Hak Ja Han’s unused Geomun Island Palace
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▲ Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han open the Ocean Palace, Sept. 12, 2011
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Geomun Island in South Korea
There are three islands, Godo, Dongdo and Seodo in the group. There is a 30m height male genital organ shaped rock below the sea of Mt. Suweolsan of Seodo. It was named as Munpilam Rock. According to a folk legend, Admiral Jeong Yeochang of the Qing Dynasty in China came to the islands and was deeply impressed and named it Geomundo.
 -   The Geomun Island is dotted with thick camellia forest full of old trees.
 -   The island has some of the most beautiful views in the Southern coast.
 -   Many historical sites attract the tourists as well.
 -   At the furthest south of Mt. Suweolsan in Seodo, you can view the Geomundo lighthouse, which was lit for the first time in 1905.
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▲ Geomun Island is situated between Yeosu on the mainland and Jeju Island.
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▲ The Moon’s helicopter and ferry company. The palace is located in the south-west.
The FFWPU got a building permit for a hotel, but it is a palace, called the Ocean Cheonjeong Palace Hotel. Visitors could not stay there when they knocked on the door and asked for accommodation. Many islanders do not like the hotel. Moon wanted a bigger palace, but the authorities refused. The FFWPU also bought the boat business which links the island to the mainland. About seven members look after the unused palace. It is possible that Moon bought the land in the 1970’s since there were references to Moon owning a Korean island at that time. Perhaps it could have been somewhere he could escape to.
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▲ Building the Palace in 2010
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▲ The palace plans, signed by Moon in 2010.
Sun Myung Moon Sept. 12, 2011   Ocean Cheonjeong Palace Hotel dedication
“… The people of this island, however, do not think on such a large scale, and so the palace grew smaller and smaller until it became what you see now.”
“…Father has said that there must be four palaces, and according to Professor Oh, these will represent the four directions, with True Parents at the center. The main Cheonjeong Palace in Cheongpyeong represents East. This one in Geomun Island represents South. Two others, as yet unbuilt – one in Seoul and one in Switzerland – represent North and West respectively. The Ocean Cheonjeong Palace also represents a palace for the underwater world, which originally True Father had intended to establish in the Pantanal wetlands in South America. The center of the Ocean providence, however, has since moved (via Hawaii) to the Yeosu area. Professor Oh mentioned in particular that, as many have died at sea, this providence opens the way for those unhappy spirits to be liberated.”
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▲ The opening ceremony
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▲ Hak Ja Han and Sun Myung Moon in the palace entrance.
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▲ The palace dominates the bay on the beautiful island.
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▲ The palace is lower left.
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▲ Members bow to Hak Ja Han during her brief October 13, 2012 visit.
Video of her 2012 visit: http://vimeo.com/51950518
Hak Ja Han visits the Palace by helicopter for one meal in October 2012
This 12 minute video is in Korean. After her talk (at 9:30 minutes) she eats the meal. Her eyesight is not so good. Then there is a short tour of the palace and departure. Hyo-nam Kim came on the visit.
Dedication Ceremony of the Ocean Cheonjeong Palace Hotel on Geomun Island
Hak Ja Han plans to open a THIRD palace at Cheongpyeong in May or June 2023
Yongpyong Resort, covering 4,300 acres, is owned by the Moons
Beaché Palace is owned by the Moons. Who paid for it?
The Ocean Resort in Yeosu is owned by the Moons
Another Moon owned golf course – part of Ocean Resort, Yeosu
Moon owned shares in Central City sold for $925 million dollars
The Cheonjeonggung Museum has been called a ‘palace’ by some people. It should never be called a palace.
