@summonthyscythe [Pestilence and Death together at last]
“Hee... Who needs a dumb village to get ingredients for a potion anyways, especially when you can just go onto others’ property and ‘borrow’ ingredients!”
{💣} It was just the average thing for Plague Knight to do- Run into somebody else’s base of plans (In this case, the Lich Yard) and scavenge for whatever he could find for potions like the vulture he is. With how focused he was on his own needs, though, he wouldn’t of even noticed if Specter Knight was right near by, and considering his luck, the other knight most certainly was.
“What a sucker, leaving this place unguarded! This is all mine now!”
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trio-of-fate · 7 years
Strange Visitor (closed)
It’d been quite a while since He’d been raised form the dead. He had a house of sorts, he knew where to get a few edible plants, and He was starting to feel a bit more natural and calm in his current, undead form. Seeing as the tower he was killed in was now just a bunch of cursed rubble, He wanted to see what else had changed.
After a good amount of traveling, Luan had stumbled into the village- Only it was in a different location from when he remembered. He looked around as he pondered what could have happened, before coming across another undead, such as himself- Spectre knight.
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gildedusurper · 8 years
“‘Patternized?’ Why, I never,” the hooded phantom responded with about as much faux downheartedness as he could muster, which was not all that much. He half-circled around the false king, his tone changing to a slightly more sincere one with his next words.
“I’ve never known you to reject a compliment, even a back-handed one. Does something trouble His Majesty?”
Was that not the word? Butts to the English language sometimes, with its dreadful grammar and similar words for the same thing--there, their, they’re--and all the sort. Butts to it all, he’d say! If he felt like talking, but all he could manage was a disgruntled groan and a few words, barely making eye contact through his visor at the other member of the Order.
“ A lot of things trouble me. I was going to say ‘you’ for starters, but you’ve actually shown some sympathy--what’s that for?! I hardly took you as the type with your ‘distant mysterious’ eh... Bravo? BRAVADO--and all that. ”
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teamdreams · 7 years
<p>Starter for @summonthyscythe
Lich Yard, early evening…
The graveyard… Probably the last place to visit when you discovers a new world or revisit it: skeletons and ghosts ruled this places and scared habitants for a long times. It’s a silence place until someone arrive to this haunted domain and take down some of them: a traveler want to change her mind but those enemies didn’t calm her down.
“Skeletons… Ts! What a waste of time.” Said Yume annoyed, throwing the skeleton head and stretches a bit. “At least, they aren’t lying about this place but I expected more than that…“
Yume sigh deeply and sits on a old bench, still feeling angry. The rumors say there would be a particular ghost who haunted these place and drove out whoever crossed his territory… Probably a other ghost story to scared peoples again I guess, think the disappoited fighter, lying down on the bench and take a little nap. At least; she found a place to be alone and relax a bit.
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snow-fallen-forest · 8 years
Cassandra managed to grab some airhorns and was now blowing them as hard as she could.
Someone save us.
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ladykiradevimon · 7 years
Things I like to know about rp partners meme
I like to be called: Nibi or Lillie My favorite color is: Purple Gender: Cis female One thing you should know about me: I’m reserved and can come off as unapproachable but I swear I’m super easygoing once you strike up a conversation. One thing you should know about my muse: Amelia is a giant NERD I swear to God and Lady K is just a soft little ball of fluff who wants to be good. Seriously. First language: English Second language?: French, ish I live in: Alabama/Texas, USA
Age range:  under 13  |  14–17 |  18–22  |  23–25  |  26–29  |  30+  |  70+ Am I okay with NSFW?:  YAS |  no |  sometimes My favorite/most common thing to RP is:  angst |  fluff  |  smut |  crack  |  other OC friendly?:  yes  |  no  |  depends RP blog  does |  doesn’t   contain OOC posts.
Tagged by: @summonthyscythe
Tagging: @itsdeadlights, @clowntricksandgoldknights, @kibouxcrest, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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Things I like to know about rp partners meme
I like to be called: Jazz, but I’m pretty fine with most other nicknames My favorite color is: Probably purple Gender: Female One thing you should know about me: I am horrible at communication, and find it near impossible to reach out. If you're scared but want to talk to me, please do, because it will not happen otherwise. I think it’s an Asperger’s thing, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ One thing you should know about my muse: He definitely needs to get to know more people that aren’t himself. Lonely li’l’ egg. First language: English Second language?: French I live in: Alberta, Canada
Age range:  under 13  |  14–17 |  18–22  |  23–25  |  26–29  |  30+  |  70+ Am I okay with NSFW?:  YAS |  no |  sometimes My favorite/most common thing to RP is:  angst |  fluff  |  smut |  crack  |  other OC friendly?:  yes  |  no  |  depends RP blog  does |  doesn’t   contain OOC posts.
Tagged by: @summonthyscythe
Tagging: no one but you can steal it from me if you want
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textsfromnoquarter · 7 years
Tumblr media
((submitted by mun of @summonthyscythe))
(This is amazing and beautiful thank you)
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shovelknightrp · 7 years
🌹 ((from summonthyscythe))
Shovel Knight was surprised when he saw this. "T-Truly?"
0 notes
trio-of-fate · 7 years
Things I like to know about rp partners meme
I like to be called: Channel, chan or Plaguey! My favorite color is: green Gender: Masc. Agender One thing you should know about me: I’m really stupid shy but i also love to RP One thing you should know about my muse: Luan just wants to try and reconnect with don, shield wants to forget the enchantress thing, black wants to be a little braver, and shovel honestly just wants people to be safe and happy First language: English Second language?: None I live in: The cold and frozen void (Canada)
Age range:  under 13  |  14–17 |  18–22  |  23–25  |  26–29  |  30+  |  70+ Am I okay with NSFW?:  YAS |  no |  sometimes My favorite/most common thing to RP is:  angst |  fluff  |  smut |  crack  |  other OC friendly?:  yes  |  no  |  depends RP blog  does (often) |  dies
Tagged by: @betrayerr (and by @summonthyscythe indirectly)
Tagging: idk man have fun
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gildedusurper · 7 years
🌹 ((from summonthyscythe, the petals are black at the base and fade to red at the ends))
“ I... Suppose you could have gotten me worse. ”
He hesitates to take the rose, examining it closely, expecting some horrid curse to be unleashed upon him in black wisps--but nothing of the sort happens... Yet.
“ Any reason for the kind gesture-? ”
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gildedusurper · 7 years
☾ = being found shirtless (because mun of summonthyscythe apparently wants to overload you with memes)
symbols // NOT ACCEPTING
Between all the other members of the order, Specter Knight was much more a mystery than Polar Knight even was. Several nights he’d found himself muttering to another member of the order with questions and comments--sometimes even made-up stories to piece together something similar to a backstory for the ghastly Knight.
There was one in particular--one he had to ask about--prompting him to explore the disgusting Lich Yard just miles away from his keep in search of the undead man himself. It comes as a surprise that he finds him, half undressed, sitting patiently by a groddy-looking stream. He’s unsure whether he wants to keep looking or not, a mixture of disgust and interest overwhelming him to a point where his face resembled some striking resemblance to a man who’d just choked down something bitter and sour.
Gross. Maybe. Nice? He’s unsure.
Specter Knight could stare back all he wants--yell at him to leave or advert his gaze--but by Gods could he not wrap himself around just one specific emotion to feel at this moment...
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