulled the buff man behind you and into the bathroom. Once the door was locked, you immediately began to explain the entire afternoon. Iwaizumi listened silently, the only feedback being a slight nod here and there. 
“So yeah, and now he doesn’t know I moved in with some random guy I hadn’t met before last month.” You breathe out. Iwaizumi just raises an eyebrow before clearing his throat. 
“It’s going to be fine, the circumstances were…odd and he already knows the guy. If he wants to be in your life still, he’ll understand.” you nod and thank him for his advice. When you exit, Sugawara is now talking to Akaashi and Oikawa in a small circle, reminiscing about high school and whatnot. 
Strolling up behind them, you give Oikawa’s shirt a small tug, a warning for what was about to occur. 
“Ah, it seems the pretty setters are reunited!” you joke, slipping into the conversation alongside Iwaizumi. 
“Oh, y/n! I was just talking to these two about the day you picked us up from the airport, the day that changed my life forever!” Oikawa said dramatically. You laugh, trying to think of a way to let the news slip in casually. 
“Hajime was so mad,” you giggle, recalling the way Iwaizumi pouted on the way home. Oikawa nodded. 
“It’s okay, Iwa. We still love you and you’re welcome in our abode any time.” Oikawa teased, not realizing he just let it slip for you. Sugawara paused slightly, his eyebrows turning down. You froze, locking eyes with Oikawa, who had just realized what he had done. 
“Wait, you’re the roommate?!” Sugawara exclaimed, turning towards Oikawa. The brunette just laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“I was waiting to tell you, I know it’s kind of weird and…” you rambled, not wanting the good state you were in to crumble. Sugawara just laughed.
“I cannot wait for the stories I’ll be hearing!” Suga continued to laugh, making Iwaizumi break out into a grin. You and Oikawa froze for a moment, looking at each other confused. 
“W-what’s that supposed to mean?” you stutter out, not understanding Sugawara for the first time in your life. Sugawara stifles his laughter before looking at Iwaizumi. 
“You two are the duo that will bring down the entire nation.” Iwaizumi declared in a joking manner, causing you to roll your eyes. You and Oikawa huffed out simultaneously, causing the rest of the group to laugh. 
The rest of the evening went by smoothly, even Sugawara stayed for a while catching up with the others. However, you eventually called it quits around 11 p.m, kicking Mattsun out before he ate the rest of the food you owned. 
“Drive safe, see you later!” you called out, closing your door behind him. You turned around to see Oikawa cleaning lightly, picking up the glasses that were used earlier. Moving to clean the dishes, Oikawa motions for you to sit down. 
“I’ll do them, tell me about your little meeting with Suga today,” he grinned, leaning over the counter with a sly look in his eyes. You shrugged, causing him to pout.
“It was…normal? He had the same opinion that I do, and while we aren’t getting back together, I’m grateful to know he still wants me to be a part of his life,” you smile softly, the outcome better than you anticipated. 
“See! There was nothing to be afraid of, I told ya so!” Oikawa stuck out his tongue, teasing you about how you stressed earlier. You roll your eyes, letting him win on this one. 
“Oh! And I forgot to mention, but my old friend Kuroo asked if he could come to stay with us while his apartment was getting renovated! You might know him he’s from-” You cut Oikawa off, nodding your head.
“Nekoma, I’m aware of Kuroo. But why wouldn’t he stay with Kenma or something?” 
“He’s at some convention in the United States right now I guess.” 
You sighed, why did life have to be this way? 
“Lord help us.” 
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heartsoji · 2 years
meeting and falling in love with sugawara koshi.
strangers → friends → lovers suga x reader
word count: 2k
warnings: not proofread sorry it was too long and i didn't feel like it
a/n: i might make a "dating sugawara koshi" for this! i'll link it if/once i do ^^
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suga had always felt like the guy who was so close, yet so far.
you both kind of knew each other because you both went to karasuno and you were kiyoko’s younger sister.
you knew him, and he knew you. however, you had only ever briefly said hi a couple of times, and you had stopped by the gym a few times to give your sister a lunch, a message, or to take her home. he was nothing more than an acquaintance. and due to the fact that he was a year older than you, you assumed that he probably viewed you as shimizu’s little kid sister, which honestly, he did at first.