Yeouido Parc 1 dispute – UC Foundation lose, Y22 win
Moon owned shares in Central City. They were sold for $925 million in 2012
New Hope Farms International Equestrian Park
Belvedere estate was purchased in October 1972
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Hyo Nam Kim channeling Heung Jin, explaining what happens in the Spirit World through Cheongpyeong’s ancestor liberation
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Excerpted from Hoon Dok Hae with Moon in February 1, 2002, in Kona, Hawaii, with Hyo Nam Kim’s words, channeling Moon’s dead son Heung Jin:  https://www.tparents.org/moon-talks/sunmyungmoon02/SunMyungMoon-020201.htm
We have to increase the number of good spirits in order to expand the Kingdom of God. We have to educate evil spirits. Otherwise there will be confusion in the physical world because the evil spirits will descend and confuse their descendents. To be open to the spirit world is not the whole answer; you have to be able to distinguish good and evil spirits. You have to avoid evil spirits by doing your responsibility.
True Parents told us that all the blessed couples should open their five spiritual senses. To do that, we need to be able to enter the realm of God’s original creation. If you enter the spirit world, or have the chance of experiencing it, you will see that True Parents are sitting next to God, so you will have no doubt. This happened to some who came here; but people on earth are spiritually blind and deaf, so it is more difficult to come to that conclusion. I see many blessed couples who are stuck with their mundane things and work, and are separated from True Parents. We have to become heavenly citizens; then we can enter the Kingdom of God. Through the blessing, you are separated from the original sin. Then you just improve the quality of your life. Unite with True Parents through heart.
You have to come to the Chung Pyung Lake training center to help your ancestors be liberated and receive blessing. When you fill out the application form and meet the conditions, Daemo Nim will search the spirit world for your ancestors. Sometimes she has to follow the DNA line and has to go to the bottom of hell. If they are playboy spirits or suicides, they are not easy to locate. The evil spirit world is so vast. It is not easy to find them. But if you go through the liberation ceremony for your ancestors, they learn Divine Principle and the meaning of liberation, and eventually receive the blessing. I call them early and have them stand by the Chung Pyung Lake center so they can receive blessing when their turn comes, immediately.
Also I give the chance for the descendents and their liberated ancestors to meet at the tree of love. They move together and talk together. The ancestors usually appear in the form of a shaft of light. The spirits go through 100 days of training. They needn’t go to the bathroom, eat or rest, as you do on earth, so they do 24-hours straight a day and just hear lectures and study. They enter and register with an application form, and I greet them and explain the meaning of and reason for the training. Some spirits did not have a chance to look at their own spirit body enough, but in the training they can see their own spirit body and face clearly. Some are startled by its shape, by its deformity. It helps them understand the level of spirit world they are in. But if we go lower, there are many walls and obstacles. Our ancestors were dragged by evil spirits and so are in the lowest realm. They could not find their original location. They have to be awakened and we give them the chance to repent. I call them to the training center to study Divine Principle.
Lecturing in the spirit world is usually the Principle of Creation and fall by me, Heung Jin Nim. It is a more vivid lecture than you get on earth, because everything we explain is in the form of lively action. We see the scenes of the real creation, including creating man. If I talk about the fall, the scene appears. All the real sins appear on the screen. They see the scene of Lucifer seducing Eve, and Adam and Eve falling, when the world became dark. Many people cry. On the foundation of repentance, everyone can understand it much better, accept the truth and reflect upon their own life in relationship to that. They can see their descendents struggling because of the sins they left behind. They can easily recognize the mistakes they made. We also give a chance to the attendees to picture their life on earth. It goes on the screen like their own movie. 80% of their earthly life will be viewed in that way. Rev. Ki Seuk Lee, a 36 couple, lectures on the origin of evil and how it gets stronger, and resurrection. But evil cannot be absolute; eventually it has to surrender to goodness. Because of the fall, however, the evil power started and became bigger and bigger and bigger as history continued. But True Parents established the victorious realm into which the evil power cannot expand, and the realm of goodness is now expanding.
