mysummerpaul · 7 years
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Day 87. Refreshing People make up many thing to help them be energetic and active. Some of my friends prefer a cup of coffee in the morning. It practically keeps them be awake. Other people like fresh fruit like apples or oranges - the effect is even stronger. But when we talk about hot summer days when you can’t stay outdoors more than a few seconds, there are only a few things that keep me alive. One of them is Schweppes. I enjoy its bitter taste. Can’t imagine how I could survive summer without it 🏜
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mysummerpaul · 7 years
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Day 61. Road less traveled Traveling is what makes us more experienced. We can read something a thousand times but when you sea it that’s completely different emotions. During last few weeks I am convinced that I prefer active holiday rather passive. Even when you hiking about 20km per day you could experience much more than staying in hotel all the time. I enjoy new places, meeting new people and using absolutely different vehicles. Road less traveled!🛤
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mysummerpaul · 7 years
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Day 65. Black and white There is always something special in b&w pictures. I believe that such photos could say even more than color ones. Black and white pics can emphasize the important and the main characteristics or features. I suppose in the nearest feature I will have an opportunity to improve my skills in this kind of photography
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mysummerpaul · 7 years
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Day 81. Energy That is not news if I tell that I prefer dogs over cats. There are many reasons for that but one of the main one is that they full of energy. I don’t have a dog but some my relatives and friends do. When you play with them they often run around and never get tired. And even when a dog stops (like on this picture), in a moment he is ready to jump and run again. I believe that someday my family will have a great smart dog 🐶 P.S. By the way I have watched some nice movie. It calls ‘A dog’s purpose’. Recommended to watch it when you want to relax and get some positive emotions
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mysummerpaul · 7 years
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Day 92. Sky I never get tired of the sky diversity. During the day sky can change many times. And it is not needed to tell how it can surprise us during a week or month. I enjoy evening walking and my favorite part is watching the sky. I admire how great it can be. Pretty sure that Creator has a sense of beauty. Reach for the sky 🌌
P.S. Actually this is my last day of photo blog. It was nice experience. Maybe I will come back to this good tradition
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mysummerpaul · 7 years
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Day 62. Bucket list. Actually my bucket list is quit long. If we talk about traveling there is no country in world I don’t want to visit. The top places for me are New Zealand and Australia. I know that there are lots of crazy things out there like snakes, spiders and other insects. But from the other hand these countries have unique landscapes I admire to see. Also I want to learn some more languages like Italian, Spanish or Mandarin. And the other thing from my list is improving my photography and filming skills🎥
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mysummerpaul · 7 years
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Day 80. The first person you see today This is my elder sister. Can’t imagine my life without her. She taught me everything from my childhood. After awhile when I just started to speak she had already taught me to calculate, to read and some other school subject. She has always been a great example for me. My sister is generous, easy-going, kind and beautiful. What I love the most is our relationship hasn’t changed through the years. We still have no secrets from each other and she always care about me. Thankful God for you! Love you a lot ❤️
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mysummerpaul · 7 years
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Day 88. Horizon We all live under the same sky. But we don’t have the same horizon. Every person has his own story and reasons to be happy. Even living in the same city could be absolutely different for people. I know many people who complains on everything that surrounds them, circumstances or the past. But I always try to look to the future and what will next be on the horizon. Something beautiful is on the horizon. Keep on going🌄
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mysummerpaul · 7 years
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Day 86. Movement Every day we can a different type of movement. There are cars in the streets, people go to the work, bikes trying to go ahead everything, dogs that follow you a few hundred meters, even birds that seem to live in the air and don’t stay in the ground. But there is a movement in the smaller things. Like a sweep of butterfly wings. That is always amazed. And you understand that a world exists on the all levels. In the midst movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you
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mysummerpaul · 7 years
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Day 85. Home Most people have their homes. It can be a house in the countryside or an apartment on the 20th floor in a city. Wherever we go and no matter how much months or years we spend outside, there is always a place where we want to come back. It’s a harbor where you can feel calmness and freedom. Home is not a place. It is a feeling 🏡
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mysummerpaul · 7 years
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Day 82. Symmetry. The desire for symmetry, for balance, for rhythm in form well as in sound, is one of the most inveterate of human instincts. But there is not so much symmetry in the world. Even when something looks absolutely symmetrical we often can find some distinctive features. Maybe you can find it in architecture. At school I believed that human's face is symmetrical. But I was wrong. If you use photoshop for example, and will cut a half of a face and reflect - the face will absolute different. I guess that's defined our world. Beauty is in imperfection
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mysummerpaul · 7 years
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Day 79. A journey. Everybody loves trips. Even small ones. Even when you just go to the countryside at the weekend or just drive with family or friends to the nearest lake. I like explore the new locations. When I am in the place I haven’t been before I prefer to wake up earlier than anyone, walking through the empty streets and see how city comes to life. In every journey that I’m involved to, I try to take some shots of sunrise. That’s pretty harder to do when you’re in your daily routine. I think people weren’t born to spent their life’s in four walls. Journey is a long road. But it’s worth it🛤
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mysummerpaul · 7 years
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Day 78. Water Water is the driving force of all nature. This is obviously that humanity couldn’t live on the earth without water even a few days. It makes us alive and prosperous. But mankind tend to forget about water importance and it is polluted in many parts of the world. That’s why we have problems with clean water in some countries and the climate changing globally. We never know the worth of water tell the well is dry. Water is life. Don’t waste it
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mysummerpaul · 7 years
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Day 66. Eight things. What I love about Peru 🇵🇪 Temperature. That is hard to get used to it but some cities have a big amplitude -1..+20 during the day. But for me that’s perfect because it’s below +20 🇵🇪 Landscapes. There are so many different kinds of nature. The deserts, mountains, lakes, islands, jungle - it’s barely a half of what you can find there. 🇵🇪 Ocean. Actually it was my first time I met ocean. And it is differed from seas. From the first moment I felt its might and supremacy. 🇵🇪 Animals. There are some kinds of animals you cannot see in most countries. My favorite ones are lama and alpaca. 🇵🇪Fruit. Many fruit I had tasted there are differ from the fruit we grew into Ukraine. Papaya, passion fruit, granadilla, pepino melon, maracuya, dragon fruit, cherimoya - this is a short list of them. 🇵🇪 People. They are mostly short, slim, brown and dark haired. Village people live in some sort of communities and love wearing bright colorful cloths. 🇵🇪Roads. When you ride from one city to another you never get bored because there are so much interesting outside. 🇵🇪 Culture. Peruvians proud of the Inca Empire. And it’s so interesting. Ancient incas were really smart and had discovered many things ahead of the time
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mysummerpaul · 7 years
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Day 77. Fruit I enjoy every kind of fruit. And it’s hard for me to determine which one is my favorite. I suppose it could be a banana 🍌 But every year I try new fruit and there are really great but unfortunately it’s pretty hard to find them in my country. This year I discover for myself a granadilla. It looks quite weird when you open a shell but it tastes so good. What I get from last few years is never afraid to try something new even when it looks disgusting - it can be delicious 😋
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mysummerpaul · 7 years
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Day 76. Arrow Arrows often show us the right direction. They help up to move on the roads, cities or airports. Sometimes when you are lost in the new place and suddenly find a sign with an arrow you feel calmer. But there is another kind of arrows which used with a bow. And all these arrows can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life dragging you back, it means that it’s going you launch you into something great 🏹
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