one day, however, he came over to your house along with daichi-san and asahi-san to study with kiyoko.
he came way too early, (like way too early even for him) so both daichi and asahi weren't there, and your sister was out running errands because she hadn't anticipated that he'd be so early, so she wasn't there either. when he came, you were in the middle of a destress-cooking-sesh (that's what i call them bc i have little cooking sessions to destress)
you couldn't really let one of your sister's closest friends stand outside your house, so you let him, served him some tea, and got back to cooking.
since there wasn't much to do, he just watched you cook while the two of you made small talk.
he was amazed at the skill, precision, and passion that went into the food that you made.
you let him have it because you didn't really want any, you just wanted to cook.
mans was blown away.
it was possibly one of the best things he had ever eaten.
something about the food brought the two of you together, and the room became instantly less awkward. the more he learned about you, the more he realized that you weren't actually a little kid. sure, you were in nishinoya's year, but you had a summer birthday and you were actually the same age as him. plus, despite you in the year below and him being pretty smart, you two somehow were taking some classes of the same level. the more he talked with you, the more he realized that you weren't as little as he initially thought.
the two of you began noticing each other more and more in the hallways. you had always gone the same path to your classes, but the two of you were for some reason only now noticing that you took the same path.
the two of you began to talk more and more, gradually learning more about each other's interests and personality traits.
suga was kind. he was sweet, understanding, compassionate, and had a dorky sense of humor. he was gentle, soothing, caring, and had a very high EQ.
you began visiting the volleyball practices more often, both to support your sister, but also because getting closer to suga made your curiosity in the volleyball club grow.
maybe suga hadn't realized it because he had known you since you were in middle school, but you were gorgeous. i mean, you and kiyoko share the shimizu bloodline, how could you not be absolutely stunning? but perhaps it took tanaka and nishinoya pointing out in a very loud and straightforward manner that you were indeed beautiful was what made him realize it.
you often brought homemade food for you and your sister when you went to the gym to watch, and suga found your lunches so intriguing. your food was thoughtful, smart, complex, and delicious. you would keep in mind kiyoko's preferences, what would and wouldn't be good in a packed bento, and how you could find new flavors with spices, ingredients, and techniques.
when you offered him a bite for the first time, he happily accepted and was in awe of how delicious it was. the first time he ate one of your bentos consisted of odeng, kimchi, oi muchim, kongnamul muchim, hobak bokkeum, mu saengchae, and myeolchi bokkeum, (these r some of my fav korean banchans if ur wondering! im korean btw) an onigiri with a smoked spicy anchovy filling, and extra spicy mapo tofu made with a homemade vegan meat. you offered him some because you got carried away and made too much, but you hadn't expected his reaction.
you hadn't expected his eyes to light up the way they did when he tried your mapo tofu. you hadn't expected him to comment on the flavors of each banchan you made and for him to tell you why he liked that one in particular. you hadn't expected him to be in such awe at the flavors and textures in the onigiri. you hadn't expected his enthusiastic and animated reactions. you hadn't expected him to be so cute.
wait. cute?
from then on, you began bringing extra accidentally on purpose so that you could give some to him while tanaka and nishinoya whined in the back about how it wasn't fair that he got to eat the food made by a goddess. he caught on quickly and began accidentally on purpose forgetting to bring a quick snack to fuel him through practice. it was the kind of thing that the two of you never mentioned you were doing, but you both knew you were doing it.
before you knew it, you and suga were hanging out outside of school. you had a sleepover with him once when you stayed over at his house too late. you were constantly meeting up to hang out, study, or just be in each other's presence. he comforted you at your lowest moments, and you did the same for him. when you were on the verge of tears and all alone, you would facetime suga and cry on camera with him. when exams were stressing you out and you were neglecting your health, suga would pull you apart from your studies and into the biggest hug. when suga was feeling doubtful of his volleyball skill, you would reassure him that despite him not being a genius setter like that kageyama guy, he had things that made him special and set him apart. (no pun intended im sorry) when suga felt incompetent and unimportant, you reminded him that humans are living imperfections, and that he was only human, and doing great. (your food also helped the situation) suga had quickly become your best friend.