The participants can see all this, including all kinds of families, vividly with their own eyes, so they are changed. Unless you change, and get rid of every trace of sin, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God. During the 100 days they cleanse themselves, working very hard to separate from evil. Afterwards, they are relocated, depending on their level of cleanness. Then President Hyo Won Eu lectures on the life of Adam, Moses, Jesus and history of restoration. The audience listens and really gives thanks to True Parents for this infinite truth. They have hope to cleanse themselves, pay indemnity and enter the Kingdom of God. Then Tiger Park, Chung Joo, lectures on the life of Father and his value. Hungnam prison and Danbury prison and overcoming persecution, and Father’s prayer life, shedding tears day and night to find the Divine Principle, finding his disciples and educating them with the word of God. Father’s preaching, giving the blessing, and all his different efforts and endeavors are projected by Tiger Park.
By learning this, everyone repents even more. They see how ignorant they were, and they become brighter because of the new awareness. Then the blessed couples who had good lives on earth are invited to reflect on their lives and give testimonies. Hearing them, people also are helped to be cleansed. This is the way we conduct the training session in spirit world for 100 days. So by the time they come to Chung Pyung Lake, they are pretty much cleaned up in all ways except for original sin. Then at Chung Pyung Lake they get rid of original sin too, so then they ascend to spirit world bright, clear and stainless, and they cannot be manipulated by evil spirits. Now they are waiting for True Parents to arrive, to enter the Kingdom of God together.
They then go through another 40-day workshop to prepare to live as blessed couples, by Shin Ho Chul (?). Again, many blessed couples are shown and blessing histories are given. Through this 40-day true family workshop, they learn about the life of True Parents and the meaning of their responsibility and mission, the directions given by True Parents. They know what to do to establish God’s fatherland, the Cheon Il Guk, which is the Kingdom of God on earth, as an individual, family, etc. And they learn how to help their descendents cleanse themselves. Both the ancestors and descendents are given the opportunity to cleanse themselves by separating evil spirits from themselves. These good, cleansed spirits are doing their best to help their descendents on earth to stay away from the suffering and struggle caused by evil spirits still staying on the earth. We lead and guide them to get away from the evil spirits. Good spirits come down and help blessed couples get rid of evil spirits.
These couples in the spirit world, the number of which are increasing, are becoming a major power in the spirit world. This is the era in which the evil spirits on earth are making their showdown, because this is their last chance too. So the ancestors are really concerned about their descendents, because it is such a turbulent era. The blessed couples are key to serve as the vertical axis… With Chung Pyung Lake here, there is no reason for blessed couples to suffer. True Parents know God’s heart and understand the reality of the evil world. That is why they paid all the indemnity for us to be connected with God. They established a more proper and positive environment by their declarations, ceremonies, celebrations, etc., so you won’t have to deal with the evil world. From now, the good people will have more power, and evil people…. After the coronation ceremony, God is the liberated king of the cosmos, so He can rule the world directly. All the walls are down because of the True Parents. So in the heart of the people in both worlds, we can invite God, as long as we cleanse ourselves. A shaft of God’s light can shine into our hearts and all over the physical world and spirit world, and we can work for salvation. We can be determined to further the foundation of the Cheon Il Guk as blessed couples, and invite it.
This is the era of blessing that we can cherish and live in joy for eternity. We blessed couples have the responsibility to bring the Kingdom of God and to protect it. All the saints and good spirits are organized in the spirit world so that they can descend and work with their descendents more effectively. The era of the almightiness of God has emerged. God’s sovereign power is on the earth, on every level. Everyone should … God’s kingship. So you will see the religious powers are diminishing. Those who cannot unite will fade away.
We have to keep pure love, not violate people’s rights and heart, and not steal public money. If we make mistakes, there will be immediate judgment and consequences. After the blessing, we will be faithful. These are the conditions we have to be serious about. Changing the evil world into the original world of creation has become much easier since the Coronation Ceremony. We can meet God face to face. God has been waiting for this day; he is alive and working with us. Absolute faith, love and obedience is the key, to build the Cheon Il Guk filled with peace, love and happiness.
