sunnieschaos · 5 months
stargazing with you
While on a mission, Cheng Xiaoshi notices something is off about Lu Guang's behaviour. Considering he can't be there to comfort his partner, Cheng Xiaoshi suggests they watch the stars together.
Day 6, Shiguang fluff week 2024, stars
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sunnieschaos · 2 months
Notes on Chapter 7 and 8
I have quite a few notes on these chapters, so I figured I'd be a little more detailed here instead of typing up and entire paragraph over on ao3.
Starting with chapter 7: Nag/Naag and Nagin/Naagin are cobra shapeshifters. They are born as cobras and after a 100 years of pentenance/repentance (not sure what the word is) they are blessed by the god Shiva and get a human shape.
I very loosely used this story since iirc they don't actually have magic? It's just something I wanted to incorporate into the story bc I was discussing the myth with my mother a little while back and it just gave me this idea.
The main story for nag/nagin is that usually the male gets killed for his pearl and then the female of the pair (or his family) takes revenge on the one that killed him.
Another (not so) fun fact is that the face of their killer gets ingraved into their eyes as they die so their family can avenge them. Chapter 8: A saree is traditional indian wear. It is essentially a long piece of fabric that is wrapped around the body as a skirt and thrown over the shoulder.
Ganga is a hindu goddess and also a personification of a river. In mythology she was cast from the heavens(?) and caught by the god Shiva in his hair. There are multiple stories to this with differences, but that's a bit of backstory.
In the story her real name is Ila(ila without capital I for easy reading purposes) which can mean either "earth" or "speech" I used the "earth" meaning to match with the name of her mate, Parvin.
Parvin, which actually originated from Persian and means "the pleiades" refers to a group of stars in the constellation taurus.
I liked the contrast between the stars and the earth which is the only reason that's their names hehe. I liked the name Parvin and actually didn't have Ganga's real name until the end. I initially wanted to call her Anisha (nightless/sleepless), but I like Ila better. So yeah that's the end of my notes.
(side note: I researched most of the names just because I wanted them to be a little meaningful, but in the end I didn't do much with the meaning.)
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sunnieschaos · 5 months
A knight's rage
This is a scene I intended to put in the story, but it ended up going slightly different? somehow?
Lu Guang observed the king's ward as he did some paperwork. "Lu Guang?" Cheng Xiaoshi turned around in his chair to look at the knight with his head slightly tilted to the side. Lu Guang looked away from the prince and focused on the door again. He could see the way the other man just gave him a confused look before turning back to his desk and the documents stacked onto it. Lu Guang's gaze drifted back to dark hair, to the thin braid to the side of the ward's head, which ended in the short ponytail at the back of his head. He watched the way the prince's face scrunched up in focus. Lu Guang wondered why he decided to choose a knight, and why he had chosen him, of all the options he'd had. "Sir Lu Guang?" his lord turned to look at Lu Guang again. "Why do you keep staring at me?" Lu Guang's lips parted in surprise. He hadn't thought the slightly oblivious-looking man would have noticed. He should have known. Lu Guang continued to watch the way the prince's features scrunched up in confusion. "Lu Guang?" Lu Guang sighed, "it's nothing, your highness." Cheng Xiaoshi narrowed his eyes at him. "It's not nothing, sir Lu Guang, feel free to ask whatever has been on your mind. Your staring is starting to make me feel on edge." Lu Guang closed his eyes. "Why did you decide to choose a knight now, your highness?" Cheng Xiaoshi's lips parted in a silent 'ah' and he tilted his head in thought. "I suppose you have heard of the incident I was involved in?" "Incident?" Lu Guang questioned. "Ah, you didn't hear about it." Cheng Xiaoshi's words had been a statement more than a question. Lu Guang just watched him as he sighed and slumped over the desk. "So a few months ago," the prince started, pushing himself upright to look at the knight, "I had a minor disagreement with a noble who had been harassing the princess under the guise of courtship." Lu Guang nodded, continuing to observe the man in front of him. "This kind of blew up and he hated that I had stepped in and stabbed me. As a result, the king ordered me to choose a knight and you caught my attention." Lu Guang nodded, already wondering if he could get away with disposing of a noble.
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sunnieschaos · 7 months
So I'm about to do a thing for something I've been working on for this fic up here. To explain in short, I'll be writing some short excerpts explaining the worldbuilding kind of in the style of diary entries
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sunnieschaos · 2 years
Hsy and Yjh have been friends for years. Their friendship continued through college and initially started bc yjh wanted to develop a game. He found out that hsy knew some basics and could write good stories.
He ended up approaching her and they started making plans. Yjh made concept art for the story hsy had written and they worked on figuring out how they would actually develop their game.
Eventually they finish the game. By this time it has been years and the story and art are detailed, but something goes wrong. Hsy believes it was a corrupted file, but neither of them are sure what really happened.
What they did know, however, is that they ended up in their own game and now they needed to get out without dying at the hands of the queen. Bc of course their luck landed them in the final boss's castle.
