#shiguang daili ren fanfic
sunnieschaos · 2 months
A knight's rage
This is a scene I intended to put in the story, but it ended up going slightly different? somehow?
Lu Guang observed the king's ward as he did some paperwork. "Lu Guang?" Cheng Xiaoshi turned around in his chair to look at the knight with his head slightly tilted to the side. Lu Guang looked away from the prince and focused on the door again. He could see the way the other man just gave him a confused look before turning back to his desk and the documents stacked onto it. Lu Guang's gaze drifted back to dark hair, to the thin braid to the side of the ward's head, which ended in the short ponytail at the back of his head. He watched the way the prince's face scrunched up in focus. Lu Guang wondered why he decided to choose a knight, and why he had chosen him, of all the options he'd had. "Sir Lu Guang?" his lord turned to look at Lu Guang again. "Why do you keep staring at me?" Lu Guang's lips parted in surprise. He hadn't thought the slightly oblivious-looking man would have noticed. He should have known. Lu Guang continued to watch the way the prince's features scrunched up in confusion. "Lu Guang?" Lu Guang sighed, "it's nothing, your highness." Cheng Xiaoshi narrowed his eyes at him. "It's not nothing, sir Lu Guang, feel free to ask whatever has been on your mind. Your staring is starting to make me feel on edge." Lu Guang closed his eyes. "Why did you decide to choose a knight now, your highness?" Cheng Xiaoshi's lips parted in a silent 'ah' and he tilted his head in thought. "I suppose you have heard of the incident I was involved in?" "Incident?" Lu Guang questioned. "Ah, you didn't hear about it." Cheng Xiaoshi's words had been a statement more than a question. Lu Guang just watched him as he sighed and slumped over the desk. "So a few months ago," the prince started, pushing himself upright to look at the knight, "I had a minor disagreement with a noble who had been harassing the princess under the guise of courtship." Lu Guang nodded, continuing to observe the man in front of him. "This kind of blew up and he hated that I had stepped in and stabbed me. As a result, the king ordered me to choose a knight and you caught my attention." Lu Guang nodded, already wondering if he could get away with disposing of a noble.
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yokubounorain · 11 months
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Título: I Know I’ve Found in You My Endless…
Fandom: Shiguang Daili Ren (Link Click).
Pairing: Lu Guang/Cheng Xiaoshi.
Rating: Teen and Up.
Cantidad de palabras: 1947.
Sinopsis: Las últimas misiones han dejado asperezas entre Cheng Xiaoshi y Lu Guang. Qiao Ling nota esta lejanía y decide dejarles la noche libre siempre y cuando se relajen y se reconcilien para el día siguiente. Ambos ven una película de amor antigua -a pedido de Qiao Ling-, pero Cheng Xiaoshi termina escandalizado cuando Lu Guang le confiesa que, a diferencia de la pareja protagonista, nunca bailó un lento. Cheng Xiaoshi aprovecha la situación para sacarlo a bailar y, quizás, despejar el camino para sacar del pecho algo más…
Escrito para los Retos Rayos de Es de Fanfics.
Consigna: Jamás bailé un lento.
Leer en AO3.
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thepeculiarauthor · 5 months
we got another two years prob till link click season 3 so i'm gon talk about everything i love about this series thanks
human trafficking rep. holy shit. a more realistic approach to the mental trauma involved for all parties.
the VAs slapped, regardless of what sub/dub you pick, they all slayed
suicide awareness. so many shows shy away from this when trauma/etc are very real and suicide is often faced as an option. link click takes this and goes "hell no. live. FUXKING LIVE NO MATTER WHAT" and it's 11/10. you're loved. please. stay.
the bonds. not a lot of fiction anymore just shows GENUINE relationships. it's either abusive shit or fluffy shit -- neither are 'good' or realistic. but link click comes along and has functioning adult relationships that Still have issues and problems and arguments and disagreements bUT love is still present in those relationships bc they're healthy
it's also a reminder that genuine love / relationships aren't based on what you can give, etc. (as adults i think we forget this often and we feel we have to deserve a relationship; link click says f this)
a big theme of the story is making mistakes!!!!! so many fictional stories either 1) take the 'aw i messed up again:(' approach or 'my mc can do NOTHING incorrect or wrong ever' and they suck, lol. link click is a great balance of yes, we messed up, but we move forward.