and it wasn't until one day when your friend asked, "so, shimizu-chan, what's up with you and that third-year on the volleyball team? are the two of you, like, secretly dating or something?" that it hit you.
you had the fattest crush on sugawara koshi.
at first, you didn't know what to do with this newfound information. with yourself.
you began overanalyzing every interaction the two of you shared.
every conversation, every touch, every text.
you began noticing every detail about him.
his pretty brown eyes.
his fluffy grayish hair.
his gentle smile.
his mole under his left eye.
the way his eyes lit up when he ate your food, or when you two were talking about something really interesting or funny.
the way he let out a soft, breathy laughs whenever he found something hilarious.
the way he studied so diligently and somehow wordlessly inspired you to do the same.
suga liked disney songs. when you two studied together, you would listen to disney tracks. it helped him focus, and the two of you would occasionally take healthy dance breaks whenever the best song ever came on.
suga danced and laughed when he got nervous or felt embarrassed. it was his way of shaking it off and coping.
suga liked ballroom dancing with you for no reason. he would wordlessly turn on an elegant ballroom type song and he would sweep you up with his hands above your hips and your arms around his neck. (he got consent the first time) it didn't matter before, but now that you had realized you had a crush on him, it made you feel slightly giddy.
suga taught you how to pepper (if you don't know what that is, it's when two people pass-set-hit to each other! im a competitive elite vb player if ur wondering :) also i started playing vb before i watched haikyuu. idc if u don't care bc im just saying that i liked vb before it became popular and it's a point of pride hehe) so that the two of you could pepper together.
suga was really happy when you told him you wanted to learn how to play volleyball. he taught you the basics with patience and kindness, and it made him so happy that you, a person that he held very dear to his heart, wanted to learn about the sport that he held very dear to his heart.
suga cried easily. he had a big heart that was broken easier than most people thought. he was good at putting up a strong front for others, but he was just as soft as asahi when it came to certain things on the inside.
you loved suga.
you couldn't deny it, or try to erase your feelings at this point, because you were very aware that you were in love with sugawara koshi.
and you know what? you were fine with that. you felt confident that he didn't like you back, which was sad at first, but you got used to it. you loved suga as a friend too. all you had to do was not take the crush too far, and make sure he felt comfortable. you were perfectly happy to stay the way the two of you were and remain status quo.
until you weren't.
it upset you that every time suga did something cute or attractive, you couldn't just kiss him and embrace him and tell him he was adorable.
it upset you seeing your friends happily in love while you had to suppress your feelings just so that you wouldn't lose him as a friend.
it upset you that you were feeling such emotions when you had promised yourself that you wouldn't take this crush too far.
it upset you. this whole situation upset you. however, you didn't have the courage to confess to him, so you would have to be content with your current situation.
until one day..
"what?" it took you a moment to process what suga had just said.
"i.. really like you, shimizu y/n."
you froze. you didn't know what to say. it hadn't felt out of the ordinary when suga texted you to come outside to that special spot behind the trees for lunch. you had expected the two of you to eat lunch as per usual, but that was not the case. instead, you were greeted by a red-eared sugawara koshi with a bouquet of flowers and chocolate covered strawberries confessing his love to you.
" you are beautiful, smart, kind, funny, sweet, and the best girl i have ever met. you're my best friend, and i'm so glad that you share shimi- uh, kiyoko..?'s blood, because i don't think i would have met you otherwise."
his face and ears were a bright tomato red.
"so, uh- if you don't feel the same way thats totally cool and i respect that, but i just felt like i nee-"
you enveloped suga in the biggest hug and gently whispered, "i like you too," in his ear.
you didn't know that it was physically possible for ears to get any more red, but they did. he teared up a little and hugged you back. tight. life felt crazy at that moment. he had finally won the girl of his dreams. he needed to hug her tight just in case this was a wonderful dream, and she would disappear if he let go. so he did. held you tight as tears fell from his face in bliss. he knew that this moment would be the start of a beautiful adventure.
and it was.
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yandere-romanticaa · 1 year
You're a good writer and I'm starved for Suga content so could you maybe do something a little spicy for him?