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sweetlychaoticdonut · 6 years
Hak Ja Han Deposition Segment 5
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cultvault · 3 years
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Last chance to be involved in this month’s #MONTHLYMEMOIR GIVEAWAY! @lisakohnwrites reached out to me many months ago, and kindly offered to send me my very own personalised copy of this book. I didn’t know what to expect. But what I learned reading this was invaluable. Lisa’s story is deeply personal, witty and emotional. But it’s also an educational tool that has helped me on my journey to becoming a better equipped ally and interviewer. If you’d like a chance to win your own signed copy, simply: FOLLOW LIKE COMMENT (all handles tagged will be included, so get your family and friends involved!) Ends New Year’s Eve! #unification #unificationchurch #moonies #moonies🌙 #sunmyungmoon #memoir #memoirwriting #memoirgiveaway #memoirs #memoirsofmotherhood #tothemoonandback🌙 #bookgiveaway #bookgiveaways #bookstagram #podcasthost #podcasthosts #interviewquestions #giveawayuk #giveaway2021 #bookmarkshop #bookmarksofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/cultvaultpod/p/CX_Gkw6gxpw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sereneceramics · 6 years
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Large Sculpture: Garden of Eden. Featuring Cheongpyeong, Cheon Jeon Gung, Hyojeong Hospital, & Blessed Tree. www.sereneceramics.com #hyojeong #sereneceramics #hj #jeongseong #jungsung #peace #peacesculpture #sculpture #figurativesculpture #fineart #art #korea #australianartist #unification #ceramics #seanjackson #gold #lustre #lustres #sunmyungmoon #hakjahanmoon #trueparents #proudunificationist #cheongshim #gardenofeden #cheonjeongung #blessedtree (at Sydney, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/sereneceramics/p/BuczgMsATNS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6fudarse0nbj
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teddyhose · 5 years
Happy to have been interviewed for another podcast, this the first episode of a new one out of New York. Roy was a great host and I appreciate the theme of his Genuinely Interested Podcast, where he just talks to people he finds interesting.
Roy reached out to me after my appearance on the Explained: Cults docuseries episode on Netflix. We go into my childhood in the Unification Church (Moonies), research on cults, politics, and interesting facts like how the Church owns the New Yorker Hotel at the 34th St. subway stop, which I'd go to Church holidays for as a kid and Nikola Tesla died in.
iTunes https://podcasts.apple.com/…/the-genuinely-int…/id1499910944
Spotify https://t.co/GNkH3FogNA?amp=1
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shayashi77 · 6 years
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#moment #moments #lifemeaning #sunmyungmoon #참부모님 #divineprinciple
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Moon talks about the Pikareum Return Ceremony
Here's a quote from Sun Myung Moon:
"What is the most precious thing for any man or woman? [Their sexual organs.] What are these? (Showing a photograph of the stones resembling men's and women's sexual organs that were discovered by a spiritualist-who is not a member-and given to True Parents) These were revived and they reached us here. They had fallen into the soil, as stones, or lower than that. Having gone from the sorrowful stage for all things to the revival stage, and having passed over all the hills of all things and of humankind, they have finally returned to True Parents. This makes the return ceremony possible: the false lineage could return to God. The fact that the return ceremony was possible itself was a miracle. There are many stones resembling the sexual organs of man and woman, but nothing like these. They are so similar, even in the details. These are the palaces of love, the palaces of life, the palaces of lineage, the palaces of conscience, the very foundation of everything. God created heaven and earth for this. For love."
Here's what Chong-hwa Pak said in an interview about the "Return Ceremony":
Pak: The mission of Christ was to take Eve back from Satan who had stolen her. To do this Christ must have sexual intercourse with six married women, including Mary his own mother, in order to cleanse the blood. (Moon called it “the return.”) But Jesus Christ left this world having failed to save even one married woman by doing “the return” [pikareum] with them. So God sent Sun Myung Moon to earth as the third Adam. His mission was to cleanse the blood of six married women, namely the Six Marys. This was to be done by sexual intercourse with Moon three times [formation, growth and completion]. Through a kind of relay sexual intercourse with these Marys, humankind could be cleansed and saved and brought back to God’s side for the first time. It was Moon who preached this “Principle” to Mr. Pak.
Nakamura: Mr. Pak, when did you actually witness, with your own eyes, the return ceremony, the so-called pikareum?