link click also is a solid example of "yeah, sometimes life is shit! you try your best! it doesn't always matter!!!" but not in a "so d/e" way but in a "even so, still try, still love, because knowing you can't control shouldn't instill fear but bravery"
death and grief handled in a realistic way tbh
the occasional laugh and smile and just the humor is pure
the tension and intrigue is the best written and portrayed i've seen and i'll die on this hill sorry
the concept of time travel is popular, but i haven't found anything to tackle the emotional / MORAL consequences like link click has. "SHOULD you change the past? IS IT OK to change the past?" we've all seen "oh no we changed the past we must fix it!!!" but I've never seen "the past, the present, and the future are heartbreaking and gut-wrenching and stunning and precious and beautiful as they are" but HUMAN NATURE remains and our desires continue to be to remove the heartbreak and pain. is that morally wrong or not?
ANYWAY this will prob be part 1 of more but please lmk what you think lol
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anotherferalrat · 3 months
You fools!
I have. SCOURED. The shiguang tag on ao3.
And you mfs have failled me.
Where. Is the prince lu guang. With his personal bodyguard/knight xiaoshi fics? Where's the angst where cheng xiaoshi feels useless bc lu guang keeps trying to sacrifice himself whenever they're in danger?? WHERE'S LU GUANG NEARLY DRIVING HIS KINGDOM INTO THE GROUND OR GIVING UP HIS THRONE BECAUSE PRINCE LI FROM A NEIGHBORING KINGDOM KIDNAPS THE PERSON MOST IMPORTANT TO HIM
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celestialsun123 · 23 days
Link Click fanfiction:
Lu Guang has a nightmare, so naturally the only smart thing to do is to kick the bed, right?
Cheng Xiaoshi woke up from a nightmare and didn’t immediately fall off the bed. That was a bad sign.
He held his breath and listened carefully for the telltale signs that Lu Guang was having a nightmare.
Sure enough, there was quick breathing and muffled crying coming from the bunk above Cheng Xiaoshi.
Now, when Cheng Xiaoshi was having a nightmare, Lu Guang would stare at him because he ‘didn’t know what to do.’ Cheng Xiaoshi understood, but it was creepy. He also had no way of getting up high enough without alerting Lu Guang to his presence.
So Cheng Xiaoshi did what he always did when Lu Guang had a nightmare.
He kicked the underside of the bunk as hard as he could.
He heard Lu Guang sit upright instantly with a cut off yelp.
“Cheng Xiaoshi!” He hissed furiously, leaning over the side of the bunk, parts of his hair falling in front of his face. They looked damp with sweat. “What have I said about kicking the bed, idiot?”
Cheng Xiaoshi leaned out as well to gaze back up at Lu Guang. “Oh, I’m sorry, I must have missed that day in class.” He smiled broadly, knowing that the nightmare couldn’t be that bad because Lu Guang had immediately called him an idiot.
The slightly murderous intent behind Lu Guang’s eyes softened. “Well you’re here now, so no kicking the bed while I’m sleeping.”
He sighed loudly. “Lu Gua-ang, I’m simply kicking the night demons out of your bed.” He fixed Lu Guang with his best impression of a kitten’s eyes. “I meant well.”
Lu Guang’s face suddenly froze. It was a few moments before he spoke.
“I know. But mean well in a different way, please.”
“If you insist,” Cheng Xiaoshi said, knowing full well that he would forget about this by the next day.
So basically this is too short to put on my ao3 account (right now), so Tumblr is the perfect spot for it!
( @anulithots , @mylee-sketches )
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spilledstars1234 · 26 days
a post for any Link Clickers in need of a fic to read ^^
Hey there fellow link clickers! (i love our fandom name, haha!) I'm currently writing a LC fic, yet also dealing with a bout of insanely annoying writer's block that goes on and off and is slightly driving me crazy - (see this post) - so that's fun, haha! It's probably gonna end up taking me a good while to finish T-T.
If anyone here wants to put a grin on this sleep-deprived writer's face or if you want to throw some serotonin my way, I occasionally write Link Click one-shots in my free time: check out my ao3 here.