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Sugawara's smiles always lit up a room and he always made sure to send one straight your way absolutely every time he saw you, regardless of his own personal feelings or mental state in the current situation. The interactions between the two of you would always play out the same - you'd walk or do something together, both in great spirits and chat for ages. It wasn't uncommon for him to be spotted with you in his more down time which many of his teammates made sure to tease him for. Your talks were always good and Sugawara would always be in a good mood.
That was it though. Talks, walks, maybe the occasional meal.
After a few months it ... It just wasn't enough for him.
He wanted more.
Sugawara was always seen as a strong and reliable pillar of his friend group and was an amazing friend. He took care of everyone and made sure that the needs of others were always tended to. He was just one amazing guy.
And that right there was the root of the issue at hand - at the end of the day, Sugawara was still a guy. A young, hot-blooded man who had his own wants and needs. A single brush of your hand sent shivers down his spine let alone the occasional lewd thought that dared to cross his mind from time to time. Sugawara was always famous for his never ending patience but even he had his limits.
It was only a matter of time before he fully cracked under the pressure of his own desires and wishes.
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❤️ A/N: This was low key hard for me to write because 1) I am incapable of writing smut and 2) IT FEELS SO WEIRD TO LEWD HIM but that fact alone ended up being the main inspiration for this specific fic. Anyways he's my baby and favorite boy, hope you liked it!
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aztecbrujeria · 1 year
TW: Double ended anal dildo play, Pansexual/Bisexual men, group play, gn! Reader, nipple clamps, oral male receiving, degradation, Praise, Spit
Thinking about riding a double ended, thick, toy with him. They way you both have your mouths full and choke around your partners. Reaching down to play with your own sex while being praised and degraded from above. Overstimulated, fucked dumb by a toy, feeling their ass bounce off your own while their heavy balls slap against you. Farther and farther you take a phat dick til your nose touches the softness of their mons and tickled by the trimmed hair. Drool spilling down your chest and your nipples being clamped. Getting closer and closer to cumming hearing his whines and choking behind you….
Vash, Izuku, Kirishima, Kaveh, Baizhu, Venti, Dottore and or clones, Gojo, Choso, Levi, Asmo, Simeon, Kuroo, Sugawara, Akaashi, Bokuto, Hinata, Kageyama, Atsumu, Kunikida, Dazai…
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colourstreakgryffin · 1 month
If u still write for Haikyuu, I have this little yan!Sugawara x fem!reader concept: Reader is a new 1-2nd year at Karasuno who got dared to disguise as a boy and join the boys volleyball team as a dare but actually got in, so now she has to keep up her disguise until graduation. For some reason, the other boys dont realize and just think Reader is a really feminine dude with a manbun💀 (reader never cut her hair)
One time, Sugawara just accidently finds out reader's gender because he came over to her house once and reader PANICS. Like "OHMYGODPLEASEDONTTELLANYONEATSCHOOLABOUTHISISWEARI'LLDOLITERALLYANYTHING-" readers thinks shes cooked as hell basically (she kinda is)
(I'm sorry if this is too much, what I just wrote is a whole fanfic 💀)
Oh. Right! Okay, normal love(what I got from your follow-up). I do not like when the request is written for me but you know what. I really like this concept, it’s got so many Mulan vibes and I’m gonna do it! Thank you for the Haikyuu request, I haven’t written for Haikyuu in such a long time
Koshi Sugawara- Red-Handed
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Koshi Sugawara has really been suspicious of you since the first time you entered the Gymnasium… you proclaim you’re a boy, you do… look like one, no real feminine body parts so that’s a good sign but you’re also kinda curvy, kinda delicate and have a long man-bun. Well, he can’t really talk much about man buns… Asahi
However, he always felt like there was more with you than meets the eye, it is a feeling stirring in his gut for such a long time now yet it laid dormant for as long, out of how nonsensical it truly is. He just knew it, he just didn’t want to speak up
That’d just be plain rude
This day flies by as every other day, Koshi watching over and working with both Ukai and Daichi to watch over the second and first years of the volleyball club. Hinata and Kageyama eagerly but competitively throwing spikes and hits to each other over the court and the net. Tsukishima just listening to his dear friend, Yamaguchi‘s comments. Nishinoya and Tanaka making quite the big deal over Kiyoko giving them wet towels whilst basically worshipping her every breath, during the break the whole team are taking… but where are you?
