#mod plague
shittysawtraps · 9 months
when do y’all start planning your halloween costumes, out of curiosity? i just scared the shit out of my mom bc I came into the kitchen wearing my plague doctor mask
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 5 months
JOHN: just made dinner!
Dave: what the fuck is that
JOHN: steak! i cooked it well done. :)
DAVE: that is NOT steak thats a pile of wood chips
DAVE: "well done" my ass that shits congratulations
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sodasquidsart · 8 months
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plague doctor marie
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nomsfaultau · 20 days
had a dream where mumbo was competing in MCC rather poorly and he ran across Techno in hunger games, who naturally did the slow gaze pan over and then SPRIMNTED for a panicking mumbo and just slaughtered him. Poor mumbo never stood a CHANCE lmao
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dailyneuvillette · 9 months
neuvillette seagull incident
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day thirty nine; seagull incident..
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Development on Shovel of Hope DX is in full swing over at Yacht Club Games, and Mole Knight is in on it! When the burly burrower receives his invitation, however, he mistakes it for an adventure of his own…
After witnessing the grandeur that is (Or, will be) a playable Mole Knight in Shovel of Hope, Mod Mona and I have been joking about Mole of Moling being real at last, which subsequently coerced me to write and voice this scenario just in time for Shovel Knight's 10th! I highly recommend opening the script for this audio in another tab if you'd like to follow along.
This is our longest voicework project yet, and we had a lot of fun with it!
— Mod Plague Minion (Formerly Mod Tinker)
(Disclaimer: There are two instances of a door knock sound effect present in the above audio, and I would like to stress that neither of them are real; I've muffled both instances as to not trick or startle any listeners!)
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curlybuttumbl · 1 year
Reposting this to the main blog now, here's these awesome things I drew a while ago
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I didn't do the siren because I wasn't happy with how it was turning out lol!!
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harvestmoth · 9 months
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hextechmaturgy · 1 year
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learning to mod.............scarlets ur mistress
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australiansquid · 6 months
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Vanilla mashup for Midlander based Males and Females
Notes: -Helm, chest, gloves, pants, and boots -Au ra horns are hidden by hood. -For all your dirty, back alley plague doctor needs
General Permissions: ✅-Personal edits ✅-Port/Upscale to different body types with credit
❌-Claim as your own ❌-Reupload
Download: | XMA | TGD | Ko-fi |
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plumsaffron · 5 months
Ayoooooo, the Miraculous salt fandom really is a different breed of toxic and hateful. They rly ought to tone it down bc Lila Rossi isn’t coming back. I don’t like Lila either but they just make so much hate content and not just slipping past the filters that it’s baffling.
Everytime I read or look for crossover content, this is exactly how I feel bc I don’t want to see any miraculous characters or even a mere mention in them. I feel like going into a trap filled maze these days.
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The Miraculous Plague Fandom is filled with a lot people who have nothing else better to do but be oxymorons. Ignoring or taking a break from Lila is not their strong suit. Lila took two breaks why can't this fandom try that instead of consuming their curse of hatred. You even got that Mariah Chloe voice over being asking what with people hate towards Lila. Then you see a gang of losers (even constructing their comments in a mask to shut down her or anyone's interest in Lila) being static same old scrubs but it figures.
It's amusing to me. There's video saying she's an aimless antagonist with the usual crap that reels in Lila haters usually to wank to or increase their extreme seeethery. But what makes me laugh is observing how aimless this stupid moronculous fandom ironically is. The folly of the aimless miraculous maleficent plaguedom.
They are just a bunch of Ripslingers to Dusty Crophopper (if you're familiar with that movie or the game). Or I can say they want to be brave but will disperse when someone says some messed crap against her without realizing that would affect many things. From hating the writers crap and how things are going to wanting the worst done upon Lila by the writers.
Like HUH. They dislike to loathe the ml&cn writers or characters and spam all this here's what I'll do or rewrites AUs whatever but they would want who they hate to make things worse in a leave fandom inducing way, after this Recreation crap. Loathe writers but wants the show to be better or reboot or be within their standards but wants to stuff in their minds some loathsome crap against Lila. REAL INTELLIGENT, EH?
For a plague filled fandom that thinks they truly know what's up. Well... They ironically found a way to be more dumb or pathetic than characters in the show ever can be. Makes since though because they haven't realized Lila's existence is the true attack upon this miracle plague fandom but they are distracted and fooled themselves so badly that they might not ever see or let go.
