#suneater x you
bleach-your-panties · 6 months
OH BET! For the smut prompt game and because of reasons, what about Amajiki and “We’ve been at it like rabbits, how are you still horny?!”
Thank you for this request, anon-chan!
Prompts here and here. 18+ MDNI.
A shiver ran through your overstimulated body at the feeling of Tamaki’s sharp nose poking at your jugular.
His arms held a tight grip around your waist while his canines grazed over your collarbones.
Your sweat-slickened bodies were so close together, warm and sticky from your multiple combined orgasms.
Pussy spasming around his long, slender cock that was still shoved deep inside of you, already hardening again just from tasting your flesh against his hungry tongue.
“T-Tama..babe..” You tried to wedge yourself out of his hold, but Tamaki was having none of that. He only gripped you tighter and began bouncing you along his cock once again.
You threw your head back against his shoulder with a loud moan and fisted a thick clump of his dark blue locks in your hand.
That only made him whimper and moan louder than you had. He loved when you were rough with him.
One muscular arm loosened from your waist only for two slender fingers to slide down your belly towards your pulsating button.
“So wet for me, bunny. You're such a good, slutty girl. Cumming over my cock and fingers so many times, making a mess of our bed.” 
He circled those expert fingers around your clit in a face-paced circle motion while thrusting harder, making your thighs slap against his. It was so loud, hot, and downright erotic.
“Oh, Tamaki, fuck!” 
He angled his dick right against your spot and before you knew it you were gushing over him again, your eyes seeing nothing but a blanket of black as you slumped down against his chest.
His dick slipped out of your hole and plopped against your thigh with a wet squilch. Tamaki had been stuffing you full for the past two hours at the very least. You didn't even know how you were still conscious at this point.
“Tama…we’ve been at it like rabbits! How are you still horny?!” 
The indigo-eyed male’s cheeks flushed crimson along with the rest of his normally pale, milky skin. 
In apology, he began peppering soft, wet pecks across the expanse of your neck and shoulders.
“P-probably because of the rabbit meat s-stew that you made for dinner…” 
Your pupils blew wide at the realization.
“Oh…oh…You're right…”
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lemon-lime-limbo · 14 days
𝖑𝖊𝖙'𝖘 𝖇𝖊 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖘 (𝖘𝖔 𝖜𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊𝖔𝖚𝖙) | 𝖆 𝖇𝖓𝖍𝖆 𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙
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pairing: tamaki amajiki x fem! reader
warnings: NSFW CONTENT, fem reader (has boobs and wears a bikini), sub! tamaki, premature ejaculation, blowjob, accidental arousal, unintentional dry-humping, voyeurism if you squint, edging if you squint
genre: NSFW
word count: 3.3k
note: guys um there's like no good tamaki content out there? ik he got like 3 seconds of screentime but pleasse he's my pookie i need him. also beach scene (barely) for summerrrr
You were beyond excited to take a road-trip to the beach with some of your friends from high school. But, nothing could’ve prepared you for what was in store.
A text came through your phone from Nejire. An invitation to the beach about a half hour from the town you were living in. She said she invited Mirio and Tamaki, as well as two others, but because of the exorbitant prices of parking, she offered to drive everyone herself. A few days from now, you would all meet at her place. She promised to borrow her older sister’s minivan so everyone could fit.
Only an idiot would say no, and you wanted to make plans to catch up, anyway. A beach day would be the perfect excuse to see everyone, and get some sun. And to not have to pay for gas or extremely expensive parking on your own? Even better.
A brand-new swimsuit was in order, especially since your old one didn’t fit. You and Nejire decided to go shopping together. It only took a couple stores to find one that was perfect for her, a teal bikini top with a matching ruffled swim skirt. It was a little more difficult for you to find something you liked. You settled on a plain black string bikini that you tied so tightly it carved dents into your skin out of paranoia of it coming untied. Nejire approved, but she also approved something skimpier only held together by a prayer, which you turned down with an embarrassed flush, so her approval meant hardly anything.
The day of the get-together, you drove to Nejire’s house, parking outside behind your other friends’ cars. You walked up to her front door, tote bag with all your beach essentials in hand. 
Nejire opened the door, glowing with excitement as she wrapped you in a hug. “Yay! Everyone’s here!”
You went inside to greet everyone. It was a shock to see them after so long. Nejire was the only one you made regular plans with, and the others hardly kept up with their social media. Mirio and Tamaki sat on the couch, and you can’t help but wonder what the others had to do to convince the latter to join the group. Everyone looks so… different.
“Is everyone ready?” Nejire squealed. She barely waited for anyone to process her question before ushering everyone out to the driveway. 
She stood in front of her lavender car. “So… my sister wouldn’t lend me her car…” She glanced sheepishly at the dent in the fender of her own car. “So we have to take mine. But it’ll be fine! Someone can just sit on somebody’s lap or something!”
You froze, eyes flickering to each of your friends. Tamaki stared straight at you. “Why doesn’t someone just drive on their own? I can just take myself instead…” you said. 
“Yeah, but parking prices are so expensive at the beach now,” Mirio said. “It would be more for the parking than the ticket for having too many people in the car.”
You sighed, but you agreed. Tamaki stayed silent, eyes wide and now staring down at the ground. The others didn’t say anything either.
You weren’t exactly sure how you ended up in the backseat of Nejire’s car in Tamaki’s lap, and judging by the fear in his face in the rearview mirror, he wasn’t either. Acutely aware of your own body, you regretted not putting a shirt on over your bikini top, settling for just a pair of short denim shorts as your coverup. Now, your back, bare save for the single string of your halter top, pressed against Tamaki’s chest through his shirt, his hands underneath his own thighs in an effort to keep things from getting any more awkward than they already were. Oh, god… 
Kneecaps glued together, you kept yourself in as small of a space as possible, the muscles in your legs trembling as you tried not to put your full weight onto his legs. You didn’t want to crush him… You kept your eyes down at your feet, your hands folded in your lap, fiddling with the frayed edge of your shorts. 
Nejire’s music, maxed out bass pushing her stereo to its limits, covered the heartbeat in your ears and almost prevented you from thinking. 
The music couldn’t drown out the sensation of Tamaki’s breath down your neck, or his heartbeat pounding against his ribs. It couldn’t drown out the sweat gathering in your palms, or the way your tongue felt like sandpaper in your mouth.
This would be a long thirty minutes, you decided. You instinctively went to grab your phone from your back pocket, but stopped short, dropping your hand back into your lap. With the way you were sitting, your phone was flat against Tamaki’s lower abdomen, a place too intimate for you to feel confident enough to get it out.
Even with the car’s size, Nejire didn’t hesitate to speed and whip through traffic, erratic lane changes forcing everyone to sway wildly, clinging onto the doors and the seats to keep themselves balanced. You instead had to brace yourself using only the seat in front of you, to avoid sliding around too much. Tamaki’s hands never left the seat under his legs. 
You adjusted yourself gently after your pelvis began digging into Tamaki’s lap, trying to keep your fingers from grazing his thighs as you used the seat to pull yourself up. He tenses underneath you as your hips wiggle on his, the motion causing your shorts to ride further up between your thighs and expose more of your soft skin.
He couldn’t even bring himself to look at any part of you. Not the back of your head, not the curve of your back, not the gap in the back of your shorts where your black bikini bottoms were just barely visible, not the sweat forming on your skin from the sun shining through the car, not any of that. If he did, he’s sure he would’ve burst into flames from embarrassment. Instead, he stared out the window beside him, busying himself with the rolling landscape outside.
His face reddened even deeper when you adjusted yourself again, evidently still uncomfortable on top of him. Not that he could really hear over Nejire’s music and his own blood rushing in his ears, but he swore he heard you mutter an apology, which only made him push his fingernails into his leg to keep himself convulsing in anxiety. When he glanced down at you, he took notice of your phone against him, the hot battery forcing sweat out of his skin. He wanted to tell you to take it, to have at least something to do on the drive, but his dry throat wouldn’t have made any noise if he tried. He settled for continuing to stare out the window.
God, he wanted to go home.
It felt like it had been hours since you stood in the driveway at Nejire’s, but judging by the clock on the car display, you still had fifteen more minutes. Even from your position behind the driver’s seat, you could see Nejire frantically checking her mirrors, her gaze oscillating between them. “Oh, shit…” she muttered.
You tried looking to see what she saw, but as soon as you turned to look out the back windshield, you saw Tamaki, still refusing to look at you. You turned back around immediately.
“What’s wrong?” Mirio asked from the passenger seat, reaching to turn the radio down.
“It's a cop. They're just driving past, but, uh… Get down,” she said, turning her attention to you in the rearview mirror. “And, Tamaki, put your seatbelt on. Hurry!”
You did as you were told, placing your hands flat on the floor beside your feet as you bent down, thighs finally pressing flush against Tamaki’s. With your chest against your legs, it was hard to breathe in the small foot space. You prayed you were down far enough. Your blood rushed to your head and you couldn’t help but feel embarrassed at the way you were crotch-to-crotch with the man under you. The only way you could describe it was hot. Like flames surrounding every fiber of your body, not to mention the heat coming off his body. 
Tamaki scrambled for his seatbelt, shaky fingers trying to avoid touching you as he tried to buckle it around himself. He now had a view of just your ass with you bent in half at the hips. God, this was embarrassing. You and him were close friends and had been for years. He always tried his best to hide his crush on you, never wanting to impede your future. It was, however, getting increasingly more difficult to ignore, especially with your compromising position. He tried not to look. But even he couldn’t avoid the way you were pressed up against him, your bare skin against his swim trunks. And god, every cell of his body seemed to be working against him. His skin was flushed, but all his blood was going to one place and one place only. The only thought that ran through his mind was, ‘Please, don’t notice…’
Everyone stayed still for a minute as the cop came up behind the car and passed you, driving off into the distance. “Okay, we’re good! Sorry guys…”
You sighed in relief as you came back up. Tamaki unbuckled his seatbelt, letting it dangle uselessly beside him. Using the seat in front of you as leverage, you pushed your hips further backward, trying to slide yourself into a comfortable position again. It didn’t seem possible to. The palms of your hands found the tops of his thighs and used them to wiggle yourself higher. He tried to stop his own body from jerking into yours, but his control was weakening, and if you didn’t stop moving, he was going to orgasm.
The near constant maneuvering of your body went unnoticed by everyone else. But not Tamaki.
A choked groan escaped him as his hands found your hips. Fingers dug into your flesh, forcing your body still. Your head whipped around, turning in his tight grasp to face him as best as you could. “W-what-” you started. 
Until you looked at him. For the first time today, he looked in your eyes, his pupils blown out, creating two black holes. With his face flushed red, he looked at you with a pained expression. His chest heaved but his breathing remained quiet, trying to keep anyone in the car from realizing what was going on. “P-please…” His voice was strained, quiet to keep anyone else from hearing.
You tilted your head, still confused. What was his deal?
And then you felt it. Heat rushed to your face as you looked down to process what was happening. He was hard, and you felt him between your thighs. You remembered all your shuffling, all the small movements you made trying to situate yourself. It must’ve been torture for him, and he couldn’t keep it up any longer.
When you figured it out, your eyes went wide, slapping a hand over your mouth to avoid saying anything to make him feel bad. His face dropped and his own hands left your hips to cover his face in shame. He intended to make you stop, but he hadn’t anticipated you noticing the reaction his body had. Guilt swelled in his chest, closing off his lungs like his airways had been filled with cement. He couldn’t even apologize. The only thing that came out was a whimper, shaky and hoarse. It was wrong to be a sweating, nervous mess in front of someone who hardly did anything, especially not intentionally.
The other two next to you didn’t seem to notice anything was amiss, engaged in their own conversation and faced away from you. You sighed in relief. After seeing the pure humiliation on his face, you got over your own, reaching to place a reassuring hand on his leg. “It’s okay…” you whispered to him.
You turned to face the front again, leaving him to calm down. Meanwhile, your thoughts were loud in your head, even over the music that Mirio turned back up. What should you do? Should you acknowledge it after you get out of the car? Or should you spare him and yourself from that humiliation? What will happen on the way back?
Nejire’s car finally pulled into a parking spot. You were quick to get out, to unstick your legs from Tamaki’s and stumble into the gravel parking lot. Once you regained your footing, you adjust your swimsuit before waiting on all your friends. 
You pick up your tote bag from the floor of the car. You would just pretend it didn’t happen, you’d decided, putting on your sunglasses. Unless he says something, you would forget about the situation entirely. Well, obviously, it wouldn’t be that simple. But you would forget about it in terms of today, and continue to have fun like nothing was wrong. That’s probably what he would want you to do.
The problem was, what was wrong? Why did you find yourself continuing to think about what happened? You thought back to the look on Tamaki’s face, his fingers pulling on your skin as he tried to stop your hips from moving. You’d never known him to be so rough. It shocked you. A shy and reserved guy is how you always saw him. Always polite, and always quiet. Never one to make eye contact let alone physical contact. Your heart raced just thinking about it. The agony in his eyes was clear, and somewhere in the back of your mind you wondered what would’ve happened if he hadn’t stopped you. He seemed really worked up. Almost like if you had kept going, he would’ve climaxed without warning. 
 It wasn’t often you sat in the laps of your friends —especially your male friends— and Tamaki had gotten so cute over the years. He was cute to begin with, of course. But since you last saw him, his hair had grown a little longer, and he had grown a little taller. His face became more defined, a stronger jaw and sharper features than you remembered. Muscles you had never seen before now showed through his clothes, even through a simple shirt and swim trunks. His older appearance made it difficult for you to forget the effect you had on him back in the car. Not to mention his demeanor and the way it shifted to sheer desperation as he silently held you. His every thought was written on his face. He was ashamed of himself, clearly. Ashamed to be so turned on in a car full of his childhood friends. Ashamed to be so turned on just from someone else sitting in his lap, let alone one of his friends. 
You found yourself wondering how the seating arrangement was decided in the first place. Mirio had said something about you being the lightest, you think, but you were too busy thinking to hear what they were saying. You supposed it didn’t matter, but you were incredibly grateful for the turn of events to allow you to see something so beautiful.
Tamaki stood next to you, fidgeting with his hands. He wanted to say something to you, maybe to apologize, but he couldn’t even think clearly, let alone speak. The swimsuit you wore, paired with plain shorts was still too much for him, your exposed skin seeming to outweigh the amount of cover you had on. 
 While the others went off to pay for the parking, you hung back, following slowly, grabbing Tamaki by the shoulder gently to keep him behind the group.
“Tamaki.” Face red, he turned to you, eyes still on the gravel as you walked. “Do you want me to help solve your… problem?”
That made him look at you. You bit back a laugh at how his face somehow got redder, the tips of his pointed ears burned a deep scarlet. Obviously, you hadn’t intended for this to happen, and you felt somewhat responsible for giving him an erection on a supposedly innocent beach day. So it was only fair you help him out, right? And of course, any excuse to see him like he was in the car was a good excuse to you.
His eyes were wide as he looked at you. “L-like… You- you want to…?” He couldn’t even get a complete sentence past his lips.  
“It’s kind of my fault this happened, so… Why don’t we go into those bathrooms over there?” You pointed at a small building off to the side.
After a few moments, as if he was waiting for you to change your mind, he nodded. 
The others finished up paying for parking, and headed for the beach. You and Tamaki caught up with them. “Hey, Nejire, me and Tamaki are actually gonna stop by the bathroom real quick. Pick us a good beach spot!” you said, before immediately running off.
The bathrooms were clean, aside from the sand on the floor tiles, and you practically dragged Tamaki inside. You haphazardly checked for people inside, and once deciding it was clear, you picked a stall and shoved you and Tamaki into it before locking the door.