Koshi wanted to explore where you are and find out why you always hid away after each break but he is way too polite and well-mannered to dare make his own big deal over you so whilst he watches you arrive back to the court… he thinks you’re odd, always thinks you’re odd. Such a feminine curvy ‘man’ you are, he wonders why but he doesn’t want to press on it too much
After a few more hours, the club finally closes off for the day and as every member begins to clean off, Koshi’s eyes naturally begun to smoothly follow you once more he is done packing up the team’s uniforms, whose is helping Tanaka put away the net on the net set into the storage closet
How weird… but not that important
Koshi is the last member of the club to leave, taking over specific maintaining and cleaning duties off the Coaches and Managers so they can get home and rest sooner, he always wishes to help them as they work so hard for him and the team. His footsteps lightly tap and skid on the slippery wood plane floor of the school’s infamous gymnasium
The keys jiggling loudly in his pant pockets as he checks over the private locker room, going a double check to ensure that no sensitive belongings or important items are left behind and well, yes. There was something… something of yours, your personal club jacket, spotted from the corner of his eyes at your changing locker
Koshi cannot just leave this behind as he picks it up smoothly, his thumbs tracing over the silky soft black fabric and reading over your last name stamped on the back. It’s not even just that, he can feel something harder in the pocket and finds out it’s your phone, making the need to give it back to you more urgent
He does know your address, as all personal information is written down then hidden away by Kiyoko for any possible emergencies. Since you’re also a member of the team, your number and address is dotted down like the rest, including himself
He knows it’s immortal to snoop through confidential information for unnecessary reasons but he doesn’t see it as anymore good to simply leave this possession in the gymnasium where it could possibly be taken by another Club’s members or a faculty member
Koshi, after a few seconds of deep thought and his eyes glued to the folded cellphone his hand is holding through the black club jacket’s pocket, decides that he must personally head to your home and deliver your valuable item himself as he doesn’t want to bother any of your friends nor any of his own teammates to drop it
Setting off on a grave trip to your place after pushing through his own moral thoughts screaming at him to just take your phone number and call you and tell you to come pick up your jacket holding your valuable phone, he can’t bring himself to do so as he locks up the gym slowly and steadily as well as with not even a loud breath leaving him. It’ll be okay
That’s all he tells himself
Koshi, after an almost painful walk with how heavy his heart is over his guilt and shame… he doesn’t know how long this trip took but he didn’t necessarily care, his hands and arms almost possessively clung on the jacket to ensure he won’t lose any little piece of it. He may be a bit suspicious off you but you’re a good kid at the end of the day
He reached a rather pretty looking house in the ordinary neighbourhood of this pretty little town calls theirs, bracing forward with an explanation buried in the wired nerves of his brain and edging on the tip of his tongue. Stopping right before the door, Koshi politely knocks
Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock
Then silence falls upon himself and the already quiet household for a few long uncomfortable seconds until it swings open and his eyes widen in surprise… that… is you. This pretty girly girl before him, looks so much like you and the way she flinches and her hand tightens on the doorknob. He has a feeling it may just be you
The new member of the Volleyball club, the ‘boy’ whose man bun could give Asahi a run for his money. However, Koshi shoves it aside for now, suspecting it may just be a sister of yours and he is not one to create unwanted drama so he politely cracks a pretty smile and offers the jacket before saying
“Here, ma’am. This is for your brother”
You, going to pretend like you aren’t the boy who joined the club, takes the jacket and makes your voice as sweet and girly as possible to try deflect off your own awful deep impression of a male voice when you’re doing this longtime stupid dare at the club. Answering with a thank you, your mother ruins everything by merely saying
“Dokusha, honey! When you’re done at the door, come to the table! It’s time for dinner!”