Sucks though cause I know around several more characters from other series that get treated just as bad or even worse for bigger dumb reasons (Prosecutor Godot/Diego Armando, Shadow in his own game or the game itself, Princess Elise, Wallflower Blush, Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan, Sasuke Uchiha, his parents, and his clan). Fandoms tend to ignore context and latch onto to manure and bandwagon the propaganda against this character train. Even if you show it was never like that, it's almost always too late. Many are just completely incapable of understanding. They pick what they wish is valid. If it doesn't meet their interest... Well Compromise Doesn't Exist. Conform and boot lick or Resist or Die trying (I think I'm gonna start calling the ladyplague fandom, Leaf Villagers or shinobi drones).
That fiance death thanks to this accursed fandom wasn't even enough to gets these buffoons to chill or rethink or lay in grass. Soon as she faded into memory, the true nature of the ladyplaguedom showed their faces. Instability of handling Lila even made some completely turn their back because they didn't get what they wanted despite they could be better and let go but nope as you know the splurge of salt fics through the years (couple to few years on here, like almost every week searching Lila Rossi and there's like a cluster of salt prompts or salt fic links or memes to mock her. It was annoying.)
Other sites the hatred is strong too (twitter reddit but deviantart specifically where Sunset Shimmer makes her bleed or Kagami and Marinette I think punch her stomach and she's damaged. Reactions to Lila by other characters from other shows or being destroyed or harmed by them. Other forms of vilification or dehumanization). YouTube was slightly less until defenders or neutrals vanished or went inactive (1-5 channels).
It's technically worse here.
Though surfing and tragically find people going out their way to have or prompt rape fics of Lila . Guess what? It's the main heroes Ladybug and Cat Noir doing it. And then November of 2023 some scrum prompted scum to make a story of Lila being violated by Adrien because Lila got Marinette expelled. Then later on the recents feed another days later on lila rossi search. A disgusting ask with the user then replied with the after affects. Crap like this related crap on A03 too (but figures heck some person had Adrien violate Marinette too. What is with people making this ruined destroyed one that? Like why?)
Revelation really solidified why this maggot infested fandom deserves to be derided but let them be distracted by Confrontation and think they achieved something. Lila starts doing cosplay and it destroyed this fandom but really it was just a Cerise on top the Lila cake of Revelation. She can do the same dang thing without being Cerise but stupid viewers want to go too deep into it. So deep that they discovered a new reason to want to hate clown or fear her. So deep that they go out their way thirsting her to be an adult and so deep they can't see why that should not be quenched for.
Stupid humans so bored or absolutely pathetic that they actually found the ultimate way to spit on that woman fan of Lila.
Kind of fascinating.
Hating so much without thinking beyond.
Idk. Perhaps you go on a blocking everyone spree or tag. Tumblr tagging is weird. it doesn't always like specifically show up with results to what was searched.
Like if you search umm "fugly fandom", results may show that or "fandom" or "beautiful fandom" or some ice cube image and one of the tags say "fugly ice" which cross tags it presence. I guess search tags here kind of works like an "and or" statement.
All I can say is do what you can to avoid or ignore ML it on social media.
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scp 049 or scp 999
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SCP-049 "The Plague Doctor", and SCP-999 "The Tickle Monster" both work at mcdonalds!
(scp-999's image gotten here)
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skyradiant · 1 year
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023).
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ur favs killed the queen
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Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu from Super Danganronpa 2* killed the Queen!
Did your fave play a part in Queen Elizabeth the Second’s death? Submit them here!
*(ok so TECHNICALLY i should've asked the other mods who their faves were so they could get in on this ask....... but i forgor. here's my current fave guy - mod dream)
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"Doctor Allard! You have a letter!"
"Ahh, It seems our work has become notorious, my lotus."
"No matter what, I'll be by your side, doctor."
"As will I, Nurse LaCroix."
The manor has two unhinged guests that appeared from the darkness of the forest. The “Plague Doctor” and The “Plague Nurse” have entered the manor, be weary and beware of the newest additions, who knows what they carry.
Inbox: OPEN!
Submissions: OPEN!
Info: This is a duo OC survivor blog, split between Mod Mandika and Mod Nezumi! Canon and Original characters are allowed but there will be a story progression between the “Plague Doctor” and the “Plague Nurse”. Asks and RPs are allowed!
If you are sensitive to subject matter of gore, death and possible medical mutilation then I will suggest you procced with caution but there will be warnings for the material and there will be the tag - fear the meds - that will be used for such events when they do come up.
No major NSFW besides gore and the likes will be shown. 
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
Jade: more women should submit to the madness and turn into giant screaming dog beasts
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