He swallowed hard, standing nervously in front of you. “Are you sure about this?” you said, pushing your sunglasses to the top of your head. 
“Y-yes…” he murmured, nodding.
That was all you needed. You grabbed his face in your hands before pressing your lips to his, your tongue running against his sharp canines. He moaned softly as you tangled your fingers in his hair and pulled gently. His hands met your waist, your lips moving down to his jaw and to his neck, pressing soft kisses to the skin. Even though you would have loved to cover him in love-bites, the others would’ve definitely caught on.
He smelled divine, a deep earthy scent topped with a subtle vanilla, and you couldn’t get enough. His whimpers fueled you as your hands ran under his shirt, up all those muscles he worked so hard for, feeling every inch of his skin and bringing your lips back to his. 
“You’re so pretty,” you said against his lips.
His only response was a needy whine and an involuntary thrust of his hips against yours, reminding you what you came here for. Fingers gripped your hips, and you pressed your chest against his, his eyes darting down to see your breasts spilling out of your bikini top. He was getting restless, his hips bucking against you as you kissed him, grinding on you with minimal shame, his mortification replaced with sheer desire.
You sank to your knees before running your hands up his thighs. His eyes squeezed shut, and while you wanted to tease him more, you were certain the others would start to worry if you took too long.
So instead, you pulled his swim trunks down, his cock painfully hard and red, leaking precum from the tip. His head hit the wall of the stall as you took him into your hand, and he almost collapsed when you licked a stripe along the base of it, leaving a trail of spit.
“Oh god…” he whined.
He barely fit entirely into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat as you tried to take it all. His hands grasped at your hair, and he was a mess, his hips shaking as he bit his lip to hide his moans. “Oh- oh, I’m gonna… please, don’t stop-” His words were broken, but you understood, hollowing out your cheeks as you sucked him.
It only took a few more thrusts before he came, white and hot down your throat. A few tears spilled from his eyes, his breath hitching in his throat before escaping as a whimper.
You pulled your mouth off, wiping drool from your lips. “T-thank you. That was… wow…” he panted. Once he was dressed, you placed a soft kiss onto his cheek. 
“Maybe later you can return the favor?” you whispered into his ear before you both left the bathroom to rejoin your friends.
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fountainofrubies · 1 year
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The out of control Suneater / Tamaki Amajiki x Fem reader 18+
tags/warnings: Explicit sexual content, orgasms, quirks, tentacles, constriction, pain, genital descriptions, She/Her
🍋 Tamaki has missed you so much that he can’t wait to play with you. You try your quirk on him for the first time, not knowing your own strength. You turn him loose with extreme amounts of arousal thanks to your gaseous quirk. The shy and quiet Tamaki that you know seems to take a backseat. Unable to control himself, he becomes aggressive with you.
Weeks later from the 7 minutes of Heaven game that you two shared, there have been quite a few steamy make out sessions and a good bit of play between you and Tamaki. Every chance he gets to be with you, he’s there, although he is usually uptight and rather nervous. It’s been almost a week since he had been able to be with you intimately though. You missed him a lot during your trip, but you’re glad to be back.
While on Patrol today, Tamaki stood frozen after seeing your approach. We lost some of the progress with Tamaki’s comfortability in you two’s relationship that was gained before your trip. That, coupled with the fact that your appearance was not planned, had Tamaki tense and stressed when he saw you coming. Quickly jumbling in order to come up with something to say, he exhaled in relief when you started talking to him first.
“Tamaki! It’s great to see you! I know that I didn’t tell you that I’d be back today, I wanted it to be a surprise!” you say cheerfully as you hug him.
“It’s good to see you too.. and it worked, it’s definitely a nice surprise.” He mumbles and his smile is a little wobbly, but he really means it. He’s thought about you nonstop while you were away. “Since I’ve got the green light to go home, would you like to come?” He asks, holding his hand out for you to take. So you do.
“I’d love to!” You smile warmly. You pull a candy out of your pocket, unwrapping it. It’s his favorite. He opens up as you reach towards him to put it in his mouth, making him blush as you touch his bottom lip with your thumb. It makes him laugh softly as he starts to chew it.
As you walk, you come to an area that is usually free of people and traffic as you get further away from the bustle of the city. It looks quiet, as expected. As you two keep walking, you pull Tamaki with you when you get to the specific area that you had in mind. You go down the long alley way, and turn down another stretch, pushing him up against the wall softly, you gently kiss him while rubbing his shoulders, eventually reaching his elbows with your fingertips. He wraps his arms around you as he kisses you needily.
His voice low and shaky, but full of needy passion, he tells you, “I’ve missed this so much.” His moans come softly as you kiss his neck. As you pull away, his breathing calms. “How was your trip?”
You reply, “It was great! I learned so much about my quirk and it’s even stronger now! The teach asked me to hit him with it at half speed and it gave him so much nausea that he was useless. Before I went, it would take me giving it my all to affect someone like that!”
Tamaki praises you, “Great job! You really took training seriously then! I’m curious as to what all you could do to a person.”
You blush when he says this because you have been thinking about wanting to try something in particular on him. He notices, raising one of his eyebrows in a questioning way. Feeling pressed to explain, you admit “I’m sorry if I’m acting weird! I have been fantasizing about trying certain things on you.. and I guess that was the first thing that came to mind for me when you said that.”
He started to fiddle with his fingers as he responded. “Well.. what did you have in mind?”
You ask him outright, “Tamaki.. can I try my quirk on you? There’s an aspect of it that I want to test.. but I haven’t really had anyone I could test.. this type of thing on..”
Knowing that your quirk is like a gaseous excretion and that you affect people, and animals in various ways according to your will, he asks you, “This thing you want to try.. it’s naughty isn’t it?” He waits for your answer bashfully.
You smile “Yes.. yes it is.”
He fiddles more with his fingers. “Well.. I’m willing.. I mean, you have full control right? Like if something went wrong?”
You nod, your eyes shining. “I can nullify the effects.. or change what you’re experiencing. Sure.”
“Okay then..” He definitely looks nervous as he watches you curiously. His eyes widen and he looks away quickly after he sees you reach under your skirt and pull your panties down, taking them off.
You lean forward, kissing Tamaki gently. At first his lips are tight and tense. With some effort, his lips soften and cooperate with yours. You inhale slowly, taking a deep breath in and then you dose him with a very large hit of your quirk, giving him everything you’ve got.
After a breath or two, he begins to fill with an intense heavy desire that aggressively overtakes his body. His muscles begin to tense up, as he steps backwards, his heart pounding. His eyes are very wide as he slowly looks over at you, roughly flooding with intense need as he stands up straight, rigid, locked into position. He’s trembling, locked into this position, gritting his teeth. He moans through his gritted teeth, furrowing his brow as he continues to desperately battle for self control. His erection feels massive, throbbing like never before and it is the most blindingly intense, gripping erection that he has ever felt in his life. Seconds pass as he continues to tremble, his breathing quickening. He’s looking at you with an extremely desperate amount of need. As you come closer to him, his eyes follow you, locked onto yours. It takes quite a bit of effort, but he manages to get a sentence out. His entire being feels like it is about to erupt and his voice sounds like it is falling apart at the seams. “I don’t want to hurt you…” he says in a panicked and shaky voice. His entire body is flexing as he holds fast, making him groan as uncontrollable urges come to him in waves, drowning his attempts to control himself. His breaths become very strained and deeply desperate as his body begins to quake.
As impressive as his ability to control himself thus far truly is, you quickly deliver a message to him that you hope will free him from the raging battle he is fighting within himself to forcibly control his body. “If anything goes wrong or gets too dangerous, I’ll use my quirk to control the situation, I promise…” You continue, “Tamaki, let go.” Reaching down, you firmly squeeze his cock throw his tunic, letting go immediately after. With a huge gasp, Tamaki’s moves come reflexively and automatically, the intensity dizzying. In the split second that it takes for all 5 of the thick tentacles that are zooming towards you to wrap around you, coiling up all around your entire being, encasing you, a loud sound rips out of Tamaki’s throat. He’s half screaming, half growling as he whips you into the wall behind you. The tentacles take the impact as they protect your body from any damage. The sudden impact does surprise you though, making you gasp as more adrenaline releases into your body. Not even a second passes since your gasp of dark surprise before Tamaki is already on you clutching your arm as he peers at you looking extremely hot and bothered. You’re at his eye level, being held inches above the ground. No time is wasted as tentacles shoot from his other hand, grabbing his clothes, pulling his tunic to the side, twisting it up and securing it so that it will be tucked out of the way. Other tentacles grab ahold of the lower half of his body suit and rip it apart, revealing his skin and his large, throbbing cock. It looks even bigger right now, and it was already big to start with.
As his tentacles shrink back into his free hand, he pulls the slick liquid seeping out of the head of his cock down its length, all the way to the base. Moaning, he repeats the actions rapidly, which coats his cock in the largest amount of precum that he has ever produced at one time ever before. Immediately, he penetrates you. While he is grabbing your shoulder, the first two thrusts are moderately paced but strong, making you bounce as his body makes contact with you. After that, he moves quickly, grabbing your waist with his free hand as he starts fucking you as fast as he can. Whimpering in between his choked, desperate moans, he reaches towards you, unable to think about anything but the pleasure. He grabs the back of your neck with his free hand, pulling himself close to your ear, growling as he holds you roughly, “OH!~ AH! You feel so fucking good!” His voice is aggressive, despite the loud moans, sending a chill down your spine. His pace has become punishing. His moans are spilling out rapidly, turning you on more and more as he rails you.
As for you, you only seem to get wetter and wetter. Your cheeks are becoming red. You gasp for air. Tamaki looks down at your body as he continues to thrust into you roughly, and although it takes him a few seconds to process it, he notices that he is constricting you far too tightly with his tentacles. The parts of your skin that are visible are all glowing varying shades of red. You’re aware that you’re being squeezed tightly, but you’re so caught up in how Tamaki feels inside of you that you ignored the uncomfortable pressure. You’re still gasping though, and Tamaki starts fighting for control of his body again. His thrusts are still coming as he tries to let go of you with his tentacles, but he’s having issues. He feels a fresh wave of panic as he realizes how little control he really has over himself now. He screams out, as he tenses his body with everything he’s got, trying to force control. He goes rigid, his open hand hits the wall beside you just above your shoulder as he tries to lock himself into a steel stance. Unable to stretch his arm all the way out so he can wrench himself away from you, he thrusts into you again greedily, even more quickly, grunting and moaning loudly. He continues to try to pull out of you but it’s just not working for him. He thrusts into you once more and pressed up against you with force, hoping that going forward and freezing would work better than trying to push himself backwards or pulling out, and for a second it does.
As he’s pushed all the way inside of you, his nose is inches away from yours, his breath spilling all over your face in bursts. He looks like a wreck, mouth agape watching you as he fights himself, his body screaming at him. His stance doesn’t budge an inch but you do feel the tentacles around you trembling as he works as hard as he can to loosen his grip on you. But then, suddenly, you feel a crazily dizzying sensation that makes you choke out a heavy, wet, sob of a moan, followed by many more of them. There’s rapid movement happening inside you as his quirk manifests, it feels like your insides are spinning. Tamaki groans as his member contorts, spinning wildly as you're drilled by some sort of tentacly, phallic concoction. There’s no way to know exactly what is happening in there, but you feel extremely full up as whatever it is that keeps thrusting forward wildly, writhes inside of you, only to feel like it retreats back into the original shape of Tamaki’s cock for just a second before it repeats again and again. You choke out another sob as Tamaki looks at you, eyes wide with shock and panic, his breath desperately wild. “Please..”, he pleads, his voice shaking, “Help me.”
Just as soon as those words left his mouth, you sprung into action, blowing a strong, cool stream of air into his face to hit him with enough force to affect him quickly as he gasps and moans. The dose takes effect very quickly as the tentacles wrapped around begin to turn you loose, his tense body slightly hunches toward you as it relaxes. He grabs you with his free hand, holding your shoulder so that you’ll meet the ground without stumbling as you slip out of his hold, all of the tentacles retracting.
Regardless of the dose of calm you just hit him with, he still looks scared as he blurts out the words, “I’m so sorry..” He has a heartbreakingly hurt look on his face that cuts you to the core. “Are you hurt?” He looks distraught.
You shake your head no as you nearly tear up. You respond to him, “No Tamaki, I’m sorry.. That was so selfish of me.. You felt so good that I just let you go at it. I was so lost in how amazing you felt that all I could think about was your every move.. I wasn’t even thinking about how you must have felt..” Now the tears are coming, you feel them freshly rolling down each of your cheeks. “I used my quirk so carelessly.” Your face is so hot as you whimper, “I care for you deeply, Tamaki.. how could I do that to you?” Your lip trembles.
Tamaki strokes your cheek. “Heyyy,” he says, suddenly soft with you, on a mission to comfort you, focusing hard on succeeding at it. “It’s okay, it was an accident right? I just didn’t want to hurt you.. I was terrified that I was going to.. It’s okay.” He wipes your tears away and then holds your cheeks. “I’m okay.. I just panicked when I failed to gain control. I was squeezing you so hard…. I.. I was scared to death that you might pass out or something and that I wouldn’t be able to stop to even help you.. I don’t know, I’m just sorry..”
You sniffle as you let out a sigh. “I’m sorry.. I thought I’d ruined everything.. I thought for sure that you’d want nothing to do with me now after I did that with my stupid quirk. I feel so embarrassed.”
He leans down and kisses your lips, romantically even, as his tongue enters your mouth delicately and then retreats back into his. “Your quirk is amazing. It’s a part of you, it makes you who you are. It’s so powerful and it felt amazing. I just need to have a bit more control, bunny. Hit me with it again, just not full force. I’ll let you know if I want a little more or less as needed. Can you do that?”
You nod, hopeful that the experience will end on a much better note. You reach up and kiss him again, giving him a smaller dose than you did last time.
His eyes roll back for a split second and he looks at you again. “I want you so bad.. So bad.. As if I didn’t already want you enough..”
“What?” you ask, understanding what was said, but craving more information on the subject.
Feeling dizzy with desire, Tamaki isn’t even thinking about his nerves at this moment. He’s breathing slow but deeply, hissing as he inhales here and there, curling his lip a bit as it happens. Now he’s moving slowly to your side as he reaches forward and kisses your neck. He falls into the moment, no longer caring that you'll know the things he’s about to tell you. His hot breath bathes your neck as he whispers to you, “I’ve been thinking about being inside of you ever since you left. When I see you regularly, I have to make myself come multiple times before I even come out to meet you. It’s the only way I can get my body to be less obvious when I stand near you.”
You swallow, your throat is tight and you feel a little dizzy yourself. “Tamaki? Is that true.”
He nods slowly, up close in your face. His gaze and his movement are both slow and sensual. He licks your parted lips, running his tongue softly across them. “Give me some more.” he says lowly, making your heart beat fast. You blow at him, just a bit, stoking his fire.
He opens his mouth as he places his bottom lip in between your lips, breathing openly as he pauses. As you suck on his lip gently, he moans, the hot air heating up your face. Your hot, wet center is aching for him. You’re starting to tremble yourself, his sex appeal feels so dense and heavy. He moans again, bringing his lips together, initiating a sloppy kiss. He sticks his tongue in your mouth. “How about just a bit more? I think I’m close.”
You shoot a just a bit of air into his slightly opened mouth and he takes in a deep breath, closing his eyes and pausing. “Let’s leave it here.. like this.” He groans as he touches your lips with his thumb. “I want you. Are you gonna let me have some more of you now?” His voice is soft but it’s also sexy as hell. “Yeah? Can I fuck you now?” He strokes his cock a couple of times, moaning.