My most recent Link Click fic, "Thanatophobia," is perhaps one of the longest fics I have on ao3. I actually posted this fic over a month ago to ao3 hehe. I think it turned out pretty good, so if you want to check it out and leave some comments or kudos, that would make my day.
But I'm honestly so proud of that fic so I'm just gonna self-promote it down here haha,
so feel free to check out some of these fun links below! ^^
Thanatophobia (Link Click one-shot, word count: 24,762)
Distorted Shadows (Link Click one-shot, 4,347 words)
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falling-star-cygnus · 4 months
what if Lu Guang's eyes bled when he used his ability too much
like- what if, guys
i love Lu Guang i promise-
{-> this also takes place in the Eyedrops fic timeline <-}
{Lu Guang is sitting on the couch with a notepad, trying to get through some photos he doesn't particularly want Cheng Xiaoshi diving in}
{Cheng Xiaoshi isn't actually home at the moment, having run out with Qiao Ling for a few minutes to snag some food before all the shops closed for the night}
{The white-haired man rubs his eyes with increasing amounts of frequency as he feels his time alone dwindle lower and lower}
Lu Guang, squinting with a sense of urgency: Come on... just a little further
{He rubs his eyes again, just a little too hard for how delicate they currently are}
{Something crunches and pops}
{At first, Lu Guang doesn't pay it any more then a fleeting acknowledgement. A sign to pull back, maybe, next time. Until liquid, too thick and warm to be tears, drizzles itself down, down, down...}
{A drop of red splashes onto his hand. Another onto the photo}
{More and more he can feel the sticky red substance gather on his lash line and smear into the polaroid. Lu Guang barely notices when his legs take him to the bathroom; until he sees his own spooked face and heaving chest in the mirror}
{Blood bubbles from his tear ducts and down his cheeks, drying into a tight crust where he refuses to wipe it away}
{The door downstairs opens. Cheng Xiaoshi and Qiao Ling have returned}
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dragonselkie · 2 months
I wrote a shiguang fic !!! Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi deserve so many hugs so of course I wrote them cuddling <3
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habizuh-studios · 17 days
digging through wips is always fun... i really need to keep them in a folder or something. ANYWAY! here's one i did for LINK CLICK/SHIGUANG DAILI REN :) look through tags for TW's!!
It was hard for the girl in the partly red skirt, who had collapsed to her knees and clutched her hands to her chest, crying her heart out at the sight. She wouldn’t hold the paper- the note, the last gift- the last thing that Cheng Xiaoshi would ever give them. Her tears would stain it and it would become unreadable, she would say later. But now, she was wailing and sobbing and wondering when she teased him too much, or didn’t give him enough. Wondering if she had been nicer, kinder, even, that then her little brother would be where he always slept, alive and well on the bottom bunk upstairs. It was hard for the boy with the white hair, who stood there blankly staring up into the dead man’s eyes as if they held all the secrets to the universe. Maybe he had a delayed reaction or didn’t want to cry in front of him, even if Xiaoshi couldn’t see his tears, but he looked up at the rope around his neck with dry eyes, wondering when he messed up. He should have seen the signs, he shouldn’t have pushed him as hard- he shouldn’t have brought him over the edge, he should have pressed harder for the answers- But he’s selfish, and next time, he’ll go into his life like it’s the only thing that matters to him. And he is. Lu Guang doesn’t know how long he spent looking up at his body, nor why he stayed long enough for Xiaoshi’s funeral. Looking back, he would probably guess that he needed closure for this timeline, but looking at the open casket with Xiaoshi’s closed eyes and the rope burns around his neck doesn’t feel very satisfactory. At least if he looks at the body just right he can pretend that Xiaoshi is just asleep, and will wake him up tomorrow with a concerned look on his face asking him what happened. Lu Guang doesn’t know how Cheng Xiaoshi always knows, but he does. ___ It was the little things at first. Lu Guang knows he was pushing hard, but he didn’t think it was that much at the time. That was probably the point where he started acting off- The chief of police had given them a photo based on a murder case in order to find evidence of a man named Da Haoran, who everyone believes to be the murderer of Jing Fang, though there is little to no evidence. Of course, the price wasn’t a low one, and Xiaoshi agreed.
