#summer spruce
oneleggedflamingo · 2 years
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09.07-22 (setting test.)
- Vivera Rossi
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anskupics · 4 months
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Picea — spruces
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andulkaphoto · 1 year
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Posters& gifts
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sprucefrog · 8 months
Mumbo's at it again
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proteusolm · 6 months
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Spruce grouse are both very well camouflaged and very reluctant to flee. I almost stepped on this poor woman, who didn't move one inch the whole time.
This is in stark contrast with ruffed grouse, the females of which will seemingly go out of their way to fight you during baby season.
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predatorxgamer7 · 11 months
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euonymusatropurpureus · 2 months
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Monochamus scutellatus (male)
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hexenphotography · 1 year
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yrlocalghost · 4 months
The Spring Foraging Season Is Approaching
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
You know it’s a good day when you wake up to a new Bee fic. And it looks to be a solid dose of middle-child Wilbur. So tinfoil summer. I love the title. It instantly made me think of tinfoil hats, which then made me think of aliens. So it fits the fic perfectly.
I’m currently still questioning whether Techno and Tommy have any self-preservation skills in this. Like they find a stranger in the desert and they just take him home. They don’t even wake up their dad. And he sleeps in the same room as Techno. At least there’s some preservation in not putting him in Tommy’s room. And Techno does threaten him. And both of them seem to be aware he could be dangerous.
But still, not a good idea. Sure he seems to have no memories and looks younger than Techno and lanky and hardly dangerous. (and it’s Wilbur, he tends to be quite passive). So it will be fine, but I do hope they get scolded in the morning.
That being said, to us it’s very obvious that Wilbur is an alien, even if he doesn’t seem to realise this himself. He wakes up in a crater (I’m assuming of his own making via crashlanding, I mean Tommy and Techno heard the explosion). He has no memory, but he does seem to know human things. His voice sounds off and the air seems wrong. He has no idea where he is or what his name is. (did he steal a body?)
Also, I am in love with this Tommy already. He’s such a little shit. Who decides to name the stranger you picked up in the middle of the desert at 1 am? Why would you put the idea of killing your brother into his head? Why are they stargazing in the desert in the middle of the night unsupervised? (that would be a killer view though).
Anyway, I look forward to Phil having a mental breakdown in the morning. And we’ll see if they end up taking him to the cops. Gotta love the anarchist tendencies pulling through.
you can thank eli for the title!! technically they didn't come up with tinfoil summer, but they were helping me brainstorm and came up with a list of potential titles for me to use, and one of them had 'tinfoil' in the name and I immediately knew I wanted to use that. so then I came up with tinfoil summer exactly because of what you said with tinfoil hats. I just thought it was really fun
techno and tommy are so funny but so stupid at the same time in this. techno's anarchist tendencies and his hatred of police really overrode the self-preservation instincts there, and tommy's 13 so, he's gonna follow along and think this is a great idea
tbf though wilbur is a lanky beanpole guy and techno knows he could definitely take him in a fight. also, he looks like he's on the edge of a panic attack the entire night, so he's not very threatening overall.
poor wilbur has no clue what's going on though :(
I love this version of tommy. idk what I was on when I started writing this but he's such a shithead I'm having the time of my life with his dialogue. peak stupid 13 year old. it's like wilbur's a stray dog he and techno found and he's so excited to bring him home. tommy you can't just name a person-
I mean the stargazing thing isn't that big of a deal. techno's, like, 19 in this and they live in a rather small desert town so they can go out to stargaze on their own and be fine. they've done it plenty of times before as a family so phil wasn't worried about them going off on their own to do it.
oh there's gonna be more anarchist tendencies i promise
so glad you're enjoying so far!!
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riddleofpyre · 11 months
shows up about four years and two expansions later with sharlayan starbucks to this blog.
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oneleggedflamingo · 2 years
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More of this. 
- Vivera Rossi
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anskupics · 2 months
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Picea pungens — blue spruce a.k.a. green spruce a.k.a. Colorado spruce a.k.a. Colorado blue spruce
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andulkaphoto · 1 year
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if insufficient green dragon in environment, homemade works too
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>:D bLARGH!!!
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creativ0wll · 11 months
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Beautiful hike
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