You are a puddle. Putty in his hands. You whine as you moan your “Yes” to him. His cock is long, thick and throbbing. Breathing heavily, he grunts as he pulls his tunic back up, tucking it back in how he had it before. He picks you up, grabbing your leg and placing it on the side of his hip so you will lock them around him.
You’re ready to beg yourself. “And your tentacles? Will you hold me again?”
He blushes a bit as he smiles, his tentacles obedient and gentle, wrap around you, becoming tighter as he lifts you very slightly to hold you in place. He enters into you again, moaning shakily, pushing into you slowly, throbbing repeatedly. After a few soft strokes, he begins to speed up. His heart is racing. He’s full of heat, his hips greedily returning to you every time he pulls away. His grunts, moans and whines are coming constantly now, in a very random order.
You ask him as you whimper, groaning as he thrusts into you. “The last thing you were doing to me.. can you try it? I was very close at the end there..”
He thrusts in a few more times and starts to engage with his quirk similarly to how it felt like it was moving before, starting slowly, not having used it this way ever before. It feels amazing as he repeats the movements, now moving in a consistent pattern. Not even one whole minute later, you feel pressure growing as he continues, moving a bit stronger as time continues. Now you are moaning repeatedly, sounding off alongside him. He grunts and whines with just about every stroke now. You tense up and curl towards him in every way that you can, he begins to shuffle the movements even more firmly and faster. An orgasm ripples through you, as you tremble while he presses his whole body up against you. The sight, the sensations, the sounds you’re making, you bucking as you squeeze his cock repeatedly, all of it only pushes him that much closer to the edge. He returns back to the way he was fucking you before, his cock pulsing as he grinds into you with intensity and deep need. He begins moving a lot faster, and the sounds he is making start spilling out at a pace that matches his speed. “Im about to come. I’m gonna come..” he informs you urgently as his movements start coming in sloppier and sloppier, his grip tighter as he rapidly slaps into you. He wraps his arms around you, still using the tentacles with one hand, grasping you tightly with the other as he plunges into you choppily, moaning loudly, riding out his extremely pleasurable orgasm. He holds you until his breathing begins to settle and he puts you down afterwards. He begins to fix his clothes, sighing at how he ripped his bodysuit earlier in order to shove his cock into you. He fixes his tunic so that the large hole is covered, laughing as he meets your eye. He holds out his hand towards you. “Come on, I’ll walk you home.”
You take his hand and ask him, “Will you sleep with me tonight?”
He puts his arm around your shoulder as you walk and he kisses you on the side of your head. “Yes. I’d love to.”
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http-tokki · 2 years
Pretty sundress
~ tamaki amajiki x fem!reader ~ tags/cw: aged up tamaki, smut, explicit language ~ wc: 310
Tamaki's mouth at your neck is gentle as his teeth bite down on the tender skin. Your head is a mess as his hands traverse the expanse of your clothed torso, a pretty sundress riding up your thighs as you squirm. The leather of his car seat is sticky against your skin, summer air filling the car with the symphony of cicadas of the late June afternoon. Tamaki's hand starts to drift closer to the edge of your dress, fingers dipping under as he moves to slip them beneath the fabric.
"Is this okay?" his question is soft. "I don't want to push you."
You're nodding your head, unable to speak for fear of sounding desperate, but Tamaki doesn't move. He wants to hear those words, hear how badly you want his hand up your dress. The whine in your voice as you plead your consent.
"Tamaki…" you breathe out, hands gripping the chair under you. "Please, you can… yes."
With your permission, Tamaki is sliding his hand under and up. It's not just that he is so adamant about your consent, but he loves hearing how desperate you are for him. The pitch of your voice as you whine his name. It gives him an idea of how you might sound as he slides his cock into you or how your breath would hitch as he flicks his tongue over your clit. Tamaki feels his cheeks heat as his fingers make contact with the damp material of your panties. Shit, you were wet, and he did this to you.
"That's because of you" Your voice is soft, eyes focused on the hand Tamaki has between your legs. "Feel how wet you make me 'Maki."
Tamaki nods, falling all too nervous as he presses his mouth to yours again. He takes a few shaky breaths before he asks.
"Can I taste you?"
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whispering-ways · 11 months
•♡✧ movie cuddles ✧♡•
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✯ summary: you and tamaki have your first date and watch a movie together
✯ pairing: tamaki amajiki x reader
✯ tags: no warnings, just fluff!
✯ notes: nothing really, hope you guys like the story :)
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“Where did I put it?” you say, looking through your closet for your tote bag. It was the last thing you needed before you went to Tamaki’s dorm room for your movie date. Movie date. The words themselves made you blush.
You’d had a crush on him for a while now, since you first became friends really. I mean, you’d always had a thing for shy boys, so it didn’t surprise you but it was more than that. Although many people couldn’t look past his shyness and his introverted nature, you found it endearing.
He’d grown to have a little confidence though; it honestly made you proud to see him be able to speak up for himself and be more outgoing but at the same time keep that same old timid personality that you adored so much.
It surprised you when he texted you last week asking whether you’d like to go out on a date with him. At first, you two were going to the theaters, but Tamaki seemed a little apprehensive about the crowd given that it was a really popular movie.
Eventually, you’d both settled on just having a comfy movie night at his apartment so he wouldn’t have to worry about spiking his agoraphobia. After what seemed like ages, you finally found your bag. You put your share of the snacks that you were bringing to the date along with your water bottle and sent Tamaki a quick text telling him that you were on the way.
Tamaki was making his bed when he heard his phone chime from his desk. He reached over to see it was you texting to let him know you’d be over in 15 minutes and suddenly his nerves shot to 100. He wanted everything to be perfect. He’d set up his bed with the comfiest blankets he had and even got your favorite snack: Chocorooms. Although you both were originally going to see the new All Might movie coming out in theaters, you both agreed on just staying inside and watching an old Barbie movie.
Frankly, he had never watched any Barbie movie, but he knew you loved them since you were a little kid, so he suggested that you both watch Barbie of Swan Lake. He was so excited for this date; it’d taken him weeks to build up the courage to ask you out. When you said yes, he was on cloud nine for the entire day. He was lost in thought thinking of you and the soon-to-be date, when he heard you knock at the door. He tried his best to calm his nerves before heading over to the door to let you in.
“Hi Tamaki! Thanks for inviting me over!” you say, as cheery as ever. Tamaki thought you looked adorable; you had hoodie and sweatpants on, but somehow you made the simple outfit look so lovely. He gave you a shy wave and let you inside.
“H-hey, just uhh...make yourself..um...comfortable and you know what’s mine is yours. There’s a couple snacks on my desk if you maybe wanna eat,” said Tamaki in his soft voice as he went over to his TV to set up the movie. You went over to his desk to look at your snacks and to your surprise he had your favorite snack! You don’t even remember whether you told him or not.
“Aww Tamaki, how’d you know these were my favorite? Did you get these just for me?” you say holding up the bag of Chocorooms.
“Y-yeah, I think you mentioned it once when we...umm...went to the mall and I-I thought you’d like these for the movie,” he said still meddling around with some cables trying to hook up his laptop to the TV. Finally after couple moments, he had the movie up and loaded. He walked over to the light switch. After asking whether you'd like the lights on or off, and you saying you prefer them off, he switched the lights off. Then, he sat next to you on the bed, albeit a couple inches away from you, but you chocked that up to his shyness. In all honesty, you were a little glad. Maybe if he was closer he’d be able to see how much you nervous you were.
As the movie progressed, you both got more comfortable with each other. You’d point out small details in the movie and funny moments where the animation look a bit wonky and you’d both share a laugh. Tamaki slowly started inchin closer to you until eventually his shoulder was barey touching yours. Well, not quite touching your shoulder; you were both wrapped up in individual blankets and you couldn’t quite feel his shoulder anyhow. That didn’t stop the blush from creeping up your cheeks.
After a while, Tamaki looked over to you as if he wanted to say something, but chose to not to say anything.
“Did you want to ask something Tamaki?” you ask, feeling his eyes darting back and forth between you and his twiddling thumbs.
“Well...uhh...I was just wondering whether you’d maybe want to share a blanket? It’s okay if you don’t, but like...uhh... it’s winter so w-we’d be warmer if we shared a blanket, you know?” he said nervously.
“Of course that’s okay! Here, let me rearrange the blanket real quick,” you say, shifting the blanket so that it rested around you two, bringing you both closer than before. Tamaki was right, it definitely was warmer now. The warmth was making you a little sleepy, so you carefully laid your head on his shoulder to get more comfortable. Tamaki immediately froze up, unsure what to do and incredibly grateful that the darkness of the room hid how beet red he was. But after a while, he was able to ease into it and laid his own head against yours.
Slowly as you both got more and more relaxed, you both ended up cuddling. By the end of the movie, Tamaki had his arm wrapped around your shoulders pulling you in close and you were holding hands. You were more focused on being able to be so close to him than watching the movie at this point, so it surprised you to see the credits playing. It seemed like you’d just came to his room and now the movie was over and you’d have to head back to your room.
You’d gotten a bit accustomed to his warmth that you frankly felt a little sad when he had to get up to turn the TV off. He started cleaning up the snacks from the bed before turning towards you, a rosy pink blush dusting his cheeks.
“W-would you maybe wanna sleep over?” he asked hesitantly.
You’d never said yes quicker in your life.
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Yandere V+H: Tamaki Amajiki
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Henchman material all the way 
“Th-that’s the perfect plan, (Y/n)! You always think of the best things.”
he tends to have issues with his self-esteem
Easily idolizing those he feels shine brighter than he
Or in this condition create a darker shadow
He sees you as the best villain 
Shakily smiling after you when you praise him for doing his part
He watches how you so effortlessly take down the superheroes with their powerful abilities
All while discovering your powers
But he’ll deny it when he’s teased by the villain’s guild
But he loves your words of encouragement 
“Tamaki, you should definitely go pro!”
“No no, I don’t think I would want to could…”
But you’re not the only one to notice his efforts 
And on a deeper level, Tamaki isn’t all that concerned with anyone outside of his comfortable bubble
The comfortable bubble that only includes you
So he doesn’t mind all that much when he feels compelled to destroy anything outside of it:
“Congratulations Amajiki you’ve been promoted to professional status! Your new lair will be provided to you after you receive your letter of performance from your former employer. If you want to–”
Tamaki hung up the landline, it didn’t mean all that much when his world was crumbling around him. Promotion? From you? What was better than fighting alongside you? Nothing, he knew that much. His frazzled mind began to swim with what actions might have led to the travesty of this ‘promotion’. Was it his defense during the tech heist? Or the role he played in the destruction of the elite team? Or was it–
*Knock Knock* “Hey, you done in there? We’re on a time crunch y’know? Hahaha, crunch. Get it? Cause your name’s Suneater?”
He slowly slugged out of the phone booth letting a wobbly smile curl on his face as you giggled at your own joke. He couldn’t ask for a better sight. Even in your civilian disguise, you glowed like no other and he wanted nothing more than to power that light. 
“I-I’m done.”
“Good, ‘cause my phones blowing up because our partners are calling us!”  
Hearing the emphasis on partners, immediately put him back in the working mind. Letting himself hide his blush in the hat as you pulled him along by your hand. The warmth of your fingers in his threatened to activate his tentacles he had sprouted after his takoyaki brunch. He refrained, instead taking stock of the dingy building the crowd gathered in. 
“Hey hey!” You released his hand to hug your friend who happened to be invisible jumping up and down which you immediately began to catch up. Leaving Tamaki to internally curse out the invisible fiend that took your attention from him.
“Suneater, congratulations on your promotion you’ll be topping the charts in no time once you get started!”
He shuddered with surprise looking worriedly at you, only to find you were beaming with pride. A far cry from the dejected expression you should have made since your henchman was making a departure from your jurisdiction. 
“Yup, that’s my boy! All the calls to the big ones on top really paid off!”
Your jovial confession answered the stabbing question for Tamaki. In the most beautiful, horrible way your encouraging actions sabotaged the future he’s hoped you two would share together. 
“Awww are ya sad, Tamaki? Well, you shouldn’t worry as long as (Y/n) stays in the top fifteen you can always be their partner!”
Like a light at the end of the tunnel, Tamaki had a new outlook on his circumstances. At this revelation, he’d never have to leave your side. Nothing had to be changed! It would be perfect he couldn’t help the smile that twitched on his face. You turned to him chuckling behind your hand.
“Was that what you’ve been worrying about today? Of course, I’d love to be partners with you if you don’t mind me.”
“I-I’d love to!”
Exclaiming louder than he meant to he tried to shrink into the collar of his coat as you and your friend laughed before continuing on into the crowd. 
The rest of the day was draining, speaking to many different villains both new and old faces. Attending seminars and putting petitions down for different inventors; the day was long and all Tamaki wanted to do was to return home with you. Which would have been the fate of you both if it weren’t for the professional rankings. When the announcer called out your name it wasn’t automatically with his…it was with another. 
“In 14th place is a new villain duo: noteworthy ReaderYourName and Hassai Eight Bullets!”
Again the eruption of cheers and hollers as your best headlines were put on the screen along with the other villain’s displayed on the screen. He could feel your worried gaze as an embarrassed huff left your mouth.
“T-Tamaki…I…I’ll be right back..I’m just going to sort this out.”
Leaving your seat he watched as you disappeared behind a wall followed by the villain previously on the screen. His eyes narrowed before following behind. 
“Hassai what’s the meaning of this!?”
“Oh please, I told you I’d send in the request. You’re little sidekick got promoted, didn’t he? It shouldn’t be an issue then.”
“That’s not the point!”
Tamaki watched as you went back and forth about the logistics of pulling this off without your consent before it came to a head. Face to face, closer than he would have liked, your face was contorted with anger while Hassai’s was spread with a devious smirk. Outstretching his hand a hum of electrical crystals sparked in your face making you flinch away backing yourself into a corner, letting yourself be caged by the villain.
“It’s not so bad, don’t you think babe? Where you’re weak,” crackling the crystals in your face he leaned closer into you. “I’m strong! We’ll complement each other perfectly!” 
Ending on the vowel his mouth stayed open letting his breath fan against your cheek. You worried it would have escalated and so did Tamaki. 
“Hey! You’re the lil’ sidekick we’ve been talking about, right? Aww don’t be sad we’ll save it for when they’re back at my lair! Hahaha!” 
He leaves joining the crowd as you slowly walked to your henchman with a sorrowful look on your face. 
“Tamaki…I’m so sorry.”
Your shame and sorrow came off of you in waves as you kept your eyes lowered but Tamaki took the step forward. Pulling you into a hug he bowed your head into his shoulder as he let himself curl around you, tentacles and all.
In the weeks following the official rankings, you and Tamaki had not separated. Not long after the convention Hassai failed to follow up on their duties as the villain in the 14th rank leaving the position open for the runner-up. 
“Suneater you take the left flank and I’ll take the right! Don’t let that one with the muscles anywhere near here!”
“Got it.”
You both easily fell into your old routine easily evading the heroes and accomplishing your mission. Having finally put the obstacles on your side out of commission you twirled the Transmitter in your hands before hopping back to Tamaki’s location. Coming from across multiple rooftops you landed on the chimney watching as he dominated his opponents sending some crashing to the ground and others suffocating to death. But one stood out to you–stabbed by a crystal that spasmed electrical shocks over the body the method reminded you of someone.
You stood alert as your partner landed next to you prepared to swing you and himself across the rooftops. He was crouched, already in position before looking back to you; more precisely where you were staring. 
