#sunbreaker 312
Here’s a hot take i just thought of: Sora is a sort of focus for power. It’s how he’s able to perform Drives (he takes his friends power and focuses it in a controlled way) but it can go haywire, leasing to Anti-Sora/Rage Mode where the Darkness is (potentially) accidentally focused and overwhelms him.
I haven’t read ur fanfic, but this could be a neat idea!
my favorite take on Sora's drive forms as copied/controlled abilities is this post by @captorations:
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(i recommend clicking through above and reading the tags on the OP too. just masterful)
and the idea of antiform/rage form being a haywire version of Sora's powers!!!
and i am obviously quite biased since i choose to write fic about this one very specific KH trope/game mechanic, Sora's rage form/antiform and where it might come from and what its logical conclusion might be when pushed to its limits. but like, are the implications not absolutely wild? Sora, sunshine good boy incarnate, long-suffering victim of constant and enforced toxic positivity, unchosen accidental hero arguably never meant to withstand the pressure of saving the whole dang multiverse, and yet he always has a smile to offer... except, oops, those times when he morphs into an elemental being of manifest darkness fueled by suppressed rage.
Sora--and i will die on this hill--is not dumb, he leans into the funny idiot stereotype on purpose for the same reason lots of other people do: deep-seated insecurities (and the serotonin-fueled euphoria of making people happy/making them laugh as a byproduct of needing to be liked and accepted). and you bring up an interesting parallel: Sora doesn't struggle with other drive forms; antiform is the only drive form that can't be activated by choice. in terms of KH2's mechanics, it's based on a hidden value that increases as Sora uses other drives. so the narrative here seems to be that the more pressure Sora is under, and the more of himself he expends, the greater the chance he'll accidentally morph into a rage monster.
(FWIW, in KH3, antiform no longer exists... in favor of rage form, which Sora can control, just under very specific and stressful circumstances. and then there's riskcharge)
with game mechanics like that, there's no way Nomura expects us to believe Sora's just a happy-go-lucky dude who occasionally short-circuits into a quasi-heartless!! that boy suffers and buries his feelings way deep down. he's pretty well acquainted with what his other drive forms represent--valor, wisdom, etc. but he's not experienced enough with handling his own buried grief and pain to handle those feelings, so when they come out, boom! instantly overwhelming. haywire!
it really evokes that theme statement way back from the prologue of KH1:
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absolutely love the idea, too, that Sora's own skills and training have inadvertently made him more dangerous--as you say, he's a sort of focus--like maybe a curved lens through which other forces are intensified--which puts a terrifying spin on the whole idea of even brighter lights and darker shadows.
so yeah, anyway, completely agree!
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goldensunset · 2 years
What do you think each of the Dandelions’ signing would be like, and who’d know?
Like, I imagine Strelitzia has an amazing singing voice, but only Lauriam and Elrena know cuz shy. Elrena constanly teases her about it, Lauriam teased her once but regretted it cuz it brought her close to tears (Elrena isn’t sure if they were real or not) and Stre wants to tell/show Player but gets too flustered.
hiiiii you sent this so long ago while i was on hiatus and i’ve been beating myself up about it since i first saw it. so i gotta take a crack at it
ephemer and skuld can both sing pretty well, although it’s probably not really their thing. they would tell each other to shut up all the time but they’re just teasing. they would absolutely do duets together on karaoke night and have a lot of fun with it. probably get way too into it to the point of aggressive competition between the two of them. everyone else absolutely loves watching it go down
player barely ever speaks so i’m going with either ‘can’t sing at all, absolute garbage’ or ‘has this absolutely amazing voice that no one has ever heard, not even them, because they’ve never even tried’. or it could be a player-by-player basis kinda thing. it is pretty funny when the quiet person you haven’t even ever heard talk suddenly bursts out singing. <— ngl this was part of my reputation in high school
brain is tone deaf. unfortunately. lauriam made him download one of those piano apps on his phone to try to practice matching the pitch, and he works with him on it sometimes to help out as best as he can. (or maybe there’s an actual piano in the tower somewhere.) but lauriam is getting tired of trying to no avail. brain seems either oblivious to or unfazed by lauriam’s constant wincing. (or he thinks it’s funny to watch the guy gradually get tilted like this.) brain legitimately can’t hear his own problem, nor does he think this is a particularly important use of his time, but he does this in an attempt to have fun with his friends as best he can during karaoke nights or w/e. (alternatively they hand him the mic and he stands there in silence for 30 seconds before he starts reciting pages of some textbook/poem/nerd thing verbatim and the others don’t even know what to do. i’m talking like a page of the book of prophecies or the bee movie script or whatever. but open mic night means open mic)
(i will say. for all the above characters [minus skuld bc i refuse to believe she’s not subject x until we have concrete proof]. i can imagine all of them, as grownups, singing soft and lovely lullabies to their children/grandchildren. their voices are a bit hoarse now but they’re so full of love and affection for their little ones. nothing else could matter.)