That’s all Koshi needed to hear and all the locked away supscious he had, are rising from the deep soiled ground to explore… you’re a girl? Well, he kinda assumed so but he also hoped he was just tripping but he isn’t and he couldn’t be more… offended
It didn’t take long for you to begin panicking, like properly panicking as your mother didn’t even know what was truly going on from the kitchen in her peacefully cheerful oblivious little world. With a flustered face and much shame and regret and a weight of million apologises and begs for forgiveness, you begin mindlessly crying out
Koshi is quite mad at what he has found this very second as you spill out all your guts through begs for him to spare you, the truth about the ‘boy’ he had many suspicions on for such a while yet had always respected by never speaking on. You’re not a boy at all. You lied right to his face?! All for some dumb little dare from some friends! You don’t need to do this! You committed a minor case of fraud, something very immorally wrong
Whilst he is furious, he isn’t heartless
He gets that children like you make dumb mistakes. He makes dumb mistakes… a lot and he won’t throw the book at you for this, even if it’s wrong. He just will give you a long LONG lecture about why this is bad, to never do it again and work to try get you onto the girls’ Volleyball team. If you’re that interested in Volleyball
Koshi eventually manages to find his voice again after examining every part of you with his sharp eyes to remind himself once more that this is real, maintaining his usual composure and poise in a flash, as to not scare you off. He’s mad but he does kinda understand where you come from
“Dokusha… after dinner, do you have a minute to talk? We… need to discuss a number of things”
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kairismess · 9 months
hii!! ok so like this is my first time requesting and I was hoping that you'd write a sugawara koshi with an artist s/o (can be fem or gn) and that they made a portrait for him as a Christmas gift!
idk what else to say, so, happy holidays!
⋆⁺₊❅⋆ holiday headcanons event !!
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day 3: a drawing for mr. sugawara 🖌️
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🍰 genre: fluff !! ✒️ word count: 533 💭 summary: giving your belove sugawara a portrait as a gift. 🖌️ 📣 thanks for requesting anon! if you'd like to request any other prompt for any other character, please refer to my holiday headcanons event and send me an ask!
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you set your pencil down semi-anxiously, chewing on your lower lip in anticipation for your darling boyfriend to come home. he always offered to tutor his students every after school, and he also always offered to help the other teachers with their workloads, even during the busiest times of the month, when everyone else was supposed to be enjoying the beginning of their winter break and spending time with their loved ones.
you knew you could never truly hold a candle to the service and kindness sugawara had to give everybody he loved, including you, but your hands and heart were much more skilled in the field of arts; specifically drawing, and you hoped that by this self portrait of his that you poured all your free time and boundless effort to, he'd find some joy in it, some appreciation that was a mere semblance of what you truly wanted to thank him for.
when the front door opened, you immediately rushed down the stairs, your hands behind your back, carrying the portrait behind your back. sugawara took off his brown loafers and undid his scarf, hanging it up on the coat rack, exhaustedly smiling at you. his eyes still shone with love, even if he didn't say anything or didn't have the energy tonight to shower you with love like he usually does... you could tell, he was more than happy to be in the presence of you, his lover.
"how are you, dear?" he asked you in a gentle voice, walking over to you, kissing your forehead gently. you felt your whole face warm up, and you stammered out that you had a gift for him. shyly handing him the portrait you drew of him, sugawara grinned wider, his cheeks getting pinker by the minute. he thanked you, and gently took it from your hands that were covered in pencil lead and a variety of shades and colors.
seeing the portrait, sugawara couldn't help but smile even more. he always did have the prettiest smile, you really wanted to capture that sweetness in your portrait. "honey..." sugawara murmured, admiring the portrait and looking into your bashful eyes. he chuckled and kissed your nose, wrapping his arms around you as he clutched the beautiful portrait you made of him in his hands. "you made me look really wonderful... thank you," "you're always wonderful, koushi," you corrected him, smiling yourself, hugging him back hesitantly.
"sorry, th-the lead..." "it doesn't matter, darling, i love every part of you, no matter how messy you think you are; it's beautiful how creative you can be, love," sugawara mutters, kissing the side of your head in complete and utter adoration and gratefulness to you for your lovely gift. the snowflakes fell outside as you and sugawara embraced, warming each other up as the landscape outside became blanketed in fluffy white snow, with the inside of your home glowing and effervescent orange and red, the warmth of each other's touch and body heat sufficing for the little while you two held each other so intimately.
it was the perfect way to relax and let the holiday spirit be felt within sugawara, he couldn't ask for anything more perfect.
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