“Oh, it's nothing! By the way, got the transmitter in one piece!”
For Tamaki some change was good. But nothing too drastic…he wouldn’t be able to live otherwise.
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sukisook · 2 years
Slice of Life Drabble : Tamaki Amajiki
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Sweat drips in rivulets from his palms down to the tips of fingers. He shudders at the feel of it, wiping his hands surreptitiously on the rough fabric of his pants, movements catching on one of the many food-stuffed pockets. His chin digs into his chest hard enough he’s sure it’ll leave a mark, but he can’t quite bring himself to raise his head. Not yet.
“I’m f-fine,” he stutters out lowly.
Gentle fingers push at the hood of his cloak, slowly, so slowly. They hesitate before sliding it down and Tamaki trembles.
“Talk to me Tama, tell me what’s wrong.”
He doesn’t mean to worry you. Really he doesn’t. But this is quite possibly the most terrifying thing he’s ever had to do in his life. And he just faced down a fifty-foot villain not ten minutes ago.
You take another step towards him, so close he can feel your heat.
You laugh, a sweet lilting little sound that makes his heart flutter. He hasn’t stuttered around you since middle school, and here he is ten years later acting like the same utter fool.
Tamaki is hyper aware of the debris that litters his shoulders and the smear of grime on his cheek just below the edge of his mask. There’s blood on his hands too, just a little. He thinks maybe if there wasn’t he might touch you. That’s always helped calm his worries.
I’m so useless, Tamaki can’t help but despair.
He nearly jumps straight out of his skin when you cup his jaw, fingers tracing delicate lines along his chin. You slip a nail under his mask and Tamaki’s eyes blow wide, cheeks flushing scarlet.
It’s not like you haven’t undressed him before. And it’s just his mask. But something about your closeness, about the question that’s trapped behind his teeth, makes this feel all the more intimate.
You pull it off with a quick tug, cradling it gently to your chest and Tamaki’s shoulders slump inwards.
He can’t meet your eyes. “I need to ask you something.”
Perhaps this isn’t the best time.
When he’s filthy and bloody and you’re both standing in the midst of the rubble. But he’s carried this around with him for weeks – years if he’s being honest. And Mirio had said just this morning that the best way to ask would be spontaneous – to do it when it feels right.
“Ok,” you grin at him, blindingly bright, glowing like the sun.
Shit you’re so pretty.
He fumbles through his pockets, fingers slipping over a packet of swordfish, cringing as his nail pierces a loose ball of takoyaki. Finally he finds it. Smooth velvet cradled between filthy digits.
Tamaki raises his chin, lips trembling, but his voice is strong when he speaks. “Will you marry me?”
226 notes · View notes
Tamaki Amajiki X Baker Reader Headcanons
Even before you became a couple, Tamaki had always LOVED your baked goods. He couldn’t even pick a favorite treat. Depending on the ingredients, he even enjoyed using some of its components during training.
You would bake a variety of things like cookies, sweet or savory pies, cakes, and bread. You always made enough to share with your friends. Nejire would even dare say Rikido Sato from class 1A had some competition.
After becoming a couple, you often ask Tamaki if he wants to bake with you down in the dorm’s kitchen. Of course, he never hesitates to take the opportunity to spend more time with you.
Tamaki wasn’t very good at baking himself, but you were gentle in teaching him all your tricks and techniques. Over time, he was able to learn your recipes by heart.
He absolutely loves being your taste-tester. Honestly, he’s so tempted to eat everything before it’s in the oven. If not for the fact that he knows the final result will be heavenly and that he wants Mirio, Nejire, Eri and Yuyu to have a bite as well, he might actually give in.
If you’re making frosting, you will sometimes scoop up the frosting then swipe it on his nose, cheek, or lip and immediately help him clean up by giving him a quick kiss. He blushes like crazy every time you do this. When he’s feeling confident enough, he will do it back to you.
Tamaki is a big help when kneading bread. Sure, you can do the work yourself, but why not watch him roll up his sleeves, put his hair in a bun, and beat that dough? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
When the final product is done, he helps you hand out the treats to your classmates and friends. After that, the two of you enjoy eating the baked goods while cuddling in your rooms.
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shxtodxroki · 1 year
Tamaki Amajiki Masterlist
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Here is where you will find all of my writing for Tamaki! I hope you enjoy, and if you like these feel free to drop a request in my inbox at any time! <3
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♡ Headcanons ♡
- What Sleepovers With MHA Characters Are Like (1.7k)
♡ Fake Texts ♡
- Tamaki As a Boyfriend (1.8k)
- MHA Boys Taking Care of a Super Sick S/O (1.6k)
- MHA Men When You Send Them An Accidental Confession Text (Pt. 2)
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aheckinmess · 2 months
Shelter in the Storm [Mirio] (Angst)
(One-Shot 6/? in a collection of My Hero Academia one-shots posted regularly on Saturdays and sometimes Sundays.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Mirio x OC, Lemillion x OC, Mirio Togata, Suneater, Tamaki Amajiki, Tamaki is a Good and Precious Bean, Mirio is a Ray of Sunshine, Anxious OC, Not the Best Home Life, But What Are Ya Gonna Do?, I Gave Tamaki a Younger Sister, Because Why Not
Word Count: 2,881 words
Summary: Tamaki and Ichijiku have been friends since elementary school, so it’s become a habitual occurrence for her to seek shelter at his house when her parents get overwhelming. In the morning, Tamaki and Mirio both walk with her to school and attempt to brighten her spirits.
Author's Note: I've noticed you all seem to enjoy minor characters a lot, so I'll try and focus on adding more as I continue writing one-shots. It's certainly a fun challenge to get to know characters who don't get a lot of screen time! I hope you enjoy!
Ichijiku (Tigress)
Mirio, are you awake? I text my boyfriend despite knowing he’s asleep. Between the two of us, he goes to bed the earliest.
Still, for an hour and a half, I wait for a reply. When it’s obvious that I won’t be receiving a response, I stare at the ceiling as my brain tunes back into reality. The yelling down the hall amplifies and my heart races as I wait with baited breath for Mom to walk through the door. Please don’t yell at me. I don’t know what I did and if that’s why you and Dad fight but please stop screaming. When footsteps make their way down the hall, I place my phone down and hug my pillow with my eyes closed. Though internally I panic, I force myself to take deep and even breaths.
I hear the door squeak open and the heavy, angry breaths of my mother. Only the thumping in my chest is audible, and I dare not move until I hear the familiar click of my door. Even then, I pause for another two minutes until I’m sure she doesn’t stand in wait to catch me being disobedient.
When I open my eyes and she’s not there, I slip out of bed and crawl over to my window. I pull the blinds and look next door into Tamaki’s room. His dark blue eyes meet mine as he lays in his bed. I scrounge around behind my desk to find my notebook. I flip through a few of the pages until I land on the one I want, holding up the page to the glass: Can I come over?
I watch him rifle through his own notebook before holding up his response.
I tuck my notebook away and look at my door for a minute or two. She might come back. My ears tune in to every sound as I grab my jacket and stuff a deck of cards in the pocket. There’s no footsteps down the hall and the muffled sound of the TV can be heard down the hall, a signal my dad’s in bed and my mom’s still in the living room. So, I throw on my jacket and crack open my window, slow and steady.
After sneaking out and shutting it behind me, I glide across the lawn over to Tamaki’s house and through the opening he’s left me. He takes my hand and helps me into the much warmer house. I click the window lock as I get comfy on his bed.
“Hi.” I whisper.
Several minutes pass and neither of us say a word. My fingers pet the dark plum comforter underneath me, focusing my attention on the soft texture while the sound of yelling echoes in my mind. Tears trek down my cheeks while I try and think of what to say, not that it’s anything Tamaki doesn’t know. We’ve known each other since middle school. It’s unlikely that there’s anything I can tell him or Mirio that neither of them would know. They're probably sick and tired of you telling them the same stupid shit all the time. 
“Are you…okay?” My best friend’s gentle voice breaks the silence.
“It’s nothing new, I’m fine.” I sniffle, wiping my face and shoving my emotions away, all the way down to soles of my feet. “I just didn’t want to be alone.”
“Are you staying for the evening?” He asks. “Mother knows your situation; you know she doesn’t mind if you stay for the night.”
“I know. I don’t know if I’m staying, yet. Mom has started checking my room in the middle of the night.” I explain, raking my fingers through my hair as I look up at him with red eyes and swollen cheeks. “The fights have been getting more frequent and the drinking is worse.”
“Does Mirio know?” He asks.
“I texted him, but you know he goes to bed early. He’s already asleep, or I wouldn’t have bothered you. I’m sorry, Maki-kun.” I sigh and place my face in my hands. “I just don’t like being there at night; I feel so alone and afraid. But then I feel guilty because shouldn’t I want to be with my family? I sneak out just like she accuses me. I don’t sleep around and I don’t get into drugs like she accuses, but I’m still sneaking out. If I didn’t do that, would it make her and Dad fight less?”
“I-I wasn’t trying to imply…that you were bothering me. I only…wanted to make sure Mirio was aware…of the situation.” Tamaki trembles a bit as he explains and starts wringing his hands, eyeing his wall. “H-He’s…a lot better with encouragement. B-But…I’m sure that the situation between your parents is not your fault.”
“Then why does it feel like it?” I choke out, shoving my palms into my eyes so I won’t cry anymore. It feels like all I’ve done for the majority of my teenage life is cry. Weak. Pathetic. “Why does it feel like everything I do is the reason they won’t stop fighting? Mom won’t stop drinking. Dad’s barely home trying to provide for us. I don’t know what to do to make it stop.”
When the warmth of Tamaki’s arm wraps around me, sheltering me in safety, I break. The dam bursts and I cling to him as shaky sobs rattle through his room. Thoughts surface from the first time he and I went to middle school, his body shaking as he tried to speak up at the front of the classroom. I remember being so quiet and afraid that I hadn’t been able to reassure him, my childhood best friend. Seeing Mirio do it so easily later that afternoon had humbled me, and it wasn’t until lunch time when the two boys were sitting alone that I’d decided to be brave and join Tamaki and the blonde-haired stranger.
Since I could remember, Tamaki had always been my best friend, my ride or die. Having someone new that didn’t automatically write me off as a stuck up prick was a breath of fresh air. Mom had flagrantly accused me of being a slut the moment I’d come home raving about Mirio.
This comforter has caught more of my tears than my own. I think with an ache in my chest. Gentle, familiar hands rub up and down my shoulders as I wonder where I went wrong. Was it when I first became friends with Tamaki? With Mirio? When I got my first F on an assignment? The first time I called my mom out for cheating on Dad?
“What’s wrong with me?” I whimper.
“What do you mean?”
“They wouldn’t fight if I was gone.” I cough. “If I went away their lives would be better.”
“That’s not true!” Tamaki gasps and pulls back so he can look at me. “Life is so much brighter with you. You’re like Mirio. Everything around you…everyone you interact with…your very presence makes everyone happier.”
“It doesn’t feel like it.” I say. “I feel like I bring gloom and despair wherever I go.”
“That seems more like something I would say, don’t you think?” Tamaki teases, nudging me a bit and giving me a shaky smile. “I-I…understand better than anyone…about feeling less than adequate.”
“You’re so amazing, though! And you’re my bestie, so you know I’m honest when I say you’re the best. You’ve trained and worked so hard to be where you’re at. You’ve made great strides. And I…” I go back to playing with his comforter as he continues to let me lean into his side. “All I’ve done is–”
“You’ve trained hard too.” Tamaki never interrupts, so I make sure to heed what he says. “You were so scared to choose the hero track. We both were. But you were the one who encouraged me from the beginning to take a step into the hero world when I didn’t believe I could. You and Mirio pushed me forward toward that bright future. It never would have started so early if it wasn’t for you.”
Listening to him helps quiet my mind and focus on the more positive side of life, even as the bad voices still lurk on the outskirts of my mind. I pull back and sit up, yawning and realizing just how tired I am as my body calms down.
“...is the offer to stay still available?”
“You know my mother would never turn you down. I’ll pull out the extra futon.”
. . . . .
The guest futon feels comfortable and safe. No yelling invades my dreams to feed my nightmares. My alarm goes off about thirty minutes before I need to wake up, and when I blink my eyes open I find Takara nestled against my chest.
I grunt and thread my fingers through her hair.
“Taka-chan?” I coo, my worries instantly fading at the sight of the little girl. It takes her a moment to fully wake up, but then her pretty blue eyes blink up at me. “What are you doing here?”
“Bad jeem.” She babbles, tucking her head back into me and going to sleep again.
“Aww,” I purr, petting her hair for a few more minutes until anxiety clutches at my throat. If Mom wakes up and sees I’m gone… “Come on, Rara. I have to go back to my house.”
“No go!” She whines, holding tighter. “Iku stay?”
“I can’t stay, honey.” I frown. “I have to go to school in a little bit with your brother. And right now I have to go home so my mom doesn’t get mad at me.”
Her determination to keep me here endears me to her all the more, but I give a heavy yawn with my quirk and she’s out for the count. I shift carefully and leave her bundled up in blankets on the futon. I notice Tamaki still sleeps on, so I grab his notebook and write a note for him.
Went home. Will walk with you to school as usual, though.
I get ready for school and walk with Tamaki to Mirio’s with minimal criticism from my mother before I go. To be fair, she’s too hungover to do much aside from nurse her headache with an icepack.
The second Mirio walks up to me and Tamaki, I tackle him in a hug. I squeeze him with all my limbs and exhale all of my sad. He has a way of soaking up all of my hurts, his affection a healing balm to cure my wounds.
“Good morning, Sunbeam.” He breathes in my ear. “From the looks of your texts, it seems like you had a rough night…and not in the good way.” He winks at me, before pecking my lips. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“It’s just the same old, same old. My mom’s just been drinking more and it’s made it hard to sleep at night. I stayed at Maki-kun’s last night.” I explain, letting him set me down and taking his hand as we head to UA.
“That’s been happening more frequently. Are you sure there’s nothing we can do?” Mirio tilts his head, never losing his optimistic expression.
“No. It’s our last year at UA. There’s not really a point. Besides…I don’t want to be the reason for her getting in trouble when I’m already the reason she and Dad fight.” I hold his hand tighter, betraying my fear.
“That’s not your fault, Ichan.” He leans over to smother my cheek in kisses until I’m giggling. Only then does he smile again. “My mom once said that sometimes parents with a lot of problems try to pick the one constant in their life to become the scapegoat of all their issues and insecurities. You’re the one thing they can control, so they use it to their advantage.”
“N-Not to mention…they think…you’re oblivious to all the problems…they’ve created.” Tamaki adds on.
“It’s true. They severely underestimate that beautiful brain of yours.” Mirio slinks his arm around my waist.
He makes my back tingle as part of his arm phases through me playfully so he can comfortably rest his hand there.
“Mi-kun!” I shriek out a laugh, squirming as the strange feeling sends tremors down my spine. “I’ve told you that tickles!”
“Have you told me that?” He smirks. “I don’t recall you saying anything of the sort.”
“You totally do! I can see it on your face!”
“That’s subjective evidence.”
“Mirio-AH!” He starts tickling me in the sides with his fingers this time and I bolt down the sidewalk as the school building comes in sight.
“Oh? So we’re doing endurance training now, are we? Come on, Suneater! We can’t lose!”
I hear him getting closer behind me and use his closeness as motivation to add one last burst of speed to make it to the staircase. My foot meets the first step when Mirio’s arm swoops around my waist twirling me around and clutching me against his chest.
“Gotcha! There’s no way you beat Lemillion!” He laughs victoriously as I pant and catch my breath.