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ohitslen · 1 year
My favorite pieces of media are Trigun, Monster, Princess Tutu, Strangers From Hell, Link Click, Beyond Evil, the webtoon Guardians of the Videogame and Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
It’s a very elaborated way of saying I choose to make myself depressed and being gay is also a choice
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myiayse · 3 months
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shiguang yuri please save me
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ravs6709 · 26 days
Only Your Heart Beats The Sound (Keeps Me Awake So I Can Fight)- Shiguang
Word count: 3.0k words
Or read on ao3 here!
Ready to start bawling over link click... these two are everything... I had the thought of heartbeats and seeking out touch from each other which made me crave touch too
The shiguang can either be interpreted as romantic or qpr, but either way, it's pre-relationship. Everything that happens is throughout canon
Warnings: basically anything that happened in canon mentions
A warm body. A steady weight on top of him. Comforting. Crushing. A hand squeezed his own. A heartbeat, felt from both the chest and wrist. Soft whispers in his ear. Slow breaths tickled his neck. Dark. It was so dark—dark from the night, dark from the rubble on top of them, trapping them from even the moonlight.
Dark it was too dark and the hand of his mother (mother? stranger?) was going slack and her words grew weaker—
He needed to see her face. Needed to, because she was dying and he couldn't even see her face in her final moments. He could barely even turn his face, body pinned down by the rubble. His muscles strained, he needed to move, he needed to see, even if just one last time. If he could just see her face just one last time before she could die…
“I'm scared,” he whispered, breathless, “don't leave me alone. Don't—I don't want to be alone!”
His eyes squeezed closed, not like it made a difference in the lighting. He couldn't feel her pulse, he needed to get up—
Cheng Xiaoshi jolted, entangled in the blankets. Suffocating, he was suffocating, his limbs were trapped and—
“Oh what the fuck a ghost,” he gasped out, as he looked up to see white peeking down at him. One of his legs emerged free from the blanket prison, kicking up and hitting the bed frame as he fell off the bunk.
The white figure snorted, and only after several seconds did Cheng Xiaoshi realize that the figure was just Lu Guang.
“You look like a ghost,” Cheng Xiaoshi said, attempting to free the rest of himself from the blankets. “Don't laugh at me, why the fuck were you staring? Scared the crap out of me.”
“My sincerest apologies for my hair colour,” Lu Guang said deadpan, and Cheng Xiaoshi could tell that he was trying to suppress his amusement. 
Well, he got a rare Lu Guang snort… at his own expense, unfortunately. At least someone was enjoying his misery.
“Do you need help?” Lu Guang asked, already one foot climbing down the ladder.
“Nah, I'm fine.” Flailing some more, he got an arm free. 
Once he was finally fully free, he stood up, ready to get back to bed.
“You were having a nightmare,” Lu Guang said, now genuinely serious. “That dive… is there anything you need?”
Cheng Xiaoshi stared at the outstretched hand. It'd be so easy to grab it, to pull Lu Guang close with a tug of his arm. To hold one of the only two people that had never left him. It'd be so easy, but it'd be so difficult to reach right back out. 
Lu Guang would have heard every word that he'd said whenever he was in a dive, would have heard him as Chen Xiao, a grieving child who had just lost his parents. His own, then his “mother” again.
They rarely actually talked about how Cheng Xiaoshi would inherit the feelings of every person he'd ever possessed. An unspoken rule. Lu Guang didn’t talk about any of the inherited feelings that happened to mesh in a perfectly horrendous combination with his own, and Cheng Xiaoshi didn’t pry too hard when it came to his past. It wasn’t completely ignored though: a momentary comfort here and there during a dive, or right after the earthquake dive when he'd sunken to his knees and Lu Guang had sat right in front of him and loosely hugged him.
A brief, ephemeral thing, a shooting star that briefly lit the night sky. Rare, but treasured, and Cheng Xiaoshi found himself craving it more and more than what should ever be allowed. He already kept toeing the boundaries every time he draped an arm over Lu Guang's shoulder. Wasn't it pathetic to be this clingy, even when it'd been over ten years since his parents had left him?
“I'll be fine,” he said, walking past the outstretched hand and getting back to bed.
Lu Guang looked at him with narrowed eyes, but eventually just nodded silently and climbed back up onto his bunk.