Pak: In 1954, when the Unification Church was founded in Seoul, I was living together with Moon and the Six Marys – who had received “the return” – and other founding members.
Nakamura: Together with married women?
Pak: Yes. When they are brainwashed by Moon’s “Principle” they do not like to have sex with their husbands anymore. This is because one of the things Moon teaches is “You must not sleep with your husband who is on Satan’s side.” They all lived in the church making bromide photographs [to sell], which was the main economic activity of the church in those days, or did other work. The Marys did “the return” work with other male followers to increase the number of owners of pure blood. Nakamura: Did you see Moon doing sexual intercourse for that?
Pak: Yes, and it wasn’t rare either. And I also heard the chuckling and cackling of the women I knew to be in Moon’s room. I am ashamed that I, together with them, participated in such a thing. I have to admit that I did it. I did “the return” with a woman called Shin-hee Eu [ 劉信姫 ]. It was according to the teachings of Moon’s “Principle.” Later Moon advocated that she do “the return” with the male follower Deok-jin Kim [ 金徳振 ]. [Deok-jin Kim wrote many of the Unification Church ‘Holy Songs.’] Mr. Kim then did “the return” with other female followers. The chain of doing “the return” spread from one after another. I knew of 70 people who were in the chain.
Nakamura: When you were doing the “the return” did you wear special clothes or make solemn ceremonies?
Pak: There was nothing like that. Moon asked us to participate and it was just… In retrospect it was like an immoral party. Nakamura: ...did Moon do the “the return” [pikareum] with other virgins?
Pak: Yes, I assume there were a lot. Moon’s mission was said to be the restoration of the first Six Marys through pikareum, and then to pick one virgin to marry. The virgin represented Eve. He would then hold “The Marriage of the Lamb” (a formal marriage) with the virgin Eve. Moon who is the Lord of the Second Advent would then become, together with his bride, the “True Father” and the “True Mother.” However Moon demanded to have relationships with some virgins. Thus a woman called Lee Seong-wha (a pseudonym) who was a devoted follower had her virginity taken by Moon and became pregnant. Lee Sun-cheol (also a pseudonym), her sister, was also robbed of her virginity and became pregnant.
It's good that we can find these admissions by Sun Myung Moon. No one can deny the reality of Pikareum in the Unification Church.
Ed Coffman
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bills-bible-basics · 5 years
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Elijah: Where Are the True Prophets of God?
My original BBB Blog post is here: https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/elijah-where-are-the-true-prophets-of-god/.
Post tags: #BillKochman, #BillsBibleBasics, #ChildrenOfGod, #Christian, #Cults, #DavidBrandBerg, #Deceive, #Deception, #Elijah, #Endtime, #FalseProphets, #FilthyLucre, #HeavensGate, #HerbertWArmstrong, #MarshallApplewhite, #SunMyungMoon, #TrueProphets, #WilliamBranham, #WorldwideChurchOfGod
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Sun Myung Moon visited Elder Na’s retreat and was chased away. Moon was exposed as a dangerous heretic.
Sun Myung Moon: “Around that time, [probably 1953, possibly early 1954] I visited Elder Na's retreat and was chased away. From there, I came back up to Seoul and established the Unification Church.”
Na Oon Moung (나운몽, 1914–2009), who used to be an elder of Supyo Methodist church in Seoul, operated the group of Yong Moon San Prayer Mountain (용문산 기도원) in 1954. There he taught that Hananim (하나님, the Korean God) is the Yahweh of the Bible.
In 1947, Na Oon Moung founded Aeyangsuk (애향숙 愛鄕熟) which used to play a part in popular movement such as faith movement and poverty eradication. It became the mother of the Korean Protestant prayer movement.
In the 1950s indigenous Christian spiritual movements appeared on the scene: Un-Mong Na from 1952, Moon Seon-Myeong in 1954, and Park Tae-Seon in 1955. The two latter groups were soon exposed as dangerous heretics, but Na’s campaigns, which were accompanied by pentecostal phenomena like tongues and healings, paved the way for other churches to touch the approaching Sunbogeum movement, even though Na’s prayer house was deep in the Yongmun Mountain and his theologically untrained exegeses aroused the suspicion of the Korean Church.