lauriam has a beautiful voice. also an insane vocal range. definitely a choir kid in school but not in the insufferable way. he’s confident yet incredibly modest about his talent. he keeps insisting strelitzia got all the talent in the family, to which everyone keeps immediately saying that’s absolute nonsense and he knows it. he’s always giving advice and encouraging other people that anybody can be a great singer and overall he’s just really wholesome and helpful about it. (unless, as mentioned above, you’re completely and utterly tone deaf. then he starts to quietly lose his patience/hope/sanity. downside of perfect pitch is that every little thing starts to tick you off lol. he wonders if brain does this on purpose.)
strel has the CUTEST most wholesome singing voice of them all. probably in all of daybreak town. strelitzia is the shy protagonist of her own disney princess movie, change my mind. she probably talks and sings to animals and plants. but yeah, probably super shy around other people.
i bet she’s only ever sung in front of lauriam, who is constantly encouraging her that she’s super good at it and should work up the courage to show off her talent to other people. strelitzia would rather eat an entire bouquet of tulips. she nearly passes out at the thought of openly singing in front of others. occasionally other people in strelitzia’s party will hear her quietly humming to herself, but the moment she realizes they can hear she’ll quickly shut up and deny anything. elrena thinks strel’s kinda odd for this but she won’t say anything about it. (elrena has no singing talent but at least she’s not tone deaf.)
(player doesn’t know why, but occasionally they’ll hear this quiet, angelic voice coming from nearby. usually just a soft hum, sometimes a full and beautiful song to which they can’t make out the words. it’s strange to them at first, but then becomes an almost comforting occurrence. every time they try to turn and look around for the sound’s source, it quickly stops. they have no idea who this mystery girl is. perhaps their guardian angel of sorts? after some time passes, they realize it’s been a while since they last heard it… was she ever real, or were they imagining the voice the entire time?)
ventus? (disregarding the talent of his voice actor and making headcanons purely based on ventus as a character…) he seems like the kinda guy to have a disney princess moment for sure. but i think his singing voice might be kinda silly sounding. it’s cute and awkward and clearly not something he has lots of experience with, but still charming. he’s not terribly confident in himself and doesn’t like singing in front of others, but he’ll do it if everyone else absolutely insists. they encourage him to step out of his comfort zone but they assure him that they won’t force him to do anything he doesn’t wanna do. and they tell him not to worry about not being perfect because it’s just for fun between friends, which he appreciates hearing.
(…lauriam starts remembering how he misses strelitzia so much…)
anyway this was fun to work on/think about! also a little bit sad. i was also that choir kid in high school and i still get nerdy about singing stuff whenever it comes up so i enjoyed writing this. thank you!
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palizinhas · 2 years
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@sunbreaker-312 asked - Undone + Kingdom Hearts
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From one “ask” to the next! (Tho this is more asky)
What do you think Sora’s unique Keyblade would look like? I know people always look at him and go “it’s obviously the Kingdom Key, it’s what he’s always drawn with!” But to that i say, no, that is NOT his Keyblade, that is simply the base of every keyblade before it has taken up a specific transformation.
This also sorta extends to Roxas. People always say Oblivion/Oathkeeper are his keyblades, but to me no, those are not his keyblades, they are simply keyblades he likes to use. What his true Keyblade is, is Two Become One, because that is LITERALLY about him!
Every other character (save for Mickey and Xion [to my knowledge], though you could argue the Kingdom Key is *his* keyblade since he’s king and Xion sadly doesn’t get used much except as a plot device, but i digress) has their own keyblade that says “this is who i am”, so why doesn’t sora?
I personally believe his keyblade would hold some ties to Riku and Kairi (obv, most of his life revolved around them), a bit of a sky theme perhaps, and maybe the keychain could be his Mark of Mastery when he earns it because by Kingdom Hearts has he earned it.
!!!!! the Mark of Mastery bit, oh my heart. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
tbh, friend, your brain is MUCH wrinklier than mine, honestly top tier, bc I have been thinking on this ever since you sent it and I have nothing! like this has literally never occurred to me and it's SO interesting to think about.
like you're right--the Kingdom Key smacks of the KH universe, the literal setting/worlds that Sora travels through, not of his actual character arc. conversely Roxas has SEVERAL unique, non-world-themed keyblades. to be fair his keyblades reference other characters too, but Two Become One is the culmination of his arc (well, his first arc).
(consider also that Oathkeeper and Oblivion may be considered symbols of Roxas's arc in tandem with Two Become One! O&O appear in scenes where Roxas is HUGELY anguished, like after he absorbs Xion, and when he's fighting Axel to abandon the Organization--in scenes like that it's not a stretch to imagine his "light" and "dark" sides are in conflict and he is warring with himself, just like O&O are separate and distinct in their "light" and "dark" motifs. but if O&O represent his internal struggle, then Two Become One can be seen as syzygy: a powerful completion of the self created by the unification of two diametrically opposed halves.)