Cheng Xiaoshi tossed the blankets into the corner by his feet, the idea of being covered up already making his throat close up. He could feel goosebumps on his skin, the room slightly too chilly because Lu Guang had always preferred the room to be on the colder end and Cheng Xiaoshi usually liked using a thick blanket, so it had never been a problem for him.
But it was a problem now, the room feeling too open and too cold. Too empty. He stared up at the top bunk, only hearing soft slow breathing. He wondered if Lu Guang had already managed to fall back asleep.
Their dynamic had always been push and pull, but Cheng Xiaoshi knew that their partnership wasn't exactly equal. That while he was probably Lu Guang's first real friend—not that he ever talked about his life before they'd met—he was the one who has dragged him into his orbit: basketball practice, repainting the shop (albeit it was Qiao Ling who had really made that offer), again and again until Lu Guang had cast aside any future prospects and moved in with him to run the business. They were friends, to an extent. Cheng Xiaoshi was the one who tended to toe the line, and while he knew Lu Guang would have easily left if he wasn’t okay with it all, sometimes Cheng Xiaoshi wondered if he ever took it too far for their friendship.
Friends, who happened to have both developed superpowers that ended up being highly compatible with each other. If it weren't for that overseas trip where they'd developed their powers, would Lu Guang have agreed to live with him? Or if Qiao Ling hadn't asked him to help repaint the shop, would their dynamic have remained strictly basketball buddies?
The thought of a life without Lu Guang had his heart throbbing. His hands twitched as if aching to hold something. The world was too quiet—he was alone.
Lu Guang, he wanted to call out, are you awake? But if he was sleeping, he couldn't dare wake him up. He pulled the blanket back, holding it in his arms, but it wasn't enough.
He turned back up to the bunk. Hesitantly, he raised his foot and kicked it lightly. Almost instantly, Lu Guang had moved to peek down at him. He let out a sigh of relief, realizing that the reaction time was too fast for someone who could have been asleep.
“I…” he began, but his throat felt too clogged to say. He turned to the wall.
What would he even say, anyway? Was there a proper way to tell your best friend that you wanted to be held so tightly, to be pressed to their chest and listen to their heart?
That felt forbidden to say. Even worse, it wouldn't have been enough. He wanted to slide in between Lu Guang's ribcage and dive straight inside and press his cheek to his heart. To hold it in his hands as it was beating, to be settled right there next to his lungs and feel every inhale and exhale. To feel this tangible evidence that his friend was there and he was not alone.
The mattress shifted behind him, a hand reaching over and clasping his. 
“You're not alone,” Lu Guang whispered into the back of his neck, knees slotting behind his own.
It wasn't the exact position he’d craved, but with the solid warmth behind him and the pulse of a heartbeat in his hands, Cheng Xiaoshi drifted off to a peaceful sleep.
When Lu Guang was stabbed, Cheng Xiaoshi's whole world crumbled. It took every ounce of self control and thinking of what Lu Guang would have wanted in order to not dive back in time to fix everything.
Was it his fault? If he hadn't gone back to try and rewrite Emma's inevitable death, maybe Lu Guang wouldn't have been left defenseless.
Covering up for Qiao Ling and letting himself get arrested instead had been hell. Not that he regretted doing it—she was his other favourite person. But sitting in a cold dark room on an uncomfortable chair handcuffed was not the way he wanted to spend the night. Even just one more time, he wanted to see Lu Guang's face, even if he was dead.
At least Captain Xiao understood the circumstances, and he was able to get the charges dropped and even driven to the hospital. Where—Lu Guang was alive. He barely even had the time to completely unpack all the grief that had settled in him the moment the police had announced he was dead, as the killer had then possessed Chen Bin and had him kill himself. Then having to fight and corner one of the perpetrators.
During these nights, Cheng Xiaoshi slept in one of the hospital rooms provided for him, since it wasn't exactly safe for him to sleep at the shop. Not that he had too many complaints: the idea of sleeping far away from Lu Guang was something he wouldn't allow. If he were allowed to, he'd probably even sleep in the same room.
There was hardly any time to properly relax, not that there was much relaxing to do with a murderer still on the loose. But in those rare moments, his heart wouldn't stop pounding, his body on edge, prepared for another attack. He quietly slipped into Lu Guang’s room late in the evening. He was laying in bed, staring intently at his phone, eyes shining.