They hide and run around to avoid the queen's guards. What they forgot was that the castle itself was alive in a sense. It deemed them to be outsiders, intruders and alerted the guards of their existence.
In a strike of bad luck, some guards spot them and they run. Somehow they end up losing each other and hsy ends up in a room. In that room she meets princess ysa.
Hsy remembers building her character, writing the little details about her and the art yjh made of her. She was beautiful and looked just as deadly as the lava she could wield as a weapon. It was even possible to see the glow of her veins.
She flinched when there's a knock on the door and before she can move, hsy is shoved behind a screen. She can hear the door open and footsteps move through the room.
However, before the footsteps, accompanied by the metal clanking sound of armour, can get close there's a sharp smell similar to that of pepper spray in the air. Hsy is glad she covered her face because the skin on the back of her hands is burning.
She can hear ysa speak and the guard leaves.
The next thing hsy feels are hands on her own which uncover her face to the sweet smile of the princess. She sees a notification screen pop up to the side.
[Yoo Sangah has joined your party]
Ysa gives hsy some crucial information without asking any questions.
Hsy is glad, but she realises the pressing urge to find yjh again. He needs to know these things. She is sure these are things they never wrote in detail, which means that there is something about this world they set up that they, as its creators, have no influence over.
Hsy needed to find yjh. He might be in danger.
When they split up to hide, he was the one that drew their attention so she could get to safety. Hsy knew he couldn't be dead, but that might just be empty hope. She prayed to whatever being would listen that he would be safely hidden.
Somehow the two companions end up meeting near the Queen's chambers. They're both shocked and relieved to see the other alive and well.
But they had no time to be happy, the queen was bathing. Hsy had checked that herself. The final boss had been surrounded by servants while she was in the bathtub behind the screen.
While looking for a way out the two had found more party members. They had originally all been under the tyranny of the queen, but they were willing to stand against her considering none of them agreed with the way the queen ruled her kingdom.
They didn't know how the queen found out, but she was chasing them. There was blood dripping from her face, her hair hung in wet strings around her face and over her shoulder as she chased them in her robe. Her huge figure couldn't keep up with their speed and agility and the party members were glad.
The queen tried to go after their party members because they couldn't get hsy and yjh, but somehow (luckily) kept failing.
Suddenly they used their skill. Hsy hated the fact they had come up with that skill the moment she realised it had been used on her. She now had to get off of the palace terrain within a certain timeframe or they would all be doomed. If she made it, they would all be saved. And hopefully she and yjh could go back home. They needed to fix the bugs in this game.
Considering her options in record time, hsy clambered through a window and ran down the stairs. She was glad she had remembered yjh's design for the castle. Right now it was saving all of their lives.
Hsy threw herself over a wall, the party members weren't far behind, they attempted to stall the queen. Hsy checked the timer and sped up, forcing her body towards the houses near the palace.
She was very glad for yjh's decision to give those houses a special defense mechanism to save them from the Queen's tirades.
Hsy fell against one of the houses and saw the party members do the same. Yjh tackled her to the ground and there were green vines that covered the area the moment the queen got a certain distance away. They were saved.
Hsy collapsed fully onto the ground, a relieved laugh as yjh was still holding onto her.
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sunnieschaos · 2 years
One evening kdj is exhausted after work, he feels overwhelmed and is ready to quit.
He sits by the riverbed, some snacks and a lot of drinks.
Kdj feels out of it, so he's not sure whether the handsome man that sits down next to him is truly there or whether he's just too drunk.
Before kdj realises he starts complaining about his work life and how much his supervisor suck, but that he cannot quit his job bc he needs the money.
Yjh who just tried to figure out why a man was sitting by the river getting drunk on his own suddenly has to deal with an emotional and drunk man.
After a while he starts to feel bad and awkwardly pats kdj on the back in an attempt to console the stranger.
When kdj falls asleep yjh wonder what he's supposed to do and ends up asking his friend hsy to help him out. They find out where kdj lives together and somehow get him back.
The next day kdj wakes up hungover and confused with two attractive strangers in his house.
For context this was an idea I had ages ago and just found again and wanted to elaborate on
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sunnieschaos · 1 year
Been thinking about an old thing I did, which I may eventually use for a fic or original story idk
This is a world where the stronger you are the more lasting your magic is. You can use magic more easily with runes and therefore sorcerers tend to draw their most used and most compatible runes on their skin.
The most powerful ones have runes that contrast strongly with their skin, so light skin will have darker runes while dark skin will have more light coloured runes.
For some people the runes look more like scars while for others they just look like tattoos.
The way these runes are drawn onto the skin can be done in multiple ways. Some just draw onto their skin with pen, some carve the runes into their skin with blades, others may burn them into their skin.
Runes can be applied to the body by another person, as in done for marriage, but this can also be used in a malicious way that may incapacitate enemies whether temporarily or permanently.
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