For a moment, he just holds me like that and I let him, forcing oxygen in my lungs. His smile flattens into a neutral expression as he presses his ear more intently to my chest. I flush and look around awkwardly until he speaks.
“Your heart is beating so fast right now.” Mirio hums.
“Well, yeah, I kinda just ran the last two blocks to get here.” I snort, heart still pounding in my ears. “I’ll bet your heart is beating pretty fast too.”
“I like it.” Mirio states, finally setting me on my feet and cupping my face in his hands. “The more I’m with you, the more things I find to love!”
I crinkle my nose and find something else to focus on so I don’t automatically turn down the compliment. I reach up and smooth down Mirio’s uniform collar as an excuse to touch him.
“I could say the same about you, Slippery Boi.”
He drops his hands to my waist since we still have time to wait outside and presses his forehead to mine. Poor Tamaki plants his forehead against the outer wall of the school when he recognizes the intimate look on Mirio’s face. He typically tries to give us our space as a couple when we need our affectionate moments.
“I’m glad you have Tamaki next door to help you when I’m not able to.” Mirio whispers, gazing at me with so much love. “I trust him with my life. It makes me feel better to know that he’s close by in case there’s an emergency.”
“Mi-kun, it’s not like that. My family might yell a lot, but they’d never…” I open my mouth to finish that sentence, but find I can’t. Memories of intentional bruises and cuts from my father remain burned in my memory.
“They would.” He says through pursed lips.
“They do the best they can.” I defend.
“They can still do better.”
“I know.” I look away from him.
“ You deserve better.”
Again, I can’t accept something positive about myself, at least not verbally. I’ve been working on it, but verbal agreement still remains a struggle.
“Takara came to me for nightmare comfort last night.” I change the subject.
“What do you want me to say, Mirio?” I huff, tears glistening in my eyes. “I know you think I deserve better and I know Tamaki agrees. I know you both would rather I just make an appointment with Hound Dog or bring it to a staff member’s attention, but I can’t. I don’t want…”
“You’re scared for what’ll happen when you get taken away?”
There it is. I move until my face plants against him. Mirio doesn’t allow it. He knows exactly what I need. He tilts my chin up and claims my lips fiercely, tugging my lip. He pulls back and then kisses me again, harder until my mind is blank. As we both stand there breathless, he rubs his thumbs over my cheeks.
“You don’t ever have to be afraid while I’m here.” He promises. “You don’t have to tell Hound Dog about everything, but I think you’d feel better if you at least brought up how stressed you’ve been. Midterms are coming up and you’ve worked too hard to let your parents mess that up for you. And I don’t care if you believe this, but I’m going to say it again.” He puts his forehead to mine again so I have to look into his sparkling eyes. “You deserve better.”
I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and then look up at him again. It could be time for a change, Little One. He speaks the truth. You deserve a better life than constant fear.
“Have I ever told you just how stubborn you are?” I pout.
“If you have, my ears were phased and I must have missed it.” He chuckles, kissing my forehead. “But I’ve definitely been told that my whole life a time or two.”
I roll my eyes but grin. “Don’t ever change, Mi-kun.”
“Sounds like a recipe for dirty clothes.”
That earns him a jab in the ribs just as the bell rings to start the day.
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fountainofrubies · 1 year
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7 minutes of Amajiki heaven / Tamaki x Fem reader 18+
Request: Can you write a story where Tamaki is extremely nervous at the beginning but is overcome with pleasure to the point where he starts participating whole heartedly during naughty play?
A/N: Ooooooo sounds fun :) Hope you like it!
tags/warnings: Explicit sexual content, oral sex, orgasm, genital descriptions, She/Her
🍋 Tamaki is horrified when he finds himself being forced into a game of 7 minutes of Heaven by his friends. However, he has a change of mind shortly after the game begins.
It had only been a couple of weeks since you moved out here. You had seen Tamaki multiple times by now, usually with Mirio. The first few times, he usually stood with Mirio, speaking here and there, politely greeting you or saying goodbye.
The fourth night that you saw him, he bumped into you in the hallway, knocking your book out of your hand. Granted, he was looking slightly down and thinking about something when he bumped into you, but you were the one reading, walking around a tight corner, not paying attention. Tamaki was horrified when it happened. His face filled up with blush when he saw you. He stood motionless, gasping behind his hand. “Oh! Oh no- I.. I.. umm.. ahhHh!”
As you stood back up after retrieving your book, you gently touched his forearm and rubbed it back and forth very slightly, smiling. “You’re Tamaki, right? It’s okay. It was just an accident, probably my fault too.”
His eyes darted to the side when you looked into them, he trembled as he inhaled and then held his breath, clearly anxious.
You continued, “It’s alright. You look quite a bit anxious, so you don’t have to come up with anything to say if you’re struggling right this sec.” You held up your book, “See? Nothing wrong with it. Have a good night, Tamaki.” You smiled at him sweetly as you waved goodbye. You turned the corner and continued on to your room.
Tamaki began to breathe more deeply, calming down as you walked further down the hall. “Goodnight.” he replied softly, knowing that you couldn’t hear him. He paused as he replayed the scene in his head. The surprise of it all, his panic, him fumbling to speak, him freezing when you spoke to him.. you walking off instead of watching him while waiting for a response. You touched him.. and your smile. Tamaki peeked around the corner to see if he could see you. As you turned the next corner down the long hall, you happened to look sideways and you saw him. He snapped back out of sight immediately, clutching his chest. He anxiously smiled as he began to walk more quickly to his own room.
Tonight though, you are sitting in a room, huddled together with some heroes and a few others, discussing the next round of the party game they were playing. Mirio whispers something to Nejire, and Nejire then snaps her head towards me.
“New girl!” She exclaims, “What’s your name because I think this is you!” She’s holding a white strip of paper in her hand.
“Umm it’s y/n.”
Nejire laughs, lying through her teeth, “Aha! I thought this was you! Yes, you have been selected to go with..”, she looks down as she pulls out another strip. “Tamaki for seven minutes of Heaven!” Tamaki’s head slowly turned towards Nejire, looking at her with an expression of absolute horror. Nejire lies again, “Tamaki, off you go! Mirio must’ve put your name in there!”
In a panic, Tamaki looked over to Mirio, who met his look of desperation with a shrug and a smile.
“C’mon!” Nejire grabbed Tamaki and pulled him to the room.
“N-n-Nejire no..” he croaked as she shoved him through the door.
Nejire whispered to him, “Because it takes you time to calm down, I’ll give you a little extra time!” She giggles as she leaves the door ajar, leaving Tamaki whimpering in the room.
You walk briskly to the door, concerned about Tamaki. Knowing he seems extremely shy and rather anxious, you really feel for him. Poor guy. You hear him mumbling as you approach the door. As you get close, you hear him repeating that he wants to go home. Sounding distressed, he goes silent the second you pull the door open just far enough to slip into the room and they push the door shut, so you lock it from the inside.
Tamaki, nearly sweating, standing with his back facing a corner, is watching you with a face that’s full of dread. He’s trembling, looking down at you as you sit down on the small cot in the room and exhale, smiling. “Hey,” you say, “You can relax. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. You don’t even have to talk if it’s easier for you, even if they try to keep us here for extra time.” You giggle, “I mean, I’m nervous too, locked in a small room suddenly with a really cute guy!” You smile, “I don’t blame you at all!” You break eye contact, looking down at your twirling fingers. Tamaki is standing in dead silence. You speak to him, just once more, “Oh yeah, breathe Tamaki. It’ll help you, I promise.” You go back to silence.
He exhales and takes in a deep breath, rapidly repeating the action. His breath starts to slow after a moment. He has been watching you while you are looking down at your fingers. He speaks because he actually has a question now. “Y/n… this isn’t the first time you’ve let me opt out of speaking… Why are you being so accommodating to me?”
You think very briefly, then respond. “Do you think that I called you cute just to make you feel good? I like you, Tamaki.”
He stands completely still, but his eyes look over to you and meet yours. He looks away, thinking, but also laughing nervously. He blushes as he says “Um.. Thanks.”
“Sure thing!” You reply, smiling at him. You proceed to silently sit there. He doesn’t let that last long though.
He speaks again, “I like you too. But that’s about all I got when it comes to knowing how to talk to you.”
“Aww!” You smile, standing up and taking a step towards him. “There are no real rules about how you need to talk to me in this moment. It makes me feel good to know that you like me too.” You eye his face. You ask him, flirting, but also giving him the opportunity to answer honestly. “Do you think that if I kissed you, you’d like it? You might get into it and before you know it.. you might actually really like 7 minutes of Heaven.”
Tamaki blushes furiously and looks at you, staring. You add, “If you don’t think so, you can tell me. If it’s all too much right now, just say nothing. No answer is an answer too, you know.” You touch his elbow, stroking it with your thumb. “Honestly, I’ll still like you even if that’s the case. I’m in no rush. I don’t mind giving you whatever you need.. even if it’s a flat out no.”
Tamaki inhales sharply as he leans forward, quickly closing the gap, locking lips with you as he touches the back of your neck gently. It seems he caught your mouth just right, pulling you into a soft, gentle, simple but heady kiss. He doesn’t move at all while he presses into you, holding you. Seconds tick by. He pulls away, looking at you in your eyes, watching you as he breathes slightly heavier than usual. His face looks slightly strained, his head, titled back. His cheeks are pink and his mouth open, showing a glimpse of his pretty teeth.
You practically jump into his arms, latching onto him immediately, wrapping your arms around his neck, grasping a full handful of his thick, cool colored hair as you kiss him deeply. Your tongue moves into his mouth. Reflexively, he responds by stretching his forward until you feel it touching yours. Losing yourself in the moment, you moan into his mouth.
He shudders, the sound making his heart beat even faster. He feels his blood pooling, a feeling of tightness grips him as his cock grows full and hard. Tamaki is thinking quickly, ‘I wonder if our tongues touching is what made her moan like that? Should I try it again? Okay, yeah.. I’ll just test it..’ As your mouth pulls away and you tilt your head a little more to the side, you grab ahold of his lips with yours again, this time he reaches into your mouth, running the tip of his tongue down the closest side of yours. You moan again, trembling, grabbing his bicep as you lean into the kiss with more pressure. ‘Yes that was it.. I wonder if.. if maybe I.. ah, fuck it.’ He puts his hands on your hips and pulls away from the kiss, looking at you square in the eye as he tilts his head back. He lets his mouth fall open, as he stretches his tongue out, towards his chin, flexing it so that the tip pointed at you slightly.
“Ughh~” you moan in a higher pitch as you grab his chin. You lean forward, whispering his name as you open your mouth and move at him from an angle that allows you to take his tongue into your mouth as you go. You moan again as you touch his tongue again, swirling yours around it. Your hands roam up to his head again, grabbing handfuls of hair to hold as you move more passionately.He begins to kiss you back with just as much pressure as you’re giving him, making sure to reach for you with his tongue every time he feels yours move. He feels a thrill each time you moan, which you’re doing regularly at this point. He’s good and stiff now, you feel it as you press up against him. You take a step back from him, catching your breath, eyeing him with a look of arousal and desire.
He stares at you. His eyes look needy as he moves back and forth slightly, his chest rising and falling quickly. He’s definitely fired up. Maybe it’s the heat in this moment, or the adrenaline from the anxiousness, or both.. but either way, when you step back a few more steps and bend slightly, patting the cot beside you, he moves towards you without thinking. You hold his hand and push down on his shoulder, sitting him down on the cot and then you climb into his lap, straddling him. He moans very lightly as you lower yourself onto him, feeling his stiffness pressed against your hot, now wet center. His cock is obviously large and full. It makes your nipples hard just feeling it. You bask in the sweet sound he made when he moaned, having imagined making him moan for quite a few days now. You move against him, holding yourself up just a bit, gyrating slightly and slowly as you kiss him. His breaths are coming quickly but softly as you pull away from the kiss. You grab his hair into another handful, grasping his chin with your other hand, you gently tilt his head back. His eyes are still on you, looking at you from underneath his lowered lids. He looks so incredibly sexy. You kiss him beside his lips, then on his cheek, next, his jaw, and then, his neck. You move your hips slightly faster as you rotate them, putting a breathtaking amount of suction into the kiss, swirling your tongue on every part of his neck that you kiss.
Tamaki moans out louder. “Ahh~” his voice is deep, thick with pleasure. It was a sound of pure deliciousness. You begin to hump him, almost involuntarily. You put a bit more pressure on his lap as you move, causing him to let out a high whine as you suck on the bottom of his neck while you're grinding on him. “Ah~ I.. had no idea that you wanted any.. of this.. with me.. Ugh~” he whispers your name. His face is dripping with sex appeal, you can’t help but to crave wanting to see the face he makes when he orgasms.
“This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what all I want to do with you.” You say lowly, in a sultry tone.
Tamaki looks at you, breathing heavily still. “Wh- what else do you want to do with me?” He asks timidly, excited but bashfully. He’s fighting the urge to push down on you and press his cock into you with a lot more pressure. He tucks his fingers underneathe him as he sits still under you.
You answer, “Think of any and everything that can be done to you that would make you moan, Amajiki. That’s what I want to do with you. That sound drives me wild.” You lick his neck, moaning softly. “ If you want me to do more, just say so, I’ll show you a couple of the things I want to do to you. If you do that though, just know that you can also tell me to wait or stop at any point, and I will. I won’t ask any questions, I’ll just stop.” You’re pleading now, caught up in the moment, deeply desiring and hoping that he will give you the green light to play with him. You remind yourself to respect his answers and limits without fail though.
Tamaki looks down at your face, his nose nearly touching yours, his breath caressing your face. After a few breaths, he says softly, but clearly, “More please..”
You get up and pull Tamaki to his feet by his hand. You move him towards the wall, pushing his back flat against it. You kiss him passionately, moaning softly as you reach under his shirt and caress his abs with your fingertips while you rest your other hand on the back of his neck as you lean against him. He inhales sharply at your touch, but he doesn’t say anything. He tenses up but then releases the muscles. You run your fingers up to his chest and then slowly down to his waistband.
He shivers in your arms as you reach his hips, slipping your hand inside his sweatpants. He presses his open hands flat onto the wall behind him, not knowing what else to do with them. He grits his teeth, moaning softly, but deeply as you trace the skin leading to the base of his cock. You pull his pants down, grabbing his boxers at the same time and his cock bounces out after it pulls free. He is breathing very heavily now, mouth open, watching you. You gently take the head of his thick, long cock in your hand and rub his precum all around in your palm while he gasps at the contact. You use the slickness to twist your fist around the head of his cock in a smooth motion.
He reflexively grabs your shoulder as he moans , no longer even feeling odd for letting it out, because he knows that it drives you crazy for him. “Ughh~” He squeezes your shoulder as you continue, filling him with tingly pleasure. He loosens his grip on your shoulder and lets you slip out of his hand as you kneel down, pressing your soft lips on the head of his cock as you run your fingertips along the bottom side of his length.
“Ahh~! Y/N! Ahh~” He breathes quickly, “I haven’t ever- Ughhh~” He moans as you begin to suck his cock, moving backwards and forwards. He gasps as your hand pumps the length of it, meeting your mouth with each stroke. “Mmm~” His voice is shaking now. In between moans, he says “I can’t believe.. this.. is happening right now…. Nngh~”
He is now making short, soft but still sloppy thrusts towards you now as you pump him with a stronger grip, using your mouth to suck on and twist around the head. He moans more urgently, and a lot louder as he tries to stifle it with one of his hands.
He feels weird using certain terms, so he says what he can in between very labored breaths. “Umm.. uh.. you’re about to… AHH~.. to.. finish… this.”