“Lu Guang,” he called out.
The phone fell out of Lu Guang’s hands as if they’d burnt him. Cheng Xiaoshi found that weird. It didn’t look like he was texting, nor did it seem like there was audio that he was watching something. He didn’t say anything, just walked and stood next to the bed. Before he could get his thoughts in order and ask to hold his hand again like that one night, Lu Guang had moved over, patting the newly free space beside him. Cheng Xiaoshi didn’t hesitate to sit down, even if it was cramped.
It felt as if Lu Guang was reading his mind. Or maybe his heart. He wondered if what he wanted was readable from his face. Without words, without complaints, Lu Guang was letting him in closer, and it gave Cheng Xiaoshi the courage to reach for his hand. Cold, but not death-cold. A little dry. He’d offer lotion if it weren’t for the fact that the container was in his room, and he didn’t want to get up now. He slid his thumb down his slender hand, pressing it to his wrist. Thump. Thump. Around seventy-two beats within the minute. He was pretty sure that was a normal heart rate. Definitely alive.
Lu Guang said nothing, just staring down at their intertwined hands. His own hand felt like it was on fire, but as he tugged to pull away, fingers snapped around his wrist like a predator catching its prey.
Cheng Xiaoshi looked up at him, but Lu Guang remained silent, his face oddly focused. A pale thumb slid across his palm, and he had to fight back a shudder. A pulse fluttered quickly in his hands, and he couldn't tell who it belonged to.
Cheng Xiaoshi let his other hand drift lower, grazing the cloth of the hospital gown as it hovered over where he'd been stabbed. 
“I don't…” Lu Guang finally spoke, his voice hoarse, “I don't mind this. From you.”
“Oh—oh,” was all he could say dumbly.
He squeezed Lu Guang's hand a little tighter, gently tracing his thumb along every curve and knuckle.
“I'm glad you're alive,” he whispered.
Lu Guang's face softened, his eyes an endless abyss and his smile a small, but beautiful one. This was incredibly unfair. “Me too.”
Cheng Xiaoshi started to wonder if maybe he wasn't the only one who craved this kind of intimacy. If Lu Guang, even if at a much lesser intensity, needed this the way he did.
After that whole underground fight that resulted in Qian Jin's arrest and Li Tianchen's escape, Cheng Xiaoshi was once again forced to be in the hospital so he could recover from his gunshot wound. It was getting tiring, being bedridden. It took a good week to convince the nurse to let his bed be in the same room as Lu Guang's.
When Lu Guang got out of bed and walked over to his own bed, Cheng Xiaoshi scooted over to make room. No hesitation, their hands were already intertwined, the pulse of his heartbeat becoming a familiar melody.
Lu Guang's other hand rested on his gunshot wound, a mirror to earlier.
“It’s fine, it wasn’t gonna kill me in the first place,” Cheng Xiaoshi said, waving his free hand flippantly. “I mean, did you see my moves against Qian Jin? Even you did a surprisingly good job at fighting.” He moved the hospital gown he wore to reveal the wound. “See, it’s not even bleeding anymore. You know, I've never seen you snap like that before,” he continued, recalling the haunting way Lu Guang had screamed. Or the way he had launched himself at Qian Jing and mercilessly punched him again and again, despite his injury and lack of combat skill.
Lu Guang froze. “...I was worried that you were going to die.”
He ran a hand through his hair. “I almost tried to change the past when I thought you were dead.”
He figured Lu Guang would scold him with an idiot, you know you can't change the past, death is an unchangeable node lecture like he usually heard when grief would overwhelm him with the intense desire to change a person’s life for the better. But instead, the hand that was in his tightened uncontrollably.
“Don’t,” Lu Guang said, his voice quiet, but sharp as a knife.
“I mean, I didn’t do it. I took your rules to heart—for once, haha. Past or future, just let them be.”
His hand only tightened in its grip, and inexplicably he looked away. “Keep following the rules.”
“Lu Guang, you’re holding me too tight!”
“Hey, Lu Guang, is everything alright?”
