frankenfawn · 1 year
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Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows Everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together
super messy doodle of my restyled amaya and my two pack sunny :)
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alisuhhhn · 14 days
Sun rain 🌧 🌅
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climeo · 10 months
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Sunrain @ Joni Niemelä
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broadcast-spectrum · 2 years
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merunair · 1 year
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I'm doing the clangen thing but I have a problem so I'm doing 6 clans and coming up with complex lore for them. This is RainClan. They live near a waterfall. More under the cut.
These guys are a complete Mess. Most of the cats in the clan are very young because (barring the medicine cats, Eaglescar, Pricklestripe, and Nightwish) pretty much all of the older cats died following a large battle where it was them vs the rest of the clans who felt like they were getting too big and bossy, not to mention their old leader was basically a tyrant. Nightwish, Pricklestripe, and Eaglescar were banished during the time that the battle took place.
Stormstar is a baby compared to the rest of the leaders are 30 moons old, and was made deputy due to some shenaniganry by the old leader. She's adventurous, brash, and kind of a little shit. Her parents are Nightwish and Eaglescar, and her brother is Sunrain.
Fogmask is deputy and she's always got her head in the clouds. She wasn't born to the clans and was instead brought back by the three exiles after the old leader was killed. She got promoted to deputy because Stormstar wanted to impress her. All-in-all, she's actually good at her job so it worked out.
Sandgale and Moonfoot are the oldest cats in the clan and two thirds of the medicine cats. Sandgale is the Ultimate Grandma and Moonfoot is kind of a jerk. They perfectly balance each other out and have been working together since they were both apprentices.
Hareleap is the final medicine cat and she enjoys causing problems. Just a silly little guy. Also she's pink and I don't care if that's realistic or not.
Nightwish looks like an edgy dad, but in reality just has terminal resting bitch face. He, his mate Eaglescar, and Pricklestripe were exiled by the old leader for an attempted coup orchestrated by Eaglescar. He got his scars from said leader.
Pricklestripe is lovely. They are one of my favorites. They are kind, compassionate, and a bit of a goofball. They lost their leg during the failed coup. During their exile, they had a whirlwind romance with a mysterious stranger, and brought back the result of that romance... Cranepaw.
Eaglescar is the reason Stormstar is like that. She shares her daughters overall headstrong and adventurous personality, though tempered by time and experience. She got her name and scars after nearly being taken away by an eagle when she was an apprentice. She was brought to RainClan as a tiny baby, and had a brother who was taken to RiftClan. Some prophecy junk that never came to pass.
Dancingmoon is objectively the best fighter in RainClan, and among the best in all six clans. She is also very sleepy. Let her nap.
Heavyswipe IS an edgy dad. For a period of time after he was made a warrior, he'd disappear for periods of time, never tell anyone where he was, and one day brought back his three horrible sons, Spikekit, Springkit, and Hurricanekit. His brother is Dustcloud and they have a very strained relationship. Despite everything, he's a good and caring father.
Dustcloud is the opposite of his angsty brother. He's insecure, but friendly and tries to be positive. He's doing his best.
Thrushcall is one of the guys to ever exist. There he is. It's Thrushcall.
Shimmerfawn and Brokenbranch are sisters. They are orange. Shimmerfawn is nice and kind of dumb and Brokenbranch is mean and cynical. They're a comedy duo.
Cricketspark lives for drama. She will be the one to let a secret slip just to see what will happen. She loves running into other clans on patrol or during gatherings just for the gossip alone. I love her.
Rubblecrash is the granddaughter of Moonfoot, which isn't the best thing to be. She's very frequently stressed and overanalyzing her actions. Which is probably why she's close with resident goofballs Sunrain and Hareleap who help take a lot of that pressure off.
Sunrain is a silly guy who likes to make people laugh. He's most likely to become a mediator as he's a pathological placater who hates conflict. He buries his unhappiness deep underground where nobody can find it.