Guwonpa, WMSCOG, and Shincheonji: Three Dynamic Grassroots Groups in Contemporary Korean Christian New Religious Movement History. by David W. Kim 1, and Won-il Bang 2 1. Department of Political and Social Change, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
 2. Department of Religious Studies, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Korea Published: 19 March 2019     https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/10/3/212
History and theology of Korean pentecostalism: Sunbogeum (pure gospel) pentecostalism by Ig-jin Kim
Na Un-Mong, pages 47, 102, 139, 157
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
“News Update on the assassination of Shinzo Abe, The Unification Church, WACL, FLF, NEDS, UB, Neil Salonen and so much more.“
New episode of Blessed Child:
Press conference held in Japan with the Lawyers against spiritual sales here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owNiYsT_Bnc 
The farm podcast with the late Ed Coffman here https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wacl-iii-the-moonies-w-recluse-john-brisson-keith/id1625511894?i=1000563067020 
FBI intel on the Moonies and WACL http://www.tparents.org/Moon-Books/SunMyungMoon-FBI/SunMyungMoon-780218.pdf?fbclid=IwAR10zeB5ECOameznB959UaY-EXzKqo5bFSAWTYK-30X-iYZuShLVotq6uB0 
Neil Salonen becoming president of UB http://www.tparents.org/UNews/Unws9912/UB_Neil_Salonen.htm 
Article on Bridgeport International Academy by Hugh and Nora Spurgin http://www.tparents.org/UNews/PDF/Unws-0312-0401.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2uYBxureKMCARJ_Pp4cebptRkaly2L2Gw4gxhXJcM_l5pWv5ydmzb0tg0
If you enjoyed this episode you can buy me a Ko-fi here or join my patreon! patreon.com/Renrobot or Ko-fi.com/Renrobot
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/blessed-child2/support
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mysticsauce-blog · 7 years
Religious Cults And Their 5 Most Profitable Leaders
Religious Cults And Their 5 Most Profitable Leaders - http://mysticsauce.com/2017/10/12/religious-cults-5-profitable-leaders/ #Baptist, #Church, #Cults, #EDDIELONG, #Fake, #God, #HARUNYAHYA, #Money, #Religious, #ReligiousCults, #SUNMYUNGMOON, #Unification
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shayashi77 · 6 years
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#sunmyungmoon #fathermoon #trueparents #divineprinciple #아버님
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These are Sun Myung Moon's words from 1969, FYI...
All Unificationists must take an interest in guns now that I have am doing business with guns while on earth. Why am I involved with guns? The satanic world has done its conquering with guns. Conquering the world with guns is not our intent, but we must bear arms and create a strong protective fence.
Future generations will wonder why I was interested in guns. We absolutely need them to create a defensive fence to shield ourselves from satanic world attacks. That is why I am interested in guns.
National defense and the rifle business The air rifle business helped me pioneer and take the lead for the sake of God's will...
Korea's heart is besieged by three enemies. In the future we must protect the nation and its people by establishing the correct ideological perspective. Therefore, we should be responsible for an ideology promoting national and Asian defense.
Looking at Korea's actual situation, surrounded by enemies on three sides, protecting the nation by establishing a proper ideological perspective is imperative. Judging from the nation's situation, the time will surely come when the Republic of Korea will regard the defense industry as important. For the past ten years, I have been preparing for that. The time has come. Since the government announced it will strengthen the nation's military, people are busy building factories here and there.
We are producing air guns that look the same as the M1 rifle and sending some to the Blue House. We must begin producing rifles to be used for training in middle and high schools and also rifles of a new type. That is why I have instructed that this year's production goal be accomplished no matter how difficult it is to achieve.
Bold sales plans This year we sent 2,500 guns to Japan. I instructed our agents to spread throughout Japan and do as I say. I told them, "Without a doubt this can be accomplished. Be confident. Selling them won't be difficult. If you are confident you can succeed."