He simply nodded. He traced his fingers around the wound, and Cheng Xiaoshi just watched, wondering why he seemed so tense. Sure, Lu Guang had always been a stickler to the three rules, but his behaviour now seemed… different.
Cheng Xiaoshi took the hand he was holding and rested it on top of his chest. For several minutes, they just sat there in silence. He still didn't really know what to say in these moments that wouldn't ruin the atmosphere. If he even needed to say something at all. He supposed he could understand the value of silence, or whatever. They were both alive, and they were both there, breathing, hearts beating, holding each other.
“You don’t need to be scared,” Cheng Xiaoshi said, finally.
Lu Guang didn’t reply, but he hoped that those simple words could provide at least a little reassurance.
Unbeknownst to Cheng Xiaoshi, the first time it really happened, he had been asleep. It was not long after Lu Guang had made his dive into the past. Sleeping felt impossible, not when his mind could conjure every single detail of Cheng Xiaoshi’s death. When he could feel phantom blood in his hand. He was helpless, powerless, he'd never be able to save—
Something hit his back with a thud, and he shot up.
“Hey, Lu Guang, you good up there?” Cheng Xiaoshi asked from the bottom bunk.
“Fuck,” he murmured, rubbing his aching back. “Did you kick me?”
He laughed. “The ghosts haunting you and plaguing you with nightmares, I’ve kicked them away!”
“Idiot. Who kicks a sleeping person?”
“I did try and talk you awake. But you couldn’t hear me. One hell of a nightmare, huh?”
A nightmare would be putting things too mildly. Lu Guang wished that it was merely about nightmares. No, it was worse. Memories, felt both awake and asleep. 
“Something like that.”
As per their unspoken agreement, Cheng Xiaoshi didn't ask about the details.
“Feel better now?”
“Yes,” he lied, carefully controlling his breathing into something even. “Thank you.”
Cheng Xiaoshi quickly fell back asleep, Lu Guang could hear it in the change of breathing, and the way he stopped tossing and turning.
“Cheng Xiaoshi?” he whispered, just to make sure.
After confirmation, Lu Guang got out of his bed and climbed down. The room was dark, but his vision in the night had always been better than most and so he could see how the faint traces of moonlight lit up the back of his dark hair. Lu Guang had the overwhelming urge to run his hand through it.
It wasn't the type of thought he would ever usually have—he'd never been the biggest fan of physical touch. Cheng Xiaoshi was always the one to initiate. Maybe the sight of Cheng Xiaoshi dying in his arms made him realize that it was very much possible that those moments he brushed off could be gone forever.
As gently as he could, Lu Guang pressed his fingertips over the pulse on Cheng Xiaoshi's neck. A soft beat, almost impossible to detect since he couldn't actually press down. Cheng Xiaoshi let out a murmur, rolling over to face him, and Lu Guang immediately pulled his hand back. He still couldn't bring himself to actually move, to go back to his own bed, or wherever he planned to go from here. With Cheng Xiaoshi now facing him, his own heart was pounding.
He was smiling. A good dream, he hoped. It would be good if he would have good dreams every night. Lu Guang wanted to protect that smile. He had no regrets breaking his rules, if it meant Cheng Xiaoshi could keep on living like this.
Idk yet if I'll end up writing anything else link click, but if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist, just let me know!
Link click taglist: @subrosasteath
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yokubounorain · 1 year
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Título: Without You I Don't Know if I Could Take This Road.
Fandom: Shiguang Daili Ren (Link Click).
Pairing: Lu Guang/Cheng Xiaoshi.
Rating: Explicit.
Cantidad de palabras: 1047.
Sinopsis: El rey del reino de león de oro tiene asuntos que requieren de su presencia en una pequeña casa sobre la ladera de una montaña. Cerca de una frontera vecina encontrará el amor con quien debiera disputar aquel territorio.
Leer en AO3.
Parte de la serie Stories of Red.
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shiguangism · 7 months
Link Click Fic Rec - by me!
It's time because I love this fandom, and I want to share all my appreciation for these stories and writers 🥰
I'm going through my AO3 bookmarks!