Poppypetal is the daughter of the old leader, and as such isn't exactly well-liked by a lot of the others in both her clan and outside of it. She is actually rather close with Stormstar who is pretty much the only one keeping her in the clans at all. Poppypetal herself is cold and quick-witted.
Strikepaw and Cranepaw are apprentices full of BOUNDLESS ENTHUSIASM. Cranepaw is very much the leader of the two and drags Strikepaw into all sorts of misadventures.
Spikekit, Hurricanekit, and Springkit are Heavyswipe's brood of horrible children. They're energetic and inquisitive and the only people who can even hope to keep them out of trouble are Heavyswipe, Sandgale, and Moonfoot.
All in all it's a wonder anything gets done.
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mariuccia · 2 years
Sunrain (Manuel Göttsching) 2013
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mondoradiowmse · 27 days
08/28/24 Mondo Radio Playlist
Here's the playlist for this week's edition of Mondo Radio, which you can download or stream here. This episode: "The Sands of Time", featuring classic krautrock and more. If you dig it, don't forget to also follow the show on Facebook and Twitter!
Artist - Song - Album
Faust - Krautrock - Faust IV
Faust - Jennifer - Faust IV
Can - Mother Sky - Soundtracks
Can - Spoon - Ege Bamyasi
Amon Düül II - Apocalyptic Bore - Vive La Trance
Amon Düül - Bitterlings Transformation - Amon Düül
Amon Düül II - Stumbling Over Melted Moonlight - Tanz Der Lemminge
Bang Orchestra! - Sample That! (Club Mix) - Sample That! (Single)
Guru Guru - Next Time See You At The Dalai-Lama - UFO
Popol Vuh - Ich Mache Einen Spiegel - Dream Part 5 - Affenstunde
Ash Ra Tempel - Amboss - Ash Ra Tempel
Cluster - 7:42 - Cluster
Tangerine Dream - Sequent C' - Phaedra
Kraftwerk - Morgenspaziergang - Autobahn
Ashra - Ocean Of Tenderness - Sunrain: The Virgin Years
Neu! - Hallogallo - Neu!
Neu! - Für Immer (Forever) - Neu! 2
Embryo - A Place To Go - Rocksession
Agitation Free - Rücksturz - Malesch
Nektar - The Dream Nebula (Part 1) - Journey To The Centre Of The Eye
Ton Steine Scherben - Wenn Die Nacht Am Tiefsten … - Wenn Die Nacht Am Tiefsten …
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violettesiren · 3 months
Then suddenly beech woods, all green behind the dozing eyes a deer leaps across the forest road scents of acid and moss and cheek against bark, sunrain between trunks, I’m home and hear the Baltic Sea crash against big rocks far away and I rest like a fairy or a witch in the sweet smells of the forest floor we can so easily forget what we are who we are that we are, but it takes only a little call to waken the sleepers, as now, in the forest, for LISTEN, isn’t that song and the chiming of goblets sounding in the green chambers? YES by golly, a celebration for the child in his seventeenth year, who never has been happier and never will be happier; the world shimmers everything unimaginably possible while a handspring and a new but not disturbing sensitivity have settled in the middle of his irresistibly marzipanescent body.