You pump harder and faster, deep throating him as far as you can in order to catch every drop in your mouth.
He starts to shake.. “OH MY G- Ahh Ahh AH!~” He rapidly moans, with urgency and repetition, trying his hardest to keep his mouth covered. A splash of bitterness shoots forward from his pulsing cock, he roughly grabs a handful of your hair without a second’s thought and thrusts into your mouth each time he spasms. He keeps pumping it into your mouth, his spasms slowly subsiding. He’s breathing extremely hard as a knock comes at the door and the handle jiggles. Good thing you locked it earlier. Wide eyed, he breathes through clenched teeth as he looks down at you and realizes how tightly he is holding your head with his fist full of your hair. He lets go of it immediately, looking worried. “I- I’m sorry.” he whispers.
You clean your saliva off of your face with your sleeve, looking up at him. “Don’t be. You were amazing. Thanks for the kiss. Let’s do this again sometime.”
Tamaki laughs softly, “Yes ma’am.” As I unlock the door, as he fumbles, trying to make himself look or maybe at least feel like he looks normal. I open the door and we walk out, meeting staring faces.
Nejire speaks first, “Tamaki.. you look… calm.”
Tamaki laughs, swimming with endorphins. “Um..”
I save him, “Of course he is. We took the opportunity to have a delightful, long conversation.” I turn to wink at him so that only he can see. I go to sit down at a table, he follows.
As you sit down, he joins you. You ask him, “Do you still want to go home?”
“Absolutely.” He answers immediately. “Want to come with me?”
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lotusarchon · 11 hours
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replacement (mk x reader)
content warnings: trans male reader/reader uses he/him pronouns, badly written drabble for an alternate ending to my suneater au, lady bone demon is a dick, possession mention, ummmmm oh yeah reader is dead, sooo angst
author's notes: if I could explain why I wrote this I wouldn't be in misery rn
A bouquet of white flowers sits on a tombstone. MK's forgotten what they're called―he's never been the flower reading type anyway. He's never bothered to learn what they mean or what kinds they are; pretty flowers were just that for him, pretty flowers. There was nothing more to it than that.
You would've known though. You've always loved flowers, since your little sister loved them too.
“Why leave flowers at a false grave? You know she's not properly dead, no?” The Lady Bone Demon's voice is heavy with amusement. She still sees it as a game, a bit of harmless fun.
She thinks you deserve it. She can barely use her powers in this fragile body without her life at risk, yet here this noodle boy was, mourning you. You weren't dead…well. You were, but your body is still here. He should be happy he gets to see your face all the time!
He sighs. “I don't have time for you.”
“When do you ever? You're always crying over him―” She rolls her eyes. “Oh my darling (Name). It's pathetic.”
She continues, checking her nails, “What is it you mortals say? Ah, move on. You mourning him like this is only causing the both of you to suffer.”
MK glanced at her. It's your face, for sure, that he sees, but the smile isn't yours. Your eyes don't hold cruelty to them the way hers has.
She's not you. 
But, she's right. There was no need to have a tombstone made for you, but how else is he supposed to cope? He knows, and she knows too; you're gone. You're gone…and his life feels incomplete.
He blames himself, mostly, and she knows that. If he'd acted sooner, if he'd listened to you, this wouldn't have happened. You'd be here, and she'd be dead.
“Why do you like seeing me in pain?” He asks tiredly, glancing as she seats herself on your tombstone without shame. “Haven't you done enough already?”
“I did what I had to do.” The Bone Demon rests her hands on her lap, eyes focused on him. “I was merely trying to fix the world you and your predecessor destroyed. Mortal arrogance is beyond a god's indeed. You are exactly like your maker.”
She tilts her head. “Haven't I told you? Pursuit leads to pain. I don't care for you. You are the one that keeps me around. You falsely believe your beloved will return. This isn't a fairytale, boy, and you are no prince charming. Your beloved is no damsel in distress.”
She hops off the slab of rock, and MK steps away. The Bone Demon merely rolls her eyes, turning her back to him.
“Get over yourself. We're both stuck here for as long as Time will last. And I have no intention of leaving until my powers return, noodle boy.”
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@lotusarchon , 10.06.2024, all rights reserved. do not copy, repost or translate my works without permission. comments, reblogs and likes are appreciated!
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billiethepumpkin · 8 months
Ships in the Night: Tamaki Amajiki
Kinktober Day 3
Warnings: Rated X. This content is intended to be viewed by those aged 18 years or older. If you are a minor, please do not interact.
Contains: Dominant reader. Male masturbation. Voyeurism. Handjob. Male orgasm. Overstimulation. Dacryphilia (crying). Begging.
Author's Note: All characters are written to be aged 18 years or older because I am an old fuck. :)
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It had been days since you had even seen each other. 
Suneater was an up and coming hero, and he was on call practically 24/7. He was exhausted by the time he got done with his patrol shifts, and he was often called away in the middle of the night to handle villains. You, on the other hand, were going strong in your own career, and you were just as busy as him. You both worked an insane amount of hours, and you rarely ever had time to spend on yourselves, let alone each other. Even though you lived together, you were like ships passing in the night. 
Amajiki had been exhausted at work. He was out of it, barely able to hold it together as he walked down the street. So now here he was, walking into his apartment earlier than usual because someone had noticed just how tired he was. He practically fell into bed after tugging his shirt over his head and changing into his pajama pants. He had every intention of going to sleep right then and there. 
But then he rolled over. He caught the scent of you on your pillow, the smell of your shampoo tingling his nose. You, his wonderful partner, the one he hadn’t even seen in a week. Even the scent of you brought so many sensations to his body and mind, and his arousal twitched to life. Tamaki tried to ignore it. He tried to just roll back over and go to sleep. But now, you were heavy on his mind, and he couldn’t stop thinking about you. Your scent. Your touch. Your kiss. You flooded every corner of his mind, and he couldn’t help but grind against nothing but his pajama pants. 
He gave in to his own needs, and he picked up his phone to find something to watch. Just something to take the edge off, just something to help him feel better until you could get your hands on each other. That would be enough.
Amajiki started to stroke himself. Up and down, faster and faster as he continued on and on. His breathing got heavier, and he could feel himself on the verge of falling over the edge into sweet orgasm. But he just couldn’t. There was something missing. 
And then it walked through the door. 
The bedroom door opened, and Tamaki started to panic. What were you doing home this early? You weren’t usually home for several hours. He had such an urge to escape this situation, somehow. But there was no escape. There was no way out. He just sat there, face glowing bright red and stammering, “Um–, uhh–” over and over. 
In your view, you saw him sitting up against the headboard, looking up at you with warm cheeks, his dick hard in one hand and his phone in the other. You just sighed and smirked, your own cheeks warm now, too. He was so cute, so handsome, the way he looked up at you so innocently. You couldn’t help yourself now. You sat down in your spot on the bed. “Shh,” you hushed, brushing a hair out of his face. “It’s okay, baby,” you whispered, pulling Tamaki onto your lap. You looked up at him, stripped and twitching with excitement. You grabbed his thighs, kneading the muscled flesh that was there. With one hand, you traced gentle lines along his thighs. With the other, you held his face. You began to gently kiss all over Amajiki’s face, over his neck and his chest. “You’re so good, sweet boy,” you cooed. He whimpered a little, both at the nickname and at your touch. “I know, baby,” you said between kisses. “I know you’re so frustrated. Why don’t I help you out, hm?” 
He nodded frantically. “Yes please.”
You smiled up at him. “That’s my good boy,” you said, kissing his lips gently, but still deeply. The kiss lingered, as it lit up your body for both of you. He was desperate for your touch, and Amajiki was squirming on your lap, subconsciously trying to entice you to touch him sooner. You laughed quietly into the kiss, and you wrapped your hand around his length, now throbbing with desire, his arousal leaking from the tip of his cock. 
You could feel yourself twitching, too, wanting desperately for him to feel good for you.
You stroked once. “Good, baby,” you cooed up at him. “You’re doing such a good job for me.” You stroked again, and then a third time, and he whined above you as his cum dribbled from his cock and over your fingers. Amajiki whined loudly, and he squirmed as he made his pleasure known. “Oh, honey,” you whispered. “You were so pent up, huh? You needed that, didn’t you?”
Amajiki nodded again. “Mhm,” he hummed, still squirming and breathing heavily. You saw the blush creep from his cheeks to his ears. He didn’t want it to be over so soon, but he didn’t know how he was supposed to keep going, especially with how sensitive your touch always made him. 
You continued to stroke him, Tamaki’s cum dribbling from your fingers. He moaned and whimpered, so much more sensitive now than when he started. “Do you think you can cum again, Tama?” you asked, your free hand caressing his face. 
Tamaki nodded furiously, and you smirked to yourself. You started to stroke again, more gently this time, and he whimpered above you. You were so fascinated by him, unable to take your eyes off of his face. Suneater, the fierce hero, falling apart for you at every turn. You were fascinated by him, by all the sweet noises he made as you stroked time and time again. 
It was so much. He was so sensitive, and the feeling of your hand around him was so intense. And somehow he just needed more, more, more than he thought he could handle. He grabbed your hand and held it tightly, his grip fervent, but wavering as Tamaki’s pleasure washed over his body. He leaned forward and kissed you, and you could feel his breath heavy on your face. 
When he pulled away, you saw the tears welling up in the corners of his eyes. And now Amajiki was embarrassed for an entirely different reason. You were pressed up against him, kissing him so sweetly, making him feel so good, and here he was crying? He wanted to scold his own body for betraying him like this. But it was just so much. He couldn’t describe it any other way. He just felt everything in every corner of his body, and he loved it, but it was just way too much. 
“Hey,” you cooed up at him, stopping your stroking for a minute and stroking his hair. “Do you need me to stop?”
“No!” he answered, just as frantically as he had been before. “No, please. Please touch me more!” His hips squirmed on your lap, and you quickly recognized that he was trying to thrust in your hand. 
You smiled again. “Okay, honey,” you said with your smile plastered across your face. You started to stroke again, and Amajiki sighed at your pleasure. He quickly wiped the tears from his face. 
“Please,” you heard him whisper, “please, please, please.”
“You’re doing so good, baby,” you cooed at him. “Your cock feels so good in my hand. You’re making such pretty noises for me.” You caressed his thighs and hips, and he rested his forehead against yours. Truthfully, he meant to lean in and kiss you, but everything was so intense in that moment that his mind went blank. “I want you to cum for me, baby,” you pleaded. “I want you to feel so good for me. You’re such a good boy for me.”
And just like that, his cock was leaking around your hand again, his white semen covering your fingertips as Tamaki whined and whimpered and squirmed. “Good job, baby,” you whispered, mere centimeters from his face. It was then that his lips finally crashed into yours. 
As Tamaki came down from his orgasm, you leaned to find his shirt discarded on the floor next to the bed. You wiped his cum off of your hand, and you pulled the blanket up over his shoulders. “I miss you,” he confessed, his head now resting on your shoulder. Your fingers ghosted over the skin on his back, and his chest rose and fell heavily. “What are you doing at home?” he said, not picking his head up. 
“I got out of work early,” you said. “I wanted to surprise you.” You wrapped your arms around his waist and locked your fingers behind his back. 
“Mm,” he hummed, nodding his head. His body became heavy on top of yours. “‘M tired,” he confessed. 
You sighed a laugh, and you said, “I can tell.” You kissed his shoulder, then up his neck, and then his cheek. “Why don’t we take a nap?” you suggested. 
Tamaki sighed and nodded, and he allowed himself to fall off your lap and onto his side of the bed. 
You fell asleep with your arms wrapped around his waist, holding him as closely as you possibly could.
It was the best sleep Tamaki had gotten all week.
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This work was written by Abigail "Billie" Rothenberger. Please do not copy this work on Tumblr or any other platform.
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fatkish · 18 days
Can you do some headcanons of Fat Gum, Ryuukyu and Sir Nighteye taking custody of a teen reader who is a reformed villian/vigilante.
Fatgum, Ryukyu, and Sir Nighteye x. Reformed Villain/Vigilante Teen Reader
You grew up among villains since your parents were villains, they never really taught you right from wrong and kinda neglected you
You mostly just stole in order to survive, taking only what you needed and nothing more
One day you stole but got cornered by none other than Suneater, with little to no choice, you used your quirk to phase through him but ran right into Fatgum, literally
You got stuck in his fat but after you passed out, he realized just how skinny you were
He took you to the hospital and was upset to find that not only were you severely underweight and slightly malnourished, but your parents had been arrested leaving you to fend for yourself
He decided that moment that he would take you under his wing, he’d teach you right from wrong and give you whatever you needed to get on the right path
When you woke up and he told you it was either go with him or juvenile detention, you happily chose him
The first thing he did was bring you food and help you get to a healthy weight
Once that was done, he began to help you with learning to live normally and even helped you learn how to make friends at your new school, Shiketsu Academy
As your life began to change and become more normalized, you thanked Fatgum who decided to adopt you since you needed an active and actual parental figure in your life
From that day on you happily accepted your new dad and the two of you became family
You would try to cook all kinds of different foods and you both would try them, sometimes you made a great dish and other times… well, you believed in not wasting food but that ended up with you in the hospital from having food poisoning so…
You began to have a passion for cooking and would become a great chef all thanks to your dad
You were an anti-hero. You did what was necessary to keep others safe and would even kill to protect the innocent
You were skilled in combat and were pretty decent with the use of your quirk
One day you cornered a particularly nasty villain and had nearly managed to take them out but suddenly you were both shot at
You saw a couple heroes and tried to escape only to be confronted by Ryukyu
You tried to escape but after Ryukyu decided to transform, your battle was over
Since you technically had yet to kill, but had incredible skill, the HPSC hoped that you could be reformed into a hero
So they decided that you would be placed in the care of Ryukyu
At first, you tried to sneak out only to get caught every time, you’d constantly argue with Ryukyu on morals and rules, saying that some were stupid and that others needed revision
When Ryukyu saw how you viewed society, she discovered that you weren’t necessarily wrong, but you could definitely go about things in a better way
She decided to help you find a better way to make the changes you wanted to make in society but in legal ways only
As you both grew to have a mutual understanding and respect for one another’s views and values, you decided that she wasn’t so bad and accepted her
As that happened, she too, accepted you and you both became extremely close, almost like family
After that, you would go on to become one of the best underground heroes ever
Sir Nighteye:
Reader was an Orphan and a vigilante who used their own gear that they designed to catch criminals
You never used your quirk on criminals since that would be breaking the law and you didn’t want to get in trouble for that
You had created small devices that were a disguised as bugs like dragonflies and butterflies/moths. You made them contain small cameras and have tracking devices in them
These devices would fly around and would be able to attach small trackers to people or things when they land on them
You used these spy flies to help you with your vigilante work, you’d track criminals to places and use your technology to apprehend them and then alert the police to come and get them
You made sure to wear a mask and hide your identity, you also didn’t leave your technology behind for heroes to find and repurpose or mess with since your creations were precious to you
The Nighteye agency had been investigating your work and were trying to apprehend you but you kept evading them
One day, Sir Nighteye used his quirk on a suspected criminal and foresaw you apprehending them and decided to set up a trap for you
You followed the suspect to an abandoned warehouse where he and his supposed associates were hiding. Only to be caught by the Nighteye agency
When Sir Nighteye saw how young you really were, he decided that your talents would be wasted in Juvenile Detention and that you had a bright future ahead of you, granted, that you stayed on the right path
When Nighteye found out that you had been rescued by All Might as a child when your parents had died in an apartment building’s collapse, he saw how much you admired All Might
When you told him that All Might is an older hero and that he’s bound to retire eventually and that you feared for that day and that’s why you became a vigilante, he knew that you were a good kid and just needed a helping hand to get you on the right path in life
So he decided to take you in and teach you how to become a hero and although he may be strict and seem like a scary and intimidating guy, you both bonded over your admiration for All Might
When you showed him and had explained to him all your technology and how it works, he was curious as to why you weren’t in a hero school in a support course, you explained to him that your orphanage didn’t have the funding to send you to a hero school, which is why you had no other choice but to become a vigilante
After that, he decided to use his connections to enroll you in UA’s support course, to which you thanked him endlessly and hugged him calling him your hero. After that, he also adopted you and became your legal guardian
In time, you and your new friend Mei Hastume would become partners and become two of that century’s greatest technological creators and you both would go to live on I-Island
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dira333 · 5 months
Assistant to the Hero Part I - Amajiki x Reader
Requested by @fuzztacular , part II will follow tomorrow. Part of my Follower Celebration
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- 5 days as his assistant
With only a few days left until Washio-san’s retirement party, you’re just a little surprised that they’re calling you in for an interview.