Between a Rock and an Idiot - by SmileOrGrimace
Lu Guang should have realized that he wouldn’t be greeted by normalcy when he returned home, but he didn’t. He's not nearly as affected by the stab wound as he is by Xiaoshi's reaction to it all. There's something acutely painful about watching someone self-destruct in front of you, and Lu Guang, frankly, doesn't know what he's supposed to do about it. It would help if the world could let him chill for long enough to figure it out. –- Two emotionally stunted young men navigate trauma, subtext, and the misery of trying to feed yourself like a competent adult, all while solving other people’s problems. In for a penny in for a pound, as they say.
姻緣紅線 ~Red String of Fate~ - by TRANScendtheBInary
(MWI) is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that asserts that the universal wave-function is objectively real, and that there is no wave function collapse. This implies that all possible outcomes of quantum measurements are physically realized in some "world" or universe. The many-worlds interpretation implies that there are most likely an uncountably infinite number of universes, time is merely a many-branched tree, wherein every possible quantum outcome is realized." ~Cheng Xiaoshi Possesses a young Lu Guang, Learns About Science, And Gets Tortured~ Lu Guang Backstory because we were lacking. Mind the tags, not explicit but still present.
resistance is futile anyway - by animegoil
To find a misplaced document, Cheng Xiaoshi dives into a photo Lu Guang took. It's easy - all he has to do is wait around for a while... and shower while in Lu Guang's body. He brushes the tip of his fingernail experimentally against Lu Guang’s nipple, only to feel that spark run through him again. “Fuck, you really are that sensitive.” You already know this, Lu Guang deadpans. Now can you move on with it? Cheng Xiaoshi smirks. “C’mon, Lu Guang. What’s a little shower fun going to do to the past, hmm?” The responding silence is all he needs as an answer.
Wouldn't Mind Being Yours - by UrsaMajorStories
The link between them was only supposed to be present during dives. But when Lu Guang goes quiet for a little too long, and Cheng Xiaoshi panics, they find that their powers are able to do more than they originally thought. (Or in other words, their powers literally telling them to just kiss already, at the very least, if not bang).
11th Hour - by miyasjacket
Cheng Xiaoshi’s heart bursts at the seams like a dam, heavy and threatening to drown everyone in its wake. Lu Guang does not flinch. He continues to swim despite it. Three (3) different perspectives on two (2) idiots messing around together and learning the ups and downs of falling in love.
The Hardest Thing About Love (Is Noodles) - by NoomiShroomy
The first time Lu Guang slips up, he chalks it up to forgetfulness. The second time he does, it catches him off guard. The third time he does, he’s almost fully convinced that it’s become a bad habit. And its name is Cheng Xiaoshi.
The person who can't fall in love (And the gay couple that acompanny her) - by AlissZ
Qiao Ling lives in a world of Alphas, Betas and Omegas. Qiao Ling is an Omega. Qiao Ling is supposed to have someone for her. Someone unique and made for her. Someone she is made for. It's a terrifying thought rather than a comforting one. Or; Qiao Ling can't fall in love and a gay couple helps her to understand that that's not bad.
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fangirl1006-blog · 6 months
Me: Hey link click made me sad let’s read happy fics
*goes to ao3*
Also me: Ah yess…give me all the hurt no comfort-
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imaginarylungfish · 8 months
Link Click fic recs
i am obsessed with shiguang, alright? (favorites in purple.)
I'll Always Find You: cute 800 word fic about shiguang finding each other in every lifetime
Right Here I Belong: cute 1.3K fic with shiguang cuddles
I Lower My Head, Thinking of Home: 2.5K fic connecting shiguang's story to the myth of chang'e and houyi
Each Season Feels So Warm When I'm Here With You: 3K established relationship domestic fluff
Rationality: 3K love confession fic
Love Me Like This: 9K very well written fic about shiguang realizing their feelings for each other. characterizations are spot on and we get some friend group scenes which i love
The Hardest Thing About Love (is Noodles): 11K lu guang-centric fic of shiguang realizing their feelings for each other
Love's the Death of Peace of Mind: 5K silly fic about cheng xiaoshi walking around shirtless and lu guang feeling some type of way about it
Wouldn't Mind Being Yours: 12K fic with a cool premise for how Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi's powers could connect them even more
Falling in Love at the Photo Shop: 29K beautifully-written fic of cheng xiaoshi realizing he is in love with lu guang and lu guang is in love with him
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