This year we also sent five hundred guns to the United States. Yet, our missionaries there, Bong Choon Choi [Sang Ik "Papasan" Choi] and Young Oon Kim, objected and asked me to please not send the guns.
I said, "What do you mean, please don't send them? If you don't do it, I will do it even if it means going there myself. Please just do as I ask." If I tell them that we sent 15,000 guns to Japan, members in the United States would say, Oh my!
If I told them that we had sold 50,000 or 100,000 guns in Japan, the American members would feel compelled to sell even more than that. I went around the United States and investigated. America is a golden market; it is virgin soil. There are unlimited resources there, which is why it is possible to sell more than these numbers.
-Sun Myung Moon, 1969
The post: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1623469444429730&id=616977458412272
If this or any of their other activity is of particular concern, you can report it to the FBI here: https://tips.fbi.gov/
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sharkweekdc-blog · 11 years
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Tonight in Brooklyn! #unification #sunmyungmoon #washingtontimes
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
Sun Myung Moon on the beginnings of the Japanese Church
excerpted from A World of Living for the Sake of Others Sun Myung Moon January 16, 1975 Chosun Hotel, Seoul, Korea Korean Day of Hope Banquet
The Unification Church has now passed through a history of twenty years. I know you must have heard all kinds of rumors and controversial news about the church. Yes, we have been persecuted globally; nonetheless we have achieved a global impact. How do you think we achieved such an impact? It is because we learned that when people betray us, a path is opened that leads to the world. Everyone ought to tread the path that is taken for the sake of the world. If this path is indeed the principle of heavenly law and the common formula that everyone must follow, the world will come to know this fact. When it does, the Korean people can automatically come to know this as well. Based on this principle, we continue to carry out mission work abroad, even in the face of bloody persecution. 
To give an example, our missionaries pioneered Japan seventeen years ago, when the Liberal Democratic Party had just come to power. At that time, the Ehwa Women’s University incident had erupted and Mr. Moon’s reputation had fallen to the point where he was deemed contemptible. However, I actually intuited how the political situation of Japan would develop in the future, and in my own way I had an inkling of how the situation of Asia would unfold.
Therefore, while I was aware that Japan was barring missionaries, I knew that this would change soon, and that in live or ten years the Unification Church of Japan would serve the world. I decided I had no choice except to take this path, even though I might be branded an outlaw. It was in 1956. As you well know, I had just been released from Seodaemun Prison and had gone to Gabsa Monastery in South Chungcheong Province to recuperate. A young man visited me and I called him to go to Japan. I told him, “When a person sets out on the path of his choosing, he ought to do so at the cost of his life.” 
On his first entry, he was arrested as soon as he set foot in Japan. So the first try was unsuccessful. I sent him a second time to try again. He was rebuffed in his second entry too, and came back. Upon my release from prison I found that the Unification Church had disbanded and its one-room house had been lost. I had to borrow money in order to send that man a third time, which I did for the sake of Korea and Asia. It seems like that happened only yesterday. That was in 1958. In Japan the Unification Church began under such circumstances. When he went to Japan for the third time, again he was detained. This was a major crisis for him. He had made me a solemn promise to succeed, yet instead of being in a position to lay the foundation for the church in Japan, he was blocked and there was no one to whom he could turn for support. So he found a way. He drank a large quantity of soy sauce and he became feverish. He was admitted to a hospital and was kept there for three days. From there he escaped and made his way to Tokyo. This is how the Unification Church began in Japan. 
Now we have reached the stage at which the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan respects our voice. When a major event is taking place there, they listen to us; we have faithful members on that level. While the movement was growing, I taught the members in Japan the principle of living for the sake of others, established by heavenly law. When you uphold it, you will succeed. Because they are aware of this, the young men and women of the Unification Church in Japan have spread nationwide. They carry out activities on the premise that “the Unification Church exists for the nation. It needs to be a church that exists for Asia and, furthermore, it needs to be a church that exists for the world.” This is why they are prominent in Japan today. 
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