(consider also that Normura has said Oathkeeper and Oblivion represent Riku and Kairi, meaning that holding them evokes Roxas as a stand-in in Sora's trinity, a trinity Riku doesn't belong in, and one created only after Xion is lost and his relationship with Axel is fractured... anyway where was i)
i do love the idea of a unique keyblade for Sora, designed to call back to Riku and Kairi and! the sky!!
it'd have to be something beyond just clouds/sun/celestial body imagery--not that they're bad, but bc those motifs have shown up on previous keyblades of his. maybe something that evokes the Final World? maybe a keyblade finished like chrome? mirror-like? or maybe instead of a literal mirror, it always "reflects" an image of the clouds/water from the Final World world to symbolize Sora's journey to/return from death?
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goldensunset · 2 years
I have a head cannon that MoM can’t get motion sick at all.
Dude put his eye in a sword and sent it forward in time so he can see the future for where it physically is, and its a KEYBLADE so it gets summoned either to show off, *or to fight.*
MoM should have a bunch of ridiculous abilities and quirks so y’know what? why not. any dude bold enough to take his own eye out and put it inside an object and somehow sustain the use of it while it’s detached from his body is probably cool with some pretty messed up/uncomfortable stuff.
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So, idk if this is fully true or not, but hasn’t every Keyblade wielder forged their own destiny? Like, the keyblades are given to those who have the power to make their dreams come true.
Example: Kairi could ‘t really do anything until she received her keyblade, where she began to grow into her own. Xion was just a weapon but she eventually managed to break free from that fate and make her own life. Roxas was nothing, but he too made his own life. Sora was lost on Destiny Island, his soul yearning for adventure but never got that chance until the events of KH1.
It’s almost as if receiving a Keyblade is equivalent to being told “you hold the key to your destiny in your hands. Let no one tell you how to follow it.”
Yes definitely! This is why the exchange between Sora and Master Xehanort in KH3 throws me. Their final conversation, where Sora says:
"A real leader knows that destiny is beyond his control… and accepts that."
(Although this is likely more of a wonky translation—phoenix-downer's post on this scene in its original Japanese versus the English translation* is super interesting!)
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Sora's whole KH1 arc almost ends when he discovers he was never the Kingdom Key's intended wielder. But he chooses to keep fighting, cheeses the Power of Friendship and Sheer Force of Will mechanics (overpowered) and basically persuades the KK to abandon Riku, its actual destined holder, to return to him. That is WAY more "screw destiny"-flavored than it is "accept destiny."
Xion and Roxas being keyblade wielders is so super instrumental to their development that, instead of staying put in the Org and being good heart collectors like Xemnas wants (and like Xion was engineered for), they both pull separate 180s, backflipping off the proverbial window ledge while flipping destiny off so hard that they cannibalize their own existence.
So yeah, HARD agree. IMO "screw destiny" should be a clear and present theme in all the games. Every single game literally sends you, the player, on a quest to tweak or outright change the plots of stories you've heard a million times!!
From an even more meta perspective, the keyblade = key to your destiny idea also underlines pretty starkly which characters are active (vs passive). The KH world is written so that the keyblade-havers are literally able to influence the forces that govern the universe. That gives them the power to reshape their own destinies and those of the people around them.
Or at least it should work that way! Kairi getting her own keyblade was, IMO, the moment the fandom really started rooting for her to take a more active role in the plot. Even to the point of believing she might get her own game--which, this is Kairi, who had just a few minutes of screen time in KH1 and most of that was being a plot coupon. The writers just need to get with the program. Her potential is there and everyone else can see it, dammit!
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goldensunset · 2 years
Thanks for the mlp reblog you did. It hit me on my dash like truck-kun.
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sunbreaker-312 said: Sora & Roxas (i’m thinking possibly Amalee’s cover of Synchronicity? “Though we go by different names, we are very much the same”?) (5/5)
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AmaLee - Synchronicity
Though we go by different names
We are very much the same
As we drift in a world of night
We may be split apart, but that’s quite all right
I’ll find my way to you
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sunbreaker-312 said: Roxas (4/5)
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Simple Plan - Me Against the World
I'm a nightmare, a disaster
That's what they always said
I'm a lost cause, not a hero
But I'll make it on my own
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sunbreaker-312 said: Sora (3/5)
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NateWantsToBattle - Let Me Try
I'll be your shield, I can be your lion
I'll dry your eyes if I see you cryin'
Believe in me
And I won't let you down
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sunbreaker-312 said: Kairi (2/5)
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I Prevail - Every Time You Leave
No one said life gets in the way
That our plans may change, but our hearts remain
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sunbreaker-312 said: And Xion. (3/3)
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SVRCINA - Astronomical
I'm drawn to the unknown, where shadows hide
A slave to the powers that magnetize
There's something inside of me I can't fight
Can anybody stop me?
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sunbreaker-312 said: Roxas and Xion. (2/3)
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Ursine Vulpine - Without You Hold me like I never did anything to hurt you Don't let go, give me another minute to lay here in your echo
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sunbreaker-312 said: I’ll give you a ship or two instead. Sora and Kairi. (1/3)
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The Cab - Angel With a Shotgun I'm an angel with a shotgun, fighting 'til the war's won I don't care if heaven won't take me back
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sunbreaker-312 said: Let’s fill em out. Namine (1/5)
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Alec Benjamin - Mind Is a Prison
I'm a prisoner, a visitor inside of my brain
And no matter what I do, they try to keep me in chains
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