You’ve worn your best clothes to work every day for the last two weeks, hoping against hope that you’ll be called in. Washio-san has been Suneater’s assistant ever since he started working at Fatgum’s agency. You’ve heard all the rumors.
How he’s picky, doesn’t talk to anyone but Fatgum and Washio-san - or maybe Kirishima-kun, and never attends any office parties.
But you’ve also heard of him from Kirishima-kun - one of the three junior Heroes you’re managing - and he tells an entirely different story.
With three years at the agency under your belt, you’re more than ready to take on one of the bigger sidekicks of Fatgum and you know that you’re capable of assisting Suneater. All you need is a chance.
And if the ongoing interviews are any indication, he hasn’t picked his new assistant yet.
“Y/N, welcome.” Washio-san is a grey-haired woman. You’ve never met her without a smile on her lips or a colorful pin on her blazer. Today, she’s got a tiny, vibrantly purple hummingbird pinned to her chest.
“Thank you for thinking of me.” You shake her hand and take a seat.
“I’m sorry we didn’t approach you sooner, but you might know that quite a few assistants were up for a promotion. Since you’ve finished your first three years with great reviews from everyone around, it’s also your choice which sidekick you want to work for.”
That’s news to you. “It’s… my choice?”
Washio-san nods and shuffles her papers, waiting for you to make your move. But you don’t know what to say. Should you tell them that you want to work for Suneater? But surely everyone wants to work for him. But if you don’t say his name and pick someone else and no one ends up picking him? He’d be heartbroken to hear that.
“Who…” You start and cough awkwardly to clear your throat. “I mean I’m sure that if everyone got to voice their choice, quite a few choose the same hero, am I right?”
“Who…” You look down at your hands to steel your nerves. “Who didn’t get picked? It’s… It’s not that I don’t have preferences, I’d lie if I said I don’t. But I always felt that at this agency, everyone was doing their best. No one deserves not to get picked. I’d rather assist someone misunderstood than just voice my preference.”
“Well, isn’t that nice of you?” Washio-san smiles knowingly. “I’m happy to report that no one went without a pick so far. But I believe that Suneater got picked the least.”
The relieved sigh leaves your lips before you can hold it back.
Washio-san’s knowing grin grows only wider and you bite your lip.
“Well, in that case, someone else picked him already, right?” You blunder on. “A-and it w-wouldn’t be fair to take their place. Not that I could take it that lightly, I mean, you’d have to decide that, right?”
“Why do you think you’d be a better match as Suneater’s assistant.”
There’s a new tone to Washio-san’s voice, like steel hidden behind velvet. You’re reminded that she’s kept working here for all her life, all three of her pregnancies and that she basically built up this agency. Suneater is probably like a son to her. A grandson, more likely.
You won’t get past her with flattery or trying to sound nice. And you owe her your honesty.
“I don’t think that I get to say who’s the best match for him.” You tell her, voice strong now that you talk from your heart. “I think everyone could work well with him if they treat him with basic decency. Kirishima talks highly about him and I believe Kirishima above all else.”
Washio-san nods and gets up. “Thank you. This will be all.”
“O-Oh… of course.” You scramble to get up yourself, shake her hand when she offers it, and walk to the door. This interview hasn’t given you any insight on the matter but you’re just a junior assistant anyway.
“Oh, by the way.” Washio-san calls out when you’re at the door. “Just between the two of us. You would have picked him, am I right? Suneater, I mean.”
“I…” You shrug, mouth pulled into a tight line. “Yeah,” you admit softly. “But I’ll work with whomever you pick for me. I like all of our sidekicks a lot.”
-1 day as his assistant
Five minutes before you have to leave for Washio-san’s retirement party, your computer pings, signaling incoming mail.
You click on the letter icon, ignoring Kirishima’s excited babbling about yesterday’s patrol.
The letter is short, but it leaves your head spinning.
“Kirishima?” You grind through your teeth. “I got the position.”
“No way!” He’s on your back immediately, his weight crushing you against your keyboard. “NO FREAKING WAY!!”
To Kirishima, you're celebrating your new job. You have to remind him constantly not to tell everyone he meets. This is still Washio-san’s retirement party after all.
She hugs you, thanks you profoundly for the pin you wrapped as delicately as you could. It's a silver squid, its tentacles glittering with deep indigo stones. It cost you almost an entire month of pay but it's so worth the smile on her face.
“This might be my favorite present, “ she tells you in a whisper, “But don't tell anyone. It reminds me of Tamaki.”
The man itself is nowhere to be seen. He's not on patrol, that you know from Kirishima, but you would have been surprised to see him at a party with this many guests anyway.
Only when the cake has almost been devoured and the drinks are already finished, you spot his trademark indigo hair.
He's wearing skinny jeans and a black cardigan and of you hadn't known him, you might have taken him as an overworked accountant.
“I put some cake away.” You tell him, plate in hand. “Kirishima said you like sweet stuff.”
He flushes bright red and his mouth forms a line that's so straight you could use it as a ruler.
“Oh, I am sorry, I didn't want to surprise you.” You rub your neck awkwardly. “We don't even have to talk. I’m your new assistant, starting tomorrow. I’ll just leave this here with you.”
You offer him the plate and he takes it, hands shaking.
It's obvious that he's trying to talk, just as obvious that he's trying to make eye contact, but he's failing at both.
“You don't have to make eye contact with me.” You point out softly. “Just look at my shoulder when you address me. That's more than enough.”
A heavy sigh leaves him when he does so
“I wanna go home.” He mutters, flushes even brighter when he seems to realize what he just said.
“I get that. I think it makes it that much more special that you still showed up for Washio-san. I will get her for you, so that you can leave right after, okay?”
1 Month as his assistant
It’s a good thing that you don’t like small talk or feel the need to fill Silence with chatter. If you keep quiet long enough, Suneater will forget that you exist and almost relax while doing his paperwork, sometimes even humming a tune under his breath.
When you keep exceptionally quiet, you might even allow yourself to look at him from the corner of your eye.
He is, without a doubt, the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen.
He is also nice, capable in a fight, and a good boss when he can do things in writing instead of approaching you directly.
Every week, without fail, a little present will pop up on your table, usually when you come back from lunch and he’s on his way out to patrol.
Some chocolates, a single Daisy in a drinking glass, a foreign coin that’s polished so well it reflects the sunlight.
It feels like little presents one would get from a bird and in a way, he reminds you of one, how shy and on edge he is all the time.
The first time you hadn’t been sure if the gifts were really coming from him. After all, there was still creepy Jin from Accounting who liked to bring you gifts in the hopes you’d go on a date with him in exchange.
But Jin’s presents had always been more showy and he’d never take the chance that you mistook it for someone else's work.
You’d written a card then, just in case, and put it on top of the paperwork Suneater had to sign.
“Thank you for the Chocolate, it’s my favorite kind. I hope it was from you. If not, please just mark this card with an X and put it back on my table and I will not mention it again.”
The card never came back to you. You found it in one of the drawers of his desk instead, when you went looking for a file for Fatgum a week later.
“Have you seen Suneater?” Some girl from Accounting bursts through the door of your office. You blink up at her in perfectly veiled annoyance.
“Bathroom break, I think.” You offer politely and she huffs in annoyance and leaves, leaving the door open.
You get up to close it, hearing a mumbled “Thank you.” from behind his desk when you go back to your chair.
“Of course.” You send a smile in his direction, barely able to see the tip of his right ear and some of his hair from where you sit. He’d been hiding behind the table for over an hour now, dropped down on the floor in a heap right after patrol, and refused any offer of water or blankets.
“You can call me Amajiki.” He mumbles again. “Tamaki Amajiki.”
“Thank you, Amajiki-kun.” You dare to say a few more words, hoping it won’t backfire. “If you want to talk about something, I’m always here to listen.”
“It’s stupid.”
“I’m sure it’s not.”
“My roommate’s moving out.”
You blink. That answer is unexpected.
“You’re not happy about it, I assume?”
“He’s my best friend.”
You nod, now understanding at least some extent of the problem.
“Did you have a fight, or…?”
“He’s moving in with his girlfriend.”
“Oh, that’s a big step. How do you feel about it?”
Amajiki moves back and your eyes meet for the briefest of moments before he turns the other way, now hiding completely from your sight.
He’s quiet for a while and you imagine how red he must be, the way he always turns when you can’t help but talk to him.
“Whether you feel sad about it or upset or anything else, your feelings are valid.” You say into the Silence when he’s still not talking. “I still remember when my roommate moved out.”
“Why did they move out?”
“Oh, Kyoko got married right after College.” You tell him. “And I was so happy for her, because Ryūnosuke is the nicest guy ever, but you can’t help but wish that some things stay the same forever, right? We had such a nice thing going on. After she left, I couldn’t find a long-term roommate for that apartment and had to move into something smaller.”
You bite your lip when you realize that you’re talking about yourself. Hasn’t being quiet paid off well for you up until now?
“Where do you live?”
Surprise washes over you. Does Amajiki want you to keep talking?
Heart beating loudly, you explain where you live. Your cheeks burn when he speaks up again.
“That neighborhood is not the safest.”
“No.” You clear your throat, Shame climbing up your neck. “But it’s cheap.”
“If you need-” You interrupt him before he can offer you a place to stay - you don’t want pity.
“Accounting girl is coming back.” If you can hear her stomping that well through the door, you fear for the ears of those outside
Amajiki falls quiet and you wait, wondering if he’ll get up to face her.
He doesn’t.
The door bursts open yet again.
“Is Suneater here now?”
You level the girl with an annoyed glare.
“No, he’s not here right now, he’s just left for lunch.”
“Why didn’t you tell him to wait?” She asks, clearly angry.
“I don’t work for you. What do you need him for anyway?”
“None of your business.”
“I’m his assistant. It’s very much my business.”
“Fine.” She huffs and places a folder on your desk. You recognize the color immediately. This isn’t something she’d ever need Amajiki for.
“But tell him to call me as soon as he can.”
“Will do.” You say and cross your fingers in your mind.
1,5 Months as his assistant
You put the perfectly round pebble on Amajiki’s table.
“What’s that?” He asks and picks it up to inspect it.
“I found it on my way here and thought you’d like it.” You say, ashamed of it now that you can hear yourself say the words. “But you can just throw it away if you don’t… I just thought because of the stuff you bring me…”
He pulls open a drawer, takes out a box, and opens it, carefully placing the pebble inside.
“Thank you.” He says without making eye contact. “It’s appreciated.”
“Very well.” You move over to your own desk, knowing full well that he’d just get nervous if you stand around him too much.
“What’s that?” You pick up the folder and read the first paragraph. “An ad for a roommate?”
“I have to start looking for one.” His voice has started quivering now, a clear sign that he’s getting nervous. You focus on reading to give him some space.
“Amajiki?” You make a point to never look directly at his face. Looking at the name tag on his desk usually works fine.
“If you want me to proof read the ad I have to say that it’s well written. The price is too low however. You should raise it, considering where you live.”
“The price is fine. Can you… do the interviews?”
“Sure.” You nod. “I’ll pick three people and let you decide from there. Do you only want male roommates or?”
“Both is fine.” He chokes out and you nod, turning back to your work.
2,5 Months as his assistent
The noise from below is deafening.
You’re hiding in the closet, cradling your emergency bag to your chest.
It’s not the first night you’re losing sleep because some villain or other decided that he wanted to prove himself in your neighboorhood. This time the target must have been the pizzeria below your apartment.
The door to your apartment crashes open but you manage to flinch only slightly.
Steps echo through the little space, someone yells something from the staircase - the hallways outside create a very distinct kind of echo - and your apartment falls quiet again.
You stay where you are and wait, phone in your hand.
It’s almost midnight when you hear steps again, this time quieter.
“Everything clear.” You know that voice.
Slowly you open your closet door to peer outside.
The lights are on and in the doorway, Kirishima is trying to put your door back into its frame.
“Kirishima?” You ask, surprised to see him here.
“Oi! What are you doing in the closet?” He’s at your side in a heartbeat, pulling you up. “Did someone kidnap you? Amajiki! Come here!”
“No, I live here.” You protest when Kirishima pulls you towards the door.
Amajiki, who’s just stepped in, freezes at your sight.
“You live here?” Kirishima sounds surprised but not judgy and you’re thankful for that.
“You’re not hurt, right?” Amajiki is still unable to look into your eyes, but he makes a point in looking at your shoes and your elbows as if those are the places to check for injuries.
“Completely fine. I hid in the closet.”
“That was pretty dangerous.” Kirishima tells you. “How would you have defended yourself?”
“Where are you sleeping tonight?” Amajiki interrupts you, glaring at the door instead of you as he speaks. “The door is broken.”
“I’m just going to grab some change of clothes and leave for the agency. I can take a nap there and get an early start.”
“I have a free room.” You stare at Amajiki with your mouth open.
Before you can refuse the offer, Kirishima already claps you on the back with more force than necessary.
“That’s a great idea. That’s so manly of you, Amajiki!”
“They’re sending someone to fix my door tomorrow, err, today, I mean. Later today.”
“There’s no rush.” Amajiki is staring at his fridge as you carry your bag into his apartment.
“The smaller bedroom is free. I have to get back to patrol. The bus to the agency leaves every fifteen minutes at the corner. I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah, thank you.”
It’s weird being in his apartment by yourself even though you’ve been here before.
He’d shown you around once, told you what he could compromise on, and gave you a key to show others around.
That had been about a month ago but he’d yet to agree to anyone you thought he’d be compatible with.
Something you’d been annoyed with yesterday but had to be thankful for tonight when it meant you could crash in his spare room.
Here, in the quiet dark, the fear comes back with vengeance.
You’d been doing a lot of hiding in your closet lately and while you’d come out safe every time so far, you’d have to do something about that.
Just not right now.
You click the light back on, make sure that the front door is locked twice and all windows are closed, and fall asleep to a one-hour loop of coffee shop music.
“I have someone new for you.” You tell Amajiki when he comes into the agency around four.
“How’s your door?”
You frown. “Not fixed yet. So, before you say no again, this person-”
“You can stay in my apartment until the door is fixed.” He offers and this time, you look at him directly. He flinches in surprise when he notices your glare and you soften it immediately.
“Amajiki. Ask me who that person is that wouldn’t mind being your roommate.”
“Who’s that person?” He asks, voice timid.
“Me. Well, if you think that would work out. And just until I find something I can rent on my own, I don’t want to bother you longer than necessary.” You regret your words the moment you say them out loud. He wanted to be nice and you’re taking advantage of it.