from Everything Shimmers by Naja Marie Aidt (Translated by Susanna Nied)
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thesefevereddays · 1 year
from “Everything Shimmers”
By Naja Marie Aidt
translated from the Danish by Susanna Nied
Then suddenly beech woods, all green behind the dozing eyes
a deer leaps across the forest road
scents of acid and moss and cheek against bark, sunrain
between trunks, I’m home and hear the Baltic Sea
crash against big rocks far away and I rest like a
fairy or a witch in the sweet smells of the forest floor
we can so easily forget what we are who we are
that we are, but it takes only a little call
to waken the sleepers, as now, in the forest, for
LISTEN, isn’t that song and the chiming of goblets
sounding in the green chambers? YES by golly, a celebration
for the child in his seventeenth year, who never has
been happier and never will be happier; the world shimmers
everything unimaginably possible while a handspring
and a new but not disturbing sensitivity have settled
in the middle of his irresistibly marzipanescent
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from “Everything Shimmers”
by Naja Marie Aidt
translated from the Danish by Susanna Nied
Then suddenly beech woods, all green behind the dozing eyes  a deer leaps across the forest road  scents of acid and moss and cheek against bark, sunrain  between trunks, I’m home and hear the Baltic Sea  crash against big rocks far away and I rest like a  fairy or a witch in the sweet smells of the forest floor  we can so easily forget what we are who we are  that we are, but it takes only a little call  to waken the sleepers, as now, in the forest, for  LISTEN, isn’t that song and the chiming of goblets  sounding in the green chambers? YES by golly, a celebration  for the child in his seventeenth year, who never has  been happier and never will be happier; the world shimmers  everything unimaginably possible while a handspring  and a new but not disturbing sensitivity have settled  in the middle of his irresistibly marzipanescent  body. 
Alting Blinker
Så pludselig bøgeskov, helt grønt bag de blundende øjne  en hind springer over den stampede jordvej  her lugter af syre og mos og kinden mod bark, solregn  mellem stammer, jeg er hjemme og hører Østersøen  slå mod store sten langt borte er jeg hvilende som en  fe eller en heks i skovbundens dufte  vi kan så let glemme at vi er dem vi er  at vi er, men der skal bare et lille signal til  at vække den slumrende, som nu, i skoven, for  HØR NU er det ikke sang og bægerklang  der lyder i de grønne sale? JO, et gilde sørme  for barnet i sit syttende år, der aldrig har  haft det bedre og aldrig får det bedre; verden blinker  alting ufatteligt muligt mens et kraftspring  og en ny men ikke forstyrrende følsomhed har slået sig ned  midt i den uimodståeligt marcipanemmende  krop.
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joshmcclenney · 1 year
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DAY 1,766: “Sunrain”
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alienssapiens · 1 year
Ashra - Sunrain
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ganesh8fbi · 2 years
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maquina-semiotica · 2 years
LTJ Bukem, "Sunrain"
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wepurge-rpg · 2 years
Aries Cane y Elya Sunrain, ya tuve malas experiencias con ellos en future day z y ademas son conocidos por hacer que los foros cierren por su toxicidad// Aries Cane fue el admin de dark caca al que banearon de su propio foro? Y elya no es la que se embarazó de un viejo al que le puso los cuernos// ¿Por que no dejáis a la gente en paz que se meta en los foros que quieran y que roleen lo que quieran? Ya tenemos que criticar todo / se critica a los tóxicos, para eso sirve esta página, estúpida xD
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frankbrodauf · 2 years
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[New age of earth] [Ashra] [1977] [LP] Actually I don't want to believe it, but unfortunately it's true, Manuel Göttsching (one of my gods of electronic music) passed away on 12/4/2022 at the age of 70. . For this sad occasion I post this little article here again. . R.I.P. Manuel Göttsching . Ashra or also Ash Ra Tempel is actually Manuel Goettsching, sometimes with colleagues sometimes solo. In this case again a pure solo project. . Rarely do the titles on the album relate to the respective track. With the seven and a half minutes long "Sunrain" you could actually imagine a light but steady and refreshing summer rain. . The title "Ocean of Tenderness" also fits very well. A tender, soulful and longing sound carpet that at the end slides from a flattering guitar into gentle reverie. . During the short "Deep Distance" you can literally imagine the wide deep space of the universe. Of course, in the end everyone has his own fantasy. That's the good thing about music and especially electronic music. Thoughts are free, the music is just a bridge to whatever world! . The last piece is called "Nightdust". A very melancholic and sad looking piece. Here the melancholy of German electronic music, which was typical for that time, really comes into its own. Worthy of Edgar Froese or Klaus Schulze! . In my humble opinion it is the best Manuel Goettsching album of the 70s. All in all it belongs to the best electronic albums at all!
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