Amajiki looks like he’s about to faint.
“You can say no if you don’t feel comfortable with it.” You offer softly. “I won’t be mad, I promise.”
“When can you move in?”
3 Months as his assistant
“You’re out of milk.” You point out. “And we need more eggs.”
Behind you, Amajiki scribbles down your shopping list of the week.
“I’m taking the train out for the weekend.” You tell him as you move towards the kitchen sink to do the breakfast dishes. “You have the whole living area to yourself until Sunday night.”
He doesn’t look like he cares about that.
Living with him is as weird and yet easy as working with him.
Amajiki’s room is bigger than yours because he rarely leaves it. Work is consuming as it is and he likes to just stay inside when he can.
You’re not sure if he reads or listens to music or watches TV or just sleeps away his free time, but you barely see him even if you’re both home at the same time.
At least he’s letting you cook and pay for the groceries to make up for the ridiculously cheap rent. Even though he insists on buying the groceries himself, because ‘they’re heavy and he can use that as free workout’.
It’s only been two weeks and you already know that the weekend with your parents is a necessary break.
If you’d had a minor crush on him when you started working as his assistant, that crush has increased by a tenfold now.
Seeing him in the morning trying to make coffee while half asleep does nothing to quell your growing feelings.
“I’m leaving tomorrow morning.” You tell him when he’s still not speaking. You don’t know why you add the last part, the words slipping out of your mouth like soap through your fingers. “We could do a movie night if you want.”
You can feel his eyes on your back now, heat rising to your cheeks. You scrub your plate again to keep from having to look at him.
“What movie did you think?” He asks, voice timid.
“I-” You stutter, trying to think of one off the top of your head. “There’s a new Pokemon movie?”
“I’ll put Popcorn on the list.” He says and you can hear him slip from his chair.
“See you later.”
Oh god. Movie night is going to kill you.
The living room couch had always felt massive to you until you had to share it with Amajiki.
He’s sitting at the other end of it, a bowl of popcorn sitting between you.
For a moment you wonder if this is how he feels all the time around other people, anxious and aware of every single thing you’re doing.
Is your breathing too loud? Are you moving too much or not enough?
“Bathroom break.” You call out softly and slip from the couch.
You can hear the movie pause behind you and rush to the safety of the bathroom.
It still smells like his bodywash inside which isn’t helping at all, so turn the water as cold as it gets and let it run over your wrists, counting to ten until you’re as calm as you could possibly get.
“It’s just Amajiki.” You whisper to yourself. “He’s too afraid of you to think of anything like that.”
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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I'm Okay
Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum) x AFAB!Reader (GN Pronouns)
Warning: angst (slight), office sex, fingering, squirting, pussy eating, unprotected sex, cream pie
A single text was the last contact you had with him, and it left you flooded with fear. 'Stay far away from down town. I'll meet you at your home when I can'. You knew he was facing an intense villain attack. It was all over the news. But even after the villain was subdued, you still hadn't heard from him.
You ignore his message, needing to see him now. Your relationship was still young, so this was the first time he had faced an intense fight while you had been dating. Fighting through the crowd of reporters outside his agency, you get to the lobby. A few recognize you, and try to stop you for questions. It was a miracle that you made it to the double doors of the building without throwing an elbow at a reporter trying to grab you.
A twinkling bell rings, letting the two interns standing guard know the door had been opened. "Hey! You can't be here!" Red Riot tries to stop you, not recognizing you right away. "It's Fatgum's order." He steps closer, reaching a hand out to stop you from passing by the desk. Pure adrenaline got you to this point through the crowd, you weren't about to sit and wait like a nobody.
"No offense, Eijiro, but I don't give a fuck. Now can you please step aside and let me see my boyfriend?" Struggling to keep your voice level, you look at the red head, locking eyes with him. You look between him and Suneater, almost challenging one of them to stop you now they know it is you.
Glancing at Suneater, he finally caves. "You keep watching, I'll take them back to Fatgum." He sighs before leading you up to his office. The halls seemed longer than usual as your anxiety and stress continue to build the longer you go without seeing him. Eijiro knocks firmly on the office door, wanting to get his attention.
"This better be important Red Riot." A tired voice calls out, the faint sound of shuffling can be heard before the door is unlocked and opened. "It better not be a reporter making Suneater freak out again. I don't think I can handle that today." The taller than average doorway is filled with a large man leaning against the frame for support.
You are greeted with the muscular form of your boyfriend. His clothing is torn and tattered, covered in a mix of blood, sweat, and dirt. The filth on his face was smeared, as if he was in the process of washing it off when he opened the door.
"Sorry... They um... didn't want to wait." Stepping aside, Taishiro is finally able to see you. His shoulders relax and he moves to let you enter the office.
"I'm sorry for the way I acted, and could you tell Tamaki I'm sorry too? I shouldn't have reacted so harshly when you were just doing what you were told." You keep your voice low, now feeling embarrassed by how aggressive you were when you entered the building.
"Thank you for bringing them here. Just a bit longer and I'll come down to talk to the press." He assures him, giving him a tired smile before shutting the door again. He stands with his hand on the door looking at you for a few seconds. "We will talk about you not listening to me later. I shouldn't have to worry about the press tearing you apart to ask questions after dealing with a villain."
His tired body passes by you, slumping down in his desk chair, looking at the mess of bandaids and antiseptic gels. Grabbing a wet rag from a bowl of warm water, he rings it out. He looks into a small mirror and starts cleaning his face again. Guilt twists like a knife in your gut, and you move closer to his desk. "Can I help you? I was just so worried." Your voice feels small as you speak.
"Actually, I would love that." Sensing how bad you feel, he flashes you a quick smile, rolling his chair back to make space for you. Moving in front of him, you clear the mess of papers and sit down on top of his desk. Spreading your legs, you make space for him to slide between them to get closer to you again. He hands you the rag, still wet with hot water. Leaning forward, you let your body hover just above him.
You gently dab the cuts and scrapes littering his pale skin. His eyes fall closed, letting you clean the dirt from his face. Your free hand rests on his shoulder to stabilize yourself as you meticulously clean the bleeding areas. Switching to the gel, you carefully apply it to the deeper gashes. Once you are sure that everything has been cleaned, you press your lips to his. Not expecting the soft feeling of your mouth, his eyes open quickly.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. Seeing you all beaten up scared me. I needed to know that you were still my Taishiro under these injuries." You set your hand on his cheek, your thumb brushing small strokes. You're careful not to rub against a bruise on his jaw. A large hand rests on yours.
"Hey. It's just a few bumps and bruises. Nothing changed. This happens from time to time. I shouldn't have worried you by sending that text then not reaching out when I got back to my office. I'm still getting used to having someone else worry about me." His golden eyes lock with yours, trying to give you comfort. "I just knew I wanted you far away from any danger. I didn't stop to think that you would be freaking out until you heard from me again."
"It's not your fault. I knew what I was in for when I started dating a pro hero. Now, I think I've gotten your face patched like it should be. Do you mind if I look at the rest of your body? I can see a nasty looking cut on your shoulder. Could you please take this off?" Your hands trail down the solid muscles of his chest, grabbing the rag and dipping a clean corner into the cooling water. He shrugs the tattered and torn remains of his jacket off, letting it fall to the floor to give you access to his torso. Even the undershirt he wore was barely intact enough to stay in his body. "I wish I knew it was that easy to get you out of your clothes." You say under your breath, only half aware that he can hear you.
"All you ever need to do is ask nicely. Please and thank you go a long way, my love." He flashes you his beautiful smile, attempting to hide the wince as you clean the deep cut. Reaching down, you set one of his hands on the fat of your thigh. "Huh? What are you doing?"
"Squeeze my thigh like a stress ball if it hurts too much. You don't need to pretend to be fine around me." You try to ignore the way his huge hand easily covers most of your plush thigh. Applying more pressure to his cut, you feel his fingers tentatively tighten, testing if he would hurt you. "That's it. I just need to apply a bandage, then I can clean the minor scrapes and you're all done." Pressing firmly on the wound to properly apply the bandage, he grips down tighter on your thigh. "Are you still doing ok?"
His knuckles go white from the grip he has on the fat of your thigh. "It doesn't hurt. But dammit. I wasn't expecting it to feel so good when I squeezed your body. You didn't even react." He forces his hand to relax, looking up to your face.
"I told you that you could use me as a stress ball. I've got a high pain tolerance." You keep your voice gentle to reassure him. He lifts his hand to run it through his messy hair. "Is everything ok?"
"I know we agreed to wait. But seeing you on my desk, leaning so close to me, telling me to use you as a stress ball... Well it's getting hard to resist you. All I can think about is pushing those soft thighs to your chest while I work you open on my cock." His face flushes red with embarrassment as he confesses. "I would never do that without your approval, but I don't want to keep it a secret how I feel about it or how badly I want you right now."
With the fear of his well being finally gone, you are able to take in the tent that had formed in his loose fitting hero pants. You couldn't deny you wanted him too. The thoughts had been creeping into your mind the entire time you had been cleaning him up, but you didn't want to take advantage of his shaken state of mind by throwing yourself at him. "Is this the best time? I mean you have all those people outside waiting for you. And your interns. I don't want to keep them waiting." Your voice comes out as ramblings, trying to rationalize this.
"The press will get bored soon enough. I can send a message to the boys telling them they can take the back exit and leave whenever they want. I never make them stay to talk to the press unless they want to. I don't want to overwhelm Suneater with that just yet. They won't be suspicious of anything." He explains, his face suddenly falling. "I'm not trying to pressure you into this. I just wanted to make sure you know those things won't be an issue."
Your throat feels dry as you try to speak. "Y-you want me? Right now, I mean. Even after getting injured? You must've used so much energy expelling all that fat. I would understand if you're not really in the mood." You continue rambling until two large hands grab your thighs and pull your ass to the edge of the desk.
"You're so cute when you ramble, but I'd much rather have your lips against mine." Your hands meet his broad chest as your body falls towards him. Leaning closer to you, his lips catch yours, tasting like sugar. You don't fight him, though you remain aware of where your hands are sitting so you don't irritate any of his injuries further. His hands fumble their way up your thighs, thick fingers hooking under the elastic of your lounge pants. "Lift up." He instructs against your lips, unable to bear to break the kiss any longer than the brief moment.
Tentatively, you lift your ass just enough for him to get the waistband of your pants around the curve of your ass. It takes effort to pull yourself away from the kiss, shallow pants leaving your kiss-swollen lips. Your skin starts to stick to the wooden surface of the desk as soon as it touches. It was in this moment, where you no longer had the material of your pants, when you remember you had been in such a rush to get here, you never put panties on. The slick from your cunt starts to puddle beneath you.
"You seem excited, and I haven't even taken my pants off. Though it's a good thing you're this wet. It'll make it easier for you to take me." His calloused thumbs rest on either side of your lips, spreading you open to give him a better view of your clit. The cool air sends a chill down your spine and you find it increasingly difficult to keep from fidgeting. One of his index fingers gathers your slick before easing its way to massage your deepest nerves. "That's it. Good job. Just relax for me and I'll make you feel so amazing." His voice is soft as he showers you with praises, his middle finger nudging against your entrance.
Your hands fall back to brace yourself on the desk, soft moans leaving your lips as your breathing becomes labored. His thumb circles around your clit, occasionally brushing over it directly to make your body jolt. When his ring finger breaches your slick wall, electric waves course through your body. He doesn't stop his movements, letting your pussy clench around his thick fingers. The hand that had been teasing your clit moves higher, pressing down lightly just above your pelvic bone through the fat of your stomach.
You don't have time to feel insecure as his fingers buried deep inside you curl up as if they were trying to touch his palm. The hand pushing down lightly adds even more stimulation to your g-spot, pressure building on your core. It doesn't take long before the pressure hits its peak and you feel as if you're going to bust.
"Tai~ you gotta stop. It's too much." You gasp out, trying to find the strength to push him away. A chuckle leaves his lips as his fingers quicken. His golden eyes focus on you, taking in the way you thrash around, begging for him to stop so you don't make a mess. Something unlocks within him and he can't help but imagine how pretty you would look crying from pleasure.
"Just let go. Stop holding back. I know you can do it for me, my pretty little one. You trust me, right?" He coos, only picking up the pace when you grab his wrist. Around his fingers, clear liquid gushes out, soaking his hand and the desk beneath you. He is reluctant to remove his hand, but he is too greedy and impatient. His head dives between your thighs, all previous injuries and exhaustion long gone as he laps up the taste of you. The sounds that leave your mouth are heaven to him, only encouraging him to ignore the hand tugging his hair in an attempt to separate him from your sensitive core.
It's not until your hand travels through his hair, brushing against a bandage that he pulls away. The pains from before slowly ebbing back to the front of his mind. Catching your breath, you sit up enough to look at him. Through his torn and tattered pants, you can see the obvious erection fighting to get freed. He sees where your attention has landed, and his face turns a deep shade of red.
"May I remove your pants?" You bat your lashes at him, seeing his slight hesitation. His large frame shifts nervously in his desk chair before letting his desires get the best of him. He finally nods and guides your smaller hands over his bulge. Just knowing it is you touching him is nearly enough to have his seed spilling into his clothing. You are delicate with everything you do, unzipping his pants and tugging them enough to free his leaking cock.
You were prepared for him to be large. Even in his thin form, he was over 220cm. But you were shocked by how pretty it was. His tip was a deep shade of red, matching the color on his face. Drops of precum leak out of his tip, allowing you to use it as lube as you pump the length slowly. The skin along his shaft felt so warm and soft in your hand. The tuft of blonde hair at the base was trimmed to keep it manageable, leading its way up to disappear under the remaining pieces of his shirt. Your head starts spinning and you release the breath you didn't realize you had been holding.
"Don't make me wait. I'm dying to feel myself buried inside you. I don't think I'll be able to last." He groans through gritted teeth, heels digging into the ground to keep from fucking into your small hand. "Your hands feel so good. I bet your pussy will feel addicting." The moans leaving his lips made it hard for you to stop. You just want to focus on the sounds he is making, and to feel him spill his seed in your hand. He can see it in your eyes that you don't plan on stopping, so he grips your wrist. He easily overpowers you, prying your hand off his twitching cock.
"No!" You look at him with your bottom lip jutting out. You were right there. Just a few more pumps and you would have felt the sticky cum you were desperate for. His hands grab your thighs and drags you off the desk so you fall in his lap.
"What are you whining for? I was the one with the denied orgasm." He lovingly teases you in an attempt to distract you from his large tip easing between your lips. Your eyes lock with his, and the golden eyes are hazy with need. Hooking your legs over the arms of the chair, he eases you down in him. "I'm going to push in now, ok sugar?"
It takes insane patience on his part, fighting the urge to slam into you, and fill you with his cum. You aren't sure how long it took, but eventually, your cunt is stretched wide around him. His tip kisses your cervix and you dare to look down. The sight between your legs was nearly enough to make you cum. Only half his shaft is able to squeeze inside you. Your slick drips down the rest of his length, making his lap wet.
"I... Oh fuck... I was so right about how good you feel. I don't think I'm going to last." His head falls back, bruised chest rising and falling rapidly. With his feet planted flat on the floor, he thrusts into you. You roll your hips slowly, already falling over the edge and clenching hard around him as you cum. Your orgasm triggers his, and you feel painfully full of his seed, pushing your stomach out. His shaking hands lift you off of him and place you back on the desk. Being moved away causes your stomach to drop and you reach out to him.
"Aw. Don't be like that, sugar. I'm not leaving you. But I do need to eat to regain my strength. And it just so happens that you can help with that. After all, cream pie is my favorite dessert." He winks up at you.
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